Inserting diagrams into presentation slides. How to create a diagram in a Power Point presentation How to insert a finished diagram into Powerpoint

Creating diagrams is available in any office package and applies to each program included in them. With their help, you can greatly increase the information content of any document. This feature is especially important for presentations, so many users are wondering how to create a diagram in PowerPoint 2010? However, looking ahead, we will say that the guide, which will be presented below, is common to all versions of this program.

How to create diagrams in PowerPoint?

The convenience of diagrams in PowerPoint cannot be overstated. They are inserted into the presentation as a separate media file, which, in turn, means that changes can be made to them in real time and individual elements can be edited in every possible way. But we will figure out how to set up diagrams a little later; now we will suggest ways to create diagrams in PowerPoint.

Method #1: Paste into a text area

If you are creating a presentation from scratch, then it will be easiest for you to use this method, which involves inserting a diagram into the text area. But using this method you can quickly insert the desired element into the document.

  • Launch the presentation editor.
  • Create a new document or a new slide in an existing one.
  • The new sheet has two areas: for inserting a title and text. The second area offers options for inserting elements, including a diagram. Click the chart icon in the text field of the slide.
  • A new window will appear. Select a chart type. This is done in the sidebar located on the left. If you were thinking about how to create a pie chart in PowerPoint, then at this stage you need to choose one.
  • Select a display style. This is done on the top panel of the window. You can choose either linear or volumetric display. By the way, you can see examples of the future diagram in the center of the window.
  • Click the "Ok" button.
  • Once you complete all the steps above, the diagram will be inserted into the slide. However, it is worth considering that it occupies a separate area, and in some cases placing other elements on the slide becomes problematic.

    Method number 2: standard creation

    There is a second way to create diagrams in PowerPoint. In general, it is practically no different from the previous one, only calling the window with parameters is carried out differently. Let's look at this in more detail:

  • Create a new presentation or open an existing one.
  • Go to the slide where you want to insert the chart.
  • On the toolbar of this category, click on the “Chart” button, which is located in the “Images” group.
  • A familiar window will appear with options for inserting a diagram.
  • All further actions do not differ from those described in the previous method, starting from the fourth point. You need to define the chart type, select its style and click the “Ok” button.

    Method 3: Paste from Excel

    If you previously created a chart in Excel, then you can insert it into PowerPoint without any problems. This method compares favorably with the previous ones in that in the end you can change the values ​​in the table editor, and observe the result directly in the presentation. So, let's figure out how to create diagrams in PowerPoint by inserting them from Excel:

  • Open a presentation or create a new one.
  • Go to the slide you need.
  • Go to the "Insert" tab.
  • On the tool ribbon, in the “Text” category, click the “Object” button.
  • In the window that appears, set the switch to the “Create from file” position.
  • Click the Browse button.
  • In the file manager window, go to the folder with the table that contains the chart.
  • Select it, select the sheet and click “Open”.
  • Click the "Ok" button.
  • After this, the chart from the table will be inserted into the presentation. If you wish, you can check the box next to “Link” in the file selection window so that when you make changes in Excel, the chart will also change in PowerPoint.

    Chart setup

    Now we’ve figured out how to create diagrams in PowerPoint, now let’s move directly to the question of how to customize them.

    To set values ​​in a chart, you need to do the following:

  • Double click on the diagram.
  • A table will appear with an interface similar to Excel. In it you can notice the names of individual points of the diagram and their meanings.
  • Enter the values ​​you need in the appropriate cells. Here you can also change the names of some elements by simply entering them in the appropriate cells.
  • After that, click on the empty space of the slide to close the table.
  • This way you can change all parameters. Now you know not only how to create diagrams in PowerPoint, but also how to customize them.


    So we have figured out all the features of working with diagrams in PowerPoint presentations. As you can see, inserting them is not that difficult, in principle, just like setting them up. By the way, many users wonder how to make diagrams in PowerPoint on their phone, but, unfortunately, this is impossible, since this tool is simply not available in the application.

    Diagrams are an extremely useful and informative element in any document. What can we say about the presentation? So to create a truly high-quality and informative display, it is important to be able to correctly create this type of element.

    Read also:

    Creating charts in MS WordCreating charts in Excel

    Creating a Chart

    A diagram created in PowerPoint is used as a media file that can be dynamically modified at any time. It's extremely convenient. Details of setting up such objects will be below, but first you need to consider ways to create a diagram in PowerPoint.

