What is IS in computer science. What is an information system? School information system. Unified information system. Classification by the nature of data processing

10. Information systems

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

2. Basic principles of IS development

3. Classification of information systems.

4. Systems of classification and coding of economic information.

IP classes: MR I, MRP II, ERP

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

Information- this is some information, knowledge about objects and processes of the real world. Economic information is usually displayed in the form of documents.

Document - is a material medium of information that has legal force and is drawn up in the prescribed manner.

System is a complex of interconnected means acting as a single whole. Each system is characterized by structure, input and output flows, purpose and limitations, and the law of operation.

System covers a complex of interrelated elements that act as a single whole in achieving set goals.

Each system includes components

1. The structure of the system is the set of elements of the system and the relationships between them.

2. Functions of each element of the system

3. Input and output of each element and the system as a whole.

4. Goals and limitations of the system and its individual elements (achievements: reducing costs and increasing profits)

Each system has the properties of divisibility and integrity.

IP ensures the collection, storage, and processing of information about the facility, supplying employees of various ranks with information for the implementation of management functions.

EIS is system, functioning which consists in collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of any economic entity in the real world.

EIS are designed to solve problems of data processing, office automation, searching for information and individual tasks based on artificial intelligence methods (from lectures).

Information system (IS) is a software and hardware complex designed for automated collection, storage, processing and delivery of information. Typically, information systems deal with large volumes of information that have a fairly complex structure. Classic examples of information systems are banking systems, transport ticketing systems, etc.

IS always specializes in information from a certain area of ​​the real world: economics, technology, medicine, etc. The part of the real world displayed in the IC is called subject area . Therefore, economic IP is IP whose subject area is economics. In this sense, it acts as an information model of the subject area.

Any management system for an economic object has its own information system, called an economic information system.

Economic Information System (EIS) - these are a set of internal and external flows of direct and feedback information communication of an economic object, methods, means, specialists involved in the process of information processing and the development of management decisions.

The information system is an information service system for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. It develops, is formed and functions in accordance with the regulations determined by the methods and structure of management activities adopted at a specific economic entity, and implements the goals and objectives facing it.

IP structure

The most common division of EIS subsystems is the separation of supporting and functional parts. The functional part is actually a model of the facility management system. In relation to control systems, a sign of structuring can be the functions of object management, according to which the EIS consists of functional subsystems. The supporting part of the EIS consists of information, technical, software, organizational, legal and other types of support.

Regardless of the characteristics, any EIS consists of functional and supporting parts. The functional part is determined by the set of tasks to be solved, identified by certain types of activities of various economic entities (by function).

The supporting part is a set of interconnected means of a certain type that ensure the functioning of the system as a whole or its individual elements. The supporting subsystems include: information support of IO, technical support of TO, mathematical support of MO, legal support of Prav.O, software software, organizational support of Org.O, technological support of Tech.O

IO is a set of a unified system for classifying and encoding information, unified documentation systems, information flow diagrams circulating in organizations, as well as a methodology for constructing a database. IO is divided into extra-machine and intra-machine.

A non-machine unified documentation system, as well as a classification and coding system for accounting information.

In-machine – documents and arrays of documents located in computer memory in the form of libraries, archives, databases, knowledge bases.

TO is a set of technical means intended for the operation of an IS, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

Tech.O - focused on the selected information technology for entering, registering, transferring, processing and issuing effective information. (centralized, distributed, decentralized)

Software – includes: general system and special software products, as well as technical documentation (OS, shells, programs...)

Mat.O. – a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the IS, as well as the functioning of a complex of technical means.

Org.O is a set of methods and means that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and with each other in the process of development and operation of IS.

Right. – a set of legal norms that determine the creation of legal status and functioning of IP, regulating the procedure for obtaining the transformation and use of information. (from lectures)

The structure of information includes the following concepts: information space, subject area, object, object instance, object properties, interaction of objects and interaction properties. To describe a subject area means to list objects and the relationships between them, and then describe them with attributes and constituent units of information.

