Flux Russian version. What to choose - “Night light”, “f.lux!” or "SunsetScreen"

I will not, once again, prove the need for adjustment below. color temperature monitor (no, not brightness) when working at the monitor for a long time (especially at night).

Firstly, I've done this several times already, and secondly, my rightness (which I proved to users for several years) was finally confirmed by the Microsoft corporation itself, introducing this function in his grandiose Creators Update Update.

In this article I will simply compare the new built-in system function"Night Light" and two sides free programs(f.lux! and SunsetScreen), which most users consider to be the best in this area.

It would seem that there is nothing to compare - I set the color temperature of the monitor once and forgot. But it’s not so simple - let’s go...

Night light in Windows?

I will not hide that the mere fact of introducing “Night Light” into operating system made me very happy. I thought that now I could remove another one startup program And speed up computer startup, release more a bit random access memory etc.

But on this moment(spring 2017) this useful innovation turned out to be very, very crude. Let's go in order...

Where does the Night Light live?

In our Windows 10, go through “Settings” to the “System” item...

In the “Screen” sub-item we find our “Night Light”. Please note that the slider in this window changes the brightness of the screen, and not its color temperature.

This is the first "wet place" in the "dampness" new feature- many users will probably accept this slider, as its regulator.

Night Light Settings

But in fact, you need to enable the function and follow the link below “Night light settings”...

Here the correct slider is already located. But along with it, “puddles” of manufacturers’ shortcomings begin here. Did you read the header text in these parameters? Now someone explain to me what this has to do with “…to keep you awake at night” and “…to not disturb you from sleeping at night”?

What kind of nonsense is this even written? This function serves to protect the eyes from the “sharp” blue light emanating from the screen, which is especially dangerous at night (in the dark). This is what makes your eyes hurt and turn red after a night of sitting at the computer.

Hey, producers! Users usually work at the computer rather than sleep in front of it.

Great, there is a “Schedule” setting. But damn, she works as she pleases! I got used not only at night, but also during the day, to slightly change the blue to orange, and at first I thought that I was imagining a “fade” of this setting. But no, it actually turns off on its own.

Users write about this on forums, and I myself have seen this in practice. It’s worth going into these settings during the day and moving the slider a little - the shade immediately takes on the correct desired appearance. Sadness.

And the last big minus is that the gradation only occurs in 15 minute increments...

If I have set a constant color temperature value that is comfortable for me, then why should I sit for 15 minutes (let’s say from 23.45 to 00.00) and stare at a blue screen that hurts my eyesight? Why aren't there separate scales for day and night?

I really hope that this is just the first “damn thing” and the programmers from Microsoft will correct this matter over time. But on the other hand, they “fixing” their built-in browser for many years now, and he is still as wretched and backward as he was originally.


Already in detail described this program to you, so straight to the point. SunsetScreen is much more practical, functional and convenient than Night Light. But this program is rarely updated and has no geographical reference. By the way, she still needs to be taught your language (for example, finding a “pure” Russifier turned out to be a problem).


The only negative about this program is that it is exclusively in English. In all other respects, she is perfect. It works without glitches and confusion.

Previously, this program was also very rarely updated, but in Lately the authors simply “lost the chain.” Stable current version has the number 3.12, and the “tasty” beta is already 4.29 (04/04/2017).

Just installed latest beta version... and I’m in a hurry to finish this long article so that I can quickly understand the new features of f.lux!

It’s just fantastic - the location was immediately determined by ITSELF! Even without entering the city in the line. The included program related to working with graphics determined itself - you can disable color correction exactly when you launch it (as I understand it) in order to see the real correct colors in the editor...

There are a bunch of cool operating modes, effects and settings...

Spending the whole day at the computer, you probably feel tired in your eyes. This can be avoided, albeit not completely, if you do regular eye exercises, and also if you install F.lux. All this will help preserve your vision, and if you also set up software solution, then it is possible that it will improve. Flux – best product on the market, because Not only is it free, but it allows you to change the backlight and other monitor settings better than is available with any other utility. No version of the OS, including Windows 7/10, has such functionality, so the solution is unique in its own way.

F.lux – a tool for working with screen backlighting

A monitor can be initially bad or good, depending on your choice. But if you don't bother setting it up, then even the best technical solutions will be harmful to your eyes. This is not due to the fault of the manufacturers, but due to the features human body. In the morning we need one type of light, in the evening another, and if the sun is shining, a third. And these are just the most mass groups, there are also other parameters that it is advisable to change and adapt to environment. This will help you a lot latest version F.lux 4.64 will not allow you to do the following without additional preparation:
  • Automatically adjust backlight settings to the environment;
  • Automatically adjust the “warmth” of light;
  • Monitor the time of day and change screen settings;
For those who are accustomed to the fact that after installation from a PC they do not need to do anything regarding graphics, we have bad news. You need to do it, a lot and regularly. For example, you need to update, and you also need to monitor the “warmth” of the picture. You probably know that any light bulb has a similar parameter, for example, 2700K or 6400, etc. All this expresses her warmth, and to your eye it looks like a bluer, or more yellow, picture. And this is not just a matter of preference, it is a matter of vision preservation.

