How to close a photo. How to hide VKontakte photos from prying eyes

Everyone has it active user Internet, there is an account in social network In contact with. The VKontakte website allows you to perform many actions, and one of them is posting photos, with the ability to customize display. This article will contain instructions specifically about hiding photos from your VKontakte profile. There are many reasons why you need to hide, and everyone has their own. You can hide photos both from strangers and from friends, i.e. they will only be visible to you.

Hide the photo I was tagged in

If you want to hide the photo in which your friends tagged you, then to do this you need to go to the “Settings” section, which is located in the upper right part of the drop-down list. Then go to the “Privacy” section. There, opposite “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged,” select the desired privacy.

Hide your photos and album

On the left side of the menu list, select “Photos”. All photos and albums will open. To hide an album, you need to hover your mouse and click on the pencil icon. In the page that opens, in the section who can view, select the desired privacy and click “Save changes.”

On this moment there is no way to set privacy for individual photos, this can be circumvented by creating a separate album, and calling it, for example, “Hidden Photos”, and setting it to necessary rights, and then upload the photos you want to hide there.

Hide photos from the main page of VKontakte

Once on your page, hover over the photo. A gray cross will appear on top corner and click on it, thereby you will hide it from the main page.

As already written above, a separate photo cannot be hidden; to do this, you need to create an album with the necessary parameters privacy. Delete images that are visible to everyone and re-upload them to a new album.

Images in your VK feed appear whenever you upload pictures not to a specific album, but to your wall. The function of displaying pictures in a feed above a wall appeared in VK relatively recently.

With it, you can quickly view new photos of your friends, like and leave comments without looking through your friend’s entire album. The photo feed is visible to all VK users unless you hide access to it in the settings. It’s easy enough to remove pictures from your feed. You can click on the cross, which is located on each thumbnail on the right. But is it that simple?

return photos to VKontakte feed?

How to return a photo to your VKontakte feed When you click the cross to hide a photo's thumbnail from your feed, a notification appears at the bottom that the photo will no longer be shown. This entry also contains a “cancel” button. To return a photo to your VKontakte feed, you need to click on this button. If you hid the photo and refreshed the page, then return photo back to feed

It’s impossible in a couple of clicks.

You can upload them to your page again. Click on the link in the “add photos” feed and upload the photo again. Photos that you have hidden from your feed are still present on your page. In order to see them, just click on any remaining image and you will see all the photos that are in the feed. Yours can also do this .

And . Displaying images quickly in your feed is useful because users who visit your page can learn more about you. This will be especially attractive for those who use VK not only for dating and communicating with friends, but also to improve their If you do not want to show information about yourself, then it would be best to remove the feed from your profile altogether and leave

private albums

only for close friends. How to hide your VKontakte photo feed Hide VKontakte photo feed, perhaps by clicking on the cross at the top of each thumbnail shown in the feed. When you commit

this action , a previously downloaded one appears in place of the hidden photo. Removing images in this way is quite convenient if you have very few photos on VK. If there are a lot of pictures, then remove them from

  1. prying eyes
  2. Privacy settings will help. Open your profile settings section. They are located on the left of your profile. Then, go to the privacy tab, which is located in
  3. top panel
  4. When you do not want to show photos only to some of your friends, click on the “All except” item and from the list select those who will not be allowed to view the photos.

If you only hid photos from your feed, but not from albums, then users still have access to view your albums and .

To hide access to an entire album, open all photos from it. Go to the “Edit Album” tab. Select who you would like to show it to. You can also edit the comment settings for each album.


Do you want only your friends to know about your life from your photos on VK? You can easily restrict access to them using privacy settings. How to hide photos in VK , we will explain today in this article. For any album on VK it’s easy to install closed access

just for you, for friends or relatives, also create an album for just one specific person. To do this, you need to go to the “My Photos” section on your page and click on the “Show all albums” button. Press the desired photo

, which you are going to hide and go to the album where it is located. In the right corner, find the “Edit Album” link.

Right below the album cover and description, you will see a question: “Who can view my album?” and a proposal to select the circle of those people to whom it is visible. Expand this list and set the appropriate settings.

To ensure that only some friends see the photo, and for the rest they are hidden, click on the “Some friends” item and select, from the pop-up list, those people to whom you intend to show the photo.

If you want to hide the photos in which your friends or acquaintances tagged you, on the main page in VK, go to “My Settings” and select the “Privacy” tab; the second item in the “My Page” field is the question “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged " By selecting “Only me”, you can hide tagged photos from prying eyes.

It is also possible to hide the photo map. The photo map marks where you were when you took the photo. If you don’t want to tell anyone about where you’ve been, in the “Who can see the map with my photos” item in the privacy settings, it’s better to check “Only me.”

If you are confused and not sure that you hid the photos you wanted, scroll through the settings page in VK. At the very bottom, click on the link “See how other users see your page.” So that your photos are not visible in the feed on, move your mouse to the photo on the main page and click on the gray cross that appears when you hover over it. It is impossible to hide the photos that you posted on the wall; they will be visible to all users who are interested in your page. Therefore, for important photos in VK it is best to create separate album and don't download them.

How to hide saved photos in VK

VK has special function, which allows you to save the photos you like or need for work. When saved, they are automatically transferred to the Saved Photos album. You can also see this album in the list of all albums. However, when you click on it, you cannot hide the contents like in a regular album. To hide saved photos, it is best to move them to another album.