The structure of economic information is quite complex and can include various combinations of information sets that have a certain content. An information set is understood as a group of data characterizing an object, process, or operation. Based on their structural composition, information sets can be divided into:



    Topic: Basic concepts of information systems. Classification of applied information systems.

    1. Basic concepts of information systems (IS).

    2. Classification of IP by scale, scope, method of organization.

    3. List of applied information systems (AIS).

    4. Basic definitions of IPR.


    Information system, classification, method of organization, scope of application, computer-aided design, database management systems, corporate systems, image processing system, scientific research, real-time systems, expert systems, training systems, information and reference systems, medical information systems.

    1. Basic concepts of IP

    Under the information system usually refers to an applied software subsystem focused on collecting, storing, searching and processing textual and/or factual information. The vast majority of information systems operate in dialogue mode with the user.

    In the most general case, typical software components included in information systems implement:

    · dialog input-output;

    · logic of dialogue;

    · applied data processing logic;

    · data management logic;

    · file and (or) database manipulation operations

    2. Classification of information systems.

    Information systems are classified according to different criteria. Let's consider the most commonly used methods of classification by scale, scope, and method of organization.

    By scale, information systems are divided into the following groups (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1. Division of information systems by scale

    Single information systems are implemented on a stand-alone personal computer (the network is not used). Such a system may contain several simple applications connected by a common information fund, and is designed for the work of one user or a group of users sharing one workplace in time. Such applications are created using so-called desktop, or local database management systems (DBMS). Among local DBMSs, the most famous are Clarion, Clipper, d Base, Microsoft Access, etc.

    Group information systems are focused on the collective use of information by members of a work group and are most often built on the basis of a local computer network. When developing such applications, database servers (also called SQL servers) for workgroups are used. There are quite a large number of different SQL servers, both commercial and freely distributed. Among them, the most famous are such database servers as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Inter Base, Sybase, etc.

    are a development of workgroup systems, they are aimed at large companies and can support geographically dispersed nodes or networks. Basically they have a hierarchical structure of several levels. Such systems are characterized by a client-server architecture with specialization of servers or a multi-level architecture. When developing such systems, the same database servers can be used as when developing group information systems. In large information systems, the most widely used servers are Oracle, DB2 and Microsoft Server.

    For group and corporate systems, the requirements for reliable operation and data security are significantly increased. These properties are provided by maintaining the integrity of data, references, and transactions in database servers.

    Classification by scope of application.

    According to the scope of application, information systems are divided into four groups (Fig. 2).

    · transaction processing systems;

    · decision support systems;

    · information and reference systems;

    · office information systems.

    Transaction processing systems, in turn, based on the efficiency of data processing, are divided into batch information systems and operational information systems. In organizational management information systems, the mode of online transaction processing (On line Transaction Processing, OLTP) predominates to reflect the current state of the subject area at any time, and batch processing occupies a very limited part.

    Rice. 2. Division of information systems by scope.

    OLTP systems are characterized by a regular (possibly intensive) flow of fairly simple transactions that play the role of orders, payments, requests, etc. Important requirements for them are:

    · high transaction processing performance;

    · guaranteed delivery of information during remote access to the database via telecommunications.

    Decision support systems(Decision Support System, DSS) are another type of information systems in which, using quite complex queries, data is selected and analyzed in various contexts: time, geography, and other indicators.

    Extensive class information and reference systems based on hypertext documents and multimedia. Such information systems have received the greatest development on the Internet.

    The class of office information systems is aimed at converting paper documents into electronic form, automating office work and managing document flow.

    Classification by method of organization.

    According to the method of organization, group and corporate information systems are divided into the following classes (Fig. 3):

    · systems based on file-server architecture;

    · systems based on client-server architecture;

    · systems based on multi-level architecture;

    · systems based on Internet/intranet technologies.

    Rice. 3. Division of systems according to the method of organization.

