How to search for information on Facebook. How to find a person on Facebook - using the social network and third-party services

Today, the social network Facebook is almost the most popular. Even Twitter or Odnoklassniki might envy her. But many are interested in the question of how to search for people on Facebook, because the search system is somewhat different from the above services. Let's look at a few main points.

How to search for people on Facebook: main rules

The search system in this social network is built quite unconventionally. The fact is that people can be searched on Facebook in several ways. At the same time, if you set a search when entering the name of a settlement, nothing may come of it. The system will simply display, for example, a registered city page or point to created groups.

In such a situation, searching for people on Facebook must be done by at least entering the first and last name of the respondent. It is advisable to indicate first the first name (last name) in the search bar, and only then the locality (residence, birth, etc.).

It is possible that the network itself will begin searching exclusively based on the list of already registered friends. If a mismatch is detected, the search will continue using the specified conditions. But, as is already clear, the list may be too large. Therefore, in the search engine you should apply additional conditions, filters if you like. For example, you can indicate a school or university along with your first name, last name or place of residence (birth). When registering with additional dating services, you can enter your address in the appropriate fields, after which they will identify people nearby.

But, as we all understand, not every user registers online under his real name (take, for example, the change of surname by girls upon marriage). How to search for friends on Facebook in this case?

System prompts

To begin with, you can use system prompts that warn the user that he may know someone. This system works on the basis of the so-called theory of correspondence dating. In other words, the question of how to search for people on Facebook is solved by analyzing familiar friends (friends of friends) who are included in the corresponding list. By the way, almost all of the most popular social networks work on this principle (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc.).

When the user sees that he really knows a specific person, he just needs to click on the add friend button. You don’t even need to visit your profile to activate the sending of the corresponding request.

Manual data entry

One of the easiest options is to search for friends manually. To do this, use a special field at the top of the page, where you need to enter the first name, last name or nickname of a potentially registered user.

After this, a list of persons will be displayed that best matches the established criterion. If necessary, you can expand the search results by clicking the link below to more results. The system, by the way, works in an interesting way. For example, the names Sergey and Seryozha are included in search results automatically.

The only catch is that sometimes the user needs to be found by locality of residence. If you simply set its name, the results will first display only links to, say, official city portals. Therefore, for the search to work as expected, you must first enter the name, and only then enter the name of the locality. Please note that brief user information is also submitted first indicating the name, and only then the place of residence.

Search by photo on Facebook

But during registration, you can change your name, as well as information about your locality. What to do in this case?

This is where the photo search system comes to the rescue. And, as it turns out, few people know about her. True, it is believed that this service on Facebook is absolutely hopeless, since any attempt to insert a picture into the search field gives absolutely no result. However, you can use the services of search engines like Google or tofinder, in which you just need to drag a photo saved on your hard drive into the search bar. Perhaps this is the way to find the right person.

In general, the problem of how to search for people on Facebook has several simple solutions. What to use is decided by the registered user himself. If all else fails, you can try to find the right person through the WhoIs service.

Even if you have a profile created for business, sooner or later you will probably need information on how to find a person on Facebook. And although it seems simple, I can still cover this topic for an entire article. So, you won’t have any difficulties after reading.

Ways to find a person on FB

So we can go two ways to find the user. I'll tell you more.

Is it possible to find a person on FB by phone number?

Some people don’t know that you can search for people on Facebook by phone number. First, let's talk about how to prevent this. For this we:

Now about where to enter the phone number to go to the profile. In fact, the answer is simple - use the search bar to do this.

Why can't I find a person on FB?

So, what could be the reasons for a failed search?

  1. Bad photo angle. It is best to use good quality portrait photographs;
  2. The person blocked the possibility of finding him through his phone number;
  3. Incorrect information was provided on Facebook. In this case, there is little help for you.


How to find a person on Facebook? The search bar at the top of the page will help with this. There you can use various filters. The functionality of this section is actually quite broad - this way you can find not only profiles. Publications, apps, groups and more are searchable here. Therefore, take advantage of it and do not deny yourself anything. Another place to find people is the well-known Google - here you will find not only memes, but also any other information, including links to those you need.

The 21st century is the era of information technology and limitless communication. Social networks have made the world closer and closer. One of these is Facebook. Each active user has the opportunity to endlessly exchange valuable information, use this resource for business purposes, and also actively meet and communicate with people from all over the world. For most users who are trying to cover the entire space of a given network, an important question is: how does it work? facebook people search. This problem is not very complex, but most people encounter it. Traditionally, there are several ways to solve this issue. Next article on working with Facebook: “How to delete a page on Facebook” - read .

Facebook search methods

How to find a person on Facebook? One of the simplest ways is a regular search using your own data for the person you are looking for. To do this, you need to know your first and last name. You should definitely know your last name, as this will help reduce your time costs. There is a search box on the page, it is clearly marked at the top. Data is entered into the search field, and as a result, all found users are displayed on the page. In order to speed up the process, you can specify a city or country. This increases the likelihood of quickly finding the right person. You can increase the number of friends and likes on Facebook by clicking on this address .

In addition, it is possible to carry out on. If for some reason there is no registration on the network, but you need to find the necessary person, you can contact Yandex. On the resource page, it is possible to find people. In the search section, enter all the necessary data, select the Facebook network, then “find”. As a result, we get an advanced search for network users. This can be done on Facebook search for people without registration, without any problems. If you are registered on Instagram, we can help you add likes to photos or follow-overs - go to link .

The next method for searching is using email or ICQ. If there is complete confidence that the user you are looking for uses these resources, this possibility is quite real. In these resources you can find those who use Facebook. Fast and inexpensive promotion on Periscope is available.

