The clip with the most views. What videos get a lot of views on YouTube?

The phenomenal popularity of the YouTube service has given rise to a whole trend on the Internet - video blogging. The most popular channels on YouTube have several million subscribers and tens (or even hundreds) of billions of views. These fabulous figures give rise to even more fabulous rumors about the “rivers of gold” in which top YouTube bloggers bathe. Which, in turn, forces more and more new users to start their own channels on YouTube, post a lot of videos of ambiguous quality and content, and imitate “YouTube stars” in every possible way. This is happening all over the world, in Russia in particular. But the absolute majority of channels on Russian-speaking YouTube do not have even a fraction of the popularity that the top 10 Russian-language YouTube channels have. In terms of the number of subscribers, the total “army” of these channels exceeds 77 million!

Well, now more about each of them.

Leader of the top 10 YouTube channels in Russia – Ivangay

This incredibly popular video blogger owns a channel of the same name (Ivangay, formerly EeOneGuy), which has as many as 11 million 798 thousand subscribers! Just a scary number.

As of the date of preparation of this review, 310 videos posted by Ivangay on his channel have collected a total of more than 2.6 BILLION views (although he is only in 2nd place by this indicator).

How did the channel of the most popular Russian-speaking YouTuber begin? No matter how trivial it may be, it’s from Minecraft let’s plays. If the last 2 words are unfamiliar to you, then (this is good) we are ready to “pump up” your erudition by telling you what it is.

So, the term “let’s play” is explained in Wikipedia as follows:

Those. a video blogger films him playing and comments on the gameplay, and then someone watches it. If you ask yourself the question “Why is it needed?”, then it’s better not to ask. The let’s play genre is so popular that there are even special TV channels dedicated to this activity, and “streams” on video hosting sites attract millions of viewers around the world, bringing let’s play video bloggers millions of dollars.

Well, what is Minecraft? Again, let's ask the all-knowing Wiki:

To make it even clearer, this “indie game” looks something like this:

Again you ask the question “Who needs this”? Then you are either too old for “all this”, or simply not “in trend” :) As you will see below, Minecraft has become the “launching pad” for the lion’s share of our top 10 Russian-language channels on Youtube.

The first video of blogger Ivangay dates back to March 24, 2013, i.e. he posted it 5 days after the launch of the channel on YouTube.

At first, only the gameplay was reproduced in the video with voice accompaniment by Ivangay’s comments, but already from the 9th video, the video blogger decided to “reveal his face to the world,” which was displayed in the corner of the screen. Vivid emotions, comments and cuteness of the “host” definitely contributed to the increase in the popularity of EeOneGuy’s videos on YouTube.

Thanks to whom did Ivangay’s YouTube channel become so popular? Of course, thanks to the main “consumers” of such content - schoolchildren and schoolgirls aged 12-15, who consider it their idol. Guys like to watch a person of the same age as them (or a little older) openly grimace for the camera or play and say whatever he wants, and girls squeal from “how cute Ivangai is.”

It is clear that the fame of Ivan Rudsky (yes, that is the real name of this blogger) is not some kind of spontaneous accident. Still, the number 1 video blogger on Russian YouTube makes quite high-quality content: there is staging, good video mixing, and high-quality sound with pictures. Well, in the end, Vanya himself is never a fool.

An example of his video from a time closer to our days:

High quality, with humor, very interesting for many. The result is more than 9 million views of the 6-minute video!

This is the secret of success.

Let's move on to YouTube mastodon number 2.

No. 2 in the top 10YouTube channels in Russia - Masha and the Bear

No matter how strange it may be, the second by the number of subscribers and the first by the number of views in the ranking of Russian-language YouTube channels is an animated project, initially aimed “at TV”:

Yes, yes, this is everyone’s favorite (especially for children’s audience) cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

As of June 2017, the number of subscribers on the YouTube channel of this project exceeded 10.3 million people, while it has an unreal 12.1 BILLION views!