    Depending on the class of tasks, various applied information systems (AIS) are used. IPR is the production of professional information related to a specific professional activity. It provides the collection, storage, processing, search and delivery of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any subject area. The task of IPR is to help in the analysis of problems and the creation of new products in order to achieve the set goal. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical basis and tool for any IPR. In large organizations, along with PCs, the technical base of the IPR may include servers, supercomputers, and computer systems.

    3. List of applied information

    systems and their basic definitions.

    Let's consider the list of basic applied information systems.

    1. Computer-aided design systems (CAD).

    2. Multimedia processing systems.

    3. Expert systems.

    4. Systems of scientific research and experimentation.

    5. Corporate systems.

    6. Signal and image processing systems.

    7. Real-time systems.

    8. Training systems.

    9. Information and reference systems.

    10. Database management systems (DBMS).

    11. Medical information systems.

    Let's consider the purpose of some of them.

    Among applied information technologies, design automation occupies a special place. The use of a computer-aided design (CAD) system allows you to reduce costs and reduce design time while improving the quality of design solutions. Enterprises conducting development without CAD turn out to be uncompetitive due to both large material and time costs for design, and the low quality of projects. CAD contains technical, mathematical, methodological and software. There are also information support types of CASE and CALS technologies (CASE - Computer Aided System Engineering; CALS - Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support).

    Expert systems(ES), or “knowledge-based systems,” are software that analyzes some information based on special mechanisms for representing domain knowledge and logical inference. Expert systems are developed for a wide range of problems in diagnostics, design, planning, management, pronunciation, etc. The use of ES is largely explained by their ability to perceive the knowledge of specialists in a certain subject area, provide access and manipulation of them, and also issue recommendations when solving practical problems at the level highly qualified expert. In an ES, there are four essential components: a knowledge base, an inference engine, a knowledge extraction module and an explanation system.

    Multimedia processing systems. Here, multimedia is understood as a set of visual and audio effects reproduced using a computer and controlled by interactive programs. Multimedia is a set of tools that allow a person to communicate with a computer using a variety of natural media: sound, video, graphics, texts, animation, etc.

    Multimedia are:

    · speech input and output systems (speech recognition systems and speech synthesis systems);

    · computer means for providing sound technologies (sound cards and speaker systems);

    · computer tools for providing video technologies.

    A corporate information system will be a set of specialized software and a computing hardware platform on which the software is installed and configured.

    Corporate information systems– these are integrated management systems for a geographically distributed corporation, based on in-depth data analysis, widespread use of information support systems for decision-making, electronic document management and office work. An integral part of corporate information systems are corporate networks. There are known corporate networks based on OS Windows Server 2000, based on SOS Novell NetWare 5.1, etc.

    In real time systems information processing occurs in real time (RT). The mode in which the data processing organization is subject to the pace of processes outside the data processing systems is called real-time processing. In computer-based control systems for real objects, the control process is reduced to solving a fixed set of problems. High-performance CS can also be classified as RMV systems.

    Database management system is a special software package through which centralized database management is implemented and access to data is provided. A DBMS allows you to structure, systematize and organize data for computer storage and processing. Database management systems are the core of almost any information system. A database is a data-based representation of an information model of a subject area. Special DBMS languages ​​have been created. For example, to manage relational databases, SQL (Structured Query Language) can be used - a structured query language.

    Medical information systems– development of technology for organizational management and processing of medical data, development of medical devices and systems.

    Test questions and assignments.

    1. Define the concept of “information systems”.

    2. What are computer systems? What are their varieties?

    3. What function do corporate information systems perform?

    4. Provide a list of the main applied information systems (IIS).

    5. What does the use of CAD give to IPR designers?

    6. What are expert systems? What purposes are they intended for?

    7. Identify the main components included in the expert system.

    8. What is a real-time system? What computers can be classified as real-time systems?

    9. What technical and software tools can be used to implement multimedia?

    10. What is medical information technology?

    11. What information support exists for creating CAD systems?

    12. What explains the widespread use of expert systems in many fields of science and technology?

    13. How is IP classified by scale, method of organization and scope of application?

    14. How to understand the term “group IP”?

    Literature: 1,2,3,5,7.

