Yandex home page install. How to make Yandex the start page automatically. Setting Yandex as the home page in Microsoft Edge

Greetings to all! Today’s article will be useful to all Internet users who want to make Yandex their home page. As a rule, this setup is quite easy to do, but as practice shows, many users do not know where to register the address and how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article, we will analyze in detail how to configure the start page in browsers: , Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that setting up the home page in your browser can only be prevented by the presence of malicious software. This happens in cases where you seem to have set the start page, and the Webalta or Pirrit Suggestor search is loaded into the location you need. We will consider a way out of this situation at the end of the article.

It is possible to make Yandex the start page either manually, by changing browser settings, or automatically, using special programs. First, we will look at how to make the settings manually, this method is good because you and I will not have to install additional programs, and at the end of the article we will look at a method for the lazy.

Make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

I suggest that the first thing on the list to consider is setting up the Internet Explorer browser. Since, firstly, it is available on all computers with the Windows operating system, and secondly, setting up the start page is performed in the same way in all versions of IExplorer.

To set the home page of the Yandex search engine, take the following steps:

That's it, the stage of setting up the home page for Internet Explorer is complete. Now, as soon as you launch the browser, the search engine will open.

Setting up the home page in the Opera browser.

In , making Yandex the start page is also not difficult. To do this we do the following:

Now you can restart the browser and see which page loads at startup.

In Google Chrome we set the Yandex start page.

If you are a fan of the Google Chrome browser, but at the same time remain a patriot and use the Yandex search engine, then to set up the home page, do the following:

Now, when working in the Chrome browser, if you quickly want to go to the search engine, you just need to click on the icon in the form of a house.

Note! With this setup method, Yandex will not open as the start page.

If you want exactly the start page, then we do it a little differently:

Now, when you launch your browser, you can immediately type a search query in Yandex.

Make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In the Mazil browser, everything is done in a similar way. Follow these steps to set up your home page:

Now the Firefox browser will load the Yandex start page. As you can see, all the settings are simple, but users are often afraid or don’t know what to do.

How to make Yandex the start page automatically.

If for some reason you cannot manually set the Yandex home page, then you can do this automatically. Fortunately, the tool is provided by the search engine itself.

In the first case, you need to go to the address: and click on the “Download” button, and then follow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the monitor screen.

The second option is to install a utility called “Browser Manager”, also an invention of the Russian search giant. You can download it from the link:

This manager is good because it automatically controls the change of the home page and warns the user about changes. This will help you protect your computer from search engines like Webalta and similar ones.

If instead of Yandex, Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor and others open everywhere.

Very often, the user encounters a problem when, after installing the desired initial page, something completely different from what he would like opens, for example, the Webalta search engine. This happens when malicious code runs on your computer and writes its settings to browsers. As a rule, getting rid of this problem is not always easy.

The first thing you need to check is to open the desktop shortcut property. To do this, right-click on the browser shortcut and look at the “Object” field in the window that opens.

Only the path to the folder with the installed program should be written there. If you see something different from the original data, for example, you see a link to Webalta or other search engines, then you need to remove the excess.

If you have landed on this page, then the problem with setting Yandex as the start page is half solved. Next, all you have to do is read the article, select the browser you are using, and follow the instructions offered in the text.

Many users may not have a clear idea of ​​what this home page is. This is the page that opens in the browser while it is loading. As a rule, this is a quick launch panel, also called an express panel, a search or site frequently visited by the user. It can also be the last page loaded before closing the browser window.

Several years ago, the Yandex search engine became the most used among RuNet users. And not in vain - among numerous tests, it was Yandex that took first place in the accuracy of issuing results of search queries related to the discovery of information in the Russian-language segment of the Internet, which is why many users set the site as their start page. In addition to an excellent search engine, here you can also view news feeds, see the weather, check email, etc.

Replacing the start page in your browser does not require any unique skills or special knowledge in the field of computer technology. The only problem that users face is the functioning of malicious applications that change the start page leading to a malicious or advertising site. To check your computer for these, you should use an installed antivirus or antispyware program. An excellent solution, in this case, would be the domestic AZV utility.

Let's move directly to assigning Yandex as the start page of your browser. For each Internet browser, its replacement occurs differently, but in general terms the procedure is similar in all cases.

How to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

This browser is used by a predominant number of users of the Russian-speaking segment of the global network, so we’ll start from there.

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the button with three vertical lines.
  1. We find the inscription “Open at startup” and move the trigger switch (radio-button) to the “Specified pages” position.
  2. Click “Add”, enter the address and click “OK”.

The start page has been replaced; the next time you start Chrome, the Yandex main page will load.

If Yandex is used primarily as a search engine, then it can be set as the default search engine for the Chrome browser in the “Search” section of the application settings. To do this, select “Yandex” in the drop-down menu and restart the browser.

