How to find out the subscriber's last name. How to find a cell phone by last name

Several ways to find a person by mobile phone number.


  • In our life, a mobile phone is simply indispensable. The services of cellular operators are used by millions of people around the world. With its help, you can contact your family and friends from anywhere in the world. That is why the mobile phone takes a well-deserved first place in the list of convenient and accessible means of communication for everyone.
  • However, it may also happen that at a certain point, having a phone will do you more harm than good. For example, you began to receive threatening calls, SMS messages from scammers demanding that you transfer money to them, you are constantly being stalked by some stranger from an unknown number.
  • At first glance, this may not seem like such a big problem. You just need to press a couple of buttons on your device and add all unwanted numbers to the blacklist. But what to do if this procedure did not help and the calls continue? Or can't you sleep at night until you find out the name of the mysterious stranger on the other end of the line?

Let's look at several ways to determine who a mobile phone number is registered to.

IMPORTANT: some methods presented below are illegal! Their use entails criminal liability. By resorting to them, you act at your own peril and risk!

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using telephone databases?

  • The second way to determine who the number is registered to is to purchase a telephone database.
    As mentioned above, mobile operators do not disclose personal information of their subscribers. However, there are many phone databases that have been hacked or stolen from phone companies.
  • As a rule, these are disks with outdated databases for the years 2000-2005, but people have not changed their numbers for decades, so there is a chance that you will find the same number in one of these databases.
  • Such databases can be purchased at radio markets from dealers in used phones or at kiosks with pirated discs. The fresher the base, the more expensive it is.
  • The database is a simple computer program that is ridiculously easy to use. You just need to enter the phone number in the appropriate field and click search.

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using the Internet?

  • This method is very similar to the previous one and differs only in that you don’t need to go anywhere. There are many sites that, for a certain amount, are willing to provide you with online access to telephone databases

IMPORTANT: Beware of scams! Some sites may charge you a fee without having a telephone database. Use only those resources that allow you to use search before purchasing paid access!

  • There are also several free services where you can find the number you are interested in. Unlike sites with paid access, the databases on free services may be outdated or contain incomplete information about the owner of the phone. However, there is a chance to find the number you are interested in
  • It’s not uncommon to find scammers’ phone numbers on the Internet. Just enter the number into any search engine and follow the links found, read people’s comments. It is quite possible that someone has already encountered this number and shared information about its owner with the community in the comments

Below is a list with several free phone databases:

How to find out the owner's first and last name by phone number using a detective?

  • This method may seem ridiculous and not worth attention, however, if the number you are interested in is not in any database, you have not made friends in cellular companies and your charm is not enough to negotiate with the manager in the communication salon, then the only option to get what you want is private detective
  • This type of activity is becoming more and more popular. As a rule, private detectives get information about the owner of the number through “their” people in cellular companies, so you are guaranteed a positive result. But you have to pay for everything

There is no universal way to find a phone number by the owner's last name. There are two ways to solve the problem - the use of official information channels and private databases. Each option has its own characteristics.

Determining a cell phone number by last name in mobile companies

Visit the offices of mobile operators and try to convince the manager of the need to find out the mobile phone number by last name. The result will depend on your ability to convince your interlocutor, so come up with a convincing reason for your request in advance. Often office employees will grant requests if it is necessary to find out the phone number of the person who has stolen funds from a mobile phone account. Contacting a cellular company does not guarantee success in your search, even if the reason is serious.

Cell phone number by last name via contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The staff will help with the visitor's request if there are important grounds, for example, crimes against him or relatives. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may authorize the seizure of data from mobile companies regarding telephone subscribers. Intelligence agencies can also use their own databases.

Using an Internet database to find out a cell number by last name

Search the Internet for current telephone directories; their content is constantly updated. You can download a subscriber database from the Internet, but you will have to pay a lot of money for it. Finding a reliable site with up-to-date information can be time consuming. Before concluding a transaction, make inquiries about the seller in advance, talk to him and make sure that he is a reliable person. Friends may have old databases downloaded several years ago on their computer. Often such information is outdated, but you can try to find the information you need.

Finding a cell phone number by last name from friends

Try to find out more about the person – where he lives, what he does. Chat with his friends and try to find out his phone number for free. Acquaintances will often accommodate you if you tell them that they want to give a friend a pleasant surprise. You can call your place of work on behalf of an employee of a bank or other institution and ask for a phone number, for example, to clarify personal information.

Other ways to determine a phone number by last name

If you can’t find a phone number in mobile databases, use other options.

  • Search for a person by last name on social networks. Look at the profile on his page, sometimes his mobile phone is indicated there. In Skype, your phone number is often specified during registration.
  • Enter your last name into an Internet search engine. The person you are interested in can register on various forums, websites, blogs and indicate their number there.
  • Use the services of a private detective who will provide a phone number and a complete profile on the person.

Finding out a phone number through a person's last name without his consent is considered illegal. But if the end justifies the means, then you can try, just quietly and calmly.

There are many ways on the Internet to find out who called from an unfamiliar number. It's not easy to look into a mobile operator's database, and all public web archives are most likely developed by scammers. You will not find the number you need in them, but will only waste your time. We will tell you about the safest and most legal search methods that actually work.

Find the owner of a phone number on Google

To use this method to find an unknown phone number, you must be at least somewhat familiar with the syntax. If you simply enter the number into the search bar, the system will return either links where such a combination of numbers is mentioned, or extraneous information that is in no way related to your goal. To search for a specific number, you must use quotation marks.

Call an unknown number

Perhaps the simplest, but not the most obvious way to find the owner of the phone is to call this number. If he uses voicemail, the greeting text will likely include his name. If the phone belongs to any organization, you will probably receive an answering machine that will tell you the name of the company.

If you want to remain anonymous, do not call from a personal number. Call back from someone else's phone or computer. But be careful - this may happen, and money will simply be withdrawn from your account.

Install Truecaller app

The special Truecaller application will help you find and block the unknown number from which they called you. The service collects a list of spam contacts, which is constantly updated by a community of 250 million users. By installing the application, you will find out all publicly available information about the desired subscriber. The program can be downloaded for free for

We will share with you a secret and a way to determine the owner by phone number. There are times when it is necessary to resort to a search, establish the identity or find out the location of a particular phone owner. There are different situations, one of which is using a number. When we only know the numbers, but urgently need to find out in whose name the subscriber number is registered. The important thing here is to take your time and do everything consistently. How to still find the owner by his mobile phone number. You should start with the simplest thing - calling the number you are interested in. This can be done more than once, in case the phone is turned off. If luck is with you, then they will answer you. Check with your interlocutor whether he is the owner of this number. If negative, try to find out who they are and how you can contact them. There is another option to achieve your goal, but it is illegal and you should think carefully before using it. This method of searching for the owner consists of searching for a number in the information database of the cellular operator to which the number being searched belongs. So ? Let's look further.

How to determine the owner of a mobile number

Using this opportunity, remember that you are going against the criminal article of the Russian Federation and may be prosecuted. And so a simple and proven way to determine the owner by mobile phone number, for this you need. You can find a disk with such data on the market; usually people who sell radio electronics have them. Using the database is as easy as shelling pears, enter the phone number into the search engine, and it will show you information about the subscriber. It would be a good idea to pay attention to the fact that the database is not outdated and contains fresh data. This will help in obtaining reliable information. Since the number can be blocked and reassigned to another subscriber. Therefore, purchase the updated version. There is another category of people who have information that interests you, these are managers at payment points.

To find out the owner by phone number, you will have to work hard. This is classified information that is not subject to disclosure or distribution. We will provide instructions for finding owners in the following places:

  • In open sources.
  • In subscriber databases.
  • Through the Sberbank Online system.

We will also tell you about methods that obviously don’t work, and give warnings and recommendations.

Search on the Internet

The easiest way to get through a person's phone number is to try searching for information on the Internet. We open any search engine, enter the number and carefully analyze the results. It may contain links to blogs, personal sites, forums, message boards and other resources where the person you are looking for could leave their contact information - this is the owner’s full name and phone number.

The easiest way is to find people who are engaged in some kind of commercial activity on the Internet. They have their own websites and blogs with their contact details. They can also leave contacts on other platforms - business forums, conferences, enterprise directories. If a person has never left his phone number anywhere, this search method will be ineffective. Believe me, there are no websites with databases of all subscribers. And even if they exist, the data in them is hopelessly outdated.

Our specialists were able to find a resource where it was possible to find out the owner of a landline phone by its number. The data turned out to be out of date by at least 10-12 years - the numbering in that city has changed, and the person himself lives at a different address. Also, do not trust services that show owners on the map - they do not work.

Searching for people in the database

Here you are entering a slippery slope - distributing subscriber databases is illegal. If necessary, you can be imprisoned even for trying to purchase media with a database of numbers. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend getting involved in such operations - it is too dangerous for your own freedom.

The danger of such databases lies not only in the articles of the Criminal Code, but also in their relevance. Often they turn out to be so old that no more than 10% of the information actually corresponds. There is zero sense from such a source.

Another danger is that the database may turn out to be fake and contain viruses. A typical example of this is that the downloaded file demonstrates the unpacking of some archive with numbers, first and last names, after which it asks you to enter a phone number for confirmation or bank card details. In the first case, you will receive a mobile subscription (wild debits will begin from your account), and in the second, you will simply give your card details to the scammers (believe me, there is a way to steal money even without SMS confirmation and knowledge of the CVC code).

You may also encounter fake sellers - they offer non-existent goods and leave buyers without money. You should not trust those who offer to find the owner of a cell or landline phone number on their own.

We contact mobile operators

It is impossible to dial a phone number and find out the owner through a mobile operator. The hotline does not provide such information, and even less so the consultants in the salons. You can find acquaintances in the office of a particular operator and get through the owner, but this is dangerous - at best, the consultant will lose his job, and at worst, he will go to jail for disclosing personal data.

The practice of working on the hotline of one of the operators, as well as in the subscriber service office, shows people’s insatiable interest in personal data. Most often, people suffer from annoying calls from unknown numbers. And they want to know who is calling them. In this case, they try to contact the operator, but it is useless. It is much more effective to contact the police - they will find the violator of your peace.

Search through the police

Finding a person through the police in Russia is impossible. More precisely, no one will give you his coordinates just like that. The police will look for a person by mobile phone number only if you write a statement against him - for example, you accuse him of telephone hooliganism. The process looks like this:

  • You are writing a statement.
  • The police send a request to the operators.
  • After receiving the data, an administrative case is initiated (or criminal, depending on what the person in question has done).

Again, the owner’s information will not be given to you - the police will deal with the person on their own.

Life hack - search through Sberbank Online

There is one simple way that will allow us to find out the last name and first name of the owner of the number absolutely free. The procedure is performed at home, there is no need to go anywhere. We will use the functionality of the Sberbank Online system. A huge number of Russians use Sberbank cards (about 76 million people). And nothing prevents us from identifying the owner by phone number using online banking.

Here are instructions to find out the owner by phone number:

  • Log in to the Sberbank Online system (you can use the mobile application).
  • We make a payment to the Sberbank client by phone number;
  • We indicate the number and amount in the form (indicate 1 ruble).
  • On the confirmation page we see the first name, patronymic and first letter of the last name of the person we are looking for - the operation should be interrupted at this point.

Sometimes this data is enough to identify the owner.