Beeline mobile pensioner favorite numbers. Description of the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff plan. Detailed description of the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

Lines of tariff plans with subscription fee, including fixed packages of minutes of calls, messages, Internet traffic, are increasingly replacing the once familiar, popular tariffs without a mandatory monthly payment. Communication packages with a monthly fee are beneficial for the active part of the population who have modern smartphones, but older people tend to use mobile phones (often push-button phones) for infrequent and short conversations. Pensioners who do not want to overpay for unnecessary functions, it is recommended to choose Beeline tariffs without the Internet and subscription fee.

What is a tariff without a monthly fee?

Tariff plans (TP) with a subscription fee contain minutes, messages, megabytes, provided for a month for a certain cost, which does not depend on how much the capabilities included in the package are used: without writing, for example, a single SMS or spending 100 of the 300 included minutes, The subscriber will still have to pay the subscription fee in full. TPs without a subscription fee do not provide for a mandatory fixed monthly payment and communication services, i.e. the subscriber pays only for what and how much he uses.

Cheap Beeline tariffs for pensioners, without a package of options, will help save them up to several hundred rubles per month. Such conditions are beneficial to that category of people who speak little cell phone, does not use mobile Internet. Many Beeline tariffs for calls allow the subscriber to make outgoing voice calls to numbers of any telecom operators home region By low cost, with per-minute or per-second rounding, incoming calls are free. Cost of 1 megabyte mobile internet extremely unprofitable without connection additional options– 9.50 rub.

Beeline tariff plans without monthly fee

Beeline tariffs without a subscription fee for pensioners will be beneficial for those who do not like long telephone conversations, does not use mobile Internet, including social media, and rarely sends SMS messages. Due to the absence of a monthly fee and fixed services communications, cheap Beeline tariffs for pensioners are still in demand.

There are the following Beeline tariffs without Internet and subscription fees, which can be beneficial for pensioners:

  1. "Zero doubts." Its main advantage is low price outgoing local calls to numbers of any operators in the connection area - 2 rubles per minute (prices here and below are for Moscow, they may vary depending on the region of connection). The downside is the high cost of switching to a TP: an existing subscriber of the operator will have to pay 150 rubles to change the tariff conditions while maintaining the existing number.
  2. “Second by second.” As the name suggests, the plan involves per-second billing. This means that a conversation lasting 2 minutes. 10 sec. is not rounded up to 3 minutes, as in the previous case. The advantage of this tariff plan There is also a free transition to it, as well as a low price for long-distance calls from any operators - 3 rubles. 90 kopecks The main disadvantage is the high cost of a minute of local calls - 3 rubles.

For those who care about their family, it is worth highlighting the “Everything” tariff. One family member connects to the selected “Everything” tariff plan, which includes a package of services with a subscription fee. Then he links the numbers of other relatives to his number, after which his minutes, SMS, megabytes of the Internet are consumed by all family members, and the subscription fee is charged only to the main number.

In order to activate Beeline tariffs without a subscription fee for pensioners, you should bring your passport to the point of sale; a pension certificate or other documents are not required. If the citizen is already a subscriber of this mobile operator and wants to change the tariff plan, you can do this yourself by calling help desk company or through Personal Area.

Which Beeline tariff is the most profitable for pensioners?

Which of the Beeline tariffs without a subscription fee for pensioners will be the most profitable depends on where (to which city and to which operator numbers), how long the majority of outgoing calls are made. If the conversation lasts on average less than two minutes or the majority of calls are made long distance, “Per Second” will be more profitable. If the subscriber rarely calls, but talks longer, “Zero doubts” is preferable.

Zero doubts

"Zero Doubt" - the most cheap tariff Beeline without Internet and subscription fees, with per-minute rounding of call duration, prepaid payment system. Cost per minute of local outgoing calls to any phone numbers is 2 rubles. A nice bonus is free outgoing calls within the network area, provided for 14 days with a one-time top-up of 200 rubles or more. A minute of outgoing voice call to other regions of Russia will cost 5 rubles, to long-distance numbers of other operators - 12 rubles.

Outgoing messages when the subscriber is in the home region are charged as follows:

  • local SMS – 1.5 rubles;
  • long-distance SMS – 5 rubles/piece;
  • all outgoing MMS – 9.95 rubles/pcs.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of the “Zero Doubts” plan, we can conclude that it is preferable for pensioners who:

  • use mobile communications within their region;
  • most calls are made to local numbers within the network;
  • From time to time they write SMS messages.


