What to do if your Android tablet freezes. Force reboot of Asus and similar Android smartphones and tablets

Rostislav Kuzmin

Greetings, regular visitors and newcomers! Are you looking for information on how to restart your tablet if it freezes? Can't deal with a careless device? Is he trying to get you into trouble? Then let's try to solve the problem together. I will try to help, and you read carefully, understand and use the instructions to the fullest. If this happens to the tablet all the time, you will be even more interested to know what the reason is.

In most cases, the tablet freezes and does not turn off for some good reason. It doesn't just happen. You need to try to remember what actions or operations occurred before this.

Among them, special attention should be paid to the following:

  • Installing a new application or automatic software update
  • Any mechanical damage. For example, the device gets dropped, gets wet, or gets hot.

If the tablet begins to freeze and does not respond to your actions, try to pay attention to the circumstances under which this happens most often.

When and why the tablet freezes in most cases:

  1. at the time of loading
  2. while working with the Internet
  3. when multitasking
  4. on a specific application

Understanding the cause means quickly finding a way to fix the problem. It is clear that a tablet drenched in hot morning coffee needs to be taken in for repairs. In other cases, simply rebooting the device helps. This is the very first action that any happy owner of a “stubborn” pill needs to take.

Virus attack

Is your tablet not only freezing, but also starting to slow down frequently? I'm pretty sure you've recently downloaded some third party app. Installation from the Google Play store for Android does not guarantee that the program is free of viruses. Be carefull! Typically, such problems arise after virus attacks from unscrupulous developers.

What to do in this case? The solution is very simple! You simply need to remove the problematic software and deal with the problem once and for all. It’s a good idea to clean the device with an antivirus program through your home PC. The easiest way to do this is by connecting via a USB cable.

In case of simultaneous downloading of several applications at once, it is difficult to find out which of them is malicious. Then you need to try to conduct test diagnostics.

Do this:

  • In the “Settings” menu, follow the path “Settings” - “Applications” - “Running applications” - “Running applications”.
  • Through successive shutdowns, find the application that is slowing down your work. For convenience, use the “Stop” button.
  • Have you found out what exactly is interfering with your work? Delete without regret!

Dead zone

The second option is somewhat worse and may scare a novice user. I'm talking about the case when the device freezes and does not want to turn off. First of all, you need to remove hard drives (micro SD) and SIM cards. This way you can be sure that all important data is saved.

Then find the reset button on the tablet. Usually it looks like a tiny hole, for example, in models from Lenovo, Samsung, Asus. Activate it by pressing once with a sharp object such as a needle or toothpick. You need to hold the button for several seconds continuously.

Tough measures

This method is too drastic, so it should be used in the most extreme cases, when the image on the screen saver does not change due to any actions. Why? Because it leads to complete loss of unsaved data. You can completely lose your favorite photo archive and home videos.

What is the essence of the hard reset method? In fact, this is flashing the device to factory settings.

How to proceed:

  1. Activate the function by pressing the POWER and HOME buttons simultaneously.
  2. In the context menu that pops up, sequentially activate the “Settings” and “Format System” items.
  3. Feel free to click on Reset Android and patiently wait for the device to reboot.

Attention! Backing up or backing up data from your tablet can seriously save your nerves and save very important data. Before you think about how to fix the situation with a frozen device, remember where you duplicated the information - to the Cloud or to a flash drive.

Be sure to remove the SSD from the slot when doing a hard boot. Updating to factory settings completely erases all information from the tablet, including the miniflash drive.

Happy iPad owners

Failures in hardware or software of Apple devices are quite rare. This is because most of the price of these devices is the high-security operating system. The developers are very meticulous about their creation and do not allow bugs or virus attacks on applications.

How to restart iPad? Simultaneously press just two buttons Power and Home and hold them for a few seconds. That's all! There is nothing terrible or critical.

Preventive measures

Most often, the tablet freezes while loading, glitches and slows down due to careless handling. Use the device with caution. Then it will serve you long and trouble-free. You need to handle devices from well-known brands, such as Lenovo and Samsung, as well as from Chinese manufacturers, with equal care.

