Instructions for connecting Wi-Fi from various devices. How to connect wifi on a laptop. Connecting laptops via Wi-Fi

Of course, mobile Internet is quite a useful technology that allows you to connect to the World Wide Web almost anywhere on the planet. But for home use, the 4G communication standard is not always convenient and profitable, especially if the subscriber has a high-quality modern router installed.

And in this article we will look at how to connect your phone to a router, and how home wifi Internet is more profitable than a “classic” mobile connection.

At the same time, let’s immediately “get rid” of several common misconceptions:

  • - firstly, almost any modern phone can be connected to a wifi network: the success of this operation is in no way does not depend from the manufacturer of the gadget (whether it is Samsung, Nokia, fly, lg or a simple Alcatel) or its appearance (“classic” push-button phone or modern sensor);
  • - secondly, the connection to “mobile” Wi-Fi also does not depend on the Internet provider: if a Wi-Fi access point exists, then you can connect to it. And who provides this resource: Rostelecom, MTS, byfly or a millionaire neighbor - does not matter.
  • - and finally, the operating system installed on the cell phone (Android, Windows Phone or iOS) only affects the way the connection to the local network is configured.

So which phone can be connected to the router via wifi?

Correct answer: telephone, the hardware of which includes a special wifi module.

The presence of this is indicated by the Wi-Fi inscription on the packaging of the device or the corresponding mention in the user manual.

Why is wifi internet on your phone better than a 4G connection?

  • - Benefit: why pay extra for mobile traffic when you have “free” home Internet?
  • - “Unlimited”: with a wifi connection to the Internet, you do not have to “count” the megabytes spent.
  • - “Independence” from cellular operators: in the absence of a mobile signal, you can safely use the Internet (on some devices even with a missing SIM card).
  • - Battery saving: Wi-Fi application is less power-intensive than working on an LTE or 3G network, so when working with Wi-Fi, the battery drains slower.

Let's take a closer look at how to connect the Internet on your phone via a router on the main mobile OS.

How to connect wifi on an android phone?

Connecting Android devices is carried out almost the same for all models of cell phones and smartphones: the differences are not significant.

1. To connect wifi, you first need to unlock the device and go to the main menu.

3. In this window, the main settings menu will appear in front of you: here (usually the first item) Wi-Fi settings are located - go to the Wi-Fi submenu.

(For older versions of Android, you first need to go to “Wireless Networks” and select “Wi Fi Settings” there)

4. In the settings window:

  • - if the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on, the networks available for connection will be displayed;
  • - if the Wi-Fi module is turned off, the system will prompt you to turn on Wi-Fi to view available network connections. You can connect the adapter using the slider (usually in the upper right corner - see the picture).

5. Select the network you need from the list, and in the dialog box that appears, write the password to access this network.

If you entered the password incorrectly and the connection to the wireless network did not occur, click on this network again and in the dialog box that appears, select “Forget”, after which you should enter the required authentication data again.

How to connect an iOS phone to a wifi modem?

1. To set up a connection to a wifi access point on iOS, you first need to go to the main menu and select the “Settings” subsection there.

3. Set the touch slider to the “ON” position to search for available wifi access points.

4. From the list of networks, select your home network and enter authentication information.

If everything is specified correctly, in the future your phone will automatically connect to your home Wi-Fi network.

How to connect wifi on a phone running Windows Phone.

Connecting such phones is almost identical to setting up Wi-Fi on Android devices.

The only difference here is the visual design of the menu interface.

If necessary, enter the password to connect to Wi-Fi - the phone is ready to work on your home network.

Nowadays, wireless technologies make it possible to create an entire home network, which will include all mobile devices and computers equipped with Wi-Fi adapters. Everyone potentially has such opportunities, but not everyone knows how to connect Wi-Fi at home.

What you need to organize a home network

In this article I will tell you what you need to connect Wi-Fi at home.

First, you'll need a wireless router or access point. Secondly, in order to connect a computer to the router, the second one must have a Wi-Fi adapter installed. It is worth noting that every modern laptop, netbook, smartphone and tablet are equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless modules, so there should be no problems with creating a home network from this side.

Today, absolutely everyone can buy a wireless router, since their cost is within the reach of any budget. However, if you don’t want to spend money on a router, you can create a distribution on a computer or even on a smartphone; If you create an access point on a smartphone, then you will only be able to access the mobile Internet, and only if it is connected and configured on the distribution device.