To take most of the work off your hands, F.lux has built-in automatic solutions. If you have the Internet installed and configured, then the utility itself will check the local time, thereby adjusting the picture quality based on the lighting. Most Windows devices don't have a light sensor, which almost all phones have, so this software solution is a great replacement for hardware blunders.

When working on a computer, you have to constantly look at the monitor. If you work a lot with the monitor while artificial lighting, the eyes become very tired, and from excessive exposure to the monitor, the eyes become red, inflamed, and over time, vision deteriorates. How to sit at the computer without damaging your eyesight? How to protect your eyesight? For some reason I don’t want to put on glasses too early.. The f.lux program is used to at least somehow reduce the strain on the eyes. Depending on the time of day, f.lux changes the temperature of the colors on the monitor. In the morning and afternoon the program changes the color profile of the monitor to cold color tones(6500K), in the evening and at night to warm (2700K).

Eye program

The f.lux utility is a real medicine for the eyes system administrators, programmers and ordinary users. If your precious child spends too much time looking at the screen and nothing can be done about it, let f.lux take care of his eyes. Change color profile For the monitor it happens smoothly and naturally, for the eyes the transition is almost invisible. The program automatically detects the geographic location of the computer in order to synchronize color temperature changes with the time zone and the daily cycle of day and night. Result: the eyes get less tired when they look at the monitor with warm temperatures in the evening and at night. color scheme, and in the morning and daytime on a monitor with a cold color scheme. Take care of your eyesight!

If you use graphic editor, to avoid incorrect color perception, pause f.lux. For movie-maniacs, the program implements a “cinema mode” - partially monitor calibration will be disabled when a video is played on the computer. The app supports control of Philips Hue lamps.

Screenshots of f.lux

Many people have probably noticed how unpleasantly bright light from a computer monitor or phone screen hits the eyes in the evening or at night. But who would have thought that there was a solution to this problem!

Earlier I talked about a useful program WorkRave, which helps prevent such “computer” diseases as carpal tunnel syndrome, osteochondrosis, etc., and now I want to tell you about a more narrowly focused program - f.lux, which will make working at a computer more comfortable for vision in the evening and at night.

The program is based on the fact that during the day the eyes normally perceive the cold bluish tint that lights up. computer monitors. And in the dark, the same light already causes discomfort and warmer colors are needed. This is how f.lux works - after sunset, this program changes the color profile of the monitor, making the image warmer. At first there is a reaction like: “Oh God, everything is so terribly yellow! How can I turn it off?!” - but a few minutes will pass and you will get used to these colors. Moreover, turning off f.lux, you will see how unpleasant the standard blue screen is and how aggressive it is on the eyes.

The program is not suitable for those who often need to work with color - designers, artists, photographers, etc., since in the evening the “correct” colors on the monitor, of course, go astray. But those who often have to sit at a computer in the dark, I think, will notice that the strain on their eyes has decreased. The developers of the program even claim that it will help you fall asleep easier.

So let's move on to installing and configuring f.lux. I recommend doing this in the evening to immediately evaluate yellow-yellow screen advantages of the program =)

1. Install f.lux from the official website. It will go into startup and will start when you turn on the computer. But you will remember her presence only when evening comes.

By clicking on the program icon, the following window will appear:

Orange circle- this is the Sun. f.lux shows its position in the sky. The program will change colors on the monitor when the sun goes below the horizon.

2. Now you need to set your location- so the program will focus on sunset at exactly that point globe where you live. To do this, click on the Settings button, and then in step 2 the Change button.

A Google map appears, on which you simply need to enter the zip code or name of your city in the appropriate field (remembering to press the Search button afterwards). That's it, the program is ready to use!

3. But you can still play with the settings. For example, so that the transition to a “warm” screen is not abrupt, but gradual, in the settings (the same Settings) you can go to Slow mode. Then, 30 minutes before sunset, the monitor screen will begin to “warm up” gradually, and not abruptly, as in the case of Fast.

4. You can make the effect of f.lux more pronounced or, conversely, weaken it. Click on the three bars on the right and a menu appears. In the Lighting at night item we can set the “warmth” of the screen in the evening. In theory, the darker your room, the lower the value should be. The default is "3400k: Halogen". “Beginners” can start with 4200k.