Tariff plan without monthly fee “Per Second” is ideal for infrequent users mobile phone pensioners who only sometimes literally need to say “a couple of words”, for example, to clarify the time of arrival or the location of a relative or acquaintance. This plan has per-second billing and a prepaid billing system.

The price of one MMS message is 9.95 rubles, local SMS – 2 rubles. 50 kopecks, long-distance SMS and sent to the CIS countries, Georgia - 3 rubles. 95 kop. All local outgoing calls to numbers of any telecom operators in Moscow cost 0.03 rubles. in a second. The cost of long-distance calls, regardless of the telecom operator, is 3.9 rubles/min., to Beeline numbers of the Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol - 12 rubles/min. and 24 rubles/min – to numbers of other operators in the specified region. Other long-distance and international outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • on-network outgoing voice calls to the CIS countries, Georgia – 12 rubles/min.;
  • to numbers of other telecom operators in the CIS, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia – 24 rubles/min.;
  • calls to the USA, Europe, Canada - 35 rubles/min., to Mexico, South America– 40 rubles/min.

To summarize, we can conclude that the “Per Second” tariff is beneficial for pensioners:

  • whose outgoing calls last less than 1-2 minutes;
  • making calls throughout Russia to numbers of different operators;
  • not using the Internet, SMS, mms.


Not many telecom operators take care of people of retirement age and pensioners. Such people do not need a whole package of services, since they only care about cheap communication and the lowest possible subscription fee for using the tariff. The Beeline operator has made a special tariff that will allow people not to search for which plan is cheaper and which is more expensive. This tariff is optimized and the service conditions are quite attractive. Tariff " Mobile pensioner"really cheap. It does not include payment for subscription fees. Also, the cost of calls is quite low.

The article provides a detailed description of the plan, methods for connecting and disconnecting it, as well as the cost of the services provided.

The Beeline company's "Mobile Pensioner" tariff is the most profitable for older people. It was created specifically for such a population. There is no subscription fee for services. Also, there are no other debits in the plan, neither on a monthly basis nor on a daily basis. If we talk about the additional functions of the plan, they include maximum reduction prices for calls to 5 numbers for home network. This allows you to communicate profitably with relatives and friends.

Cost of calls according to the plan:

  1. According to Russian law, all incoming calls are free of charge and amount to 0 kopecks/min.
  2. According to the terms of the plan, for any 5 numbers for outgoing calls in your region, the price per minute is 1.25 rubles.
  3. Other calls to any telecom operators within the home territory – 3.95 rubles/min.
  4. For the Moscow region calls to different operators is 3.16 rubles/min.
  5. Communication with Beeline clients throughout the country - 7.5 rubles/min.
  6. Communication with people who use another Russian communications– 14 rub./min.

As you can see, the package is optimized mainly for 5 mobile numbers. Other calls, especially long-distance ones, are not very profitable. If you need to make a lot of calls to other cities, then it is better to abandon the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff and switch to a more profitable service. The price for local numbers from other operators is also not very low. But these are the conditions of the plan. Calls to other countries remain standard for most plans. More detailed information can be seen on the company’s website or by calling your telecom operator.

Messaging prices:

  1. To send an SMS message in your home region to any number – 1.95 rubles/sms.
  2. To send SMS messages throughout Russia, as well as to subscribers using Beeline communications in the CIS - 3.95 rubles / SMS.
  3. To send SMS messages to other numbers – 5.45 rubles/sms.
  4. Multimedia messages are expensive - 9.95 rubles.

Naturally, the tariff does not include Internet traffic for use. Thus, when accessing the network, the cost starts on a per-megabyte basis and amounts to 9.95 rubles/MB. If you suddenly need access to mobile Internet, then it is better to connect Additional services from Beeline. The line that provides traffic for surfing the Internet is called “Highway”.

Connecting a tariff

To activate the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff plan, you should use the help of managers in Beeline communication stores. However, such a connection is only possible if you have identification documents. Also, in branded stores you can not only connect a tariff, but also buy a new one starter pack with the already activated “Mobile Pensioner” tariff.