If the television viewer was first introduced to “Masha and the Bear” in January 2009, then the YouTube audience saw this cartoon in their “home field” much later: the Russian-language channel “Masha and the Bear” was created here on May 31, 2011.

Unlike many filmmakers and cartoons, the promoters of this project in no way prevent viewers from free access to their creation. On the contrary, they contribute to the “viral” spread of the animated series on various resources, including pirated ones. The conquest of the YouTube space was also quite logical and visionary: it is not only popularization of the project, but also a good income from partnership with YouTube (display of advertising). Moreover, the creators of “Masha and the Bear” are waging a very cunning fight for views: for each episode of the cartoon, several “trailers” are pre-posted, which themselves gain from several hundred to millions of views. Well, uploading a full episode is guaranteed to have more than a million viewers.

Thus, the absolute record was set by episode 33 “Sweet Life”: 627 and a half million views!

The reasons for its popularity and second place in the ranking of Russian YouTube channels, we believe, do not need strong explanations: “Masha and the Bear” deservedly enjoys the attention of families with children thanks to its very high-quality execution: in less than 10 minutes, children are told another interesting, exciting and funny story with original and beloved heroes. Mischievous Masha and poor Mishka, looking at whose adventures anyone will begin to smile, are concrete proof that the Russian animation school has not only not lost the heritage of the Soviet past, but is also capable of making a modern product that will be close to every child, no matter what language they speak. said. Proof of this is more than 10 foreign YouTube channels - clones of "Masha and the Bear", the views on which also number in the millions.

And, according to tradition, the first video from the channel:

Third place in the ranking of RussiansYouTube channels: CrazyRussianHacker

To be honest, we cheated a little by including this channel in our Top 10. The fact is that the only Russian here is the video blogger himself, a couple of dozen videos with a title in Russian, and the word “Russian” in the name of this YouTube channel:

All videos on the “CrazyRussianHacker” channel are made in English with an indescribable Russian accent! In fact, the creator of the project, Taras Kulakov, actually comes from Ukraine. But, having moved to the USA to pursue the “American dream” and somehow came to video blogging, he nevertheless began to use the image of the “Russian guy”. This is understandable - stereotypes about Russians in the USA will clearly be better known than anything about Ukrainians (gentlemen, Ukrainians, if you are reading this now, no offense).

So, what statistics is this channel ready to boast of?

Subscribers - 9,905,572 (as of June 2017).

Number of videos – 1037! Bearing in mind that the channel was created later than the two “competitors” already discussed, Taras’s productivity is clearly higher. Although, given that there are still fewer views, we can conclude that he wins not by quality, but by quantity :)

Although in fact this conclusion would be erroneous - in terms of its usefulness, the CrazyRussianHacker channel will give a head start to both the already reviewed and less popular channels. His videos are full of various experiments, life hacks and reviews in the “Do it yourself” style, so there is simply an insane amount of useful information for the viewer. However, the trouble with YouTube is precisely that the vast majority of users come here to watch something “cool”, funny and not taxing on the brain, which is why such a useful channel loses so much to the same Ivangay.

How did the CrazyRussianHacker YouTube channel start? In May 2012, this video was posted:

Of course, this video didn’t even get 300 thousand views, but the style and presentation of the material are already visible here. And it's really interesting! With the growing popularity of the channel, the videos posted by Taras began to gain much more views. For example, this touching video with a “dog” - 6 million:

We strongly recommend that Russian-speaking users familiarize themselves with this channel; fortunately, the “subtitles” function will allow those whose English is not particularly “pumped up” to understand what our fellow countryman is saying in his videos.

Top 10 Russian speakersYouTube channels:SlivkiShow in 4th place

The SlivkiShow channel is another example of the triumph of a Ukrainian video blogger on YouTube. Since the channel was registered on December 11, 2012, it has accumulated as many as 8.5 million subscribers (as of June 2017). His 189 videos collectively collected 1 billion 214 million 470 thousand views.

And the videos on the SlivkiShow channel definitely have the coolest and most touching screensaver!

