How I set up terrestrial digital television. DVB-T2 – what is it? DVB-T2 set-top box. DVB-T2 tuner

DVB-T2 digital terrestrial TV multiplexes in Moscow

Multiplex (English multiplex - mixture, mixed) is a digital combined package of TV channels in digital broadcasting. TV channels are mixed before being transmitted over a transport channel, followed by separation on a subscriber's receiver or television with a built-in digital tuner.

Definitions of multiplex

There are two similar, but nevertheless not identical, interpretations of multiplex in digital TV:

In digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 Moscow and Mo - transmission over the same frequency band of several SD, HD TV channels generated by different signal sources. Plus, the multiplex can even include radio channels, subtitles, teletext and a TV guide.

The first multiplex of digital terrestrial TV DVB-T2 in Moscow (RTRS-1) is a package of publicly accessible digital channels and radio channels of digital television, the list of which was approved on June 24, 2009 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 715 “On all-Russian mandatory public television channels and radio channels”
March 3, 2012 According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 287-r, starting from 2012, digital broadcasting of the first multiplex in Moscow is carried out in the new DVB-T2 standard. TV channels of the first multiplex in Moscow are broadcast in SDTV format.

The first on-air multiplex is broadcast in open (free) access for reception (FTA), in the first DVB-T2 multiplex the conditional access system is not used. For non-terrestrial commercial television broadcasting, the concept of the first multiplex is not directly defined; all television channels are publicly available and mandatory. Subscribers of various paid networks (cable, satellite and IP television) throughout the Russian Federation can receive free TV channels that are included in the first multiplex, without resorting to means of receiving digital DVB-T2 television.

The first digital television multiplex in Russia includes 10 TV channels and 3 radio channels

DVB-T2 digital TV channels of the first multiplex can be received in Moscow and Moscow Region under one of two conditions:

Frequencies of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 in Moscow and the Moscow region
Channel number

Channel frequency

TV channel number and name

Channel number - 30
Channel frequency - 546 MHz
Band - UHF (21-69 channel)

1. Channel One
2. Russia 1
4. Russia 24
5. Culture
6. Carousel
7. Channel 5 St. Petersburg
8. NTV
9. OTR
10. TVC

The second multiplex of digital terrestrial DVB-T2 television of the Russian Federation “RTRS-2” is a package of all-Russian digital television channels in Moscow, which was formed as a result of a number of competitions of the Federal Commission on Television and Radio Broadcasting.

By the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies on December 15, 2009, the frequency-territorial plan of the second multiplex for digital DVB-T2 broadcasting in the range 470-862 MHz was approved in the Russian Federation. The network of the second digital multiplex covers border regions, regions of the Far East, as well as large populated centers of Russia with a population of 100 thousand inhabitants or more. Unlike the first digital multiplex, the second one was initially launched in the new DVB-T2 standard. Broadcast format - standard definition (SDTV).

The second digital on-air multiplex is also open and free for reception (FTA), the signal encryption system is not used. After amendments were made to the law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media,” the television channels of the second multiplex Dvb-t2 received the status of publicly available. TV channels of the second DVB-T2 multiplex became mandatory for broadcast by various television broadcasting operators in an unchanged form at their own expense, and paid operators (cable, satellite, IP television) were able to receive TV channels included in the second multiplex for free in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region.

Digital TV channels DVB-T2 of the second multiplex in Moscow can be received in Moscow and Moscow Region under one of two conditions:

A) if the TV supports the DVB-T2 standard;
b) if there is a special DVB-T2 receiver (set-top box, receiver).

Channel number - 24
Channel frequency - 498 MHz
Band - UHF (21-69 channel)

11. Ren TV
12. TV3
13. Spas
14. STS
15. Home
16. NTV Plus Sport
17. Star
18. Peace
19. TNT
20. Muz TV

The third multiplex of digital terrestrial DVB-T2 TV - federal-regional package of digital TV channels

According to the principles approved at the meeting of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting, the third digital terrestrial DVB-T2 multiplex in Moscow is formed from the following TV channels:

After March 19, when the unexpected transition of digital broadcasting in Russia to the DVB-T2 format took place, a real digital fever began. Moreover, people, without really understanding the situation, began frantically looking for receivers of the new standard. At the same time, few people understand why this is needed. In general, I was tired of telling people the same story five times a day, and I decided to put my thoughts in writing.

