How to turn off the Internet super bit. Cost of the SuperBit Smart option from MTS. Functions of BIT Smart

Home and mobile Internet services are practically “enslaving” the planet. Our smartphones are becoming more powerful, and Internet technology is developing at a breakneck pace.

Moreover, if a couple of years ago only ICQ was installed on our mobile phones, at the moment we cannot live without the constant use of social networks.

All this Internet communication has long been integrated into our lives, and without regularly checking the news and mail, it is difficult for us to imagine a normal morning.

MTS subscribers who want to access the Internet can take the chance and connect to a conditionally unlimited communication service for a series of specific tariff packages.

For example, the “Super” tariff from MTS allows you to be in touch with the world around the clock and be able to access the Internet anywhere for little money. In addition, there are 2 more basic unlimited packages: MTS Bit and MTS SuperBit.

Description of the bit and superbit service packages

Many subscribers do not see the difference between these two offers and try again and again to find the differences. In this article we will try to explain what the difference is, methods for connecting and disconnecting services, as well as the account balance.

  1. Service bit- this is the most affordable way to access the Internet using a tariff plan from MTS. The low monthly fee is the reason for the enormous popularity of the service. Every day, each subscriber receives 75 Megabytes of traffic, this amount is enough to communicate with friends and relatives on social networks.
    After the traffic quota is exhausted, the Internet connection speed drops to just 64 Kbps. To restore lost access speed, wait until the next day or simply use a unique service (the so-called Turbo button MTS).
    The specificity of such a service is that it operates not only in the subscriber’s local region, but also when traveling throughout Russia. To activate the service, simply dial the combination on your mobile phone *252# and wait for the operator's response
  2. Superbit service– a service for those users who like to communicate more on social networks. Subscribers receive as much as 3 GB of traffic per month.
    Once the limit is exceeded, the connection speed also drops. This service operates successfully throughout our country. Activating the service is simple: just type a combination of symbols on the keyboard *628#

Connection of MTS bit and superbit services

So, if you need mobile Internet, then it makes sense for you to connect one of these services on your phone or tablet. Users who are served in prepaid tariff plans can connect the options. To do this, use the following connection methods:

  1. Through the customer service system. To do this, users need to register in their MTS personal account, then log in to it and then make an independent connection by selecting it from the list of existing services for the tariff plan
  2. There are other ways, such as USSD requests. For connecting the BI service T you need to dial a combination *252# and press the call button.
    If you need activate the SuperBit service then you need to dial a combination *628# and call button
  3. Those who cannot independently connect to the service can use the help of an operator.
    In this case, the subscriber just needs to call the MTS operator number and then submit an application to connect the option. You can submit your application in another way by visiting the user support center directly.

Before connecting to the service, pay attention to the cost of providing services, since there is a certain subscription fee for them, which is indicated on the company’s official website for each region of the country. You can check the remaining traffic in the user’s personal account.

The Internet comes not only to every home, but also to almost every phone. Mobile phones are becoming more powerful, more modern and more affordable. If earlier we were content with only ICQ from our phones, now social networks have become a part of our life and we can’t live without them. So MTS users who want to access the Internet can connect to a conditional unlimited service on a number of tariff plans, for example, and have access to the Internet always and everywhere at an affordable cost.

MTS offers two such options - BIT And SuperBIT.

Description of the BIT and SuperBIT options

Many people do not understand the difference between these two options and are always looking for their description. Let's try to figure it out together and find out how to connect and disconnect them, and also find out how to check the remaining traffic of these services.

Option BIT– represents the cheapest option for accessing the Internet. A small subscription fee makes the option very popular. You will be provided with a 75MB traffic quota per day, which is quite enough for communicating on social networks. Once the traffic threshold is exceeded, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. You can restore access the next day, or use. The peculiarity of the BIT option is that it only works in the home region, that is, when leaving your region, payment for the Internet will be charged per megabyte - 9.9 rubles for each megabyte.

In the summer of 2015, amendments were made to the conditions for providing the BIT option. Now, if you do not have enough funds to write off the monthly fee for BIT, then daily debits in the amount of about 8 rubles per day begin from the balance. Check on the official website.

SuperBIT option– this option is for those who like to spend longer on the Internet. 3GB of traffic is already provided for a month. Once exceeded, the speed is also reduced unless you use an additional Internet package. SuperBIT operates throughout Russia, which makes the option one of the most popular.

How to connect BIT?

Let's move on to connecting the BIT. There are several ways to do this:

  • Dial *252# from your phone and wait for connection
  • Go to your personal account and add a service there
  • Contact the communication salon in person
  • Call the MTS contact center and ask to connect BIT

How to disable BIT?

To disable BIT, you can use the last three methods above. You can also use the combination of numbers *111*252*2#

How to connect SuperBIT?

The SuperBIT option is connected using a combination. To do this, dial *628#

If something doesn’t work out, you can look above at three more ways to connect SuperBIT

How to disable SuperBIT?

If you are still tired of the Internet and want peace, then you can turn off SuperBIT. Again, take your mobile phone and dial the combination *111*628*2#

When disabling Internet options, do not forget to turn off data transfer on your smartphone so that the phone does not continue accessing the Internet, since it does not understand what you have connected or disconnected there.

How to connect “Super Bit” to MTS? This question is asked by many users. In this article we will explore the option and answer all the most important questions regarding this service.

The “SuperBit” option on MTS is an ideal tariff plan with unlimited Internet, which is suitable for users who actively use the World Wide Web. Connecting it will allow you to pay a fixed subscription fee and use the capabilities of your mobile device to the fullest. This applies not only to social networks - each subscriber can actively work even with large files, watch videos and listen to music.

Using unlimited Internet, there is no need to count the traffic consumed. With the service from MTS Superbit, the subscriber receives 100 MB of traffic per day or 3 GB for 30 days - when using the phone, this amount of traffic is quite enough for comfortable daily use of the device.

If we compare the MTS “SuperBit” tariff with the similar “Bit” tariff, then in comparison, the Internet speed significantly exceeds the established standards and directly depends on the quality of the connection - 2G, 3G or 4G.

The provider provides communication services for only 350 rubles per month and automatically debits the amount for using the tariff at the time of activation. What’s attractive is that the “SuperBit” tariff for MTS is valid throughout Russia. That is, if the subscriber has moved to another region, there is no need to activate the roaming service.

If at the time the subscription fee for the tariff is charged the required amount is not in the account - no problem! The terms of the tariff plan provide for daily debiting of funds in the amount of 14 rubles/day, which is extremely convenient.

To control consumed traffic, special combinations are provided:

  • * 100 # - remaining packages of free minutes;
  • * 100 * 1 # - remaining free SMS and traffic.

The description of the “SuperBit” service for MTS does not end there - the terms of the tariff allow you to connect a number of additional options that can come in handy at any moment.

Additional mobile services

Activating a service from MTS means using the tariff capabilities to the fullest. After the daily amount of traffic expires, the Internet speed drops noticeably.

To enable additional traffic, you need to send an SMS with the number “1” to the fast number 6280 - the command will allow you to receive additional traffic in the amount of 500 MB.

To monitor enabled traffic, there are a number of commands that will help you do this every day:

  • * 111 * 218 # - a plug-in option will allow you to check the traffic status at any time;
  • * 111 * 217 # - information about traffic status;
  • * 111 * 219 # - disable notifications.

You can enable or disable the notification option at any time completely free of charge.


MTS tariffs can be connected and disconnected independently. To connect SuperBit, there are several options:

  • Dial the short command *111*628*1# or *628# - within 1-2 minutes you will receive a notification in the form of SMS about the successful connection of the tariff plan;
  • Send an SMS to number 111 by typing 67 as a text message;
  • Use the Internet and connect to a tariff plan through your own account.

The MTS bonus program provides for connecting the service for points. To do this, you will need to go to your account, log in and start using the tariff features.

You can use the service for bonuses until the points run out - then the subscriber is automatically transferred to the standard tariff. Remote work with MTS will become more comfortable than ever!


If you have stopped actively using the Internet, the question arises - how to disable “SuperBit” on MTS? Deactivating the tariff is quite simple and you will need:

  • You can disable “SuperBit” by typing the commands *6280# and *111*628*2#;
  • You can turn off the service by sending an SMS by typing 670 to 111.

You can delete the option using the virtual assistant in your personal account. Now you know what the “SuperBit” tariff is and how to disable the MTS “SuperBit” service.

Every day there are more and more Internet users. There is a natural need to get inexpensive access to the World Wide Web. In this matter, MTS meets its customers and opens the "" service. Nowadays, both adults and children use the Internet. Some need to use the Internet for work purposes, others for entertainment. In order to be always online, you need to activate the “SuperBit Smart” option in MTS. Now we’ll talk about connection conditions, pricing and informing traffic limits.

SuperBit Smart is a special service for the “Super MTS”, “Red Energy” and “Your Country” tariff plans. By switching to one of the listed tariffs, you can use mobile Internet for free for 15 days. At the end of the test period, the system makes traffic calculations and, based on the results, automatically connects the service "

" or "Super Bit Smart". The calculation is carried out as follows: if the subscriber has spent up to 150 MB of traffic during the free period, then the "Bit Smart" service remains connected; if more than 150 MB have been spent, then the option " SuperBit Smart". Everything is quite simple. Here we will talk about the second option.


The following restrictions apply within your home region. You can spend 3 gigabytes per month; after the limit is exhausted, the speed drops to 64 kB/s. The beginning of the day does not correspond to the standard of counting from 00.00, but starts from 3.00. It is also worth considering that the option is valid in roaming throughout Russia.

How much does it cost/cost

When switching to the “Super MTS”, “” and “Your Country” tariffs, you can use the Internet for the first 15 days for free, starting from the 16th day the price for the “SuperBit Smart” service will be 12 rubles per day. Payment occurs daily.

How to connect and disconnect "SuperBit Smart"

Connection occurs when switching or connecting to one of the above tariffs.

To disable For the “SuperBit Smart” option, you need to dial the command *111*8650# on your mobile device or send an SMS to 111 with the text 8650


If you want to know when your daily limit is over, you can enable notifications. You can enable or disable notifications in the following ways.

Subscribers who use the SuperBIT Smart service leave positive

The “SuperBit Smart” option from MTS allows you to use mobile Internet completely free of charge. The function does not require special activation, however, “Super Smart” does not work on all TV system tariffs. What this Internet option is, what its cost is, and how you can connect or disable the service, you will learn all this from our review.


The “SuperBit Smart” option is automatically activated when switching to the following tariff plans:

  • "Red Energy";
  • "Your country";
  • "Super MTS";
  • "Second by second."

The service will also be activated when purchasing a new starter package, if one of the above-mentioned tariffs is connected to it.

Previously, the connection option was available in two modifications: “SuperBit Smart” and “Bit Smart”. When activating the service, the television system paid attention to the size of the traffic used, and based on this data the connection was made. Since the spring of 2016, the “Bit Smart” function has been moved to the archive and when switching to the mentioned tariffs, only the “Super Bit” function is activated on the number.

The volume of allocated traffic may vary depending on the region in which the subscriber lives. If the function is activated in Moscow and the Leningrad region, subscribers will receive 3 GB per month or 100 MB per day. The quota for other areas can be viewed on the official website of the mobile operator.

The service provides a trial period during which the subscriber can use the Web connection absolutely free of charge. The duration of the trial use is 15 days. After this, the subscriber himself decides whether to leave this service on his phone or not. The day counter starts from the first minute of connection to the TP.

If the subscriber uses the entire allocated quota, the speed will be reduced to the minimum values ​​- 64 Kb/sec. However, if desired, the user can order additional traffic to his phone. To do this, you can use the MTS Turbo Button service. As part of the option, you can get 100 MB or 500 MB of high-speed Web connection. More information about this function can be found in your Personal Account, in the “Service Characteristics” section or on the official website of the television system.

You can use the Web quota only in your region; when traveling outside of it, Internet access will be charged at the standard rates of the television system.

Some users may be outraged by the fact that the service is connected to the number automatically, immediately after activating one of the above tariffs. However, there is no need to worry. After all, if a subscriber has not used the Internet and spent less than 100 MB of traffic in 15 days, the function on his SIM card will be turned off automatically. After this, the “MiniBit” function will begin to work on the TP, which can also be deactivated if desired.

As mentioned above, there is no need to activate the MTS “SuperBit Smart” service, since it connects to the number automatically, immediately after switching to certain tariff plans. According to the terms of the service, immediately after activation, the subscriber is given a promotional period with free use of the mobile Internet. To extend the service, there is no need to send any special system commands or SMS. After 15 days, the trial period ends and a subscription fee will be charged for using the function (see Option cost).

The “SuperBit Smart” option will be deactivated automatically if during the 15 days of the trial period you use less than 100 accrued MB. However, if the number of MB spent on the network exceeds this mark, you will have to turn off “SuperBit Smart” on MTS yourself.

There are two ways to turn off the function on your phone:

  • by sending a free SMS. To do this, enter the following text in the message field: “8650” and send it to number 111. Immediately after sending the message, the option on the SIM card will be turned off, about which you will receive a notification in SMS format;
  • by sending a USSD request. To turn off the service, dial the digital combination * 111 * 8650 # on your mobile phone and press the “Call” button. Immediately after this, the option on your number will be deactivated.

The cost of the SuperBit Smart option is quite reasonable. For the first 15 days, the “Super Bit Smart” service is provided free of charge. In the future, the subscription fee will be 12 rubles per day, or 360 rubles per month.

As for the prices for additional Internet packages, it is better to check their cost on the official page of the mobile operator, since their tariffs are constantly changing.

To be aware of available traffic, you can enable SMS notifications as part of the option. Such messages will inform you about the remaining quota and the number of MB spent. You can do this in two ways:

  • send the digital combination from your cell phone: * 111 * 218 # ;
  • send an SMS with the text “info” to number 5340.

You can also instantly receive data about your status and the number of megabytes spent by sending the USSD command * 111 * 217 #. After sending the request, the screen of your cellular device will display the number of MB that are still available to you, as well as the amount of Web quota already spent.