What to do if the Minecraft game does not start. Minecraft system requirements. or incorrect display

What to do if the minecraft game does not start?

    The most common reason that the Minecraft game does not start is that there are problems with the video card drivers; you just need to update them. If the problem is not solved, then you should check the availability of free random access memory(must be at least 1 gig).

    There may be several reasons why Minecraft won't start. Depending on the cause and solution.

    1. The minimum size of RAM to run the game is 1 GB. If less, then increase the RAM.
    2. Problems with Java. Reinstall Java.
    3. The username must be written in Latin and without punctuation.
    4. There may also be a problem with the video card drivers. Update them.
  • Popular game Minecraft First was released in 2011, but with each subsequent year it only gains popularity.

    Sometimes gamers may encounter a fairly common problem when the game does not start. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons that can cause a lack of startup:

    1) The toy was written thanks to language Java programming. Thus, sometimes it is Java that is problematic. You must completely uninstall Java and reinstall it by rebooting your computer.

    2) If the problem persists, you should focus your attention on the video card. Feel free to upgrade your video card with new drivers. This action It will be useful not only for the toy, but also for the operation of the computer.

    3) Next step The antivirus program will be checked. It is necessary to check whether the antivirus is blocking the toy, considering it malware. If blocking occurs, then it is necessary to exclude the toy from the black list.

    I also suggest you read below mentioned videos, which are aimed at curing such a problem as Minecraft not starting.

    Perhaps your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements required by this game - minecraft - which, by the way, is quite resource-intensive.

    Does it give any error code? After all, it is the error code that speaks most about the problem.

    For me it just won’t start. When it turns on, the launch window pops up. I launch it, but it doesn’t turn on. It doesn’t appear in the dz

    Startup errors minecraft games may be different and the solution to this problem depends on the type of error. Perhaps this video will help you solve your startup problem.

    Often the solution to the problem of launching various games lies in reinstalling the video card drivers. Try searching minecraft bad video card drivers.

    I have the same problem and what driver should I download it says: Minecraft was unable to start because they could not find the OpenGL accelerated mode.

    This can usually be fixed by updating your graphics card driver.

    I don’t know what to do now

    There are quite a few reasons, but if minecraft does not start, then you need to at least update the software (drivers) for the video card, this can help in many cases, and the new one usually brings with it a lot various solutions that are really needed.

    Perhaps in some cases it will only help to download the game again.

    It all depends on the power of your computer, check the system requirements for Minecraft and compare them with the parameters of your computer, you may also have downloaded a 64-bit version of the game, download the 32-bit version, it may open, and just in case, update all the drivers!

    If you have problems launching Minecraft, updating your video card driver can help.

    If you encounter errors like this

    Updating the drivers for the video card will also help.

    You can read more about launch problems and how to solve them here

    The solution to the problem depends on the error. For example, I had Bad error video card drivers. The solution was to reinstall the driver for the video card. This driver can be downloaded on the Internet, found on the game disc, or searched in your installation disks for a video card.

    The minecraft game may not start for several reasons, mainly due to drivers, update the video card driver.

    Also, the game may not start if the computer has little RAM; the game requires at least 1 gigabyte.

Problems with launching Minecraft occur quite often. There are several reasons. The computer may simply not have the Java add-on, without which the application cannot be used. This add-on is also responsible for graphics, so you should take care of its availability. It’s not difficult to fix the error; just download the component and install it on your computer. Sometimes Java only needs to be reinstalled, to do this old version must be removed and a new one installed in its place.

Why won't Minecraft launch?

A problem with starting Minecraft may occur due to a video card failure. In this case, the user will see only a black screen in front of him or, in some cases, the image will be displayed incorrectly. There are several ways to solve the problem. Option one is to reinstall the video card drivers. You should download the version from the manufacturer’s official website, this will avoid problems with viruses. After installing the driver, it is recommended to restart your computer. If even after reinstallation the problem cannot be resolved, then most likely you will need to change your computer’s video card.

