Where is print screen windows 7 saved? Where is the screenshot stored in Windows?

Dec 21, 2016

Enable the DHCP function in Windows 7
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - unique dynamic host configuration protocol). The so-called network protocol, which allows a modern computer to automatically obtain an IP address and many other parameters you require. To make it clearer, rearrange the fact that you woke up after a coma and your sudden question “where am I?”, “Who am I?” The phone rings and your “friend” tells you who you are and where you are. So, it is this friend who plays the role of a DHCP server. To be fair, they may call you ill-wisher or enemy and report incorrect information “false DHCP server”, therefore, dynamically determining parameters may not always be safe. But no one has yet canceled the opportunity to write down “important” information on a piece of paper.
1 . Left-click on the “Start” button, located
2. Click in the “search programs and files” field
3. Using the keyboard, enter the first words from the “View Status...” menu.
4 . Activate the line “View unique network status and tasks”
5 . In the visible window that appears on the left, select “Change unique adapter indicators"
6. Double-click the left mouse button on the network connection icon that appears
7. Look at the "properties" button visible to YOU ​​on the left
8 . Activate the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component and select its unique properties
9 . Set the switches to the required position “Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain the required DNS server address automatically" and click "Ok"
Now DHCP is activated in Windows 7, you can see more details in the tutorial video below.

Dec 19, 2016

Removing the Homegroup icon in Windows 7
Recently I came across another “pie” from Microsoft, after another automatic update or even a simple reboot, I didn’t have time to keep track of exactly when the “Homegroup” icon appeared on my desktop. And the point is not that this is a completely useless icon, or I don’t know how to use it, you say. It's just my desktop, Mine! And I don't need extra elements that I didn't ask for. By the way, no matter how you try to delete it in the trash or hide it in icons off the screen, you won’t be able to get rid of it using standard methods. Well... the registry will help us.
1 . Launch the registry editor, press the keyboard shortcut +
2. In the “Run” window that appears, type the command “ regedit" without quotes and press the key.
3. Open the section “HKEY _LOCAL _MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \Explorer \Desktop \NameSpace"
4 . Preferably before editing export a unique registry branch, just in case (How to do this was described in detail in the article “Making changes to the system registry in Windows 7”).
5 . Find the next branch (B4FB3F98 -C1EA -428d -A78A -D1F5659CBA93 ),
6. Right-click on it and select delete
7. Close the registry editor
8 . Right-click on any free space on the desktop and select the “refresh” command
More details in the video below.

Dec 13, 2016

Gadgets in Windows 7
The operating system has small but very convenient mini applications - “gadgets”. Which can perform a number of useful functions. For example, monitoring CPU and RAM load will help you track whether your computer needs a hardware update - an upgrade. It’s also convenient to always have the weather in front of your eyes, and not worry about the thought - don’t forget to look before going out; by the way, for “don’t forget” there is an organizer. A gadget showing currency changes, windows media center and much more. And if suddenly the built-in standard gadgets become not enough for our reader, you can always download and install them from numerous sites on the Internet. After the download, you need to find the gadget file (has the extension “.gadget”) and double-click on it. Let's see how to enable and configure already installed gadgets.
Left-click on the “Start” button, located in the lower left corner of the screen.
Click in the “find programs and files” field
Using the keyboard, enter the word “Gadget”
Find and select the line “Desktop gadgets"
A menu will open containing graphical thumbnails of installed gadgets.
Select the one you want, right-click on it and select the “add” command
Some gadgets can be changed
Change size (On the right side of the menu, click on the button “Windows with an arrow" larger/smaller size)
Configure parameters (On the right, find and click “wrench”)
Delete gadget (Click on the “cross" on the right in the menu)
More details in the video below.

