Instructions for enabling the side keyboard with numbers on a laptop. The numeric keyboard of the PC is activated by a key. Numeric keyboard on computer and laptop


Press the key labeled Num Lock to turn on the numeric keyboard. It is usually located on this very additional numeric keypad and is located in the very first (left) place in the top row. It works as a trigger, that is, when the side section of the keyboard is turned off, pressing this button turns it on, and when it’s on, turns it off.

Use the keyboard shortcut fn + f11 to enable this additional digital keyboard or laptop. On some of the models of such computers, to reduce the size, the additional one is removed, and its functions are transferred to a group of keys on the main keyboard. These buttons have additional symbols that differ in color from the main keys. Pressing fn + f11 reassigns the functions of these keys, and they begin to work the same as the number pad on a standard keyboard. The f11 key may be replaced by another function key depending on the computer model you are using.

Change the value of the corresponding setting in the BIOS if an additional keyboard appears immediately after loading the operating system. Not all BIOS versions have this option, but if your computer has it, it may be called, for example, Num Lock Status, and the value corresponding to the enabled state is indicated by ON. To enter the BIOS settings panel, initiate an OS reboot through the main menu on the “Start” button, wait until the computer turns off and a new boot cycle begins. When the lights blink, press the Delete key and you will see the BIOS settings panel. Sometimes, instead of Delete, you need to press f10, f2, f1, or keyboard shortcuts that can be found in the description of your version.


  • how to enable additional keyboard

The problem of the additional keyboard working correctly is quite common on nix platforms. Users faced with such a problem sometimes drive themselves into a dead end, sinning because of the “curvature” of the latest version of the distribution, although the solution to the problem lies on the surface.

You will need

  • Operating system of the Linux family.


Fresh distributions (alpha and beta versions), mainly Debian-based systems, namely Ubuntu and Linux Mint, are most susceptible to this disease. First of all, you need to find out the reason for disabling the additional keyboard, because... she could not do it on her own.

Test the operation of the NumLock keyboard buttons in different applications, games, as well as the console (standard and virtual). Pay attention to its use in games, you need to assign actions to the buttons used (from 1 to 9). Don’t be afraid to assign all the buttons; the settings can always be returned to their original form.

If the NumLock is working properly, the keys should function in applications such as Standard, Gedit, and Internet browsers (programs that work directly with this type of keyboard). To launch the virtual console, use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + T, and for the regular console, Ctrl + Alt + F1 (F1-F6).

If the problem persists in all the programs listed above, and there is a chance to rule out the possibility of the keyboard not working, then you have activated the “Control the mouse pointer from the keyboard” feature. It’s easy to cure this disease; just press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + NumLock again.

To avoid subsequent attempts to accidentally press these keys, you must go to the “System” menu and select “Keyboard” from the “Options” list. In the window that opens, go to the “Mouse Buttons” tab, uncheck the “Allow the pointer to be controlled from the keyboard” checkbox. Now this problem will no longer bother you.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reboot the system or just restart the “x” (x-server). To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Backspace.

Lateral panel on a computer monitor can be a good help in obtaining the necessary information. It contains mini-applications such as “Weather”, “Currency Rates”, “Clock”, “Slide Show” and others. By placing, for example, the Weather widget on the side panel and by setting it to your region, you will always be aware of what weather is expected today, as well as for the coming days. The same applies to exchange rates and other information.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - side panel.


Lateral panel You can set it on top of all windows, remove or add mini-applications, select the clock format, and so on. When the sidebar is not needed or it interferes with working with documents, it is easy to disable it.

To turn off side panel, right-click on it. In the window that opens, select “Close sidebar” panel" It will disappear from the desktop. However, the mini-applications that you placed on the desktop will still be displayed. Lateral panel it is also easy to open again by right-clicking on its icon in the taskbar in the notification area, which is located in the lower right corner.

If lateral panel If you don't need it, you can exit it by closing all mini-applications and removing the sidebar icon from the notification area on the taskbar. To do this, right-click on the sidebar icon in the notification area. In the window that opens, select “Exit”. Lateral panel will be closed, and along with it all applications that you have installed on your desktop.

