Safe mode how to disable it. How to disable safe mode on Android: basic techniques for different smartphone models

Safe Mode is designed to help fix errors that occur when operating systems. It is also available in Android devices, annoying users with its random appearance. How to disable safe mode on Android without causing additional harm to your smartphone or tablet? The procedure is quite simple and does not cause any particular difficulties. Let's figure out what safe mode is, how it is invoked and how it is disabled.

Why do you need safe mode?

The Android operating system has a rather complex internal structure. It consists of thousands of files that provide its functionality. Even the smallest mistakes lead to various failures. As a result, the correct operation of the operating system is disrupted.

In order to get rid of errors, a huge number of tools are provided. These tools scan system and user files, analyze the operation of services and eliminate various shortcomings. In the most severe cases, the functionality of the system is disrupted to such an extent that the device stops working and booting.

And even if it does load, it slows down a lot. What to do? At first glance, the optimal way out of the situation is a general reset. But it is fraught with the loss of all user data. Therefore, you can try to cope with the situation through the safe mode that is present on all Android smartphones and tablets. Safe Mode allows you to:

  • Delete unnecessary user files;
  • Remove the applications that caused the crash;
  • Carry out manual cleaning of the system from debris;
  • Start the system when normal booting is not possible.

This mode launches only basic functions and services, so all installed software will be disabled. Installing the software in this mode works, but you won’t be able to launch it. As for basic file managers, email programs, the application store and other built-in utilities, their functionality remains intact.

For ordinary users, the presence of a safe mode will allow them to cope with the removal of applications that cause the system to freeze. For example, you installed some system application, after which it was discovered that it was impossible to load Android - enter safe mode, delete the last installed programs and reboot in normal mode.

Using safe mode, you don’t have to be afraid of “breaking” anything, since there are no superuser rights in this mode - all operations performed are extremely safe. Evidence of entering the mode is the inscription “Safe Mode” or “Safe Mode” in the lower left part of the screen.

How to enter safe mode

In order to figure out how to remove safe mode on Android, you need to understand how to get there. Most often, users end up here by accident, after some failures followed by a reboot. That is, the system itself suggests removing the latest software that caused the failure.

In some cases, safe mode is activated after the next reboot for no apparent reason. Sometimes safe mode is activated by accidentally pressing individual keys during the reboot process. For example, in Samsung smartphones and tablets, both sound control keys are pressed - this is done at the moment when the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen.

This is the official key combination to enter safe mode, where you can remove unnecessary software or data that caused the crash. In a similar way, you can enter safe mode on many other smartphones. In some places both volume keys are pressed, and in others only one of them is pressed..

In older versions of Android, safe mode was activated during the shutdown stage - you had to press your finger on the “Power off” item and wait until the activation menu for this mode appeared. In new versions this feature has been removed.

Ways to disable Safe Mode

Now we know how to enter safe mode - Android devices enter it independently or through user actions (by pressing a key combination). How to disable safe mode on Android? There are several ways to do this. The first one is the simplest reboot.

If you find that your device has entered safe mode, try rebooting it in normal mode - as a rule, this helps. The next method is to completely turn off the power for 30-60 seconds. Everything is simple here - remove the back cover, take out the battery and wait.

Next, install the battery back, press the power button and wait for it to turn on and boot. Now our device should start normally. The third method is to press the "volume up", "volume up" or "Home" key when restarting your smartphone or tablet - press one of the keys and hold it until the desktop appears.

If the “Safe Mode” message does not disappear, restart the device and try holding down another key.

The latter method is relevant for smartphones and tablets with non-removable batteries, since it does not involve completely turning off the power. If the “Safe Mode” message stubbornly does not disappear, try deleting the most recently installed applications or downloaded files and reboot the device.

How to disable safe mode on Android? Safety Mode on Android devices means that the system has crashed. Perhaps the reason is a glitch in the operating system or a new application that disrupts the normal operation of the phone. Let's look at what the problem is and how to get rid of it.