What does video blogger Yuri Yaniv talk about on his channel? The videos by this author are both interesting and educational. Some are even funny :)

The first video on the channel, for example, was about how to cope with the heat (relevant for many in the summer):

Here’s an interesting observation: if at the beginning of his “career” Yuri Yaniv actively starred in his own releases, then later his face disappeared from the videos, but his pets appeared - the cat Cookie and the hamster Styopa. This change of main characters had an extremely positive impact on the popularity of the SlivkiShow channel! After all, we all know that cats rule the Internet :)

Now the channel is actively developing, it clearly shows “following trends”, that is, coverage of the topics that are most interesting to everyone. So Y. Yaniv can be considered a very insightful person - after all, he knows how to attract even more subscribers to his “army”.

It remains to wish him good luck, and YouTube more channels like this, which, instead of clogging up the brains of young people, bring real benefits in terms of the general development of viewers.

Middle Top 10 – channel «AdamThomasMoran

At the moment, the AdamThomasMoran channel has 8 million 308 thousand subscribers, who have watched a total of 1 billion 622 million views. What captivated young viewers so much?

Incredibly interesting facts, an entertaining plot? Nope, who needs that! But Max Golopolosov jokes well and simply swears masterfully! Well, what else can attract the attention of a 13-15 year old teenager who spends most of his time doing exactly the same thing. Okay, okay, let’s not put clichés on the audience of this channel - we are just emphasizing its main - so to speak, distinctive - features. It’s just that no one else in our Top gives out such a “mix”.

The channel started on July 25, 2010. From the very beginning, the author stated that the idea was borrowed from the mega-popular American blogger of that time - Ray William Johnson. The essence of the idea: take several interesting and funny videos, demonstrate them to YouTube viewers and provide the whole hodgepodge with original author’s comments. And the first video on the channel is proof of this:

Please note that neither the terrible sound nor the equally terrible picture quality prevented the video from gaining more than 8 million views.

However, Max quickly corrected the quality of sound and video, but left the “content” and the leopard wall unchanged throughout all 427 video recordings (as of June 2017).

With his successful experience, Max “infected” many YouTube users, who subsequently also became very successful on YouTube. Thanks to him, a lot of funny content appeared on the expanses of this service, for which we can say “thank you” :)

But enough about all the famous Maxim, let's move on to the next participant.

Sixth place in the top 10 Russian YouTubers – FROST channel

Video blogger FROST and his channel of the same name are another example of how popular the Letsplay genre is on the Internet. The vast majority of the 1,180 videos here are about the author (alone or with friends) playing video games. And yes, the name “Minecraft” appears many, many times here too!

As of June 2017, Frost's channel has more than 6.5 million subscribers, and the number of views has exceeded 2.5 billion. Just imagine how many people were sitting, staring at the monitor and watching the blogger play games! Well, isn't it wonderful?

Who is this Mr. Frost? This is a simple Nizhny Novgorod guy, Yuri Murlin, who in October 2012 decided that he, too, was ready to show the entire Internet how great he was at playing Minecraft and what kind of “head thoughts” he had while doing so. He, of course, poured out these thoughts into the ears of a grateful audience.

It is worth noting that Yuri Frost is not at all shy about showing off his face, loves to communicate with the audience and generally demonstrates in every possible way how cool he is. And, judging by the number of subscribers, many agree that “he’s cool.” Also, obviously, to grow the popularity of the channel, FROST is actively diversifying its content by filming “challenges”, parodies and simply fooling around on camera. Yes, yes, those who are just fooling around can also collect several million views.

The most popular video from the “frozen” YouTuber currently has more than 12.5 million views - this is how much popularity you can “grab” from the mention of another popular blogger.

What can you say about the channel in general? If you like to watch a young, confident jock play various games and have fun in other ways, this is the place for you!

