How to check battery status on Android? How to check the battery on a laptop for performance (condition of battery capacity and wear)

Not many users know that improper functioning of the battery can cause a considerable number of problems related to the operation of the computer itself. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the battery. If your PC battery is not charging, first check the power cable and drivers, and only then move on to the battery. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to check the functionality of a laptop battery. Let's figure it out. Go!

What are the main causes of laptop battery problems? There are quite a lot of them. The most common is banal wear and tear. The battery does not last forever and has a service life (usually 2-3 years) and after that it does not work so well. So don't forget about this fact. After all, if you have an old laptop, it’s probably time to replace the battery long ago. The battery is a consumable item that can be replaced without any problems.

There are several rules that will allow you to maximize battery life. First, remove the battery when the laptop is running on AC power. Very often, people use laptops as a stationary device without removing the battery, which shortens its service life. The second rule is that it is recommended to completely discharge/charge the battery at least once every couple of weeks, and preferably every week. Otherwise, problems may begin much earlier than the specified period.

Other reasons for poor battery performance:

  • A short circuit has occurred;
  • The operation of the power controller was disrupted;
  • There are problems with the battery contacts;
  • The power supply to the motherboard was interrupted;
  • Drivers do not work correctly;
  • The power cable is damaged.

If for some reason you do not want to contact a technician or service center, you can independently diagnose the laptop battery. To do this, you will need to download and install the special BatteryCare utility. With its help, you can view all the basic information on the operation and current state of the battery. BatteryCare also offers the user tips and recommendations for improving battery performance and reducing charge consumption. In general, the program is very useful, and completely free. So be sure to download it.

Another great utility that offers similar capabilities is Battery Optimizer. Among the advantages and features, we can highlight the fact that Battery Optimizer allows you to increase the battery life of a laptop by making changes to the operation of some services. In this case, the program itself tells all this to the user. In addition, here you will find extensive and detailed information on the operation of the battery.

You can also do without using programs. All you need is a multimeter. Switch it to DC mode and connect it to the battery, after disassembling it. Before disassembling the battery, be sure to completely discharge it. To open the battery, insert a knife into the longitudinal seam of the case and pull apart the covers. After this, check the voltage in the circuit using a multimeter. The display should show a value equal to the number of batteries multiplied by 3.7. If the voltage of an individual cell is less than 3.7, then this indicates that it is time to replace it.

Now you know how to check your laptop battery for performance. Write in the comments whether this article was useful to you, share your own experience with other users, and ask any questions you have about the topic discussed.

  • The main advantage of a portable laptop is that with the help of its built-in battery, it can work for some time without the need to be connected to a power supply. Depending on the capacity of the battery, its autonomous service life may vary. In order to be able to work with a laptop PC autonomously for as long as possible, it is important to learn how to conduct a battery test yourself, with which you can check the performance of the laptop battery, as well as how much internal resources it has already used. If necessary, it also wouldn't hurt to learn how to use a battery testing device - to do this, you'll need to disassemble the battery compartment of your computer.

    Battery diagnostics by running the command line

    First of all, it should be mentioned that there are a large number of different network programs or utilities that allow you to test the status of a laptop battery. The most accessible and well-known utility, which is always at the user’s fingertips, is a free program that runs through the Windows operating system.

    To check your laptop battery through it, you need to perform the following simple steps::

    • open in section "Programs" subparagraph "Standard";
    • find command line y;
    • click on it, log in and type the phrase powercfg energy(battery condition);
    • click Enter and start the process;
    • After some time, a window will indicate file, in which you can get acquainted with the current state of your battery: its health, capacity level and information about the last charging cycle.

    It should be borne in mind that all digital indicators should be as close to each other as possible. For example, if the number of the last full charge of the battery is significantly lower than the number reflecting its calculated capacity (one and a half or two times), the battery will need to be replaced.

    A reverse discrepancy (calculated capacity lower than the last full charge) means that the battery stores much less energy potential than before. This is quite natural, especially if the laptop has been used for several years.