So. My most important message: Don’t rush into buying DVB-T2 tuners!

Studying the news and the market situation, I have more questions than answers...

Broadcasting of the DVB-T2 channel package began free of charge. The first official DVB-T2 receiver for Russia immediately appeared on the market, which supports 2 encoding systems at once: Roskript-PRO, Rosskript M 2.0. Let me remind you that it was officially announced that the first multiplex would be free. What about other packages? What encoding are you planning to broadcast in? Why are there two of them in the receiver at once? Will the coding system be the same for all regions? Or will different packets be encoded differently? And how will you be able to watch encrypted channels: just by having a receiver with the required encoding or will you need a subscription card? Also, let’s not forget that successful cardsharing of the Roskript-M 2.0 system has already been carried out. Should we expect the appearance of Rossscript 3, 4, etc.? If so, will I need to buy a new receiver? Unclear…

Let's move on... Because... The first official receiver (General Satellite TE-8714), to put it mildly, does not shine with functionality, it is logical to assume and, accordingly, wait for the release of a receiver with an HDMI output, again, so that you do not have to buy a new one later. And in general, will CAM modules be produced or only receivers? Taking into account the fact that televisions with built-in DVB-T2 tuners have already appeared on the market, many users, naturally, would like to buy the module rather than receivers of dubious quality and content.

Now there are already quite a few DVB-T2 receivers on the market, because... many European countries have already switched to the new digital TV format. By the way, neighboring Ukraine is already watching DVB-T2 and there are quite a few receivers for this format on the Ukrainian market. That is, it would seem that there is an assortment! And of course, I want not just a dull set-top box, but a modern Full HD receiver with recording, media player, network functions and other bells and whistles. But it was not there. Having bought the receiver you like now, you can make a big mistake when the channels are encoded...

So what is left for the average TV viewer? In fact, just wait. What to expect? Certainties and specifics! With broadcasting, channels, packages, encoding and equipment. You can, of course, buy this GS now and watch digital channels in Moscow. But I wouldn't recommend it. The product turned out to be too crude and primitive, to say the least. It is not worth even a quarter of the amount they are asking for it (4000-5000 rubles)!

In a word: take your time. Broadcasting in DVB-T format is still ongoing (for those who don’t know, on channel 34). There are plenty of receivers on the market and they are much cheaper. For example, a DVB-T receiver with HDMI and a media player can be bought in Moscow for less than 1000 rubles. Taking into account the fact that a complete transition to the DVB-T2 format is planned for 2015, DVB-T channels will operate for more than 2 years.

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The Geneva Convention of 2006 stipulated that the transition to digital broadcasting should take place before 2015, which will entail the shutdown of analogue TV.

As of 2011, the National Digital Television Network was built and launched in Ukraine, which covers about 95% of the country's settlements. It is planned to switch off analogue broadcasting in the country by 2015.

There are three formats for broadcasting terrestrial TV:

  1. DVB-T/MPEG2
  2. DVB-T/MPEG4
  3. DVB-T2/MPEG4

DVB-T2/MPEG4, the newest broadcast format, was introduced in Ukraine. The digital broadcast format is more noise resistant than the analogue one. This means that the coverage will be greater, and the signal itself will be available where it was not before, while maintaining picture and sound quality.

This also entails a reduction in the size of the antenna, all other reception conditions being equal. Receive excellent quality video with an indoor antenna? Watching high quality TV outdoors or in the car has now become a reality!

With all this, transmitting stations that broadcast digitally have less power than analogue ones. Consequently, they consume less electricity and are more environmentally friendly.

