How to create an email account and send a letter. How to register your mailbox

In the 21st century, an electronic mailbox is relevant, because without it it is impossible to register on any social network or other services. There are several ways to create an email account on the Internet.

How to create an email in Yandex

You can create your mailbox on different hosting sites: Google, Yandex, Rambler, Mail and others. They all provide free services. One of the most popular services is Yandex Mail, which provides users with 20 GB of memory for their mailbox. Advantages of Yandex:

  • thoughtful interface down to the smallest detail;
  • convenient email filtering system;
  • presence of a built-in translator;
  • high resource security;
  • spam protection.

As for the disadvantages of Yandex mail, users note the limitation of mailbox sizes and the difficulty of setting up the receipt of letters through client programs. How to create mail on this resource:

  1. Go to Yandex, click the “Register in mail” button.
  2. Fill in the fields that appear: First Name, Last Name, Login.
  3. The system will then ask you to create a password and security question.
  4. When filling out the data, you are asked to provide a mobile number, but this is not required.
  5. To confirm, enter the captcha in the appropriate box, accept the terms of the agreement and use your email.

Create a mailbox on

This email is a product of Google Corporation. It has a very user-friendly interface, and its capabilities are far ahead of its competitors. The biggest advantage of is grouping emails into folders and organizing them. The security of the service remains high. The Google resource also provides:

  • the ability to link email to phone;
  • sending an access code via SMS;
  • complete absence of spam;
  • two-factor authentication and much more.

The disadvantage of is the small amount of memory for storing letters - only 15 GB, which users have to share with Google Drive.

You can create a mailbox on the service like this:

  1. Go to Gmail, select “Create an account.”
  2. Enter the requested data in the registration sheet that appears.
  3. If filled in correctly, the system will immediately go to the “Login” dialog box.
  4. You will immediately receive informational messages via email to set up your Gmail profile.

Register your email on Rambler

This is one of the oldest Internet services, which was originally used as a search engine, and then became a large media portal with great capabilities. mail allows you to send to its users, in addition to letters, a variety of multimedia files (photos, videos, audio). Among the advantages of the service are a warning about the presence of a virus in a received or sent file and the best level of anti-virus security. The big minus of Rambler mail is the small size of the mailbox - only 2 GB.

How to create an e-mail on

  1. Go to the website, find the mail login form.
  2. You can register a box in 2 ways: through social networks or according to the standard procedure.
  3. For the second option, you need to fill out the proposed fields with your data, and then click “Register”.
  4. After confirmation of registration, the mailbox can be used.

Registration on

Another popular service for creating email. Free email in the browser has many advantages:

  • simple and convenient interface;
  • the ability to collect letters from all user mailboxes;
  • reliable protection against fraudsters;
  • unlimited memory capacity, increasing as emails accumulate;
  • cloud storage with 25 GB of disk space.

Mail on has one drawback - a not very successful spam filtering system (spam cutting). Otherwise, it is very well thought out, connected to many services and games, which is why it is popular in Russia and a number of other countries. Registering a mailbox is simple:

  1. Go to the domain, select the “Mail registration” column.
  2. In the tab, enter the required personal information and create a Login.
  3. Two protocols are used to receive mail: POP3 and IMAP, select the one you need.
  4. Next, you will be asked to enter a password, select one of the services -, or - and complete registration.

How to create mail on an IOS phone

If you have an Apple smartphone, most users register the built-in iCloud mailbox after the first turn on. If this does not happen or you need to connect another e-mail, you can do it manually:

  1. Open the settings of your iOS smartphone, then find the “Mail, Calendar, Contacts” – “Add Account” sections.
  2. Find the one you need in the list of providers (Mail, Gmail, Rambler, Yandex and others).
  3. Enter the requested registration information.
  4. Wait for the box to connect.

Registration on a mobile device with Android

You can create mail on any Android mobile device only for the Google service. In all other cases, it means adding an existing email address to the gadget. To create your email in Google, you will first need to register an account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Open the device settings, find the “Accounts” section.
  2. Click the "Add" line, then select Google.
  3. Create a new e-mail or enter an existing one by clicking the appropriate button.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the requested data, create an email address and password.
  5. After accepting the terms of use of this service, you can use your mailbox from your mobile device.


