Banning GPRS roaming from the Megafon operator. How to refuse roaming on Megafon

For subscribers mobile communications It is known that the cost of communication increases significantly when roaming. To cut costs a large number of subscribers are connected to ancillary services that are intended for international and national roaming. Also, such services are useful for those who like to travel around the world or the territory of Russia, and at the same time active mode communicate on the phone. But, if the subscriber does not travel outside his region, then he does not need roaming services. Therefore, he can turn them off. Today there are many ways in which it is possible to disable roaming.

How to check roaming status?

Checking roaming status can be done by calling the operator. If necessary, the operator will help you disable this option.

You can also check the status of connected roaming services by dialing the combination *105*530# and then pressing the call button.

Checking the availability of a roaming connection is free of charge. The above methods also include checking your roaming status using your personal account on the Megafon website.

In addition to this, in personal account you can see everything auxiliary options roaming and quickly disable them.

Ways to disable roaming in Megafon

If the subscriber mobile operator Megaphone is located outside home network , then the operator registers in automatic mode. On this moment Abroad automatic registration is carried out in 152 countries. All other cases require manual roaming on Megafon. In order to automatically register on the network when traveling abroad, you need to disable the roaming service. This is explained by Roaming tariffs are quite high, and not every subscriber agrees to use the services of a mobile operator for such a fee.

But before carrying out the procedure for disabling roaming, you need to think carefully about everything. After all, after such actions you will not be able to use the SIM card outside your home network.

Many subscribers do not block roaming in full, but only turn off the Internet. For such cases, Megafon provides services to partially disable roaming.

The benefits of such services and options are appreciated by a large number of subscribers who travel frequently.

Disconnection via customer service

By calling contact center you can solve the problem fairly quickly. A call to the Megafon operator is made by dialing the number 0500. If a person is already in roaming, then you must use the number +7-926-111-05-00 to contact the operator.

The operator is also able to disable all additional services related to roaming and answer any questions that arise. This method of disabling services is the most convenient.

Disabling roaming in your personal account

Using the Service Guide system Megafon subscribers can connect and disconnect various services on one's own. But initially you need to register in your personal account. If registration has already been made, then you just need to log in to the site. Next you need to select the “ Management of services and tariffs" After this, the system will display a list of connected services, among which you must select those that are directly related to roaming, and then disable them.

In addition to basic roaming services, using the Service Guide system you can disable auxiliary options.

Disconnection when contacting Megafon office in person

This method is not convenient, but it is the most effective. So, by visiting one of Megafon’s offices and notifying an employee of your decision, you can cancel the roaming service free of charge and fairly quickly. For the employee to make sure that the owner of the number is in front of him, you need to take your passport with you. Disabling the service will take a few minutes.

USSD and SMS commands

When typing a USSD command *105*747*0# you can quickly cancel the roaming service, and also using sending SMS-messages to the number 000105746 . Such methods require that the operator review and approve the application, but, in most cases, the waiting time does not exceed 5 minutes.

The use of commands and SMS messages can also be considered quite convenient option. After all, disconnecting and connecting services takes a few minutes.

other methods

An additional method is to type a command that prohibits GPRS roaming. So, by typing *105*746# and pressing the call button, roaming on the number is blocked.

Mobile communication services in roaming are much more expensive than in the home network. To reduce costs while roaming, Megafon provides a large number of various options.

If mobile network services are not needed outside your home network, then in such cases it is best to disable roaming.

Any Megafon subscriber has the opportunity to use communication services on favorable conditions, even if it is not in its region. This is available with the Megafon roaming service in Russia. At the moment, Megafon SIM cards have the ability to automatically change their operating mode, depending on the location of the subscriber. However, if you will be using mobile communications outside your home region for a long time, it is better to take care in advance and activate roaming.

Megafon provides roaming services throughout almost the entire country. Every year the company carries out tremendous work to improve the quality of services, which significantly affects the quality and cost of communications during trips and travel.

Roaming can be activated at any time using the appropriate commands on the phone or using other methods. Each of affordable tariffs has its pros and cons, so any subscriber has the opportunity to choose the most convenient option for him and make roaming connection one of the available methods.

The “Be at home” tariff option can be activated for 30 rubles. Its main advantage is the ability to use all services at the rates that apply in home region. It is very convenient if you want to use communication capabilities without restrictions.

To connect the option you need:

  1. Dial the command * 105 * 530 # and press the call button.
  2. You will receive a connection notification.

The subscription fee for using the service is 12 rubles per day.

One of the options for enabling roaming on Megafon is to activate a service called “All Russia”. This offer is one of the most balanced options, which allows you to use communication services throughout the country for a small subscription fee.

  • A minute of outgoing calls costs 3 rubles.
  • The price of an SMS message is 2 rubles.
  • Daily subscription fee – 2 rubles.

This tariff will good choice, in case the user does not need Internet options.

To connect you need:

  1. Activate dialing mode on your phone.
  2. In the number entry field, enter the short command * 548 * 0 # and then click “Call”.
  3. Wait for a notification with connection confirmation information.