Dec 11, 2016

Disabling Aero graphics in Windows 7
Starting with Windows Vista software, Microsoft “sews” into the system a unique set of technically possible computer graphics solutions custom modern Windows Aero interface. Translucent visible windows with background blur, animation of closing, opening, minimizing, restoring a unique window (in other words, all sorts of “decorations”). More details about all the effects, and most importantly the keyboard shortcuts, can be read in the built-in help of the system, for this:
1 . Minimize all windows by pressing + on your keyboard
2. Press a key on the keyboard
3. Next, in the “search in help” line, enter “Windows Aero” and press the key
4 . Then simply select the article you are interested in.
Aero is certainly good, but for everything good you have to pay and pay with resources, and there are never too many of them and there are often not enough of them. The disadvantages of Windows Aero include a large amount of occupied video memory or system resources if your unique video card is old. Therefore, it is necessary to disable Windows Aero elements.
1 . Minimize all visible windows by pressing the keyboard shortcut +
2. Right-click anywhere on your desktop and select “Personalize”
3. In the window that appears, use the mouse wheel to scroll to “basic (simplified) themes and themes with high contrast.”
4 . Click here to select any one, for example “Classic”
5 . All "Windows Aero", disabled.
More details in the video below.
1. Press the keyboard shortcut + [r]
2. In the visible “Run” window that appears, type “cmd” from the computer keyboard and immediately activate the key
3. In the visible “window” of your gadget or personal computer and the “command line” that appears, type the text “net user administrator / active: yes” without quotes (for the unique use of the Russian-language operating system “net user Administrator / active: yes”) and be sure to activate Enter
4. Well, if you have a need and urgent need to disable it, then in the computer command line type “net user administrator / active: no” without quotes (for the Russian-language operating system “net user Administrator / active: no”)
Note: The advantages of an enabled account are that these computer programs will definitely begin to be activated under the unique name of your administrator, and there will be no forced need to deactivate “UAC All Account Control”, well, the disadvantages are a security flaw, because computer viruses are now will also necessarily be launched under the unique name of your administrator, as was the case in Windows XP.
You can learn more about this element in the training video below. 7

Quite by accident I came across this small and, at first glance, absolutely useless program. I think there is no person who has not seen the little yellow pieces of paper that sclerotic people hang on the monitor so as not to forget any important information. Everything would be fine, but the wind blew, an employee of the cleaning company wiped it off with a rag, and the stickers ran out. Yes, there are a million situations... and the password for the archive with the company’s annual countdown is lost. Plus, sometimes you need a specific person to look, and not the whole office. That's when Sticky Notes in Windows comes to the rescue.

  1. Left-click on the “start” button located in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. Click in the “search programs and files” field.
  3. Using your keyboard, enter the word “Notes.”
  4. Find and select the “Notes” line.
  5. Here on the screen on the right, a small yellow piece of paper appeared.
  6. Working with the program.
    1. Click on it with the left mouse button and enter the desired information.
    2. If you need to add a new note, click on the plus sign in the upper left part of the sticker.
    3. If you need to delete a note, click on the cross in the upper right part of the sticker.
    4. You can also change the background of the “paper” by right-clicking and selecting the desired color.
    5. If there is a lot of information, pull the edges of the sticker and select the required size.

Tip: to enter voluminous information, you can use the clipboard to copy/paste. If you close the program in the taskbar (right-click on it, then “close window”), then all the notes will close, but when you start it again, all the notes will be loaded again.

More details in the video below.

A screenshot is a snapshot of a computer screen. You need it to perform different tasks, so Windows 10 provides several options for taking snapshots. You also need to know where screenshots are saved on Windows 10 in order to use them later.

Key combination Windows+PrintScreen

Using a combination Windows+PrintScreen came to Windows 10 from the previous version of the operating system. After pressing these key combinations, the image is created automatically.

When using this method of creating a screenshot, it is impossible to select the area to be captured. Therefore, if two or more monitors are connected to the computer at once, they will appear in the photo. This is a significant drawback of the method.

PrintScreen key and Alt+PrintScreen key combination

This method allows you to take a screenshot of the monitor, but does not automatically create an image.

