How to find an extension in Yandex browser. How to add extensions to Yandex Browser? What add-ons should you choose for your web browser? Extensions in the mobile version of Yandex.Browser

Often, novice Internet users do not know how to add extensions to Yandex.Browser and why they are needed. Therefore, we will try to help them understand these issues.

So, add-ons (extensions, plugins) are small programs that expand the functionality of web browsers. Of course, any browser has its own built-in tools, but still, as a rule, they are not enough.

As for add-ons for the web browser, they are very different - these are all kinds of converters, email alerts, plugins for social networks, ad blockers, weather forecasts and many others.

This article will look at extensions for Yandex.Browser. The additions that will be discussed will ensure the most comfortable pastime on the Internet.

It is worth noting that you can choose absolutely any plugins for your web browser, and not just those that will be discussed below.

How to add extensions (third-party) to Yandex Browser

In order to install add-ons for the web browser from the Yandex search engine, the user will need to perform just a few simple steps.

First of all, launch the browser and go to its menu (the button with the image of three bars), and then go to the “Add-ons” section. On the page that opens, you will see a list of all extensions built into Yandex.Browser. Some of them may be deactivated, while others will be enabled. However, now we are talking about third-party plugins - those that need to be downloaded and installed yourself.

So, scroll down the page and click on the “Add-on Catalog” link. Now you can select the plugin you need and add it to your web browser. For example, if you want to install the “VKontakte” extensions for “Yandex.Browser”, then enter the name of the social network in the search bar, select the plugin and click the “Add to browser” button. After this, the add-on will be integrated into Yandex.

Built-in plugins. Activation and deactivation

In Yandex.Browser, the developers have provided very useful built-in extensions. To view them, open the web browser menu and go to the "Add-ons" item. Here you will see a list of all the native ones that are installed in the browser.

You will notice that all extensions are divided into categories:

    Tools- here you can find plugins such as “Screenshots”, “Comfortable video viewing” and “Turbo mode”.

    Synchronization- in this block, the Evernote and LastPass extensions deserve special attention. They will be discussed below.

    Yandex services- You can highlight the additions "Yandex.Mail" and "Yandex.Disk".

    Safe Internet- in this category you will see extensions WOT (site rating based on user opinions), Adguard (blocks intrusive advertising, pop-ups).

If you want to activate or, conversely, deactivate some add-on, then simply move the toggle switch (on the right) to the desired position.

Evernote Web Clipper extension

If you are an active Evernote user, be sure to install the Evernote Web Clipper plugin for your browser. You already know how to add extensions to Yandex.Browser, so there should be no difficulties with this procedure.

If you don’t yet know what Evernote is, then in short, it’s a note storage service. In this case, notes can be either text or in the form of audio and video files. Here you can keep diaries, set “Reminders”, make shopping lists and much more.

The extension allows you to take screenshots while browsing various sites, add interesting material to Evernote with one click, and save links to videos or music. In general, the functionality of the service will pleasantly surprise the user.

LastPass Add-on

When registering on any sites, you can write down passwords, for example, in a regular notepad. However, it can be forgotten at home or in the office, or lost. In addition, it is not very convenient to search for the required password in it, especially if there are many of them.

There is an exit! You can add extensions to Yandex.Browser that will securely store your passwords. It is recommended to pay attention to the LastPass add-on. After installing it and registering for the service, you will only need to remember one password used to log into the program.

Agree, this is very convenient, because all your data used to enter various resources will be available to you on any device and anywhere in the world.


Now that you know how to add extensions to Yandex Browser, install those that you really need. As a rule, users add plugins for social networks, mail, and weather. The AdBlock ad blocker is very popular.

You can choose add-ons at your discretion. For example, if you want to download video and audio materials from YouTube or VKontakte, use the extension. Monitor the statistics of your competitors' websites - RDS Bar will help you with this.

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. What program on your computer do you use most often? For many, it's the browser. That’s why they work on them more carefully than others, making them more beautiful, more convenient, and safer. Not long ago I talked about or, if you prefer.

In this guide I will show you how to make it even more convenient. We will talk about how to install an extension on Yandex Browser on Android and the PC version of the program. You will learn where to look for suitable plugins, install add-ons, and also pay a little attention to the most useful of them.

Let's start?


Now we need to use the Add-ons tab to work on extensions.