In all browsers based on Chromium, replacing the start page is carried out in a similar way. The settings interface or some inscriptions may differ slightly, but their meaning will remain the same. This shouldn't cause any difficulties.

Mozilla Firefox start page - Yandex

  1. We go to the application settings through the main menu.
  2. In the “Basic” tab, select the “Show home page” action when starting the browser.

  1. In the line below, enter the home page address “” and save the changes.

The next time you launch the browser, the Yandex website will be loaded in the main window.

Yandex - start page in Opera

Setting the start page in the Opera browser is similar to replacing it in other Internet browsers.

  1. We go to the settings through the main menu: “Tools” ® “Settings”.
  2. In the first tab, we define the action that the browser performs upon startup: in the drop-down menu, select “Start from the home page.”

  1. In the “Home” field, enter or paste the address of the Yandex website and confirm the changes made.

How to make Yandex the starting page for Internet Explorer?

In all versions of IE, replacing the start page is performed using the same method.

  1. Click on the button that opens the browser settings.
  2. In the “General” tab that opens, check the radio button next to “Start from home page”.
  3. In the form above, enter the address and click “OK”.

How to change the start page in Yandex browser?

This Internet browser is built on the Chromium engine and setting the start page in its window is similar to the same procedure in Chrome.

  1. Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon.

  1. In the section “Where to start?” select opening the quick access page and check the box “ Open if there are no tabs».

Now, when you start the browser, the Yandex page will open if all tabs were closed when you closed the browser. Otherwise, we will get to an express panel with links to frequently visited Internet resources.

Yandex itself makes sure that users use its page as a starting page. For this purpose, a utility and extensions have been created for all popular browsers. They can be downloaded from Also, during the installation of Yandex applications, such as Punto Switcher, the installer will offer to replace the start page of the default browser used on the system.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to make Yandex your start page?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We were all new to the Internet at one time or another. It is especially difficult to be a beginner when you are no longer a teenager. So many questions arise that are difficult to find answers to due to their simplicity for those who have already more or less mastered the Internet.

Personally, I myself have observed more than once when they tried to show me an interesting page with the help of searching for the desired page among the responses received. And what a disappointment it was when this page was no longer there (the results change constantly).

One of the ease of use was the ability make a frequently used page(for example, the main Yandex, Google or this one that you have opened now in your Internet browser) starting (home). As a result, it automatically opens when the browser starts. For example, this is very convenient if you use .

With appropriate settings, it will always open the next time you launch your browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Yandex browser). Usually they try to set up a home page for some major portal, from which you can start searching, read news, and do much more.

It will be enough to download and launch (or simply click on the “Install” button) the application using the link provided, and in this browser the home page will change to

If you want do everything through the Yandex home page, then, depending on the browser you use, you will receive various “offers”, which all boil down to approximately the same thing - the browser will be automatically configured so that when it starts, the main page of this search engine and also the portal will always open.

What I'm talking about? Well, let's see what happens when you access the main page from under Chroma:

It will be enough to click on the inscription “Make Yandex the start page” and you will only have to agree to, which will make the necessary changes in the browser settings.

If you open the main page from under Mazily, you will see simple instructions for action, which you will not use:

At the Opera when you open the Yandex home page you will be offered:

It, in turn, will change the home page, and will add many other goodies, which you can read about in the article at the link above. you will be prompted to install Yandex.Panel for Opera, which is also capable of doing the work we need.

When you access in a browser Internet Explorer you will be directed to a page with extensions from Yandex, including the Elements mentioned above.

By installing this extension, the main page of the leading Russian Internet search engine will open automatically when you launch this browser.

How to make a home page in Yandex browser and Chrome

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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As soon as the user launches Yandex.Browser, he sees the initial or start page. By setting it up correctly, you can properly organize your workflow and make web surfing more efficient. Read about how to change the start page in Yandex Browser under the cut.

To start changing the start page in Yandex.Browser, select the menu in the upper right part of the browser (icon with three stripes) and open "Settings" .

We will need a “Where to start?” section.

If you leave a checkmark on the item "Open quick access page" , then every time you launch Yandex Browser or create a new tab, the browser will display the bookmarks bar as in the screenshot below.

If you check the box next to “Restore tabs opened last time” , then with each new launch the browser will restore all those tabs that were open during the last session.

Thus, it is impossible to put a specific site on the start page in Yandex Browser. Therefore, if you need to start working from a specific site, place it on the quick access panel (in the case of the first item) or leave it open when you finish work (for the second).

Many users are outraged by the lack of such an important setting in Yandex Browser, because in its older brother Google Chrome, the user can independently install any web resource on the start page. Perhaps the developers of Yandex.Browser will soon listen to the opinions of regular users and implement a similar function.

First, a few words for those who don’t know or don’t understand well what it is browser.

When you and I open the Internet, we launch a special program for this. In it we search and read information (websites), check email, communicate on social networks.