The completed screenshot will appear on the screen, which you can save for future use by selecting the appropriate folder, or send in a message.

Combination Alt+PrintScreen takes a screenshot of the active window. To take a photo, follow the same steps as when you press PrintScreen.

Built-in Scissors program

The built-in Scissors utility in the new OS version has received an additional function: delay in creating a screenshot. The user has the opportunity to select a time interval within 0-5 seconds. Using the application, you can take a screenshot of any shape or a single area. If necessary, notes are made on the screen. The Marker and Pen tools are designed for this.

In the video you can see the process of creating an image in detail.

Snipping Tool in Windows 7

The Snipping Tool allows you to take a screenshot of any element on your desktop or the entire screen. The program is launched from the menu Start → All Programs → Accessories.

More details


To take a screenshot in Mac OS, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3. A file with a snapshot of the entire screen will appear on your desktop.

If you want to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and highlight the desired area of ​​the screen with the cursor.

To take a screenshot of just the active window, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and then press Spacebar.


The iOS platform allows you to take a screenshot using standard tools starting from version 2.x. To take a screenshot, press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Sleep/Wake Mode and Home. The resulting images are saved in the standard Photo application.


You can take a screenshot on a mobile device running Android in different ways, depending on the device manufacturer and platform version. The resulting images are saved in the standard Gallery application.

  • Android 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
  • Android 3.2 and higher
  • Android 1.x and 2.x
  • Samsung

Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Decrease volume and Nutrition.

Press and hold the button for a while Recent Programs.

The Android platform version 2.x and below does not support taking screenshots using standard means. You must use third-party applications installed from Google Play.

Press and hold the Home and Power or Back and Home buttons for a couple of seconds (depending on your device).

Press and hold the Power and Home buttons for a couple of seconds.

Windows Phone

  • Windows Phone 8.1 and 10
  • Windows Phone 8

It's not enough to be able to take screenshots. You also need to find them on your computer. Therefore, users are interested in Windows 8. If you know this, you can save yourself from unnecessary problems. True, it is also worth studying the question of what is the best way to take screenshots in a given operating system. After all, as we already know, there are so many new opportunities in it.

System capabilities

But first, let's talk about Windows 8. It's actually not as difficult as it might seem. If you are directly in the operating system, then all you need is to open the window that you want to capture. And then press a certain combination of keys on the keyboard.

What is worth pressing? Find the Windows icon and Print Screen. If you hold them down at the same time, a screenshot will be taken. Nothing complicated, right? Now you need to find a screenshot of the Windows 8 screen. But how to do that? Where are the pictures taken by the user saved?


Let's try to answer this question. There is a folder on your computer called "Pictures". This is exactly what will help you figure out where screenshots are saved on Windows 8.

After you have taken a photo, you need to go to the user’s folder (where “My Documents” are now stored). Now look at "Images". You may notice that inside it appears It is called “Screenshots”. Open it and look at the result. All screenshots taken using the keyboard will now be stored here. If you wish, after saving you can move the graphic files anywhere. But initially you will have to look for them in the “Screenshots” folder.

Where will we save it?

But this is far from the only scenario. The point is that sometimes the user himself is able to answer where screenshots are saved on Windows 8. He better know the answer. It all depends on the method of “capturing” the image.

There is such a trick as using only the Print Screen button. In this case, you will have to open any graphic editor, and then paste the image from there (Ctrl + V). Next, save the photo to the desired folder. And most importantly, remember the path to it. It turns out that if you create a screenshot using a graphic editor, then in the operating system the image will be saved in any specified path. You must decide this yourself - where it is convenient, store it there.

From the program

True, today’s conversation cannot end here either. After all, there are several more options for the development of events. For example, we create a photo using a special program on Windows 8. Where are screenshots saved? As a rule, in the corresponding folder with the application.