You can also use a short call and toll free number 0674. After dialing, you can switch to the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff plan. It is worth noting that the cost of switching to a plan is 30 rubles. So to activate it you need to top up your balance. The Beeline company does not provide the opportunity to independently connect the tariff. Also, when connecting to any plan in automatic mode activated additional function"Answering machine." With its help, not a single call will be missed. You can always disable it if the function suddenly interferes.

Disabling tariff

There is no option to disable the tariff plan. To deactivate it, you just need to switch to new tariff. To select it, you can use branded showrooms, call telecom operators or look at the description of other plans on the company’s website. The transition is carried out using the methods presented in the descriptions of the plans. After the transition, “Mobile Pensioner” will be removed from the number automatically.

Currently, few mobile operators take into account the needs of retirees. Often older people talk on the phone for a long time, but at the same time they cannot afford to pay the full cost of calls. However, the Beeline Mobile Pensioner tariff allows you to spend as little as possible on long-term communication.

Tariff description

Description of this tariff The operator’s official website states that this package does not include any subscription fee. In addition, the user will be able to choose 5 numbers different subscribers , whose region of residence is Moscow (or the Moscow region) and call them at a reduced rate.

Moreover, this does not only mean Beeline numbers. You can even choose others mobile operators– the cost will still remain the same.

The only difference is in the region of residence of the user, since there are still differences in the conditions of calls on local, long-distance and international communications.

Local connection

If you choose this tariff plan, local mobile communications will be provided at the following prices:

If you look at the established tariffs, the prices still do not seem particularly attractive. However, they are still quite profitable, especially if you compare their value with the cost of regular local calls in standard tariffs. And even more so with prices for local calls to numbers of other operators.

Package characteristics

Long distance communication

It often happens that a close relative of the user lives in another city. In this case, it is simply impossible to add it to the list of five treasured Moscow numbers that could be called cheaper.

And therefore, in this case, the subscriber will use the following tariff:

These prices are not particularly competitive, but they are still cheaper than the standard price. To connect cheap calls within Russia, it is better to choose a different tariff plan. Fortunately, Beeline now offers enough suitable plans.

Other Beeline tariffs for pensioners can be found on the operator’s official website. It is there that, after considering all the conditions of different service packages, you can choose the most profitable one for yourself.

International calls are quite expensive, so to make them, it will be more profitable to choose a plan specifically designed for calls to other countries or activate the appropriate option.

And the tariffs for international communications are as follows::

Worth paying Special attention on the fact that calls to another country, and even to the number of another operator, will cost twice as much.

That is, if you call a relative in Belarus on Beeline, you will pay only 12 rubles. However, a call to the same country, but for example to the Belarusian Welkom, will cost 24 rubles.

Some believe that older people rarely use mobile Internet. And therefore Beeline installs quite high prices for its use - 9.95 rubles for each megabyte used Internet connections.

And if old man does not actually use mobile Internet, then this is a completely normal price that will not hit his wallet.

However, the reality is that now pensioners often use the Internet to communicate with their loved ones using certain services. Therefore, you should definitely take this factor into account before connecting.


The price for sending SMS is also steep at times, but it is still lower than the standard one. A very pleasant fact is that this is one of the few tariffs that still supports the service of sending and receiving MMS.

And the tariff now is as follows:


A nice factor is that this tariff plan does not require a subscription fee at all. When using this package, the subscriber will only have to pay specifically for calls, sending SMS and MMS, as well as for using the Internet connection.

Moreover, the service provides a prepaid payment method. But switching to this tariff plan will be paid - it costs only 30 rubles.

How to switch to the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff?

The transition to this tariff plan is particularly difficult. The main factor will be that, since only a pensioner can use it, it is necessary to confirm that the subscriber is indeed a pensioner.

That is, a potential user needs to contact the Beeline sales office and provide your pension certificate, for confirmation. Moreover, only one pension package from Beeline can be issued for one ID. This excludes the possibility for the whole family to switch to this package using one document.

If you changed your tariff at least a month ago, then the transition to “Mobile Pensioner” will be free. Otherwise, connection will cost you 30 rubles.

Additional Information

Now it is definitely worth considering the fact that this moment It is impossible to activate this tariff plan. It was sent to the archives.