Search for people on Facebook can be carried out using the user’s personal information. In this case, you should indicate the following data in the “search” field:

    place of study (school, university);

    place of work;


This list has been expanded online. This will increase the opportunity to get a positive result.Most people have a question - how to find someone on facebook, if all methods do not help? Perhaps the page is hidden from different people. In this case, there is another rational way. To do this, you need to know the user's friends who are registered on the network. By going to their page, the required person will be shown in the “friends” section. You can promote your Twitter account by going to this

The Facebook website is incredibly popular because it is a social network that is used by the whole world. Here you can find new acquaintances and communicate with them, or maintain contacts and relationships with your old acquaintances and friends. And even if in real life you have lost contact with a person, you can easily find him and restore communication.

How to find someone on Facebook

To start our search, we need a search bar; it can be found on every page in the top left. You should enter your name, community and group name, or city. We are going to look for a person. To do this you need to follow several steps:

The search bar allows you to apply different filters. Thus, you can search for a person using the following criteria:

  • city ​​and country;
  • mutual friends;
  • education;
  • place of work.

These filters will help you narrow your search and get more accurate results. However, the main information for searching is the first and last name.

How to find a person by city on Facebook

As we noted earlier, you can find a person on Facebook using different filters. Let's look at how to do this around the city. First, you need to find the icon at the top of the line Friends and click on it. You will see a list of people who have sent you a friend request or have already been added. There is a link in the pop-up window at the very top Find friends.

Advanced search can also be activated in the pop-up window by pressing the key View all.

Find friends on Facebook by phone number

In fact, you can find a person on Facebook by phone number. Simply enter the number in the search bar. As a rule, the page of the desired person appears even before clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

However, it is worth understanding that other users on Facebook can find you in the same way. If you don't want this, you need to disable this option in the settings. In the top right corner you need to find arrow icon next to the question mark icon, then a window with different options will open. Here you need to find Settings and click on them.

In the settings go to the category Confidentiality. We are looking for a line Who can find me? A little lower there is a line Who can find you using the phone number you provided?. Here you can select one of the options: Friends of friends or Friends, Click on the desired option.

How to search for people on facebook by photo

On Facebook, you can even search for a person by photo, but to do this you need to be able to competently use Google image search. If you choose the right photo, you can quickly find a link to a person. It is important to understand here that it is the face that interests us. Full-length or waist-length photos are not suitable. When a suitable photo has already been selected, you just need to go on Google Images and click on the icon camera to upload a photo.

How to find someone on facebook by email

To do this, click on the icon Friends in the top panel of the site and in the pop-up window, click on the link Find friends. You will see a page where you can enter the person’s email address. The input field is in the upper right corner.

Synchronization with contacts

Facebook has one very useful function: you can synchronize contacts from some resources. During registration, the site offers to add friends from Skype, email, mobile phone and other resources. Most often, this opportunity is simply ignored, but you can import contacts not only during registration, but whenever you wish. You can do it this way:

This method will help you quickly find your friends, and it’s not at all difficult to do. If you know the name, city, place of study or work of a person, then it will not be difficult for you to find him on Facebook. Many people are interested in how to find a person on Facebook by date of birth. Unfortunately, this function is not available on the site at the moment. It is possible that over time, searching for users will become even easier! In the meantime, to search for friends by date of birth and zodiac sign, gg recommends turning to grandmothers who are fortune tellers - they know everything.

Facebook is the largest social network that connects users from all over the world. The daily activity is over 800 million users, and about 1.44 million unique users are registered annually. The social network Facebook offers a fairly large number of ways to find the right people. If the connection with a person is interrupted in reality, then you can easily find his virtual page on the social network.

Standard people search

First, let's look at the method of finding the right person through a standard search page ( facebook search), how to do this from a computer and smartphone:

Consider a standard search via mobile app Facebook:

Find Friends feature

The function allows users to find their friends through the social networks VKontakte, as well as using email:, Yandex, Rambler, Gmail and other email providers that are not on the list.

Instructions for " In contact with»:

Instructions for Email:, Yandex, Gmail and Rambler:

Advanced Search

If you cannot find the right person, you can use the advanced search, which allows you to apply an additional filter to the request, for example, location, publications, etc.:

Search is back service

Standard search tools on Facebook are quite limited, so there are special applications that can significantly simplify the procedure. Consider the “Search is back” service, with which you can find a person by last name, city, interests. You can also find comments, posts and photos using keywords.


Intelligence Search extension

The extension is intended only for the Google Chrome browser. With its help, you can find a person on Facebook according to certain criteria: by location (city), age, interests, etc. It should be noted that the extension only works in desktop versions of the browser.


Search by photo

You can find the right person using the Yandex and Google search engines, thanks to the use of the “Pictures” services. Both search engines implement this function; they help not only find a person on Facebook, but also other social networks. We will not describe the process in detail, since it is already on our website, but we will tell you in general terms.

As for Google Image (Pictures), then you need to go to the main page of the search engine. In the search bar, select the icon with the image of a camera. In a special field, indicate a link to the image or upload from a hard drive. A page will appear on the screen where links provided to the resources where the photo is found.

In Yandex Images the principle is exactly the same. We need to go to the main page of the search engine, select the “Pictures” tab and click on the icon with the image of a camera. You will be asked to select a photo from your computer or provide a link to it. Afterwards, information about similar photos and links where the image appears will appear on the page.

How to find friends by email

You can find friends by email in just a few steps:

Important! You can find a person in this way only if he specified an email when registering his profile.

Synchronization with contacts

Facebook users can sync contacts with Android devices. Let's look at the procedure:

We use the synchronization application “Ubersync”:

Search without registration

In this case, the Yandex People service will help. With its help, you can find people on some social networks, including Facebook. The service provides three search methods: by first and last name, country and region of residence, and by age.

By first and last name:

By country and region accommodation:

According to the age: