What is the name of the ancient city of Croton now? What hotels in Crotone have nice views? The small German city of Trier and the “Great City of Treves” of old chronicles

), on the river Ezare. Founded in 710 BC by the Achaeans and Spartans, it achieved early prosperity thanks to maritime trade. In 510 the Crotoniates destroyed Sybaris, but were soon defeated by the Locrians. After this, K. gradually falls. During the 2nd Punic War, K., occupied by Hannibal, fell into the hands of the Romans and became their colony.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what “Croton city” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Κρότων, now Cotrone) a city in Bruttium (now Calabria), on the river. Ezare. Founded in 710 BC. Achaeans and Spartans and achieved early prosperity thanks to maritime trade. In 510, the Crotoniates destroyed Sybaris, but were soon defeated... ...

    Croton (Greek: Krótōn), modern Italian Crotone, ancient Greek city in Southern Italy. Founded at the end of the 8th century. BC e. In the last third of the 6th century. BC e. Pythagoras lived in K., who founded his school here. In 510 BC e. residents of K.... ...

    - (Croton, Κρότων). A city in southern Italy, the birthplace of the famous athlete Milo. Here the philosopher Pythagoras founded his school. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, published by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    This term has other meanings, see Croton. Croton (ancient Greek Κρότων) in ancient Greek mythology is a hero, eponym of the city of Croton (now Crotone). His wife Lavreta. His people captured the Amazon city founded by Cleta. Provided... ... Wikipedia

    Croton, Κρότων, n. Crotone, a city in Bruttium, founded in 710 BC by the Achaeans and Spartans (Hdt. 8, 47) and soon achieved a high degree of prosperity through trade and navigation (Liv. 24, 3); was a gymnastics center and... Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    I Croton (Greek: Krótōn) modern Italian Crotone (Crotone), an ancient Greek city in Southern Italy. Founded at the end of the 8th century. BC e. In the last third of the 6th century. BC e. Pythagoras lived in K., who founded his school here. In 510 BC e. residents of K... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Himera. Ruins of Himera Himera (ancient Greek ... Wikipedia

    Reggio di Calabria Reggio di Calabria Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Metapont. Metapontum (ancient Greek: Μεταπόντιον, lat. Metapontum) is an ancient Greek city colony in Southern Italy, on the shores of the Gulf of Tarentum, in the ancient region of Lucania. Contents 1 Geography ... Wikipedia

    - (New York) the most populated and significant city of the North American Union and the New World in general, after London the 1st shopping center in the world, lies at 40°43 north. lat. (almost at the same latitude as Naples) and 74° west. debt., on the narrow side of Manhattan,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

(Κρότων, now Cotrone) - a city in Bruttium (now Calabria), on the river. Ezare. Founded in 710 BC by the Achaeans and Spartans, it achieved early prosperity thanks to maritime trade. In 510, the Crotoniates destroyed Sybaris, but were soon defeated by the Locrians. After this, K. gradually falls. During the 2nd Punic War, K., occupied by Hannibal, fell into the hands of the Romans and became their colony.

  • - KROTON, a genus of plants of the family. Euphorbiaceae. Trees, shrubs, sometimes grasses, etc. with alternate entire or 35-lobed, usually pubescent leaves. The flowers are small, in racemes...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Croton, Κρότων, n. Crotone, a city in Bruttium, founded in 710 BC by the Achaeans and Spartans and soon achieved a high degree of prosperity through trade and navigation...

    Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

  • - ancient Greek colony on the shore of Tarentsk. hall. in the region Bruttium. Basic in the 8th century BC. Achaeans and Dorians. Political system - aristocratic. republic...

    Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - ancient Greek colony on the shore of Tarentum Hall. in the region Bruttium. Basic in the 8th century BC e. Achaeans and Dorians. Political system - aristocratic. republic...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - a genus of plants from the Euphorbiaceae family. Trees, usually shrubs or perennial herbs, rarely annuals...
  • - a city in Bruttium, on the river. Ezare. Founded in 710 BC. Achaeans and Spartans and achieved early prosperity thanks to maritime trade...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Butyl chloral...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - I Croton is a modern Italian city, an ancient Greek city in Southern Italy. Founded at the end of the 8th century. BC e. In the last third of the 6th century. BC e. Pythagoras lived in K., who founded his school here...
  • - Croton, modern Italian Crotone, an ancient Greek city in Southern Italy. Founded at the end of the 8th century. BC e. In the last third of the 6th century. BC e. Pythagoras lived in K., who founded his school here...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Croton, a genus of plants in the Euphorbiaceae family. Monoecious or dioecious trees and shrubs, sometimes herbs, with alternate, almost always pubescent leaves and flowers in apical or axillary racemes...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a genus of plants in the Euphorbiaceae family. Trees, shrubs and herbs. OK. 750 species, in the tropics, less often in the subtropics; many are poisonous. Croton oil is obtained from the seeds of some species...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - KROTON a, m. croton m., gr. kroton. Genus of tropical plants of the family. Euphorbiaceae; Vegetable oil used in medicine is obtained from the poisonous seeds of a South Asian species. SIS 1985. Dying croton. plant that delivers litmus...