Safety Mode exists to stop system destabilization and allow the user to eliminate problematic software. In such cases, such a regime is needed. But sometimes the operating system activates it erroneously, for no obvious reason. This is inconvenient to say the least. In this article we will tell you what actions to take to return your smartphone to normal condition.

On Lenovo phone

Safe Mode is a convenient feature that allows you to understand the complexities of the operating system. But it happens that it turns on itself and interferes with work.

There are several ways to get rid of the regime:

  1. Take out the battery. This is an easy way for those whose device is not monolithic. Nowadays, most smartphones are sold with non-removable batteries.

On a ZTE phone

If you have a ZTE smartphone, try simply restarting the device: hold down the power button until you are prompted to turn off the smartphone or restart. If this does not help, hold down the power button longer - up to 30 seconds, ignoring the pop-up window. A shutdown will occur. Reactivate the gadget.

The mode is turned on on ZTE devices as follows: turn on the device and immediately hold down both volume buttons. Hold until the system boots.

On a Huawei phone

Press the power button for a few seconds and wait for the option to restart the device. If Safe Mode has been activated for no apparent reason, this will allow you to cancel it. But perhaps there is still a reason - then you will have to try something else.

After turning off your smartphone, remove the battery, if possible. Do not insert it for about a minute.

To no avail? Go to the applications menu and delete the most recently installed ones. Very often it is a broken program that destabilizes Android.

You can also reset all settings or data. This is an unpleasant method due to which the mobile will be reset to its factory state.

On the phone Fly

If your Fly phone has booted into an unsolicited safe mode, try:

  1. Just reboot it.
  2. If that doesn't help, remove the battery. Do not reinsert the battery until 2 minutes have passed.
  3. Use the Recovery menu. This will erase all data on your smartphone, so save the method for last.

How to restore factory settings:

  • reboot.
  • When the Android icon appears, hold down the power button and both volume buttons.
  • in Recovery select Wipe data/Factory Reset
  • wait until the reset happens
  • click on the reboot button


LG smartphones work on the same principle as other Android gadgets. Therefore, we advise you to repeat the tips mentioned above:

  1. Take out the battery. This is an easy way, but for those whose device is not monolithic. Nowadays, most smartphones are sold with non-removable batteries.
  2. When you restart your device, press the Home button
  3. Try returning to factory settings.

What does safe mode mean on Android?

If you've used a PC, you're familiar with Safe Mode on Windows. It allows you to stabilize a system that has been damaged by a virus or malware. Safe mode on smartphones is about the same. If Android detects that something is threatening your privacy, it automatically disables all applications and places them in a kind of quarantine. For this reason, Safe Mode limits the user's options. But it's better than a non-working smartphone.

When this mode is activated, the application cannot be used. The phone tries to protect the user from information leakage and secure system files. You can call, but you cannot launch the messenger.

If safe mode is turned on, this does not mean that something terrible has happened - sometimes it is nothing more than an unpleasant isolated incident. Try the methods listed above - perhaps they will help you avoid a visit to the service center. Surf the forums, ask local gurus, and try to understand the problem. If you don’t have time, be sure to contact support.

Immediately after purchasing a device running on the Android platform, to the delight of the user, it brings a lot of positive emotions with its stability and performance. But suddenly, the consumption of system resources begins to increase, the system began to crash and slow down, and, in the end, notifies its owner that the device is now operating in safe mode. What does this mean? And how to disable safe mode on Android?

In order to understand everything and take control of the situation, you still need to, as they say, “dance from the stove.” So.

The Android operating system is designed in such a way that in the event of any critical error, in order to protect the device, it automatically goes into safe mode. That is, a certain part of the functions is disabled, only pre-installed applications begin to work, and programs installed by the user not only stop working, but even their icons disappear from the desktop.

What can cause failures?