A list of simple rules and requirements is quite capable of depriving you of the need to enter into a search engine the query “how to turn off the tablet if it suddenly freezes?”

  • Don't fill your device's memory with unnecessary applications and too many games
  • Install software from official sources such as Play Market
  • Install a licensed antivirus program
  • Handle the device with care. Do not leave it in direct sunlight, do not give it to small children, do not drop it
  • Do not disassemble the device yourself in case of mechanical failure. For this purpose, there are many service centers that can solve the problem in a short time at a reasonable price.
  • Don't use emergency reboot too often. There is no need to remove the battery from a device that is turned on. There is a special shutdown button for this.

Bottom line

There is nothing wrong with the tablet freezing at one time. When such a process is repeated constantly, this is a reason to turn to specialists. Do not skimp on the services of a good master. He will be able not only to identify the problem, but also to conduct in-depth diagnostics of the device. Prestigio and Huawei tablets run on the same Android operating platform, however, they have differences in hardware. They are not familiar to the common man. Don't take risks - take the device to specialists!

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Thank you for your attention! See you soon, dear friends! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.


A tablet is a very popular device that almost every person has. It is convenient to surf the Internet, read books, watch movies, play and much, much more. From time to time, of course, breakdowns and some minor troubles occur (program failure, system failure, etc.). Even if you purchased a high-quality device from a reputable manufacturer, problems will still occur sooner or later. The most common problem is that the device freezes. As soon as the display does not respond to touches and does not “want” to exit the program, users immediately begin to wonder: what to do if the tablet freezes at the most inopportune moment? All gadget users must know what needs to be done, because in the most difficult case, this slight freeze can lead to more serious problems. It is worth saying that, regardless of the selected operating system, representatives of Android, Windows and even iOS can freeze at the most inopportune moment.

Why did the tablet freeze?

At the moment, answering the question of why the tablet froze is becoming very difficult due to the wide variety of different applications and games that can affect the device OS in different ways. Let's look at the main points of operating systems:

  • Why is the tablet frozen and does not respond to commands? Owners of Apple tablet devices most often encounter the following factors. If you use too powerful an application or directly in a game, the RAM may simply run out. Various software failures, mechanical damage, failure of the coprocessor in the processor itself are also reasons for freezing of iOS devices.
  • Devices with the Android operating system may freeze due to lack of hardware power. Also very common are reasons such as: factory defects (especially on budget models), mechanical damage, problems with programs and games.
  • Windows users have tablets that freeze and do not turn off for reasons such as: lack of power, operating system failure, update errors, and the like.

The main reasons why tablets freeze

The reasons why the tablet does not respond to commands are very important. For example, if the device was doused with water and simply “stood” without responding to any touches, then it should be turned off immediately and, if possible, the battery removed. If the battery cannot be removed, many people recommend one simple method - putting the gadget in rice (it will draw out the water). Naturally, after this it is recommended to immediately contact qualified service centers before the gadget’s filling oxidizes. The reason why the tablet freezes may be the video accelerator and processor chip. This most often happens on budget gadgets. The fact is that when you turn on a powerful game or application, the hardware simply does not have time to perform the necessary calculations and the device “decides” to freeze indefinitely. The reasons include manufacturing defects. If the RAM or internal memory is full, there may also be freezes.

Common reasons why tablets freeze:

  • Lack of power;
  • Software failure;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Problems with the operating system.

What to do if your tablet freezes?

Let's figure out what to do if your tablet freezes and what actions need to be taken so as not to harm your device. The main thing is not to rush, perform all actions according to the instructions and descriptions below; if you cannot solve the problem, it is better to contact the necessary specialists.

Force quitting applications

Regardless of the selected OS installed on the gadget, if the tablet freezes and does not turn off, then the first thing you should do is force shutdown the application if it does not turn off in standard mode. You can find out how to do this for a specific operating system below.

On Android devices you should press the central button (Home). The frozen application should minimize and the main desktop screen will appear. After this, you need to go to the settings menu, select “Applications” - “All”. Here you will see a list of all applications where you need to find the desired program/game and click on “Force stop”.