My room is usually dark, only the floor lamp is on, so it costs me 2700k. But you can probably go to 2300k =)

5. Finally, using the Disabled checkbox for one hour the program can be turned off for an hour(or until you click the check mark again). This is for cases where the correct colors are important: for example, for photo processing.

There is also a version for iOS, so those who like to lie under a blanket with their iPhone or iPad can also make this process more gentle on their eyesight. An Android version is in development.

And here is a picture that shows how much easier the f.lux screen is on the eyes!

I really liked this program, I will be glad if you like it too. Take care of your eyesight!

For the last 8 years I have been working on a 22″ monitor with a regular matrix and matte finish, my eyes got used to it and never complained or got tired, even when working for 12-16 hours. The brightness of the monitor was always 80%, and the contrast was 50%; I selected these monitor settings so that the backlight brightness was minimal in the current conditions, i.e. so that the bright white light does not hit your eyes.

Years passed and a large 27″ iMac with an IPS matrix with a resolution of 2540×1440 and a glossy protective surface appeared on the desktop. Considering that the pixel density per inch has increased compared to a regular monitor, the fonts have become smaller and clumsier, and then on the very first day my eyes crawled out of my head...

I also set the backlight to 50%; nothing else can be adjusted on the iMac except the color profile, IPS matrix by the way from LG. I started googling the topic and it turned out there was a problem for Apple technology common for people who are transitioning from regular monitors on Macbook or iMac.

Some end up selling this equipment, others get used to it, and still others install the f.lux program. Almost all those who work at a computer have noticed that the bright light emanating from the monitor has an unpleasant effect on the eyes. As it turns out, there is a solution to this problem, and this is computer program f.lux.

The action of this program is based on the difference in the perception of the cool blue tint of the monitor screen in the daytime, when it is perceived normally by the eyes, and at night, when it creates some discomfort, and the eyes require warmer shades. f.lux does this - when it gets dark, the program changes the color the screen lights up to a warmer shade. Be prepared for the fact that the first reaction will be quite aggressive - you may even want to turn off the program. But try to wait a little - I promise, you will get used to it. And over time, when you want to turn off f.lux, the usual blue tint will be perceived by your eyes as somewhat aggressive.

Please note that use similar program not recommended for those for whom color shades are important in their work. First of all, we mean designers, photographers and various artists. But those who are used to sitting at a computer screen for quite a long time, I think, will appreciate this application. According to those who developed this program, now you will even fall asleep better. Shall we check?

It is better to install and configure the program in the evening or at night - this way you can immediately check how it works. To do this you need:

1. Go to the official website and download the program from there (links at the end of the page). After that, it will automatically download as soon as you turn on your computer. During the day you will forget about her presence, but when it is dark, believe me, your eyes will thank you!
When you click on the program icon, a window will appear with the following content:

Here the orange circle symbolizes the sun. The program demonstrates exactly where in the sky it is now. As soon as the sun disappears below the horizon, the colors of the monitor will begin to change.

2. Next step you need to determine where you are. This allows f.lux to track when the sun sets in your area. Click the Settings button, and then the Change button.

In response, the program will give you access to a Google map, where you will only need to enter the index or name of your city in the required field. After that, click Search - and voila, the program is working!

3. If you have time and desire, you can start setting it up. You can achieve a gradual transition to a “warm” screen (within 30 minutes) - to do this, select the Slow mode. Otherwise, the Fast setting will work and the transition will be almost instantaneous.

4. The effect of using the program can be strengthened or, conversely, weakened. Select the Lighting at night item in the menu and determine what kind of “warmth” you want to see on the screen in the evening and at night. There is only one rule here - the darker the room where you are with the computer, the lower the value. By default it corresponds to “3400k: Halogen”. For those who are just starting to use the program, you can set it to 4200k. If there is some kind of light source in the room (for example, a night light or a floor lamp), then you can choose 2700k.

5. But using the Disabled for one hour checkbox, you can refuse to use the program for one hour. Or until you want to click on the check mark again. Use it if you need, for example, to work with photos.

The program also works on iOS, so iPhone owners and iPad will be able to use it for their devices as well. But owners of Android gadgets will need to wait a little - this version is still in development.

Pay attention to this picture - it demonstrates how the f.lux program produces a color scheme that is comfortable for the eyes. Of course, you need to understand that a screenshot cannot convey real picture but remember one important point– turn on the program, let it work and smoothly change the color gamut, your eyes will not get “shocked” during the smooth change, and then just turn off the program, your thoughts will be like “how could I look at this bright cold blue screen all the time?” life”, i.e. your eyes will immediately tell you that they are very uncomfortable without the program. For example, I really liked this program, I have been using it for several days now. I advise you to take good care of your eyes and preserve your vision!