Adding RAM to a laptop. How to increase RAM on a laptop: Tips. How to test a new RAM

Those who, due to professional activities or personal reasons, often work on a laptop, fully understand that the speed of execution of many programs fully depends on the size of RAM. It is for this reason that many PC owners are actively interested in how to increase RAM on a laptop.

Adding RAM to a laptop will not take much time, but it will save you waiting for programs to load.

The technical parameters of different laptops differ significantly, so it is absolutely impossible to navigate and purchase RAM that someone you know purchased. In this regard, the first rule arises, which the owner must take into account when there is a desire to increase RAM. It lies in the fact that it is first important to determine the type of RAM module already installed, its volume, as well as the bus frequency.

Determining RAM parameters by visual inspection

There are two options to obtain the necessary information, after which you can confidently answer the question whether it is possible to add RAM to a laptop. Without such preliminary work, the answer may be accompanied by errors, which is certainly undesirable.

The first option involves partial disassembly of the laptop, after which the user will be able to see firsthand the number of memory slots already installed, as well as the presence of empty space into which an additional slot can still be added. Unfortunately, if there is no room to add a new slot, then the user will have to choose between completely abandoning plans to increase RAM, or replacing one slot with another with a larger capacity.

Next, it is very important to determine the type of module that can be successfully “accepted” by the laptop. This information can be obtained either from the RAM module itself, or from the technical documentation that was given to the owner in the store when purchasing the laptop.

It is also very important to know the maximum frequency supported by the motherboard. This information can also be found in technical documentation or on the Internet.

Determining RAM parameters using the program

Despite the fact that the laptop does not have to be completely disassembled, many users refuse to perform such actions again. Programmers, meeting them halfway, have developed special software that allows you to get answers to all the above questions without the need for disassembly.

CPU-Z is a fairly useful program; it is very popular among most users, as it provides the ability to easily determine all the necessary information regarding the motherboard, RAM and processor.

The CPU-Z program can be downloaded from various resources, but preference should be given only to those that have already been tested and can be trusted. After downloading, the software product is installed, then you need to click on the shortcut - CPU-Z will start and a program dialog box will appear on the screen.

By examining the information on the two tabs of this software application, the user will be able to find out whether it is possible to increase the RAM on this laptop.

Initially, you should go to the “Memory” tab. At the top there are three key parameters that are important to pay attention to.

The first “Type” indicates what type of RAM is already installed and whether it can be added additionally on a specific laptop.

The second “Size” shows the amount of installed RAM. After reviewing this parameter, the user must finally clarify for himself whether anything should be done further. The problem is that 32-bit operating systems can only accept and use up to 3GB of RAM. Wanting to increase the volume by more than 3 GB, the user needs to initially reinstall the system, giving preference to the 64-bit one.

The “Dram Freguency” line indicates the memory bus frequency.

Next, you should go to the SPD tab, where you can get an answer to the question: “Is it possible to add additional modules and are there free slots?” Select the specified slots one by one from the drop-down list menu. If the slot is free, then when you select it, an empty window will be located opposite.

To determine the last important parameter, you will have to use Internet resources. Initially, on the “Mainbord” tab in the “Manufacturer and Model” field, select the model of the motherboard, as well as the manufacturer, then find the corresponding characteristics on the Internet.

Adding or replacing RAM

Once all the important technical information about the laptop has been successfully collected, an additional RAM module has been properly purchased, the user should familiarize himself with how to add RAM to a laptop.

Step-by-step steps for replacing memory

Initially, you should completely turn off the power to the laptop. For this purpose, turn it off completely, disconnect the charger, and remove the battery. Next, it is very important to press the power off button again, not paying attention to the fact that the laptop is already turned off. This repeated pressing allows you to completely remove static electricity.

Static electricity should also be removed from anyone who has started replacing the RAM slot on a laptop. First of all, you should exclude silk clothes, then touch the heating radiator with one hand and the unpainted part of the laptop with the other.

On the back of the case in the center there is a cover that needs to be unscrewed, since the memory slots are located behind it. If the main goal is to find out how to increase the amount of RAM on a laptop, then by adding an additional slot the user can only fill the empty space with a new module, thereby increasing the total amount of memory.

