Which antivirus is best for Samsung A5. How viruses get on Android and how to remove them. Do you need an antivirus on Android? What viruses can do

Viruses can be of two types:

1. Fake - the name and icon of some well-known application are used, but inside there is only malicious code. Most viruses are of this type.

2. Trojan horse - malicious code is added to a normal application, which works together with the application.

What viruses can do

1. Steal money from a SIM card: call or send SMS to paid numbers until the SIM card runs out of money.

2. Steal information: send passwords from online banking, bank card data or personal files to scammers, send messages with viral links to numbers from your address book in your name.

3. Block the normal operation of the device: display a ransomware banner that prevents you from using the device.

4. Use the power of your device: show hidden ads or mine cryptocurrencies.

How viruses get onto a smartphone or tablet

Fraudsters disguise viruses as harmless applications and files: browsers, players, games, navigators, books, antiviruses. Then they distribute them:

1. On sites for adults, sites with hacked applications and pirated films, torrent trackers, etc.

For example, you are looking for some game or program on the Internet, and you end up on a forum. Someone left the necessary link, and everyone unanimously thanks him.

In fact, the forum and commentators are not real.

Or go to a site with pirated films and TV series, a message appears. It says that the smartphone/tablet is infected with viruses or that some program is very outdated. It even happens that the device begins to vibrate or make strange sounds.

In fact, this is not the case and everything is fine with the device.

2. By SMS, MMS and email

As a rule, these are SMS from “girls from dating sites”, from free classifieds sites, letters from “notaries from Germany”, messages about winning the lottery.

Be careful, there are no miracles. In most cases these are scammers.

All such messages have a common goal - to get you to click on a link so that the virus will download to your device.

How viruses infect a smartphone or tablet

For the virus to start working, it is not enough to download it - you also need to install it. Typically, viruses are downloaded to the “Download” folder and look like application installation files with the “apk” extension.

If you click on a virus, a list of permissions will appear. Permissions are the actions that an application will be able to perform after installation.

If you click “Install”, the virus will install and start working.

How to distinguish a virus from a normal application

Most viruses are written by non-professionals who want to get money quickly and without any problems with the law. Therefore, the standard signs of such viruses are permissions to send messages or calls. When such a virus is installed, it will begin quietly sending SMS or calling paid numbers.

Let's compare real applications and viruses. Dr.Web Antivirus:

Permissions of the original antivirus from the Play Store

Permissions of a virus that pretends to be an antivirus

Yandex Navigator:

Permissions of the original navigator from the Play Store

Permissions of a virus that pretends to be a navigator

Game Talking Tom 2:

Permissions of the original game Volume 2 from the Play Store

Permissions of the virus that pretends to be a game Volume 2

Of course, not all applications that request access to calls and messages are viruses. And not all viruses request access to paid features.

If scammers want to film with your camera, you will need access to the camera and the Internet.
If your files are needed, they will ask for access to memory and the Internet.
If they want to block the screen with a banner, they will ask for administrator rights.
And some viruses even know how to hide permissions during installation.

It is difficult to identify a well-made virus - you either need to look at the source code of the application, or install the virus on the device, remove logs from it (incident log) and understand them. Fortunately, such viruses are rare. More often than not, two guidelines will be useful to you:

If an application was downloaded from an unknown site and requests access to paid functions, it is a virus in 99% of cases.

How to protect your smartphone or tablet from viruses

1. Install applications only from the Play Store and choose them seriously

It is very difficult for an untrained person to distinguish a virus from a normal application. To protect users, Google has created a special catalog with applications - Play Market.

Before adding an application to the Play Store, Google checks whether it contains malicious code. Users who download apps from the Play Store are more protected than those who download apps from different sites and forums. But remember that nothing is completely safe, so choose apps seriously: read permissions carefully and look at ratings.

2. Do not click on unknown links in SMS, MMS or mail

Fraudsters have even learned to fake numbers and email addresses, so messages with viral links can also come from your friends.

3. Do not root your device or install unofficial firmware

If the device is rooted, the virus will be able to register itself in system applications and then only a complete flashing of the device can remove it.