Problems with Minecraft may occur due to problems with the server. Sometimes interruptions can be resolved by disabling the antivirus, which often blocks game files. You should also try adding the game to the firewall as an exception.

Minecraft launcher does not start on Windows 7, 8, 10

Minecraft may not start if someone tries to notice official servers games with your own pirated copies. IN in this case There is nothing left but to completely remove the game elements from the computer, check the machine for viruses, if any are found, cure the infected files and then reinstall the toy.

The launch of Minecraft may be stopped due to the so-called virus attack. Here we're talking about about infecting a computer, aimed not at malfunctioning the game, but at destroying the entire operating system. If such a problem is established, then you need to try to cure the infected computer files. After successful treatment with the file, Minecraft should start.

To avoid problems starting Minecraft, it is recommended to always leave free memory on your computer and update drivers promptly.

What to do if nothing helps?

You need to do some work on your system. We suggest doing this using two useful programs.

1. Update drivers with Driver Booster. This is really cool software that often helps. Updating old drivers to new ones is one of the key requirements for the normal functioning of games and programs on a computer.

You might think that Windows always alerts users when new updates are available. That's right, it shows alerts, but only for updates for Windows and the video card. But besides this, there are many more drivers that need to be updated regularly.

2. PC repair with Reimage Repair. Run this program to analyze your system for errors (and there will be 100% of them). You will then be asked to cure them, either individually or all at once.

One of the most unpleasant moments associated with using the brainchild of Mojang AB is all sorts of problems that prevent the game from starting or otherwise impair its performance. Therefore, further users will be able to find out what to do if Minecraft does not start, and how to fix this error.

By the way, all these failures are caused by so-called environment files - system components, drivers, supporting applications and elements antivirus protection. In other words, the components of the game, thanks to careful control over normal functioning software And permanent job to improve its stability cannot be the cause of such problems. Naturally, this applies only to the official edition of Minecraft, while responsibility for copies (private assemblies) that are large quantities"walk" on the Internet, lies with their authors.

Finding out what is behind this malfunction is quite simple - when you try to start the game, a window containing relevant information is displayed, for example, a warning about a problem with the environment Java execution. If the error message does not appear, then you can recognize the cause of the problem using certain signs:

  • device sluggishness and general strange behavior its operating system;
  • regularly popping up firewall (firewall/firewall) notifications;
  • incorrect display of the graphic part of the game or even the appearance of a black screen.

According to the degree of severity, as well as the complexity of dealing with them, the causes of malfunctions are arranged relative to each other as follows (from largest to smallest):

  1. virus infection;
  2. firewall blocking;
  3. video adapter driver corruption;
  4. Problems with the Java runtime.

To understand how to restore the application after each of the listed events, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Virus infection

The fact that malware prevents Minecraft from running does not indicate the original purpose of the infection. This can only be a consequence of a situation where vital important components games were affected by the virus algorithm.

The fight against such dangerous elements can be very difficult and lengthy - it all depends on the type of virus and the type of computer security measures. True, the penetration of viruses into the system and their successful activity already indicates the low quality of the latter. However, even in this case there is a chance to completely get rid of the malware.

Most effective way“treatment” is one that involves copying all important data to a portable medium (it is more convenient to place large amounts of information on an external hard drive) and using powerful antivirus. Of course, this method only works if control is maintained over the system. Otherwise, you need to use a “clean” auxiliary device or simply reinstall operating system on an infected computer.

Firewall blocking

Being, in fact, the same security tool as an antivirus, a firewall protects the device from network attacks. The second function of the application is to limit the activity of programs installed on the system. And since there can be a great many of the latter, firewall contains a number of rules that influence the decision to block their incoming/outgoing traffic.

