Virtual correspondence game. Sale of diplomas and certificates

Let me introduce you to another student of the famous Monster High school, Draculaura. This girl is the daughter of the notorious Count Dracula, but unlike her father, she is a vegetarian vampire, since she cannot even hear the word “blood,” let alone eat it. The girl has her pet in her room - a pet bat named Count the Magnificent and he is already 1006 years old. Draculaura is madly in love with the color pink, and since the father wants to see more black on his daughter, he successfully combines these two shades. Even Draculaura's hair is dyed black with pink streaks of dye.

Currently you are in the games section of our website Coloring Monster High, where we bring to your attention an exciting flash game for girls, Conversation Games with Monster High. Here you can fully unleash your creative potential and immerse yourself in artistic work on the image of the famous vampire daughter Draculaura. Just click on the icon with this entertainment and start playing it right now, because you can do it completely free of charge and you don’t even have to register on our website. site wishes you creative success!

Tips for passing:

In the lower right corner of the game space there is a button labeled Play. Click on it to start playing. Now you will find yourself in a virtual album, where on the first page there will be a still black and white image of Draculaura in the company of her favorite bat. To begin with, remember exactly what colors the girl likes, how she dresses up Count the Magnificent and other features of the color combinations of the girl’s appearance. Then use the virtual art brush and color palette to add vibrant colors to the picture.

Hello dear blog readers. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Well, autumn has come and my mood has deteriorated a little since it will soon be cold and I won’t really want to go outside, which means I’ll have more time to write on the blog -)))). Yes, I’m kidding, I will always write on the blog and share new interesting thoughts and other useful things. In today's article we will continue to analyze and implement useful features on your blog or website of a commercial company to obtain better performance.

Everyone, probably, who has at least once delved into the statistics of their website, I mean Yandex metrics, I saw such a section as “refusals”. This section affects the attitude of visitors to your site and gives a general idea to search engines about the attitude towards the site as a whole. If the user, having got to the page, stayed on it for less than 30 seconds and did not take any action, then this will be considered a refusal; having accumulated a large number of refusals, you can lose a significant number of positions in the search, since the site will be considered of little use and not responsive to user requests, and this in turn, is a signal to search engines, especially Yandex, about overlaying the AGS filter on the site(anti-shit site).

Our main task is to interest users in spending as much time as possible on our website by providing useful and, most importantly, interesting information and thereby increasing this indicator. The most optimal failure rate will be up to 24%, anything more will have a negative impact for website promotion.

Ways to improve behavioral performance on your site

I will give a small checklist with examples that really help the site and have been tested by me personally in practice:

  • of course, unique content and most importantly interesting, which is little written about and which is not available to everyone on the Internet;
  • use of various services to help users (calculators, cargo tracking, furniture designers, interactive robotic systems, etc.);
  • the presence of an extensive network that provides more complete information to the user’s question;
  • availability of new products and services, as well as special offers for their purchase;
  • , which gives greater speed to the site, as well as internal optimization of the site, including compression of images, scripts and removal of unnecessary code on pages;
  • the presence of bonuses and just freebies on your site for users, for example, I have this " free video course on creating a blog from scratch", which anyone can download, and there are practically few such courses on Joomla and therefore it is in great demand.

Let's look at such an interesting way to keep users on the site using automated systems where your direct participation is not required. Nowadays there are no sites that do not use chats on their pages, which help to quickly correspond with visitors and answer questions of interest.

In addition to consulting, I propose using automated information interlocutors to communicate with site clients, who are artificial intelligence and help solve a huge volume of problems without distracting the site owner and managers. These systems are especially useful if the client came to the site on a weekend or you flew away on vacation, and there is no one to answer visitors.

Info interlocutor is an automated bot that has an initial knowledge base in its interface, which can and should be constantly updated in the future. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise it will be like in the movie the Terminator and all the machines will rise up and enslave humanity -))))).

In general, you will have to constantly develop your character and throw more and more data into his memory.

Where can I get free contact information for a website?

Here we need to register on the website from nano semantics. After confirming registration, we will be asked to choose our character, either humanoid or robotic.

Now we move on to the most important stage of creating a virtual assistant, which is to train the bot to respond to users. After entering the name of the character, we need to go to the “training” section, and then to the templates section.

  • User question: "Are there any discounts on your product?"
  • Answer: “of course, to do this, please go to the promotions section.”

And thus, for every possible user question, we need to prepare the most extensive answers and in large quantities. It seems strange and long, but no one says that you have to drop everything at once and sit until you lose your pulse. You just need to enter frequently asked questions and give answers to them, and in the future add new sections and edit existing ones.