    Battery diagnostics using the BatteryCare program

    To check battery performance, you can use this free software that you will need to install on your laptop. Such testing of a laptop battery will show the actual capacity of the battery, the level of maximum charge, and an indicator of how charged the battery is at the time of the test. BatteryCare will also show the battery voltage level and the percentage of its wear. In order to view these indicators, you will need to go to the tab "Additionally".

    Imtec Battery Mark utility

    It is remarkable because it can be used to test batteries on both a new and an old laptop. The battery test can be carried out either normally or in accelerated mode.

    The utility builds a scale on which you can monitor how the battery charge level changes, after which all parameters will be saved in a special report. The program also allows you to test batteries under high load conditions.

    Popular utility Aida 64

    A well-known program that allows you to carry out not only battery tests, but also check the software and hardware that computers have. Aida 64 checks all installed applications, BIOS, multimedia, security level, memory and processor heating of your laptop. If you want to check not only the battery, but also the state of the computer software as a whole, check all parameters by downloading this utility.

    As for the battery itself, checking the laptop battery allows you to familiarize yourself with the following data:

    • battery type;
    • capacity specified in the passport;
    • capacity level when the battery is fully charged;
    • voltage indicators;
    • general battery condition;
    • at what speed does it discharge;
    • level of battery wear.

    How to check battery status with a multimeter

    Laptop computer owners often ask how to check a laptop battery using a special tester. It is called a multimeter, and the readings taken by it are the most accurate. However, in order to use this technique, you will need to learn how to disassemble the battery.

    In order to do everything correctly, the surface on which the batteries will be manipulated must be hard and level.

    You will need:

    • small breadboard knife;
    • multimeter;
    • technical adhesive that can be used to process plastic parts;
    • a light bulb from a low power car;
    • soldering iron;
    • new batteries if the working condition of the tested batteries is zero.

    Discharge the battery completely, then remove it from the computer. Using a knife, carefully open the case, separating it in half. Just in case, take a photo of the order in which the batteries are located in the compartment so as not to reverse the polarity if you need to replace them.

    The voltage test itself with a multimeter must be carried out on each battery separately, and the readings recorded - in order to “calculate” the weakest links in the battery chain. Remember that when taking measurements, you should focus on U values ​​from 3.7 to 4.1 volts on each battery. If U values ​​are less, the element should be replaced with a new one.

    When the new circuit is ready, you need to discharge each battery using a car light bulb to 3.2 volts. This is done in order to equalize their voltage levels.

    After replacing the elements (if, of course, it is necessary), reassemble the battery chain, strictly observing the polarity and working with a soldering iron as quickly as possible to prevent overheating of the batteries. In order to solder them using a more gentle method, It is strongly recommended to use a spot welding machine rather than a regular soldering iron . When finished, glue the two halves of the plastic block together and wait until it dries.

    Now that the battery is reassembled, you can charge it as usual. Under conditions of proper battery testing and properly carried out technical work, the battery will work properly and for a long time.

    Battery calibration: why do you need to reset the controller?

    If, after testing the laptop battery with a multimeter, it turns out that the batteries need to be partially or completely replaced, it is important not to forget about such a procedure as resetting the computer battery counter. It keeps track of the battery charge-discharge cycles and is responsible for the correct operation of the battery. This counter is called a controller. There are also special programs for working with it. For example, Battery eeprom works. It will help reset the cyclic counter, and the new battery will start working virtually from scratch, which will ensure the correct level of its activity.

    It may be necessary not only when replacing batteries, but also if there is a failure in the software of the computer itself, as a result of which the battery testing data may be incorrect. By the way, if the controller malfunctions, the laptop may suddenly turn off. At the same time, everything can be absolutely fine with the battery charge and the voltage at the outputs of the element.

    You can also reset the controller manually:

    • turn off the PC from the network, reboot;
    • call “BIOS” before the OS is fully loaded;
    • leave the PC turned on until the battery is completely discharged;
    • connect the charger and charge it fully again.

