Yahoo search and mail: what do you need to know when setting up services? Have you used Yahoo mail? Check who gave your mailbox

Sports Mashable

Ah, St. Patrick"s Day! A chaotic time filled with green beer, and, if you"re surfing Pornhub, looking for leprechauns and shamrocks.According to data from the popular adult video site, searches for "leprechauns" (which are totally real, by the way) spike over 1,200 percent on the Irish-themed holiday while searches for, well, "St. Patrick's Day" increase by over 1,000 percent. More interesting are the increases for "shamrock" (811 percent), "clover" (328 percent), and "luck" (251 percent).Pornhub really does have a flair for the Irish on St. Patrick's Day.Image: PornhubAs one would expect, searches for anything "Irish" have a sizable increase on the holiday itself, with a spike of 429 percent. Searches for "lucky" increase by 171 percent over average daily searches. Obligatory!Image: PornhubPerhaps the most entertaining surges come misspellings that may be a wee bit inspired by an over-consumption of green beer or whiskey. Misspelled "hentai" searches increase by 18 percent on St. Patrick"s Day with "hentia" being the most popular misspelling (31 percent).SEE ALSO: Pornhub reveals what women are searching in honor of International Women"s DayBut even the easiest terms are a bit harder to type in once you"ve had one too many shots of Jameson: "MILF" sees an increase in misspellings of 9 percent. "Milff" leads the pack as the most common mistake.It"s tough to drink and search for porn at the same time.Image: PornhubHowever you decide to celebrate St. Patrick"s Day, please do so responsibly -- and know that Pornhub"s autocorrect feature will deliver you safely to your desired destination no matter how clumsy you type. WATCH: 10 Irish films to watch on Netflix for St. Patrick's Day

Politics The Wrap

Donald Trump threatened “Saturday Night Live” and other late-night shows with a federal investigation for poking fun of him, calling it in a Sunday tweet, “one sided media coverage.” “It's truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of 'the other side.' Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows,” the POTUS wrote. “Should the Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?” he added in a subsequent tweet. “There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided media coverage, most of it Fake News. Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry! MAGA”Also Read: Alec Baldwin's Latest "SNL" Sketch Has Trump in Another Twitter RantGallup's last Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings (for March 1-10, 2019) stood at 39 percent, while 57 percent disapprove. “SNL” ran a repeat Saturday of the Christmas 2018 episode in which the cold open - titled “It's a Wonderful Trump” - had Trump get his wish that he had never become president, and the circle of people around him led happier lives as a result. was clearly fired up when that episode originally aired on Dec. 15, tweeting at the time, “It is nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can't be legal?”Also Read: Alec Baldwin Asks if Trump Twitter Rant “Constitutes a Threat” to His Family’s Safety“Comedy programs are under exactly zero legal obligation to be even-handed in their satire, regardless of whether the butt of their jokes is a political figure,” Law&Crime columnist Elura Nanos wrote Sunday. “Similarly, news programs are legally permitted to be as one-sided as they like. As an agency of the federal government, the FCC must adhere to the limitations set out by the First Amendment - which means that censoring speech based on its political content is as illegal as it gets.”“Saturday Night Live” is a satire show that has mocked every president since Gerald Ford in 1976, along with a number of political figures. President Trump hosted “SNL” on April 2004 and Nov. 7, 2015.Read original story Trump Threatens ‘SNL’ With Federal Investigation Because They Mock Him At TheWrap

