How to properly rotate the screen on a laptop. How to return a flipped screen on a laptop to its standard position

Very rarely, but it still happens that you have to rotate the image on the monitor screen. This mainly happens when you plan to use multiple monitors, when mounting a monitor on a wall, or to flip your monitor into a popular vertical position. To flip the picture on the monitor, there is no need to rotate the screen or the laptop itself; for this you need to use Windows functions.

There are 4 ways to display the image on the monitor:

  • Landscape;
  • Flip landscape;
  • Portrait clockwise;
  • Portrait counterclockwise.

In order to decide how to rotate an image, you need to know what operating system is on the laptop.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 7 laptop?

You can flip an image in an installed Windows 7 operating system using special settings. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

You can also flip the image in another way. It's even simpler than the previous one. To do this we do:

  1. On the desktop, right-click and select “Graphics Options” in the menu that opens;
  2. There is a “Rotate” function in the drop-down list;
  3. And then options for image rotation are offered. Accordingly, there are 4 of them, select the one you need and save the changes.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 8 laptop?

To change the location of the picture on a laptop in the Windows 8 operating system, you need to do similar actions, described above. Let's look at them briefly.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop?

To rotate an image in the installed Windows 10 operating system, you need to repeat these steps step by step:

There is another option for flipping a picture for Windows 10:

It should be noted that this operating system is very often installed on transformable laptops; they are also used as desktop computer, and as a tablet. In such laptops, the screen rotates depending on the position of the device itself. You can disable this feature in the “Display Options” menu.

Now let's look at another way to rotate the screen on a laptop. It will be universal for any Windows versions. We will talk about a program that controls the video adapter installed on your laptop. Let's figure out how to configure display settings depending on the video card manufacturer.


If your laptop has NVIDIA video card, then you need to do the following:

1. Click on the desktop right key mouse and click “NVIDIA Control Panel”;
2. Select “Display” and “Rotate display”;
3. On the right side of the window, 4 options for screen position will be offered, select the one you need and click “Apply”.

AMD Radeon

If your laptop is equipped with a card, you need to follow these steps:

  1. On the desktop, right-click and select “Graphics Properties”;
  2. In the window that opens, select “ AMD Catalyst Control Center";
  3. After this, go to the sub-item “ General tasks display";
  4. Click “Rotate desktop”;
  5. In the window on the right side, select the required image rotation;
  6. We confirm changes made by clicking the “Apply” button;
  7. In the window that appears, agree to the changes and click “Yes”.

It is worth noting that section names and their placement may vary slightly. This depends on the version of installed drivers.

Specific Versions operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 10 allow you to rotate the monitor image by pressing hot keys. So, when rotating the picture on the monitor in the desired direction, press the following keys together:

  • Ctrl + Alt + ↓ - the screen will turn upside down;
  • Ctrl + Alt + → - the screen will rotate to right side at 90°;
  • Ctrl + Alt + ← - the screen will rotate to left side at 90°;
  • Ctrl + Alt + - standard screen position.

How to flip the screen on a laptop if the display is in the wrong orientation or you want to look at the image from a different angle? Usage standard features Windows and graphics management applications.

Using Windows Tools

Among the built-in Windows features There is handy tool, which allows you to quickly rotate the screen. You can open it through the desktop menu, called up by pressing the right button. On Windows 7 the tool is called "Screen Resolution", and on Windows 10 it is called "Display Settings".

In the window that appears, you need the “Orientation” parameter, with the help of which the desktop image is flipped.

There are four options:

  • Landscape – starting position.
  • Portrait – turn 90 degrees to the left.
  • Landscape (inverted) – turned upside down.
  • Portrait (inverted) – turn 90 degrees to the right.

Select the appropriate value and click Apply to save the new screen orientation.

Graphics Management Applications

If installed on the laptop graphics adapter Intel, then rotation is performed using a combination of several keys:

  • Ctrl+Alt+left arrow – rotate 90 degrees to the left.
  • Ctrl+Alt+right – rotate 90 degrees to the right.
  • Ctrl+Alt+down – turn the desktop upside down.
  • Ctrl+Alt+up – return the image back to its original orientation.

You can also rotate the screen on your laptop using the control panel Intel graphics. To launch it, click on the “HD Graphics” icon in the notification area right click. There are two options:

When installing graphics drivers An application is added to the system to control display parameters. It can also be used to change the screen rotation. Depending on the video card model, the order may vary slightly. For example, here's what you need to do if you have an NVIDIA video card:

If there are no settings in the NVIDIA panel that allow you to rotate the image, then use standard tools Windows or the capabilities provided by the Intel HD Graphics application.

Rotate an image in Skype

Why do problems with image orientation occur only in Skype - the camera shows an upside-down image? There may be several reasons for this problem:

  • Incorrect video settings in Skype.
  • Driver incompatibility.
  • Usage old version programs.

Make sure you have it installed on your laptop current version Skype. If necessary, download the latest version of the program from the official website. If updating Skype does not solve the problem, you need to check your video settings.

Go to the Camera Controls tab. There should be a trackbar called “Flip” or a line with a name like “Image Vertical Flip”.

Users who are not familiar with computer settings get very scared if their laptop screen turns over. You will read how to fix this problem in a few steps in this article.

Windows tools

If the image on your computer or laptop is upside down, you don’t need to immediately go to the service center. Check first Windows installations(you will be interested in reading the article “”). The easiest way to change the screen orientation is to use hotkeys:

  • Ctrl+Alt+right or left arrow → rotate 90 degrees left or right (depending on the arrow pressed);
  • Ctrl+Alt+up or down arrow → display 180 degrees.

Not all devices support hotkeys. If you encounter such a situation, use Windows to configure.

  1. RMB on the Start menu → control panel (turn on the display of small icons) → Screen.
  2. On the left side, click “Adjust screen resolution.”
  3. In the "Orientation" field, select the one you need from the drop-down list → confirm the changes.

Good to know! In Windows 7 and 8.1, you can open the display resolution setting by right-clicking on empty space desktop - Screen resolution.

Alternative method for Windows 10.

Start menu → Settings application → System → Screen item → Orientation block.

Good to know! Manufacturers install an accelerometer on some laptop models, and changing the display orientation may be a result of its operation. This feature can be disabled in the Settings app → System → Screen.

In video card management programs

To fix the problem, use the built-in programs for the video card. They are installed when installing video adapter drivers. Each manufacturer offers the use of a unique utility: Intel HD, NVidia, AMD Catalyst, in which you can configure and. You can launch it in the Windows Control Panel.

Its settings should display the “Rotate display” item (in the Panel NVidia control). In it, specify the desired display orientation position. Similar items is also available in other utilities.


Watch the video to see how to rotate the screen on Windows in several ways, including using God mode.


You can change the screen orientation in Windows using built-in tools or using utilities for configuring video adapters. Also use hotkeys, but they do not work on all computers or laptops.