    Method 1: Paste into a text area

    The fastest and easiest way to create a chart in a new slide.

    It is worth noting that this method allows you to quickly create the necessary components, however, it takes up the entire text area and after the end of the slots the method is no longer available.

    Method 2: Classic creation

    You can also add a graph in the classic way, which has been available in Microsoft PowerPoint since its inception.

    1. You need to go to the “Insert” tab, which is located in the header of the presentation.
    2. Then you will need to click on the corresponding “Diagram” icon.
    3. The further creation procedure is similar to the method described above.

    A standard way that allows you to create a diagram without any other problems.

    Method 3: Paste from Excel

    Nothing prevents you from inserting this component if it was previously created in Excel. Moreover, if the corresponding table of values ​​is attached to the diagram.

    This method is convenient because it allows you to insert both a table and its diagram continuously. Also, in many cases, adjusting data in Excel may be easier.

    Chart setup

    As a rule, in most cases (except pasting from Excel), a basic plot with standard values ​​is added. They, like the design, have to be changed.

    Changing values

    Depending on the type of diagram, the system for changing its values ​​also changes. However, in general the procedure is the same for all types.

    1. First you need to double-click the left mouse button on the object. An Excel window will open.
    2. There is already an automatically created table with some standard values. They can be rewritten, just like, for example, line names. The relevant data will be instantly applied to the chart.
    3. There is nothing stopping you from adding new rows or columns with the appropriate characteristics if necessary.

    Change your appearance

    You can customize the appearance of the diagram using a wide range of tools.

    1. To change the name, you need to double-click on it. This parameter is not regulated in tables; it is entered only in this way.
    2. The main settings take place in the special “Chart Format” section. To open it, you need to double-click the left mouse button in the graph area, but not on it, but on the white space inside the boundaries of the object.
    3. The contents of this section vary depending on the chart type. In general, there are two compartments with three tabs each.
    4. The first section is “Chart Options”. This is where the appearance of the object changes. The tabs here are as follows:
      • “Fill and Border” - allow you to change the color of an area or its borders. Applies both to the entire chart as a whole and to individual columns, sectors and segments. To select, you need to click on the required part with the left mouse button, and then make the settings. Simply put, this tab allows you to recolor any part of the diagram.
      • “Effects” - here you can configure the effects of shadows, volume, glow, smoothing, and so on. Most often, professional and work presentations do not require these tools, but this does not prevent you from customizing them to convey your individual presentation style.
      • “Size and properties” - here the dimensions of both the entire graph and its individual elements are already adjusted. You can also configure display priority and alt text here.
    5. The second section is “Text Options”. This set of tools, as the name suggests, is designed for formatting text information. Here everything is divided into the following tabs:
      • “Text Fill and Outline” - here you can fill the text area. For example, you can select a background for the chart legend. To apply, you need to select individual text parts.
      • “Text effects” - applying effects of shadows, volume, glow, anti-aliasing, etc. for the selected text.
      • “Inscription” - allows you to adjust additional text elements, as well as change the location and size of existing ones. For example, explanations for individual parts of the graph.

    All these tools allow you to easily customize any design for your diagram.

    • It is best to choose colors that are consistent but still distinct for your chart. The standard requirements for a stylistic image apply here - the colors should not be acid-bright shades, hurt the eyes, and so on.
    • It is not recommended to apply animation effects to charts. This can distort them both during the process of playing the effect and after it ends. In other professional presentations, you can often see various graphs that appear animatedly and demonstrate their indicators. Most often, these are media files created separately in GIF or video format with automatic scrolling; they are not diagrams as such.
    • Diagrams also add weight to a presentation. So if there are regulations or restrictions, it is best not to do too many charts.

    To summarize, the main thing needs to be said. Charts are designed to display specific data or metrics. But they are assigned a purely technical role only in documentation. In a visual form - in this case, in a presentation - any chart must also be beautiful and made according to standards. So it is important to approach the creation process with the utmost care.

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    Are you going to perform in front of an audience? Have you collected a large amount of statistical data? Then we recommend formatting them in the form of a diagram. This method will help to really show the movement of dry numbers and compare their condition before and after.

    And most importantly, the audience, which for the most part lives by the rule “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times,” will receive this information in the required format. A chart is essentially a picture based on numbers. Today we will describe how to make a diagram in Powerpoint.

