Expressive means of music: In the beginning there was rhythm. Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound

In the beginning there was rhythm

There is something magical about rhythm;
he makes us believe that the sublime belongs to us
J. W. Goethe

Melody is one of the main means of musical expression. Maybe the most important thing. True, Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov believed that the most important means of expression is rhythm. You can disagree with him, but it is very easy to prove he is right.

People pronounce words in time, sometimes speeding up their speech, sometimes slowing it down. After all, it is difficult to imagine a person speaking with extreme precision and measuredness. Such speech will quickly tire the listener, and he will poorly perceive the meaning of what was said.

You, of course, have noticed that in music sounds last differently. Some of them are short, others are longer. Let's remember the song that many of you sang: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb.”

You see, in it two short sounds are replaced by one long one (alternating long and short sounds).

The alternation of durations, which is always repeated in music, is called rhythm. Academician Asafiev called rhythm the pulse of a musical work. This is a very apt comparison.

Rhythm brings order to music, builds and coordinates sounds in time, that is, according to their duration. That is, rhythm is the consistency of sounds in duration. They may be different. The number of rhythmic options is infinitely large; everything here depends on the composer’s imagination. In general, no melody is possible without rhythm. No matter how perfect and simple the melody is, it cannot even be imagined without rhythm.

If there were no rhythm, there would be no melody, but only a set of sounds of different pitches would remain. Although rhythm without melody exists. Many peoples of the East have dances that are performed only to the rhythm of percussion instruments.

Rhythm is the strongest means of expression. The character of the music largely depends on it. An even rhythm makes the melody smooth and soft, an intermittent rhythm gives the melody excitement and tension; it is often used in decisive, marching music. Thanks to rhythm, we can immediately determine, even in an unfamiliar work: this is a waltz, this is a polka, this is a march, etc. Each of these genres is characterized by certain rhythmic figures that are repeated throughout the entire work.

The Greek word "rythmos" means measured flow. This term is not only musical. In our life, everything is subject to a certain rhythm.

Rhythm reveals itself everywhere in the world around us. Seasons, months, weeks, days and nights alternate rhythmically. Human breathing and heartbeat are rhythmic. Architectural structures, palaces and houses with their symmetrically located windows, columns and stucco decorations are rhythmic.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Moscow, Russia

All this suggests that rhythm is one of the fundamental principles of life: it is present in living and inanimate nature, we hear and see it - in the sound of the sea surf, in the pattern on the wings of a butterfly, in the cut of any tree, any knot.

The sense of rhythm is very highly developed among the people. Rhythm is characteristic of work when a person performs a series of monotonous movements. The songs with which people accompanied monotonous, tedious work, such as the famous “Dubinushka,” emphasize the rhythmic beginning of labor.

I. Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga

Have you ever wondered why little children fall asleep so quickly and easily to the sounds of a lullaby? Why do they immediately start dancing if you sing them some kind of musical joke? After all, the child has not yet learned anything and does not know that one should react to music in some way - move, dance, etc.

This probably happens because musical rhythm is closest to human nature and, influencing it, is capable of causing a response. And any response is already a dialogue, a person’s communication with the outside world, the first feeling of unity with it. After all, it is so important to feel not like a lonely grain of sand lost in infinity, but a full-fledged part of the world, living and feeling the same way as you do.

That is why they sometimes say that rhythm is the original form of a person’s connection with life, with people, with his time. Rhythm reflects the connection between nature, man and his activities with the universe. The word rhythm means "measurement".

People have long sought to understand the nature of musical rhythm. The dominance of rhythm in all spheres of existence was the reason that the first and most significant ancient theory of understanding the world brought music to the forefront in the structure of the Universe. The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras imagined the world as a kind of universal musical instrument, controlled by the “music of the spheres” - sounds generated by the endless movement of the celestial spheres. At the heart of this grandiose picture of the world were four initial divine numbers (1-2-3-4), bringing order and harmony to the universe. Order, that is, truth, beauty and symmetry, was also endowed with moral qualities. The Pythagorean Philolaus wrote: “The nature of number and harmony does not accept lies... Order and symmetry are beautiful and useful, but disorder and asymmetry are ugly and harmful.”