Here I will describe what to do if you take the plunge and purchase a router.

How to organize a local wireless network

Let's look at how to set up a local network via a Wi-Fi router, using the D-Link Dir-300 router as an example. If you have a different model, then don't be upset. They are all configured the same way. The difference between the routers is only in the design of the interface and the names of some sections. Otherwise, the essence of the work remains the same for everyone.

So, turn on your router and wait for it to boot. After that, you can connect to it via Wi-Fi or through the cable that came with the device. Next, open your favorite browser and enter the router’s IP address in the address bar. It is indicated on the factory sticker, which is affixed to the device itself (just carefully inspect it from all sides). On the same sticker you will find information about the login and password to enter the options menu.

If the sticker is missing or worn off, you can find out all the necessary information in the instructions. If none of the options suits you, then after connecting to the router, launch the command line and enter the following command in it: ipconfig and press “Enter”. All that remains is to find the line “Main gateway” - this will be the address of your router. As a rule, T-Link and D-Link use this IP address: Sometimes there are routers with the following address:

So, we register the IP address we already know in the browser and press “Enter”. Now the system asks you to enter your password and login to enter the options menu. By default, in the vast majority of cases, the following data is used: login – admin, password – admin.

That's it, now you are in the router settings menu. As mentioned above, you don’t need to configure anything special to create a local network. You can simply enter the name of the network, and also secure it by creating a complex password. To do this, go to the “Wi-Fi” section.

In the main settings you can enter the name of the router. To do this, find the line “SSID” (or username) and enter in it any network name you like.

A little lower you will see the line “PSK encryption key”. This is the password for connecting to the network. You can enter absolutely any password here at your discretion. The main thing is not to forget it later, since without this key you will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi.

Of course, there are a bunch of other settings, but, as a rule, no one uses them, since for normal operation of the network it is enough to specify a name and set a password. Now you know how to install Wi-Fi at home yourself.

But, if you have cable Internet, you can connect it to your router. This will allow you to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. Of course, this connection also requires separate configuration.

Setting up WAN in the router

WAN is a wide area network. Simply put, this is the Internet. If an Internet cable from your provider is installed in your apartment (house), then you can connect it to the WAN port of the router (RJ-45 interface). Of course, you will also need to enter certain settings in the router itself. To do this, go to the “Network” section in the router settings. Next, go to the “WAN” subdirectory.

Below, click the “Add” button. In the “Connection type” line, you need to indicate the type of connection that your provider provides. There are three options to choose from:

  1. PPPoE is a connection to the Internet using a unique login and password that is issued by the provider upon connection.
  2. Static IP - in this case you will have to manually enter the network parameters. That is, the provider gives you certain network settings that you must enter when setting up the connection. This data is usually specified in the contract concluded with the provider. But you can call customer support and ask the operator for all the necessary information.
  3. Dynamic IP – this option sets network parameters automatically. It only works if the provider provides such services and supports the technology for connecting clients by MAC address. That is, instead of a login and password, a unique number is used - the MAC address of your network card (or router).

As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, the first option is used - a PPPoE connection using a client login and password. Therefore, in the “Connection type” line we set the value to “PPPoE”.

Additional settings will open below. We are interested in the “PPP” section. It only needs to be filled in three lines:

  • “Username” – here you need to indicate the login that your provider assigned to you.
  • “Password” – enter the password assigned to you by your provider.
  • “Password Confirmation” – here you need to enter your password again.

If you are provided with an IPTV service and will watch TV on a computer or on a TV with a Wi-Fi adapter, then check the “IGMP” box. After that, click “Apply” and reboot the router.

This completes the router setup. All devices connected to it will have access to the global web. In this case, they will all be in the same home group. Thanks to this, you can transfer information between devices in a group, transfer files, and so on. To do this, you just need to set up sharing and open access to the necessary resources.

Now you know how to install Wi-Fi in your apartment. However, there are other options.

For example, if you have a laptop, then you can distribute Wi-Fi from it. Moreover, if you connect your laptop to the Internet, your virtual network will have access to the Internet. The easiest way to organize Wi-Fi distribution on a laptop is to use the Virtual Router Plus program.

The program is free and extremely easy to use. I think you will understand its settings. You can learn more about how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop in this article.

You can also distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. To do this, you just need to connect to a 2G or 3G network on your phone and activate the “Mobile Hotspot” function in the Wi-Fi settings. You can find out more about this.

How to set up a local network via a Wi-Fi router: Video

The organization of wireless local area networks based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, or as it is also called WiFi, has become very popular recently. Imagine how convenient it is to have access to the Internet in any part of your apartment or house, not to be tied by computer network cables to specific workstations and at the same time to have a local network of all computers in your house. Therefore, if you don’t yet have a WiFi network, but would like to deploy one, then it’s time to get acquainted with how to connect WiFi at home.

So, if you have various clients at home, such as computers, laptops, cell phones or tablets that can use a WiFi connection, then a logical step would be to implement a WiFi network through a router with a built-in wireless module. But don’t rush to go to the store just yet. First, let's look at what types of the IEEE 802.11 standard currently exist in the 2.4 GHz frequency range permitted for our country.
IEEE 802.11b - Supports data transfer rates of up to 11 Mbit/s, which is quite low for local networks.
IEEE 802.11g - Under ideal conditions, can provide data transfer rates of up to 54 Mbps.
IEEE 802.11n - A relatively new standard with a maximum data transfer rate of up to 600 Mbit/s.

802.11b/g standards are supported by all officially presented devices on the market in our country. The new 802.11n standard is very promising, as it provides higher data transfer rates, longer communication distances with better signal stability, but is still used only in some devices. If your clients support this standard, then it is better to choose a wireless router that matches the 802.11n mode. It will be backward compatible with 802.11b/g, which means you can connect to it absolutely all gadgets and computers that have WiFi modules.

Now let's return to the question from the beginning of the article. How to connect WiFi at home? We will tell you about the most correct option in our opinion. This is the purchase of a router (router) with a Wi-Fi module, if you have an Internet connection via an Ethernet cable, and an ADSL modem with a router and wireless access function, if you have a high-speed ADSL connection.

You can, of course, if you already have a modem, purchase an access point for it and set them up to work together. But, as practice shows, the time and effort spent on setting up devices from different manufacturers turns out to be greater than purchasing “all-in-one” devices from the same brand. In addition, the all-in-one device will be more user-friendly to set up and stable in operation, and you will be able to receive technical support for using the device and solving problems with it from the manufacturer.

The most popular routers in our market are D-Link, Asus, Zyxel and TrendNet. In order to connect WiFi at home using any of these routers, you need to follow approximately the same algorithm of actions, which will differ only in details. We believe that the Internet is already connected and configured and we only need to distribute it via a wireless network. To do this you will need to do the following.

  1. Log into the router's web interface through any browser. The web interface should be available at or Consult your router's manual for its web interface and for more help with its menu structure.
  2. Go to wireless network settings. If the web interface is not translated into Russian, then look for the words Wireless Setting. This will be what you need.
  3. Set the name of your future network (SSID, or Wireless Network Name). Let's say the network is called wifi.
  4. Select an encryption protocol (Security Mod) so that your network is not used by unscrupulous neighbors, or simply lovers of free Internet. You may be offered the following encryption types: WEP, WPA and WPA2. It is better to choose WPA2 as the most secure.
  5. Assign a secret key that will need to be entered on all clients connecting to your network.
  6. Save changes and reboot the router.
  7. Try connecting to the network with some client device. To do this, you will need to enter the secret key assigned in step five. If some devices cannot connect to WiFi, then there may be problems with the compatibility of encryption protocols. Try choosing a different standard, such as WEP instead of WPA2, or turning off encryption altogether. In this case, access to your wireless home network can be limited by filtering by MAC addresses, if the router supports it.
In order to organize a shared folder that is visible to all devices, you need to create such a folder on one of them. Let's say it will be called Share and open access to it for all devices. A better solution would be to connect a special external hard drive to the router. In this case, you will not need to keep the computer with the shared folder constantly on in order to obtain the information of interest from it at any time.

As you can see, creating a WiFi network at home is not that difficult and not at all expensive. With it you will get great ease of use and the absence of unnecessary wires in your house or apartment. If you still have any questions or unclear points, we recommend that you read the second part of the article, which discusses the practical aspects of network implementation - determining the type of current connection to the Internet and selecting the necessary WiFi device based on it.

When you turn on your smartphone, each resident of an apartment building can see many wifi connection points. Particularly inquisitive people have a desire to use someone else’s network, but how to find out the password for Wi-Fi.

Each router has its own IP address, through which you can view all the data of the neighboring device.

WiFi is an IEE802.11 standard network. The transmitter is installed in almost every apartment. You can find out the name and address of the router from the network mask, which people often forget to change during the initial installation of the device. You can connect to Wi-Fi if the owner of the network broadcasts it without a password at all.

You can find out the type of wifi device by the name of the network displayed in the list of available ones. You can use the network unlimitedly if the device itself was able to connect without a password.

Your actions are invisible when the traffic load is low. You can detect something is wrong if your neighbor looks at the list of connected devices. And he will do this through the laptop browser, where the corresponding router address is entered.

You can go into the router settings through a browser by entering the address By default, the nickname is set to admin and the same password.

But before that, the laptop needs to be connected to wifi. By quietly correcting the data, you can annoy your neighbor and interrupt the connection. After that, it will reset the settings to factory settings and change the access codes.

The wifi password and ip address are easy to find out using special hacking programs, but the latest versions of routers provide this feature and block automatic connections.

It is convenient to have a neighbor connection point for the following purposes:

  • No need to pay a monthly subscription fee;
  • WiFi allows you to use several devices at once, unless your neighbor sets a limit on the number of connected devices;
  • Your identity will not be established for illegal connections.

Hacking someone else's wifi is an illegal act, which results in criminal liability.

Whether or not to hack someone else’s router is up to everyone personally, but why not try? The IP address of the device is indicated on the back cover of the wifi transmitter. It can be viewed at a computer hardware store.

Ways to solve connection problems

To connect to most wifi networks you will have to crack the password. A simple way to solve Internet access is to purchase your own router and get your own IP address for the devices.

But an inquisitive mind is always drawn to complex tasks. The first step is to find information about the new network and whether there is a Wi-Fi password on the router.

You can find out after viewing the details of the current wifi. Open the “Control Panel” and find the Internet network item and go to the “Network Control Center”. We need to open the “Network Connection” item.

At this point you can see:

  • Complete list of available wireless networks;
  • Broadcast signal level;
  • Access to Wi-Fi. If it is open, then you are very lucky, use free wifi.

You can hack wifi using programs to find a suitable password. They run on your laptop and try possible variations until a connection is made.

It should be remembered that no amateur hacker will be able to use the neighbor’s Wi-Fi completely unnoticed. The IP address is calculated instantly if you connect the device to the network.

A list of all current connections is displayed in the router itself. It is always available on a PC connected to it locally via a wire. But rarely does anyone control their network while the transmitter is operating stable. One extra neighbor on the “wire” will not make a difference; the speed drops significantly with a huge list of wi-fi “freeloaders”.

What hacking programs are there?

Applications do not guarantee 100% wi-fi hacking results; you will have to connect using several programs. Finding out the password is possible with a probability of up to 90%.

Here is a list of programs available on the Internet:

  • WifiSidejacking - the program interface is entirely in English, but a detailed manual helps you connect to Wi-Fi in a few minutes;
  • Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for competently searching for not only wifi passwords, but also helps determine the IP address of connected subscribers;
  • AirSlax - works with wifi in 6 simple steps: scanning the network, selecting a target, capturing packets, disconnecting the client, guessing the password and saving the finished result;
  • Wifipirate 13 is a powerful application that provides passwords of all surrounding wireless broadcast points;
  • CommViewforwifi - used to analyze networks, search for new connection points and neighbor activity time.

Aircrack-ng includes a software package of applications for decrypting intercepted files, creating encrypted signals, recovering Wep keys in Windows. It includes a tool for converting files with the ivs extension.

There is also the ability to monitor the current connection and determine the wi-fi network traffic.

Through a remote IP address, the Airserv-ng application provides access to the laptop's wireless card. Allows you to solve problems with drivers and make changes to the operating system. The program hacks wi-fi networks: Wep, searches for WPA-PSK keys, WPA/WPA2. All operations are carried out automatically without the participation of the owner of the magic code.

No programmer can predict the password selection time; it all depends on the following factors:

  • Password complexity, presence of letters and numbers;
  • Wi-fi device type;
  • Has the IP address changed?
  • Distance from the transmitter, device load.
  • The selected utility and scanning method.

How to hack a hotspot on Android?

Finding a password for a smartphone’s wi-fi transmitter is even more interesting. Often neighbors use the Internet through their cellular operator. Based on the results of the selected password, it is possible to determine the IP address of the subscribers.

There are software applications for scanning networks:

  • Wifi Password break;
  • To control wifi use the Wifikill program;
  • Wibr+ - serves as an assistant for hacking wi fi without any special hacking skills;
  • WiHackmobile is a simple program for finding passwords of surrounding networks;
  • Wi-Lomster is a popular application for working on a smartphone;
  • WifiRouterkeygen - quickly finds Wi-Fi passwords to connect to a neighbor. The interface is easy to use and does not require familiarization with the utility.

The listed utilities can identify the most attractive network for hacking.

You won’t be able to connect quickly if your neighbor has taken care of wi-fi protection:

  • Saved a long and complex password;
  • Changed default logins;
  • Purchased the latest version of the provider's router;
  • Turns off the transmitter when not in use;
  • Controls connections and has introduced restrictions on the number of devices;

There is no chance of hacking networks with a reliable level of encryption using any utility.

If the router turns off during scanning, the procedure will have to start over.

Connecting your device is half the battle, but you need to carefully hide your IP from your neighbor. When he realizes that his wi-fi network has become public, he will wonder who used the router. The problem will develop into a scandal if he comes to you.

The Wifikill utility helps you find intruders using your router. With one click, it will block a user by IP address. But he can change it, so it’s better to set restrictions on the number of connected devices. It’s better to create a list of allowed devices.

If you need to connect your laptop to a local network and the Internet, then this is best done using a wireless WiFi network. Because working with a laptop that is connected to the network using a network cable is not so convenient. The laptop will be tied to one point, which will negate all its advantages compared to a regular desktop computer.

In this material we will talk about how to connect WiFi on a laptop. We will look not only at the process of connecting to a WiFi network, but also at a number of problems that you may encounter.

To begin with, it should be noted that to connect to a WiFi network on a laptop you do not need any additional equipment. Any laptop has a built-in WiFi model, which is used to connect to a wireless network. You don't have to buy anything or connect it to your laptop.

On the laptop itself, all actions with the Wi-Fi network are performed using a special icon on the taskbar (lower right corner of the screen, next to the system clock). When the laptop is not connected to the WiFi network, this icon looks like in the screenshot (below).

If the laptop is connected to Wi-Fi, the icon will look different (see screenshot below).

By the way this icon looks, you can quickly determine whether the laptop is connected to WiFi or not. You can also use it to connect and disconnect from WiFi.

For example, if you need to connect to WiFi, then you must click on this icon with the left mouse button. After this, a small window will appear in the lower right corner of the screen with a list of WiFi networks that are available at this point.

In order to connect to one of these Wi-Fi networks, you need to select the desired network in the list and click on the “Connection” button that appears.

After this, the laptop will begin connecting to the Wi-Fi network you selected. If this network is not password protected, the connection will occur automatically. If a password is required for connection, a password entry window will appear on the screen.

After entering the password, click on the “OK” button and the laptop will connect to the Wi-Fi network you selected. This completes the process of connecting WiFi on a laptop; next we will look at the problems that you may encounter.

There is no WiFi network icon on the laptop.

In some cases, the laptop may not have a WiFi network icon. This problem most often occurs due to the fact that the WiFi model is disabled on the laptop. To enable it, open the Control Panel and go to the “View network status and tasks” settings section.

After this, a window will open with a list of network connections. Here you need to find “Wireless network connection”, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

After “Wireless network connection” is enabled, a Wi-Fi network icon will appear on the taskbar and you can connect as described above.

The WiFi icon is marked with a red cross, and searching for WiFi networks does not work.

Another common problem is the red cross on the WiFi network icon (see screenshot below). However, if you click on the icon, the list of available WiFi networks is not displayed.

Most often, this problem occurs due to WiFi being disabled in Windows Mobility Center. In order to solve this problem, you need to right-click on the battery icon on the taskbar and select “Windows Mobility Center”.

This will open the Windows Mobility Center window. Here you need to click on the “Enable wireless communication” button. After which WiFi will work normally.

If in the “Windows Mobility Center” it says that wireless communication is enabled and you cannot press the “Enable” button, then you may have disabled Wi-Fi using the hardware button on the laptop. Inspect your laptop and find the button to turn on the Wi-Fi network. By clicking on this button, you can turn on WiFi.