The system assumes the presence of a basic 32 channels: 28 national + 4 regional and local. Viewing all 32 channels is free. Currently, all channels are broadcast in SD quality (standard), but the project assumes that 22 channels will be in SD format, the remaining 10 will be in high definition HD.

Preliminary list of HD channels:

  • MTV-Ukraine
  • Ukraine
  • Cinema
  • Inter
  • Bank-TV
  • Enter music

Digital broadcasting offers a number of additional opportunities. Along with the old teletext, various additional information is transmitted: current program, next program, channel names, current time, subtitles and their language (if available), etc.

In turn, the tuners themselves are capable of receiving a new version of software (firmware) centrally, directly from the air.

From theory to practice

No matter how attractive DVB-T2 may look, it is not yet fully functional in Ukraine. The fact is that Zeonbud receives signals from television companies in MPEG-2 format with a flow rate of up to 2.5 Mbit/s, and then converts it to MPEG-4.

Although, this should be considered as a temporary solution, since not all television companies are able to quickly switch to MPEG-4. If Zeonbud limited itself to MPEG-4 only, it would create great difficulties for television companies.

The digital TV receivers themselves, as well as their market value (~550 UAH), leave much to be desired. Well, let's hope that over time all these nuances will be eliminated.

The very fact of Ukraine's transition to digital broadcasting should already please us.

In the next topic we will talk about the regional features of digital broadcasting in the Transcarpathian region.

What is a digital media receiver? Operating principle of the DVB-T2 digital set-top box. How to choose a digital media receiver for DVB-T2 and DVB-C? How to connect and configure the receiver. The best digital set-top boxes.

A digital media receiver is a small device that receives a digital TV signal. After purchasing it, you will be able to watch digital channels on absolutely any TV.

Setting up a DVB-T2 digital set-top box does not require any special skills or effort, which makes it even more convenient for consumers. There are two types of digital media receivers: home (stationary) and car. The former are needed for working indoors, the latter - in cars. Set-top boxes for digital TV DVB-T2 are functional and have a clear and user-friendly interface. Receivers support various video and audio formats and have a timeshift function that shifts the viewing time of television programs.

The DVB-T2 terrestrial digital set-top box is a device for converting the signal that comes from a satellite dish and displaying it on a TV screen or PC. The main component for any digital media receiver is the central processor, which is responsible for receiving, processing the signal, outputting the picture and recording data to the hard drive, which is the second important component for the receiver. Below is a block diagram for an on-air digital set-top box.

Let's consider it. At the first IF, the signal (range 950-2150 MHz) from the output of the LNA converter (LNB) is supplied via cable to the microwave receiver (a unit designed to amplify and convert the signal to the second IF 480 MHz). In the demodulator, possible errors are corrected, the stream selected at the output goes to the demultiplexer (divides the total stream into video, audio and data) and decryption is performed.

In the MPEG-2 video decoder, video signals are decoded into decompressed digital signals, after which the video signals are separated in the form of the following components: luminance (U), green (G), red (R), blue (B). The encoder of a color television system converts standards, which means that you can connect a television receiver to its output that operates in one of three standards for analogue television: PAL, SECAM or NTSC. From the audio decoder you can output both digital and analog signals. The microprocessor controls the demultiplexer - decoder and selects the signal in case of implementing an interactive communication system, and it also selects integrated data packets. As for the digital control module and IR sensor, they provide the ability to remotely control the DVB T2 over-the-air digital set-top box.

How to choose a digital set-top box

Now on the market there are many different digital set-top boxes DVB-T2 (terrestrial TV), DVB-C (cable TV), DVB-S2 (satellite TV). Receivers differ in functionality and price, and many people want to make a choice in favor of the optimal device without overpaying money. Below is an overview of the criteria for selecting the optimal option.

First, let's talk about set-top boxes for terrestrial digital TV. As for standards, it is worth paying attention to set-top boxes that support the DVB -T2 standard (MPEG-4 encoding). If we talk about digital media receivers that support HDTV high-definition video signals and 3D capabilities, then you should not choose such set-top boxes if your TV does not support such functions. Please note whether audio-video signal processing formats are supported: MPEG4 (AVC/H.264) SD/HD / MPEG-1 Layer I/II, MPEG-2 Layer II, MP4 and MP3, AAC, AVI, WAV, MKV, MPEG, JPEG, DivX, USB PVR.