Business The Telegraph

Tyler Winklevoss takes a seat in the Austin, Texas hotel where we’re meeting. “I’m feeling the time difference,” he says. They have flown in from New York. It is one hour behind. He is in town with his twin, Cameron, for the annual SXSW festival of film, tech and music. Brunette, wearing a matching combination of blazer and jeans and both towering at 6"5", their appearance would be uncanny if it weren't for Cameron's slighter frame. They know The Daily Telegraph well, having spent a year at Oxford University where they both took a seat in the blue boat during the annual rowing clash against They settled for student digs even though a year prior, they had taken $20m in cash and $45m in Facebook shares in settlement with fellow Harvard student Mark. Zuckerberg, whom they accused of stealing their idea for Facebook. The case led to the release of Mr Zuckerberg's emails, including one where he described users as “dumb f----” for sharing their personal information with him, and inspired the 2010 film The Social Network. The Harvard classmates' lives have taken different trajectories. Mr Zuckerberg, a quiet coding type, lives with wife Priscilla Chan and their two children in a century-old white wood home in California, dubbed. “testosterone twins” by the tabloids, own a lavish bachelor's pad in New York's trendy Soho and have been seen on red carpets with models, including Irina Shayk, on their arms. Armie Hammer plays both Tyler and Cameron in the 2010 film The Social Network “I don't have kids,” Tyler puts forward when I ask about running a business, “but like, if you are a parent you don't just turn on and off. It is a 24 hour job that is all encompassing and that is what a start-up is, so you have to do a good job of carving out personal time and time for yourself. “But it is not like a Monday-through-Friday exercise. It is all the time and, you know, it is great but and it is fun in its own way, but it is definitely not for everyone,” he says. Fun, he claims “no longer becomes the central point of your life, it becomes more like a footnote.” But the pursuit of fun is where their journey to becoming billionaires began. On a hot August day of 2012, when Zuckerberg was punching the keys on his laptop in Silicon Valley, the twins were enjoying a holiday in Ibiza when a stranger asked them if they had heard of a secretive virtual money that a small select few were buying and selling on the internet. “Somebody recognized us, probably from the movie, and asked if we had heard of Bitcoin. We thought it would be a complete zero or the next big thing and became fascinated,” Cameron says. The premise of Bitcoin was to create a way of sharing value among peers without the need for an intermediary like a bank. For many in the trading world who had become disillusioned with the unpalatable tactics of many global financial institutions, it offered a solution to what they perceived was a broken system. This could eradicate corruption, provide anonymity and disrupt currency. View this post on Instagram Another one from @divyanarendra + @phoebeawhite"s wedding! Kurtas are comfy. Norwindia ������ A post shared by Tyler Winklevoss (@tylerwinklevoss) on Jun 20, 2017 at 10:25am PDT The twins decided to gamble using the money they won in the Facebook settlement. The amount they bet varies depending on which newspaper or magazine you are reading, with some claiming they bought a reported 1pc of all Bitcoin in circulation and others suggesting they gambled it all. I ask whether this was true, they offer a deadpan stare. “We don't want to go on the record about that,” says Tyler. Tyler looks at his communications director and everyone begins to laugh nervously. Either way, they are happy to be described as “Bitcoin billionaires”, a label they acquired during the December 2017 boom when one Bitcoin soared to $20,000. It now sits at around $3,600 Driven by market speculation, economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the. 2008 crash, described it as “the mother of all scams”. Warren Buffett said it was “a delusion”. In retaliation, the twins told CNBC that older people in the financial industry didn’t understand the future of money. Tyler and Cameron on stage at SXSW hours after sitting down the Telegraph Credit: Bloomberg The industry was hijacked by charlatans, including the creators of marketplaces where traders could buy and sell drugs using the coins. Mt Gox, the first widely used Bitcoin exchange, went bankrupt on Feb 28 2014 - with 650,000 bitcoins missing. Customers, including the Winklevosses, who have not revealed how much they had in the exchange, never saw their money again. The twins opened their own coin exchange, Gemini, in 2015. Tyler claims to not check the price every day, despite working on deals behind-the-scenes at the exchange around the clock. “That doesn’t seem very productive.” Buying some of their earliest Bitcoin at $8, “we are still doing better,” he adds with a grin. Born into influence in Connecticut to a business professor and privately educated, the Winklevosses had not had to worry about money. During their Facebook battle, they claimed it was not about the financial reward “but the principle”. The risk they took on Bitcoin pales in comparison to that taken by those who plunged their savings in to buy during 2017’s peak. Cameron smirks when I ask about the toll it has on their cortisol levels. “If you can’t handle price swings you probably shouldn’t be investing or starting a company. Start-ups feel like that too. We are good at dealing with that; that’s why we are in this game.” But building a business around an unregulated and chastised internet coin and cushioning a team of 200 dedicated employees from its volatility is another thing. Cameron (left) and Tyler (right) train on the River Thames ahead of the University Boat Race in 2010 Credit: Getty Cameron believes Gemini will be as successful as Amazon. “In the first 10 years, a lot of people were like ‘Amazon isn’t competing with Barnes and Noble’. But we know how that played out. Cryptocurrency is so young, we are only a couple of years into this journey.” However, they are due another clash with their nemesis, Zuckerberg, who has his own team dedicated to blockchain and is building its own coin for payments. The twins have are stony-faced when I ask whether they feel vindicated about the Facebook boss’s fall from grace. “Yeah, we have been pretty busy in crypto so not really reading those papers that much,” Tyler says, adding that it is “cool” that he is entering the same market. Cameron says that it is “really positive” that Zuckerberg might launch a digital coin pegged to the US dollar. The pair aren't suffering from sour grapes and they promote Gemini on Facebook and Instagram, which they use for sharing their personal photos too. But they cannot resist a subtle dig. “Crypto is transferring value and putting markets on certain resources which is, like, greater, like, brings more people in, like, than, like, sharing photos right," Cameron says. “Which is powerful. People want to connect and stuff, but if you actually pay people and things in value that is almost, like, more significant,” Tyler says. The twins believe there is something bigger than Facebook coming. Perhaps the next Hollywood script will reveal how losing out to Zuckerberg created a chain of events that helped dismantle the central banking system. “Whatever we saw in the last 25 years, this movie could have been bigger,” Cameron says.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When I wrote a comparative book, I was pleasantly surprised by the innovations that appeared in Yahoo Mail recently.

