Repairing IMEI on Android. Incorrect IMEI after flashing - what to do How to restore incorrect IMEI after flashing an Android smartphone

Attention!!! All firmware is uploaded to Yandex Disk and distribution of OTA updates also occurs primarily from there.
Therefore, users of some countries, due to recent events regarding the above-mentioned service, may experience problems downloading firmware.



Firmware via computer using the program FlashTool


In the archive: USB flash drive, the firmware itself in the target_bin folder for 4GB and the target_bin_8gb folder.
For the 4GB version, you don’t need to change anything in the folder with the firmware: downloaded it and flashed it in the mode Firmware Update.
For the 8GB version, in the target_bin folder, before starting FT, replace it with the contents from the target_bin_8gb folder (upload the contents from the target_bin_8gb folder with replacement into the target_bin folder) and flash in the mode Firmware Update.

Miui9 Minivo OTA firmware from uv. romale1980 moved here:

Miui8 Minivo OTA firmware, markup + from uv. romale1980

Information, screenshots, FAQ


Information, features, descriptions: Good firmware from Turkish comrades, Everything works: the camera works on all devices (8.2014 and later inclusive), the camera shoots 15MP (not for everyone), HDR, camera recording in MP4, OTG, USB, magnetic case, good sound, good battery life , ice, compass (sensors), good GPS, full screen photo in the dialer, waking up with a volume rocker, etc.

Changes: Fixed: camera, OTG, GPS, USB, compass (sensors), memory, vibration soft buttons, magnetic case, init.d support, tweaks, video, etc.

Login engineering menu :

On MIUI V7 5.8.13_multirom dial the code into your phone *#*#13411#*#*

On MIUI-MIUIPRO V7 5.8.20 dial the code into your phone *#*#3646633#*#*

Utilities or basic tricks which you should know when using MIUI v6, v7


MIUI firmware differences:

Firmware from In addition to the standard languages ​​(2 Chinese and English), they also have Ukrainian and Russian from their repository + a standard set of patches (rather sparse, but sufficient for work). The firmware is transferred to jbart and the files from them can be further edited (by people who know how to do this).

Firmware from is based on translation from the repository (Russian language) and its own translation repository into Belarusian. It has an expanded set of patches (SMS congratulations in Russian, CRT effect when turning off, etc.), as well as a set of additional goodies and interface changes (additional widgets, its own set of icons, changes in the appearance of the status bar). There is no patch for paid themes - this is the principled position of the guys. Translation via jbart.
- Well, what a team To translate firmware, they use their own BARS utility, which in theory should do less harm (there is an opinion that art works better on this firmware) to the firmware than apktool. They have their own set of patches (including a patch for paid themes and a dynamic status bar (sometimes they forget about it), their own icons, their own translation repository. Languages ​​other than standard ones are Russian and Ukrainian.

List of changes in MIUI firmware

Buns for MIUIPRO

If Google won't want to sync: - go to Accounts - Google - into your account - Synchronization Settings and enable those items that are not enabled - such as Calendar and Contacts or update.

Patches and improvements


Patch on magnetic case if anyone doesn't work

Changing memory, relevant for CN versions

Root rights SuperUser install via recovery

Root rights SuperSu install via recovery

Who problem with the camera(does not take off, crashes, etc.) select patch libs

If anyone has a problem with GPS, then we try the fix for speed up GPS

If anyone suddenly has a problem with ice-indication, try the patch

Universal headset patch(three-button including)

Who is interested? flash notification for incoming calls, application from miui

Sound enhancer Viper for MIUI

More sound improvers

Mods for gallery QuickPic

Fix time zones +3 Moscow

Decorations, Themes


Themes And themes for lockscreen for MIUI v6, v7, not checked everything

Instructions for installing MIUI themes in pictures.rar

Patch on operator logo where are the sim cards in the status bar

Program for assembling patches for Operator logos for MIUI v6 ( designed for phones with two SIM cards), instructions inside the archive:

Source 3. Do Wipe and Swape to Factory Reset
4. Select the firmware

This method is also suitable for marking +.

Full installation for + markup:
Installation via TWRP
1. Download the firmware and send it to the root of the memory card (/sdcard)
2. With the phone turned off, hold down the buttons: Volume up + down, then turn on at the same time
3. We do all the wipes: Wipe dalvick, Wipe cache, Wipe Data and Wipe system
4. Select the firmware
5. We wait until the firmware is installed.

If you have an old recovery like TWRP, then after the wipes we reboot into recovery again and then install the firmware.



When installing the system completely or weekly updating from new recovery ( - - do not format the /system partition, otherwise error 7 (status7) will appear! - in red font, this section is cleared during the installation process.

If you still format it and the firmware does not install, but there is a backup, then first restore only the System partition, and then by wiping only the caches (for weekly updates) or everything else (except for the external SD, System) for the firmware, we completely sew a new firmware.

I created a meow account and activated the phone search. and forgot about it. Today I decided to freeze all these services, but in the end I got nothing but a slave. Telephone. He was blocked and asked for a password for the account to unlock. After I entered it, nothing happened, because... the applications through which the body was supposed to connect were frozen. In general, I had to reflash it, only then did the applications work, then I entered the password and unlocked the body.

Nobody canceled the backup

When publishing firmware on a third-party resource. Don't forget to indicate the source! Respect other people's work and time spent.

Edited September 27, 2017 AndreyLev
MIUI 9 firmware has moved

Owners of new devices from the Chinese company Xiaomi encountered an unpleasant problem when trying to install Russified or other localized firmware: the bootloader of gadgets turned out to be blocked. A reasonable question arises: why does Xiaomi, whose products are in great demand not only in those countries where they are officially supplied, but also in many others, prevent the full use of their gadgets? Is this really how Chinese manufacturers motivate the owners of their smartphones and tablets to learn Chinese? Of course not. It turns out that buyers in different countries of the world often encounter fakes with unofficial firmware installed. Not only do they not ensure the confidentiality of information, but they often turn out to be simply stuffed with viruses. Xiaomi is simply forced to fight for its good name, which is why the decision was made to block the bootloader.

Another reason also applies security, but is already associated with the loss or theft of the device. Attackers can reflash the gadget and gain access to personal information stored on it. If the device's bootloader is locked, then they are unlikely to succeed - after all, each Xiaomi device is tied to its own. In the latest firmware versions, the developers even introduced a couple of new functions, the first of which makes it possible to find out exactly where the smartphone or tablet is at the moment, and the second allows you to send any information to the screen of a stolen or lost device.

How to determine that the bootloader is locked, and how does this manifest itself?

To check whether the bootloader of your Xiaomi device is locked, you need to put the device into fastboot mode, and then type the command:
fastboot oem device-info
The result can be seen on the screen in the second line of the response message issued. Maybe two options:

Device unlocked: true bootloader unlocked;
Device unlocked: false bootloader is not unlocked (locked).

It is clear that locking the bootloader imposes some restrictions on user actions. For example, Root access will become unavailable, even if it was obtained earlier. The fact is that the device will receive official updates “over the air” in any case, and along with them will come a blocking. To return everything to normal, you need to unlock the bootloader. Below we will describe in detail how this is done.

Instructions for unlocking the bootloader:

At the moment, permission to unlock the bootloader is issued to each Mi account automatically, so you can immediately begin the unlocking process. To do this you need to do the following actions:

Slight limitation: from one Mi account it is possible to unlock only one device in 30 days.

Problems that users encounter when unlocking the bootloader:

Problem: The unlocking process reaches 50%, after which it stops (the message Couldn't verify device is received).
Cause: Xiaomi servers error.
Solution: Repeat the unlock attempt once a day - sooner or later your account will end up in the database. Waiting time - from 2 to 10 days.

Problem: Green button is not active.
Cause: Block pop-up windows from visited sites in your browser settings.
Solution: Allow pop-ups in your browser settings.

Problem: At the second point, the unlocking process stops.
Cause: The Android device is running stable version of MIUI.

Problem: Error logging into Mi account.
Solution: Enter the account ID instead of the phone number in the login field when logging in.

As you can see, any problem can be solved, and the situation with unlocking the bootloader of Xiaomi smartphones is no exception. Do you need to lock the bootloader back? No problem, we've prepared

After reinstalling the basic software (operating system) on an Android smartphone, the user of this device may have one problem - erased IMEI. This can happen if the firmware procedure was seriously violated, or if third-party (custom) firmware was installed, the developer of which was too lazy to implement the proper functionality in his product. If you received an incorrect IMEI after flashing the firmware, you don’t know what to do now, then read the text below.

It is very easy to find out that the IMEI has been changed or deleted. To do this, you will need to open the dialer and enter the command into it: *#06# . After the last character (hash) is entered, a window will appear in which the IMEI code for each SIM card is indicated. Check it (if there are several SIM cards, then these) with the code indicated on the device box. If they diverge, then indeed, after the firmware the IMEI was changed and must be specified manually.

How to restore an incorrect IMEI after flashing an Android smartphone

There are several ways to change an incorrect IMEI to a correct one in Android. The first of them is somewhat complicated, but guaranteed to work on all phones, consists of entering the IMEI in the phone’s engineering menu. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Open the dialer and enter the code to open the engineering menu, for example: *#3646633# or *#*#3646633#*#* (if these codes do not work, find the combination for your phone model on the Internet);
  2. Then you will need to go to the following points: CDS Information – Radio Information – Phone 1;
  3. Having done this, you will see the AT+ item at the top, and in the field located below it, indicate: EGMR = 1,7, "";
  4. After that, place the cursor between the quotes and enter your IMEI (indicated on the device box);
  5. Click on the “SEND AT COMMAND” button to apply your changes.

On some phones, after pressing the specified button, the following error message may pop up: “This command is not allowed in UserBuilld.” Nothing wrong with that. Just in the line you entered, place the cursor after the “+” symbol, add a space and apply the settings.

To restore the IMEI for the second SIM card (if you have one), you will need to close the engineering menu, repeat all the above steps, but instead of EGMR=1.7 you need to enter EGMR=1.10, and in quotes you will need to indicate the IMEI for the second SIM- cards.

After completing these steps, you will need to reboot your phone. When the smartphone turns on, the IMEI will be sewn in, and, therefore, the GSM module should work normally.

Chamelephon - a program to change IMEI on Android

Correcting incorrect IMEI after flashing using ROOT rights

The other option is much simpler, but it requires ROOT rights and installation of a special application. The application is called Chamelephon, and can be downloaded from Google Play Market.

Having Ruth and the application, you will need to go to the latter (while giving all the permissions it asks for) and indicate IMEI in special fields. If for some reason you are unable to find out your IMEI, you can generate a new one. After this, restart your phone. After this, the incorrect IMEI will change to correct after flashing.

In contact with

A detailed description of how you can quickly determine the device identifier (ID) for further selection and installation of the necessary drivers.

A short introduction

The problem of finding drivers for a variety of devices has already been repeatedly raised in various materials on this resource. The most complete guide on this topic is:.

Within the framework of this article, we will only consider the process of determining the device identifier for subsequent search and installation of the necessary drivers. Unlike the method proposed above, we will not have to download and install additional utilities; we will limit ourselves to the built-in Windows tools. This material is aimed primarily at beginners.

General information about the device ID

For many novice users, the phrase “device identifier” will mean absolutely nothing. Before moving on to the main part of the article, it makes sense to understand what it is and why a certain identifier is needed.

It just so happens that computer equipment consists of a huge number of different chips, devices and other parts. In order for all this to somehow work with Windows, you need to install a small layer - drivers. They are also very different and only work with certain devices. Roughly speaking, if your Wi-Fi does not work, then before installing all the drivers in a row, you need to find out which wireless module you have and what driver is needed for it. And this is where the problems begin. How to find out which module is worth?

It is precisely for this purpose that the device identifier was invented. It contains information about the manufacturer and model of the equipment, which will allow you to avoid a huge pile of problems and install exactly the driver you need.

Technically, this identifier is a set of strings that are stored directly in the device or chip itself. Depending on the type of equipment and connection method, they look like VENxxxx&DEVxxxx, VIDxxxx&PIDxxxx, ACPI... etc.. Instead xxxx Usually there are 4 digits in hexadecimal (0 - 9 and A - F). The first four digits indicate the manufacturer, the second about the device model. Sometimes other lines like SUBSYS that talk about modification. It is along these lines that forum participants in the section of our forum find the necessary drivers.

And so, the question of what an equipment identifier is and why it is needed is more or less cleared up. Let's move directly to its definition.

Determining the Device ID

In operating systems of the Windows family, this process is approximately the same. First you need to open, select the desired device and find this identifier in its properties. Let's look at this in more detail using different systems as an example.

Windows 7

First of all, we need to go to Properties of the system. This is done either through Control Panel - System, or by pressing keys Win+Break, or through Computer properties in the Start menu:

After that, click on Device Manager at the top left:

Find the one you need in the list of devices and go to its properties:

Typically, devices without drivers or with incorrectly installed drivers are marked with yellow icons. They interest us first of all.

After this, in the window that appears, go to the tab Intelligence and select in the window:

The lines we need should appear in the window below. There is no need to copy all of them; one with VEN/VID, DEV/PID and SUBSYS/REV codes is enough. For USB devices like webcams or Bluetooth adapters, these lines look different:

And for touchpads and some system devices, the value of the equipment ID field may be as follows:

On systems with Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, the procedure for determining these strings is generally similar. Let's consider it.

Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

For start Device Manager In addition to the methods mentioned above, you can also use the search built into the system:

After that, select the desired device:

And go to its properties through the context menu. After that, go to the tab Intelligence and select in the window:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. To complete the picture, let's look at how this is done on Windows XP.

Windows XP

First, go to My Computer Properties:

After that, on the tab Equipment press the button:

After that, select the desired device from the list and open its properties.