7th place in the ranking of popular RussiansYouTube channels –ThisIsXorosho

It just so happens that often the top bloggers on Russian YouTube are not Russian citizens at all. We have already seen several Ukrainians here, now it’s the Latvians’ turn to make themselves known. And they declared! The Latvian team, known primarily for its presenter Stas Davydov, created a Russian-language channel in October 2010, which over the almost 7 years of its existence has grown to 6 million fans-subscribers! Both subscribers and other viewers watched 712 videos posted on the channel, a total of 1 billion 268 million 620 thousand times! And we are sure that both the army of the “This Is Xorosho” channel and the number of views will only increase.

The fact is that the guys creating this project really put all their talent into it. And, if at first the content looked “damp”, and the presenter did not show himself entirely confidently, then over time the show jumped not just over its own head, but over its head, and several more heads. Peculiar humor, a considerable amount of sarcasm, mentions of trending Internet events, interesting “author’s” inserts, the absence of ear-piercing obscene tirades - this is what makes a successful YouTube channel!

And it all started with this:

Well, after 5 years the show looks like this (feel the difference):

Oh, yes - we didn’t talk about the main thing - the format of the show itself. Remember Max +100500? His channel is also called AdamThomasMoran, and he is in our Top 10 YouTube channels in 5th position. So, This Is Xorosho is almost the same, only without the flow of obscenities and with “tricks”: Nastenka, Channing, Unshaven, “Russian videos from car registrators”, “Random comment” and much more. This channel reviews videos that have either gone viral on the Internet or are the most interesting of the videos that were sent to the channel by viewers. Yes, yes, the cunning creators of this channel simply ask viewers to send interesting “videos”, which will then be shown to them :) Brilliant? Not that word!

The audience of this YouTube channel is also not particularly respectable, but thanks to the more “intelligent” humor, the This Is Xorosho video is watched by people 25, 30, or more years old.

Let's be honest - we like this channel :)

Well, who is on the 8th line of our “Top”?

Top Russian channelsYoutube –TheKateClapp in 8th place

The idol of millions of girls aged 11-15 years, video blogger Katya Klap has 5.6 million subscribers on her channel of the same name. Ekaterina Trofimova (real name) won her audience with her spontaneity (often adjacent to deliberate infantilism), diversity of “characters” (Katya uses “stage images” of various characters invented by herself and performed by herself), abundance of thematic content (videos for girls – makeup, things, etc.). In general, we can say that the Youtube channel of the 24-year-old “vlogger” is an example of the successful implementation of acting, directing, and marketing talents!

TheKateClapp channel appeared on Youtube on December 6, 2010, and the first video on it was made in the form of a dialogue with an existing loyal viewer:

You shouldn’t be surprised by this presentation: the fact is that TheKateClapp is the second channel of the popular video blogger. The first one is called FoggyDisaster and it was launched 2.5 years earlier - on August 20, 2008. True, it did not gain such popularity, therefore it does not appear in our Top 10 most popular channels on YouTube.

In terms of the number of videos, Katya Clapp’s channel does not try to be “ahead of the rest” - in total, as of June 2017, there are 364 videos. But almost each of them collected more than 2 million views. Well, this “creation” of Katya Clapp has crossed, for example, the 8 million mark!

So cool :)

If there is a channel for girls aged 11-15, then somewhere there must be a channel for boys of the same age. And he is! Even two. They “rest” in the last places of our Top 10 most popular channels on Youtube in Russia.

9th place –Youtube channelTheBrianMaps

The channel with over 5.3 million subscribers belongs to a guy who will turn 18 on September 25, 2017! And the name of this young genius is Maxim Tarasenko. He took the pseudonym “Brian”, which then became the basis for the name of the channel.

What has this blogger been doing on Youtube since June 2012, when the channel was launched? 13-year-old Brian started “let’s play” in Minecraft – i.e. followed the fashion trends of the then YouTube. And I was right. By the way, M. Tarasenko’s acquaintance with video blogging began not with the illuminated channel, but with the long-abandoned “Maxutko99”, which Brian launched a year earlier.