4. Disable auto-receive MMS on your device

Fraudsters can automatically download viruses to your device via MMS. This is due to vulnerabilities in the Stagefright library.

To disable MMS auto-download, select: Messages → Options → Settings → (Advanced) → MMS → Auto-receive (Auto-download) → Disable.

5. Do not activate the “Autopayment” banking service (automatic replenishment of the balance of a telephone number when it drops to a certain amount)

If your device suddenly gets infected with a virus that sends SMS to paid numbers, the SIM card balance will be replenished until the money on the card runs out. Messages from the bank are usually blocked.

Tip: To receive messages from banks and other important senders, buy a separate number that no one will know and a simple phone number.

How to understand that a virus has appeared on your smartphone or tablet

There are no clear signs; it all depends on the virus. Some are noticeable immediately after installation (a banner appears and access to the device is blocked), others may not reveal themselves for a long time. In most cases, the signs are:

  • Large bills for SMS or calls appear;
  • A banner appears demanding that you pay the scammers, which prevents you from using the device;
  • Unfamiliar programs appear;
  • The battery starts to drain very quickly;
  • Internet traffic is quickly consumed by incomprehensible applications;
  • The device starts to slow down a lot.

How to remove a virus if the menu opens

How to remove a virus if the menu does not open (banner ransomware)

If a ransomware banner appears on the screen and prevents you from using the device:

    Don't transfer money to scammers - they still won't unlock your device.

    Remove the SIM card to prevent money from being debited from your account.

    Boot your device into Safe Mode.

    If the banner in safe mode disappears, disable administrator rights for all applications.

    If the banner does not disappear, go to step No. 11.

    Review all installed applications and remove those that are unknown to you.

    Reboot your device. The device will boot in normal mode, there should be no banner.

    If the banner appears after a reboot, go to step No. 11.

    Download an antivirus you trust over Wi-Fi from the Play Store.

    The design of viruses and the operating mechanisms of antiviruses change daily, so it is impossible to recommend any specific antivirus. Focus on other users' ratings and reviews. According to the author, good antiviruses are: Eset, Kaspersky and Dr. Web.

    Scan your device with an antivirus and remove any viruses found.

    Uninstall the antivirus that you installed.

    Download another antivirus and check your device again.

    If the previous options do not help, reset your device.

    If you cannot cope with the virus yourself, contact a Samsung service center.

Do you need an antivirus on Android?

If you are a novice user and are not confident in your abilities, you need it. But only one.

If you use your device carefully and follow safety rules, you don’t have to install an antivirus.

Each of us, sooner or later, wonders whether it is necessary to install an antivirus on an Android smartphone or tablet? The most detailed answer will be given by a service center employee who has devoted most of his life to repairing mobile smartphones, as well as Windows-based computers.

According to the employee: “I came across quite a large number of situations where a computer or phone was infected with a virus, and I also heard no less explanations from their owners that they do not use anti-virus programs. In 2009-10, the fight against computer viruses brought us good profits.” But what about Android smartphones, the devices of which are far from personal computers running Windows? Many people ask us what smartphone antivirus software we use. We answer absolutely honestly and explain that we do not use any software. In this case, you should be extremely careful when surfing the Internet and do not install suspicious applications from unknown sources. We do not recommend this experience for most users. According to statistics, every 4th Android owner suffers from viruses that call unknown numbers, send SMS to paid numbers, or simply transfer money from bank cards.

Just like surfing the Internet on a computer, you cannot be sure of the reliability of antivirus programs on Android. In the case of an Android device, your phone is under constant threat from countless nasty things that can be found on the Internet today. How to choose the highest quality and most reliable antivirus from all the various available applications that can be downloaded to Android to protect your gadget? We will try to give you tips that will significantly increase the security of your smartphone.

Security by Google

Any of us who see security messages every day know that usually installing an application does not pose a real threat to the user as a whole. We're used to it. In fact, most installed applications and games gain access to the personal data of the user, who does not even know about it. Mobile devices are obvious targets for hackers who want to steal or obtain personal data for further extortion or black market sales. Android, as a platform, applies to a large number of devices and smartphone manufacturers. There is no such thing as a 100% secure device.