If your iPad is frozen, what to do? The first thing to do is do nothing. I'm not kidding. Users should simply put the device down and allow it to do its job within a period of time and return to normal operation. If this procedure does not help, then press the Home button (twice), after which all applications that are currently running will appear. After swiping, you can close the program. By the way, the last operation will help to avoid unnecessary waste of electricity and extend the battery life of the tablet. If this does not give the desired effect, then you need to hold down the on/off button of the device (a menu will be displayed where you will be asked to turn off the device), release it, hold down the “Home” button and forcefully shut down one or another application. It happens that the Home button does not work for some reason. Then you should enable the Assistive Touch function in the settings (a virtual key will appear with which you can control the gadget).

On tablets with the Windows operating system You can perform the operation to forcefully shut down applications as follows. The first thing you need to do is swipe from top to bottom on the screen. This method can close one application or all at once. The second way is to launch the task manager. If you have a keyboard, you can do this by pressing “Ctrl+Alt+Del” - “Task Manager”. If you don’t have a keyboard, you can enter “Task Manager” in the search bar and click on the corresponding icon in the search results column. Here, select the application whose operation you want to stop, click on “End task” or end the corresponding process in the menu. These steps should solve the problem of frozen applications.

If the steps performed above still do not bring the desired effect, you need to restart the tablet.

To reboot your device Android, you need to hold down the on/off button and select the desired item in the menu. If the menu does not appear, then you should hold the power button a little longer - when you reboot, the gadget will begin to vibrate and turn off.

How to turn off a company tablet Apple? You should hold down the Home button and the Power key. The screen should blink and the device should begin to reboot. It is worth noting that if the battery charge is low, the iPad may not turn back on, since this procedure is quite energy-intensive.
Reboot the tablet to Windows You can do this by simultaneously pressing the volume down and power buttons. On some models, a different combination is possible. You can do it easier by simply selecting “Restart” in the power off menu.

If it was not possible to reboot the device using the usual method, it is recommended to use HARD RESET. Further actions depend on the operating system.

To reset your Android tablet, you need to go into Recovery mode. To do this, you need to hold down a certain key combination for a few seconds:

  • Volume down and “On” button;
  • Volume up and “On” button;
  • Volume rocker and “On” button;
  • Volume rocker, "On" and Home button.

In the menu that opens, select “factory reset” - “reboot system”.

You can perform a HARD RESET on an iOS tablet using iTunes. Having connected the device to the computer and launched the program, click on “Restore”. You can also hold down the two buttons “Lock” and Home.

On gadgets running Windows OS, this procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Press the device reboot button;
  • When you turn it on, press the volume down button – an exclamation mark will appear;
  • Press the following buttons during the power-on phase: volume up, volume down, power, volume down;
  • The HARD RESET process has started and may take a long time.

Most tablets, regardless of the supported operating system, have a factory reset option available. It can be found in the tablet settings. There are no specific instructions, but the most important thing is to find the section related to reset among the settings. The feature name may vary depending on the specific device model. It is noteworthy that using this reset method, there is a possibility of returning to the previous settings. In the case of HARD RESET, this possibility will no longer be possible.

It is also possible that the reset function is not provided in the settings. Then it is recommended to use one of the methods described above, depending on the operating system.

What to do to prevent the tablet from freezing

Preventing the tablet from freezing is determined primarily by the reason for the problems with the gadget. If it's all about weak hardware, then you shouldn't load the device with resource-intensive applications. If the device is poorly assembled or has any defects since the moment of purchase, the most rational thing to do is to replace the gadget using the warranty, or simply purchase another device and do nothing yourself. The same applies to an inoperative microcircuit, cooling system, etc.

What to do if the problem is overloaded RAM? In this case, we can recommend installing special applications. Their use makes it possible to free up the tablet's RAM from unnecessary programs running in the background. Thus, the speed of the tablet will noticeably increase. Rarely or generally unused programs are best removed immediately, without clogging up the device’s memory. Safe Internet surfing is of great importance, but the rest of the time there is no need to run an antivirus program.


We hope that now you will know what to do in a situation where the tablet freezes and you will be able to eliminate on your own an unpleasant phenomenon that significantly spoils the impression of working with the device. Freezing can greatly interfere with the full use of the device, and is simply incredibly annoying. However, thanks to the above tips and instructions, even an inexperienced user will be able to independently determine the cause of the freeze and solve this problem once and for all.

A tablet, like any computer-type device, tends to freeze at the most inopportune moments or simply not turn on for various reasons. Therefore, every owner of a touch device should know how to restart the tablet and restore its functionality after a failure. The Android operating system is a specific mobile platform on which the occurrence of random errors or glitches is normal practice. Moreover, after eliminating these errors, it turns out that the problem was not some kind of global hardware failure, but a simple incompatibility of programs or simultaneously running processes.

Reboot methods

There are very frequent cases, especially if this is the first tablet in your life, when after active use: the device is simply discharged and attempts to turn it on lead to no results. Therefore, first, connect the tablet to the mains and wait until the battery is charged at least 30-40 percent, after which you can try to turn it on. In case of failure, we immediately move on to recommendations from specialists.

At the moment, there are not many ways to restart a tablet if it does not boot or, conversely, does not turn off; they can be roughly divided into:

  • Cardinal reboot method.
  • Use the Power key

    This is a standard button that is present on the body of absolutely all touch tablets and can be used to soft reboot the device. If the tablet freezes at the interaction stage or simply does not load, then the first thing you should do is press the “Power” button all the way and hold it for 5-15 seconds.

    During these actions, at the hardware level, all capacitors will be reset or discharged, which for one reason or another could have stored incorrect data, which was the cause of the failure.

    Please note that during a soft reboot, be sure to remove the SIM card, flash card and disconnect the docking station, if any, as they can also be the cause of the freeze.

    Wait 3-5 minutes and try to turn on the gadget; if it boots, it means you got away with a little fright, otherwise move on to the next method.

    Reset button

    Some manufacturers additionally equip their tablet with a special Reset button, which is used only in the most extreme cases, when other methods of restoring the device’s functionality have not helped.

    Press the Reset key for 5-10 seconds, in this case you will have to use a needle or something else thin. After such actions, you will receive a completely clean tablet with factory settings, and personal data will be permanently deleted. But the gadget boots up and is completely ready for new work.

    Reboot software

    It is software errors that make up the main process of failures and glitches of devices running the Android system, so just in case you need to know how to resuscitate the device.

    Specific Keyboard Shortcut

    Since not all manufacturers have equipped the tablet with a Reset button, the Android operating system has built-in functions for hard rebooting the device, which require launching the system bootloader. Each Android gadget has its own login combination, so you can try one of the following:

    • Power button and volume plus;
    • Volume minus and Power;
    • Power on, “Home” key and volume minus or plus;
    • Simultaneously pressing the volume keys.

    Bootloader mode

    After pressing one of the combinations: you will see how the device boots up, and Android appears on the screen and various numbers in the corner. Next, the bootloader menu will launch, which may look like the image above or slightly modified - it depends on its version.

    Before entering system settings, try removing the battery if you have access to it.

    Using the volume button, first select the first item - this is a normal reboot, if that doesn’t help, then go back to the bootloader and select: wipe data/factory reset. This procedure will perform a factory reset, so all personal information will be erased.

    Reset via computer

    If the above recommendations did not help, then you can try to restart the tablet using a special program for a personal computer. But keep in mind that for this, all drivers must be installed on the computer; root rights or an unlocked bootloader are not necessary.

    Interaction with the application

    You can download the program installation file from the link: https://yadi.sk/d/HGzN8Dz0dKLGj, after downloading, install it immediately. If you have Windows 7 or 8, run only as an administrator, connect the tablet and perform a reset through the taskbar where the utility shortcut is located. After completing the procedure, turn off the tablet and wait until it boots up after turning it on.