    As already mentioned, it is also necessary to reset the controller in the case when the failure occurs specifically in the PC software, and the batteries themselves do not need repair. This is very important to consider before you begin to carry out any direct operations inside the battery compartment. You may need to tamper with the battery itself, or you may not. You can determine how advisable it is to begin deeper testing of batteries based on the behavior of the laptop and the actual battery charge level.

    How to properly care for your battery

    In conclusion, it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with a few simple recommendations for caring for your laptop’s battery. In conditions of long-term operation from the network, you can remove it from the battery compartment and store it at a temperature not exceeding 20C. If the battery is stored separately from the computer, be sure to monitor its charge level: it should be at least 60%. It is not recommended to “pump” again, which are now installed in all portable PCs. Do not let the battery drain completely without recharging it soon.

    Thus, testing the battery is not difficult: even if you have to disassemble the battery compartment and use a multimeter, you can always correct the situation yourself - depending on what happened. If you follow the recommendations for the care and operation of the battery, it will last you much longer, effectively using up its entire optimal resource.

    Review of programs for conducting a laptop battery test

    The laptop primarily attracts us with its mobility and compactness. In all other characteristics, it is in most cases inferior to a desktop computer. The mobility of the laptop is ensured by the battery, and when it wears out and fails, the laptop is tightly chained to the outlet. Modern laptops use lithium batteries that last 3-4 years. Their average resource is 400-500 charge-discharge cycles. As the laptop wears out, it works less and less in offline mode. After all, the battery can't last an hour. Then you decide to replace the battery. The question arises, is it possible to somehow find out the degree of wear of a laptop battery? Yes, there are programs that allow you to test your laptop battery. This review will focus on just such utilities.

    Below we will describe programs that allow you to assess the condition of your laptop battery. With their help, you can independently assess the approximate degree of battery wear.

    Battery test using standard Windows utility

    To get started, you can use the standard Windows tool. The steps below are for the Windows 7 operating system.

    Press "Win + R" to open the "Run" window. Command Prompt must be run as administrator. This can be done from the Start menu as shown below.

    Type “cmd”, right-click and select the “Run as administrator” menu item.

    The report on the program's operation will be in the file report.html in the root of drive “C”.

    If you require a different location, please indicate it in your request above. Then open the report file and look at the following.

    Find the information block “Battery Information”. There we are interested in the values ​​​​of the calculated capacity and the last full charge. In our screenshot there are 54212 and 24009, respectively. The first value shows the initial capacity of the battery, and the second shows the capacity gained during the last charge. Using them you can calculate battery wear.

    (24009 / 54212) * 100% = 44%

    That is, by now 44 percent of the original battery capacity remains. In this state, my laptop works without a power outlet for about an hour.

    Battery Care

    A fairly simple and easy-to-use utility for testing a laptop battery. It puts little load on the system and has a clear presentation of the data. If you click on the Battery Care icon and click on the "Advanced" tab, you will find detailed information about the battery.

    There is the name of the battery, declared capacity, current condition, wear, etc. The program is completely free and is regularly updated by the developers.


    Aida64 is an application that is designed to comprehensively test and obtain information about your desktop computer or laptop. There is information not only about components, but also about the BIOS, software environment, and installed applications. For the purposes of this article, what is interesting to us is that Aida64 has a “Power Options” tab with laptop battery test results.

    Here you can find out the name of the battery, original and current capacity, voltage, degree of wear. The program is paid, but on the developers’ website you can download a 30-day Trial version and evaluate its capabilities.

    Battery Eater

    During a laptop battery test, the BatteryEater software algorithm loads various subsystems to the maximum to find out the minimum battery life.

    This testing will help evaluate how the battery will behave under critical load conditions. There are three test options. This is a simple, classic, reading mode.

    The test can be set to run when the laptop is disconnected from the network.

    Battery Bar

    According to the developers, Battery Bar is an intelligent application for testing laptop batteries of all well-known brands.

    The application collects detailed statistics on battery usage and shows the time before the laptop turns off while operating in offline mode. The application gradually learns and as the Battery Bar works, it shows more and more accurate test data. The utility does not interfere with operation and the data can always be viewed by hovering the cursor over the icon in the system tray.

    The program has a paid Pro version, which opens up additional options for customizing the application.

    The fact is that in Windows (as I already wrote above) there is a special utility that monitors the battery status and now we will use one more of its features.

    First of all, we need to run and execute (write or paste from here) the powercfg energy command:

    and wait until the information is collected. This usually takes about a minute. After finishing, the window will say that everything is ready and the report file has been created. Usually it is saved in the same place as the command line ( windows/system32) and is called energy-report.html. However, all this will be written to you:

    Now we go to this very directory, the path of which is written, and open it through the received report. There is a lot of information in it, but the main one for this article is this Battery information. Pay attention to parameters such as Estimated Capacity and Last Full Charge. Ideally, these values ​​should be equal. The lower the Last Full Charge value, the lower the battery's ability to store energy. A decrease in the value of the second parameter in relation to the first by 50 percent or more indicates that the battery will soon have to be replaced.

    If this file does not want to open for you, then try copying it to any other folder, and open it from there.

    As you can see, find out when should you replace the battery quite easy, based on all the data. You can also pay attention to other useful tips and recommendations.

    Often problems in the functioning of a laptop arise due to poor battery performance. If the battery does not charge, the cause of the failure should be identified. You should start by checking the cord and voltage in the electrical network, then pay attention to the drivers, which play an important role in the functioning of the device.

    It may also be due to damage to the power circuit or connector. If the problem lies here, it is necessary to restore the board tracks, it may also require a complete replacement - this cannot be done without diagnostics.

    If you don’t find a problem here, then the problem is directly in the laptop battery.

    The battery on the laptop does not charge: reasons

    Let's note standard battery problems.

    1. Probably the most common cause of problems is simple physical wear and tear. Batteries on modern laptop models can withstand no more than 800 charge cycles. Thus, the device is designed to last for 2 years, after which in most cases the battery will need to be replaced. That is, the battery life is on average two years, sometimes three. After each charge cycle, the battery capacity is reduced; over the course of a year, this capacity decreases by about fifteen percent. The battery is a consumable item, so this process is quite predictable and often this breakdown is not even included in the warranty card. However, you can extend the life of the battery by following simple rules of use: the battery cannot be kept in the device all the time if the laptop is powered by an external power source - you must remove it and store it in a cool, dark place;

    Important! Carry out a full discharge/charge cycle at least several times a week, otherwise the battery will fail quite unexpectedly and faster than you might expect.

    1. Also, the reason may lie in the failure of one battery in the battery, due to which the entire battery does not function. In this case, the battery must be restored;
    2. The next reason is a short circuit;
    3. If the laptop does not see the battery, but is charging, most likely the reason is the failure of the controller itself - and in this case it is necessary to change the battery;
    4. If the laptop sees the battery, but does not charge, there are a number of possible reasons:
    • The issue is the battery contacts, they may be damaged and may need to be cleaned to prevent oxidation;
    • The battery is not inserted correctly, remove it and reinsert it;
    • The battery life is exhausted;
    • It's a matter of the motherboard's power supply;
    • Drivers do not work;
    • The cord is damaged;
    • The battery is inoperative and needs to be replaced.

    Of course, after discovering the cause of the problem, it is better to contact a specialist to fix it. But you can try to rehabilitate the battery yourself.

    To get started, we perform a number of simple steps:

    1. Turn off the device through the Start menu;
    2. Pull out the power cord;
    3. Remove the battery from the device;
    4. Press the power button and hold for 20 seconds;
    5. We put the battery back in and boot the computer;

    If the charge in the tray is at a minimum level, connect an external power source.

    We carry out battery diagnostics

    Wondering how to check the battery on a laptop? To diagnose battery performance and determine its level of performance, there are many different utilities. By the way, they sometimes help to increase the service life of the battery.

    Let's look at several popular and quite effective programs. But it is worth remembering that the causes of problems are quite varied, and the program will not always be able to fix them. Often these utilities can extend battery life by reducing the load.