Logically, this is the main question. After all, if you immediately find out how to remove safe mode on Android and perform this action, the cause of the problem will remain, which can lead to the same failures, or even more serious consequences. So what could cause the device to automatically enter safe mode?

  • Incorrect user settings
  • Installing third-party programs from untrustworthy sources
  • A virus was downloaded under the guise of an application
  • Any system error

All these problems can be solved in safe mode. And even if your device does not automatically switch to this mode, if all sorts of “braking” and “freezing” occur, the speed of the gadget slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstable, etc., it makes sense to find out how to enter the safe mode. mode on Android and perform a number of specific actions.

How to enable safe mode on Android

When you enable safe mode, the Android device will boot with default settings, i.e. only those programs that were installed by the manufacturer. This does not mean that your settings will disappear completely - when you exit this mode, they will all return to their place. What should be done:

Press and hold the hardware power button located on the side panel until the shutdown menu appears. Select “Turn off power”, press and hold for a couple of seconds:

In the window that opens, you will be asked to switch to safe mode, we agree (the “OK” button):

After these steps, the device will reboot, and the following message will appear on the desktop in the lower left corner:

I must say that this is the most common method, but on some models it may look different. Therefore, if this method does not produce results on your device, you need to look at the algorithm of actions on the official website of the manufacturer of your particular Android model.

Being in safe mode (and it doesn’t matter whether you entered it yourself, or how the system worked), you can see how your device could work without being burdened with all sorts of launchers, background applications, and other “improvements” with which you personally overloaded your device. "Andryukha."

And if third-party programs do not start in safe mode, then you can easily remove them. To do this, go along the path “Settings” -> “Applications” -> “All applications”. In this section, all programs will be visible, including those that you installed yourself. Look through them, remove unnecessary or recently installed ones, because there is a high probability that they were the reason that Android automatically switched to safe mode:

How to remove safe mode on Android

First way: After you have made the necessary changes that we talked about above, you can turn off Safe Mode. Usually the simplest procedure is sufficient, i.e. Reboot your smartphone (hold the power button until the reboot menu appears):

Second way: If you are unable to exit safe mode in this way, you can remove the battery, wait about a minute, return it to its place and turn on the phone again.

Third way: It’s also worth checking the notification panel. In many versions of Android, a notification is sent, after clicking on which, the device will reboot and the system will automatically exit safe mode.

Fourth method: If this does not help, then we do this: we reboot the device, but while turning it on, press the “Home” button and hold it until the system is fully loaded.

Fifth method: Well, one more option (if all the previous ones fail): reboot the device, and when turning it on, press the volume rocker up (or down) and hold it until the gadget starts up completely.

Sixth method: Unlikely, but if all else fails, you will have to perform a factory reset. Just remember to back up your data first.

Have you ever experienced the situation described in this article? Please share with our readers how you managed to resolve it. Good luck!

In this article we will talk about what safe mode is in Android, what it is for, and how to turn it on and off.

What is it for

Safe Mode is a special operating mode of Android that is used to diagnose and solve software problems. In safe mode, only native applications will be loaded, and all third-party applications will be disabled.

Example. It happens that after installing an application (launcher, widget, utility), the device begins to freeze or reboot cyclically. As a result of such unstable operation, it is impossible to do anything with the gadget. This is where Safe Mode will help you: you can always boot with a standard set of applications and calmly remove problematic software.

How to enable safe mode on Android

Safe Mode is enabled differently on different devices. You will have to choose a working option specifically for your device.

Method 1.

  • Press and hold the Power key until the menu appears.
  • Press Turn off power and do not release until the dialog box appears: Enter Safe Mode: All third-party applications will be disabled. They will be turned on when you return to normal mode.
  • Click OK.

The smartphone will reboot. After downloading, you will see the corresponding inscription in the corner of the screen.

Method 2

Similar to the first one, only you need to press the item for a long time.