It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without email. In addition to promptly sending letters, a virtual mail address is used to register on various sites, make purchases in online stores and confirm your identity on social networks. In this article you will learn how to create an email on your computer and install an email program.

What is email?

The history of the development of the virtual postal service began back in 1971, when the famous programmer Ray Tomlinson created a unified electronic network for remote computers. At that time, the implementation of the idea was primitive, and the developer was very concerned about the question of how to create email on a computer.

However, the basis for online message forwarding had been established. During the experiment, each computer was assigned an address, which consisted of a personal computer name and the name of a public network. Both names were separated by the “@” sign, which was an abbreviation for the location of the address. Individual email addresses made it possible to exchange messages between computers, and today almost everyone knows how to do email on a computer.

At the moment, a virtual mailbox is a complex mechanism for transmitting information between network users. Creating an email address has become available to anyone who has a personal computer and access to the Internet.

Features of working with email

In order to exchange emails with another person, both recipients must have a virtual mailbox and Internet access. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the domains of these addresses are identical or not. Correspondence via e-mail can contain not only text messages, but also various media files and documents. This feature makes it possible to use an electronic mailbox both for work and for communicating with family and friends.

The email username is individual. In other words, no similar mailbox can exist on the network. Otherwise, before registering your email, the system will display an error and ask you to come up with a different unique login.

Modern systems that support the email function allow you to configure the service as conveniently as possible. For example, install the Antispam program, create letter templates and mass mailings.

Disadvantages of Email

The disadvantages of a virtual mailbox include its connection to the Internet. In other words, it is impossible to read an incoming message if your computer or mobile device is not connected to the network. Therefore, before creating an email on your computer, make sure your Internet connection is working properly.

Some modern email services offer such a feature as connecting notifications via SMS messages. This service is absolutely free and allows you to solve the problem of how to receive email on your computer via a mobile phone.

In addition to connecting to the network, a virtual address does not allow chatting. Most services offer a standard interface with the same configuration of folders, which are divided as follows:

  • Inbox
  • Sent
  • Drafts
  • Deleted

Google's mail system, however, offers the ability to receive and manage emails on a threaded basis. This allows you to study your message history in chronological order. This system is still under development and improvement.

How to make an email: instructions for beginners

Creating a personal virtual mailbox takes only a few minutes, and anyone can cope with this simple task. Before you create an email on your computer, you need to decide on the domain on which the correspondence history will be stored. The choice of service depends only on the region of residence. In Russia, popular email accounts are from Mail, Yandex, Google and Rambler, which offer their clients additional services, ranging from search engines to free browser applications.

Before registering an email, you need to come up with a name for the future virtual mailbox. The ending of the address will depend on the chosen platform. For example,, or The final site address will look like this: [email protected], where instead of mymail you need to enter your own login. After choosing a platform and name, you need to go to the “Mail creation” section on the domain website.

When registering a mailing address, you must provide your full name, country of residence, and contact phone number. The latter is required to activate the mailbox via SMS message. Trusted services will not send newsletters to your mobile phone, so don’t worry about the confidentiality of your data.

Access to the mailbox becomes available immediately after its activation. Knowing the email addresses of friends or work colleagues, you can send them letters or forward important documents.

Mail program

For the convenience of using virtual mail, special ones are used. For example, Outlook Express, which allows you to manage incoming and outgoing letters without using a browser.

The advantage of email programs is their portability and the ability to personalize them. Outlook Express can sound reminders of incoming messages, send emails at any given time, and filter advertising spam.

Other ways to communicate on the Internet

In addition to email, you can organize online communication via Skype. This well-known program allows you not only to chat, but also to talk with your interlocutor using a webcam. The advantage of Skype is its accessibility, because now you do not need to pay for long-distance calls. The main thing is to ensure uninterrupted Internet access.

A similar program for exchanging instant free messages is called Viber. It is available to owners of smartphones running Android or Windows operating systems. Thanks to Viber, you can make calls, share photos and be accessible anywhere in the world.

To register for any of the listed programs, a virtual box is required. But now that you know how to do email on your computer, installing Viber and Skype will not be difficult.

Progress in the information sphere swept through like a tornado, crushing and breaking all standards and norms in its path. If ten years ago only a select few owned e-mail, now it has practically supplanted its paper competitors. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are interested in how to create an email.