But let’s not talk about the past, because among all Maxim’s projects, TheBrainMaps made it into our Top 10.

So, as of June 2017, we have 288 videos, the total number of views of which is more than 600 million!

First video on the channel:

It is dated June 30, 2012 and has as many as 604.5 thousand views. For an “ancient” video it’s not bad, even very good.
As stated on the Internet, Brain is watched and loved not only for its trending videos (in addition to Minecraft and reviews of other games, the channel over the past 2 years has been replenished with challenges, sketches in the style of “My cat is trying to kill me” and even rap), but also for its abundance humor in the video.
You can appreciate this humor yourself by watching the video, which as of June 2017 received the maximum number of views on the channel, namely 18 million 187 thousand:

Among the latest creative researches, perhaps, it is worth paying attention to “Rep from a cheeky nanny”:

The blogger has been here for almost 18 years, and therefore he allows himself much more “daring” :) Well, if you pay attention to the comments, you will notice that the age of the viewers does not at all keep up with the age of the author.

However, we note once again that the TheBrainMaps channel has still found its grateful audience of 5 million, which means this is exactly the kind of content that the “mass consumer” of YouTube needs. And, of course, the influence of video bloggers like Maxim Tarasenko in releasing similar “teenage antics” onto the Internet is difficult to underestimate.

And finally, we move on to the “last” in our orderly row of top channels on Russian Youtube.

10th place in the ranking of the most popularYoutube channels in Russia:MrLololoshka

The MrLolololoshka channel can easily be put in first place in terms of the number of videos shot - there are an unimaginable number of them - 1263 pieces! Considering the date of creation of the channel - May 28, 2012, video blogger Roman Filchenkov turned out to be the most “hardworking” of all the candidates presented in our rating. True, this did not help him gain a foothold above the last place in the Top 10 Youtube channels.

There are a lot of reasons for this, but the main one, perhaps, is that the video blogger MrLololoshka has fallen behind the trends: while other top bloggers diversify their content in every possible way (the main thing is to catch the hype), the video genre on this channel has not changed over the years for the last 5 years, not a bit: just as Romka filmed his process of completing computer games in 2012, he continues to film. The only thing that has changed during this time is the voice of the “leader”. It’s not surprising, because 19-year-old “Mr. Lololoshka” (date of birth: 04/17/1998) is becoming older every year than his main audience.

What about the statistics? 5 million 75 thousand 982 subscribers at the time of preparing our review, the total number of views on the channel is more than 1.3 billion - better than Brian, Katya Clapp and SlivkiShow!

We will also present the very first video on the channel - so to speak, “for show”:

How the channel will further develop from the last place in our ranking of the most popular Russian Youtube channels is anyone’s guess: the excitement around let’s plays is gradually subsiding - and this is reflected in the number of views of the videos (their number has decreased significantly over the past couple of years). Perhaps the comedy rapper MC’Lololoshka will soon conquer Youtube, or stand-ups and vlogs will appear on the channel - who knows where the “wind of hype” will take Roman Filchenkov?! In the meantime, the school YouTube audience can have fun watching an older idol play with toys for them.

That's it, the Top 10 is complete. Whether it was useful or interesting is up to you to decide! We will be glad to see your opinion in the comments :) Good content to everyone and safe internet surfing!!

P.S. If you want to find out for yourself the earnings of a certain channel that is not in our Top 10, we recommend that you read the review that was published on our website.

Article Top 10 Russian-language channels on YouTube by number of subscribers - counting the personal armies of bloggers was modified: July 4th, 2018 by Netobserver

The world's most popular video hosting site turned eight years old this year. More than a billion users visit YouTube every month and watch more than 4 billion hours of video.

In today's top ten we included the most popular videos since the existence of YouTube. What is noteworthy is that it is almost impossible to predict the popularity of a video - it does not depend on either the quality or the outstanding plot.

The jump from a height of 39 thousand meters was broadcast live on YouTube. During the event, 4 world records were recorded, including the highest free fall speed. More than 8 million people watched the live broadcast. The video then received 31 million views.

