Changing the mouse cursor using the CSS Cursor rule. Changing the cursor in Windows

A large number of software have been developed to improve the appearance of the OS. Various packages of visual components make it possible to change the interface, repeating a newer version of the system. There are programs that do not change the entire interface, but only its individual components - the transparency of windows, the appearance of the Start button, or the display of the mouse cursor.

How to change the mouse pointer?

This change will make your operating system look more personalized and liven it up a bit. If you use Windows 7, you can change the usual appearance of the cursor in two ways: through computer personalization or through the control panel.

Changing the mouse pointer through personalization

On the desktop, right-click to open the dialog box and select “Personalization”. In the section on the left we are interested in “Changing mouse pointers”. Let's move on to this section.

This tab contains all the schemes that are installed on your computer. From the options available, select a new pointer display and confirm the changes. The cursor will immediately change to the new one you just selected. If you want to undo the changes, select the default theme - Windows Aero. Experiment with all the cursors that are included in Windows 7. You can try large black mouse cursors instead of the usual white ones.

Changing the cursor through the control panel for Windows 7

Everything is simple here. Go to Start → Control Panel → Mouse and perform the manipulations described above.

To be honest, the standard set of pointers is very gray and poor, there is nothing interesting there. Your best bet is to download a set of custom mouse pointers and use them. You can download them by typing “windows 7 cursors” into any search engine. Please note that cursors with the .ani extension are animated, while cursors with the .cur extension are dead. After you find and download the set you like (archive with the .cur extension), unpack and copy it to the folder with the standard set of C:WindowsCursors.

On the “Pointers” tab, in the settings list, select “Basic Mode” and click the “Browse” button. The C:WindowsCursors folder opens, into which you previously copied the new pointers. Select the index you want and click the “Open” button.

By viewing how the pointers change, you can change the display of all or just the ones you like. After all manipulations, you must save the new scheme. Click “Save As”, write the name of the scheme and click “OK”.

Hello! Today I will tell you and show you how to replace a boring, standard cursor in just a few seconds without installing any programs. You can download cursors from the link below - there are hundreds of them, for every taste, including live and animated cursors.

I would like to immediately say to those comrades who will start “pooping” in the comments with messages - “this is all pampering”, “don’t clog up the system”, “this is unnecessary”... give yourself a classic view of the system and rejoice in such beauty. Better yet, don’t turn on the computer at all, this will greatly complicate its useless existence.

Dear readers, this is Your computer and To you decide how comfortable, original and individual it will look. Don't listen to stone age people. Thank God today RAM is not measured in kilobytes or even megabytes. When replacing the cursor, the computer will not slow down - it’s like a pellet to an elephant.

So, first, download the archive with hundreds of different cursors...

Cursors download: 11 MB

We unpacked the archive and got this folder...

Move it to a place where it won’t be an eyesore. After replacing the cursor, this folder cannot be moved or deleted, otherwise the cursor will return to the standard, boring appearance.

Now let's forget about it for the moment. Close it if you opened it. Go to the desktop and right-click anywhere. A menu like this should appear...

We need the “Personalization” item. Now…

...and we get to the mouse pointer settings window...

Click “Review”...

Specify the path to our folder with a bunch of cursors and choose the one you like. Click directly on the cursor...

In the returned window, look at the preview (above, right) of the new cursor and if it suits you, click “Apply”. That's all - the cursor has changed. This operation can be done at least a hundred times. To return the index to its original appearance, click - “Default”.

Advice - cursors with resolution (.ani) are live, animated, and with (.cur) - dead.

So you are convinced that downloading and replacing cursors is really very simple and easy. I also advise you to change the appearance of the start button or make colored folders With original background. You can also read how to improve your mouse.

Hello friends! Today's instructions will talk about changing the familiar appearance of Windows 10 or Windows 7; this guide is suitable for both operating systems. In general, when updating the appearance, I mean changing the pointer or cursor, or mouse. We will also change the program loading icons, etc.

I am writing this instruction because the other day I was asked a question: how to change the mouse pointer in Windwos 10. Of course, I told you how to do this, but at the same time I decided to write detailed instructions so that next time I could simply send the user a link to the article, and he, in turn, guided by my examples, was able to do everything himself.

Next, we will look at how you can change the mouse pointer (cursor) by selecting an already installed scheme or how to add your own pre-downloaded and prepared cursor images. By the way, if your downloaded cursors are in the RAR archive, then do not forget to unpack them as we will need them in this form in the future.

Changing the mouse pointer using standard schemes

To change the mouse pointer, which was installed by default, we, in principle, as usual when setting up the OS, should go to “ Control Panel"In Windows 7, you can simply use the icon on the desktop or the corresponding item in the menu " Start».

In the new Windows 10, if you do not have an icon on your desktop, you can use the context menu " Start", called up using the right button.

In the mouse parameters window, click on the “” tab.

This is where we will change the appearance of the mouse pointer. As I said before, first I will show how this is done using standard circuits that were installed in the system in advance. Everything is basically simple, go to the scheme section and click on the arrow, a drop-down menu should appear in which you can select one of the preset schemes.

Once you decide, do not forget to confirm your changes by clicking on " Apply» – « OK».