Perhaps for ordinary people on the Internet, the process of creating their own email account is a common task, but there are people who are still very interested in this topic. In addition, there are little secrets about mail that are known to few, and they will only be revealed in this article.

First of all, many people breathed a sigh of relief, now they don't have to stand in line to buy an envelope or send a letter. All you have to do is open a browser on your computer, enter your login, and your own email service will be at hand. Moreover, the data transfer speed allows you to exchange dozens, or even hundreds of messages per hour, and all this is completely free.

But, just like in a barrel of honey, there is also a fly in the ointment. Most websites and online services require you to provide an email address to register. And if this is not the case, then you simply won’t be able to use their services. Thus, whether they want it or not, all users of the World Wide Web are obliged to get their “box”, otherwise the doors of the sites will be closed to them forever.

To pay or not - that is the question

Many users are very surprised by the fact that there are paid services. If there are free analogues, then why spend your hard-earned money? The answer lies in the additional services that commercial projects offer. But let's talk about everything in order.

Free email boxes

Naturally, the most pleasant thing about owning such a box is that you do not need to regularly pay a subscription fee. After simple registration, the mail service client can safely send or receive letters. Also, depending on the company providing the services, access to additional materials will open.

The most popular "chips" are:

  • small storage for personal files;
  • access to photo, video or audio galleries of the site;
  • ability to create a list of contacts;
  • search for specific groups with related interests.

True, there are also disadvantages. One of the biggest evils is spam emails. For those unfamiliar with this concept, it is text that contains advertising and in most cases it is completely useless. In addition, such messages can also contain computer viruses, which in itself is very bad.

So, most free services do not have reliable protection against malicious mailings. Thus, if you do not regularly remove the storage from it manually, then soon it will be very difficult to find the mountain of garbage you need in the letter.

Paid email boxes

Now let’s look at the nice bonuses that paid companies can provide. Let's start with the most obvious one, namely the email filter. Thanks to it, you can weed out unnecessary junk that should not end up in the owner's mail.

Anti-virus systems also reliably protect mail from hacking and infection, which guarantees the confidentiality of all information. This is especially important for users who conduct business correspondence.

Many people are attracted by the opportunity to create a personal name for mail. For example, indicate the company name or surname. This is impossible to do in free services, since due to the large number of accounts, many names are unavailable.

Well, last but not least. Any commercial post office can undertake the organization of corporate mailing. For large companies and firms where the number of employees exceeds several hundred, such a service can be very useful.

Three whales in the big information ocean

Before we talk about how to create an email, we should also talk about which free service is better to choose. Why not paid ones? Yes, because for the first practice it is better to choose a resource where you can experiment to your heart’s content.

So, the following services are considered the most successful in the CIS:, and gmail (Googl). There is also Rambler, but recently its popularity has been rapidly declining. To understand all the features of these emails, you should look at them individually.

Multimedia service from Mail

Let's start with the pleasant features of this service. Many people like to use mail from Mail because of the opportunity to use a social network called “My World”. Here you can chat with friends, exchange photos and even play games.

Mail is also very popular among gamers; the company promotes many online projects. Having a personal email account, you can easily access most modern MMO games.

Now regarding the cons. The protection against spam and viruses here is simply terrible; up to a hundred incomprehensible letters can be received per month. At the same time, it is impossible to limit their flow here, which is very upsetting.

Advantages of mail from Yandex

Due to recent changes in the company's work, which have changed the mail service for the better, Yandex's rating is rapidly growing.

Thus, the new protection almost completely blocks spam, which is a big plus. In addition, the function of changing the external design of mail has become available; at this moment there are more than 30 color designs.

But the biggest advantage is the ability to use the Yandex Money service. Now in the CIS it is one of the most reliable currencies that exist for carrying out monetary transactions within the network.

Google-level quality

And Google has now become the leader. The reason for this was the use of Android phones, where by default this mail is the main one. And the most famous online application store for smartphones, GooglePlay, as hard as it may be to guess, works with mail from its manufacturer.

But this is not the only reason for such stunning popularity. First of all, it should be noted that this service has the most reliable protection against viruses and spam. No free company has yet been able to surpass it in this.