Thus, if the key components of Minecraft fall under prohibiting instructions, further play will become impossible. Most often, the server part of the software, which is responsible for the multiplayer game mode, suffers from this. To restore normal operation of Minecraft, just add its files to the firewall exception or reconfigure the corresponding firewall rules.

Video adapter driver corruption

One of the most simple reasons, affecting the functioning of programs that use the graphical part of the system, is associated with problems with the video card driver. As for Minecraft, the mentioned malfunction leads to display disruption game world(black screen) or its individual parts. To return the video adapter to operation, you need to reinstall the proprietary software, which is recommended to be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website.

Java Runtime Issues

Unlike all previous ones, the game reacts to this malfunction most clearly - when trying Minecraft launcher an error appears with enough detailed information. The essence of the information presented is always approximately the same: the Java runtime environment needs to be reinstalled/updated.

It is also better to download this installer from official resource developer - direct link is below. You may need to uninstall the app before installing it previous version Java.

Hopefully this article will help get your game running again. Don't forget to leave comments and share information with your friends! Thank you for your attention!


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It’s very unpleasant when you can’t do something in Minecraft. It’s even more unpleasant when the game lags. But when Minecraft doesn’t start at all, then your head is against the wall! Therefore, in order to preserve your property, this article was written. Take pity on your property - read the manual.

So, Minecraft won't start. Why? What to do? There can be several reasons why the most annoying problem occurs. Let's consider both the reasons and possible solutions.

Problems with Java

Probably the most common Minecraft problem is related to java not working correctly. Take drastic measures:

  • Remove all Java components. In the Control Panel, find the corresponding item. Alternatively, you can use third party program, For example, CCcleaner.
  • Reboot.
  • Download Java. You need to download the option that suits you. If your OS is 32-bit, install java for such a system. If the axis is 64-bit, download and install the appropriate one. To find out your version, the key combination will help you - win+pausebreak.
  • Download the launcher. Unpack it (preferably not “put” it on your desktop).
  • Delete folders: if you have Win 7, then this one

And if you haven’t mastered 7 yet, but are using Windows XP, then this

  • Launch the launcher. Then enter your registration information. Again, try not to run it from the Desktop. From disk “C”, from “D”, but just go around the table. If this tip doesn't help, try running the launcher without unpacking it first. In some cases, this is what helps with problems with Minecraft.

What to do? Try using the utility from the ubiquitous Microsoft - "Fix it". This program allows you to find and fix problems that prevent you from installing and uninstalling applications. It should help you too.

It's all the video processor's fault.

Java seems to be sorted out. Let's assume that everything is OK with this, but Minecraft still won't start. You have already tried 7 or 70 times, but evil fate continues to interfere. Calm down, it’s quite possible that rock has nothing to do with it. If a window pops up, as in the screenshot, then the problem lies in the video card.

Well, this “lemon” can easily be turned into a delicious “lemonade”. It is enough to update the video card drivers. If you have forgotten, or even don’t know what kind of card you have, click "win+r". A window will pop up in which you write "dxdiag". Confirm your desire to be informed by pressing “Enter”. A window will pop up again, containing a lot of information about your PC. Find the “screen” or “monitor” tab (depending on your Windows, whether you have Windows 7 or others). Find out what brand the video card is, look at what model it is. Then go to the manufacturer. Each of them, be it Radeon, Geforce, Intel or others, will require you to indicate the OS type and card model. You already know the model, but look at the operating system in the same place where you found out the details about the video processor. Knowing technical nuances, download and install the driver.

It won't hurt you to update your drivers even when Minecraft starts up just fine, but during the game some problems related to the video appear, for example, something is not displayed correctly. Moreover, the system can convince you that no updates are needed. You send the system to the farm, and follow the good advice.

Troubles with a list of servers

It happens that Minecraft does not start because the list of servers is not shown. Or it appears, but there are problems loading. Most likely, an antivirus or firewall is blocking the connection. To correct similar problem you can by excluding Minecraft from the list of “enemies”. Dig around here and there, and “ask” them not to pay attention to the game.

