How to clear Windows registry errors. Methods for cleaning the registry in Windows How to remove Windows 8 from the registry

The Windows registry is the main database for storing all information about the computer configuration, operating system settings and program settings. The registry contains data that Windows and programs access hundreds of times per second while the system boots and runs. For this reason, a cluttered and fragmented registry can seriously slow down your computer.

Fragment of the Windows 7 system registry in the RegEdit program

OS settings Windows 8, Windows 7 And Vista

During the process of installing and uninstalling various software, Windows system registry a variety of “garbage” may remain: program settings, links to shortcuts, incorrect file extensions, and much more.

Over time, a large number of such outdated registry settings can significantly slow down the operating system, leading to crashes, freezes and various problems, interfering with the normal functioning of Windows.

To launch the RegEdit utility, open the Start menu and type the word “regedit” in the search bar. Select the "RegEdit" link from the search results.

For Windows 8: open the search bar with the keyboard shortcut + (Win+Q) Enter “Regedit” and select the item of the same name in the search results. To configure and clean the registry you can manually edit its parameters using the built-in program RegEdit, but this option is only suitable for very experienced users, because the risk of deleting or changing important system parameters is extremely high.

Especially for those users who do not have time to become familiar with all the registry settings, many programs have been created that can automatically find and correct erroneous and outdated entries. We recommend using reliable and time-tested free programs and that are already familiar to you from previous articles about.

How to clean the Windows registry

The first stage of registry optimization is cleaning of various garbage. For these purposes, we always use the best registry cleaning program in our opinion - CCleaner, which has proven itself in this field (where to download and how to install CCleaner and Defraggler - read in the first step of the guide: or just download for free from the official website of the program or from in one click).

After installation, run the application with administrator rights, select the “Registry” tab and click on the “Search for problems” button, as shown in the image:

After completing the search, click on “Fix”. The program will offer to save backup copies of the changes made; this is not necessary, but when using it for the first time, we still recommend saving a copy of the registry just in case. In the window that appears, click on “Correct marked” and confirm your choice. The program will automatically clean the registry of various debris that violates the integrity of the registry.

In order to prevent the occurrence of various problems in the future, We recommend cleaning the registry regularly. Repeat this operation at least once a month and immediately after removing any software from your personal computer. After cleaning the registry, you can safely start defragmenting it.

Registry defragmentation

Windows XP owners can use the free PageDefrag program to defragment the registry. You can download it on the official Microsoft Technet website: Windows 7/8 and Vista registry is susceptible to fragmentation just like other files on the hard drive., due to which the speed of data access gradually decreases. Over time, this leads to a slowdown of the system as a whole. Regular defragmenters, unfortunately, cannot access registry files while the operating system is running, so specialized software must be used for these purposes.

The Defraggler program, the capabilities of which we have already used in the article, has the functionality we need. You can also download the current version of Defraggler on the official developer resource or on. Since the registry can only be defragmented before the operating system boots, the program will do its work just before Windows starts. To do this, launch Defraggler and activate the option “Defragment system files at boot” by setting the checkbox to “Always”.

After the computer restarts, just before the desktop starts, the following information will be displayed on the screen:

The duration of the program depends on the degree of fragmentation of the registry. As a rule, the first time the process can last quite a long time, but all subsequent times - no more than one or two seconds. To disable registry defragmentation, simply run Defraggler and disable the option.

To fully unlock the system's full potential, we recommend that you read other useful articles about tuning Windows for maximum performance.

Clean the registry Windows 8, 7, XP, Vista, I’ll briefly explain what cleaning the registry is and why it is necessary:

Cleaning your computer's registry of unused and temporary files, log files, clipboards...from Internet stories (Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) is needed to free up free space on your hard drive and make your computer run faster.

You can clear the registry of unnecessary files using the Windows operating system:

To do this, click START - ALL PROGRAMS(Programs for XP) — STANDARD — SERVICE — DISK CLEAN. The process may take several minutes depending on the disk size:

To clean up the disk It’s better to use analogue programs, which are distinguished by their speed.
The easiest to use and fastest loading registry cleaner for Windows 8, 7, XP, Vista - CCleaner. It is suitable for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and supports Windows Server.

After downloading and installing the program, cleaning the Windows registry will only take a couple of minutes. Cleaning should be done after removing an unnecessary program from the computer or once every two to three weeks.

