Winscp transfer the archive and unpack windows. Installing and configuring the WinSCP FTP client. Where to download WinSCP

Good afternoon!. Last time I told you how you can copy a file from Windows to Linux, where we looked at various utilities, including WinSCP. Today I will tell you how in WinSCP integrate Putty utility, so that it acts as an ssh client, yes there is such an opportunity. I am sure that this will pleasantly surprise and delight someone. Let's get started.

Setting up WinSCP

And so, I remind you that WinSCP is a free sftp client, ala file manager, which allows users of Windows platforms to connect to CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu servers in a convenient and most importantly secure way. The utility immediately gained fame and love from ordinary users, and this is not surprising, since it subtly allows you to customize it for yourself.

Earlier I already told you where to download the WinSC P utility and how to install it. If you missed these articles, you can always read them. Now, let's talk about how we can make the Putty utility a client for connecting via ssh from the WinSCP interface. The first thing you do is install Putty. Let me remind you, her official website.

Leave all settings as default.

In a couple of seconds, your Putty will be installed on the system.

Select "Settings"

In the settings that open, go to the "Integration - Programs" tab. Make sure that in the "Let to PUTTY/Terminal" line you set the path to your exe file that opens Putty. If you have a portable version, then you can use the "Browse" button to change the path to it. I also advise you to check the box “Remember the session password and transfer it to Putty (ssh)” so as not to constantly type in the password. Save the settings.

Another little tip, you don’t have to use the built-in text editor in WinSCP, you can easily change it. To do this, go to the "Editors" tab and through the "Add" button you can specify an alternative one, in my case it is Notepad++. Using the "Up" button, raise it to the first position.

How to tame this program. Here I have described the standard and most convenient settings; some, of course, can be twisted and customize everything for themselves.

But first, why is it needed:
1. Works over a secure SSH protocol
2. Each type of file can be assigned its own editor, for example for php - PHP Expert Editor, for CSS - TopStyle, for Javascript - WritePad, or assign one of your favorite editors for all kinds of file extensions.
3. Now you don’t need to first edit the scripts on the local host, and then upload them to hosting and see if everything is fine, the program will do all this for you.

Well, you don’t believe that this is possible, well then let’s start.

When we launch the program, we are greeted by the following window, which asks us to enter the address at which we will connect; this address should be given to you when purchasing hosting. Very often the connection data matches the FTP data. So let's get started. In field Host name let's introduce IP address or Domain name to connect, then in the field User name let's enter our login and in the field Password let's enter our password. Now, so as not to have to enter all this again the next time we connect, let’s press the button Save.

You will see the following window in which you need to name your connection, you can write Vasya, Petya or Masha, in this case I called it my hosting using SHH protocol. After you write, click OK.

A connection selection window will open in front of you; the program is very flexible and allows you to save many types of connections. Select by clicking on my hosting using SHH protocol or by the name you gave and click on the button Login. The program starts to connect, if it asks questions, for example about caching, click OK.

After you connect, you will see a window with various tabs and your directories, similar to FTP, but we still need to customize this animal for ourselves, and so let’s do it. You need to click the button on top of the window that opens Options and select a tab Preferences or just press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+P. A settings window will open in front of you, in which we must select the tab Panels and set everything up as shown in the picture. As you can see, in the next window I replace Open on Edit.

You see the editor selection window. Press the button Browse, and indicate the location of your favorite editor.

Then be sure to check the box next to External editors opens multiple files in one windows. Of course, you can assign one editor to some file types, and another editor to other file types, isn’t that great? You've already tasted it :) Well, now click OK.

Now open the tab Background and place a bud near Show.

This action is not mandatory, but if you are a big fan of the PuTTY program, then you will like this tab, just select the file with the program and click and check the box next to Remember session password and pass to PuTTY.

Now we need to specify a temporary directory. Why is this necessary? This is necessary for normal operation, because... winscp first downloads the file to your hard drive, and then opens it with your favorite editor without losing your session. In this case, I created on disk C directory TEMP and chose it as a temporary one. Don't forget to uncheck the box next to Cleanup obsolete temporary directories on startup.

Now you can click on the OK button at the bottom of the window and enjoy pleasant work. And if you haven’t downloaded it yet, then click here to download - 1.32 MB.

What should I do if an error occurs when connecting to the server via FTP?

Error listing directory
Could not retrieve directory listing
Illegal PORT command

Go to the connection settings and check the box next to Passive mode:


This is a separate feature of this program, and here the program has a lot of possibilities, but I will tell you about the 2 that are most suitable for me.

1. Update files on the server (we transfer new/changed files from the PC to the server, the files do not exist on the PC but existing ones on the server are deleted)

2. Update files on the PC (we transfer new/changed files from the server to the PC, the files do not exist on the server but existing ones on the PC are deleted)

PuTTY SSH client


FTP and SSH .

Setting up the SSH client "PuTTY"

developer page. Select the archive or the putty.exe file.

After installation, launch the program. On the first page in the field Host Name (or IP address) specify the server address ID is used as an example). Then select Protocol SSH and press the button Open.

In the dialog box that appears PuTTY Security Alert click the button Yes(Yes).

In the next window in the line login as: please indicate identifier, then enter your password (the password entry is not displayed) and press on the keyboard Enter. The connection will be established.

WinSCP SFTP client

To access your virtual web server, use the address

The connection username matches the hosting service ID.

To change your password, use the section FTP and SSHSSH hosting control panels.

Setting up the SFTP client "WinSCP"

You can download the program on the developer's page.

After installation, launch the program. On the first page select File ProtocolSFTP, in field Host Name (or IP address) specify the server address the hosting ID login as an example). As username User name please indicate identifier. In field Password specify the password for access via SSH. Then click the button Login.

In the warning dialog that appears, click Yes. After this, the program's working interface will open.

WinCSP is a free and open source graphical client for Windows. The main function of the client is to securely transfer data from a local computer to a remote one.

Graphical user interface

Working with the server through the console certainly has a number of advantages, but for working with files it is much more convenient to use a graphical manager.

After launch, we need to specify the connection data, namely:

  1. Protocol,
  2. Hostname,
  3. Port,
  4. Username, password.

I usually save connections and also save the password. Then you can connect to and work.


WinCSP has been translated into many languages. During installation, which is done in two clicks, a warning will appear that the program is 98% translated into Russian. Don't worry, this is enough for the job. Even if you install the client in English, it’s okay, basic commands can be translated easily even if you don’t know English.

Working through a proxy server

To work through a proxy server you need to make the following settings

When creating a connection, click on the More -> Connection -> Proxy button. Next, you need to select the proxy type, specify the host and port, and, if necessary, login and password.

WinCSP does not see hidden files

I once encountered such a problem. You need to edit the .htaccess file, but it’s like a gopher in the movie DMB, you can’t see it, but it’s there. How to show hidden files in winscp? The problem can be solved quite simply. Connects to a remote server. Options -> Settings -> Panels, check the box to show hidden files.