When installing two identical modules from the same manufacturer, you can almost double the speed of the laptop by activating the dual-channel operating mode.

If there is no free space to install a new module, then the user will first have to remove the old module by bending the clamps, and then install a new one. When installed correctly, the clamps should slam shut, accompanied by a characteristic click.

Finally, all that remains is to reinstall the protective cover and screw it tightly.

In some laptop models, memory slots are installed not on the back of the case under a separate cover, but under the keyboard, so if you want to increase the RAM, you will have to carry out the disassembly process, accompanied by greater responsibility and care. Initially, the keyboard is removed, after which the protective metal panels are unscrewed, then a new memory slot is installed and the laptop is assembled.

If any non-standard situations arise, it will be difficult for a beginner to solve them, so it is best to seek help from a qualified technician who can quickly add a new module, while increasing the total amount of RAM.

So, every user can increase the RAM on a laptop if they first study all the important information and follow the instructions. Additional memory will significantly improve the performance of the laptop and the user will appreciate the work done.

My laptop has 4GB of RAM, but this volume is not enough for me. How can I increase its volume??

Alexander Morkhin

To make your laptop work better, you need to know how to properly increase your laptop's RAM. “Correct” in this case means that the stick of RAM you purchased will be compatible with the motherboard, processor and already installed RAM module.

How to choose the right new bar

Before you go shopping for an additional stick, see if you can increase the RAM on your laptop. If you have an old laptop, then its motherboard may simply not support more RAM. Let's find out the model of the motherboard and look at its specifications on the manufacturer's website:

  1. Download the CPU-Z utility (you will also need it to determine the number of free slots).
  2. Launch the program and go to the "Mainboard" tab.
  3. Check your motherboard model.
  4. Find information about your motherboard on the laptop manufacturer's website.

In the motherboard specification, you need to pay attention to the points related to RAM.

From the information provided you should get the following information:

  • Supported type: DDR3. If the laptop is old, then it may have DDR2 or DDR1 memory. They are interchangeable, so you need to buy only those brackets whose type is compatible with the motherboard.
  • The maximum allowed volume is 64 GB. There is no point in installing any more; additional gigabytes will not be used.
  • Supported frequency is from 800 to 1800 MHz. The RAM frequency should fit within this range and be as high as possible.
  • 4 x DIMM – number of slots for strips with SO-DIMM form factor.

What characteristics should the new bar have?

For maximum compatibility, it is better to immediately purchase sets of two identical modules. If you install one additional strip, then it must completely match the characteristics of the already installed module.

  1. Launch CPU-Z.
  2. Go to the "Memory" tab.

Check the type again – DDR3. Pay attention to the line “DRAM Frequency” - it indicates the bandwidth.

Timing (delay before executing a request) is shown below:

You need to buy a stick of RAM with exactly the same characteristics. If nothing is displayed when you select a slot on the “SPD” tab, then nothing is connected to it, that is, you can install an additional RAM module in it. Basically, that's all you need to know about how to increase your RAM. However, there is another way to speed up a video card - overclocking.

Increasing the video card frequency

If you calculate how much it costs to increase RAM, it becomes clear that this is a serious financial investment in upgrading a laptop. However, if you look at it, you don’t have to buy an additional stick of RAM.

Increasing the frequency (overclocking, overclocking) is performed in the “Advanced” section. Depending on the motherboard model and BIOS firmware version, the names of specific items change. Let's see how to increase the amount of RAM in the BIOS, using the example of an ASUS motherboard:

After expanding the item where the RAM frequency is indicated, you will see the available values.

Do not set a value that exceeds the maximum allowable value for your RAM model, otherwise the bar may burn out.

After increasing the frequency, run a memory test. Press Win+R and type the command “mdsched”. Agree to perform a reboot, during which the RAM will be checked for errors. If no errors are found, you can increase the frequency a little more without exceeding the maximum permissible values.

When the computer runs out of free RAM, the system begins to “flush” information onto the hard drive, which causes performance in applications to drop significantly. Even the fastest SSD drive is slower than the poorest RAM, so sooner or later the user is faced with the need to upgrade RAM to improve system performance. If you have a laptop and want to boost its memory a little, in this article we have collected tips that will be useful to you in this matter.