    Monitors the battery status, is quite easy to use, and does not slow down the system. Shows detailed information about battery performance, for example, by what percentage the capacity has decreased. Based on the initial characteristics. You can also find out the number of complete battery charge cycles and the calibration date. The utility also shares tips on reducing battery consumption. The program is free and updates automatically. I think it's worth downloading if you haven't already.

    Also a fairly well-known program for optimizing battery performance and maximizing its service life. The utility differs from similar ones in a convenient function - it can tell you by what percentage the battery life can be increased if you change some services of the system. Changed settings are saved in your personal profile, after which you can easily open them at any time. The utility does advanced monitoring of battery performance, making an assessment of the loss, comparing it with the rated power of the battery. It has a fairly simple and user-friendly interface and does not require special knowledge to use.

    Tests the battery condition, indicates the actual capacity. The program is useful when buying a used laptop; in a few minutes you can find out what condition the battery is in and how long it will last.

    Another similar utility. Reduces energy consumption by disabling unnecessary processes, allowing the computer to work up to two times longer.

    How to troubleshoot battery problems

    If you have problems with the battery, do not immediately go to the store for a new one. It is quite possible to restore it. Of course, the battery capacity is not designed for a certain number of cycles, but there are recovery methods.

    Let's look at solutions to the most common problems.

    Battery won't charge

    Sometimes the battery simply stops receiving a charge. The laptop sees the battery, the charge level is shown in the tray, but when connected to an external power source, nothing changes.

    What to do?

    Let's return the battery settings in the BIOS to their original values. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • Disconnect the laptop from external power;
    • Carefully remove the battery;
    • Press the computer's power button and hold it for at least a minute;
    • We connect the device to the power supply, do not insert the battery;
    • We go into bios: when the system boots, press the key combinations that are indicated in the user manual. Often this is Del, F12 or F2;
    • Reset the settings to the initial value (Restore Defauts), save (Save), exit (Exit);

    • Turn off the device by holding the power button for 5 seconds;
    • Pull out the cord, insert the battery;
    • Insert the plug and connect the laptop to an external power source;
    • Loading.

    The method worked if you see a system notification that the battery is charging.

    The charge is on, but not 100%

    The charge continues, but does not reach its logical conclusion; the battery is not fully charged. Another symptom of the “disease” is that the battery life of the device per charge is greatly reduced. The laptop holds a charge several times less than before.

    What to do?

    The utilities that we discussed earlier will come in handy here. We check the condition of the battery of one of them. We need to know the following characteristics: the declared power of the battery (also known as the nominal power), the maximum power level that the battery reaches today and the percentage of battery wear. Accordingly, the higher the number, the higher the need to replace the battery. If the percentage is insignificant, most likely the battery is not the main reason for the decrease in battery life. Go ahead.

    The problem may lie in some program that you recently installed. It can work quietly in the background and significantly increase the performance of the processor and Wi-Fi, thus closing the transition to saving mode. To check the presence of such utilities, call the dispatcher by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and analyze the operation of background programs. Deactivating unnecessary utilities can improve battery life.

    The purchased battery does not function

    The reason may lie in the incompatibility of the purchased battery with the charging controller. Batteries may be the same size, but differ in other characteristics. Try resetting the BIOS settings. If this does not help, compare the markings of the old and new batteries - they should not be different.

    Thus, there is no need to panic at the first battery failure. Moreover, you shouldn’t immediately look for money for a new battery; by the way, it costs a lot. Try our recommendations and follow the steps described. Try to diagnose and restore the battery using special utilities or by resetting the system settings. Check various options and analyze the causes of the breakdown. Perhaps it's not so scary. If you do not neglect the rules of operation of the device, the battery will last a long time. By the way, batteries rarely fail so suddenly; more often problems arise in the software or the cause is the power supply/connector. Try all the methods, and only then replace the battery with a new one.

    Note! When buying a battery, it is better to take with you an old battery or a laptop, so it is more likely that you will be offered exactly the element that you need.