In case you need to return the side panel On your computer desktop, go to the Start menu and All Programs. Next, find the item “Side” panel» or Windows Sidebar. Launch this program with one click of the mouse. Now open your desktop and check for the utility. It is also worth noting that this program resumes its work when you restart your computer, so you can simply restart your PC and everything will fall into place.

In general, we can say that disabling the side panel It’s not difficult, just like turning it on, the main thing is to perform all the actions in order. After several times, you will not have such difficulties when working with a personal computer or laptop.

Video on the topic


  • how to remove sidebar

It is convenient to use the keys of an additional or numeric keyboard to fill in numerical data in spreadsheets, perform calculations on a software calculator, etc. In addition, the buttons of this keyboard can be used for navigation - moving the mouse pointer across the screen, the input cursor across the document being edited, etc.


The standard way to turn the numeric keypad on and off is to press the Num Lock key. Find it among the buttons in the upper right corner of the keyboard - the exact location may vary on different models of this input device. The enabled state of the numeric keys is indicated by an LED, which should be marked with the same Num Lock designation. If it is not lit, press NumLock and the numeric keypad will turn on.

If you previously used the mouse pointer function from the keyboard or activated it by accidentally pressing hot keys, then the buttons of the additional group of keys are configured to move the cursor around the screen. It is impossible to return them to their previous digital values ​​just by pressing NumLock. In this case, disable the cursor control function using the same key combination that activates it - Alt+Shift+NumLock.

On laptop and netbook keyboards, to save space, the NumLock key is often removed, as is the additional keyboard itself. In this case, the functions of the missing buttons are distributed among the keys of the main group, and switching is done by pressing the Fn button in combination with one of the function buttons. Try the Fn+F11 combination - it is used for this purpose more often than others. If the switch does not occur, check the computer description for the required combination.

If every time you turn on your computer, the numeric keyboard of your personal computer is inactive, change the corresponding setting in the BIOS settings. To do this, when you boot the computer, go to the settings panel of the basic input/output system - press the Delete key. In your computer model, the button for calling the BIOS settings panel may be different - it should be indicated in the inviting message that appears during the boot process.

In the settings panel, find the Boot Up Num-Lock line under Advanced BIOS Features and set this setting to On. Then exit the settings panel and save your changes.

Key organization

The keyboard keys are divided into several groups, depending on their functions.

· Dial keys (alphanumeric). These keys include the same letter, number, punctuation, and symbol keys found on a regular typewriter.

· Function keys. Function keys are used to perform special tasks. They are designated as F1, F2, F3 and so on until F12. The functionality of these keys varies depending on the program.

· Navigation keys. These keys are used to navigate documents and web pages and to edit text. These include the arrow keys, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, DELETE and INSERT.

· Numeric keypad. The numeric keypad is convenient for quickly entering numbers. The keys are grouped in a block, like on a regular calculator or adding machine.

The following illustration shows the location of these keys on a regular keyboard. Keyboard layouts may vary.

Key assignment

Key name Usage
Windows logo key Opening the main menu (Start)
Context menu key – add pic. Opens a menu with commands associated with the selected program elements. Equivalent to right-clicking the selected element.
SHIFT Press the SHIFT key in combination with a letter to enter a capital letter (uppercase). Press the SHIFT key in combination with another key to enter the character displayed at the top of the key. (switching CAPS LOCK mode while pressing)
Alt Function key, used in combination with others
CAPS LOCK Press the CAPS LOCK key once to enter all letters in uppercase. Press the CAPS LOCK key again to disable this feature. The keyboard may have a CAPS LOCK ON indicator light.
Num Lock Mode on/off the additional numeric keypad LOCK.
ENTER Press the ENTER key to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. In the dialog box, press ENTER to select the highlighted button? execution key, entering a menu section, etc..
ESC (Escape) Return, exit or reject key, cancel current job
SPACE Press the SPACE key to move the cursor forward one space.
F1 Calling program or Windows help
BACKSPACE Press the BACKSPACE key to delete the character before the cursor or selected text.
DELETE Deleting a character after the cursor or selected text; in Windows - deleting the selected item and moving it to the trash
INSERT Turn insert mode on or off. When insert mode is enabled, the text you type is inserted at the cursor location. When insert mode is disabled, the text you type replaces existing characters.
Prnt Scr (print screen) Used to copy a screenshot to the clipboard

Navigation keys

The navigation keys let you move the cursor, navigate documents and web pages, and edit text. The following table lists some of the main functions of these keys.

