All ussd requests are megaphone. Useful megaphone commands for all occasions

Like other cellular companies, Megafon offers its customers many useful USSD commands that allow them to fully manage their tariffs and balance without visiting a service center or going online.

All USSD requests are absolutely free, information exchange between the subscriber and the company occurs almost instantly in the form of SMS. Even in roaming, using these commands will not cost a Megafon client anything.

Review of Megafon USSD commands

A USSD command is a sequence of characters that the user types on the keyboard of his gadget to carry out a specific operation. All requests begin with an asterisk (*) and end with a hash (#), after which you need to dial.

The most popular service code for Megafon is *105#. Using this combination, the client can access his Personal Account to manage services and his balance.

You can immediately proceed to selecting a tariff plan by dialing *105*2#. If the user has forgotten the password for the Personal Account on the computer, then to recover it, they only need to call *105*00#, and the password will be automatically sent by SMS message.

Opportunities are zero. If there are no funds in the subscriber’s account or a debt has arisen, he can “borrow” 50, 100, 300 rubles from the company by enabling the “Promised payment” option. To do this, dial the code *106# and press the call button. After three days, the money will be debited from the balance, which will need to be replenished during this time.

In addition, if you have no funds on your phone, you can send a request to any subscriber to call back - *144* number in international format#. You can also ask a relative or friend to top up your account by sending them the code *143* number of a relative or friend#. These commands are free and available to Megafon subscribers in international roaming.

Help commands. You can find out your balance on Megafon by sending the USSD code *100#. To find the nearest service center of the company, just call *123#. Information about the availability of bonuses on the current number - *115#.

To find out whether a specific mobile device can connect to the Internet using 4G technology, dial *507# and make a call (information will be sent in a response SMS message).

Changes in tariffs, subscriptions and services. USSD commands allow you to manage options, change payment terms, and connect or disconnect services directly from your phone. Before making any changes to the account, the subscriber needs to find out information about the connected options. To do this, dial the code *105*50#.

To change the tariff, use the request *105*3#. Changing services is available via the USSD command *105#. Direct commands are provided to connect some options. For example, to receive additional Internet traffic, you can activate the “Extend Internet” service by calling *370# or “Extend Internet XS” - *372# (additional megabytes are connected until the end of the day).

Receiving the information. USSD requests allow you to receive comprehensive information about your account status, tariff, and services. You just need to remember the most popular commands:

  • find out your SIM card number - *205#;
  • receiving information about the balance on your balance after each call - *134*1#;
  • connecting an SMS receipt (for prompt notification of all payments by phone) - *313*1#;
  • to find out about the remaining Internet traffic for the connected package - *558#;
  • information about the remaining minutes on the current tariff plan - *105*559#;
  • The last expenses made by number were *512#.

The rest of the USSD codes can be found on the Megafon website, in the corresponding section.

Other teams. The use of certain requests allows the subscriber to make communication on a mobile phone much more convenient and safer. for example, to filter unwanted SMS messages and advertising spam, just send the command *532*1#. If you need to block a contact, you can add it to the black list using the command *130*blocked number in international format#.

If necessary, all blocked phones can be seen by dialing the USSD request *130*3#. To find out how many times a particular banned subscriber tried to call, you need to call *130*5#.

In addition, any Megafon subscriber can hide his number and make calls anonymously. To do this, connect the number anti-identifier via the code *221*1#.

What operations cannot be performed using USSD commands?

Despite the wide possibilities for managing the functionality of the SIM card that USSD commands provide, some operations cannot be performed using a character set. For example, you cannot make payments from your phone or transfer funds from one account to another. To do this, you will need to install special software on your smartphone and connect to the Internet.

Mobile provider Megafon offers its subscribers the widest selection of options, tariff plans and useful functions, which can be managed both through the Megafon Personal Account and through short system requests. In this article we have collected the most popular Megafon USSD commands that can be useful in everyday life. In addition, in the review you will find the provider's maintenance numbers and emergency phone numbers.

USSD commands Megafon with zero balance

The Megafon USSD commands presented below can safely be classified as “Zero Opportunities” group:

  • * 144 * subscriber's telephone line# – allows you to send a “Call me back” message;
  • * 143 * phone number of the interlocutor# – sends the message “Top me up”;
  • * 550 * 1 # – turns on the “Credit of Trust” function, through which you can borrow money from the television system;
  • * 106 # – includes the “Promised payment” option, within which you can also borrow funds from the mobile operator;
  • * 100 # – allows you to find out the balance on Megafon.

List of the most popular USSD codes for managing options and TP:

  • * 105 * 503 #, as well as a combination of numbers * 105 # – management of subscriptions, TP and paid servants;
  • * 105 * 37 # – will allow you to find out the tariff plan valid on the SIM card;
  • * 205 # – shows the user’s phone number.

Commands for connecting to the Internet

  • * 105 * 1133 # – includes the “Auto-Internet Renewal” service. The option works on all tariff plans of the “All Inclusive” family;
  • * 558 # – shows how much traffic, minutes and SMS are left on the phone;
  • * 100 * 3 # – will help you check not only the MB balance, but also tell you about the Internet options activated on the number;
  • * 100 * 1 # – informs about promotions and discounts on the Internet and other mobile services;
  • * 370 # – will tell you about the balance on packages of the “Everything” family;
  • * 507 # – data on the remaining Internet quota in 4G networks;
  • * 925 * 3 # – enables the “Extend speed” option.

  • * 550 # – will show the status of your cash account, inform you about the latest expenses and the limit;
  • A call to 0505 will allow you to find out your tariff, balance status, balances on service packages, etc. Data is provided as part of the “Informator” service of the mobile operator Megafon;
  • * 558 # – will tell you the balance of the package of minutes, SMS and MB.

Help Commands

Megafon's main service number is 0500. Any client of the telesystem can call the operator's helpline. The telephone service operates 24/7 and provides assistance to both individual and corporate clients. Calls from mobile phones are not charged. Using this number, you can resolve any issue regarding Megafon mobile communications.

8-800-550-05-00 – this is the same information service, only this number is intended for calls from landline phones. Subscribers of other cellular networks can also call it.

7-926-111-05-00 – technical support phone number in roaming. Using this phone, you can solve any mobile issue while staying outside the country. For example, find out about the number of allocated minutes, messages and traffic, or order connection or deactivation of roaming services. It is important, when typing a combination, not to forget to indicate the prefix (+7). Calls for network subscribers are free.

It is equally important to know the emergency phone numbers:

  • 101 – fire department;
  • 102 – police department;
  • 103 – emergency medical care;
  • 104 – gas service;
  • 112 – Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  • * 105 * 5 # - this useful command will tell you about the status of the bonus account, and also through this request, the subscriber can exchange bonus points for any cellular services: minutes, SMS, etc.
  • * 512 # – will show the last five debits from the account;
  • * 629 # – will tell you which mobile operator the number belongs to;
  • * 139 # – will turn on the “Mega travel companion” service. The request works in roaming conditions;
  • # # 002 # – disable the “Call Forwarding” function;
  • * 105 * 1250 # – change the language menu.

Megafon USSD commands are designed for convenient and prompt management of your own personal account. We offer you a complete list of USSD requests from the mobile operator.

Megafon offers many different USSD requests that allow you to solve a variety of problems

What are USSD commands?

USSD is a technology that makes it possible to organize high-speed data exchange between the subscriber and the service in real time. The USSD command is a combination of numbers and symbols that are entered as a phone number. After entering, you must press the “Call” button. Not everyone knows that with the help of such requests you can not only check the balance of your mobile phone, but also perform many different manipulations, for example:

  • subscribe to various useful newsletters;
  • connect or disconnect services;
  • receive settings for mobile;
  • find out the addresses of the nearest Megafon stores.

It is worth noting that through a USSD request you can obtain prompt and comprehensive information on any issue.

This is how the USSD command is entered on the phone

Megafon USSD commands for account management

The most popular requests are related to balance management.

Here is a list of such requests:

  • *100# - provides information about the current account status of the owner of the phone from which the request is made.

    Attention: If you have problems sending a request to the short number *100#, you can get the necessary information by phone 0501 .

  • *550# - detailed balance. An SMS message will be sent to your phone with the following information: current balance, provided limit, available funds (the sum of the limit provided by Megafon and the current balance).
  • *105*2300# - allows you to order invoice details.
  • *558# - information about the remaining minutes, megabytes of Internet and SMS in the Megafon network.
  • *105*5# - allows you to find out the number of bonus points. Here you can spend them on various rewards that are provided by the Megafon bonus program.
  • *115# – also allows you to check information about bonuses.
  • *512# - information about the last five debits from the account.
  • *105*1*4# – You can get information about the latest payments.
  • *669# – information about expenses for the current month.