First of all, make sure that it is the RAM you need to change. During your traditional computer work, open Task Manager, go to the tab Performance and look at the amount of occupied memory. If it is constantly above 90%, the decrease in performance may be due to lack of memory.

What RAM does a laptop need?

There are a large number of memory options, but navigating through it all is not that difficult. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the type and form factor of the memory, and also to be sure that your PC manufacturer actually allows you to upgrade the memory. It will be unpleasant if you buy new memory sticks, and then it turns out that the RAM is soldered to the motherboard and is not updated. Yes, this option is increasingly common in modern computers, especially in ultrabooks. Even if you open the cover and find the memory, there is a high probability that you will not be able to change it. That is why it is important to carefully weigh everything when choosing a laptop or tablet. On devices with dedicated memory on the motherboard, the only way to increase the laptop's RAM is to purchase a more powerful model.

Finding out whether your computer supports replacing RAM is quite simple. Turn the computer over and try to find a cover on the bottom with a mark in the form of a memory stick or hard drive. Manufacturers that allow memory upgrades often allow you to get to the RAM without having to completely open the computer. If there is such a cover, feel free to unscrew the bolts and open it. RAM will be hidden under it (often you can also find a hard drive or SSD there), securely fixed in its slots. If there is no separate cover for the RAM, you may need to remove the entire bottom of the laptop. In this case, it is better to consult online reviews and check whether the memory in your computer can actually be replaced. If not, there is no need to open the belly of your laptop again.

For your information: Some manufacturers will void the user's warranty if he breaks the seals on the laptop cover bolts. Keep this in mind if your PC is still under warranty. If you do not want to lose the warranty, you can contact the service center about the upgrade, but this procedure will cost additional money. Which path to take is up to you to choose.

If you decide to change the memory on your own, you now need to take into account several important points so as not to waste time and money.

If the RAM operates in dual-channel mode (two memory dies are installed in two slots), it will have to be replaced as a set, since different memory models with different sizes, frequencies and timings may simply refuse to work simultaneously. If two slots are available, but only one stick is installed (for example, 4 GB of DDR3 memory), it would be most reasonable to purchase a similar memory stick. It would be best to remove the memory from the slot and look at its markings. The memory dies are held in place by clamps on both sides. Separate them, after which the memory will be freed. Simply lift it up at a 45 degree angle and remove it from the mount. A sticker with markings must be affixed to the chip. You need to find the specific name and model of memory, and then enter it into the search to find it in stores. For example, Kingston SODIMM DDR3-1600 4096MB PC3-12800 (KVR16S11S8/4). 4096MB is the memory capacity, DDR3 is the memory standard. 1600 is the effective frequency, measured in megahertz. SODIMM is a memory form factor. PC3-12800 (KVR16S11S8/4) – memory model identifier. When purchasing an additional die to an existing one, it is very important to make sure that all the characteristics match, otherwise the dies will not work. Your best bet is to simply copy the model number and find it in the store. In this case, the memory will be 100% compatible.

Advice: 4+4 GB with two sticks is better than 1 stick with 8 GB. In dual-channel mode, memory works much more efficiently. Buy 1 die only if you are sure that you will buy another one in the near future. If not, it is better to choose two dies with a smaller volume. This configuration will be more useful.

If you change two sticks of RAM at once, the choice of memory is much wider. First of all, it is important that you buy memory of a supported standard and form factor. Laptops are equipped with SODIMM memory (stores sometimes designate it as “for laptops”). It is more compact than the usual DIMM dies that you can find in traditional computers. Make no mistake! Regular RAM cannot be plugged into a laptop slot, just as laptop memory cannot be plugged into a desktop motherboard.

SODIMM and DIMM memory. The difference is obvious.

DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 are all different generations of RAM. They are not backwards compatible! You cannot install DDR4 memory into a computer that comes native with DDR3 memory or vice versa. The key jumper of DDR4 memory contacts does not match with DDR3, as well as with DDR2.

It’s already easier with the parameter of frequency and its volume. To choose the right memory and capacity, look at the website of your processor manufacturer (enter the processor model in the search and look at its official characteristics, or go to the computer manufacturer’s website). This will allow you to check what maximum memory size and frequency is supported. For example, a maximum of 16 GB DDR3-1600 MHz.

All that remains is to find a set of memory that meets the specifications of your computer in the store and purchase it. Choose the manufacturer according to your taste or based on user reviews/reviews. Laptop memory has fewer requirements than memory in regular PCs, so buying bad memory while knowing the required frequency, volume, standard and form factor will be very problematic. Keep in mind that the cost of memory kits will differ not only depending on its volume, but also on the frequency and timings. Often, faster memory for laptops costs a little more, as does memory with lower timings. Focus on your own budget and preferences.

How to install RAM in a laptop

Once the memory is purchased and ready to be installed, it's time to replace it. This is a very simple procedure that will take you no more than 15 minutes.

This completes the memory replacement procedure. You don't need to configure, optimize or change anything. If you did not make a mistake when selecting memory, the BIOS itself will detect the new RAM and the computer will turn on as usual. In the task manager, you will then be able to see your new memory and enjoy the increased amount of available RAM.

Laptops have long been much more popular than desktop computers. They are more mobile, take up much less space and are easier to operate.

A laptop can easily work for several years with virtually no failures, but its main disadvantage is the almost complete lack of ability to improve performance. However, one of the parameters of a laptop computer that can be changed relatively easily is the amount of RAM. But before that, I recommend that you try getting rid of garbage.

Any user can easily increase the RAM of a laptop, and in this issue we will look at how to do this.

You can watch a Video on how to increase RAM on a laptop or study the article below.

When does it make sense to increase RAM?

RAM- one of the important parameters of any computer. Nowadays, standard programs use much more RAM than they did a few years ago. This is due to the fact that it has become much more accessible, and most computers now have 8, 16, 32 or 64 GB of RAM installed out of the box.

If your laptop is quite old, but has been updated to the more demanding Windows 10 operating system, or uses resource-intensive applications, it may make sense to increase the amount of RAM in it.

This is advisable when the laptop has a good processor and video card, and the performance problems that arise are related specifically to the lack of RAM.

There are several “symptoms” that indicate that the computer does not have enough RAM to perform the assigned tasks:

  • If, after the next update of the operating system, the computer begins to cope with assigned tasks much more slowly, this indicates that standard applications are seriously consuming RAM, and there is not enough of it;
  • Also, if a message appears about low memory while the computer is running;
  • When a number of programs or games simply do not start, but according to other characteristics the computer is suitable for them.

Important: Remember that if your laptop has a 32-bit operating system, it can only run with a maximum of 4GB of RAM.

Before you start replacing RAM, you need to decide what ports are in the laptop for its installation, as well as how many there are in total.

Note: Not all RAM slots in a laptop are always occupied. Often there are several free slots, so new RAM can be added to the existing one.

The Windows 10 operating system now has a convenient tool right in “Task Manager”, which allows you to see what kind of RAM is used in the laptop, as well as how many slots are occupied.

To do this, click Ctrl+Alt+Del and go to "Task Manager", then select the tab at the top "Performance" and switch in the left column to column "Memory".

After this, it will become clear how much RAM is now in the laptop, what kind of memory it is, how many memory slots there are, and also at what speed it operates. If your computer has not been updated to Windows 10, there are other ways to find out information about RAM without disassembling the device case.

The simplest option- use one of the third-party applications, for example, the program CPU-Z.

It allows you to find out information about your computer, including RAM. RAM information is listed on the SPD tab.

Using the drop-down list, you can determine how many RAM slots are in the computer. If, after switching to one of the slots, it does not contain information about RAM, this indicates that this slot is empty.

The type of RAM can be found on the tab that contains the memory module; it is indicated at the very beginning of the information about the installed module. There you can also see the size of a given memory module and manufacturer.

If you need to find out the total amount of memory on your laptop, you can do this on the tab Memory.

In a similar way, you can determine how many free slots for RAM there are in the laptop. And also what modules you need to purchase to avoid compatibility problems.

Important: If you plan to purchase additional memory for your laptop, it is better that the modules RAM were identical (at least in volume). This is required so that the computer can operate in dual-channel mode.