Now we need to install our infa code on our website or personal blog. Installation does not require any knowledge, just copy the html code and paste it, for example, into a module if you have CMS Joomla or WordPress. To take the code, we need to click on the “other site” button in the right column of your personal account and adjust the color of the chat window and select the display size. Below we copy our code and paste it onto the site in the right place.

As an example, I have placed this code below so that you can click on it yourself and interact with the information in this article. He hasn’t done any training, but he already knows something.

Please note that there is an interesting opportunity to set this interlocutor’s information not only for the site, but also for a social network, for example, in my world. The process itself is similar to that described above and you can simply throw the same ready-made info character into the social network section. Let me show you how to do it yourself. To do this, we also go to the personal account section where we received the code to insert into the site and select the social network icon. Next, we do the following steps indicated in the instructions:

  • Go to the infa application on the social network;
  • Add the application to your page;
  • Enter the key and save.

At the moment, the VKontakte administration has blocked this application; perhaps they thought that artificial intelligence was much smarter than their support -))))). VK in general have become fans of blocking pages and groups, and then blaming everything on the users. So it’s better to have a business from social media. transfer networks to your personal website, it is more secure in the future and you will not be overcharged by third parties.

Using these features, you can get a huge number of bonuses and make the site more interesting for users, as well as improve the performance of the site as a whole by engaging visitors.

Here are the main positive aspects of installing an automated online information interlocutor on your website:

  • Increasing the time users spend on pages by communicating with the robot;
  • The usability of the site itself is improved by introducing interactive elements that help the user obtain the necessary information;
  • Completely free application for use on your blog or company website;
  • Can be installed on any website, both free and on your own engine, including online stores;
  • Does not load the server with your site as it is loaded from the side;
  • Unlimited bot training possibilities with the ability to insert links into answers.

By the way, various global brands, such as Ford and other corporations, have been using these smart features on the pages of their websites for a long time, but their cost exceeds hundreds of thousands, but it’s worth it. So try it and share your observations in the comments to the article. I hope the material will be useful and help in promoting your projects.

If you have any questions, write in the comments and attach screenshots of your information, it will be interesting for everyone (read it for anyone interested). Subscribe to updates.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

A higher education diploma is one of the conditions for obtaining a well-paid job. To issue this document, you will have to undergo full training and wait several years, but you can purchase it right now. Our company allows its clients to quickly, easily and cheaply buy a higher education diploma, which will be no different from the original one.

Benefits of working with us

Clients who are thinking about where to buy a diploma most often make a choice in favor of our specialists. And that's why:

  1. Workmanship. Education documents prepared by our professionals comply with all degrees of protection and are prepared on GOZNAK letterhead.
  2. Writing literacy. We take a responsible approach to the process of completing a diploma. It is impossible to find typos or grammatical errors in our works.
  3. Convenience of payment. You can buy a diploma using various online payment services, in cash to our courier, or by any bank transfer.
  4. Confidentiality. We value our reputation and carefully protect all personal data of our clients.
  5. Manufacturing speed. When preparing a diploma, all customer wishes regarding deadlines are taken into account. If you need to urgently issue this document, then such work will only take a few days.
  6. Feedback from our specialists.
  7. Price of the service. We try to make the process of obtaining a diploma as comfortable as possible. Therefore, our specialists work without prepayment, and such a document is relatively inexpensive.

The document will also include all stamps and signatures corresponding to the year of issue.

If the answer to the question of where you can buy a diploma is no longer in doubt, then it’s worth thinking about the exact years of graduation from the educational institution. They should not arouse any suspicion and comply with the terms of training in the profession.

Order a diploma

Document type Diploma Certificate Certificates Birth certificate Death certificate Marriage certificate Divorce certificate

Diploma from any university

After the customer decides on the years of graduation from the university, he will have the most important thing to do, the choice of an educational institution. The most popular in Moscow today are:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • MSTU im. N.E. Bauman;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI";
  • MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

To create a diploma, you can choose absolutely any educational institution that is interesting to the customer. Next, you will need to choose a profession. Among the most popular queries you can find:

  • programmers;
  • interior designers;
  • musicians;
  • landscape designers;
  • builders;
  • theater and film actors;
  • radio presenters;
  • architects;
  • dog handlers;
  • logisticians;
  • cooks;
  • economists;
  • psychologists;
  • stylists.

You can choose absolutely any profession, as well as an educational institution. You will only need to provide some personal data, and our specialists will help you take the first steps towards a happy and carefree future, and will prepare for you a high-quality document that complies with the state standard.