To do this, select the required photograph from saved ones.

To do this, select the required photo from the saved ones. Just below it, you need to find the “Actions” tab and click on it. Next, select “Transfer album” and select a pre-created one hidden album. It's good to have few photos. Transferring them this way is not a difficult task. But it happens that there are more than 300 saved photos, you need all of them, but you don’t really want to transfer them.

Especially for quick transfer photo in VK there is a “Transfer” application that will help you quickly transfer photos from one album to another. Add it to your list of applications. And choose what and where you will transfer. You can also save photos locally in the application.

How to hide comments to photos in VK

Are your photos being commented on by people you don’t understand or don’t know? Or do you want comments on your photos to be available only to you? You can easily hide comments.

Sometimes it may be necessary to hide some photos from a certain audience on VKontakte, or from a certain person. The VK administration took this nuance into account and provided users with a wide range of options for creating private albums.

Before you start hiding photos, it is recommended to decide on their importance. Perhaps it’s better to delete this or that photo from the network altogether and just leave it somewhere on the computer? If you have a good reason to leave this or that photo on VKontakte, then you can hide it from prying eyes, both of one person and of groups of people.

The process of hiding photos on VKontakte

Each situation where you need to hide a particular photo requires separate consideration and selection of an action algorithm. It is also worth understanding that some of the methods given in the article may have irreversible consequences.

Below are several universal methods, allowing you to hide a photo or a group of photos from certain people, or generally from all users on VKontakte. However, if you plan to hide the photo from all users of the social network, then wouldn’t it be easier to delete it?

Option 1: Hide profile photo previews

Each profile has a block where previews of all photos that have been uploaded by the user are added. If you remove photos from this block, they will still remain available for everyone to view. However, finding these photos will be much more difficult, since they are not in front of everyone who visits your page.

This procedure is normal for all users, so there should be no problems with it. The instructions look like this:

You can only remove pictures from this block manually. If you are offered to install any extension/add-on that will remove them from this block automatically, refuse the installation. IN best case scenario you will simply waste time, and in the worst case, the page with all the data on it.

Option 2: Remove tags from photos

VKontakte has a function to tag a person in a photo. However, these marks are visible to everyone. Fortunately, you can hide photos where you have been tagged from other users by following a couple of steps in your profile settings:

Now only you will be able to view photos in which you have been tagged by other users. However, this user’s page still has a photo of you. If you want no one to see it on his page, then all you have to do is contact the owner of the page directly with a request to hide it or delete it.

If the photo of you is of some kind of offensive nature, or it is too explicit, then you can contact the Vkontakte administration. Initially, they will ask the user to voluntarily delete the photo. If a refusal is received or the request is ignored, then the administration has the right to delete this photo independently and at the same time block the page of the violating user.

Option 3: Create private albums

In such albums you can place photographs that are not intended for a general audience. It's very easy to set up access here. For example, you can make it so that albums can only be viewed certain people from your friends list, or just you in general.
Settings are set manually:

You can check the functionality of your privacy settings only by asking your friend to go to the page and check whether the previously hidden album is displayed on it. Fortunately, privacy settings never fail.

Using one of the instructions in the article, you can hide certain photos from the eyes of other people.

Images that the user saves to his page are placed in a special album. You can view it, send it to friends, edit and delete it.

But by default, any visitor to the page can view this and other albums. This did not suit many people, and not long ago it became possible to hide photo albums, previews and any saved photos in VK.

Standard ability to see hidden photos There is no VKontakte.

Hide preview on your page

Preview – special block of photos, which gradually collects photos as they are added. Both downloaded pictures and those manually saved by the user are placed here.

It is worth noting that if you remove an image from this block, it still remains available for viewing. But it will be more difficult to find it since it does not flash before the eyes of page guests. So, to hide a photo in the preview you need:

Pictures from this block can only be removed manually.

How to hide photos with tags

It's not uncommon for someone to tag a friend in a photo without their consent. Then a function will help that will remove all images with these marks and allow you to hide your photos from strangers. In this case, you will have to use the section social settings. VKontakte networks:

After the above manipulations, all photos in which the user was tagged will become visible only to him. Thus, the image can be considered closed from prying eyes.

Hiding an album or photo

Sometimes there is a need to hide an entire album of VKontakte photos from strangers. IN in this case you will have to work directly with the settings of this folder:

It is currently impossible to hide a single photo. If there is a need for this, you can send what you want to a special photo album with suitable privacy settings.

Settings on your phone

The VKontakte mobile application differs from the browser version, but there will be no difficulties with blocking access to photos:

The changes made should be saved. To do this, use the check mark icon at the top right.

How to return photos to VK that you have hidden

If you again want to open access to photos and albums on VKontakte, then just follow any of the instructions again, only in privacy set the value to “ All users».

View hidden photos

At the very beginning of the introduction of the function of hiding photos, resourceful users found some vulnerabilities with the help of which it became possible to view private photo albums. Among them the most popular were:

  • view by user id;
  • with help source code pages and address bar;
  • special sites that provide this opportunity;
  • programs (often these were dummies with a virus inside).

The VKontakte administration respects users' wishes for privacy. Therefore, the discovered holes were closed in a timely manner. Almost all of the above methods do not work at the moment. In addition, today all these methods are illegal and view closed photos VKontakte is not allowed. Those who want to invade someone else's privacy can be held accountable.