    Information and information technologies and technical means that ensure its processing."

    One of the broadest definitions of IS was given by M. R. Kogalovsky: “an information system is a complex that includes computing and communication equipment, software, linguistic tools and information resources, as well as system personnel and provides support for a dynamic information model of some part of the real world to satisfy information needs of users".

    The ISO/IEC 2382-1 standard defines it as follows: “An information system is an information processing system that works in conjunction with organizational resources, such as people, hardware and financial resources, that provide and distribute information.”

    Russian GOST RV 51987 defines an information system as “an automated system, the result of which is the presentation of output information for subsequent use.”

    IN in the narrow sense An information system refers to only a subset of IS components in a broad sense, including databases, DBMS and specialized application programs. An IS in the narrow sense is considered as a hardware and software system designed to automate the targeted activities of end users, providing, in accordance with the processing logic embedded in it, the possibility of obtaining, modifying and storing information.

    In any case, the main task of IS is to satisfy specific information needs within a specific subject area. Modern information systems are de facto unthinkable without the use of databases and DBMS, therefore the term “information system” in practice merges in meaning with the term “database system”.

    Ideally, a unified corporate information system should operate within the enterprise, satisfying all existing information needs of all employees, services and departments. However, in practice, the creation of such a comprehensive IS is too difficult or even impossible, as a result of which an enterprise usually operates several different IS that solve separate groups of tasks: production management, financial and economic activities, etc. Some tasks are “covered” simultaneously by several IS, Some tasks are not automated at all. This situation is called “patchwork automation” and is quite typical for many enterprises.

    Classifications of information systems

    Classification by architecture

    According to the degree of distribution they are distinguished:

    • desktop (desktop), or local IS in which all components (DB, DBMS, client applications) are located on one computer;
    • distributed (distributed) ICs in which components are distributed across several computers.

    Distributed information systems, in turn, are divided into:

    • file-server IS (IS with file-server architecture);
    • client-server IS (IS with client-server architecture).

    In file server IS, the database is located on the file server, and the DBMS and client applications are located on workstations.

    In client-server IS, the database and DBMS are located on the server, and client applications are located on workstations.

    In turn, client-server ISs are divided into two-link And multi-link.

    Classification by degree of automation

    Classification by the nature of data processing

    Based on the nature of data processing, information systems are divided into:

    • information and reference, or information retrieval information systems, in which there are no complex data processing algorithms, and the purpose of the system is to search and provide information in a convenient form;
    • Data Processing IC, or decisive IP, in which data is processed using complex algorithms. Such systems primarily include automated control systems and decision support systems.

    Classification by area of ​​application

    Since ISs are created to satisfy information needs within a specific subject area, each subject area (field of application) has its own type of IS. It makes no sense to list all these types, since the number of subject areas is large, but the following types of IS can be cited as an example:

    • Economic information system is an information system designed to perform management functions at an enterprise.
    • Medical information system is an information system intended for use in a medical or treatment-and-prophylactic institution.
    • Geographic information system - an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, access, display and dissemination of spatially coordinated data (spatial data).

    Classification by task coverage (scale)

    • Personal The IS is designed to solve a certain range of problems for one person.
    • Group IS is focused on the collective use of information by members of a work group or unit.
    • Corporate IS ideally covers all information processes of the entire enterprise, achieving their complete consistency, redundancy and transparency. Such systems are sometimes called integrated enterprise automation systems.


    see also


    • William S. Davis, David C. Yen The Information System Consultant's Handbook. Systems Analysis and Design. - CRC Press, 1998. - 800 pp. - ISBN 0849370019
    • Kogalovsky M.R. Advanced technologies of information systems. - M.: DMK Press; IT Company, 2003. - 288 p. - ISBN 5-94074-200-9
    • Kogalovsky M.R. Encyclopedia of Database Technologies. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. - 800 p. - ISBN 5-279-02276-4

    Wikimedia Foundation.