The most striking impression was the size of the free mailbox - a whole terabyte. In this regard, there was an interest in studying other innovations from Yahoo, which, in theory, should accompany the updated interface and expanded functionality. So why not?

This email service acquired a Russian-language interface quite a long time ago, but now they have translated the help to “great and mighty” (though in some places with very serious typos), which is again a step in the right direction. In addition, in 2015, Yahoo Mail and Gmail promise to add the ability to encrypt letters to reduce the likelihood of damage when they are intercepted. As they say, “we’ll see,” and now let me go over the capabilities of the updated box from one of the largest Internet portals in the world.

Register, login and get to know Yahoo Mail

Contacts, by the way, can be exported from your existing accounts, your other accounts in Yahoo or.

In the upper right part of Yahoo Mail (above the list of messages) you will find a “View” button, by clicking on which you can change the appearance of the interface.

It will be possible to activate so-called “tabs”, similar to those used in browsers (by default, they are formed on the basis of five buttons above the left column and all pages with letters that you are currently reading, writing or editing), and also configure displaying the contents of the letter immediately below their list or to the right of it (it turns out quite conveniently, in my opinion).

In the left menu of Yahoo mail, in addition to the usual folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Spam, Trash), you can add any number of your own (although you cannot create nested ones), and just below (in the “Smart Views” area) you can quickly filter still unread messages, either marked with asterisks (you can do this yourself when viewing a letter using the context menu or pressing the letter L on the keyboard), or sorted by Yahoo into categories:

By the way, an advertising banner will be intrusively shown to you in the left column of your mail, but you can slide it out, opening the web interface to full screen, but when you refresh the page it will appear again. Apparently the free mailbox from Yahoo implies the presence of advertising in it.

The capabilities for working with correspondence and sorting it are, perhaps, no different from competitors. On the toolbar above the list of letters you will find all the buttons you need, some of which, however, are hidden under the “More” spoiler.

Is it only the drop-down menu of the “Spam” button, in addition to simply marking the letter as spam, that allows you to report an attempt at hacking or (an invitation to go to a fake site to extract registration data, etc.).

Mail settings in Yahoo

Yahoo Mail settings are hidden in the context menu of the gear located in the usual upper right corner:

In the same menu you can correct your Yahoo account information. For example, add an alternative email or mobile phone number, which will then help you restore access to your account if it is lost (as a result of hacking or other force majeure). It is clear that it only makes sense to worry about these things if you want to continue working with the free email account you created (1000 GB in size, which strongly contrasts with competitors) in this service.

Well, when you select “Settings”, a window will open with a number of tabs, where you will first be asked to customize Yahoo Mail interface for viewing messages:

By default, there is a checkmark in the “Enable dialogues” field, which, in my opinion, is very convenient, because it implements an analogue of letter chains in Gmail, which allows you to see all your correspondence with any opponent. A similar cartoon is also available in many email clients (for computers), which provides very quick orientation in correspondence and tracking the progress of the conversation in your correspondence.

We have already discussed multitasking settings in Yahoo (the ability to add browser-style tabs) a little higher. In the prince, this is a convenient thing, as is the display of the viewing area for letters under their list or to the right of it. In my opinion, this also improves the convenience of working with mail. Well, at the very bottom you can choose between a fully functional web interface and its faster, but very simple implementation.

in Yahoo Mail are also quite useful. In any case, for example, I don’t like the automatic addition of correspondence opponents to contacts, but the preview for links inserted into a letter is a very wonderful thing. And setting the font and universal signature for messages (including formatted, i.e. colorfully designed) will appeal to many.

Next we have account settings, where you can change the password, create an additional mailbox in Yahoo, and also add accounts of your other Emails from which you want to automatically remove correspondence and store it in this main mailbox. You can also select the main mailbox from which mail will be sent and see how much free space is available to you from the allocated terabyte.

On the next tab, you can configure and format the text that will be sent to all incoming letters that arrive in your Yahoo mailbox within a specified period of time. You can set different auto-responses.

Well, on the tab "Filters" you can set up rules for distributing incoming correspondence into the required folders of your Yahoo mail. This can be mailings, business correspondence and much more, depending on your imagination and views on convenience.

On the tab "Safety" These settings are not typical for free email services. For example, here they offer you (for registration, for example, on an unreliable resource), the mail from which will be immediately disposed of as spam (read the link).

To create it, it will be enough to enter a keyword into the form, which will be added to your main Email through a dash. Actually, the disposable Mile can be found in other applications. Here you can also prohibit the display of pictures (in general or only in the Spam folder), because they may contain viruses, and you can also configure the auto-deletion period for spam.

Summary of free mailbox from Yahoo

What is your impression of Yahoo's updated brainchild? Personally, I have them in two ways. On the one hand, the functionality of the mailbox is somewhat inferior to Gmail, on the other hand, for the average user, the capabilities of Yahoo mail are enough for the eyes. Besides simplicity, it comes in different forms. For example, our today's hero is strikingly different from the much greater concern for user convenience due to the mass of various settings.

I would put it on the same level as (if you do not take into account the mail for the domain available in the domestic mailer). In fact, it’s a well-made, fairly fast-working and convenient service. The only problem may be communicating with the technical support service in case of problems, because it is unlikely that they will be able to communicate with you in Russian (as it seems to me, but I could be wrong).

And, of course, box size 1 terabyte simply hypnotizing. Although I don’t need this, but... By the way, Yahoo Mail can be linked to your Flickr account to send photos and everything else you have stored there.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello! Today we will talk about how to get mail, absolutely free. Yahoo is an American company that is very popular in the United States and it owns about 8% of the entire search engine. Yahoo Mail email is one of the very old mails, which every year undergoes more and more modernizations in the management system. Yahoo's life journey began in 1994 and continues to this day. Now let's talk about registration.

Yahoo Mail registration.

In order to register, you need to go to the Yahoo mail website using this direct link. The site looks like this:

As you already understand, you need to click on the clearly visible “Register” button. Click there and we’ll go through all the steps of filling out the registration forms together. .

In the form above, you must fill out all the cells. Last name and first name. Yahoo login - this will be your login when logging into your mail. Come up with a valid password, enter your date of birth and phone number. You can enter an alternative address or not. Then click create my account. That's all, dear friends, your mail under your login has been created without any problems. Very simple and fast! Now let's talk about the advantages of this mail.

