Recovering an Instagram account via phone number. Forgot your password, what should I do? If you forgot your Instagram password: what to do and how to recover data

Not every user manages to immediately understand how to get their profile back on Instagram and how to restore the page if all the information necessary for this was irretrievably lost. This is why it is important to think about the consequences of deletion in advance and keep important information in a safe place. If you adhere to these simple rules, then no problems or difficulties will arise with the use of a social photo network.

At the same time, imprudent, thoughtless actions can lead to the final loss of the opportunity to return the account and the publications on it. The only salvation in such situations may be the support service, but often even Instagram consultants are unable to help the requester and return the previously deleted page to him. Therefore, when deciding to deactivate, you should carefully weigh all the negative and positive aspects of your plan, so as not to make an extremely offensive and unpleasant mistake.

The first thing that needs to be mentioned is related to restoring a completely deleted account. And in this case, nothing positive or positive can be said, since the developers of the social network have not provided a single effective way to restore the page.

The only way to solve this problem is to re-register and create a new profile. But all subscribers, likes, photos and publications will remain on the destroyed page, so the only way to save the necessary and important files is to timely transfer them to a cloud drive, phone or computer.

In a word, in this case everything depends only on the actions of users and the foresight of the owners of photos and videos. The Instagram administration will not be able to help, no matter how much those who contact us might want it.

Restoring a temporarily blocked page

It is a little easier to deal with difficulties for those users who are looking for how to return a temporarily blocked Instagram profile and restore the page for further use. In such situations, you should take only 1 simple action: log in to the system using your account.

Naturally, this requires remembering your login and password, without which it is impossible to regain control of your account after temporary blocking. In order not to waste time restoring and remembering secret combinations, you should write them down on separate sheets of paper, which will be placed in a specially designated place.

Usually, after completing these steps, the profile is immediately returned to the rightful owners, and they again have the opportunity to publish new posts.

How to recover an Instagram page if you forgot your password from your phone

Sometimes even correctly entered combinations do not lead to the desired result. Often, those who want to return an account must admit that they have forgotten their login and password. In such cases, the most reasonable way to resolve the difficulties that have arisen is to restore the password.

To return to Instagram:

  1. log in to the website or open the mobile application;
  2. click on the sign offering assistance with logging in;
  3. wait for the new tab to load and select a convenient way to receive information (Facebook, email, cell phone);
  4. enter the information required for recovery (nickname or SIM card number);
  5. wait for the letter to be received by email; SMS messages or Facebook links;
  6. follow the received link;
  7. select a new combination for authorization;
  8. Log in by providing your changed details.

It should be noted that those who access the photo network through the application should do without email. Receiving help via SMS will be faster and easier. But the most effective way is to use Facebook.

What to do if you forgot your phone number

No matter how offensive it may sound, sometimes users are deprived of the opportunity to regain control of the page because they cannot use the phone number associated with their account and have long forgotten their email address. The situation is no better in situations where the SIM card is lost.

Those who want to figure out how to restore an Instagram page if they have forgotten their password and nickname should contact support specialists. Only they have the ability to restore profiles when all existing methods of regaining control are inaccessible and useless.

But it should be remembered that in order to get the desired result, people who ask for help will have to prove that they are the real owners of the page. This may require personal information, including a photograph. The full list of required information will be provided by the operators themselves.

It is worth remembering that situations where even consultants refuse to help are not uncommon. This happens especially often after deleting the application and permanently deactivating the account. Therefore, the utmost honesty and courtesy should be exercised. This is the only way to count on success.

Rules and nuances

Taking back control of your profile is not the most pleasant procedure and is best avoided. It becomes especially difficult if you forget your password and login. In such cases, the likelihood of success is sharply reduced, and to gain access you will have to seriously try, proving to the support operators that you are right. Therefore, in order not to encounter troubles, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • there is no need to delete your account if there is even a small chance that you will need it in the future, it is better to block it or simply not log into it temporarily;
  • you need to store authorization combinations in a safe place, preferably writing them down on a piece of paper;
  • important information must not be shared with strangers;
  • It is worth updating your antivirus promptly;
  • it is important to follow the rules of use of Instagram so as not to be blocked for violations;
  • You must be responsible when filling out your personal data, as they may be required later.