9. Walk off the Earth

A Canadian music group posted a cover version of Gotye's song Somebody That I Used to Know on YouTube. Five musicians playing the same acoustic guitar collected 50 million views in the first month. And soon the number of views exceeded 140 million.

8. Rap ​​battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

7. Pitbull, I know you want me

The unremarkable video has collected more than 170 million views. This is indeed proof that predicting the popularity of a particular video is extremely difficult.

6. Call Me Maybe

The favorite of young people all over the planet, Justin Bieber, posted a video on YouTube in which the soundtrack of a song by Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen sounded. As a result, Bieber's fans began to search for the original, and Jepsen's video collected 212 million views.

5. Kony 2012

In May 2012, a video about the leader of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army, D. Kony, appeared on YouTube. The authorship of the video belongs to the organization Invisible Children, which has been trying to stop the protracted military conflict for many years. The shocking video immediately gained scandalous popularity on the Internet.

4. Baby Panda Sneezing

The world's cutest video has become almost a YouTube classic. A video of a baby scaring a mother panda with his sneeze has been viewed 160 million times in the six and a half years since the video was posted.

3. Charlie bit my finger again

This video is the most popular among non-musical ones. A toddler whose little brother bites his finger has captured the world's attention. Since May 22, 2007, the story has been viewed 522 million times, and it remains popular.

2. I'm at the zoo

This video is famous, first of all, for being the first to be posted on YouTube. One of the founders of the video hosting site, Javaid Karim, posted a 17-second video online showing him standing near cages with elephants at the San Diego Zoo.

1. Gangnam style

The video by South Korean pop artist Psy broke all records for the number of views. In 10 months it was viewed more than 1.5 billion times. In addition, there are hundreds of parodies of Gangnam style circulating online, which also attract a lot of attention.

There are hundreds of miles of videos on YouTube, and several thousand more are added every day. But only a few become truly popular, watched by tens of millions of people. We present to you the ten most popular videos on YouTube with half a billion views, where 9 out of 10 entries are clips of famous performers.

10. Michel Telo - Ai Se Eu Te Pego - Oficial (Assim voce me mata)

In tenth place is the Brazilian singer Michel Telo, whose song Ai Se Eu Te Pego received 535,775,621 views.

9. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

The video for Bad Romance by one of the most extravagant singers of our time, Lady Gaga, received 548,339,083 views.

8. Shakira - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

In eighth place again is the video for the song Waka Waka, the irresistible Shakira, which became the official song of the World Cup in 2010, with 572.306.


The record holder of our rating is the Korean rapper PSY, who twice managed to make videos that are included in the top ten most popular videos on YouTube. His clip GENTLEMAN M/V, as always done in his unique cheerful style, collected 585,464,050 views.

6. LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock

The video, shot by a hip-hop team with the participation of English dancer and singer Lauren Bennett, collected 596,424,814 views. A catchy catchy tune and a bunch of dancing people became the key to the success of the video.

5. Charlie bit my finger - again!

The only non-staged video collected 600.471. 686 views. The older brother decided to put his finger in the younger brother’s mouth, for which he paid, he began to chew them and bit them quite hard. If the younger one is amused by the situation, the older one even screams in fear when his fingers begin to chew.

4. Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

The clip, which starred two titans of the American music scene, one of the best rappers of our time, Eminem, and the star of the pop scene, Rihanna, was viewed 621,726,388 times.

3. Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull

Video “On The Floor ft. Pitbull” from the man of the orchestra, Jennifer Lopez, a successful singer, actress, producer and designer, collected 706,556,936 views.

2. Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris

Youth idol Justin Bieber took second place with his video for the song Baby ft. Ludacris, which has been viewed 932,097,664 times. There is nothing surprising here; probably, every girl under eighteen years old has watched the video several times based on the singer’s cute face in the video.


YouTube video hosting is now known to everyone. What's not there? Some people are chasing positive ratings, while others just want to kill time.