Method 3

Suitable for Samsung smartphones. Tested by us on Ace 2 and Ace 3.

Method 4

When booting up, hold down the volume up and down keys while the logo appears.

Disabling Safe Mode in Android

There are several options here too:

1. Simply reboot your device. This helps in most cases.

5. Remove the battery. Press and hold the Power key for a few seconds, as if you were trying to turn on your smartphone. Replace the battery and turn on the device.

This will allow you to disable Safe Mode and remove the message on the screen.

Immediately after purchasing a device running on the Android platform, to the delight of the user, it brings a lot of positive emotions with its stability and performance. But suddenly, the consumption of system resources begins to increase, the system began to crash and slow down, and, in the end, notifies its owner that the device is now operating in safe mode. What does this mean? And how to disable safe mode on Android?

In order to understand everything and take control of the situation, you still need to, as they say, “dance from the stove.” So.

What does "safe mode" mean on Android?

The Android operating system is designed in such a way that in the event of any critical error, in order to protect the device, it automatically goes into safe mode. That is, a certain part of the functions is disabled, only pre-installed applications begin to work, and programs installed by the user not only stop working, but even their icons disappear from the desktop.

What can cause failures?

Logically, this is the main question. After all, if you immediately find out how to remove safe mode on Android, and perform this action, the cause of the problem will remain, which can lead to the same failures, or even more serious consequences. So what could cause the device to automatically enter safe mode?

  • Incorrect user settings
  • Installing third-party programs from untrustworthy sources
  • A virus was downloaded under the guise of an application
  • Any system error

All these problems can be solved in safe mode. And even if your device does not automatically switch to this mode, if all sorts of “braking” and “freezing” occur, the speed of the gadget slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstable, etc., it makes sense to find out how to enter the safe mode. mode on Android and perform a number of specific actions.

How to enable safe mode on Android

When you enable safe mode, the Android device will boot with default settings, i.e. only those programs that were installed by the manufacturer. This does not mean that your settings will disappear completely - when you exit this mode, they will all return to their place. What should be done:

Press and hold the hardware power button located on the side panel until the shutdown menu appears. Select “Turn off power”, press and hold for a couple of seconds:

In the window that opens, you will be prompted to switch to safe mode, we agree (button “ OK»):

After these steps, the device will reboot, and the following message will appear on the desktop in the lower left corner:

I must say that this is the most common method, but on some models it may look different. Therefore, if this method does not produce results on your device, you need to look at the algorithm of actions on the official website of the manufacturer of your particular Android model.

Being in safe mode (and it doesn’t matter whether you entered it yourself, or how the system worked), you can see how your device could work without being burdened with all sorts of launchers, background applications, and other “improvements” with which you personally overloaded your "Andryukha."

And if third-party programs do not start in safe mode, then you can easily remove them. To do this, we go along the path “ Settings» -> « Applications» -> « All applications" In this section, all programs will be visible, including those that you installed yourself. Look through them, remove unnecessary or recently installed ones, because there is a high probability that they were the reason that Android automatically switched to safe mode:

First way: After you have made the necessary changes that we talked about above, you can turn off Safe Mode. Usually the simplest procedure is sufficient, i.e. Reboot your smartphone (hold the power button until the reboot menu appears):

Second way: If you are unable to exit safe mode in this way, you can remove the battery, wait about a minute, return it to its place and turn on the phone again.

Third way: It’s also worth checking the notification panel. In many versions of Android, a notification is sent, after clicking on which, the device will reboot and the system will automatically exit safe mode.

Fourth method: If this doesn’t help, then we do this: reboot the device, but while turning it on, press the “ Home" and hold it until the system is fully loaded.

Fifth method: Well, one more option (if all the previous ones fail): reboot the device, and when turning it on, press the volume rocker up (or down) and hold it until the gadget starts up completely.

Sixth method: Unlikely, but if all else fails, you will have to perform a factory reset. Just remember to back up your data first.