How to find out if you have a double. Which celebrity do I resemble in online photos?

Finding your double using a photo on the Internet used to seem impossible, but today there are many resources that allow you to search completely free of charge and anyone can do it.

How to find a double

There are a number of services that, based on specified parameters or an uploaded image, search for people similar to each other.


The resource allows you to scan a large number of photographs of different people and arrange them according to similarity, selecting users by parameters: gender, age, region of residence. In order to use the service, you do not need to register, the PicTriev interface is very easy to use, and you can contact technical support. After the service client uploads a photo to search for a person by photo - picture remains in memory site and is used for subsequent comparisons.

Celebslike me

The resource, developed by Microsoft, is intended for photo comparisons with celebrities and Hollywood stars. Here the comparison is also made according to three parameters, as in the previous version: gender, age, region of residence. The first results that Celebslike me will display to the client are celebrities who have been nominated for an Oscar or have ever received an award. The program works with errors, so it is recommended to search several times to more accurate similarity definitions.


A service that allows users from all over the world to find their photo double for free, both among media personalities, actors, celebrities and among ordinary people. Ilooklikeyou requires pre-registration for further use, and also prompts you to log in through the social network Facebook. The algorithm for finding similarities with other people is simple: service asks to download source image, configure parameters - date of birth, gender, region of residence and automatically starts scanning. Photos can be added from the social network Facebook or uploaded directly from your computer disk.


The application is a Russian development and allows you to search by photos of user pages from the VKontakte social network; in addition, there is an option to search for doubles. Here the developer offers to use not only the site, but also download smartphone app, running on the Android operating system. The FindFace interface is easy to use; if necessary, you can contact technical support.

Twin Strangers

The project allows you to find people on the Internet who are similar to the user who uploaded the photo to the search engine. The system finds almost identical photos. Twin Strangers works all over the world and selects people based on... set parameters, if the client selects the “general search” option, the parameters do not need to be configured, then the algorithm will return all similar images that are in the database. The interface is a little difficult to navigate for Twin Strangers visitors who decide to use the service for the first time.

How to look for doubles

The algorithm for identifying a person similar to yourself from a photo is identical in almost all programs. It consists of uploading a user’s photo to the resource and setting the necessary parameters focused on age, gender and region of residence. In some cases, you need to register on the portal to continue working with the tool.

A detailed algorithm for using search engines is presented using the example of interaction with Celebslike me:

We use search engines

You can also find a similar image or person using the usual search engine any browser. Below is an example of how to compare and analyze an image through the Google search engine:

Communities on social networks

On social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, it is not uncommon to find groups and communities where users can independently find similar-looking doubles. Publics are built on the principle in which people themselves, registered on the network, add personal photos or photographs of friends whose double they want to find and announce their desire to find a similar person. Here you can offer news or upload the image yourself on the “wall” or in a special album.

If any person has found a similar user or identified similarities with their own appearance, they should write to the community administrator or leave a comment under the post, you can also post a personal image, confirming the fact of coincidence.

Look-alike competitions

Similar events take place all over the world and allow many people to find someone with similar facial features. There are often situations here where it is difficult to distinguish the participants in the competition from each other, because there are almost twins.

There are also competitions that have one thematic focus, for example, competitions for lookalikes of a certain celebrity, then all more or less similar people are selected for the so-called “similarity competition” and the jury selected for the event chooses the winner.

Question from a doppelgänger seeker...

Hello. Tell me, is it possible to find your double on the Internet? I tried to register on several sites, but everywhere they only take money (for example, via SMS), and the result is zero. I have several photos: side, front, large and small. I would like a free option, and not too complicated, for beginners...

Good afternoon

You can search, but you can’t always find it...

Before starting the search, I want to say a couple of things:

  1. firstly, do not send any SMS to short numbers (in most cases, they will not find a double for you, and they will write off money from your phone... At least read the reviews on independent resources first before paying for the service);
  2. you need a photo of the person (for whom you want to find a double). The photo must be in JPG format (all services accept this format). The photo should clearly show the face so that the person in it is looking directly at you. Preferably a photo of normal size (most importantly, not too small)

So, let's start the search...

All matches of persons presented in the article are random! I don’t want to discredit anyone, glorify anyone, or harm anyone in any way.

One of the most powerful and reliable ways to find a double is to use well-known search engines: Yandex, Google and others. The essence of the method is that search engines allow you to search for images by image. Those. if you have a close-up photo of a face, you can upload it to the service and find similar pictures.

In addition, another significant plus is that this method is free, and the search engines are quite powerful and will give a head start to all other services combined!

I’ll show you using Yandex images as an example: first just follow the link above ( ). At the top, on the right, there is a search button for the image - click it!

Below is my original photo, for which I was looking for doubles.

As you can see, the search engine found dozens of pictures: many of the faces in the photo are very similar to the original! Moreover, another advantage is that you will not only find photos, but you will also be able to find resources and addresses of pages on the Internet where these photos are presented (i.e., it is quite possible that the contacts of your double are left there and you will be able to contact him - unless, of course, you need it).

PicTriev // search for a double among celebrities

The presented service is unique in its kind (there were several more, but they stopped functioning, at least those that I know about).

The essence of the service is that it recognizes your uploaded photo (more precisely, the face on it). Then it begins to analyze it and look for a match between your face and celebrities.

Results can vary greatly depending on the quality of the original photo (and its resolution, by the way!). For best results, you need to upload a photo of the frontal face.

After going to the site, you only need to click one button “Upload Image” and select a photo from your hard drive.

  • the site will automatically determine the gender of the person captured in the photo (in the example below, the gender is determined correctly!);
  • age will also be determined (approximately);
  • Several famous people and similarity percentages will be shown. In the example below, I should note that the degree of similarity is quite high - visible to the naked eye.

The service leaves the most positive impressions of its work. In general, I'm happy!

TinEye // search among 16.8 billion images

Another service for searching by photo. All you have to do is click one button to upload your photo. In a moment, the service will give you search results.

The service allows you to search among 16.8 billion images! This figure is very large and not every service can compete with so many photos and pictures.

The service is positioned as a search engine for images. In the future, it is planned to introduce subscriptions that signal the appearance of your copies (or similar) photos on the Internet, as well as search for several images at once.

In general, for those who are looking for pictures and photographs, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with such a large database!

Note: With the help of TinEye, some users determine the identities of unknown soldiers by finding copies of the photo on American servers with a complete list and description of the people present in the photo. // age determination from photos

I couldn’t ignore this service: it, of course, does not know how to search for doubles, but it determines the age of people from an uploaded photo. Moreover, it does it very accurately!

For example, I uploaded photos of people I know (whose ages I know), my own - the age is determined either accurately or with an error of 2-3 years!

To determine age: just go to the website and upload a photo (button Use your photo, see screenshot below).

The result will not be long in coming: in a few seconds you will see the age of the person shown in the photo.

Note: if you upload a photo that shows several people at once, the service will determine the age of everyone.

For high definition accuracy: upload high-quality photos without processing them with Photoshop (and other graphic editors).

This is where I end the article, I hope you now have not one, but several doubles!

Only a few manage to meet their double, coming face to face just on the street. Fortunately, modern opportunities today make it possible to find a “twin brother” using a smartphone or computer, without leaving the sofa or at a special twins festival. However, there are many options, but not all of them are safe and effective. Therefore, it is better to use proven services with an impeccable reputation.

How to find your double - choose a good photo

First, you will need a photo of yourself from a frontal angle, with high clarity and a plain background. A passport photo or one as close as possible will do. A prerequisite is only your image without other people or animals. The gaze should be directed directly at the camera. Next, you need to download the photo to your computer and use the services of one of the sites to search for your “mirror image”.

Finding a double by photo using online programs on websites

  • Twins( is a social network of twins. Without boring registration and passwords via SMS, you upload a good high-quality photo or a link to it, after 5-7 minutes you get a photo of possible doubles among music and film stars. The principle of the search is to select more than 40 control points similar to your facial features from the alleged double.
  • Stranger Twins ( is an English-language site where you need to upload your photo and select your facial features from the proposed options. Next, the program automatically selects your doubles with their contact information.

Search for doubles on social networks

  • Doubles ( - a VKontakte group where everyone who wants to meet their doubles posts their photos on the group wall.
  • Find a double by photo ( - a similar service on the Odnoklassniki network. Here you can post your photo, or look through a ready-made database of photos in the hope of seeing a person similar to yourself in one of them.

Finding a double is a very fun and exciting thing, but many scammers take advantage of it. Avoid new sites that require authorization via SMS, ask you for money, or insist on providing your passwords to social network accounts.

There is an assumption that every person has a copy, the so-called non-natural twin, and some sources indicate that there are many doubles. Despite this, the chance of meeting your mirror image on the street is reduced to a minimum. That is why many people are interested in whether it is possible to find their double. Celebrity look-alike competitions have been held around the world for decades, but more often than not they look more like parodies. Today, ordinary people can find their copies, and all thanks to the Internet.

How to find your double?

You can find many different resources on the Internet that allow you to search among registered users in different parts of the world. First, you need to take a photo from a full-face perspective, and it is better if the background is plain. The quality of the image is of great importance. In general, you should be guided by the photo in your passport, because there is nothing superfluous on it and your gaze is directed strictly at the camera. The photo should be downloaded to your computer, and only then use existing services.

If you are interested in how to find your double on the Internet, then use the following online programs:

  1. "Twins"( These are some people who are looking for their copy. Here you don’t need to register and send paid SMS; it will be enough to simply upload a high-quality photo or even just copy a link to it. After this, you need to wait a while and the program will independently select photos of possible doubles among the show business stars. The search is based on similarities in facial features, with a total of 40 control points used.
  2. "Stranger Twins" ( This resource is in English, which may be a bit of a barrier for some people, but it's actually quite simple. A photo is also uploaded to the site, and then, among the proposed options, you will need to select the most suitable facial features. After this, the program will perform an automatic search, focusing on the specified parameters.
  3. Understanding how to find your double in the world, it is worth mentioning another foreign site -, where you need to register and then upload your own photo. The next step is to place dots in the center of the pupils, which will allow you to start searching for similar celebrities. On this site you will also not need to send an SMS message or pay for anything.

When figuring out how to find your double, you cannot lose sight of social networks, in which a huge number of people from different countries are registered. To try to find your copy among them, you can become a member of groups relevant to the topic, here are a couple of examples:

  1. “Doubles” ( is a group on the popular social network Vkontakte. Here you can find people who have a similar goal, that is, they want to find a two. You can place your photo in an album or on a community wall, and also look through an existing database to find a similar person.
  2. There is a similar group on the Odnoklassniki social network – Here you can also post your photo and view the existing database.

Speaking about how to find your double, it is worth mentioning the international festival of human doubles. Today, a huge number of large-scale competitions are held in different cities and countries, where people look for similarities with various famous personalities. There are also various programs on television where you can see copies of actors, pop performers, etc. Everyone has the opportunity to take part in such events.

Assessing their appearance in the mirror, many girls sometimes try to understand which world cinema star they might resemble. Catherine Zeta-Jones or Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart or Nicole Kidman - which celebrity is exactly like you? Suggesting that you do not guess on the tea leaves, but turn to the help of network services that, based on neural networks and various digital algorithms, will give a suitable answer. In this article, I will list services that can determine your resemblance to a celebrity from a photo online. I also suggest using the Yandex People service to search among all people.

How does the procedure for searching for a double among stars work?

There are a number of resources on the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) that allow you to determine your similarity with a celebrity online. Working with them is quite simple - you launch such a resource, upload your photo to it (or provide a link to it on the Internet), and click on the verification activation button. A verification procedure is performed, and then you receive the result in the form of a photo of a celebrity similar to you and the percentage of similarities identified.

At the same time, some of these resources may provide other information on the photo being processed (the gender of the person in the photo, his age, etc.), which, of course, should not be taken seriously.

Let's move on to the list of services that allow us to figure out what kind of celebrity I look like online. – will select the celebrity most similar to you

The service is the most popular network resource for determining similarity with a star online. It was created by Microsoft for those users who would like to understand which Oscar nominee they might be like.

  1. To start the search procedure, you need to go to
  2. Click on the “USE YOUR OWN PHOTO” button and upload your full-face photo to the resource.
  3. Literally immediately you will receive a photo of an Oscar-nominated celebrity similar to you (with a percentage of similarity), as well as three more celebrities below who are not nominees.

Another Russian-language service that allows you to identify which celebrity you resemble is A special feature of the online resource is that you can find not only a movie star who looks like you, but also determine the gender and age of the person in the photo. Of course, you should not expect accurate determination from this algorithm; take it as entertainment, in a humorous way.

  1. To work with the service, log in to
  2. Click on “Upload image” and upload your photo to the resource (frontal photos up to 200 kilobytes are accepted).
  3. In a few seconds you will receive information about the similar celebrities found (with the percentage of similarities), the estimated gender and age of the person in the photo. – perfectly identifies photos

The English-language resource was written by the author in the Wolfram programming language and is designed to search for a celebrity similar to you. Unlike other resources, it gives only one star similar to you with a percentage of similarity (there are more than 2 thousand stars in the resource base).

  1. To use the resource, go to
  2. And click on the “drop a photo here to find your celebrity match” button.
  3. Upload your photo to the resource, and in a couple of seconds you will receive the name and photo of the star most similar to you. – determine similarity using a Facebook profile

There are several entertainment services that work based on analysis of a user’s profile on Facebook (for example,, popular on the Runet). I suggest using another popular service,, which will analyze your photo on Facebook and tell you which star you resemble online.

  1. Go to and select “Continue with Facebook” (you will need to give the service permission to analyze your public profile).
  2. The service will analyze your photos and, if necessary, ask which photo from those available in your profile to choose, as well as your gender (male - male, female - female).
  3. Then you will get your result.

Search by photo from Facebook profiles “Vonvon” - entertaining search in the form of answers to questions

The Kate Walker test posted on will ask you to answer 6 basic questions about your facial features. Based on your answers, the system will select the celebrity who is most visually close to you.

  1. Go to and click on the “Let’s play” button.
  2. In the first question, select the color of your eyes and hair color.
  3. Features of hairstyle (hair style), skin color (skin tone), shape of nose (nose), lips (lips), and face (face).
  4. At the end you will get your result.

Complementary mobile applications

In addition to the network services listed above, it is worth using various mobile applications to determine your similarity to a star. Among such applications, I would highlight the following:


The online resources and mobile applications listed above will allow you to find out which celebrity your photo resembles. The results obtained with their help should not be taken too seriously - this is just fun entertainment, and nothing more. Happy coincidences!