Additional numeric keypad

The numeric keypad contains numbers from 0 to 9, the arithmetic operators + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division), and a decimal point as on a calculator or adding machine. Although these characters are duplicated by other keys, their placement on the numeric keypad allows you to quickly enter numeric data or math operations with one hand.

Numeric keypad

To enter numbers on the numeric keypad, press the NUM LOCK key. Most keyboards have a NUM LOCK mode indicator light. When NUM LOCK is disabled, the numeric keypad functions as a second set of navigation keys (functions are shown on the keys next to the numbers and symbols).

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We have already covered the topic:

However, I really liked the article on the site Very clear and to the point...

The keys with which everything is more or less clear are highlighted in red; these are symbolic keys (letters, numbers, signs). The only thing I will dwell on in more detail in terms of these keys is how to display all the symbols drawn on these keys, but a little lower.

But the meaning of the keys highlighted in blue is most likely not clear to beginners. And so now I will describe the meaning of each such key separately.

I'll start from the top left corner.

"Esc" key. Reads like "Escape".

This key usually CANCELS an action. For example, if you right-click on the desktop and open the screen properties window, then pressing the “Esc” key will instantly close this window. In any game, pressing the “Esc” key will most likely exit to the game menu, and if you press this key again, the game will continue. In any browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.), when entering the address of a site, pressing the “Esc” key will return you to the original address value, to the home page address. And so on.

Keys "F1-F12".

These are function keys, i.e. when you press these keys SOME ACTION IS HAPPENING. These actions are different in different programs. Typically these keys are used as hot keys or in combination with other keys. For example, in most programs, the “F1” key is a call for help, help.
The key combination “Alt+F4” in Windows closes the current window. In any browser, the “F5” key is a page refresh.

"Print Screen/SysRq" key. Reads like "Print Screen".

Using this key you can do SCREENSHOT. Those. in fact, when you press this button, no visible actions occur, but in fact, the picture of the photographed screen goes into memory (clipboard), from where it can then be retrieved by pasting it into any graphics editor, for example “Paint” or “Photoshop”. By the way, if you press this key together with the “Alt” key (highlighted in green), i.e. “Alt+PrintScreen”, then not the entire screen will be photographed, but only the active window!

Scroll Lock key. Read as "Scroll Lock".

The essence of the action of this button is that when this button is turned on (this is indicated by the corresponding indicator light), using the cursor keys (arrow keys, Page Up, Page Down) you can move screen image , not the cursor. In general, the use of this button is only relevant for Excel, where it really works.

Pause/Break key.

Typically, from the moment you turn on your computer until Windows loads, you only have time to see the Windows boot screen on the screen. But in fact, at the time of boot, some information about the system is displayed on the screen (availability of RAM, hard drive capacity, etc.), so that HAVE TIME TO SEE For this information, you need to press the “PAUSE” button; to continue, you can press any button. In general, this button in combination with the “Ctrl” key was actively used at one time in DOS applications for INTERRUPTS program operation. Now the function of this button is performed by the TASK MANAGER.

Num Lock key.

This key INCLUDES NUMERIC KEYPAD located on the right side of the keyboard. If this key is turned on (as indicated by the indicator light), then the numeric keypad will work like a calculator, i.e. When pressed, numbers will be displayed.

If this key is turned off (the indicator is not lit), then the number keys will work in a different mode. The “1” and “7” keys will work like the “End” and “Home” keys - moving the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. The “3” and “9” keys will work as the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys - moving the cursor one screen up and down. The keys “2”, “4”, “8”, “6” will work as arrow keys, i.e. in cursor control mode.

In addition, if you set SPECIAL FEATURES for the mouse in the CONTROL PANEL, then when the “Num look” key is turned off, you can control the mouse cursor using the keys “4” - left, “6” - right, “8” - up, “2” - down.

"Page Up" and "Page Down" keys.

Using these keys you can scroll up and down the screen. Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off). These keys can and should be used in any text editor, any browser, in general, anywhere where the information does not fit on one screen in height.

Home and End keys.

Using these keys, the cursor moves to the beginning (Home key) and the end (End key) of the line. Or to the beginning and end of the list (in Explorer). Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

By the way, if you press the “Home” key together with the “Ctrl” key (highlighted in green), you will go directly to the first (topmost) page. And if you press the “End” key together with the “Ctrl” key, the transition will be carried out immediately to the last (bottom-most) page.

"Insert" or "Ins" key.

The "Insert" key switches between INSERT and REPLACE modes. In mode INSERTS, if you type between two words, the right word will move to the right and new text will be inserted after the left word. Like this: “left” “center” “right” - I inserted the word “center” between the words “left” and “right”.
And in REPLACE mode, the right word will be overwritten - replaced by the inserted word.
Like this: “left” “center”, i.e. the word “right” will be completely erased.
Sometimes you just want to disable this key, because... When typing text in WordE, you can accidentally click on this button and turn on the replacement mode, and at the moment of editing the already typed text you don’t notice how what you typed is overwritten. Therefore, I recommend that you sometimes pay attention to the status bar in WordE, there is an indication of the “Insert” key. In addition, in WordE you can disable this key altogether, but this is not covered in this lesson.

This key is also used in combination with the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys (highlighted in green).
Key combination “Ctrl+Insert” - copying selected text. Same as “Ctrl+C”.
Key combination “Shift + Insert” - inserts selected text. Same as “Ctrl+V”.

"Delete" or "Del" key.

Using the "Delete" key you can DELETE one character to the right in any text. Or delete all selected text. Or delete a file or folder. By the way, if you delete a file using the “Shift+Delete” key combination (the “Shift” keys are highlighted in green), the file will be deleted bypassing the trash bin, i.e. it will no longer be possible to restore it from the recycle bin.

The key highlighted in blue only works if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

In addition, the "Del" key is used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys (highlighted in green). When you press the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”, the “Task Manager” will open.

Cursor keys - arrows.

Using these keys CURSOR MOVES . The cursor is a blinking vertical bar in text editors or a highlighted rectangle in any file manager.

Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

The cursor keys can be used in combination with the Shift and Ctrl keys (highlighted in green). This is especially useful in text editors.

The key combination “Shift+right/left arrow” - selects one character from the right/left.
The key combination “Ctrl + right/left arrow” - moves the cursor one word to the right/left.

The key combination “Shift+up/down arrow” - selects one line up/down.
The key combination “Ctrl + up/down arrow” - moves the cursor one paragraph/line up/down.

BackSpace or Left Arrow key. Reads like "Backspace".

With this key you can DELETE one character to the left or the entire selected text.
In file managers, this button is used to move one level (one folder) up. In photo viewing programs - go back one photo.

The key combination “Alt+BackSpacr” - cancels the previous action. Same as “Ctrl+Z”.

Enter key. Read as "Enter".

There are two Enter keys on the keyboard. If you often work with numbers on the numeric keypad, I recommend that you use the “Enter” key, which is located on the right, bottom part of the keyboard.

The Enter key is used to CONFIRMATIONS any actions, to open files, to launch programs, to move to a new line.

Shift keys. Read as "Shift".

Shift key is used TO SWITCH THE REGISTER characters. Those. if the "Shift" key is pressed, then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: SHIFT KEY.

Additionally, the Shift key is often used in combination with the Ctrl and Alt keys. For example, the key combinations “Ctrl+Shift” or “Alt+Shift” switch the keyboard layout.

"Ctrl" keys. Read as "Control".
Alt keys. Read as "Alt".

I combined the meanings of these keys because... they really are the same. These keys are used TO EXPAND FUNCTIONALITY other keys, i.e. "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys are used IN COMBINATIONS with other keys to perform any actions.