Order and symmetry are the fundamental properties of rhythm. It is no coincidence that we find them in a wide variety of musical works - from a simple children's song to a complex instrumental theme.

Here is the well-known song “Christmas Tree” by M. Krasev. Sing it, and you will immediately feel lightness, naturalness, proportionality of RHYTHM and melody. Probably, this song is so popular because even small children easily remember and sing it.

Here's a completely different example. It is taken from the finale of L. Beethoven's piano sonata No. 17. Why do we put this example on a par with a simple children's song? After all, many people know that Beethoven’s sonatas are a most complex world with its own joys, doubts, and philosophical thoughts, that it contains a wide range of all conceivable means of musical expression.

1770 - 1827
German composer, conductor and pianist

However, despite all its complexity, Beethoven's music is precisely proof that the natural laws of rhythm operate equally in a children's song and in a piano sonata, that these laws are not subject to either the intellectual complexity or the musical courage of even such a composer as he was. Beethoven. Is this why, when listening to Beethoven, we never remain indifferent, we invariably succumb to the charm, the living thrill of the music of this greatest of musicians, who managed to combine in his work extraordinary personal will and deep reverence for the fundamental, natural properties of musical art?

Questions and tasks:
1. What is rhythm, what is its meaning in musical language?
2. Why is rhythm the basis of music? Could music exist without rhythm?
3. How can rhythm affect the character of a piece of music?
4. How can you explain the words: “Order, symmetry are the fundamental properties of rhythm.”


1. Presentation: 13 slides, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Beethoven Sonata No. 17, III movement Allegretto, mp3;
The little Christmas tree is cold in winter (minus soundtrack), mp3;
Hey, let's whoop (performed by the male choir of the St. Petersburg Metochion of Optina Pustyn), mp3;
3. Article, docx.

Greetings to all drumming fans! This article shows rhythmic patterns for drums in various styles. Of course, here we have highlighted only the main rhythms, because there are a huge number of them. The drawings indicated in this article should definitely be included in the arsenal of any drummer. Study them slowly, carefully, use a metronome.

Rhythm on 12/8

The 12/8 triplet pulse is the basis of the shuffle rhythm.


A shuffle is a triplet pattern in which only the first and third triplet are present on each beat.


It is believed that in jazz (swing) the drummer leads the rhythm mainly on the cymbal, and the snare and bass drums improvise. Below is an example of the basic design on the cymbal and hi-hat.

Brazilian rhythms


Samba is the most popular form of African-American music.

Bossa Nova

Essentially bossa nova is a slower and more relaxed version of samba.



This style appeared in the early 50s in Jamaica. It is a hybrid of swing, rhythm and blues and mento. This style makes extensive use of the brass section, with the guitar playing on every weak eighth beat. Nowadays a style called “ska-punk” is popular in the USA.


Reggae music is played in a cut key with even eighth notes or in a shuffle rhythm.


Boogie style (boogie-woogie) is a solo piano performance that combines elements of jazz, blues and ragtime.


Funk is dance music with accents on the weak beats.


Motown style can be defined as a cocktail of such trends as gospel, blues, soul and pop.


The rhythmic component of hip-hop is a triplet pulsation with elements of swing, gospel, soul and funk.


The surf style emerged in the early 50s thanks to Dick Dale and his band the Deltones. Surf was formed under the influence of blues, rock, and South American musical movements. A distinctive feature of this style is the guitar sound with echo and reverb.


This is a dance style, the characteristic feature of which is the playing of a kick drum on every quarter beat at a tempo of 120-128 bpm.

If you own a synthesizer, you'll probably want to get the most out of its features. It is not difficult to learn this: knowing how to choose the right melody on a synthesizer, you can independently, almost one-to-one, reproduce the sound of any group of musical instruments.

Where to begin

It's best to start with well-known melodies whose sound is familiar to you. However, in order to take into account all the nuances of the work and fully convey all its beauty and euphony, you should first listen to its recording.

 But don’t just listen, but analyze: what instrument does the melody begin with, what is its tempo, rhythmic pattern, what instrument is used in the solo part, and which ones participate in creating the musical background. As a rule, one listening is not enough for a detailed analysis, so it is advisable to listen to the recording several times. You can make a small plan for yourself that will help you navigate correctly when choosing music.