The first step is to prohibit the installation of applications from unknown sources. Google does a tremendous job of protecting the user's Android device from hacking or virus infection. Therefore, a gadget with Android OS comes pre-installed with software that monitors applications and games for vulnerabilities. In addition, applications and games that you download from the Play Market are constantly monitored by the Google security service. Do you need antivirus for your Android phone? Answer from one of the Google developers:

“Google Security for Android is designed to provide maximum security for mobile devices - by default and free for all Android users. Users, of course, can use any other additional solutions to protect the device. Further. There are such crazy people who deliberately download software to their Android device in order to add or improve system characteristics or expand the functionality of the gadget itself. As a rule, they use smartphone processor acceleration for more efficient operation. Ultimately, in inexperienced hands, this leads to disastrous results.”

Norton Antivirus

Do you need antivirus for an Android smartphone? One reputable company, Norton, fully understands that there is no need to use active scanning tools for phones and tablets.

We asked Kevin Haley (CEO of Symantec): “Does it make sense to use additional antivirus software on Android?” His answer was short and understandable to many - “Viruses are not the main threat to gadgets on Android devices.”

Norton's vision is to provide security not only from fraudulent malware, but also to protect devices from loss and theft. In addition, Symantec helps large enterprises protect and manage the data stored and accessed on corporate mobile devices.

For most users, these and other security features are overkill. Things like Anti-Theft, Personal Data Protection, Call Blocking, Backup have been around for Google Play users for quite some time. As a rule, the main problem with these applications is the inconvenience of use.


Do I need to install antivirus on Android? “At Avast, we constantly monitor the latest in mobile threats, not only on Android, but also on iOS, protecting more than 55 million people around the world from hacker attacks, malware, and theft or loss of personal data. The main concern of most users is privacy and loss of personal data, but still, most users often expose themselves to risks, for example, using a public Wi-Fi network without protection. Avast solves these issues and problems using its mobile applications, SecureLine VPN for Android and iOS devices.


So do you need an Android antivirus on your phone? “There is absolutely nothing wrong with these companies offering alternative security options, especially if it gets people actively thinking about keeping themselves safe. It's just that, from a malware protection standpoint, you're probably already protected by Google - or just common sense. Avoid clicking on suspicious links in unsolicited emails or text messages. Do not install an application or game that you mysteriously downloaded to your phone or tablet. Use only reliable and verified stores such as Google Play or Amazon Appsotre.

So, do you still need additional protection against viruses and malware on Android? I think no. Most likely, this application will simply take up space on your device, maybe even slow it down.

We advise you to take care not only about the security of your personal data, but also about protecting your smartphone display from mechanical damage and chips. Protective glass for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 from Banks. OKR+ series.

Details Created: March 26, 2017 Updated: March 26, 2017

There are many rumors on the Internet about the insecurity of the Android operating system. It is not uncommon to see news about a new virus, and terrifying statistics that say that millions of users a day are infected with malware and Trojans.

Because of this, myths arise that every Android user needs an antivirus. But let's break it all down.

As you can see, news and scary statistics are usually published by antivirus companies themselves, citing themselves. You probably have acquaintances and friends with Android smartphones, have you often heard complaints about viruses from them?

Is antivirus really necessary for Android?

Open operating systems such as Android are indeed more prone to security issues than closed operating systems such as iOS. But there is more of a problem with her enormous popularity. Probably 95% of viruses that infect users are due to their own fault, and not due to “holes” in the system or some super actions of hackers. 95% of malware comes from installing applications from untrusted sources.

Disabling unknown sources significantly reduces the risk of catching a virus.

Often people do not want to pay 1-5 dollars for their favorite toy, and here the rule “the miser pays twice” comes into play. The user himself downloads the APK file (usually a paid game on dubious free cut resources) and installs it. But this turns out to be the so-called FakeInstaller or “dummy”, the purpose of which is to first send an SMS to a short number, and then, possibly, give access to the desired content.