    Soft reset

    Please note that if glitches are still observed, you need to reset the settings several times from the settings menu, as shown in the image above. In case of a negative result, the intervention of a specialist will most likely be required, namely a complete firmware update of the tablet, that is, reinstallation of the Android operating system.

    Resetting settings on Android devices

    Due to a hardware failure or software glitch, the tablet may freeze and not respond to user actions. This may indicate either a serious breakdown of the device or a minor failure that can be quickly corrected independently without much loss.

    About possible causes of failure

    Most often, users of old devices encounter this problem, since the operating system and hardware wear out over time and may begin to work incorrectly. If you encounter this problem early on in using your device, then there is a possibility that you purchased a defective device. Submit it under warranty for diagnostics and demand that the problem be fixed, or a refund/exchange of the tablet.

    Also, do not forget that some problems may be caused by the user himself. For example, you could introduce viruses to the device and/or somehow damage it mechanically during use. In this case, you will most likely be denied warranty service.

    Let's consider options for bringing the device back to life.

    Option 1: Try to force it on

    Provided that the tablet does not respond to the usual pressing of the power button, you can force it to work in a “forced” manner. To do this, simply press and hold the power button for 10-15 seconds. If this is some kind of minor system failure, then the tablet should show signs of life and turn on. It may take a little longer to turn on usually and/or slow down the first time after turning on, but everything should be fine soon.

    If the problem recurs too often, but is also easily solved, then it is recommended to contact a service center or scan Android for viruses. Any delay in such cases can result in unpleasant consequences.

    Option 2: Perform a forced reboot

    If the tablet does not respond to pressing the power button for a long time at all, then try to start it using the boot menu. It can be called up by long pressing the power button and one of the volume buttons (which button needs to be pressed depends on the device model). You also need to hold these buttons for 10-15 seconds.

    The device should vibrate, after which you will see a logo in the form of a disassembled Android. Then a special menu will appear, similar to the BIOS in regular computers. In most cases, the sensor in these menus will not work, so you will have to control it using the volume keys (switching between menu items). To select an item you need to use the power key.

    In this menu you need to select the item "reboot system now". The system should reboot and work more or less normally. However, if serious problems are detected on the device, the OS will start in safe mode, where you can easily find the problem and solve it. But do not forget that the functionality of the OS in this case is very limited, for example, the device cannot access the global network.

    Read also: How to exit Safe Mode on Android

    Option 3: Charging the device

    If there is a complete lack of charge in the battery, the device may not show any signs of life at all (not even vibrate when trying to turn on). In this case, just put it on charge and wait a couple of hours.

    This option does not always help, especially if the device was almost fully charged a couple of minutes ago and turned on normally. However, if you try to restore its functionality using some of the methods suggested in the instructions, it is recommended to fully charge the device.

    If the charge indicator does not even light up during charging, this may indicate serious problems with the battery. Take the tablet to a service center for diagnostics and repairs.

    Option 4: Search and eliminate viruses

    While using the device, viruses could have entered it, which resulted in a system failure. But since you can't turn on the tablet, you'll have to use your computer to scan the device.

    You will have to connect the tablet via a USB cable, since if you do this via Wi-Fi, it is not a fact that you will be able to scan the tablet with an antivirus program. After connecting, refer to these instructions (the instructions are discussed using the example of Windows Defender - the standard Windows antivirus):

    Option 5: Factory reset

    This option is the most extreme, as it implies the loss of all user data and settings. Before starting the reset procedure, it is recommended to remove all SD cards and SIM cards from the device, as the data on them may also be damaged.

    Universal instructions for resetting settings on Android devices are as follows:

    In theory, you can restore old user information, but to do this you will have to use special utilities and/or the services of specialists. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to recover all the data.

    Option 6: Repairing the power button

    If you tried to turn on the tablet using one of the previous methods, but the device showed no signs of life, then there is a possibility that the power button is broken. In this case, you will have to take the tablet to the service center.

    Provided the warranty is still active, the repair will be completely free. However, if during diagnostics it turns out that the button failure is your fault, then the warranty terms will be void, and therefore you will have to pay for repairs.