Some applications are divided into sections - tools (useful plugins created to speed up the Internet or work are stored here), Yandex Services (weather and disk, music and radio, mail, and so on), management, configuration, purchases.

Go to All Addons to see the full list.

The list contains the plugins that you already use. It won’t be a problem to switch the slider to “On” so that the program that specialists from Yandex offer you will work.

For example, it wouldn’t be superfluous, I talked about a more convenient application, Roboform , which, among other things, helps to come up with logins.

Read about it in more detail or use LastPass, which Yandex offers you.

Created to block ads, it will be very useful. There is also a review of the application on my blog.

Now I’ll click on the “Extension Catalog” button, it’s at the very bottom of the list. More than 1.5 thousand useful programs are collected here.

You can use the filter if you are looking for a specific category, for example, developer tools, if you are a webmaster, music for music lovers, shopping, if you often visit online stores, and so on.

Please note that next to each add-on there is a small description. If you are interested in something specific, click on the program to find out a little more.

Here, for example, is a utility for changing the design of VK.


Installing the plugin you like is no more difficult than searching for it. Next to the title there is an "Add" button. Click on it and wait for the process to complete.

Once everything is finished, an additional window will appear in which you will be asked to connect the plugin to the browser.

In this case, after the installation was completed, I was taken to a page describing how to use the program. Very comfortably. However, it should be noted that this does not always happen.

The instructions indicated to me that now an additional button will appear in the drop-down menu that we activate with the right mouse button. They didn't lie. She really is.

Enable, disable, delete

You can still enable, disable, and delete extensions by going to the “Add-ons” category from the main page, and then finding the required plugin in the list of installed ones. Hover your mouse cursor and in addition to disabling it, you have the opportunity to get rid of the unwanted utility.

Search for a specific plugin

If you read about an extension in some article and now really want to install it, you can use the catalog search. It is located at the top of the window.


One of the most difficult moments is working with the phone. How to enable the plugin on Android? To do this, you need to call up an additional menu. This can be done using a button located on the smartphone itself. Go to “Settings”. If you can't do this, use the direct link to the add-ons browser://tune .

Now select “Add-on Catalog”.

That's all, a mobile version of a familiar page has appeared before your eyes.

By the way, this page reminded me of another useful article that may be useful to you. . I highly recommend paying attention to them.

And here is the extension directory itself. It is no different from what we saw in the PC version, so I see no point in describing the methods of working with it again.

That's all for me, don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter and group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors. Bye everyone.

It can be said that Yandex browser- brother and practically twin of the browser Google Chrome. Therefore, you can install extensions in the Yandex browser in exactly the same ways as in Chrome. In addition, because Both of them are made on the basis of another browser called Chromium, then all extensions for Google Chrome install perfectly in the Yandex browser!

Thus, despite the fact that the Yandex browser appeared relatively recently, there are already a LOT of extensions that can be installed for it! And given the fact that there are more and more extensions for Google Chrome every day, we can be sure that we can always find something new, interesting and useful for ourselves.

1. Through the Google Chrome extension store

This is the easiest option for installing extensions. To use this method, you must be logged in to your Google account. If you didn’t have your own account there before, you will need to create one. To do this, it will be enough to create yourself a mailbox on Google.

We go to the extension store and select the extension we need. For this we can use extension search bar, which is located at the top left or go to the most suitable extensions section, look at the proposed extensions and choose among all the ones that suit us best.

By clicking on the thumbnail of a particular extension, you can familiarize yourself with it detailed description, ratings, comments, see screenshots of the extension in action. Those. The ability to analyze the usefulness of extensions is very conveniently implemented.

To install the extension in Yandex browser, you need to click on the blue “+ FREE” button. After this, the compatibility of your browser with the selected extension is checked, and then it is installed.

After installing the extension in the Yandex browser, an icon (icon) of the installed extension will most likely appear on the panel next to the address bar on the left. To use the installed extension in the future, you will need to click on the desired icon.

If the extension icon does not appear on the Yandex browser panel, that doesn't mean it doesn't work. It could be written in the form of additional items in the browser’s context menu or may affect the operation of the browser, but we do not see any buttons. Just in case, you can check the status of the installed extension (enabled or disabled). To do this you need to go to Yandex browser settings(gear in the upper right corner next to the button to minimize the window), select “ Tools", Further " Extensions" A list of all installed extensions will open. Make sure that the one you need has a checkmark “ Included»

Congratulations, we have just learned how to install extensions in Yandex browser through the Google Chrome store!