Attention: A request for the latest debits will help identify illegal debits from the subscriber's account.

USSD commands for managing tariff plan and services

Queries also help manage rates and services. It is very comfortable. You can enable or disable various options. Here is a complete list of such commands:

  • *105*503# - find out about connected paid services.
  • *105# - obtaining reference information, disabling or connecting services, managing bonuses, accessing the “Personal Account” menu.
  • *105*00# – password to “ Personal account ».
  • *105*1*2# – You can find out your tariff plan.
  • *505*0*3273# – disabling all paid services connected to the number.
  • *505# – you can find out whether the subscriber has paid subscriptions.
  • *105*3# – established tariff plan.

USSD commands can replace work in your personal account, providing subscribers with quite a wide range of opportunities.

Here you will need to enter the password for your personal account received via USSD request

Full list of Megafon USSD commands that will be useful if you have a zero balance

Have you suddenly run out of money in your account and there is no way to quickly top it up? Megafon offers the following queries that will help in this situation:

  • *143*phone number# - allows you to ask for help in replenishing your account from another Megafon subscriber.
  • *144*phone number# - the person whose phone number is specified in the request will receive an SMS message asking you to call you back.
  • *550*1# - allows you to use funds on credit.

    Megafon company offers the “Pay whenever you want” service. The initial limit is up to 180% of the average amount spent on communications over the last three months. This is the amount you can go into the minus.

  • *106# - activation of the “Promised payment” service. You have the opportunity to top up your account by 50-300 rubles. The service is available in the home region and in roaming.

List of additional USSD commands Megafon

There are also many additional short queries that may be useful to all Megafon subscribers:

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You can find out the balance on your mobile phone account or the debt for consumed communication services in the following ways:

1) dial USSD request *111*1# or *100#, after which the balance will appear on the mobile screen;

2) call 0501 and listen to information about the balance;

3) send an SMS message to number 000100 and wait for a response.

Call the Megafon hotline

To communicate with the operator, the subscriber is offered the following Megafon:

1) 0500 – a short toll-free number for individuals, to which you can also send an SMS message with a question of interest;

2) 0555 – free short number for legal entities;

- *105*6*1# - find out your number;

- *225*3*2# - find out the latest payments;

- *225*3*3# - get a list of unpaid bills;

- *225*5*1# - find out your tariff for Megafon;

- *225*5*2# - determine the region;

- *225*7*3# - activate the paid service “Instant Account”;

- *669# - get information about expenses.

If you use the specified USSD codes and useful Megafon numbers in a timely and efficient manner, you can protect yourself from unnecessary expenses and at the same time continue to actively use the necessary operator services.

Every person who uses a mobile phone knows that there is a set of technical commands with which you can perform various actions related to your subscriber number. For example, you can check your balance in this way, find out the status of a particular service, check the balance of bonuses, and so on. All this is possible thanks to the interaction function - interaction between a human subscriber and an operator system in real time. Thus, you can directly send some data that the service perceives and processes.

Message exchange

All this is possible through a special exchange of commands. As you can see, your device receives information in the form of messages about what your balance is, what tariff you are connected to, what actions are available, and much more. Your task after such a message arrives is to respond appropriately. If this is an informational alert, you don't need to do anything - just read it. It is also possible that we are talking about a command menu, and in it you need to select a specific item using numbering. For example, this could be a list of actions that can be performed by indicating their number in the list.

All this is familiar to you, since every user has encountered this more than once. All these commands and actions are called by the general term - USSD. What this is will be discussed in our article today. It will be devoted to this format of data reception and transmission. In it we will talk about the features, areas of application, as well as the most popular USSD commands of Russian operators.

What is USSD?

First, let's decipher and translate the abbreviation. “Unstructured Supplementary Service Data” is translated as “an additional service that allows data transfer.” If you look at it, this is really true. We know: many technical requests go through USSD (what kind of requests these are, we will talk further). It would not have been possible to organize their reception and instant response in any other way and in such a prompt time frame - only the qualities of this service allow us to achieve such a result. An Internet connection is not available on all devices, and receiving information via SMS takes longer. And knowing the USSD code, any operation can be carried out quickly and easily, in a matter of seconds! Because of this, obviously, the system has become so widespread in the form of technology used on every mobile phone.

Even before the advent of the mobile Internet, various instant messengers and numerous software with the help of which communication occurs now, the technology discussed in this article successfully fulfilled its functions of communicating between the subscriber and his device with the center of the operator - the company serving the user.

Request Format

It is also important to mention what rules and requirements are established for teams. After all, there are a number of restrictions that apply to USSD. It’s easy to understand what these restrictions and requirements are - just remember how you type the command to check your account. That's right, first you enter the symbol “*” (the so-called “asterisk”), then the number you would like to contact to carry out the operation (for example, 111); followed by a “#” symbol (the so-called “hash”). Obviously, she's shutting down the team.

In addition to the marked characters, a USSD request may also contain prefixes. Typically, they are used to select an option within an existing command. For example, you need to dial *111*1#. The prefix is ​​separated from the main number using an asterisk. This means that the subscriber, within the given command, selects the first option (for example, when switching to some tariff plan, this is important).


If we talk about how the interaction between the subscriber and the server occurs, then we should mention session technology. This means that information exchange takes place in one session, without involving the database. In turn, this means the following: if in the case of SMS messages the subscriber can receive them even after sending (for example, when his phone was turned off), then with USSD requests the data is not saved anywhere and “lives” for only one session. Due to this, we can say that such interaction is instantaneous and immediate, without long-term existence.

It is also important to say about USSD that it is a text-only service. It does not support voice transmission, and you cannot make calls using it. What distinguishes it from SMS technology is that the latter is intended for the exchange of information between subscribers, while USSD allows you to send requests to the server. That is why, in the initial part of the article, we called it a “technical” method of communication.

Where is it used?

We have already partially discussed the purposes for which a USSD request is used in the previous parts of the article. However, in order to more clearly form the reader’s understanding of this technology, we will tell you a little more.

So, as for service, we figured it out: operators use USSD to send people information about their balance, about the latest new tariff plans, about how many people can use a particular service, and so on. In order to reproduce this or that function, there are special USSD commands for each of them. By entering them into the phone, the subscriber receives pre-programmed information that interests him. Easy, simple and free - everything that meets the ideals of service. But this is only one of the areas of application.

Any USSD number can also be used for entertainment. Media content providers offer subscribers, by entering a particular request, to receive the latest music hits, videos and other options on their mobile phone. This is done like this: first the subscriber accesses the service, then his device displays a menu with available services. To select one of them, simply enter the number that corresponds to the menu item. This is how interaction occurs.

USSD on tablets

Since USSD commands are entered on mobile devices, it is obvious that their use is somewhat difficult on some tablet computers. We are talking about using SIM cards with wireless Internet on tablets without a GSM module. In such a situation, the subscriber sees notifications from the operator, but, due to the lack of access to the call menu, cannot dial the command he needs. This makes it impossible to check your account balance.

For this purpose, there are special applications and add-ons for your device. For example, such a USSD-Widget for Android tablets can be downloaded from Google Play. This will allow the subscriber to use all communication services with fewer restrictions. For iOS, such software can be downloaded from the Appstore.

Such applications are required exclusively for those tablets that do not have the ability to make calls. After all, as you know, there is a category of devices that are capable of dialing phone numbers of other subscribers using the built-in GSM module. concerns mainly the so-called “phablets” - small tablets that differ from a phone only in the size of their displays. Larger devices like the iPad, of course, do not have this feature. Applications for sending USSD requests that are installed on the operating system of such devices allow you to do this.

Megafon USSD

Now, having described the capabilities of the technology, we will provide information about the commands that telecom operators use. Let's start with the Megafon company. USSD requests of this operator are very easy to find - they are described on a single page of the company's official portal. Here, first of all, they mention the command that all subscribers without exception turn to - checking the balance. This can be done by entering *100#. Don't forget that after typing a command, you must press the call key on your device.

Megafon divided its other USSD commands into different sections depending on their functions. For example, help information can be found using the following commands: gaining access to your personal account (*105#); information about the “My Number” service (*205#); checking the remaining bonuses (minutes, megabytes) on the account (*558#); receiving information about paid services by your number (*105*559#). We also didn’t forget about roaming - in order to find out about additional services when leaving the territory, the *601# command will help. This, of course, is not all USSD commands. Megafon also lists requests in order to find out the latest requests (*512#), latest payments (*105*12#). You can find out about services by entering *105*2#, and about your tariff plan - *105*3#. To get information about available bonuses, you can dial *115#. To find the nearest Megafon store, use the USSD request *123#.