Choice of style, rhythm, instruments So, the work has been analyzed, the plan has been drawn up - it’s time to sit down at the instrument. Do not rush to put away the disc with the original, turn it on again and while the music is playing, select the desired tempo. Then, according to the musical style of the piece, find the same style on the synthesizer. Select the most suitable rhythm group, turn on auto accompaniment

- this way you will create a rhythmic basis for the work, on which other instruments will then be layered. After that, select a melody by selecting the sound of the desired instrument.

Play it all together – it’s already close to the original, right? If you feel that there is not enough musical background, you can add the sound of the desired instrument, group of instruments (strings, winds, folk) or electronic vocals. Now you can enjoy your favorite music performed by yourself!

For memory

And one more important point: in order not to select your favorite melodies again every time, get a special notebook and write down a digital set of the piece that you just selected: tempo, style number, numbers of main and additional instruments. Using this “cheat sheet” the next time you can easily play the piece you once selected.

Construct of a music lesson on industrial practice in

students of group 46 "B"

Specialties “Correctional pedagogy in primary education”

Anashkina Anastasia Alexandrovna

Date of: 08.11.2017

OU: № 27

Class: 1 "b"

Name of class teacher: Gimatova L.L.

Methodologist's name: Sirazheva Elza Garafovna Signature__________

Subject: "Rhythmic pattern"

UMK: School of Russia

Target: development of cognitive learning tools in the process of mastering the basics of musical literacy.

Planned results:

Personal: students show interest in the music lesson, demonstrate the ability to work with the teacher and peers, and carry out reflective self-assessment.

Metasubject: students demonstrate

    regulatory control systems : goal setting ; P planning ; volitional self-regulation

    cognitive UUD : general education : independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions when performing tasks;brain teaser:

    communicative UUD : .

Subject: have initial ideas about the role of music in human life, its role in the spiritual and moral development of a person, have an understanding of durations, are able to create a rhythmic pattern using clapping using the example of the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in the Forest”, know verse 1 and have learned verse 2 of the song "A true friend".

By type of activity

Listening to music


Recognizes studied musical works (song “True Friend”).

Choral singing

Competently and expressively performs songs with and without accompaniment in accordance with their figurative structure and content.

Educational: educate studentsinterest in the music lesson, ability to work with the teacher and peers, and carry out reflective self-assessment.

Educational:promote development

    regulatory AUD : goal setting ; Pplanning ; volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy; ability to willpower;

    cognitive UUD : general education : independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions when performing tasks;brain teaser: analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential);

    communicative UUD : the ability to express one’s thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy, planning educational cooperation when setting tasks for a lesson, structuring information while repeating learned material.

Corrective: develop students’ sense of rhythm while pronouncing and clapping a rhythmic pattern, and develop an ear for music.

Educational : to form initial ideas about the role of music in human life, its role in the spiritual and moral development of a person, to form the concept of durations, the ability to create a rhythmic pattern using clapping using the example of the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in the Forest”, repeat verse 1 and learn verse 2 songs "True Friend"

Principles of education:

Creating a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift;

Educate through interaction.

Principles of training:

principle of visibility;

the principle of systematicity and consistency;

principle of accessibility;

principle of integrity;

operating principle;

the principle of psychological comfort.

Principles of a music lesson according to E.D. Cretan:

principle of passion;

the principle of trinity of activity;

thematic principle;

the principle of "identity".

Education methods

Pedagogical requirement;

Creating a situation of success.


Using game forms.

Teaching methods


Verbal: conversation, story, explanation;

Visual: demonstration;

Practical: exercise.

Problematic presentation of what is being studied, explanatory and illustrative

Method of plastic intonation.

Artistic modeling method.

Form of organization of student activities: frontal, individual.

Didactic tools:

demonstration: topic, goal, board.

individual: notebook, textbook, diary, pencil case.