If you adhere to these rules, you won’t have to think about how to restore Instagram if you deleted a page. As a last resort, you can ask friends for help. They may have saved a photo that contained the necessary data. Additionally, you can try to guess the nickname and receive an information message by email. But achieving what you want in this way will be extremely difficult.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today, every user may encounter a problem and does not know how to recover their Instagram password. There are various situations: someone simply forgot, someone’s account was hacked, and they need to immediately recover their password. There is a way out of this situation, and more than one.

It is possible to recover your password using your Facebook profile (however, only if your profiles are connected), username or email address, and even a phone number. But first things first.

How to recover your Instagram password

Recovering your password using email

  • First of all, go to the login page and click on the “forgot password” field;
  • To receive a password via email, click on the option “using your username or email”;
  • Type your email address or username, then click on the search button;
  • Next you need to click on the “change password” function. After a certain time, you will receive an email notification about changing your password;
  • Follow the link provided in the letter and change your password.

How to recover Instagram password via Facebook

It is worth noting that recovering your password via Facebook is also not difficult at all:

  1. You should go to the login page and click on the “forgot password” field;
  2. After this, possible recovery methods will be revealed to you.

All you have to do is click on the “via Facebook” option, after which it will immediately reset your profile password.

How to recover Instagram password via phone number

If the user publishes images via a smartphone and the account is linked to it, you should also visit the login page, click on the “help with logging in” function and type in the phone number linked to Instagram. A message will be sent to it along with a link. After clicking on it, you can change your password.

Help Center

Sometimes it happens that the account is not tied to any of the above options at all. But it’s a pity to create a new profile, because your page already has a large audience and hundreds of high-quality images. In this case, you can send a letter addressed to support specialists.

It must describe the situation and tell you that your account has been hacked. However, it is worth noting that this process is quite lengthy. Therefore, I decided to contact support. You need to be patient.

Friends, do not forget to write your questions and wishes in the comments, I will help everyone and be happy to do so. And that’s all for me, I wish you good health and peace!

If I forgot my Instagram password, what should I do?, we will tell you in this article. When the password for any account is lost, stolen, lost or forgotten, the first thing you need to do is calm down and put aside panic. In almost any situation, it is possible to regain lost access to your account. Moreover, Instagram offers you several ways to recover a forgotten password. In what cases can a password be lost?

  • Banal forgetfulness
  • Theft and change of password by an ill-wisher for personal reasons
  • Using untested and black cheating methods (by the way, we only offer you professionals)
  • Authorization on third-party sites

In all these cases, you can recover your password using one of the standard methods that the developers have prepared for users. Speaking of standard methods, you will probably also be interested in learning about the tools with which any user can on Instagram. Yes, you won't need any tricks for this!

How to recover your password on Instagram

Returning to the topic, let's talk about how to recover your password on Instagram application means. Launch the official Instagram application!

So, you have successfully created a new login combination for Instagram instead of the lost one. Now go to the authorization page, enter your name in the application and the new password you just created.

Recover your Instagram password via computer

To recover Instagram password via computer, you also don't have to use any special skills. The procedure lasts less than two minutes. On the main page of the site, click on the “Login” button (a), you will be redirected to the authorization page. If you have previously been logged in from this computer, the site will prompt you to log in under your previous name (b). But if you are looking for how to recover your Instagram password on your computer, it is logical to assume that you are now faced with a page for entering your password and login. Feel free to click on “Forgot” (c).

On the password recovery page that opens, you will again need to enter the username or email address that you used during registration. Just below, enter the captcha (verification code from the picture) to confirm that you are not a robot (d). After you click “Reset Password”, you will be sent an access recovery email. From now on you will need to follow step 5 and 6 from the guide above.