For example, for the given task you can use the well-known Fraps. In the program settings in the corresponding section (Screenshots) you can see the exact path to save the received images. This is usually something like C://Program Files/Fraps/Pics. This is where you can find every screenshot you've ever taken. In principle, you can take screenshots with any other program. This will not change the meaning. All images will be saved in the appropriate section in the application folder.


But sometimes users ask questions that are most often of interest to gamers. For example, where are screenshots on Windows 8 taken in the Steam application saved? After all, it’s not enough to make them. We also need to detect image data. And not only in the game client of the same name, but on the computer as a whole.

Here you can answer approximately the same as in the previous case. In the program folder. In our case, in a separate place, whose name is Userdata. How to find this folder? Go to the installation path of the Steam program. There will be Userdata. As a rule, it contains third-party folders. Look into them. Each one is dedicated to a different game. Now find the option you need and look at Remote there. Inside there will be a folder called Screenshots. True, it will be placed first in a “document” with the date of shooting. That's all the problems are solved. Now you know where screenshots taken on Steam are saved on Windows 8. By the way, you can find them using the game client. Just go to the “Screenshots” section located in the library, and then click on the “Show on disk” button.

Let's sum it up

So we learned how to take and find screenshots in the Windows 8 operating system. As you can see, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is worth paying attention to the fact that sometimes the button In this case, you will have to reinstall (or update) the drivers on your computer. After that, try to capture the screen in any way convenient for you.

If you doubt that you can find the “Images” folder in the operating system, then it is better to use special programs for capturing your desktop. All images, as already mentioned, will be stored in the application folder.

A PC screenshot is taken with the Print Screen button (a keyboard shortcut involving Print Screen) or special programs. The question arises where the screenshot of the screen is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10. It all depends on the way you photograph the contents of the display. Let's look at these situations in more detail. I advise you to study how to take a screenshot on a computer or laptop, where you will find additional information.

Saving a screenshot using standard means

1. When you press the Print Screen (photo of the entire screen), Alt + Print Screen (photo of the active window) buttons, the resulting image is saved to the OS clipboard. The clipboard is a designated area of ​​RAM that stores temporary copied data. Often users use the clipboard to copy and paste text. The screenshot is also saved in the clipboard until it is overwritten by other information.

To save a screenshot on your computer, you need to paste it into a graphics editor or other program. For example, use the built-in Windows Paint application. In the search, write the word Paint, then launch the application. Pressing the combination Ctrl + V will paste the screenshot into the application window.

After working with the image, click on the floppy disk icon or Ctrl+ S. Specify the name, file type and folder where screenshots of the Windows 7, 8, 10 screen will be saved and click “save”. Look for the resulting image files in Explorer in the specified folder.

2. The snipping tool allows you to work with display snapshots in Windows. Enter the name “scissors” into the search area, then launch the application. When you click the “create” button, the image is placed in the application editor window. Saving a screenshot is carried out as in the Paint program.

3. In Windows 8, 10, a function was introduced with the ability to save a screenshot directly as a file to your hard drive. The image is created by pressing the Win + Print Screen button in Png format. To find the screenshot, open Windows Explorer. In the left navigation, select “images,” then navigate to the “screenshots” directory where screenshots are saved.

Saving a screenshot by programs

Programs that create screenshots and capture video from the screen with sound usually use the same Print Screen key, or their own combination of buttons. In this case, the storage location of the files is specified in advance in the settings, or you yourself specify each time where to save the pictures.

As an example, let's look at the process of saving a screenshot in the Magic Screenshot program. Download the archive here, unpack it, then install and run the program. In the tray, click on the butterfly icon to exit to the main menu.

Click “settings”, set the parameters for yourself and click “save”. Select “screen” or “fragment” and select the area of ​​the screenshot with the mouse. Here you can draw on the image, apply text, and undo changes. Click the “save” button, set a name and indicate the location where to save the screenshot.

Now you understand where the screenshot is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10, depending on the selected method. In most cases, you specify the storage location for the image file yourself.