Lesson type: u fate of improving methods of action (reinforcement lesson)

Lesson structure: (40 min)

    Motivation for learning activities. (1 min)

    Updating basic knowledge and methods of action. (10 min)

    Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of acting on the studied material. (14 min)

    Organization of control and self-control (mutual control). (10 min)

    Information about homework. (2 minutes)

    Reflection on educational activities. (3 min)


1. Federal state educational standard for primary general education: text with amendments. and additional for 2011/Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards).

2. Adapted basic educational program for children with mental retardation from grades 1 to 4: No. 12 of 08/30/2016/. Kamensk-Uralsky/MBOU "Basic secondary school No. 27 with a boarding school."

3. Industrial practice “Teaching in primary general education programs in primary grades and primary classes of compensatory and correctional and developmental education” [Text]: recommendations for students / T.V. Chashchina. – Kamensk-Uralsky, 2013. – 26 p.

4. Approximate adapted basic general education program for primary general education for students with mental retardation: text/Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2016. – 186 p.

5. Program and methodological materials: Music primary school. Principles of E.D. Cretan.

6. Textbook. E.D. Kritskaya, G. P. Sergeeva, G. S. Shmagina. Music lessons: Lesson development for grades 1-4.

Board sketch

Theme: Rhythmic pattern


During the classes

1.Motivation for educational activities.

Task: gather children's attention; motivate students for further educational activities

Methods of forming social. experience:

Pedagogical requirement;

Creating a situation of success.

Hello guys, my name is Anastasia Alexandrovna, and today I will give you a music lesson. The girls will sit down first. Now boys.

To help us get ready for work, I suggest watching a fragment of the video.

Psycho-gymnastics video fragment.

Today you and I, just like these butterflies, will enter the world of music.

Personal UUD: self-determination; meaning making;

Regulatory UUD : volitional self-regulation

2.Updating basic knowledge and methods of action.

Task: repeat the commutative property of multiplication; create a topic and purpose for the lesson

Methods of forming social. experience:

Creating a situation of success.

Teaching methods

By source of knowledge:

Verbal: conversation, explanation;

Visual: demonstration;

Practical: exercise.

By level of involvement in productive activities:

Problematic presentation of what is being studied

Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities:

Methods of independent work.

Guys, in order for us to find out the topic of the lesson, I suggest we play coders. Coders are people who decipher messages. Now I will give everyone a card with the encrypted topic of the lesson, you need to cross out all the letters A and read the resulting text. Who doesn't understand the task?

Arrhythmicaraaisunoak (rhythmic pattern)

Who did it? Please read.

The topic of our lesson is rhythmic pattern.

Guys, who knows what a rhythmic pattern is?

Let's make a plan for our lesson.

What do you think we will do in class?

Today we will traditionally sing and listen to music, what should we do before singing? (sing)

    sing out

After this, you and I will learn what a rhythmic pattern is and create it ourselves!

    Make a rhythmic pattern

Why are we going to sing? You and I will learn a song.

    Learn verse 2 of the song

We have drawn up a work plan, I propose to start with chanting.

regulatory control systems : ( goal setting; planning;) volitional self-regulation

communicative UUD: the ability to express one’s thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy).

cognitive UUD : general education : independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions.

3.Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action on the studied material.

    1. Chant

3.2 Rhythmic pattern

Task: explain new concepts, teach how to pronounce and clap a rhythmic pattern using the example of the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter”

3.3. Physical exercise.

Objective: relieve muscle tension.

3.4 Song “True Friend”

Task: learn the 2nd verse of the song, repeat 1st verse.

Teaching methods

By source of knowledge:

Verbal: conversation, explanation;

Visual: demonstration;

Practical: exercise.

Methods of forming social. experience:

Creating a situation of success.

Methods of stimulating and correcting children’s actions and relationships in the educational process:


Using game forms.

Sit up straight, legs together, back straight.

First, let's warm up the facial muscles. Pull your lips into a tube, now smile widely. We repeat several times.

Now let's try to blow out the candle. With a sudden movement. (showing) Repeat 2-4 times.

Show how the horse clatters its hooves. (show, repeat clicking tongues)

Show how the toad puffs out its cheeks, everyone puff out their cheeks.

Now let's brush our teeth with our tongue.

Now imagine that you are a balloon that is inflating, we take in as much air as possible, hold our breath, and exhale. Let's breathe. Once again, dial in, inflate, hold and exhale.