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  • - ; pl. mole/s, R....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - mole "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - croton is a genus of tropical plants of the family Euphorbiaceae; Vegetable oil used in medicine is obtained from the poisonous seeds of a South Asian species...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - ...

    Word forms

"Croton city" in books

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16. The city of Alba on the Tiber River and the city of Yaroslavl on the Volga White pig and thirty white piglets suckling it At the very beginning of Aeneas’s wanderings, he was given a “prophecy”, a fragment of which we have already quoted. It was predicted that Aeneas would have a LONG journey to Italy-Latinia

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9.6. The Chinese city of Balasagun and the old Russian city of Balakhna Along with the Imil River, Chinese chronicles also mention the city of Balasagun. Where was he? In the modern world atlas, we were unable to find the city of Balasagun anywhere in the East, in China or Mongolia. Certainly,

16. The city of Alba on the Tiber River and the city of Yaroslavl on the Volga White pig and thirty white piglets suckling it

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16. The city of Alba on the Tiber River and the city of Yaroslavl on the Volga White pig and thirty white piglets suckling it At the very beginning of Aeneas’s wanderings, he was given a “prophecy”, a fragment of which we have already quoted. It was predicted that Aeneas would have a LONG journey to Italy-Latinia (Ruthenium -

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Croton (ancient Greek city of Italy)


Croton (plant genus)

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74. CROTON TIGLIUM Croton tiglium. Podophyllum, Aloe, Croton cure diarrhea. Its main symptoms are: first, yellow, watery stools. Secondly, the suddenness of the eruption, flying out like a gunshot. Thirdly, bitterness from eating and drinking. In such a combination, Croton surpasses

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From the book Encyclopedia of Classical Greco-Roman Mythology author Obnorsky V.

Croton In ancient Greek mythology, Croton (??????) was a resident of southern Italy who died by accident at the hands of Hercules when the local king Lacinius tried to steal the cows of Geryon, which Hercules was driving through Italy to Mycenae. Hercules buried Croton with all the appropriate

Crotone was founded in 708 BC. e. by the Greeks who landed on the shores of the Ionian Sea in the place where the Delphic Oracle showed them. The name of the city is quite interesting: translated from Greek, the word “croton” means “castor bean” - a plant from the seeds of which castor oil is made. Most likely, in those distant times, these places abounded in castor bean thickets, which, however, still suffice today.

Today Crotone is a small but modern city with a well-developed infrastructure. The only harbor on the Ionian coast of Italy for mooring ships was built here. The recently opened airport has also increased the flow of tourists to these places.

How to get there

Crotone has its own airport, which bears the name of St. Anna. True, it is mostly used for domestic charter flights, but you can fly here from Rome without any problems. There is also a railway station in Crotone that receives trains from Naples, Reggio Calabria and other cities in the country.

Search for air tickets to Crotone (closest airport to Crotone)


Paid and free beaches of Crotone can be easily found along the eternally bustling embankments via Cristoforo Colombo and viale Gramsci. It is full of bars, restaurants and cafes for every taste, shops and souvenir shops are open, and in the evenings a smart, motley crowd of tourists mill about.

Popular hotels in Crotone

Wine from Crotone

Near Crotone there is the world-famous town of Ciro among wine connoisseurs, where Ciro, Melissa, Librandi and others are produced. According to legend, it was Ciro wine that served as a reward for Olympic athletes. Going there for a tasting is a particular pleasure among holidaymakers in Crotone. The lazy ones can be advised to look into one of the city’s wine shops to buy a bottle or two of the famous drink made from the grapevine. For example, to the Marino wine library (Via Nicoletta, 3), where there are about 800 types of wine, or to Squillace Vincenzo (Via Venezia, 80), where the owner is happy to let you taste table wine from huge barrels.

Entertainment and attractions in Crotone

It is best to start walking around ancient Crotone from Piazza Pythagoras, where the noisy and cheerful Via Vittoria street begins - it will lead you to Piazza Duomo. Here, wherever you look, you will find a landmark.

For example, the Church of the Virgin Mary (Chiesa della Immacolata, 1500), whose neoclassical facade is intricately decorated with elegant paintings. Nearby is the main cathedral of the city in honor of St. Maria Assunta, 16th century. Nestled next door is a chapel (Capella Privilegiata), where there is an amazing Byzantine icon of the Madonna di Capo Colonna, the so-called “Black Madonna”. It was brought to Crotone in the 19th century. from Palestine. Since then, every May 30, a solemn mass is served and a holiday is held in honor of the icon.

It is best to start walking around ancient Crotone from Piazza Pythagoras, where the noisy and cheerful Via Vittoria street begins - it will lead you to Piazza Duomo.