Developers from the largest studios, as well as amateur programmers, create modifications for Minecraft day and night. This leads to many problems, for example, the Minecraft launcher does not start due to multiple errors and incompatibility. Let's consider the main problems due to which Minecraft launcher Does not work properly.

What to do if the launcher does not start?

Minecraft is a world-famous game, but why won’t the launcher launch? It is quite difficult to answer such a question right away. Experienced gamers suggest immediately considering the most frequent problems and ways to eliminate them.

Java Error

To improve system performance, update Java.

Common symptoms that interfere normal startup launcher client, – incorrect work Java. These errors can be corrected as follows:

  1. Completely remove Java libraries, as well as all traces of the program's presence. The easiest way to complete this task is with the help of auxiliary software, for example, CCleaner.
  2. Clean the registry using the above program.
  3. To restart a computer.
  4. Open "Computer", then "System Properties". A new window will indicate the version of Windows you are using. This data will be useful for further work.
  5. Download Java from the official website. Before downloading directly, you should indicate the bit depth of the utility - it must match your OS.
  6. Install Java.
  7. Remove previous launcher.
  8. Install Minecraft, enter registration data.

Learn more about Java errors and how to solve them at separate page our site.

Graphics adapter

Another nuance that raises the question of why the Minecraft launcher does not start. Insufficient video card performance prevents the game from launching normally.

The right solution is to update the video driver:

  1. Open the manager Windows devices.
  2. Find your graphics card or discrete video controller in the list.
  3. Click on it right click mouse, then click Update Drivers.
  4. If you have an Internet connection, select “ Automatic search", in other cases you need to select the path to the drivers manually.

There is another way to install the latest software for the video card. Open the official website of the device developer, then go to the technical support and downloads section. Next, you will need to indicate the series, model of the video card, and the bit depth of the OS used. Once the download is complete, we install the driver as a regular program.

Antivirus operation

Add launcher to the trusted zone, and the antivirus will not take it into account when scanning.

It happens that the launcher does not open due to blocking by security applications. Typically these blockers are antivirus software.

Popular antivirus programs may perceive the activity of downloaders as a potential threat, which is why gamers are unable to play Minecraft.

The solution to the problem is obvious - temporarily disabling the antivirus. It is also recommended to add the Minecraft launcher to the “trusted zone” of your antivirus.

Problems with Forge

If the secondary software configuration is incorrect, the launcher will not launch. The error “The directory is missing a launcher profile forge” will appear.

What should the user do:

  1. First of all, you need to install the Minecraft launcher and client.
  2. Launch Forge and make sure there is an error with the client profile.
  3. In the settings of the above program, check the “Extract” box and specify the path to the directory where Minecraft is installed.
  4. Launch the game via launcher.

What to do if the Minecraft launcher crashes?

It happens that after launching the bootloader, the game automatically shuts down, returning the gamer to work Windows table. This common mistake, which can be eliminated:

  1. Disable background applications, which may consume too many resources.
  2. Update the launcher and game client.
  3. Delete the server folder, which is located in the game directory.
  4. Update Java and video drivers.

RAM consumption is of considerable importance:

  1. Open the launcher settings.
  2. Specify the maximum amount of RAM available for Minecraft.

Java also suffers from a lack of RAM. As a result, the game will often freeze and sometimes crash.

  1. Open Control Panel, select Java Settings.
  2. Click the "Java" tab, then click the "View" button.
  3. In a new window, open “Runtime parameters”.
  4. In the input line, enter the maximum amount of RAM.

Video: What to do if launchers do not start - problem solving.

What to do if the launcher gives an error?

After launch, the bootloader may display an error with a non-informative description. In such cases it is recommended:

  1. Disable auxiliary shaders that control texture rendering.
  2. Disable unnecessary programs in the background.
  3. Roll back installation latest updates or mods for Minecraft.
  4. Reinstall.