    Guide to Creating a Chart

    So, let's go in order:

    Selecting the desired chart type

    A little advice for beginners:

    • The most universal are Histogram and Line.
    • If you have a whole, and you want to show the relationship of its parts, choose Circular, Ring.
    • If you want to simultaneously show the structure of the whole and the size of each component in a graph, set Lepestkovaya.

    By the way, psychologists conducting sociometric measurements should pay attention to this type of diagram. A computer radar diagram will reduce the time spent on drawing a sociogram “by hand.”

    • And if you need to show the dynamics of the process, use the Graph
    1. Now the windows of two applications will be open on the screen simultaneously: PowerPoint (and a sketch of the diagram will appear on the slide) and Excel (with a table):
    2. We work with the table. We change the names of categories and rows, and add our numerical data accordingly.

    Attention, if you are working with named numbers, you cannot write units of measurement, percentages, etc. in the cells. We only enter numbers. If there is less data than provided in the table template, it is not recommended to remove it using the clear contents command or the Delete key, since such deletion leaves a large distance between the columns and rows in the Charts area. It’s better to simply delete the extra rows or columns.

    1. The diagram is almost ready, you can close the Excel window.

    If necessary, you can always return to this additional application and change the numbers in the table. You will find the required Edit data command on the Working with Charts - Designer tab. By the way, here you can set the design style:

    But to make the data easier to understand, we recommend modifying the appearance of the diagram.

    1. Open the Layout tab, add the name of the chart and axes, if there are many categories, create a legend, ALWAYS set data labels, to confirm the accuracy of the constructed chart, you can also add a table to the slide.
    2. In principle, every element of the diagram can be changed. To do this, double-click on the desired element and work with the dialog box.

    A short description of how to make a diagram in a Powerpoint presentation is complete. And as always, let's agree - you have received very brief instructions. But at almost every step of working with diagrams, there are a large number of settings that will help you do the work in an interesting way and create an object in your style. Good luck!

    In order to talk about any phenomenon or proposal, in most cases electronic presentations are used. The purpose of presentations is to attract the attention of listeners to the report with the help of colorful pictures, diagrams, tables, and graphs.

    Accompanying the speaker's oral speech with colorful drawings and tables included in the presentation slides greatly simplifies the understanding of the material being presented. This also applies to charts and graphs, with the help of which you can, for example, show a change in a phenomenon or compare data.

    Inserting Charts in PowerPoint

    Despite the fact that creating tables and graphs is a specialization of the Excel application, MS Power Point also provides the ability to insert a wide variety of charts. Moreover, you can insert diagrams into a presentation not only using the clipboard.

    You can simply insert a diagram into a presentation; in the insert tab, you need to find the illustration block and click on the “Diagram” button. In the “Insert Chart” window that opens, select the type of chart required for this case. After clicking OK, the chart type we selected will be inserted into the slide and an Excel window will open for data entry.

    Inserting a Chart into a Power Point Slide

    In the working field of the slides, as a rule, there are links for inserting various objects, including diagrams. The presence of these links somewhat simplifies and speeds up access to the diagram insertion window.

    The diagram insertion window can be called up by clicking the corresponding button in the slide field

    In order for the diagram in the presentation to be beautiful and understandable, you need to correctly fill out the data table for it, correctly label the categories and series. This may require changing the chart type, which can be done directly in Power Point. You can change the chart type directly in the slide builder

    Inserting a chart via the clipboard

    In the case when the presentation is compiled on the basis of a ready-made report made in the Word editor, or the data for the diagrams is available in Excel files, then our task is greatly simplified. This is due to the fact that the source documents already have ready-made diagrams, and we just need to transfer them to the presentation using the clipboard.

    This is done very simply: select the desired diagram in the source document and copy it to the clipboard. Then open the presentation slide and click “insert”. If you need to make changes to the chart in the future, you need to link it to the original Excel file.

    Paste the diagram previously copied to the clipboard by clicking this button.

    Data for the chart

    Anyone who has ever tried to create charts in office applications knows that a chart is only a visual representation of digital data that is recorded in a table. And, in order to change the diagram, you need to make changes to this source table.

    Changes in the data of this table will be immediately displayed on the diagram

    You can open a table with the original digital data by selecting the diagram with a mouse click and in the “Designer” tab that appears, click “Change data”. Or call the drop-down menu by right-clicking in the diagram area. In the window that appears, you also need to select “Change data”. Which of these two methods to use depends on the tastes and habits of each user when working on a computer.

    Changing data

    If a chart is inserted into a presentation using the clipboard and you may need to change the data for the chart, then, as discussed above, you need to establish a connection between the pasted chart and the source file.