The situation may vary from computer to computer. Typically, laptop manufacturers provide for the possibility that the user will want to replace the RAM. Therefore, they make access to it as simple as possible.

Most often, you do not need to disassemble the entire computer. To get to the memory slots, just remove the separate cover.

It is important to understand that if the laptop is still under warranty, then if you replace the RAM in it, the warranty will go away.

To replace RAM in a laptop you will need:

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There is very little in laptops that can be upgraded, and if it is available, it is extremely difficult. But on such a device, enlarging in most cases is not at all difficult, as this article will prove. How to increase RAM on a laptop?

Why do you need an upgrade?

Some older laptop models do not have very balanced configurations, compared to today's standards. For example, this is an i7 processor and only four gigabytes of RAM. Is it possible to increase RAM on a laptop? Certainly. Its volume can be increased to eight or even sixteen gigabytes. And this will give a significant increase in performance when working with graphics, videos, and games. In addition, this is the most inexpensive way to upgrade.

It is necessary to take into account that to work with more than three gigabytes of RAM on a laptop, you will need to install a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system if you are currently using a 32-bit one.

What memory is needed for laptops

Before you buy sticks and find out how to increase the amount of RAM on your laptop, it would be nice to know the number of connectors, the number of occupied slots and the type of memory used.

The device can be disassembled (and if there is a separate cover that allows access to the memory, then remove it), and then find and examine the markings and the presence of connectors. Such information may be indicated in the instructions for the laptop. But not every user will risk disassembling their device, so there are simpler ways.

A free utility called CPU-Z will help with this, which shows in great detail all the information about your computer or laptop. You can download this program from the official website. There is a version that does not require installation; it runs directly from the archive.

Working with the program

Once the utility is downloaded and launched, you need to pay attention to the tabs that will help with the mission of increasing the RAM in the laptop. What are these tabs?

  1. SPD. The number of memory slots, type and size, as well as the manufacturer are displayed here. If, when selecting a slot, all fields are empty, it means there is no memory stick in it.
  2. The Memory tab shows detailed information about the total amount of memory, its type and timings.
  3. The Mainboard tab displays details about the device's motherboard. This data will help you find on the Internet all the characteristics of the board and its chipset, and then find out the type and amount of supported RAM.

Most often, the information contained only on the SPD tab is sufficient. It is there that the type of memory, its frequency, and the number of connectors are indicated. Using all this data, you can understand how to increase RAM on a laptop, whether there is a chance for an upgrade, and what you will need for this. For example, you can find out which slot is occupied by which module, which chipset is used, whether the memory operates in multi-channel mode, and what is the maximum allowable amount of memory. The latter is searched on the Internet.

In order for the memory to work in whichever mode is more preferable, you need two completely identical memory sticks in two slots.

The following example will show how to increase RAM on a laptop (Asus, HP, Lenovo and others). Sometimes the device manufacturer provides easier access to the modules due to the presence of a separate cover on the bottom surface.

If the user has a compact laptop or a very thin ultrabook, then a lid is out of the question. The disassembly scheme for each model is completely unique. It is also important to note that for some laptops, carrying out such an operation is a direct deprivation of warranty service. We need to keep this in mind.


How to increase RAM on a laptop? What are the steps? First, as you might guess, you need to turn off your laptop. The cord must also be removed from the outlet. It is also advisable to remove the battery in order to completely de-energize it. Then, using a screwdriver, you carefully open the cover, under which you can see the RAM strips that are installed in their slots. They need to be very carefully removed, and new ones added in their place.

During the removal process, you need to pay attention to the fact that most often the planks on the sides are fixed with special latched holders. They need to be bent. When inserting memory modules, you need to do it very firmly and press until the latches click into place. This happens on the vast majority of models. The whole process is relatively simple.


After completing all the steps, you need to return the cover to its place, insert the battery and start the laptop. Then you need to check whether the operating system sees the installed RAM modules.

If everything works as it should, then the user can be congratulated, since now his laptop will work much faster, and productivity will increase several times.

And if something is wrong or it’s scary to replace it yourself, it’s better to contact a qualified technician who knows how to increase RAM on a laptop.