A typical example of FakeInstaller. Requests access to SMS and calls, name AndroidTuner.

Even though during installation the system warns in red that this application or game will have access to SMS and calls, inexperienced smartphone owners still click on the “Install” button.

As a result, a certain amount of money, usually almost the entire balance, disappears from the account.

Android OS, starting from version 4.3, is quite well protected by standard means. If the application side wants to send an SMS to a short number, you will be informed about this. Also, all installed applications are checked for malicious code. Google Play itself can monitor them remotely. That is, if any malicious game or program gets into the official store, after its detection it will be immediately automatically removed from your device without your participation.

So do you need an antivirus for Android? - The standard system tools are more than enough, and there is probably no point in an additional antivirus. Unless you have an old version of Android.

If you yourself installed a malicious application despite warnings, then no antivirus will help you. Follow basic information security rules and everything will be fine. Remember that the best antivirus is common sense and attentiveness!

Here are some simple tips to help you improve the security of your Android smartphones and tablets:

If you still feel safer with an antivirus, you should not buy paid options, something like Kaspersky. It's a waste of money. There are good free options, like this

Flaws: many virus programs

I am a happy owner of a phone Samsung.

But I won’t praise it, say that it’s a “super powerful phone”, that it’s “insanely cool”, or talk about how afraid I am of breaking it against someone’s head, sorry, the wall. No. Much has been said about this already.

I'll just tell you a story that happened to me some time ago, when this same Samsung decided to do charity work without my knowledge and at my expense.

The phone was purchased at the Svyaznoy store on a promotion even before the price jump for 17 thousand rubles.

I had to adapt it to my own needs, which meant downloading the programs that I use regularly. One of these programs was 2GIS(digital maps of cities, for those who are not in the know). The program is very convenient, it is on my computer and tablet. I use it almost every day. I downloaded 2GIS ALWAYS With OFFICIAL SITE companies. And now, having accessed this site in my browser (I was completely sure of this), I downloaded it.

Installed without problems. But the icon did not appear on the display. I looked for her and looked for her. It says it is installed, but the program itself is not there. At that time, I was somewhat busy, so I decided that I would deal with this issue later, and got busy with other things. And then more work and more. So the installation of programs was shelved.

By the way, I didn’t install an antivirus either. But in vain.

After a while, my phone decided to take on a life of its own and started sending text messages on its own.

To my bank.

A mobile phone was linked to his bank card. What did he write? Here's what:


SBERBANK “To pay from a VISAХХХХ card, phone 9ХХХХХХХХХ for 2999.99 rubles. send code ХХХХ to number 900"

Moreover, these two SMS were sent and received almost at the same time.

AT 2 AM. When most normal people are sleeping, and I am reading books.

My actions after I checked the buzzing phone and recovered from the shock:

Disabled the SIM card associated with the bank

Activated a second spare, unencumbered SIM card

QUICKLY downloaded the antivirus and checked the phone

Removed detected malware

I went to get some valerian.

It was later, after browsing the forums and reading reviews, I found information that the number of viruses for Galaxy is growing exponentially. And one of the most popular is a virus that sends SMS from a number linked to a bank card and pays other people’s bills.

So from now on the first thing I will install on my phone is ANTI-VIRUS.

For example, Dr.WEB, which detected viruses on my phone, and which now regularly checks all downloaded information.

And now I download applications only from the Play Market website.

By the way, I subsequently downloaded those same 2GIS maps there, installed them and saw the icon on the display right away.

After two months of use, I can say that this phone is very convenient, the main thing is to protect it.


Thank you for your attention.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: smartphone review

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: smartphone review Price and availability: http://rozetka.com.ua/samsung_galaxy_note_4_frost_white/p1369627/ Video review of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Watch reviews of other smartphones: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDF13DB9F6AC560F2 All Samsung smartphones: http:/ /rozetka.com.ua/mobile-phones/c80003/filter/preset=smartfon;producer=samsung/ All smartphones with 5.55" - 6" screen: http://rozetka.com.ua/mobile-phones/c80003/filter /23777=114812/ Join us on social networks! VKontakte: http://vk.com/club20877147 Facebook: http://facebook.com/rozetka.ua Google+: https://plus.google.com/+rozetka/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rozetka_news Read our news and advice on choosing! http://rozetka.com.ua/news-articles-promotions/ Super Amoled display - 5.7 inches, with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels, with incredible infinite contrast, excellent viewing angles, good brightness and the same anti-glare filter, thanks to which even in bright conditions The sun picture is not only visible, it also practically does not fade. All this splendor is covered with Gorilla Glass 3 with slightly rounded corners, and thanks to them and the effective oleophobic coating, swiping is a real pleasure. As usual with Samsung, two versions are coming to the market on Exynos and Snapdragon 805. 3GB of RAM, 32GB of built-in memory, expandable with micro SD cards up to 128GB. Android version 4.4.4 is covered with a touch visa shell with a flat design. Note 4 is able to determine the direction and timbre of the voice and record each interlocutor in a separate file, and while listening you can turn anyone off and on, I think journalists and stenographers will be delighted. The multi-window mode has been improved - now you can run almost any application in a window that you can reduce, move, or basically do whatever you want with it. The 16MP camera with phase detection autofocus has not undergone any significant changes compared to the S5, except that optical stabilization has appeared in Samsung smartphones for the first time, and now the laptop not only has some of the best daytime photos with good color rendition and detail, but also significantly improved photos in low light, however, they do not reach the title of the best in these conditions. Autofocus works very quickly and accurately even at night, HDR images are saved exactly as long as regular ones - that is, instantly. The video is smooth, with a good bitrate, it has become even better thanks to the stabilizer and is recorded in resolutions up to 4k or 720p with the ability to slow down and speed up up to 8 times. The front camera is interesting with a resolution of 3. 7MP, aperture 1.9 and the ability to create panoramic selfies. PT12M45S

Samsung Galaxy S5. Detailed Review / Arstyle /

Samsung Galaxy S5. Detailed Review / Arstyle / Characteristics and price of the Galaxy S5: http://goo.gl/iLfJK8 In the review of the Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F) More: Photos and videos from the Samsung Galaxy S5: http://bit.ly/19SDJxg Comparing it with the LG G3, HTC One M8, Sony Xperia Z2, Samsung Galaxy S5: http://bit.ly/18dSZo6 Thanks to the Sotomix store for the sample: http://sotomix.ru All my videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/ Arstayl My vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/user/davidguramievich 1: What the channel is about: Honestly and Positively about Smartphones, Tablets, Headphones, MP3 players and other gadgets. In reviews I always voice the pros and cons of devices. 2: My sites: http://arstayl.ru http://technocontrol.info VK group: http://vk.com/arstayl_vk 3: For the development of the Arstayl Project, even more high-quality reviews: Yandex wallet number 410011198304828 Webmoney rubles R321126783981 Webmoney dollars Z198210290954 Thank you! Be Successful and Positive! Live CONSCIOUSLY! :) Android 4.4, 3G, LTE, 1 micro SIM card. Weight 145 gr. Super AMOLED screen, 5.1 inches, 1920 * 1080, 432 ppi, Gorilla Glass 3 Colors - black, gold, blue, white Memory 16 GB (about 11 available) + microSD up to 128 GB! Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor, 4 cores 2500 MHz Video processor Adreno 330, 2 GB RAM GPS, GLONASS Battery 2800 mAh, Video playback at maximum brightness, with power saving disabled 11 hours + about another hour (but the screen brightness is already greatly reduced) Photo / Video camera Resolution when recording video up to UHD 4K (3840 x 2160), 30 fps. Slow motion Cameras 16 MP. + 2 megapixels Features: Dustproof, waterproof IP67 (brief immersion in water) USB 3.0 Heart rate sensor Pedometer, personal trainer Ultra Power Saving mode (black and white mode) Fingerprint scanner (was in Motorola ATRIX 4G, in 2011) Kids mode PT35M59S

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