"Context menu" key.

Using this key THE CONTEXT MENU IS CALLED , exactly the same as if you pressed the RIGHT mouse button. The menu will correspond to the program you are working in, i.e. active program. Or if you press this button while on the “Desktop”, a menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop will open.

Windows or Win key.

When you press this key, the main Windows menu opens - the START button menu.
In addition, this key is used in Windows in combination with other keys, making it easier and faster to launch any programs or perform any actions.

For example, the key combination “Win+D” minimizes all windows.
Key combination “Win+E” - launch “Explorer”. And so on. I will make a separate lesson about key combinations.

Spacebar key.

This key is used FOR SEPARATION between themselves symbols, words, i.e. to insert a space character - indent.

By the way, if replace mode is enabled (using the “Insert” key), the “Space” key works like the “Delete” key, i.e. erases the character on the right.

Using this button you can bypass all contextual elements of the active window. This can be useful when the mouse suddenly stops working or is not there at all for some reason. To make it clearer, go to Explorer and press the “Tab” key. You will see how the cursor jumps from one context element to another.

The Tab key is also used in combination with the Alt key to switch tasks in Windows.

Now, as I promised, I’ll tell you how to display all the symbols drawn on a key.
For example, I’ll take the “?” key located near the right “Shift” key.

There are already four characters per key. The secret is in the “Shift” key and the keyboard layout.
Those. to display "." (dots) the Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.
To display “,” (comma), you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the Russian keyboard layout.
To display “/” (slash), you need to switch to the English layout and press this key. To display "?" (question mark) you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the English layout. That's the whole secret.

The same goes for other keys that have several symbols on them. For some special national symbols, you need to switch to the national layout accordingly.

The number pad is located on the right side of the keyboard, but on some models it is missing. It contains numbers as well as symbols that are used in the calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

Numeric keypad, Numpad or numeric keypad is a section on the keyboard, located on the right and is used for faster right-handed input of numbers and for special characters. It should be noted that the numbers are in the opposite order than on the phone keypad. In the so-called stripped-down (compact) and in some gaming versions, the number pad is missing to reduce dimensions.

The number pad is on the right side of the keyboard

How to enable numbers on the right side of the keyboard

The number pad is disabled by default. The methods for activating it differ for PCs and laptops.

Activating the numeric keypad using keys

To use the number pad on a desktop computer, press Num Lk (or NumLock). NumLock (literally translated from English as “fixing numbers”) is a key for switching and locking the numeric register.

The location of this button may vary. Most often it is located on the right, in the same block as the numbers, immediately above them. After pressing, the indicator light will light up, indicating that the numeric keypad is ready for use.

On a laptop, the numeric keypad - if it has one - is also turned on by the NumLock key. If it is not on the keyboard, hold down the key combination Fn+F11: when you press keys that have number icons, highlighted in a different color or surrounded by a frame, numbers will be displayed.

The NumLock key is located above the number block on the keyboard

How to configure the numeric keypad to automatically launch when the system starts

Numeric Pad can also be configured to automatically turn on when the system starts:

Video: Configuring NumLock to automatically turn on when the system boots

Possible problems and solutions

Under certain circumstances, even something as simple as activating the numeric keypad can cause some problems.

NumLock key is pressed, but NumPad still doesn't work

There are situations when NumLock is pressed, but the digital pad still does not work. This error does not appear very often, but can occur if the "Control the pointer from the keyboard" option is enabled.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  2. Go to the "Ease of Access Center" and click on the "Make your mouse easier to use" section.
  3. Uncheck "Enable keyboard pointer control."

Keyboard prints numbers instead of letters

As already mentioned, the alphabetic part of the keyboard prints numbers instead of letters when you press Fn+F11. To disable this feature, press Fn+F11 again.

The laptop does not have a NumLock key, and the Fn+F11 key combination performs a different task

If the Fn+F11 key combination does not produce the desired result, the standard On-Screen Keyboard utility will help you solve most problems with enabling or disabling the numeric keypad.

This program displays the current state of your keyboard on the monitor screen. To launch the on-screen keyboard, do the following:

The indicator light does not light up after pressing the NumLock button

There is a possibility that the keyboard is faulty. Connect another keyboard and try again. If the button still does not light up, the problem may be missing or unupdated drivers.

The buttons on the wireless keyboard do not work

If the buttons on the wireless keyboard do not work, it means that the keyboard driver is not installed on your computer or the keyboard is not connected correctly. The problem may also be a low battery in the keyboard.

If everything is fine with the connection and power supply, update the driver. To do this, go to the device manager, select the keyboard in the list, right-click on it and in the “Driver” section select “Update”. Follow the program's instructions.

Numeric keypad doesn't work in Linux

In Ubuntu, the buttons on the Numpad are used in combination with the Ctrl+Alt keys to control active windows. The Shift+NumLock key combination disables mouse emulation, after which you can use the number pad.

How to type characters that are not on the keyboard

We have all at least once wondered how to print, for example, an original emoticon or make the folder name invisible. There are tables with which you can learn to print additional characters. Such symbols are called “special”, and the commands themselves are Alt codes and are designated as Alt+X, where X is a number in the decimal notation system.

Using the numeric keypad while holding down the Alt button, you can type characters such as:

  • © (Alt+0169);
  • (Alt+3);
  • ☼ (Alt+15);
  • ☺ (Alt+1);
  • ♪ (Alt+13);
  • and also write an invisible folder name (Alt+0160).

Video: How to type characters that are not on the keyboard

Numeric keypad with USB

If your laptop does not have a Numpad, and the on-screen keyboard is inconvenient to use, you can connect a number pad separately. It looks like a mini keyboard with a cord. The removable numeric keyboard connects to the computer via a USB interface and does not require additional power or drivers.

Removable numeric keyboard connects to a computer or laptop via a USB connector

The number pad - if it is not on the right side of the keyboard - for most laptops is turned on by the key combination Fn + F11. It is used to enter special characters and by those users who are used to typing digital values ​​with their right hand. If you don’t want to constantly switch between numeric and alphabetic modes, you can purchase a separate numeric keyboard that connects via a USB port.

If you've ever owned a laptop, you've probably come across a cut-off keyboard. Of course, not all laptops have a shortened keyboard, but most models still have one. She looks something like this

There is also such a keyboard for desktop computers, but it is probably only suitable for people who very rarely use numbers in their work. Still, for working on a computer, it is more rational to buy a full-size keyboard, because... It costs hardly much more, and it doesn’t take up much more space than a shortened keyboard.

What to do if you become the owner of such an incomplete keyboard. First of all, don’t despair, there are several ways to get out of this situation:

Use regular number buttons, which are located in the second row of keyboard buttons

You can press the Fn button and use an additional keyboard, which turns on by replacing some letters with numbers. But such a keyboard is even less convenient to use than regular numbers.

Well, the third option is the most interesting and convenient - to use additional keyboard, which contains only numbers.

Why do you need an additional keyboard?

This computer gadget makes life much easier when you need to carry out a lot of monotonous operations with numbers and will be useful for many. Even owners of full-size keyboards will not find it superfluous, because it is not always convenient to perform a lot of arithmetic operations using a regular keyboard; it is much more convenient to have an additional small keyboard that can be placed in almost any place convenient for you.

A little about functionality

Most often, such a keyboard has 18-20 keys (the number depends on the model), but of course it necessarily has the entire set of numbers from 0 to 9. In addition to the numbers, there are signs for mathematical operations, as well as the Enter key and some other buttons. The dimensions are quite small - it is about the size of the hand of an average adult, and it is at this size that it is most convenient to use.

Some manufacturers produce additional wireless keyboard, which gives even greater freedom of action.

Now let's talk a little about the keyboard design

The device is quite in demand, accordingly, many companies have already launched the production of this gadget, and as a result, many models of various designs and colors have appeared. Today, everyone will be able to choose a keyboard that suits their taste.

And let's summarize a little

If you have a laptop with a shortened keyboard, or for some reason a desktop computer has such a keyboard, then this one will not hurt you at all. Additional keyboard It will be very helpful if you need to do some calculations. Also, such a keyboard can be useful for gamers, because in some games it is much more convenient to use a small keyboard than a full-size one.