When the file .exe boot onto your computer, run and install CCleaner:

Open CCleaner and go to SETTINGS. Change them as you wish or leave them as default (see):

Now let's clear the computer's registry.

Before cleaning you can do ANALYSIS and see information about the files being deleted and how much of them will be cleared. So click CLEANING - Cleaning - OK:

After cleaning your computer's registry, go to REGISTRY and click FINDING PROBLEMS registry integrity:

And finish by clicking CORRECT THE MARKED:

IN SERVICE You will find: uninstall programs, system restore, startup, erase disk, but this is for advanced users.

It is also necessary to produce regularly.
Now you know how to clean the registry of Windows 8, 7, XP, Vista and use the CCleaner program.

To clean the MacOs registry download the CCleaner version for Mac from the developer’s page -

The performance of your computer depends on the Windows registry, a database that contains information about the system configuration, as well as parameters of installed programs. Long-term work leads to the accumulation of so-called “garbage”: links to shortcuts for deleted applications, incorrect file extensions, and so on.

There are two options for how to clean the registry in Windows 7/8/10. If you are an experienced computer user, then you can do the cleaning manually. However, if you don't have time to familiarize yourself with all the registry settings, there are many free programs on the Internet. These applications can automatically find and fix errors, delete unnecessary files and records.

Special programs

Software cleaning saves the user time. Also, special applications help eliminate the occurrence of errors in the registry due to user incompetence.

Below in the article we talk about special utilities that have proven themselves to be the best solutions for cleaning the registry.

1. CCleaner

This program has many functions, including fixing problems in the registry. The popularity of the application is due to the fact that it is distributed free of charge and is excellent for non-commercial use.

The developers took care of unforeseen situations that may arise during the work process. Therefore, before starting the cleaning process, the program suggests creating a restore point for the entire system. The presence of constant monitoring of the system allows you to correct errors that occur automatically.

Let's look at the sequence of steps to clean the registry in Windows 7 using the CCleaner utility.

  1. Download CCleaner from the official website and then install it.
  2. Launch the application using the appropriate shortcut on your desktop.
  3. to the tab "Registry".
  4. the necessary items where errors will be searched (by default, all checkboxes are selected).
  5. search for errors by pressing the appropriate button.
  6. Click to remove invalid keys.
  7. a backup copy to prevent unexpected errors from occurring.
  8. registry by deleting the values ​​and sections suggested by the program.

2. Reg Organizer

Reg Organizer is a multifunctional solution for fixing Windows system performance problems. The program offers both manual and automatic cleaning methods.

A license to use all available features costs $10. The free version of the program only finds, but does not fix registry errors. Below is an algorithm for changing the registry.

  1. Open the full version of the software.
  2. Select item ".
  3. Click the button in the window that appears if you are not sure which individual sections you should check.
  4. Wait until the system check is completed, after which you will be presented.
  5. Click the button "To correct", if you are ready to begin the process.

3.Windows Cleaner

The program is free and is well suited as an alternative option for automatically cleaning the registry from system junk. It is also possible to configure system startup and create backup recovery points. The application only works under Windows operating systems.

To resolve issues, follow these steps:

  1. Open the program after installing it on your computer.
  2. to the tab "Registry" in the window "Cleaning".
  3. Select the required items to check from the list.
  4. Perform analysis by pressing .
  5. Click the button to get rid of the found problems.


If you're ready to take charge and try the cleanup yourself, here's a list of the steps you'll need to follow.

  1. Launch the built-in system registry editor. For this "Run" on the menu "Start".
  2. "regedit" in the window that appears, and press “Enter” or the button "OK".
  3. before you start making changes. To do this, go to the “Export” menu in the tab "File". Specify that you want to save the entire registry. Select the location where the exported file will be located and click the button "Save".
  4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ Current Version. If the program has been installed "for all users", then the records could remain in the Local Machine section, otherwise - in the Current User section.
  5. Close the editor after completing all necessary actions.

Important! Manual cleaning should only be carried out when you are fully confident in your competence and knowledge in this area.

The longer the registry, the slower the performance of the operating system. And special programs will not always be able to clean it perfectly, since the utilities contain a certain sequence of actions that may not be suitable for your specific case. This is where the need for manual cleaning arises: eliminate unnecessary sections of programs, disable autorun, etc.