That's all, in this way we can change the mouse pointer using standard themes, but let's figure out how you can still install your own personal cursors downloaded from the Internet.

Changing the default mouse cursor to your own in Windows 10

To begin with, of course, you need to download the cursor you like, I think there shouldn’t be any problems here, if anything happens, just write in the search engine “ download cursor", and go to the first link you come across. Having chosen the one you like, download it as an archive to your computer.

Now, be sure to unpack it into any free directory. Go to the folder with the extracted files, in addition to the usual pictures, you will see another file with a gear on the icon and with .inf. Right-click on it and select “ Install».

Next, as in the first example, go to the mouse settings to the “” tab. Clicking on the menu " Scheme» you will see that a topic with a new name has appeared in the list. By selecting it and confirming, all mouse pointers will change automatically. All you have to do is enjoy the new appearance of the mouse cursor.

How to change the mouse pointer if there is no .inf file

But what should you do if the downloaded archive does not contain the installer file? It's okay, then we'll just do everything ourselves with the help of our hands.

So, having unpacked the archive with cursors into a free folder, give it a name, for example “My cursor”. Now, copy it to another folder, which is located here: C:\Windows\Cursors.

Going back to the mouse parameters, namely the “” tab, manually mark the first cursor and click on “ Review».

A window will appear in which we go to the folder we copied.

And here we select the image we need for the mouse pointer.

We do the same with other pointers. After all the changes, be sure to save the diagram you created by clicking on “ Save as" and then giving her a name, click on " OK».

As always, to confirm and complete changing the mouse cursor, click on “ Apply».

As you can see, everything is very easy, and most importantly simple, to change the mouse pointer you will need to follow three simple steps, download the cursor, install it in the system, and select it from the list of schemes, that’s all.

The Windows operating system has a large set of tools for changing the design of the system. Among other things, in all versions of Windows you can change the type of cursor, and even create your own.

The article will talk about changing the pointer type mouse in versions 7, 8 and 10 of the system, which is usually called a cursor, although this is not entirely true. Pointers are stored in files with expansion.ani and.cur and they are stored in the folder Cursors. As can be seen from the extensions, the first one stores animated cursors, while the second one stores static ones.

How to set a standard mouse pointer

First, let's look at how to change the standard pointer to another one, but from the list of those installed in the system.

First of all, you need to go to . This can be done in all Windows operating systems. through start. In the top ten, you can right-click on Start and select the desired menu item.

Here we are interested in the section “ Mouse" and the bookmark " Signposts».

If there is no such item in the control panel, then in the upper right part of the window you need change viewing mode not small icons.

Before you start changing the settings, it is advisable to save the installed scheme so that the changes made do not affect the performance of the system if something goes wrong.

To start changing the pointer, click on the button Review, having previously selected the mode for which the cursor will be set.

A separate file is selected for each action. For example, you can specify what form the pointer will take in case of highlighting, waiting, selecting help, and other modes.

When downloading a ready-made set from the Internet, sometimes in the folder you can find a file with expansion.inf, which contains information about the set and is set as the topic. To do this, right-click on this file and select Install. After this, you can choose a ready-made theme.

How to create and install your own cursor

Creating your own cursors is quite simple, but you need to have minimal knowledge in creating graphics, and also have at your disposal graphics editor.

The procedure is simple:

This is not the only way. Much easier to find specialized software. There are a lot of such applications, both paid and distributed free of charge. Usually they contain a whole set of tools for work, including creating animation, and allow you to immediately save the result in the desired format.

If you are tired of the standard view of the mouse cursor, then let's change it. To do this, we will consider two methods: using standard cursors and downloaded ones. A regular white, small cursor can get pretty boring. Especially if you have vision problems, I recommend that you increase the size of the shortcuts and make the mouse cursor more voluminous.

Standard cursors are those provided by your operating system. That is, you will not need to search for anything on the Internet and download. And downloaded ones are those that you download from sites and can install.

Let's take a closer look at how to change the mouse cursor on Windows 7

To begin, run the command “ Toolbar» - « Mouse" I recommend that you immediately set the display of shortcuts in the toolbar to “ Small icons».

The dialog box “ Mouse properties" In it we go to the tab “ Signposts».

Here you will immediately see the sections “ Scheme" And " Settings».
In chapter " Scheme» there is a drop-down list with a large number of names of possible “types” of cursors. You need to open this list and select one of the possible options. To put it simply, “Schemes” are folders in which cursors of the same type are stored.

In chapter " Settings» presents a list of visual changes to cursors from a particular scheme. You can view it using the scroll wheel. That is, all variations of the cursor when performing a particular operation: background mode, text selection, resizing windows, moving, etc.

You probably already realized that first you need to choose one of the schemes. Next, see in the "Settings" section how it will look, and then click the " Apply".

Now let's look at how to install downloaded cursors. For example, I downloaded cursors from the first site in the Yandex search engine results. I would like to note that almost all sites have cursors, so first unzip them using.

A window will open in which we need to find the folder in which the previously downloaded pointers are located. Select any cursor you like and click "OK".

This way you can try a large number of possible colors and shapes of mouse cursors and choose the one you like.