    • 2010.
    • Financial Dictionary Information system - Information system (Information system) is a system for collecting, storing, processing, converting, transmitting and updating information using computer and other equipment. Thus, the elements of this system are non-material... ...

      Economic and mathematical dictionary According to the definition of the Federal Law on Information, Informatization and Information Protection of January 25, 1995, an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computing tools... ...

      Legal dictionary 1) an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes; 2) infrastructure, organization,… …

      Dictionary of emergency situations The totality of information contained in databases and the information technologies and technical means that ensure its processing. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001...

      Financial Dictionary Dictionary of business terms - (English information system) in the Russian Federation, an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, incl. using computer technology and communications that implement information processes. IN… …

      Encyclopedia of Law INFORMATION SYSTEM - an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes...

      Legal encyclopedia Information system

    It is worth considering this issue from different points of view, which will create an overall picture. Experts say that it is an interconnected set of tools, personnel and methods used to store, process and provide information necessary to solve specific tasks.

    Basic moments

    When considering, it must be said that it can have different scales and purposes. There are other features as well. Systems may differ in the extent to which they cover different areas of the company’s activities; they may be intended not only for maintaining warehouse or accounting records, but also for finance, production accounting and document control of the enterprise.

    Regardless of their purpose, they all have a whole set of properties that have become common to them. The use of computers is essential for processing information in any modern system. They are tools and technical base in combination with specialized programs installed on them. If we talk about what an information system is, then it should be noted that its basis can be called tools developed for storing and accessing data. They are intended for use by the end user, who should not be a computer specialist. This includes client applications designed to provide an intuitive interface.

    Types of ICs

    Such systems are divided into documentary and factual. The first ones are focused on solving problems related to production management, accounting and other similar ones. The latter are focused on finding unambiguous answers to queries, as well as solving a given problem in only one way. These can be heterogeneous reference and information systems, search systems, and also those engaged in operational data processing. Documentary information systems are designed to solve problems that do not provide unambiguous answers to questions. Here we can give an example that has become increasingly popular in enterprises recently. Mixed type of IP is allowed.


    Speaking about what an information system is, it is worth touching on such an important issue as its scale. It is customary to distinguish between individual or desktop IS, network IS, which includes several users, as well as the largest – enterprise-scale. It is quite difficult to imagine a modern company without using such a system. It doesn’t matter in what area the enterprise’s activities are concentrated, its size is not so important, its IP in any case serves as the core that ensures effective management of production, trade or timely, high-quality provision of services. With its help, the solution of management problems is simplified, it is possible to free some employees from solving various routine matters, the likelihood of errors is reduced, the number of paper documents is reduced, and there are also opportunities for significant cost reduction. For this reason, any modern enterprise is distinguished by the fact that everything related to the information system and ensuring its smooth functioning has become the subject of special control by management personnel.

    City cadastral information system

    IS urban cadastre is one of the ways to ensure information transformation of cadastral data on objects of different types of property in a populated area. It is a complex of technical means and software, material and labor resources, which are aimed at creating information about real estate objects and its full presentation in the form of tangible documents.

    The city information system plays a very important role in providing data, since it serves as an effective means of creating an information space that is used to manage social, business, economic and other activities in it. In the current socio-economic conditions, the creation of such a space becomes possible only on the basis of absolute automation of processes such as the collection, processing, storage and updating of cadastral data on real estate. In addition, the provision of information systems provides access to all specified data, operational exchange between government and commercial structures of various kinds, services and organizations of the city.

    The need for such a structure

    At the moment, certain state, commercial and municipal organizations (land markets, mortgage banks, real estate privatization committees, tax inspectorates, insurance companies and others) are almost unable to fulfill their direct responsibilities without organizing the timely exchange of cadastral information that is reliable during this period of time. That is why the development of an information system of this kind makes it possible to solve not only the problems of protecting property rights and taxation, but also other issues.

    Non-cadastral tasks

    Prompt, complete and high-quality information provision of bodies managing the city, commercial, economic and other structures and individual citizens with complete and reliable information about the physical condition of real estate of various forms of ownership and other elements of the urban environment;

    Analysis of the use of infrastructure, natural, labor, material, technical means and resources of the city, their distribution by type of ownership, etc.;

    Work on the preparation of urban planning and architectural projects, design of utility networks and other things.

    Difficulties at work

    The design of information systems of this kind has become necessary due to the fact that until recently there were no analogues on the domestic market capable of solving such complex problems. There are no similar solutions abroad either, but in recent years the intensification of work in this area is simply amazing. The first Russian development in this area was the AIS GK, created by the Novosibirsk branch of the Russian Scientific Research Center "Earth". It is aimed at providing a variety of structures with reliable cadastral information: administration, privatization committee, insurance bureaus, tax inspectorates, institutions and enterprises, mortgage, land and investment banks, as well as individuals who own real estate.

    Features of data accounting

    It is important to understand that certain services and organizations of the city are capable of being not only passive consumers of cadastral information, but also shaping it, having a huge impact on the formation of the urban information space. It is for this reason that the development of AIS GC was carried out taking into account the possibility of using software products of similar users, and also provided for the safety of their fleet of technical measuring instruments. The unified information system was developed taking into account all these features.

    Construction principles used

    Modularity in terms of construction, which makes it possible to ensure the normal functioning of each individual element, and therefore of their entirety as a whole;

    They have a very flexible software architecture, which allows you to include new subscribers in the network and exclude them from it without reducing the operability, reliability and performance of the entire structure, and also does not require any reconfiguration;

    Data is fully protected from loss due to failures or unauthorized access to the information system;

    The classification and coding of data on elements of the urban environment is unified;

    Information is entered in a unified format, which is made possible through the use of system configuration tools provided by the operating system and network DBMS;

    The results of geodetic changes are processed in a fully automated mode, regardless of what methods were used to collect them;

    The information in the database is presented in topological integrity, it is possible to edit all types of cadastral data;

    Operational control of the reliability and correctness of data in all operations with them.

    Such a unified information system is capable of solving not only cadastral problems directly, but also many others associated with the development of plans for the development of territories and their redevelopment, environmental protection, rational placement of housing facilities, modeling of transport flows, property management and much more. In addition, such a system easily incorporates user devices, tools and computers.

    Alternative options

    The school information system represents a completely new approach to education. With the help of important elements, timely provision of data is achieved. For example, an element such as an electronic diary is used to post information about grades and homework, allowing teachers to quickly interact with students. This includes a student portfolio that demonstrates their activities in and outside of school. The school information system supports the use of personal privacy settings through a personal account. Parents can quickly receive reliable information not only about academic performance, but also about homework.

    So, all this allows you to understand what an information system is and how it helps in solving many important issues.

    Financial Dictionary is a system of software, hardware and organizational support that solves the problems of information support for various spheres of human activity. Thus, an information system includes not only running software applications, but also computers, communication equipment, databases, as well as personnel servicing the system and interacting with it according to certain regulations.

    There are quite a few ways to classify information systems, but each of them characterizes only certain aspects of it. For example, information systems are divided into automated systems operating under human control and participation; And automatic systems, operating without human intervention. Large information systems can include both automated subsystems and subsystems operating in an automatic or even completely autonomous mode. Also, information systems are classified according to their architecture, scope of application, regulations for use, etc. In this section, I want to dwell on the classification of information systems according to their purpose and requirements for their mode of operation.

    Classification of information systems

    Information retrieval systems. Actually, everything is clear from the name: a regular user of such a system has the opportunity to search and view the information he needs. An example is such as Google or Yandex.

    Data processing systems. Such systems, in addition to information retrieval functions, allow you to change the data under their control. Here we can already distinguish the following types of information systems:

    1. Automated control systems (ACS)

      A fairly wide class of information systems created to manage a large enterprise. Management systems can be of different scales: from an automated management system for the entire enterprise (ACS), to the management of individual technological processes (APCS), financial management or accounting automation. Enterprise level management systems include components of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) class software systems used for planning and information support of production management processes. Examples of ERP: domestic product “1C Enterprise” and foreign SAP ERP, from SAP AG (Germany).