Most popular videos on YouTube by number of views

PSY:Gagnam Sstyle

Oddly enough, the first place is still occupied by a South Korean guy hiding under the pseudonym PSY.

His Gagnam Style still ranks first in the ratings, since the number of people who watched this video is simply off the charts.

Two and a half billion people have already watched it. This is an absolute YouTube record. The company even had to make amendments to the structure of the view counter, since it simply did not support such numbers. It is thanks to this quantity that Gagnam Style occupies the first place in the rating.

Under the pseudonym PSY hides a simple Korean guy, Park Che San. He began writing songs and music while still a student at Boston University. By the way, the abbreviation PSY is short for the English word Psycho.

Well, that explains a lot. It must be said that PSY did not immediately become popular. Before the release of Gagnam Style, almost no one was interested in his songs. The success of Gagnam Style is difficult to explain.

The humorous content of the video probably played an important role here. Be that as it may, Gagnam Style set an absolute record for the number of views on YouTube.

Wiz Khalifa: See You Again

The soundtrack for the seventh installment of the Fast and Furious franchise is the second most viewed video on YouTube. American rapper Wiz Khalifa made an absolute hit from his song.

Much of its popularity lies in the fact that the video is a tribute to the untimely death of Paul Walker, the star of the film “Fast and Furious.” Many people liked him.

Perhaps that is why the clip has received almost two billion views. At the end the inscription “For Paul” appears. And the clip itself is replete with clips featuring Paul.

Wiz Khalifa himself is considered a fairly successful performer, whose tracks top all the charts. Under such an exotic name is Cameron Jibril Tomaz.

He began his performing career in 2005, released his first album in 2006, and blew up the charts in 2007 with a song from his second album. Since 2007, Wiz Khalifa's career has begun, which is still not finished.

As for the See You Again video itself, it became so popular only thanks to the presence of the late Paul Walker in it.

Many people have nostalgia - hence the unrealistic number of viewers. Remove Walker and no one will immediately need the video. But, nevertheless, it is in second place in the ranking of the most frequently viewed.

Mark Ronson. Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars)

The English sound producer, performer and composer recorded a joint track with Bruno Mars and shot a video. What is the “trick” of this video is still not clear. However, it received one and a half billion views.

Maybe it's all about Bruno Mars. It is unlikely that the video would have been so popular without him. On the other hand, without Ronson there would be no video at all.

Mark Ronson in Britain is known primarily as a producer. It was he who helped Amy Winehouse and other stars of English show business “get on their feet.”

Mark has his own band, which released their first album in 2003 and immediately “blew up” all the British charts. After this, little was known about the group, but Mark managed to win the Brit Awards for achievements in music.

He is currently working on projects with other performers and writing music for the Royal Ballet. Uptown Funk became a kind of “recreation” for Ronson.

And the vacation was a great success. No wonder the clip was one of the most viewed videos on YouTube in terms of number of views.

Taylor Swift:Blank Space

Cutie Taylor with her track Blank Space is comfortably located in fourth position in the ranking. The clip scored one and a half billion. Many are confused. What is the difference? Apparently, there is only one explanation - the song is very good. The video itself is unremarkable.

Taylor Swift started her career in 2006. During this time, she managed to receive music awards, star in a couple of films and in one TV series.

At the moment, her musical career is experiencing a period of takeoff. Her songs are written in pop-country style. It is thanks to the “country” prefix that her songs are so popular in the United States. They coincide with the American mentality.

As for the Blank Space video itself, it is thoroughly imbued with the American way of life. A sort of hodgepodge of stereotypes. Most likely, most of those who watched the clip are citizens of the United States of America. Thanks to the Americans, this video became one of the most popular on YouTube.


British singer Adele closes the list of most frequently viewed videos with the track Hello and a billion views. The pop-soul song was liked by many, and the video received so many views.

The song also has a touch of R&B style, which is very popular with modern youth. But the main advantage of both the track and the video is the voice of Adele herself.