There are other religious buildings in Crotone that are undoubtedly worth visiting. For example, the Baroque Cathedral of St. Giuseppe, built in 1719, is notable for its marble altar and wooden statues of the saint in whose honor the temple was consecrated, as well as St. Gregory and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Next is the church and monastery of St. Chiara, founded in 1400. Interesting are the frescoes of the early 18th century, as well as the handmade floor in the Neapolitan majolica style. Finally, the Church of St. Peter and Paul from 1460, which today, alas, is in poor condition (due to the earthquake of 1783).

One of the favorite attractions of Crotone among tourists is, of course, the castle of Charles V built in 840 (heritage of the Saracens). Charles took charge of the castle in the 16th century, ordering it to be rebuilt and strengthened. Today it houses the Archaeological Museum (Via Risorgimento, 120; opening hours 9:00-19:00).

10 km from Crotone, on the picturesque cape of Capo Colonna, there are the ruins of the largest temple of Magna Graecia, or rather the only Doric column that remains from it. The temple, named after the queen of heaven Hera Lacinia, dates back to the 6th century. BC e.

  • Where to stay: look for secluded small bays with azure water in Maratea, unique for Europe landscapes with citrons - in Praia a Mare, developed infrastructure - in Scalea, walls of houses “painted” by famous masters - in Diamante, active and sports tourists should opt for Vibo Valentia, but those who are keen on ancient monuments will certainly be interested

Crotone is a city located in the Italian region of Calabria and is the administrative center of the province of the same name. Area: 179.8 km². Climate: mild, Mediterranean. Temperature changes are insignificant throughout the year. In July the thermometer rises to an average of +28 degrees, and in February the temperature drops to +10 degrees.


The basis of Crotone's transport system is buses (including night buses). You can also use a taxi or rented car to get around the city.


Start your walk around Crotone from Piazza Pythagoras, which smoothly turns into Piazza Duomo. There is the Church of Immacolata with intricate paintings. Here you will also find the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and a chapel that houses a priceless icon called the Madonna di Capo Colonna, made in the Byzantine style.


In between sightseeing in Crotone, you can play tennis or golf, go to a museum, club or restaurant. There are also all conditions for beach holidays and water sports.


Hotels in Crotone are classified according to a standard star system. Beauty salons, fitness clubs, shops, souvenir shops, and restaurants are open on the hotel premises.


By the way, about restaurants. Here you should order dishes from seafood and fish, vegetables and fruits. Desserts made from honey, figs and almonds deserve special attention.

The shops

In Crotone shops you can find clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, herbs and, of course, wine, which is considered one of the symbols of Italy.

And Greece. After all, the city was founded by Greek colonists, immigrants from the Peloponnese peninsula, and in ancient times the city was inhabited by Greeks. And although many years have passed since then, the language of the inhabitants gravitates more towards Greek than Italian. However, only experienced linguists can hear this nuance.

History of Crotone

Gorrod was founded in 710 BC. Thanks to its favorable location, as well as the enterprise of local residents, it quickly became one of the largest and most prosperous cities of the Great Greece(this is how the territories of Greek settlements in southern Italy were called in antiquity).

The inhabitants of Crotone were also famous in the ancient world for their excellent physical fitness (they repeatedly won Olympic Games), as well as the moderate lifestyle they led.
Science also flourished in the city. Thus, I found special fame in the ancient world medical school, and besides, medicine and mathematics were held in high esteem in the city.

One of the most famous events in the history of the ancient world was the war between the inhabitants of Crotone and their sybarite neighbors. The Sybarites were famous for leading an idle lifestyle. Both cities competed for hegemony in southern Italy. The matter ended with a war, and a natural, in my opinion, victory for Crotone.

In 480 BC. the city sent warships to participate in Battle of Salamis. However, that same year, the city's inhabitants were defeated by their neighbors, and an era of urban decline began.

During the Second Punic War, Hannibal chose Crotone as a wintering place for his army. In 194 BC. the city became one of the colonies of Rome. It was an insignificant city within the Roman Empire. Quite a few facts have been preserved about its history from this period. And after the collapse of the Roman Empire, it shared the fate of other cities. The city was owned by different peoples at different periods of history. Saracens and Normans, Spaniards and French visited here. In 1861, Crotone became part of a united Italy.

Attractions Crotone

Cathedral of Crotone. The city's cathedral was built in the 9th century. Like many other monumental cathedrals in Europe, the cathedral was rebuilt several times in subsequent years, and therefore its appearance contains features of several architectural styles. One of the attractions of the cathedral is the icon of the Black Madonna, which, according to legend, appeared in the city at the dawn of the Christian era.

Castle of Crotone. The castle was built in the 16th century by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Fifth. Today, on the territory of the castle there is a museum where artifacts found during excavations of the ancient city are exhibited. Also worthy of attention are the castle walls, which offer beautiful views of the city and its surroundings.

Ruins of an Antique Castle. The ancient fortress of the city is located on an island, which is connected to the mainland by a small strip of land.

Crotone on the map