    2. Dispatch systems

      Dispatch systems are part of management systems and are used for remote control over the use of production assets (equipment) of an enterprise and operational management of these assets. The peculiarities of such systems are that they must provide a centralized monitoring mode for all observed objects, through the rapid exchange of information with these objects and the consolidation of this information on central control input/output devices. Based on such data, the dispatcher makes decisions regarding the operational management of technological processes in which dispatch objects are involved.

    3. Decision support systems or expert systems

      Expert systems belong to the class of artificial intelligence systems. They work with knowledge bases and are able to draw certain conclusions based on this knowledge. Decision support systems are capable of simulating real situations and predicting their development based on the mathematical models embedded in them. Such systems can also be part of, since they are an indispensable tool for solving planning problems.

    4. Systems that allow organizing the collection, storage and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data are objects described not only by a set of attributes, but also by geometry. In GIS, point geometry is distinguished when only the location of the object is important (pillar, tree), linear geometry when the length and linear configuration of the object is also important (various overpasses) and areal geometry, which allows you to fully represent the object in the GIS context (forests, lakes , buildings). Visualization of spatial data in GIS is most often done in the form of two-dimensional graphic maps. Maps are usually created and configured for different scales and, as a result, with different degrees of detail, so the same objects on one scale can be represented by points, and on another - by area objects. Some GIS use their own file formats to store data, and some use . Geographic information systems allow you not only to edit and view spatial data, but also to perform spatial queries on it, for example, select all objects in a certain territory or select all intersecting objects of a particular class. These capabilities are classified as GIS spatial data analysis tools. The most famous, at least in Russia, are GIS offered by ESRI (ArcGIS), Intergraph (Geomedia) and MapInfo Corporation (MapInfo).

    5. Computer-aided design (CAD) systems

      Systems designed to automate engineering design processes. In English, the abbreviation CAD (computer-aided design) is used to refer to these systems. Using CAD, electronic versions of various types of engineering documentation are created, most often represented by drawings of design objects in two or three dimensions. The most famous representative of CAD in Russia is the AutoCAD software product from Autodesk.

    6. Database management systems (DBMS)

      Systems of this class most often act as database subsystems of other information systems. From their name everything is clear: they are used to manage large amounts of structured data, and their tasks include adding, deleting, editing data in the information warehouse and processing. There are desktop (Microsoft Access) and distributed, capable of managing large enterprise data volumes (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle).

    7. Content management systems (, Content management system)

      The purpose of these information systems is to provide the administrator with the ability to enter various information through predefined user forms, place (publish) this information in accordance with specified templates and organize user access to it in a free mode or with pre-registration. Quite a lot is created using a CMS. The most famous of them are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Often, users of such systems don’t even need to - the CMS will create the required Internet page for them, and they will only need to select the type of page (news, review, article, etc.), enter text and click something like “Publish” . Of course, the functionality of more or less serious information systems of this class is not limited to this. The most famous commercial CMS of domestic production is 1C-Bitrix.

    8. Operating Systems

      System software representative. System and application software differ from each other in the way they use computer hardware resources: system software uses resources through firmware built into these same resources, and application software through software interfaces of the system software. Operating systems are designed to manage everything and plan the use of its resources by application programs. The most well-known representatives of operating systems are Microsoft Windows and UNIX-class systems and the like, such as Linux, Mac OS, Android and others.

    9. Real-time systems

      Real-time systems are systems whose quality of operation is determined not only by the fact that their functions work correctly from the point of view of the logic embedded in them, but also complete their work within the established time frame. A real-time system cannot afford delays in responding to intended external influences. In other words, such a system can interrupt ongoing calculations if they cannot adequately process the signals coming to it in real time. In fact, this aspect of information systems already relates to operating modes, and not to their purpose, since a real-time system can be of various kinds, including. Dispatch systems operating in real time belong to the class of SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), which are required to exchange data with dispatch objects strictly in accordance with established time limits.

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