How to make blurred edges in a photo. Shading in Photoshop. How to do edge feathering

If you don’t know how to blur edges in Photoshop, then the following article will give a comprehensive answer to this question. To carry out this operation, use the “Photoshop in Russian” program, which has proven itself to be the best on the market. Read more about its other functions in our articles, and also watch training videos.

The presented utility was created specifically for domestic users; its menus and functions are completely Russified, so there should be no problems with learning. It is equally suitable for both professionals and beginners in the complex business (this is only at first glance) of photo editing.

What to do to blur edges in Photoshop

To blur edges in Photoshop, follow these steps:

Step 1.

Step 2.

Add a photo to the program. This can be done in several ways, the simplest of which is to simply click on the top “Open photo” icon after launching the utility. Photoshop supports working with all image formats that are used to save photos.

Step 3.

Step 4.

There are two ways to blur edges in Photoshop: using the “Masks (edge ​​processing)” function or doing it “manually” using a brush. To use the first method, select the “Design” tab and then the corresponding function. The masks available for use will appear in the right field of the menu. We invite you to experiment with parameters such as: background type (translucent, tinted, plain) and mask shape (complex, rectangular, rounded, stylized). Select the option you like and click “Ok”.

To paint the edges with a brush, click the water droplet icon on the left side of the menu. On the right, configure parameters such as: size, hardness, transparency, blur, and then “manually”, by clicking the mouse on the edges, process them in the way you need. This process takes much longer than applying a mask, but it allows you to achieve originality. After all, no one will repeat this exactly again.

Step 5.

Now you know how to blur edges in Photoshop, but we suggest you not stop there, but explore other functions of the program. To make your training as fast and comfortable as possible, we have prepared detailed step-by-step instructions for you on each aspect. For example, this one: . Read, study, create, “Russian Photoshop” was created especially for you.

Good day everyone. my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I would like to tell you how to smooth edges in Photoshop after cutting, because if you don’t do this, then these imperfections are too obvious, especially after an oval selection or a rectangular lasso.

Simple smoothing

We will start, perhaps, with the simplest method. Open two images (where you will cut and where you will paste). In my case it will be the bride and the beach.

At the end, you can also do a little shading. To do this, again go to the menu “Selection” - “Modification”, but now select “Feathering”. Here you need to set the dimensions of the shading itself. But don't bet too much. See for yourself how much is enough for you. For example, 6 was enough for me, but someone may need 15. Experiment. You can always go back.

Edge refinement

Well, now the method is a little more complicated, but more effective. We have already encountered this function when . But today we will need it for simple smoothing.

As a result, we get a very nice image, without any corners or gaps. Everything is smooth and neat. This is what we wanted. Well, of course, you can do further processing of the image, but more on that in another article. But the most important thing is that you now know how to smooth the edges in Photoshop after cutting.

Well, this is where I will end my article for today. But if you still want to improve your knowledge of Photoshop or learn it from scratch, then I recommend that you watch these cool video tutorials. Everything is told in a very accessible language and will be understandable to any level of user. The course is truly finger-licking good.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.


Open the photo in Photoshop that you want to edit. This photo will be placed on the first layer.

Copy the photo to a new layer. To do this, go to the menu by selecting the “Layers” tab, and select “New”, and then go to the “Copy to new layer” item. All these manipulations can be replaced by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+J”. Make all changes exclusively on the new – second layer.

Refer to the menu and go to "Filter", selecting "Blur". Make your choice more specific by specifying Gaussian Blur. The intensity of the blur is regulated by only one parameter (it should be specified by choice: that is, select the value of the indicator at which, in your opinion, the blur will be ideal).

Add a mask to the blurry layer and start developing the photo. To do this, go to the “layer” menu and select “layer mask”, specifying “show all” in the options. Although nothing will change in the photo after the last steps, a white rectangle should appear on the right next to the new layer.

Go to the Tools panel and use the Brush Tool. But before you use the “brush”, configure the parameters of this tool. Set the optimal value (range 20-40 percent) of the “brush”. Remember that the higher the setting, the rougher the transition between sharp elements of the photo and blur will be.

Open the second layer and use a brush to paint over the figure of the person shown in the photo. Then connect the layers and admire the resulting photo.

Video on the topic


Save all effects to avoid losing them.

Helpful advice

If, while painting the second layer, you grab an extra piece, don’t worry: you can correct the mistake using white.