    This connection is established as a regular hyperlink from a diagram located in the presentation to an Excel file with a data table. After this, opening the source table is carried out in the same way as described above - by clicking the “Change data” button.

    Linking the chart to an Excel file containing the source data

    Thus, creating a visual diagram in a Power Point presentation is very simple, but this process is not complete without the Excel application. Therefore, for the convenience of inserting diagrams into Power Point, it is necessary that this spreadsheet processor be installed on your computer.

    Are you going to perform in front of an audience? Have you collected a large amount of statistical data? Then we recommend formatting them in the form of a diagram. This method will help to really show the movement of dry numbers and compare their condition before and after.

    And most importantly, the audience, which for the most part lives by the rule “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times,” will receive this information in the required format. A chart is essentially a picture based on numbers. Today we will describe how to make a diagram in Powerpoint.

    Guide to Creating a Chart

    So, let's go in order:

    Selecting the desired chart type

    A little advice for beginners:

    • The most universal are Histogram and Line.
    • If you have a whole, and you want to show the relationship of its parts, choose Circular, Ring.
    • If you want to simultaneously show the structure of the whole and the size of each component in a graph, set Lepestkovaya.

    By the way, psychologists conducting sociometric measurements should pay attention to this type of diagram. A computer radar diagram will reduce the time spent on drawing a sociogram “by hand.”

    • And if you need to show the dynamics of the process, use the Graph

    Attention, if you are working with named numbers, you cannot write units of measurement, percentages, etc. in the cells. We only enter numbers. If there is less data than provided in the table template, it is not recommended to remove it using the clear contents command or the Delete key, since such deletion leaves a large distance between the columns and rows in the Charts area. It’s better to simply delete the extra rows or columns.


    1. The diagram is almost ready, you can close the Excel window.

    If necessary, you can always return to this additional application and change the numbers in the table. You will find the required Edit data command on the Working with Charts - Designer tab. By the way, here you can set the design style:

    But to make the data easier to understand, we recommend modifying the appearance of the diagram.

    A short description of how to make a diagram in a Powerpoint presentation is complete. And as always, let's agree - you have received very brief instructions. But at almost every step of working with diagrams, there are a large number of settings that will help you do the work in an interesting way and create an object in your style. Good luck!

    We consider creating diagrams in PowerPoint, formatting and editing them, as well as options for importing diagrams from the MS Excel spreadsheet processor.


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    1. Creating Charts

    Video version

    Text version

    Charts are visual representations of digital data. They can be used in various situations: visual change in an indicator over time, comparison of two or more indicators, determination of share, etc.

    Once you create a chart in PowerPoint, you can change the data and those changes will appear on the chart itself.

    Inserting a chart via placeholders

    There are two types of placeholders for charts in PowerPoint: a universal placeholder that fits any type of content, and a specific chart placeholder. A special placeholder for charts is used extremely rarely, since there is no difference between charts inserted through a universal or special placeholder, and a universal placeholder gives the user some freedom in choosing content. After clicking on the chart icon, you can select the chart type in the Insert Chart dialog box.

    Create a Chart in PowerPoint Using a Placeholder

    Import charts from Excel

    In fact, diagrams for PowerPoint, as well as for Word, are prepared in Excel. By clicking on the icon in the placeholder, we launch Excel, where the data for the chart is displayed on the sheet, and the result is shown on the slide.

    A detailed description of chart elements and chart types is discussed in the sixth lesson of the Excel course from beginner to professional. The lesson is in the public domain and is highly recommended if you plan to use diagrams on PowerPoint slides.

    You can simply paste a pre-prepared chart in Excel onto a slide, or you can select the placeholder and paste it (combination Ctrl + V) directly into the placeholder. In the latter case, the diagram will change with changes in the slide layout (slide layouts are covered in the next, 6th lesson of this course).

    While there may be no physical differences between charts inserted through a placeholder and those copied from an Excel worksheet, there is one technical difference. If you prepared a chart in a separate Excel workbook and then inserted it onto a PowerPoint slide, then if you need to make changes to the data in the future, you should save the workbook and, of course, if such a presentation is moved, the Excel workbook with the data for the chart will need to be moved together with the presentation file. If, after inserting a chart, you delete the Excel workbook, the chart will remain, you can change its appearance, for example, change the type, color, etc., but it will not be possible to change the chart data itself.
    If the data for the chart was initially entered through a PowerPoint file, then the Excel file will be embedded in the presentation itself, and accordingly, the data for the chart can always be changed.