2. From third party sites

Watch a video on installing third-party extensions in crx format

  1. On the developer's website you need download extension crx file, saving it, for example, to the Desktop.
  2. Next you need open the settings of installed Yandex browser extensions(it’s written just above how to get there).
  3. Next we need drag the saved file to the open extension settings page. To make it easier to drag and drop from the desktop, minimize the Yandex browser a little so that it does not occupy the entire screen. When asked whether you really want to install the extension in the Yandex browser, answer positively.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Recently, the main browser in which I work with the site and surf the Internet has become . Judging by how it is rapidly conquering the world, pushing the once popular and into the background, it turns out that I am not alone in this. The one I once loved is slowly dying and fading into the background.

However, for some mysterious reason I I wanted to try the new Yandex browser, which, in fact, is a clone of the clever Chrom. There are already quite a lot of such clones, because the engine on which this browser runs is distributed under an open license. I already mentioned it in the above article.

He also mentioned the brainchild of Yandex, which at that time did not evoke any special emotions in me, because it was frankly damp and did not differ in any way for the better from Google Chrome. It was all the more surprising to discover that the new version of this browser gave me purely positive emotions, and if I don’t find any hidden bugs in it, I’ll most likely move to it in the near future.

Judge for yourself, the new Yandex browser has learned to synchronize bookmarks, passwords and other rubbish with its own server. Files you download from the Internet, and all pages you open (by Kaspersky and your own means). There is now a really working Turbo mode and an amazingly convenient translation of words when they are highlighted.

Well, everything you need to work with the Yandex browser extensions, apps, or themes can be installed from the Chrome Web Store. In any case, everything I use has been successfully installed and works. It is possible that I “discovered America,” but I will still share my impressions.

What's good about this browser

Please note that you are free to uncheck the last box so as not to assist in the collection of information about your preferences on the Internet. I have already said many times that search engines need their browsers in order to push their search into them by default and to receive data about . But that’s not the point, because most people simply don’t care about it, just like me. Let them collect.

Then wait a couple of minutes for the installation to complete and you will be able to see the new browser from Yandex. I’m thinking of putting my impressions of this miracle of programming thought into a list, if you don’t mind. Do not you mind? Well, okay.

    About appearance and first impressions. Unlike Chrome, its tabs are square, not beveled, and the settings button is placed a little higher. At first glance, there are practically no differences in these settings from the original, but this is not entirely true and we will talk about it.

    Everything I'm used to in Google Chrome works exactly the same and there is no discomfort. All extensions fit in and created the necessary comfort and functionality. Tabs can also be dragged with the mouse and placed in a separate window, as well as pinned and duplicated from the context menu (by right-clicking on them).

    The “I” button located on the left can be removed in the settings.

  1. In the first screenshot, by the way, you can see that the extensions are displayed in the same upper right corner. I also emphasized there Turbo mode results. In fact, it is needed and is activated automatically only when. However, I forcibly activated it in the settings to test it.

    If you don’t find these settings, then click on the inscription "Show advanced settings" bottom of the window:

    It works quite interestingly. Anything on the loading web page that can weigh a lot will not be loaded, but instead you will see the gray rectangles shown in the screenshot, by clicking on which you can activate the loading of this element.

    In my opinion, it was wonderfully conceived and implemented. Turbo mode can be useful when accessing the network, for example, using mobile Internet (from the dacha, on the road). Everything unnecessary is cut off and you don’t need to overpay for it, the pages will load much faster.

    When you activate Turbo, its icon will appear on the right in the address bar, by clicking on which you will find out how many megabytes (money) the Yandex browser saved you, and you can also download all the hidden elements for this page in bulk or go into the settings of this mode.

    At one time Chrome simply captivated me with its panel page translation, which appeared at the top of the window whenever you visited a website in a foreign language. For example, I don’t speak any other languages ​​besides spoken Russian. And Google translator opened up the world of the bourgeoisie for me - more than 200 languages ​​and in very decent translation quality.

    There is no hope that the browser from Yandex will surpass Chrome in this regard. The translation panel still appears when entering a foreign-language resource, but it is already in charge, and it can only handle a dozen languages ​​and not in such phenomenal quality as its main competitor.