The number pad is located on the right side of the keyboard, but on some models it is missing. It contains numbers as well as symbols that are used in the calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

What is Numeric keypad

Numeric keypad, Numpad or numeric keypad is a section on the keyboard, located on the right and is used for faster right-handed input of numbers and for special characters. It should be noted that the numbers are in the opposite order than on the phone keypad. In the so-called stripped-down (compact) and in some gaming versions, the number pad is missing to reduce dimensions.

The number pad is on the right side of the keyboard

How to enable numbers on the right side of the keyboard

The number pad is disabled by default. The methods for activating it differ for PCs and laptops.

Activating the numeric keypad using keys

To use the number pad on a desktop computer, press Num Lk (or NumLock). NumLock (literally translated from English as “fixing numbers”) is a key for switching and locking the numeric register.

The location of this button may vary. Most often it is located on the right, in the same block as the numbers, immediately above them. After pressing, the indicator light will light up, indicating that the numeric keypad is ready for use.

On a laptop, the numeric keypad - if it has one - is also turned on by the NumLock key. If it is not on the keyboard, hold down the key combination Fn+F11: when you press keys that have number icons, highlighted in a different color or surrounded by a frame, numbers will be displayed.

The NumLock key is located above the number block on the keyboard

How to configure the numeric keypad to automatically launch when the system starts

Numeric Pad can also be configured to automatically turn on when the system starts:

  • enable NumLock in BIOS. To do this, hold down the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys when starting a desktop computer and F2 on a laptop. After that, look for the BootUp NumLock Status line. Enable means the numeric keypad is active;
  • if there is no such setting in the BIOS, then change the settings of the InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter in the registry (for Windows 7 and lower). To enter the registry settings, hold down the Win + R buttons and enter regedit in the “Run” field, then press OK or Enter. Go to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard. The value must be set to 2 (or 2147483648) - in this case, the numeric keypad will be immediately available when the system starts;
    In the “Change string parameter” window that opens, enter 2 in the “Value” field and click OK
  • For Windows 8.1 and 10, this method is also suitable if the InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter is set to 80000002.
  • Video: Configuring NumLock to automatically turn on when the system boots

    Possible problems and solutions

    Under certain circumstances, even something as simple as activating the numeric keypad can cause some problems.

    NumLock key is pressed, but NumPad still doesn't work

    There are situations when NumLock is pressed, but the digital pad still does not work. This error does not appear very often, but can occur if the "Control the pointer from the keyboard" option is enabled.

    To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  • From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  • Go to the "Ease of Access Center" and click on the "Make your mouse easier to use" section.
  • Uncheck "Enable keyboard pointer control."
  • Keyboard prints numbers instead of letters

    As already mentioned, the alphabetic part of the keyboard prints numbers instead of letters when you press Fn+F11. To disable this feature, press Fn+F11 again.

    The laptop does not have a NumLock key, and the Fn+F11 key combination performs a different task

    If the Fn+F11 key combination does not produce the desired result, the standard On-Screen Keyboard utility will help you solve most problems with enabling or disabling the numeric keypad.

    This program displays the current state of your keyboard on the monitor screen. To launch the on-screen keyboard, do the following:

  • Go to the Start menu and click on Control Panel. From the Start menu, in the right column, select Control Panel
  • Select Accessibility from the list.
    Set viewing mode and select Accessibility
  • Launch the on-screen keyboard using the function of the same name.
    In the window that opens, click “Enable on-screen keyboard”
  • This will open a digital copy of your physical keyboard. If you want to customize the keyboard functions for yourself, click on the “Options” button.
    For advanced settings, click on the “Options” button
  • The indicator light does not light up after pressing the NumLock button

    There is a possibility that the keyboard is faulty. Connect another keyboard and try again. If the button still does not light up, the problem may be missing or unupdated drivers.

    The buttons on the wireless keyboard do not work

    If the buttons on the wireless keyboard do not work, it means that the keyboard driver is not installed on your computer or the keyboard is not connected correctly. The problem may also be a low battery in the keyboard.