  • How to make a blurred background in Photoshop

We all love beautiful photos. And no one will deny that the most beautiful photo is sometimes one in which only one or two objects in the foreground or background are in focus, and the rest are blurred. This function is available to those whose camera allows you to take such pictures. What should those who do not have such an opportunity do? In order for the viewer not to be distracted by details that are not important, and just to take a beautiful processed photo, you can use a photograph.

You will need

  • - computer
  • - ACDSee editor of any version
  • - photo to be processed


Click on the "Selection" menu button. Tools will open in front of you. Select Free Lasso and draw a circle around which you want the background. Trace carefully, preferably along the inner contour of the outline, so as not to accidentally leave pieces of the background unblurred.

Once you have selected the object, click on the “Invert” button. The entire background surrounding the object should stand out. Click "Done."

Click on the "Blur" button. A menu will open in front of you with the degree of blur and the type of blur. The Gaussian blur method is considered the most natural and high-quality. Select the amount of blur you want to use. After that, click “Done” or simply save the photo.

Video on the topic


Do not highlight in chunks - the blur will be incomplete, the borders will be visible, this will spoil the overall impression of the photo.

Helpful advice

Try not to overdo it with blur, remember that there must still be a background, and it is enough to focus attention on the desired subject.

Blurring the edges of an image is one of the artistic techniques that forces the viewer to focus their attention on the center of the picture or on the object that seems important to the author. In addition, it can give the image a slightly mysterious look and a romantic mood. There are several ways to achieve this in Photoshop. We will tell you about the most flexible and universal.

You will need

  • We will need any version of Adobe Photoshop from the last ten years. The instructions are written for the most difficult situation, when the original Photoshop menus are in English and are not localized for a Russian user. Even under these circumstances, you can cope with the task with dignity.


The universal and favorite tool of a computer designer, Adobe Photoshop, has been improving and becoming more complex for the third decade, in fact, being the standard and reference point for any type of graphic programs created in the world these years. Mastering it means reaching a professional level. Many hundreds of image processing techniques and effects are available, but as often happens, the more sophisticated and solid the technology, the more difficult it is to make it serve you at the press of one “magic button”. But nothing is impossible for a pro.
Upload the original image. First of all, we need to decide what will remain untouched in our picture and what will be affected by the “foggy haze”. To do this, use the selection tool:

If we just need to blur the very edges of a rectangular image, we'll use the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Draw a rectangle, retreating some distance from the edge of the image.

If we need to select an object of complex shape, we can use the Lasso tool. Carefully outline the object, which will remain unaffected by the effect.
One way or another, we got a mask that defines the area of ​​the effect: we see how ants “march” along the contour we need, and the selection indicators flicker.

Now let’s press a few magic keys. Ctrl+Shift+I (that is, while holding down Ctrl and Shift, press the Latin I). Now the ants began to run around the area from the edge of the image to the untouchable object. This way we invert the selection. You can also do this by groping in the Select>Inverse menu, but, you see, this is a little longer than pressing Ctrl+Shift+I

And now another combination. Ctrl+J. Thus, we created a new layer, on which now appears our mysterious .

(If anyone is interested, this layer is visible in the list of layers; you can admire it separately by turning off the main image - by clicking the “eye” icon in the line with the layer of the original image.) If you don’t like it, you can do the same operation through the Layer menu >New>Layer via Copy
Thus, on top of the original image we have an independent layer on which we can perform any actions - blur it in any way to any extent.

Blur effects are in a separate submenu (Filter>Blur>). The choice here is for real gourmets. For example:

Gaussian Blur is the most natural and pleasing to the human eye. Classic "dregs".

Motion Blur adds dynamism to the picture.

Radial Blur can create the impression of an object rapidly moving away or flying towards the viewer.
By varying the parameters, you can achieve very different and tasty results.

Another convenient thing: since the frame subject to change is located on a separate layer, we can strengthen or weaken the effect by changing the parameters of this layer - for example, its transparency (Opacity parameter) at the top in the layers panel, or by changing its blending mode to the original image. So, by switching the parameter to Multiply or to Lighten, you can achieve a “vignette” effect - darkened or, on the contrary, “exposed” blurry edges of the picture. Experiment to your heart's content.