They stroked the throat.

Well done. Now let's try to speak a tongue twister.

I clean the puppy with a brush, tickling its sides.

Now all together, we pronounce it clearly.

Now the first row.

Second, well done.

Now we have a cold and ask mom for milk.

Mom, give me some milk, I'm sick. Together.

Now we all sing together, “We sing, we sing well.” Then, along the chain, “I sing, I sing well.”

I sing it myself

Now we're all together. (we will sing together several times)

We start the chain with Masha.

(children take turns singing, last time in chorus)

Well done, you and I have a blast.

What is our lesson topic?

Who knows what rhythm is?

Rhythm is a uniform alternation of sounds and pauses of different durations.

What is a rhythmic pattern? (assumptions)

Rhythmic pattern - a combination of long and short sounds in a certain order. (definitions on slides)

I suggest listening to a fragment of the song and determining which sounds are long and which are short.

Fr. From the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter.”

Lyrics of the song on the slide.

Let's start from the first line.

The little f-tree is cold in the winter. (I show with gestures)

How many long sounds did you hear? How many syllables are there that stretch? (3)

Long sounds are designated as "TA"

How many short ones? (8)

I designate them as “TI”

Let's try to pronounce the rhythmic pattern of the 1st line.

Well done, now let's try to sing and clap.

(sing and clap the rhythm)

We have just talked to you and clapped the rhythmic pattern.

Let's try the same with the rest of the song.

And we took a house from the forest

How many long sounds? (3)

How many short ones? (8)

Let's all speak together a verbal rhythmic pattern.

Ta-ti-ti ta-ti-ti ti-ti-ti ti-ti-ta

Have you noticed that the words are different, but the rhythm is the same?

Let's try to clap now.

Well done. How can we see the rhythmic pattern?

We can see it with the help of notes.

The long sound TA is indicated by the note

Have you seen this note?

And the short sound TI is indicated by the note

Let's see what we got. (slide)

We only have 1 verse left to clap the rhythmic pattern.

First with me.

Now he will try to clap the 2nd row.

Okay, thanks, 1st row.

Let's try to clap the drawing without words, but only using the notes, all together. (slide)

Well done boys.

What were we doing now?

What is a rhythmic pattern?

Were we able to see him?

That's right, a combination of sounds of different durations in a certain order.

I think you're a little tired, so I suggest playing a game "Music competition ».

We will play in rows, then we will choose 2 leaders who will compete from the 1st row and from the 2nd.

Row 1 will play first. The task of the 2nd row is to maintain order, closely monitor all the guys, and if a dispute arises, resolve it honestly.

Who doesn't understand?

How does the first row behave?

Yes, we will play together.

Now let's put 9 chairs in a circle,The rules are as follows: you need to have time to sit on a chair when the music ends. Those who didn’t have time sit down.

We arrange the chairs and start the game. I maintain discipline and play until there is only 1 person left.

We have our first leader, we will give him the badge of the best listener. Well done!

Now row 2 plays, and row 1 monitors compliance with the rules.

Let's play.

We have another leader, he also receives a badge. Well done. There remains a decisive competition for 1st place in this game.

There is 1 chair left, they play.

Let's clap for the winner! He receives a gold medal for 1st place.

Raise your hand who liked the game?

We've had a rest, now we'll find out what kind of attentive listeners you are. I'll turn on the music, and you try to guess what kind of song it is, its name and where it comes from. (song True Friend from the film Timka and Dimka)

That's right, let's listen to it to the end.

Guys, which verse do you already know? (first)

Our task today is to learn the 2nd verse. Let's sing the first verse and listen to the second.

Sit upright, fold your hands on your knees, like real singers.

I turn on the music and sing 1 verse.

True friend lyrics (verses 1 and 2)

A strong friendship will not break,

Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much -

This is what real means

True friend!

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much -

This is what real means

True friend!

We will quarrel and make peace,

"Don't spill the water!" - everyone around is joking.

At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

This is what real means

True friend.

Let's now read the words of verse 2 in chorus.

Let's try to sing the first 2 lines. Well done, now let's sing them to the music. (We will quarrel and make peace,

"Don't spill the water!" - everyone around is joking.)