You should also note such pleasant points as:

  • storage for files (up to 7 GB);
  • a single password for all Google services;
  • ability to use synchronization in Chrome;
  • opportunity to create a corporate email for free.

Instructions for creating mail

Regardless of the representative chosen, the process of creating an email account will come down to a simple procedure, identical in almost all cases:

  1. Having opened the main page of the site in your browser, look for a button that says “registration”; quite often it is placed in the upper right corner. After clicking on it, a special tab will open where you will need to enter data;
  2. the first thing you are asked to provide is your first and last name; here it is not necessary to enter real data; you can use a pseudonym;
  3. Next you need to come up with a name for the mail, which will later become your login. You can only use Latin letters and numbers, which slightly limits the choice of domain;
  4. Following the login is the login password. It should not be too short or use your date of birth, otherwise there is a risk of hacking. It is best to write down the password on a piece of paper along with the login so as not to forget in the future;
  5. at the end, to confirm the request to create an email, you need to provide a mobile phone number to which a code will subsequently be sent. It should be entered into a special field, after which the mail will become active.

Sometimes postal services require additional information, as well as photos. But you don’t have to fulfill all the requirements; you can safely remain incognito and use only a pseudonym.

Firstly, you should always have two email accounts. One is for entertainment and activating sites, the second is purely for personal correspondence and work. This will reduce the risk of hacking and help you better navigate your own records.

Secondly, if you practice making money online and need to constantly change mailboxes, then it is better to use a disposable mail service. There are no registration or question forms here. Everything is very simple, for a certain period the client receives an electronic box capable of performing all the functions of a regular one. After the expiration date, it will be deleted, after which the operation can be repeated.

And lastly, never provide your login and password information on suspicious sites. Otherwise, you may find that all the data from the mail has been impudently opened.

Having an e-mail has become a necessary condition for the active lifestyle of a successful person. When working with electronic soap, the user receives many benefits.

The benefits of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • High degree of reliability of information storage (many email resources help to increase the level of security of user data, for example, accepting only high-complexity passwords, having a security question, etc.).
  • Possibility of receiving newsletters and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
  • Accessibility (checking electronic messages can be done both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creating email is possible on various hosting sites - Yandex,,, etc. These email services provide free services, which is another undeniable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

How to create an email and what you need for it

In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for creating an email on each hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating electronic “soap” on some services.

"Yandex Mail

Register on

To create a Mail email, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To begin, go to the domain and select the “Registration in mail” column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then completes registration.

How to Create a Gmail Email

In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also particularly popular. Its significant difference is that its level of reliability is an order of magnitude higher than its domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from official Western Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. A foreign site does not perceive Yandex or the same Mail as e-mail. If you need to create a Western e-wallet, such as PayPal, the payment system will only confirm their “native” Gmail email.

Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately move on to creating it. The step-by-step algorithm for installing “foreign soap” is as follows:

  1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, write the corresponding name into the search bar and select the first result that appears on the page.
  2. In the window that opens, you need to select the “Create an account” button.
  3. After this, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it the first time without errors.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the “Login to Mail” dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will arrive in your inbox, the first of which is necessary to set up your Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of your account.
  7. During the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) search history - a list of Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm for creating an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various email services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.

Do you have e-mail? If not, it will be in 5 minutes!

From this lesson you will learn how to easily and quickly create a mailbox After all, on the Internet you can’t live without mail. During any registration, you must indicate your mailbox; it is required as a passport in life.

Nothing complicated about mail registration no, but questions still arise and every day hundreds of people are looking for the answer to this question. This lesson will help all beginners!

There are quite a lot of services that offer to create a mailbox. In this lesson I will tell you how to create a mailbox on

Let's get started right now!

To do this, go to the website and click on the link “ Registration by mail».

In the window that opens, fill in fields with your data: enter first name, last name, birthday, city. In the Mailbox field, we come up with a login for your mailbox, and one that will be free. Next to the login, select or another domain zone from the list. Then we come up with a password, it should contain both numbers and letters, enter your mobile phone number and press the “ Register».

An SMS message with a confirmation code should be sent to the specified number. In the next window you need to enter it and click “Finish”.

All mailbox completed! The next window is our mailbox, you can see that we have two incoming letters. These are letters from itself, from the administration.

The letter welcomes us to the service and thanks us for registering. These emails can be deleted immediately.