    If everything is fine with the connection and power supply, update the driver. To do this, go to the device manager, select the keyboard in the list, right-click on it and in the “Driver” section select “Update”. Follow the program's instructions.

    Numeric keypad doesn't work in Linux

    In Ubuntu, the buttons on the Numpad are used in combination with the Ctrl+Alt keys to control active windows. The Shift+NumLock key combination disables mouse emulation, after which you can use the number pad.

    How to type characters that are not on the keyboard

    We have all at least once wondered how to print, for example, an original emoticon or make the folder name invisible. There are tables with which you can learn to print additional characters. Such symbols are called “special”, and the commands themselves are Alt codes and are designated as Alt+X, where X is a number in the decimal notation system.

    Using the numeric keypad while holding down the Alt button, you can type characters such as:

    • © (Alt+0169);
    • (Alt+3);
    • ☼ (Alt+15);
    • ☺ (Alt+1);
    • ♪ (Alt+13);
    • and also write an invisible folder name (Alt+0160).

    Video: how to type characters that are not on the keyboard

    Numeric keypad with USB

    If your laptop does not have a Numpad, and the on-screen keyboard is inconvenient to use, you can connect a number pad separately. It looks like a mini keyboard with a cord. The removable numeric keyboard connects to the computer via a USB interface and does not require additional power or drivers.
    Removable numeric keyboard connects to a computer or laptop via a USB connector

    The number pad - if it is not on the right side of the keyboard - for most laptops is turned on by the key combination Fn + F11. It is used to enter special characters and by those users who are used to typing digital values ​​with their right hand. If you don’t want to constantly switch between numeric and alphabetic modes, you can purchase a separate numeric keyboard that connects via a USB port.

    Most laptops have a full-size keyboard with a number pad on the right. But to use these buttons, you must first turn on the side unit. This can be done using the Num Lock key or a combination with the Fn button, through the on-screen keyboard or in the BIOS settings.

    Using Hot Keys

    To turn on the numbers on the right (this block is also called Numpad), find and press the Num Lock button. On an external input device, when you press this button, an indicator lights up, under which a number is drawn. On the laptop, no indicator will light up, but the number pad should work.

    If your laptop doesn't have a Num Lock key, turn on the Numpad using the Fn function key. Look at the row of F1-F12 keys: the images should tell you which combination is used to activate the number pad on the right. Often the combination Fn+F11 allows you to enable the right keyboard with numbers, but there may be other options.

    Some laptops use the Fn+Alt combination - for example, this is how Numpad is turned on on Sony laptops. In order not to go through all the available combinations with the Fn button, look at the desired combination in the instructions that were in the box with the laptop. If the paper manual has been lost for a long time, download its electronic version from the manufacturer's website or look on the support forum.

    Using the on-screen keyboard

    If there is no Num Lock key on your laptop, and you can’t turn on the Numpad with numbers using a combination of FN and another button, then try using the on-screen keyboard to activate the block. This is a special system tool that completely replaces a physical input device in its absence.

    A panel with keys will appear on the screen, which completely replicates the appearance of the physical input device. There should also be a Numpad on the on-screen keyboard; if the block with numbers is missing, open the parameters and check the box that activates the Numpad.

    A virtual Num Lock button should appear next to the numbers, after clicking on it the block on the right will work. You can enter numbers either from the on-screen keyboard using a mouse or from a physical device. To turn off the number block, click the Num Lock button on the virtual keyboard again.

    Setting in BIOS

    In the most difficult cases, enabling the numbers on the keyboard on the right will not work without changing the BIOS settings. Fortunately, such a requirement does not occur very often, but it is better to be aware of this possibility.

    The most difficult thing in this procedure is getting into the BIOS. Most modern laptops have fast startup, so you may simply not have time to press the right key. This can be fixed by temporarily disabling fast startup.

    After making the change, the laptop will start with all screens, so you will definitely see and have time to press the key that is responsible for entering the BIOS. After turning on the numeric keypad, do not forget to return to the management console and check the quick start so that you do not have to wait for the system to boot each time.