Let's talk the rest of the lines. (At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

This is what real means

True friend.)

Now let's sing them.

Well done, let's try it with music.

Let's perform the entire second verse.

Now the 2nd row will sing the second verse. (singing)

1st row. (singing)

cognitive UUD : general education : (the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions)brain teaser: analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential); synthesis; construction of a logical chain of reasoning;

communicative UUD: the ability to express one’s thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy, planning educational cooperation, structuring information).

4.Organization of control and self-control (mutual control).

Task: independently sing 2 verses of the song “True Friend”

Methods of forming social. experience:

Pedagogical requirement;

Teaching methods

By source of knowledge:

Verbal: , explanation;

Guys, we have already learned 2 verses. Raise your hand, who is ready to fulfill them?

To perform it correctly and beautifully, please stand up. We caught up. Listen to each other while performing.

Get ready. (turn on music)

We clapped ourselves, great, have a seat.

You and I have learned 2 verses of the song.

regulatory control systems : ( volitional self-regulation)

communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation

5.Information about homework

Task: get information about homework

Verbal: explanation;

At home, learn the second verse of the song “True Friend.”

RegulatoryUUD : volitional self-regulation

6. Reflection on learning activities

Task: summarize the lesson, reflect on the activity

Methods of forming social. experience:

Creating a situation of success.

Methods of stimulating and correcting children’s actions and relationships in the educational process:


Verbal: conversation

Our lesson is coming to an end.

What was the topic of the lesson?

What tasks did we set for ourselves?

Have we solved all the problems? (Yes)

Now draw a smile for the sun if everything worked out for you or sadness if something didn’t work out.

Thanks for the lesson, I enjoyed working with you, goodbye.

Personal UUD (self-determination),Regulatory UUD (the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task; the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection);Communicative UUD (interact with the teacher),

Cognitive UUD: (conduct an analysis of their activities)

In order to overcome rhythmic difficulties, learn to “see” the rhythm in written form. You need to work out the most commonly used rhythmic formulas. Ultimately, any rhythm consists of a set of rhythmic combinations. Having learned them by heart. You will no longer calculate the duration, this process will happen automatically for you. The studied formulas should not be considered as “passed, understandable material.” Understand, i.e. You can figure out any rhythmic pattern very quickly. But our task is to bring the perception of written formulas to complete automaticity, which is developed only with regular daily practice. Therefore, you will need to return to this section of the manual, dedicated to practicing rhythmic patterns, again and again. Every day you will spend less and less time on this.

We will begin our practical lessons by practicing rhythmic patterns based on long durations. As you understand, the shorter the duration, the more complex their variations and combinations can be. Do not try to perform exercises at a fast pace; on the contrary, a slow pace brings more benefits. Do the following exercise: Set the metronome to a tempo of no more than 80 beats per minute. Following the tempo, maintain the meter with light kicks, and clap your hands at the moment when you need to make a sound. In the example below, the time signature is 4/4, that is, in one measure you must make 4 kicks (corresponding to the beats). A whole note sounds throughout the entire measure, which means that on the 1st (strong) beat of each measure you clap your hands.

In the second example, two whole notes are bound, i.e. The SI note in this recording should sound for two measures. In 2/4 time, the whole measure will sound half notes:

At the end of each line of the staff you see a double barline with two dots, which indicates the repetition of the musical section, i.e. exercises are played 2 times.

In 3/4 time, a note will sound a whole bar if you add a quarter note to half the duration (3/4=2/4+1/4).

Leading the eye

With constant playing from notes, over time the musician develops a method of looking ahead of his gaze, i.e. the performer does not look at the notes he is playing at the moment, but looks a little ahead. Experienced musicians can analyze notes several bars ahead. (This depends on the richness of the musical text, its information content.) It is thanks to this ability (advanced analysis of the musical text) that such performers can easily play from sight.

The need to anticipate the gaze is due to the fact that incoming musical information must be “processed,” and this takes time. Leading the gaze gives the musician time to “think” and the more this time (i.e., the farther the gaze) the more confident the reading of the musical text will be.