Mailboxes such as: , and others do not allow you to fully work with foreign payment systems, play on online auctions and make purchases in online stores, and many mailboxes do not allow you to make instant payments. Many payment systems require that the mailbox be in the com zone, so for this I analyzed the entire Yahoo registration process.

Yahoo! Positive points of Yahoo mail

After registration, you will receive not only a Yahoo mailbox, but also a large number of different services. Such as: Built-in chat, which can be used in correspondence with your relative, friend, or with any recipient. In the chat you can conduct a dialogue, both in printed and voice form, and in video mode.

Yahoo has created a very smart internal mail search. no matter when the letter arrived to you, the search will find it and show it to you! For example, mail generally gave me a set of letters that were not related to my requests.

There is also an attractive Yahoo address book. In it I store the most used contacts of friends and various correspondents. It’s very nice that you can make sections in the book, for example: work, friends, relatives, etc. This sorting allows you to quickly find the desired contact.

If you have contacts, but they are not in Yahoo, then you can very quickly import your entire address book into mail Yahoo. Very fast and simple.

Yahoo Attractive Points

After creating your mail, you can access it from various mobile phones and the mailbox template will adjust to your screen size - very convenient!

A cool feature with dragging labels onto messages, and messages into labels.

More than 30 types of appearance templates are available.

The ability to talk with several opponents in one voice and video chat is available.

Available built-in antispyware, which allows you to close pop-ups and scan all your emails for viruses, thereby protecting you from any nasty things.

I pay for ebay auctions through Yahoo, or rather, which I win)

As you can see, dear friends, having Yahoo mail in your arsenal is very safe for your computer and just for you!

See you soon, dear friends!

Yahoo! (read as Yahoo) is an English-language web service, ranking second on the network in popularity. Includes a search engine and mail. According to Alexa Internet statistics, Yahoo was one of the TOP 5 most visited websites in 2012. In 2013, the developers integrated the Dropbox data storage into the service’s email, which expanded the capabilities of sending and receiving emails with large attachments.


To create a Yahoo account, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. On the main page of the portal, in the right corner, click the “Sign In” link.

3. Fill out the form fields:

  • "First name" and "Last...": first and last name.
  • “Email address”: unique email address (use English letters and numbers).
  • “Password”: password for logging into your account.
  • “Mobile phone...”: set your country code in the drop-down list and dial your mobile phone number.
  • "Birth": date of birth (month/day/year).
  • “Gender”: gender (Female - woman, Male - man).

4. Click the “Continue” button.

5. Select a method to receive a verification code on your mobile phone:

  • “Text me a code” - SMS message;
  • “Call me with a code” - voice call.

6. Enter the received code. Click "Verify".

7. After successful verification, the message “Congratulations!” will appear. (Congratulations!) To log into your Yahoo account, click the “Let’s get started” button.

How can I change my password?

To change your mail login key, do the following:

1. Click your avatar in the right corner.

2. Select “Account Info” in the drop-down panel.

3. In the “Account security” section, click “Change password”.

4. Enter your new Yahoo profile password in two lines.

5. Click “Continue”.

6. To go to your profile, under the message “Success!” Click "Continue" again.

You can also specify a backup email in the “Account security” section. It may be needed to confirm rights to your account in case you lose your password.

This setting is created as follows:

1. Click “Add recovery email...”.

2. In the “Please enter...” field, type the address of the backup mailbox and click “Send verification”.

3. To send the code by email, click “OK” in the panel that opens.

4. Open a letter from Yahoo in the specified mailbox and click on the link.

5. In the tab that opens, click on the “Verify” button.

If you don't remember your password...

2. Click the mouse to select the reason “I don’t remember...”.

3. Enter your mobile number or backup email (which are “attached” to your profile). Click “Continue”.

4. In the additional request, select the answer “Yes, send me code”.

Once the procedure is completed, you lose access to your account. Within 3 months, all data contained in it will be deleted. Additional information about maintaining confidential information can be found by clicking on the “Click here” link.

Have a comfortable stay online!