Regarding functions, it is worth choosing a set-top box that supports TimeShift, this makes it possible to delay watching television programs. The recording duration directly depends on the memory capacity of the storage device, which can be connected via a USB port. It is important to have hardware buttons on the front panel to control basic functions, so that your device does not turn into a useless brick due to the loss or breakdown of the remote control.

Pay attention to the connectors. It is also best to choose a set-top box that has a sufficient number of USB ports. If you need a receiver to watch television in high definition, then it is advisable that the tuner have an additional HDMI connector or at least a component one (YPbPr).

If you use cable analog television, then you don’t need to buy a set-top box yourself. First, contact your provider. Find out the conditions and method of connecting cable TV. Usually the company connects everything itself and uses a receiver model specially tailored for the cable network.

How to connect and configure a digital receiver

To begin with, before setting up, you should connect the DVB-T2 set-top box to the TV. The diagram is presented below.

Setting up the receiver requires minimal effort. The main thing you need to do is set up the channels. Go to the channel search menu and select auto search. Don't forget to set the country correctly. After a few minutes, the set-top box will find a certain number of channels. In the next menu item “Video” we set the necessary settings (mostly those that are by default are suitable). In the “Time” item we set the region and time zone. Next, set the language for the menu, subtitles and audio. In the “System” tab you can set parental controls and a password. You can also choose to return to factory settings, update the software, or read information about the set-top box. In the “USB” item you can select the playable format (music, photo, video) and configure PVR.

It is worth noting that each digital media receiver has its own configuration features; above is a general overview.

The best digital TV set-top boxes DVB-T2

Digital television of the new standard is increasingly gaining popularity. Digital broadcasting is characterized by high image quality and advanced capabilities.

After analyzing user reviews, you can determine this rating of the best digital DVB-T/T2 set-top boxes.

So, if you are interested in the topic of digital terrestrial television, then most likely you want to know what channels you will get if you connect it to yourself. I'm right? Then read on) maybe you don’t need it?

What are digital TV multiplexes?

Today in Russia 20 channels broadcast in DVB T2 format. They are divided into two packages, these are the so-called multiplexes. Both packages are free to view and there are no subscription fees. It is enough just to have a TV that receives a DVB T2 signal and.

This is what “digital” says in Russia

The first ten channels (First multiplex)

The first package, or the first multiplex, is general information, news and development channels (boring). Here is the list of digital television channels of the first multiplex:

  • First channel
  • Russia 1
  • Russia 2 Match TV - channel with sports broadcasts
  • Channel 5
  • Russia "Culture"
  • Russia 24
  • Carousel – children's channel, cartoons, programs for children
  • OTR – Public Television of Russia

The first multiplex works wherever there is digital television.

It was not in vain that I wrote the time of publication of the article. The fact is that sometimes the composition of channels changes based on a competition held by the state every year. So in 2016 everything may change.

Just recently, a change took place in the second multiplex and “Sport+” was replaced by the entertainment channel “Friday”... Also, the channel “Russia - 2” in the first multiplex was replaced by Match TV.

Third channel package (Third multiplex)

And yet, they promise a third multiplex, only it will have a subscription fee. So I don't think it will be wildly popular. Since, as soon as digital broadcasting becomes paid, it will be easier to install a cable with 40+ channels for 120 rubles. per month.

And here is what they write about the project about this:

It is still too early to talk about the exact start date of broadcasting of the third (regional) multiplex. To begin with, the principles of forming a regional multiplex must be determined at the government level, after which competitions will be organized to determine the participating channels of the third multiplex. Only after the composition of the third digital package becomes known will RTRS be able to begin broadcasting it. Let us note that this fall the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting postponed consideration of the issue of the principles for the formation of the third multiplex until 2018.