If you analyze this technique, it is easy to understand that the anticipatory gaze “studies” the musical text and stores it in “working memory”. The musician plays this text at the right time from memory, and his gaze is ahead. This can happen when “everything is clear” to the performer, i.e. he will anticipate the sound of the musical text.

Try to complete the following exercise: before starting the game, quickly cover the entire musical segment. Observing the count, play the first measure (pause), and at this time turn your gaze to the next measure, having analyzed it, be ready to play it (waiting for the downbeat).

So, when you start playing one bar, move your gaze to the next one, especially since when playing notes that sound for a whole bar, there is no need to look at the note that has already been played.


When playing the last measure, shift your gaze to the beginning of the exercise (since at the end we see a repetition sign).

The following exercises examine variations of rhythmic formulas with half durations in 4/4 time.

In 3/4 time, the measure consists of notes with a duration of 2/4 + 1/4

Practice the following exercise ahead of your gaze:

Whole and half note durations are the simplest rhythmic figures that do not present any great difficulties. Further fragmentation of durations will complicate the rhythmic patterns, so you can move on to each subsequent formula only after a solid mastery of the previous material.

It is necessary to note some features of recording time signatures that you may encounter in music literature. Sometimes the 4/4 time signature is denoted by the sign C:

Mostly 2/2 is used at fast tempos to make counting easier, although it can still be considered a regular 4/4. In 4/4 time, the first beat is strong, the 2nd is weak, the 3rd is relatively strong (the beginning of the 2nd rhythmic cell 2/4) and the 4th is weak. Only the strong beat and the relatively strong beat are considered in size (see diagram).

After you have mastered the previous material. You can move on to practicing rhythmic formulas based on quarter notes:

In 4/4 time:

In 3/4 size:

In a combination of half and quarter notes:

In 4/4 time:


Play the following rhythmic sections at a slow tempo. Based on the size, use your foot to tap the beats that are shown above the staff. Clap the notes with your hands, trying to accurately maintain their duration:

As you develop the skill of leading your gaze, gradually increase the pace. At a fast tempo, 4/4 can be represented as .

Rhythmic patterns using eighth notes

Two eighth notes add up to a duration equal to a quarter note. Rhythmic patterns using eighth notes become more varied and complex than those we have previously studied.

It is necessary to practice the following combinations of rhythmic formulas according to the same principles, only to clearly define the eighth notes, the count of each beat, as well as the notes, will be divided into two parts - ONE-I, TWO-I, etc.

When playing the exercises, tap the quarter beats with your foot, and for each kick, the eighth notes will be represented by two clapping hands of the same time.

The following exercise shows various combinations of eighth rests in 2/4 time:

Syncopations on eighth notes can cause some difficulty at the initial stage. In musical practice, when studying musical transcriptions of jazz and rock music, you will encounter such syncopations quite often. Therefore, carefully fix inter-bar (exercise 1) and inter-beat (exercise 2) syncopations in your mind. Perform the exercises at a slow pace, bringing them to automaticity. It's called a backtact incomplete beat

, with which a piece of music or a separate phrase begins.

So, when you start playing one bar, move your gaze to the next one, especially since when playing notes that sound for a whole bar, there is no need to look at the note that has already been played.

In order to develop your rhythm perception skills faster, it is very useful to write down the rhythmic patterns of melodies, songs, etc. that you know. in musical form. Without fixing the pitch characteristics of the note, reflecting only the rhythmic figures (for example, on the SI note), you will feel progress within a few days. It is advisable to start with the simplest songs. The benefit of these exercises is that the rhythmic patterns that you write down in notes are stored in memory for a long time. After you begin to quickly master the songs, you need to complicate the task - record rhythmic parts of guitar compositions, solos from a tape recorder. The benefits of these exercises cannot be overestimated; You develop a rhythmic ear, develop note stereotypes of various rhythms, become “saturated” with proprietary rhythmic phrasing, etc.


How to record a melody rhythmically? As an example, let's take a simple song "Moscow Nights". First you need to determine the meter of the song, i.e. number of beats from one downbeat to the next downbeat. In this song the meter is bipartite. Next, tap the counting beats with your foot (at the tempo of the melody), and clap the notes (syllables) that are sung in this song with your hands. After this, write down the rhythm of the song in your music notebook.