A wave of loss of access to Instagram accounts and dozens of requests about what to do when everything is gone, simply pushed this topic into the blog. Author of the guide - Vyacheslav Sadovenko, technical leader of the international projects group.

How to recover your Instagram password?

I say hello to everyone who is going through this (the inability to log in to Instagram)!

There are various access problems, most of them are described in the official help at:

What to do if you have tried everything, but there is no result?

Let's try to figure out possible known problems that are not described in the help.

1. The telephone field was not filled in

The main cause of all troubles.

2. Password reset emails arrive, but there is no account confirmation code

— Instagram may intentionally not send a verification code if the phone number is not entered.
— Mail services block letters, they don’t reach you at all

Many people have this problem, often related to Internet and encryption settings

4. Profile not found or user not active

Probably Instagram required confirmation from your phone, your account is temporarily unavailable and not visible to anyone. Or you got banned.

How to solve the problem with access to Instagram?

For points 1 and 2, there is only one solution, log in from your phone and do the following:

  1. Enter the login of the account to which you want to restore access.
  2. Click “Get help signing”

3. We get the form as in the screenshot. Here we click “ Other issues.."The button is barely noticeable, located under the large " Send Login Link»

4. Fill out the form in English and submit. You must be prepared to provide supporting documents and take a photo of yourself with the code on the piece of paper that technical support will send.

If the form does not pop up in any way, change the phone number, reset the password as many times as possible, click on Log in With Facebook and so on.

Remember, form is your salvation!

Important point: this recovery option only works on iPhone!

The third problem from the top list is solved by changing the device and the Internet, repeatedly deleting the application and reinstalling it.

The solution to the fourth problem is the most difficult and there are no guarantees here; if all the previous steps did not help you, all that remains is to write a “not intended” letter to the intellectual property department at
The chance that you will be listened to is minimal. But it exists if you clearly describe all your actions, and the problem is not with account confirmation.

How to protect yourself from losing access?

  1. Be sure to fill out the phone number field in your profile!
  2. Link your account to Facebook
  3. The email to which the account is linked must be working, reliable and must always be accessible!
  4. Always record login details
  5. It is advisable not to register an account using corporate mailboxes Google
  6. Use password generators to generate a password of at least 8 characters, both case + numbers
  7. Before any questionable actions (linking your profile to new software), authorize your profile in the web version Instagram
  8. Never log in to other countries while on holiday, or do so at your own risk. Once you enter from your phone, don’t leave, neither when moving, nor when flying. Instagram will most likely ask for account confirmation, which you will not be able to do.

Instagram is a popular social network where the main content is photographs and short videos posted by users. Almost every smartphone user on iOS and Android is familiar with the official mobile application of this resource. Many people fill their accounts with their own or thematic photographs, use them for advertising/commercial purposes, and simply create them according to the principle “Everyone has it, and I will have it!” Users often have problems using Instagram, and one of the most popular questions is: “How to restore a page on Instagram if access to it was lost for certain reasons?” Later in the article we will talk about exactly this.

What to do if you lost access to Instagram

The recovery action depends on the reason why access to the account was lost. It's actually quite simple. The account can be deleted, hacked, or temporarily blocked, which is usually done by the owner himself, and it’s also worth remembering about banal forgetfulness regarding the login and password. It’s worth immediately discussing the question of how to restore an Instagram page after deletion, because it is often asked, and the answer is extremely disappointing, but there is a way out.

It is not possible to return a deleted account, since these are the privacy rules of the social network.

It will also not be possible to recover the username that was used for a specific page.

The only option on how to restore an Instagram account after deletion is to send a complaint of certain content to the network support service. The only reason for restoration can be that the network administration deleted a valid profile, which was simply hacked and aroused suspicion. Cases of such returns are rare, but they do happen, and therefore if the user belongs to the category of illegally “deleted”, then it is worth trying to achieve justice. The main thing is to persistently prove your innocence.

For more detailed information about restoring Instagram after deletion, read below in the paragraph on hacking.

How to recover your password on Instagram

Anyone can forget their password, even at the stage of creating the account itself, and therefore you need to know the basic ways to recover it.
Method No. 1
The simplest option:

  1. You must follow the link: You can do this through a computer or through the browser of your smartphone. But it is worth considering that you need to know one of the data: phone number, email or username and have access to mail or phone number.
  2. Enter the required data into the form and click on the button to send the login link. Then the user will receive a corresponding notification that reset instructions have been sent to the email address to which the account is linked. Naturally, you must have access to mail.
  3. The following message will appear in the mail.
  4. By clicking on the reset button, you can be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter a new password, which this time you really need to try not to forget, but it is better to write it down somewhere and not forget where you wrote it.

Method No. 2
When working through a mobile application, you can recover your password using synchronization with Facebook, or also through the phone number or email associated with your account.

We proceed as follows:

Thus, you can recover your Instagram password through your phone number and Facebook page.

What to do if the email you entered does not arrive?

  • check your spam folder in your email;
  • Try sending the recovery link again;
  • wait a little and try again.

If you don’t have access to a phone and email, then you have the option of using Facebook if you link it to Instagram early, or try to solve the problem by sending a hacking complaint about it below.

How to restore Instagram if hacked

If you believe that you have been hacked or are being used by someone else, you need to take action immediately. First of all, check if you have received an email from Instagram. If you receive a message about changing your email address, you must cancel the change by clicking the corresponding link in the letter. If the attackers managed to change important information (for example, password and email), but it is not possible to restore the previous email address, then you need to send a complaint to Instagram.

The entire procedure for submitting a complaint is done on an Android or iOS device.

Once the app launches, on the login screen, tap Help signing in in the section below the Sign in button. Enter one of the username, email or phone numbers, then click Next. If you do not know your username, then ask a friend or your subscriber to remind you of your login, since people who follow you can see your username, they will be able to help you.

Once entered, click on Need more help? and follow the instructions.

After submitting your application, expect an email from Instagram with instructions on what to do next.

On iOS devices (iPhone), the recovery procedure is similar.

After sending the request, you will need to confirm your identity by providing a photo in which you are holding a piece of paper with a handwritten code that was sent to you. The email address or phone number you entered when you signed up and the type of device you signed in from (e.g. iPhone, Android, iPad, etc.).

If you have forgotten your password and have no access to your mail, try to restore access to your mail first. Officially, Instagram writes about this:

But by sending the request described above, you can bypass this limitation and successfully restore your Instagram account.

There is also a form for restoring Instagram in case of profile deactivation (blocked, deleted). You can fill out this form via computer

How to unblock Instagram if blocked

There are two types of blocking: temporary and permanent.

You can be temporarily blocked for exceeding the limits: subscription, unsubscribe, likes, comments. But before blocking, your password will most likely be reset at the beginning and more than once if the violation continues. All you need to do is receive a password recovery code and enter a new password. After blocking, you will not be able to perform the action for which you were blocked. But as a rule, after a certain period of time, Instagram removes this restriction and you can fully use the social network.

You can be permanently blocked without resetting your password if you violate the rules for using the social network (adding prohibited posts, leaving comments with extremist content, etc.). You may be blocked by mistake or you went a little overboard, in this case, see the instructions above about hacking Instagram. It is advisable to write in the description that the phone or other information was stolen, since support will look to see if there were logins to the account from another device and if they were not, they may not be able to unblock them.

How to protect your Instagram account

To avoid time-consuming (nervous) costly recovery procedures, it is necessary to first take measures to ensure the security and protection of personal data.

In this article we tried to write about how to restore Instagram or how to unblock a page. We have taken measures to ensure the security of your page and personal data. It is important to follow the basic security rules regarding personal data and the rules established for users by the administration of the social network. In this case, both the risk of hacking and the possibility of the page being deleted by resource moderators on suspicion of any dishonest actions on the part of its owner are minimized.

We can help you recover your Instagram account without fraud (we take full responsibility)! If successful, the price is 1000 rubles, if unsuccessful, the price is 100 rubles. Contact us