Mirror VK entrance. Chameleon - free anonymizer for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Greetings, my dear readers of the blog about making money on the Internet. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Today we’ll talk about an interesting service for opening prohibited content on your computer. And as an example, let’s consider a popular service that can be used in the office workplace if your boss has blocked your access to VK and other social services. Now you can use social networks, even if the system administrator has blocked access.

Anonymizer Chameleon for any website- an online resource that allows you to gain access to sites that have been closed for various reasons. Using the service is

You often have to use the online anonymizer chameleon due to:

  • blocking access to social networks in the workplace;
  • the actions of virus software that has entered the user’s computer;
  • restrictions on access for foreign citizens when visiting foreign resources;
  • the effect of a number of legislative acts called " Yarovaya package".

Anonymizer chameleon for any site that is blocked

The Chameleon anonymizer uses a number of its own web proxies. This feature provides for loading the required page to a different address. Due to this operating principle, the level of user anonymity increases. The browser itself does not request the page from the required server. Another address, which is displayed in the address bar of the browser, allows you to bypass the blocking.

While processing the request, it is redirected through the Chameleon subnet. As a result, the end server receives data about the anonymizer nodes, not the user. The technology ensures complete anonymity. When typing the required address, the anonymity of the IP address and the current location of the device from which the portal is accessed is preserved . The source code of the site provides for the absence of information about viewed pages in the history.

How to use anonymizer

If a user wants to open a blocked website, they must first go to the official website free online anonymizer- http://cameleo.ru/ This link is correct, it will redirect to the main page of the resource. It is strongly recommended to check that addresses are entered correctly, since a large number of resources with similar addresses are registered on the Internet, the purpose of which is phishing. They collect user information, steal passwords and other user data.

After the transition, the main page will open with an extremely simple interface. Here you can find instructions for use. There is an address bar in the middle of the page. To open any site, you must enter its address in the specified line, then press the "Enter" key, or use the "Go" button. After 1-2 seconds (the speed may vary depending on the parameters of your Internet provider), the desired portal will open.

The user can pay attention to the address shown in the corresponding line of the browser. For example, when gaining access to the VKontakte social network, it could be like this: http://0s.nzsxo.ozvs4y3pnu.nblz.ru/ This means that the system directed the visitor to a proxy server, which produces the required result. The authenticity of the found portal leaves no doubt - this is indeed the very portal that needed to be found.

Information from the resource is also transmitted through a proxy server, and not directly to the PC owner. If you switch to YouTube, you may experience longer delays when loading video content. The degree of their magnitude depends little on the workload of the proxy server; The main influence is the speed of the established Internet connection.

Users do not need to download chameleon for free to unlock the desired web resource. The project operates only as an Internet portal with minimal interface load. Under the address bar on the site there are also four links to the most popular social networks - the VKontakte site, Odnoklassniki, Loveplanet and Mamba.

Introduction of the “Yarovaya package” and the relevance of anonymizers

Despite the fact that the anonymizer "Chameleon" is one of the most popular in recent years, its relevance has increased after the introduction of the so-called "Yarovaya package". Its essence lies in the fact that many sites are beginning to either close or limit access to them. The main reason is “extremist activity that can undermine the security of the Russian Federation.” Domestic authorities tend to block access even for minimal violations. Any comment justifying terrorist or other activities that harm the country may result in imprisonment for a period of 7 years.

Since then, the relevance of services that allow access to portals has only intensified. The most relevant method is to use the chameleon anonymizer for any website. At the same time, Internet users can be calm about the safety of their data, using this opportunity for free without restrictions.


The anonymizer "Chameleon" is currently one of the best specialized resources with which you can open access to a site blocked in the country. It also allows you to open a VKontakte website at your workplace if there are restrictions on the work Internet network. The portal is characterized by maximum simplicity of the interface and intuitive design. The speed of work is at a decent level, which makes Chameleon one of the most practical sites on this topic.

At the moment there are no proprietary applications for PCs and mobile devices. To take advantage of all the capabilities of Chameleon, you need to go to the official website http://cameleo.ru/ By registering the link and clicking the “Go” button, you can start working with the selected portal. At the same time, the user is not limited by the time of use, the amount of traffic, and so on.

I offer you my brief overview with an example of how this service works.

Use the service and be incognito on the Internet. And everything closed will become open. Subscribe to the blog newsletter at the bottom of the article and don’t forget to comment and repost.

It is not uncommon for users of the VKontakte social network to encounter problems logging into the site, not because of problems on the part of the site developers, but perhaps on the part of the Internet provider or your employer. This occurs when your Internet service provider or employer restricts access to sites that they deem harmful or disruptive to your work process. Therefore, today we will pay attention to how to make contact through a chameleon. But before we begin to describe this method, we need to understand what it is and how it works.

What is a chameleon?

Chameleon is an anonymizer site. These sites provide an opportunity to access an Internet resource that is prohibited for some reason. In addition, you will never be identified, due to a special system. These sites operate on the principle of anonymization, that is, you log in under a different IP address and your employer or programmers working in the field of providing Internet services will never be able to prove that you were on a particular site. By the way, the data also does not go into history, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The main advantage of the Chameleon we provided is that it works not only with the social network “Vkontakte”, but also with many others: “Odnoklassniki”, “Facebook” and so on.

How to use the anonymous Chameleon service?

I think that after the above reasons you will have no doubts about using such resources, so let’s move on to the practical part. In order to log into the social network “Vkontakte” anonymously, you need to visit http://cameleo.ru/. A website will appear in front of you that will display various pictures with inscriptions from famous social networks and more. In order to anonymously log into the social network Vkontakte, you need to click on the picture we need, in our case, on the picture with the inscription “Vkontakte”. After this, a mirror will open in front of us, that is, the social network “Vkontakte” only with an inscription at the top that you entered through the “Chameleon” service. Next, you just need to enter your data and spend time in your account on this social network.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to pay special attention to how the network is structured at your workplace, since it happens that administrators can view what is going on on your desktop, that’s another story.

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Many people cannot live a day without their pages on social networks. Since most office workers have access to the Internet, they spend a significant part of the day on social networks. This is why employers ask providers to block the IP of all social sites. networks. However, this is not the only situation where a mirror may be needed. There are problems with access on home computers: browser viruses, fraud, and so on. In this article you will learn how to log into Odnoklassniki through an anonymizer mirror for free and without restrictions.

Types of blocking

Access can be blocked in two ways:

  • local. The blocking is installed on a separate computer. Rarely seen in the office. Most often, such blocking is used when infected with viruses;
  • ISP blocking. IN in this case access to the site is blocked for all devices that connect to the provider.

Login to Odnoklassniki through a mirror to my page when locally blocked

To do this, just enter the name of the site manually in the address bar, rather than following links saved in the browser or found in search results. If you use this method, then in the next section you can find a solution to fix the hosts file. In other cases, it is necessary to use mirrors, which we will discuss later.

How it works?

If the main address of the ok.ru website is blocked, it is possible to access the service using mirror services. A mirror is a fake website address that allows you to use all the features of the social network. You can log into Odnoklassniki through the mirror absolutely free, without restrictions and registration. To do this, you need to find a working mirror. On the Internet you can find a whole list of similar addresses that take you to the Odnoklassniki website. They are mainly represented by a set of numbers that represent IP. For example, you can open Odnoklassniki for free through the mirror

Odnoklassniki mirror sites

The IP address indicated above is not the only one. On the Internet you can find many addresses that will allow you to log into. However, be careful not to fall for the tricks of scammers who publish viral addresses. By clicking on such a link, you will provide personal login information to your account, which can be used to read and make posts on your behalf.

How to log into OK through the mirror?

You have definitely heard about such a thing as an anonymizer, otherwise you would not have been included in this article. We have already discussed what anonymizers are, and today we will provide a list of the best free representatives. This list will only include foreign representatives, since it makes no sense to trust domestic analogues.

Let us remind you that the Internet is a global computer-to-computer network where each computer is identified by a unique IP address, and when you connect to any website via a URL, you are actually connecting to another machine that has an IP address that is associated with this URL.

When you connect to the Internet through an anonymizer, your identity is exposed only to the proxy server that corresponds to the specific anonymizer. You connect to it and become anonymous to the rest of the Internet. Ultimately, this greatly reduces your chance of becoming a victim of various hackers.

Free foreign anonymizers almost always allow you to bypass country-level and other restrictions and visit a site that is closed (not banned, but closed) in your country. However, we would recommend doing this through a VPN or Tor.

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My-Addr Project is an online proxy server that does not store any content or data, it simply transfers data from the requested site to the client. It is possible to select a User-Agent, turn off Cookies and scripts. SSL compatible, fast, unlimited.
The service also has active technical support. support. If something is broken or the service is unavailable, you can contact technical support at [email protected].

Surf the Internet anonymously and hide your real IP address using Anon-ip.org. Unblock any website in seconds. Anon-ip.org allows you to bypass country, work, or school security restrictions by selecting the target website's data and then sending it through a proxy server. The service protects your online privacy by masking your IP address. You can disable JavaScript and cookies.

Keep yourself safe online. The service provides you with free access to the anonymizer; all sites are processed through its own reliable proxy server and are protected from many Internet threats.

This anonymizer allows you to bypass any network restrictions. Very simple navigation and functionality – everything you need!

You will love this anonymizer even just because of the design. Green means safe.

The anonymous web surfing field also includes a settings panel. Make sure you check the appropriate option boxes before you start surfing. The address bar contains all the useful variables that will personalize your web proxy experience.

Fast Proxy USA is a free, secure and stable web proxy service to protect your online privacy.

When using this web proxy, all websites you visit are redirected through a dedicated server and back to your computer/device so that your IP address is at risk.

You also have the option to increase or decrease the security level by selecting the appropriate options.

This list is one of the best anonymization services actually working at the moment. You see that almost every service address contains the word proxy.

In practice Anonymizer and proxy are almost identical concepts. Only a proxy is a proxy, and an anonymizer is a site that uses a proxy to provide a proxy to others.

A significant advantage of using anonymizers is the lack of technical details of setting up the browser. Just enter the page address and use it. However, you need to use only proven services.

Evil admins have blocked access to social networks, and now there is no way to communicate with friends? It's unpleasant, but there is always a way out. Even the most serious worker must sometime take a breath and rest a little: smile:. If Odnoklassniki is blocked, then there is nothing better than logging in through an anonymizer or proxy server.

To use it effectively, you don’t need specialized knowledge, you don’t need to change local network settings, and malicious system administrators won’t even realize that people who don’t understand computer programs managed to bypass them: smile:. And so that even your friends do not notice your presence online, I advise.

The operating principle of anonymizers is incredibly simple: namely, they hide IP addresses. Just go to the proxy server for Odnoklassniki, log in via username and password to your social network account and enjoy long-awaited communication with friends and acquaintances, you’ll find out. The maximum that employees of the technical department will be able to see is the address of the anonymizer site, and the boss will be even more pleased: smile:, because you are working with a businesslike face and sitting on some site.

Of course, administrators are not fools and monitor the work situation. If, after all, the proxy server is noticed and blacklisted, then you shouldn’t be upset for long, because there are still many excellent free projects.

List of free anonymizers or how to use Odnoklassniki at work?

There are many universal proxy servers out there that require a little thought. To prevent brain overstrain, we will consider only specialized ones, designed specifically for certain sites or social networks. To log into your profile you just need to enter your username and password.

  1. cameleo.ru (Chameleon) is one of the most popular universal anonymizers without SMS for the sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mamba. Works great when hiding user activity on the Internet.
  2. daidostup.ru is another great free proxy server for the top social networks.
  3. unlumen.ru – the service will allow you to log in to odnoklassniki, vk, facebook, youtube. Plus there is a list of free universal anonymizers.
  4. webmurk.ru is an anonymizer for logging into Odnoklassniki.
  5. diazoom.ru – created for convenient communication on your favorite social network.
  6. od.runovosti.info is a good free proxy server for Odnoklassniki.
  7. od.yourdaynews.biz is a specialized service under odnoklassniki.ru.
  8. o.antiblock.ru – allows access without SMS.
  9. List for entering Odnoklassniki for free through anonymizers provided by the dostupest.ru service: