How to send a music file on whatsapp. How to send music on WhatsApp

How can I easily and quickly send audio to whatsapp messenger, what if I’m still a newbie and I’m afraid to click something wrong? Don't worry, we will help you here too.

Let's start with the fact that WhatsApp is an improved version of the format virtual correspondence. That is, instead of a boring and inexpressive SMS, you now have the opportunity to send and receive a message, supplemented beautiful photo, video file or music. You can do this one-on-one with a person, or create a special chat and please several close people at once (read about expanding your friend feed here ““). In addition, the service involves several other interesting features, which will be revealed to you as you use it (in particular, whether it is possible - you will find out in another section of our site).

The application works with voice messages, so listening to WhatsApp audio is easy - through the speaker or through the receiver. If something doesn’t work, check the settings on your phone: it happens that the volume settings for notifications, the speaker are different, and in general, when playing media files, the sound may be turned off. Just turn it back on.

How to send audio to a friend on WhatsApp from iPhone?

Here there are some nuances related to Apple's copyright policy and their protection. As you can see in the photo, there is not even such a button. You won’t be able to send any audio on WhatsApp from an iPhone in one click, you’ll need third party program called iTransfer. Further, all actions will go through the library with music. About, ? - we will discuss in another article.

How to accurately send an audio recording on WhatsApp on Android?

    • Go to the chat window you need and select the button with a cute paper clip.

    • Let’s also clarify a couple of our actions

  • Click and look at the list of proposed files of suitable resolution. If you wish, you can choose not one, but several songs, and make several of your interlocutors happy at once.

You can even send songs from one friend to another using this scheme: in the original chat, mark what you want to send to another, and click on the thick gray arrow. We return to the person with whom we had a dialogue before and send it. This way you save both time and traffic (the media file will not be uploaded again).

Why can't I send audio on WhatsApp?

Check the track size. Please note that the service has a limit on the amount of data for transfer, namely 16 MB. Also make sure that your Internet connection is ok.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in the question, how to send music on WhatsApp, because this application is very popular today.

Fortunately, the messenger developers made sure that it was possible to share audio recordings in chats.

Important! It is worth noting that with the Android operating system this is done quite simply, which cannot be said about iOS. This is due to the fact that Apple is very zealous about copyright, so it perceives sending media files no differently than piracy.

How to send music on WhatsApp on Android

  • launch the messenger;
  • open a chat with by the desired user;
  • click on the icon in the form paper clip , which is located at the top of the display or opposite the message entry window;

  • press the button below YES;
  • And finally press the button Send.

How to Send Music to WhatsApp on Iphone

whatsapp music through Apple devices it is simply not transmitted. Since Apple Corporation holds copyright and music cannot be transferred just like that. However, it is still possible to bypass this annoying limitation.

First way not easy, but in this article we will try to figure out how to send music to WhatsApp on an iPhone. Be patient and read the article to the end:

  • Download the music you need in mp3 or other format to your computer from trusted resources;
  • Go to;
  • Log in with your Apple ID;

  • Pass two-factor authentication. A window will pop up on your iPhone in which you will have to allow the device to log in by clicking on the button Allow and then the following window with the code will appear Apple checks ID, which will need to be entered on the computer;

  • Enter the authentication code in the browser that was sent to your iPhone.

  • After correctly entering the Apple ID verification code, in the dialog box that appears, click on the button Trust, so that next time in this browser you do not have to authenticate again;

  • If you did everything according to the instructions, then you will be taken to icloud, where we need to select iCloud Drive;

  • Click on the icon for uploading the file we need to the server, and in particular mp3, indicate the path to them and click open, you can select several files at once;

  • After successfully uploading files to iCloud Drive, further actions we will conduct it directly on the iPhone itself.

Download the Files utility for Iphone IOS 11 and higher

  • Select the desired compositions to send;
  • Click on the icon at the bottom left (square with an up arrow)
  • Find from the list whatsapp and click on its icon;

  • Find the contact you want to send to music file, press Send;
  • In the window that appears, in the top right, also click on Send;

  • At this point, the stage of Sending music to WhatsApp on Iphone is completed. You can send music to someone from your contact list or listen to it.

Second way, which is described in almost all articles on WhastApp on the Internet, using the ITransfer program, unfortunately not relevant, since in free version This function has been removed.

To do this, you need to download the iTransfer application in the AppStore. There are two versions: free and paid.

Users can not only exchange text messages, you also need to know how to send a song to WhatsApp so that the interlocutor can enjoy a new product or just an interesting recording.

In addition to sending audio to WhatsApp, there are a number of additional pleasant features. It was not for nothing that more than a billion users from all over the world chose it.

He can:

  • Send and receive voice and text messages in real time;
  • Transfer media files, including audio;
  • Make voice and video calls using the Internet connection

How to send a song to your interlocutor on WhatsApp?

How to transfer a song to WhatsApp on Android

It is much easier to accomplish your plans on this OS.

To send music via WhatsApp, you need:

In addition, you can transfer a song you have already received from a third-party interlocutor.

The advantage of this method is that this way you can save time and traffic.

How to transfer a song to WhatsApp on iOS

For the OS on iPhones, everything is not so simple. The platform is very zealous about copyright, so it considers the transfer of music as an infringement (piracy). Because of this, the transfer of audio files is prohibited. But this limitation can be circumvented if you use third-party developments, for example, the iTransfer application.

It's frivolous, but ads will appear periodically. You can download it from the AppStore.

  • After installing it, you need to open " Music library» and select the desired file;
  • Next you need to click on the bottom right " Open in…", and select WhatsApp messenger from the list.

A list of all chats and contacts will be displayed. You just need to choose a person to talk to and send the song to WhatsApp. After this, a person will be able to download the song directly in the messenger or to a smartphone and enjoy the piece of music without restrictions for free.

In addition, you can use a voice recorder to record voice messages, which can play an excerpt from a melody. This is done so that the interlocutor can help you find the name of the song and find it on the Internet.

In today's article we will find the answer to the question: “ how to transfer a song via WhatsApp and Telegram" No jailbreak or paid software.

Mobile operating room iOS system It has whole line restrictions. Apple Company user access to file system decided to close it, and the list of files that you can transfer from your smartphone is limited photographs, video And documents. But I really want to send a few tracks from iTunes, share the mood that evokes. I won’t hesitate, but will get straight to the point.

Send music via WhatsApp, Telegram and Mail

1. B App Store download the application iTransfer. Lite version with intrusive advertising distributed absolutely free of charge. You can get rid of annoying pop-ups in 219 rubles.


Genre: Utilities, Working with files
Version: 3.11
iPhone: Free [Download from App Store]
Includes in-app purchases

2. Launch iTransfer and select Music Library. A list of downloaded files will open. iTunes music, with the usual distribution by albums, playlists and artists.

3. Open the desired playlist and in the upper right corner click Select. Select a song.

4. In the lower right corner, select Open In(Open in). A list will open available applications, among which will be WhatsApp, Telegram, Mail and a few more (the list depends on the programs installed on your iPhone).

If the required application is not displayed, swipe from right to left to open the list of applications and enable the missing ones.

5. After selecting the required application, a list of recent chats and contacts in WhatsApp application(Telegram).

Select a contact and confirm sending.

The recipient will immediately receive the composition you sent. Use this method You can also send songs via email clients. Currently the following messengers are supported: whatsapp, Telegram, WeChat. Standard application Mail, clients myMail And Mail.Ru also held in high esteem.

website In today's article we will find the answer to the question: “how to transfer a song via WhatsApp and Telegram.” No jailbreak or paid software. Mobile operating system iOS has a number of limitations. Company Apple access decided to close the user to the file system, and the list of files that you can transfer from your smartphone is limited to photos, videos and documents. But I really want to send...

One of the secrets of the popularity of the messenger is ample opportunities communications. You can not only correspond, exchange photos and videos, but also send voice messages or music files to each other. And all this is within the framework of funny subscription fee for a year - virtually free. How to send audio on WhatsApp or listen to it, read on.

Sending audio via messenger

  • Being in a certain individual or group chat, click the paperclip icon at the top - a menu with six buttons will open.

  • You can send an image, business card, or location. But now we are interested in the red “Audio” button.
  • You can write down a voice message to the device's voice recorder or directly to WhatsApp, as well as select a song from the phone's memory and send it to the chat.

  • After this, a scale with a play button and a microphone icon will appear in the dialog box. Just like the recipient, you can listen to what you sent.

You can also send a voice message in a fast way by clicking the microphone icon to the left of the text entry field. Next to it there is also a camera icon, with which you can quickly take a photo and immediately throw it into the chat.

Read more about submitting images. While holding your finger on the microphone button, record a voice message; to send, release and press the corresponding button.

Attention: some devices do not immediately start recording a message, but one second after pressing the button to record. Therefore, it is worth waiting a moment before starting to speak.

How to save audio from WhatsApp

If you sent something necessary and/or interesting to the chat and want this file to be at your disposal, the messenger developers have already taken care of it. Media files, including audio, are automatically saved to the device. You can find them either in the smartphone folder where all audio recordings are usually saved, or through WhatsApp itself.

  • While in the dialog box, click the button to open the menu at the top, select “Media”.
  • Here you will find all the audio files, as well as videos and photos that were sent through this chat.
  • Another option is to select “View Contact” instead of “Media”, where you will also find a list of these files.

By selecting one of them, you can listen to it, and there are also three buttons at the top: return to the file library, forward, and the last button allows you to forward and delete the file.

Listening to audio messages

To do this you need to press the play button. If you hold your smartphone next to your ear, the sound will be broadcast through the speakers; if not, the loudspeaker will turn on. If headphones are connected, you will hear the message through them.