    Resizing and moving a chart

    A diagram on a PowerPoint slide is essentially an ordinary object, like a block of text, a shape or a picture, so resizing is done in the same way. You can change the height or width, and also, by holding down the left mouse button, drag one of the corners, change both parameters at the same time.

    If you change both the height and width of the diagram at the same time and hold down the Shift key, then the resizing of the diagram will occur while maintaining the original proportion.

    1. Working with Diagrams in PowerPoint

    Video version

    Text version

    In the Microsoft Office suite, some of the tools included in the suite are very similar. Working with shapes, pictures, or icons differs only in the features of presenting information in Excel, Word and PowerPoint. For example, PowerPoint shapes have additional slide transition elements, and Word has a setting for placing a picture in the text, or without reference to the text.

    As for working with diagrams, the tools of office programs are not just similar, they are absolutely identical, because diagrams for PowerPoint are prepared in Excel, we already mentioned this in the first question of this lesson.

    Design tab in PowerPoint and Excel

    If we work in Excel, then the charts are updated automatically when the data changes, but if the chart was imported into PowerPoint from Excel, then when the data changes in Excel, in order for the result to be displayed on the chart in PowerPoint, it is necessary to force a refresh.

    The "Edit Data" command will simply start the process of editing data on an Excel sheet, either in a small window, or by opening a full-fledged Excel application window. By the way, the “Format” tabs in Excel and PowerPoint are exactly the same.

    Since full work with diagrams is discussed in the sixth lesson of the Excel course, the issues of formatting diagrams in this course are taken from there.

    Along with the ability to construct diagrams, the correct choice of one or another type of diagram is also important, which. Choosing the right chart type is beyond the scope of the PowerPoint course and will not be covered here.

    1. Chart Basics

    Video version

    Text version

    1. Quickly format charts

    Video version

    Text version

    1. Formatting charts manually

    Video version

    Text version


    So-called memory cards, look at the card and try to answer, clicking on the card will display the correct answer. Memory cards are good for remembering key lesson points. All lessons in this course are equipped with memory cards.

    Diagrams are an extremely useful and informative element in any document. What can we say about the presentation? So to create a truly high-quality and informative display, it is important to be able to correctly create this type of element.

    A diagram created in PowerPoint is used as a media file that can be dynamically modified at any time. It's extremely convenient. Details of setting up such objects will be below, but first you need to consider ways to create a diagram in PowerPoint.

    Method 1: Paste into a text area

    The fastest and easiest way to create a chart in a new slide.

    It is worth noting that this method allows you to quickly create the necessary components, however, it takes up the entire text area and after the end of the slots the method is no longer available.

    Method 2: Classic creation

    You can also add a graph in the classic way, which has been available in Microsoft PowerPoint since its inception.

    A standard way that allows you to create a diagram without any other problems.

    Method 3: Paste from Excel

    Nothing prevents you from inserting this component if it was previously created in Excel. Moreover, if the corresponding table of values ​​is attached to the diagram.

    This method is convenient because it allows you to insert both a table and its diagram continuously. Also, in many cases, adjusting data in Excel may be easier.

    Chart setup

    As a rule, in most cases (except pasting from Excel), a basic plot with standard values ​​is added. They, like the design, have to be changed.

    Changing values

    Depending on the type of diagram, the system for changing its values ​​also changes. However, in general the procedure is the same for all types.

    Change your appearance

    You can customize the appearance of the diagram using a wide range of tools.

    All these tools allow you to easily customize any design for your diagram.

    • It is best to choose colors that are consistent but still distinct for your chart. The standard requirements for a stylistic image apply here - the colors should not be acid-bright shades, hurt the eyes, and so on.
    • It is not recommended to apply animation effects to charts. This can distort them both during the process of playing the effect and after it ends. In other professional presentations, you can often see various graphs that appear animatedly and demonstrate their indicators. Most often, these are media files created separately in GIF or video format with automatic scrolling; they are not diagrams as such.
    • Diagrams also add weight to a presentation. So if there are regulations or restrictions, it is best not to do too many charts.

    To summarize, the main thing needs to be said. Charts are designed to display specific data or metrics. But they are assigned a purely technical role only in documentation. In a visual form - in this case, in a presentation - any chart must also be beautiful and made according to standards. So it is important to approach the creation process with the utmost care.