The Beeline operator has created a special tariff for subscribers of retirement age, providing mobile communications elderly people under special conditions. The offer is called “Mobile Pensioner”. However, is it really that profitable and is it worth switching to it?

In this guide, we will analyze in detail the prices for calls and SMS established in the tariff, and also tell you how to connect it.

This social tariff is provided to the user without any monthly payment. Also, special condition is the possibility of reducing the cost of calls to “favorite numbers”, of which there can be no more than five (they are selected by the subscriber when connecting).

Below we present a list that shows the operator’s prices for services provided as part of the “Mobile Pensioner” package for the Moscow region.

Call costs:

  • All incoming calls from subscribers of any operators - 0 rub.
  • Calls to one of your “favorite” numbers – 1.25 rubles. in one minute of conversation.
  • Calls to other local numbers – 3.95 rubles. in a minute.
  • Other local calls made in the home region - 3.15 rubles per minute.
  • Making calls to others Russian operators– 7.5 rub. for every minute
  • Calls to all other all-Russian numbers – 14 rubles. in one minute.

Cost of SMS messages:

  • Sending SMS to any local number – 1.95 rubles.
  • Sending SMS to numbers throughout the Russian Federation, as well as to telephone numbers of operators in the CIS countries – 3.95 rubles.
  • The cost of sending SMS to other numbers around the world is 5.45 rubles.
  • The cost of an MMS message is 9.95 rubles.

As you can see, not all services provided by a seemingly preferential offer are profitable. Especially if we're talking about about committing long distance calls, they are very expensive. The same applies to mobile Internet, the prices for which are very high, since the operator charges about 10 rubles for each megabyte of traffic. Most likely, this price was set based on the fact that older people spend little time on the Internet or do not use it at all.

How to switch to a social tariff

In order to activate the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff plan, a pensioner must personally come to one of the Beeline offices and present his pension card and passport. There are no other connection methods provided, which is already somewhat inconvenient for pensioners.

It is noteworthy that for each pension, the tariff can be registered only once. There is no connection fee. However, if the tariff plan was previously changed less than a month ago, you will have to pay an additional 30 rubles for the transition.


Despite the fact that the Beeline Mobile Pensioner tariff was created specifically for pensioners in order to provide benefits, it is far from preferential and is in many ways inferior to other tariff plans. As an example, we can cite tariffs from the “Everything” line, which, against the backdrop of the socially oriented “Mobile Pensioner”, look like a much more attractive offer. Let’s be honest, the benefits of switching to this tariff plan are minimal, but there are plenty of disadvantages and, most likely, you already understand this very well.

In this article we described the cost of services for users from the Moscow region. All necessary information You can check the cost of communication in your region on the Beeline website by setting the appropriate filter in the region selection field.

Taking into account the needs of older people, Beeline has developed special offer– special tariff plan “Mobile Pensioner”. It is intended for retirees who really need communication. This tariff allows you to spend a little on communication while communicating for a long time.

Detailed description of the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff

The Beeline tariff plan without a monthly fee for pensioners allows you to choose 5 favorite numbers in Moscow and the region and call them inexpensively. It is worth noting that not only Beeline users, but also clients of other telecom operators or even landline phones can be included in the list of favorites.

An outgoing connection to your favorite numbers will cost 1.25 rubles. in a minute. Calls to other numbers in your home region will cost 3.95 rubles for calls from Moscow, and 3.16 rubles from the region. This Beeline tariff is the most profitable for pensioners and differs from others in the low cost of sending SMS within the home region, only 1.95 rubles, because modern elderly people often communicate with via SMS. Messages to Russian subscribers outside Moscow and the region, as well as to Beeline phones in CIS countries, are priced at 3.95 rubles. Internet traffic and sent MMS on Beeline tariffs for pensioners are quite expensive and cost 9.95 rubles, but elderly people most likely will not use these services.

Rates for outgoing long-distance and international calls

How to switch to the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff?

You can switch to this tariff plan only with a pension certificate at the Beeline sales office. There are restrictions - only one Beeline pension plan can be issued for one certificate. This eliminates the possibility of the entire family of an elderly person switching to this advantageous special tariff.

Connection for pensioners will be free if at least a month has passed since the last change of tariff plan. For older people who frequently change tariffs, new plan You can switch by paying 30 rubles.