The “Travele without worries” option will be a good choice for those subscribers who spend most of their time outside their home region and make calls from different cities. For 39 rubles per day, the service provides the opportunity to use completely unlimited calls and SMS messages.

How to connect the option to your SIM card? Everything is very simple, to connect you need to do the following:

  1. Put the phone into dialing mode.
  2. Send USSD command * 186 * 1 #.
  3. Wait for a notification that the option has been successfully connected.

Disabling roaming in Russia

Please remember that there is a charge for roaming daily fee, That's why this service It is recommended to turn it off immediately after the trip ends. You can disable roaming in several ways:

  • Contact the hotline specialists using the USSD request * 105 * 00 # or by calling 0500 and ask to disable the service.
  • Use your personal account in the Service Guide system on the operator’s website and disable the service manually.
  • Contact one of the operator's call centers with necessary documents and ask specialists to change the set of active tariff options.

In this article we will look at how to disable roaming on Megafon using available methods. Available and profitable connection necessary for everyone, including those who travel frequently, but do not want to lose the opportunity to communicate regularly. This information will be useful for those who constantly travel, but want to manage their mobile communications costs. Carefully study the review to know how to get out of Megafon roaming.

Request code and SMS

If you are experienced user, you will need information on how to remove roaming on Megafon yourself without the help of customer support. You need:

  • Open keyboard;
  • Dial the combination for each offer separately;
  • Press the call button.


  • Create a new SMS;
  • Enter the word “STOP” in the text field;
  • Send a message to the specified number.

Teams and service numbers:

  • Roaming, goodbye - 05001382 ;
  • All Russia - *105*1418*2# and 05001418 ;
  • Whole World - 0500978 ;
  • Around the World - *105*708*0# and 000105708 ;
  • Abkhazia feels like home - *541# and 05001149 ;
  • Vacation Online - *105*0060# and 0500960 ;
  • World Online - *136# and 05001190 .

Let's look at others available options how to disable international roaming Megaphone. And if you need it the other way around, follow this link.

Personal Area

Now you know how to disable the roaming service on Megafon using a command. Let's figure out what opportunities your personal account offers.

  • Log in to your account using your password and login;
  • Open the tab "Connected services";
  • Find travel related options;
  • Move the toggle switches to the “Disable” position.

You can cancel services by calling.


If you don't want to bother yourself to remove unnecessary options, dial hotline operator and get help from an employee. You need:

  • Dial 0500 ;
  • Click on the call button;
  • Wait for a response.

You can also contact the nearest sales office and ask a consultant your question. Are you interested in the service and how to use it? read our other article on this topic.

Is there a need to turn off

We will separately note whether it is necessary to cancel Megafon roaming at all.

  • Some countries provide the option to automatically switch to home options. But we recommend carefully checking the settings so as not to be faced with the need to overpay;
  • If you forget to disable Megafon roaming, a fixed amount of money will be withdrawn from your account daily;
  • When traveling within the country special connection no options are required - all functions will be implemented automatically. The exception is the territory of the Republic of Crimea, where options for international travel are required.


The most popular service when traveling around the country and the world is connecting to the network. Subscribers often use the Internet and ignore calls. This option can also be disabled using the following methods:

  • Enter USSD request *105*747*0# ;
  • Dial the short code *105*746# on your keyboard ;
  • Log in to your personal account and disable the options;
  • Send SMS without text to number 000105746 ;
  • Dial support number 0500 and ask the operator a question;
  • Contact a phone shop near your home or work.

Now you know how to turn off roaming on Megafon by everyone accessible ways and you can use them when necessary to save money and not spend it on unnecessary options. Next, we advise you to read the article about

International roaming service in Megafon, as in others mobile networks, is provided at higher rates. Including communications and the Internet. Many subscribers of the operator, who are often on the road but do not use this communication format, have a question about how to disable roaming on Megafon. From this article you will learn how to disable it.

Terms of roaming use

On the phone in tariff packages companies in Russia (outside home zone) and abroad in 152 countries (almost the whole world), registration and connection in roaming is carried out automatically.


To turn off the Internet and communications in international format connections are provided individual options. Let's consider their use in detail.

Disabling calls and SMS

You can use one of the 4 methods described below:

No. 1: Personal account

Note. If this is your first time on the Megafon portal, please register. Request a password using the USSD command *105*00#. Enter your credentials on the page (mobile number and received key).

2. Go to the “Service Management...” tab. In the list of active options, disable all services related to roaming (including additional ones).

#2: sending a command

Send the command *105*00# and follow the instructions of the service provider.

No. 3: support center

Call 0500 if you are on your home network, or dial +79261110500 if you are in another region or abroad.

No. 4: corporate salon

Contact a Megafon employee with a request to disable roaming.

Internet shutdown

Access to global network within the service can be deactivated by the following actions:

  1. Sending a USSD command - *105*747*0#.
  2. Turn on the ban - *105*746#.
  3. Sending SMS without text to number 000105746.
  4. Disabling in your Personal Account.
  5. In the operator's cabin.

Use any method that is most convenient for you. Save on international communications via shutdown options.