It is worth noting that if you are not a qualified Windows user, then it is better to transfer this matter to professionals, otherwise your mistake could potentially cause a malfunction and even complete failure of the system.

We perform cleaning in the registry editor

First you need to open the editor. Press the +R key combination on your keyboard and in the “Run” line, enter the name of the registry utility regedit. The editor will open. Be sure to make a backup before you start cleaning. Then, if something happens, you can return the data to its original state.

To do this, click File in the top menu and select “Export” from the drop-down list. Next, in the “Registry Range” section, specify the entire registry and save.

Now you can start cleaning. The editor form is divided into two areas. On the left is the tree, on the right are the records of the current tree node. To clear erased program records in Windows, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key, followed by the “Software” section. Browse through the list, find the sections of deleted programs and erase them.

If you need to find data for a specific Windows program, you can use the search. It opens with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. Enter the name in the line, and if the files are present, they will be highlighted in the folder tree.

If an error occurs

If you are not familiar with a computer or do not know the registry structure, then it is better not to go there and try to do anything yourself. And if you really need to use it, then do not forget to create backup copies or use a special program where all the actions are described in detail. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

It is very dangerous to make any changes using the built-in Windows Registry Editor utility, since it does not have such a function as “Undo”. If any error occurs as a result of making changes, restore the registry using a previously created backup copy. To do this, double-click on the backup file, or select File in the top menu of the program, click on import in the list, specify the path to the copy file.

Almost all actions performed by the user are recorded in the registry (Windows database). With prolonged use of a PC, the size of the database increases, many garbage records are created in it and a lot of errors occur. To optimize and speed up your computer's performance, you need to clean the Windows 7, 8, 10 registry.

Most likely, you will not experience a significant increase in performance, but optimization will not be unnecessary, although it all depends on the degree of neglect. In addition, I recommend doing the following. Standard OS tools do not provide the ability to clean the Windows registry, so we will consider special programs and a manual cleaning method.

Registry cleaning programs

There are many applications that clean the registry, but there are some that do not perform their functions or can harm the computer. Damage to important registry keys is accompanied by Windows errors or results in the OS not starting, which is why you have to use a system recovery tool. Reliable programs that perform their stated tasks include:

  1. CCleaner
  2. Comodo System Utilities
  3. Windows Cleaner
  4. Wise Registry Cleaner

For example, let's take a closer look at cleaning the Windows registry with application number 1. Download and install CCleaner. Launch CCleaner, go to the "registry" section. By default, all elements are checked, I recommend leaving them that way. Click the “search for problems” button, wait for the process to complete, then click the “fix” button.

In the message that appears, click “yes”, this will allow you to back up the registry just in case. Specify the folder for saving the reg file and its name, click “save”. In order not to fix problems one by one, click “fix marked” and wait until the end of the process.

Close application windows. In the program, in addition to cleaning the Windows registry, you can clean the system as a whole and use services to optimize the OS. Perform the process once a month or more often.

Manual registry cleaning

If you do not trust programs, then you can clean the registry manually. The process will take longer, and it will not be possible to correct all errors. The process consists of removing the remaining software entries from the registry and cleaning startup.

Note: The instructions are intended for experienced users. Damage to the registry may result in critical problems and errors.

Create a system restore point or backup as described below. Do , 8, 10. Click “file”, then “export”.

Select the "Entire Registry" range. Specify the name (in Latin letters) and storage folder, click “save”. If unwanted problems arise, you can restore the previous state from the reg file.

On the left side of the registry there is a tree structure of partitions. Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, then the Software subsection. Software stores data about installed (once removed) software. Now look for the name of the programs that you deleted. Right-click on the partition to be deleted, select “delete” from the menu, click “yes”.

Now press Ctrl + F to bring up the search bar. Write the name of the program you are looking for, set the parameters as in the screenshot. Click “find next” and wait until the search ends. If you find registry keys associated with the phrase you are looking for, delete them. Next, press F3 to find the next result, manually remove all links and repeat the process.

Advice: install the programs you really need. If you are planning to remove applications, then read. When properly removed, adequate applications clean up their traces in your registry.

Here's how to properly clean the registry of Windows 7, 8, 10. Using the programs listed in the recommendations will be much more relevant than manual cleaning. The programs will save a lot of time and complete the task more thoroughly.