Having completed the layer-by-layer work, you can combine all the layers into a single image. This is done in the Layer>Flatten Image menu.
So, if we don’t need any special experiments, just load the image, make a rectangular selection, press Ctrl+Shift+I and Ctrl+J, then in the Filter>Blur menu find Gaussian Blur, move the slider to

Blurring the edges of a photo is one of the most commonly used techniques by photographers and designers. A fairly simple basic effect that won’t take you much time to learn. Due to the fact that it is used often, it is worth knowing.

There are several ways to feather the edge of a photo. And the results of the work vary somewhat. Let's explore both.

First, let's prepare a photo. To do this, you should create a white workspace. And then drag the photo you like there. Like that:

The first is to blur the edge of the photo using the feathering tool.

Select the area close to the border of the photo.

Click on the selected area with the right mouse button. Select “shading” from the drop-down list.

Set the feathering radius. This is not necessarily the meaning. You can choose any other at your discretion.

Now to get a blurred edge we need to invert the photo.

What we got after inversion.

Now just press the del button.

The edges of the image, as you can see, have blurred. For a more pronounced effect, you can repeat it.

We combine the layers and save.

I'll show you another way to blur the edges of a photo, which is more interesting in my opinion. To do this, use the Gaussian Blur tool.

In my opinion, this effect is more interesting than the previous one due to the uneven blurring of the border.

Let's return to the original image. Repeat the selection. Let's invert.

Now we are looking for the “Gaussian blur” operation.

As you can see, this time we have a clear blur border.

The larger the blur radius you set, the clearer the border is drawn.

And a very simple way is the third one. But it is “for the little ones.” The easiest to understand and the most time consuming. It will not be possible to perform these steps carefully the first time.

Select “blur” from the toolbar. Right-click on the work area and select the blur radius.

Then, while holding shift, move the cursor along the edge of the photo.

For comparison "before"

And after"

This method, by the way, can be used not only for photos, but also for any other cut-out objects.

By combining commands you can achieve very beautiful effects. You should not rely on one method; there are situations where you will have to use all three. Let's say when creating a colorful collage for a banner. Therefore, I strongly advise you to remember all three.

Today, the doors to the magical world of computer technology are open to any of us; now we don’t need to bother with developing and printing, as before, and then be upset for a long time that the photo turned out a little unsuccessful.

Nowadays, from a good moment to being captured in a photo, one second is enough, and this can be a quick shot for a family album, or a highly professional shooting, where the work is just beginning after transferring the “caught” moment.

However, processing any graphic file is accessible to anyone today, and you can learn how to take beautiful pictures yourself very quickly. One of the most popular programs that help polish any photo, of course, is Adobe Photoshop.

In this tutorial I will show you how easy it is to create blurred edges in Photoshop. I think it will be both interesting and useful!

The simplest way. To blur the edges, we open the desired image, in fact, in Photoshop, and then decide on the area that we want to see blurred as a result of our efforts.

Do not forget that we are not working in Photoshop with the original! We always create an additional layer, even if you already know how to work well with photos - occasional failures should not spoil the source in any case.

On the left small vertical panel in Photoshop, right-click on the tool called "Selection", and then select "Oval area". Using it, we determine the area in the picture that does NOT need to be blurred, for example, the face.

Open then "Selection", select "Modification" And "Shading".

A small new window should appear with one single, but necessary, parameter - in fact, the choice of the radius of our future blur. Here we try again and again and see what comes out. To start, let's say select 50 pixels. The required result is selected using the trial method.

Then invert the selection using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+I and press the key DEL to remove excess. In order to see the result, you need to remove visibility from the layer with the original image.

Method number two

There is another option for blurring edges in Photoshop, and it is used much more often. Here we will work with a handy tool called "Quick mask"— it’s easy to find almost at the very bottom of the program’s vertical panel on the left. By the way, you can just press Q.

Then open "Filter" on the toolbar, select the line there "Blur", and then "Gaussian blur".

The program opens a window in which we can easily and simply adjust the degree of blur. Actually, this is an advantage that is noticeable to the naked eye: you are not working here on some whim, going through options, but clearly and clearly defining the radius. Then just click "OK".

To see what we ended up with, we exit the quick mask mode (by clicking on the same button, or Q), then press simultaneously CTRL+SHIFT+I on the keyboard, and simply delete the selected area with the button DEL. The final step is to remove the unnecessary selection line by clicking CTRL+D.

As you can see, both options are very simple, but with their help you can easily blur the edges of an image in Photoshop.

Happy photography! And never be afraid to experiment, this is where the magic of inspiration lies: sometimes a real masterpiece is created from the most seemingly unsuccessful photos.