In fact, there are many more teams - some of them are responsible only for certain tariffs or options.

USSD Beeline

The set of commands that the subscriber is allowed to use is very similar to the Megafon set. And in general, it should be noted that the functions that a subscriber can use using the USSD service are typical for most operators.

Judge for yourself. To determine your number (for those who cannot remember it) there is a command *110*10#. The command common to all is to check the balance on a mobile account - *102#.

To find out the balance of other services from Beeline, USSD commands from *105# to *108# are used. We are now talking about SMS, MMS, Internet traffic. The last command allows you to check everything at once with a single message.

In order to top up your account using a card, there is a request *101*X#, where instead of “X” you must indicate the number of the purchased top-up card. Another important code - *110*09# - allows you to determine which services are currently installed on your phone. If you don’t know what tariff plan you currently have and what it is, dial *110*05#. To ask another subscriber to call you back, just dial *144* subscriber number#, and top up your account - the same number, only 143.

There are also requests for ordering additional functions. To activate the “anti-determinant” use the command *110*071#; and to enter the chat - *110*511#.


The situation is similar at the other largest Russian mobile operator. MTS USSD requests are not much different from other operators. The *100# command allows you to find out your account balance, and *145# - you can get a list of the last five paid actions that were performed on the phone number. The tariff plan on which you are served can be seen using the command *111*12#, and in order to transfer funds to another person, you need to enter the command *121#.

If you are served by the MTS operator, you can also order additional services through the USSD service. For example, the “Credit method” option can be activated through the number *150#, and Internet packages can be activated by sending requests from *111*423# to *111*443#.

Like Megafon, MTS USSD requests are clearly divided into entire blocks depending on their functions. Thus, it is quite easy to search among them for the service that you need at the moment.

USSD "Tele2"

Another operator whose commands I would like to describe is “Tele2”. To check the balance with this operator, the subscriber needs to enter *105#. For information about your phone number, use the command *201#, and to display information about the tariff plan on which you are served, use *107#.

If you are currently roaming and would like to know what services are available to you in order to save on communications, dial *146#. A subscriber who wants to take advantage of entertainment content from a special “Tele2” portal will find the number *111# useful.

You can also order additional services using USSD here. In particular, the “Black List” option, which blocks calls from certain subscribers, can be ordered by sending a request *202*1*subscriber number#.

If you notice that funds are disappearing from your account in an unknown direction, you must enter *153# - this is a service for monitoring connected paid services.

Finally, through commands you can get WAP, MMS or GPRS settings. It's very simple - enter *202#, then press call.

A more complete list of available commands can be found on the official Tele2 website. There are really a lot of them here.

USSD Rostelecom

A telecom operator such as Rostelecom also uses USSD codes. The standard and most common request is *105#. With its help, the subscriber can call up the menu for checking the balance on his account. The main menu for changing tariffs, ordering additional services and connecting various paid options calls the Rostelecom operator USSD code *111#.

If you don’t know what tariff plan you are currently on, please use *107# to help. For those who constantly forget their phone number, there is a command *201#.

You can change the beep using *115#; ask to top up your account - *123*subscriber number #. The same applies to the ability to send “call me back, please” - this is done using *118*phone number#.

Of course, the operator has other request codes, some of which relate to specific tariffs and options. You can find them out on the official website or from a company consultant.

USSD Velcom

Of course, USSD codes are valid not only in Russia. The Belarusian operator Velcom has a set of its own requests. In particular: *100# - call for information about how much is left in your account; *100*1# - information about bonus minutes, SMS and MMS messages available on the balance, as well as the amount of data in GPRS format.

Using some USSD, Velcom allows you to connect additional services. For example, *200*1# - order the Stopitsot service, *424# - Melofon, and *126*1*4# - activation of international roaming. Using other commands, you can simply manage some settings: change “favorite numbers” (*126*7#); set the home region for your number (*126*4#).

Information services are also available in the USSD menu, for example, you can get a list of all commands using the request *126*9#. This is perhaps the best opportunity to find out in the most convenient form how to perform the action you are interested in in the shortest possible time. Therefore, we recommend that you simply remember this command in order to have access to all the others.