    The translation from the RuNet mirror is as follows:

    Not a fountain, although Google Chrome didn’t do a very good job with the same fragment:

    However, the Yandex browser has one wonderful option activated by default - translation of a selected text fragment, if it is written in another language. Those. you highlight a word or phrase, after which you observe an arrow that appears slightly to the right.

    By clicking on this arrow, you will see the translation of this phrase into Russian (if the translator did not guess the original language, you can correct it by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list), and you will also be offered to copy this phrase to the clipboard or execute on it search on

    I think it's very convenient. If you have a different opinion, then this feature can be disabled in the browser settings:

    By the way, there you can also disable the appearance of the translation panel at the top of a foreign language page. Although, you can activate the translation of a page opened in the Yandex browser from its context menu:

    This may be useful in case the panel does not appear or you accidentally select the option to never translate this site:

  2. The fact that the address bar is also a search bar now comes as no surprise to anyone. Although, in my opinion, they show hints quite conveniently when typing a query:

    If these conveniences seem unnecessary to you, then disable them in the settings in two clicks:

  3. The file download manager here is no different from Google Chrome, but all the files you download go through on the fly scan with Kaspersky antivirus. If any doubts creep in about the trustworthiness of the downloaded object, you will be warned about this with a bright message in the traditional bottom download panel.

    In addition, I always liked the loading dialog, when the browser asks me what to do with this diamond. To do this, just check the box in the settings:

  4. The Chrome settings copied to this browser are somewhat confusing, or rather branched. For example, they managed to shove everything that is in plain sight and on several tabs in Opera under one “Content Settings” button.

    There are cookies, pop-up pages, display of pictures and a dozen other important and not so important things. Just keep in mind where you can look at it and change it if necessary.

Yandex browser extensions

Well, everything is generally simple here. In the help for this product, Yandex modestly notes that you are free to download and install extensions, applications and themes from online store, however, for some reason without mentioning that this very store belongs to Google. Just like that, we modestly sat down. But many people use this or that browser for the sake of extensions - if they don’t exist, the lion’s share of users won’t either.

Due to the fact that Chrome and the Yandex browser run on the same engine, most extensions and themes will fit on the latter without problems. Personally, I don’t use any applications, but all of them, which I wrote about in detail in the above article, installed without problems.

Let me briefly list them and provide direct links to installation so that you don’t have to worry about finding them in the Chrome online store. Again in list form, if you don't mind. Do not you mind? Well, okay.

  1. Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller- with it you can scroll pages very smoothly, and when you speed up the wheel or hold down the arrow on the keyboard, the scrolling will increase speed. By right-clicking on the extension icon and selecting “Settings”, you can customize everything for yourself:
  2. Wappalyzer- a powerful extension that allows you to recognize the ones you open in the Yandex browser, as well as the presence on these resources, for example, of Analytics counter scripts or, well, a great many other applications and technologies:
  3. In the version of this extension for Chrome and Yandex browser, on the plugin panel you will only see an icon displaying the Tic value for the currently open page. By clicking on this icon with the mouse, you will see a drop-down window with a much larger number of parameters.

  4. SEO Site Tools- a bourgeois SEO plugin that can be installed on the Yandex browser and which displays the page rank value of the open page on its button. If you place the above-mentioned RDS bar next to it, you will get a visual overview of the bellies:
  5. Alexa Traffic Rank— the well-known Alexa toolbar (read more about this in the article about Rank).
  6. Google Publisher Toolbar— allows you to view current receipt statistics without visiting their official website.
  7. Word Count is a very simple extension that allows you to count the number of words and characters in a text fragment of a web page you have selected. Simply select the text in the Yandex browser window and click on the icon of this extension (the blue letter W). It can be useful when working with, and in many other cases.
  8. Website statistics from— an extension that allows you to see website traffic according to version, even if its owner has blocked the statistics with a password.

Themes for Yandex browser

Now as for themes for the new browser from They are all taken from the same online store on the “Themes” tab. Try to see all the diversity of beauty there. Themes are installed in the same way as extensions:

If the downloaded theme is not to your taste, then you can safely continue your search, but if you are completely disappointed, no one is stopping you from returning to the default one.

To do this, you will need to select “Settings” from the gear menu and click on the button "Return default theme":

Well, that's probably all. What did you think of this reviewer?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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