    Option 7: Screen replacement

    It also happens that the device itself is fully operational and turns on/off normally. But the screen may be broken or damaged. Even if you didn’t hit or scratch it, if it was poorly assembled or used carelessly, the contacts could come off, which would make it impossible to turn on the screen.

    Replacement can again be made under warranty if the period has not yet expired. But do not forget that if you are the culprit of the breakdown, then warranty service will most likely be denied to you.

    Fortunately, sometimes the screen does not need to be replaced, as it can simply be reattached to the main structure. This may be due to design features and poor quality assembly. However, solving problems with screen mounting is much faster and requires less money than completely replacing it.

    Option 8: Replace the battery

    Over time or due to manufacturing defects, the battery's performance may be significantly impaired, which will make it impossible to turn on the tablet. Typically, this will be preceded by a long battery charge and rapid discharge. If you notice these signs, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, as delaying can result in serious problems.

    If you are sure that the tablet does not turn on for this reason, then try putting it on charge for a couple of days and turning it on again (if necessary, use one of the power-on options described above). But even if you manage to turn on the device after this, try to take it to a service center (especially if the warranty is still valid).

    The cost of repairs can vary greatly depending on the service center's prices, the severity of the breakdown and the availability of a valid warranty. For example, if the battery is fine, but the contacts are damaged, then the cost of repairs will be significantly lower than if you need to completely change the battery.

    In this article, you learned what to do if you cannot turn on your tablet. Provided that one of the methods described above helped you, but the problem still recurs from time to time, take the tablet to a service center to have it examined by specialists.

    The tablet seems like a pretty simple device. In fact, this is a complex technique that must be handled carefully. But even those who take the “pill” very carefully have troubles. For example, freezing is a common situation where users get lost. What to do if your tablet freezes? Without identifying the problem, it is impossible to answer the question posed. We will divide all the causes of freezing into two groups:

    • software;
    • hardware.

    So, in order to understand what to do if the tablet freezes, you first need to find out the nature of this freeze. If the reason is a program failure, then it will be easier to deal with. Everything becomes more complicated if there is a hardware failure - then you will need the help of a specialist. Let's take a closer look at each problem so that you know what to do if your tablet freezes.

    Software failures can be caused by:

    • file corruption;
    • OS (operating system) settings;
    • viruses.

    Hardware problems occur due to:

    • defects and damage to batteries;
    • problems with board components (system);
    • unsuccessful connections with various devices that may be faulty.

    Important points

    Only after understanding the root cause of the problem will you understand what to do. If your tablet freezes, check the following points:

    • when exactly the problem appears: when launching an application, when loading or during operation, when accessing the network or at other times;
    • what preceded the freeze: software installation, device crash, new firmware, etc.

    Consider that you have done 50 percent of all the work if you find a pattern and the cause of the problem. However, there are difficulties with diagnosis, and the problem may not be classifiable.

    Saving the tablet when it freezes

    Once you find out the cause of the problem, start fixing it. First you need to restart the tablet: turn it off, and then turn it on. If the freezes disappear, then the problem was due to incorrect loading of the system.

    Is it due to a specific program? It needs to be removed, you can try installing it again. Sometimes it helps to remove all programs installed before the freeze.

    Remove any add-ons (flash drive, SIM card) from the device. Failures happen because of them. Antivirus scanning also helps.

    When the measures you take don't work, act tougher. Update the firmware. Many users notice, for example, that if it freezes, flashing it from the official website helps. This is a common problem with devices from this manufacturer.

    Hard Reset helps, returning the system to the original settings (factory) of the system.

    If this does not work, there may be a hardware failure. In this case, contact customer service.

    Tips to help avoid freezes:
    • install antivirus;
    • no need to install dubious programs;
    • avoid modified firmware;
    • try not to hit or drop the device;
    • Protect tablets from exposure to liquids.

    It often happens that the tablet freezes and does not turn off. In this case, there is a simple tip - hold down the power button and hold it for a while, the tablet will restart. But this does not mean that you have solved the problem. Perhaps it will remain, then you need to look for the cause of the breakdown so that the “electronic friend” no longer upsets you.