There are several such programs for the Internet. Here are the most popular:

Most likely, you use one of them to browse the Internet. This very program is called a browser.

What is it start page? This is a site that loads immediately as soon as you open your browser.

You can assign any address to this site: your favorite search engine, news, email site, social network or anything else.

Or, on the contrary, you can remove the address. It just happens that it is already configured in the program. Then, every time you open your browser, a site you don’t need automatically opens. You can generally make it so that no address will be opened.

So, to summarize:

Start or Homepage- this is some kind of site that opens immediately when you open the browser. You can specify its address yourself or remove it altogether.

For example, when I go to the Internet, that is, I open a browser, the website immediately loads. I didn’t set it up specifically - it always opened for me on its own. This very site is the start page of my browser.

If, when you open a browser, no site automatically loads, it means there is no start (home) page. This is normal - many people find it even more convenient. But others, on the contrary, need such a page.

For example, I start every time I go online by checking my email. This means that it would be more convenient for me to set the address of my email site as the home page. Then you wouldn’t have to open it manually every time - it would load itself.

Who set my start page

It often happens that we ourselves have not assigned anything, but the page still opens. It's like it was already set up.

Indeed, sometimes this happens: some browsers already have a start page. That is, a certain website is initially “sewn” into it, which will open every time the program is launched.

But it also happens differently: out of the blue a page began to pop up, although it wasn’t there before. That is, before, when the browser was launched, nothing would open, but then suddenly a website started loading.

This usually happens after a new program has been installed on the computer.

It happens like this. You have downloaded some program and are starting to install it. As a rule, to do this you need to click on the “Next” button several times. And at one of these stages it is written in small font that the start page will be replaced.

There will even be a bird installed there. By the way, you can remove it and then there will be no replacement, but who reads all this... It turns out that we sort of ourselves, of our own free will, assigned a new home page.

Another situation in which page substitution occurs is a computer virus. But this is such an obvious replacement that it is simply impossible not to replace it.

How to make a start page

You can always change the start page: either assign the desired site yourself, or disable it altogether.

To do this, you just need to change one small setting in your browser. But, of course, each such program has its own setting. It is also worth considering that you can see the result only after the program is closed and reopened.

Instructions for setting up the start page in your browser will open if you click on its icon:

To enlarge a picture, simply click on it, and use the arrows to go to the next or previous step.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the button with the image of horizontal lines (on the right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. In the “Initial group” section, select one of three options:

Quick access page. If you select this option, then every time you open your browser, something like a directory will be loaded with sites that you have recently visited. There will also be a Google search bar.

Continue work from the same place. In this case, tabs will open with sites that you loaded in the browser the last time and did not close.

Next pages: add. Here you can set the start page or several pages at once. To add a site address, click on the “Add” link.


Continue from the same place. In this case, every time you start the browser, those tabs with sites that you loaded in the browser last time and did not close will open.

Open home page. This is something like a directory with your favorite sites, the so-called “Express Panel”.

Open a specific page or multiple pages. Here you can specify a site or several sites that will open as the start page. To add an address, click on the “Set Pages” link.

If you cannot complete these steps, it means that an earlier version of Opera is installed on your computer. In this case, you need to configure the home page differently:

  1. Open the Opera program.
  2. Click on the small button at the very top left - usually called “Opera” or “Menu”. Point to “Settings” and select “General Settings” from the list.
  3. In the window that appears (in the “Basic” tab), tell the browser how to behave when it starts.
    If you want the start page to open, then select “Start from the home page” and enter its address just below.
  4. Click “OK” in the window.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the button with horizontal lines (on the right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. Select “Settings” from the list.
  4. A window will open in which you need to click on “Basic” in the top left.
  5. At the top of the window (“Launch”), tell the browser how to behave when opening.
    If you want the start page to open, then select “Show home page” and in the next field indicate the desired site.
  6. Click “OK” in the window.


Open quick access page. In this case, every time you open your browser, something like a directory will be loaded with the sites you have recently visited.

Restore tabs opened last time. If you select this item, then when you start Yandex, those tabs with sites that you loaded last time and did not close will open.

You can also set the checkbox to “Open if there are no tabs.” Then, if you closed all the tabs the last time, then when you start the browser, the Yandex website will open.

Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on the “Service” inscription at the top of the program or on the button with the image of a gear and select “Browser Options” from the list.

3. In the window at the top (the “General” tab) there is a part called “Home Page”. In the large white field, most likely, there will be some kind of website address - the start page. To change it, you just need to erase this address and type another one. Then it will open every time you start Internet Explorer.

But to prevent anything from opening, you just need to click on the “Use new tab” button. Then, when you start the program, a list of sites that have recently been opened in it will be displayed.

By the way, just below, in the “Startup” section, you can configure the browser so that upon startup, previously opened but not closed tabs are opened. To do this, click on “Start with tabs opened in previous session.”

4. Click on the “Apply” button and then on the “OK” button at the bottom.