Adele began her career in 2007. Throughout her career, the singer has been nominated for many music awards, and received almost all of them. Adele repeated the success of The Beatles.

She, like The Beatles, was declared “BBCSound’s best performer” after listening to only the first song. By the way, Adele is a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Few performers can boast of this.

The most popular videos on YouTube among bloggers

Among video bloggers on YouTube, several people stand out. The first is a friend under the nickname EeOneGuy, who “just makes videos,” as noted in his description. EeOneGuy has a whopping 9 million subscribers and over 1,900,000 views

Naturally, from each viewing you get a pretty penny. Everyone's favorite Stas Davydov with his channel for reviewing videos from the Internet took an honorable fifth place. His program This Is Well gained popularity among many, displacing +100500.

The most popular videos on YouTube in Russia and the CIS

Among all the popular videos on YouTube, there are those whose number of views “jumped” literally in a matter of days. Very soon, perhaps, they will become as popular as Adele or Taylor Swift.

Among them are the blogger EeOneGuy with the video “Do it your way”, and the old swearer Shnur with the song “Exhibit”, and the group VIA Gra, seducing with their forms.

All these “comrades” deserve to take pride of place in the ranking of the most viewed videos on YouTube.


The ranking of the most popular videos on YouTube is a capricious and unpredictable thing. It seems that just now you were “at the top of Everest”, and after a couple of days you slid into the “depths of Hell”. Of course, this assessment is not particularly objective, as it may be due to some unscrupulous bloggers.

Famous performers, as a rule, do not suffer from this. But still, views on YouTube are a kind of “litmus test” that reflects the degree of popularity of a particular video.

More than 4 billion people visit every day. I wonder what they watch most often?

For you, we have prepared a selection of the most viewed videos on YouTube over the entire period of its existence.

In 10th place Katy Perry's video for the song “Roar” 716 million 606 thousand 372 views.

Position below , on the 9th line video for Wrecking Ball by singer Miley Cyrus 717 million 918 thousand 231 views.

8th place from the sensational PSY with the video GENTLEMAN M/V. This video has been viewed 763 million 131 thousand 328 times.

In 6th place in the TOP 10 of Youtube is the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup “Waka Waka” by singer Shakira, which collected 777 million 471 thousand 737 views.

5th place: video of the American hip-hop duo LMFAO with the participation of GoonRock and singer Lauren Bennett “Party Rock Anthem” - 781 million 592 thousand 954 views.

On the 4th line“On The Floor” by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull, this video has been viewed 795 million 670 thousand 83 times.

And finally, we are closer to the top three...

3: The shortest and most emotional home video in the rating is about how little Charlie bites his brother's finger painfully. 805 million 570 thousand and 83 people were interested in the details.

2: Justin Bieber and Ludacris with the video “Baby”...

Attention! 1 billion 117 million 692 thousand 273 views.

1: 2 billion 115 million 18 thousand and 583 views... YouTube's favorite of all time is again the South Korean singer PSY with the unsurpassed hit “GANGNAM STYLE”.

This is interesting:

In 2005 and 2006 The video about the Free Hugs campaign had the most views. The “Free Hugs” movement gained unprecedented popularity thanks to this video from Australian rockers Sick Puppies. To date it has been viewed 76 million 233 thousand 171 times.

In 2007 The most viewed was the funny video “The Evolution of Dance” by motivational speaker and dancer Judson Laiplay. It was viewed in 2007 69 million 829 thousand 964 times. By today the video has been viewed288 million 526 thousand 682 times .

In 2008 Avril Lavigne's video entitled "Girlfriend" was viewed most often on YouTube a whopping 103 million 202 thousand 250 times.

In 2011 Youtube has been conquered by a dog! The video has now been viewed 163 million 801 thousand 931 times. See for yourself.

AND since 2012 begins... 149 million 447 thousand 279 views.

A in 2013 continues... Viewed 763 million 161 thousand 158 times.

It seems that PSY has some sacred knowledge of promotion on 