WWII warriors search by last name. Search for WWII participants who died during the fighting

The resource “Memory of the People” was created so that each user could find out where they fought and what awards their grandfathers or great-grandfathers who took part in the Great Patriotic War received. As part of the project, archival documentation such as award lists, orders, operational descriptions of the situation on the battlefield and other original written evidence of the events of those years were transferred into digital form. The site allows each user to find information about their relatives and create a personal archive from documents presented on the site. And, if you want to find out how to use the “Memory of the People” resource to search for WWII participants by the last names of those who returned from the war, then read on.

Project "Memory of the People"

To start the search, open https://pamyat-naroda.ru/, enter the “War Heroes” section, or use the form on the main page (in this case, we will still be automatically transferred to “War Heroes”). Enter the requested data (last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth) into the search bar of the People's Memory service and press the Enter key on the keyboard or LMB on the word “Find”.

Search for a fighter from the main page of the site

If there is not enough data and it was not possible to find a participant in the hostilities, click “Clarify” and enter the information that we know:

  1. The place where the fighter was born.
  2. Assigned title.
  3. Place of service.
  4. The date when the participant left the unit or died.
  5. ID of the entry in the database.

If this information is not enough, expand additional fields under the data entry form and fill each line with information known to us.

Enter additional information

In our case, only 4 documents were found. But it happens that the personal data of WWII participants coincides, and the search becomes difficult. Or there are a lot of documents, among which it is difficult to find what you need. To simplify the search, there is a panel located above the results.

The refinement panel makes searching easier

If we need information about which unit was commanded by the WWII participant we are looking for, or what awards he had, then click on the desired section in the above panel and narrow the search range. When switching between these sections, on the right in the “Sources of Information” block, the places where information about the awards or combat activities of a WWII participant are obtained are displayed. Below the search results is a list of all the awards for which the fighter is nominated.

Viewing and saving documents

So, the search has been completed, and we have several of the results we need from the People’s Memory service. How to save them so as not to lose valuable information and always have access to it? Opposite each document there are icons with which you can:

  1. View original.
  2. Download the file to your computer (scanned copy of an act, order or other document in jpg format).
  3. Add information about the participant in hostilities to your personal archive on the “Memory of the People” website.

What can you do with documents?

If the load on the resource is too high, access to the personal archive and documents stored in it may be limited. Therefore, if information about a WWII participant is necessary for study or work, it is better to save it in a folder on your computer.

Detailed information about the war heroes on the People's Memory website

Now let’s see where on the “Memory of the People” resource there is more detailed information about the war hero found by last name. Click on the personal data of the WWII participant. A page opens where the last name, first name, patronymic and rank of the fighter are indicated.

Award details

Also here is information about the award that we selected in the search results: who awarded, when the feat was accomplished, information about the place of birth and call of the hero and other data, including the name of the archive from which this data was taken. Scrolling down the page, we see a scanned document. This is a line on the award list.

Switching between sections, we read:

  1. “Feat” is a detailed description of the feat for which the fighter was nominated for an award, contained in a combat journal or other documents that reflected the course of military operations.
  2. “The first page of an order or decree” - information about the front and combat unit in which the WWII participant served, as well as on behalf of whom and for what he was awarded.
  3. “Award sheet” is a document indicating the presentation of an award, with the fighter’s personal data and a brief summary of the feat.

Line in the award list

Documents from this page can be saved to your computer, scaled in height and/or width, and enlarged/reduced. It is also possible to view the originals of the submitted documents.

Combat path of the hero/unit

The “Memory of the People” resource allows us to track the combat path traveled by the hero and the unit in which he served. To do this, from the “Awarding Documents” section, go to “The Combat Path of the Hero/Unit.”

Combat path of the hero/unit

This page lists all the units in which the soldier served. Switching between them, we see his path and all the military actions in which he participated during the Second World War. Each of the coordinates of the military path means a specific battle. On the left in the table are the dates of operations linked to coordinates on the map.

The military path is shown from the very beginning (from the place of conscription at the regional military registration and enlistment office) to the victorious end. The scale of the map can be increased so that the outlines of the villages where battles took place or near which our army followed will be visible. This effect allows you to examine the course of the war in detail. There are symbols below the map. Based on them, we understand at what time the fighter we are looking for was in the hospital, received awards, where he was born, where he was drafted from, and much more. Also in the panel above the map you can add a higher part, which included the formation where the war hero served, and a lower part. All these nuances make it possible to recreate a more complete picture of the events of the Second World War.

When you click on a specific path coordinate in the upper right corner of the map, we see a sign that contains the following information:

  1. The name of the unit where the soldier served.
  2. Date of the battle indicated on the map.
  3. The number of documents indicating this event.

Description of the battle at the selected coordinate

After clicking on the number of unit documents found, the next page with written evidence of specific battles is loaded. When searching for the desired order/report/report, you can use the general list or narrow your search by switching between section names. That is, if we only need combat logs or maps/diagrams, then we click on the selected category and look for the document that is needed, or look through everything one by one in the Memory of the People. You can also use the convenient filter located to the right of the list of documents. By unchecking or checking the boxes in the sections we need, we narrow our search and find information faster.

By clicking on the name of a report or diagram, journal or order, we study the original evidence of those events, written or drawn by the participants in the war themselves. Based on available information, we will find out in which archive each of the documents is now located, and who compiled them. From this page you can save to your personal archive on the website the found written evidence of the combat path of a WWII participant by the name of those who returned from the war.

Thus, by searching on the “Memory of the People” website for WWII participants by the names of those who returned from the war, you can not only obtain information about the hero’s awards, but also track the progress of battles as fully as possible (as far as available documents allow) from the very place where the soldier was called up.

Write in the comments below the article if you need more information. Many people view them and can help you find the information you need.

Several years ago, a project began to be implemented, the goal of which was to make available for review a list of Soviet soldiers awarded military orders and medals during the Great Patriotic War. For this purpose, an electronic bank of documents was created, which digitally contains orders for awards and other documents about soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle. All information in the form of a database is available on the website "Feat of the People" a search by the name of the awardee will give a fairly complete result.

Information can be searched both by the name of the awardee and by the number or date of the order. If you want to receive detailed information about what feat or military distinction your relative who participated in the Great Patriotic War was awarded for, then on the main page select the “People and Awards” item and in the form that opens, enter his last name - first name - patronymic (see figure below)

Next, a list of all records that are related to the entered data will open. Of course, namesakes of the gentleman about whom you want to receive information may also be present. If the database contains information on several awards, then there will be a separate line for each award. As can be seen in the example given (see image below), the list of awards of three times Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Pokryshkin, interspersed with four distinctions received by his namesake Alexander Ivanovich, junior sergeant born in 1911.

By clicking the cursor on the selected line, you can read the description of the feat for which the award was made in the document that opens.

Also, there is access to very detailed accompanying documents, such as award certificates.

In addition to searching by name, it is possible to get acquainted with a large number of orders, which are grouped by dates, as well as orders and medals that were awarded. To do this, you need to select the name of the specific award and the period you are interested in.

As a result, a complete list of orders will become available containing information about the awarding of this award at the specified time.

Help desk address - http://podvignaroda.mil.ru but the “Feat of the People” portal, created in 2010, is only one of the projects that allows you to find out the fates of loved ones who participated in the Great Patriotic War, trace their military path, and read descriptions of the feats for which they were awarded. Thus, feel the connection of times and generations, realize the history of your family as part of the greater History of your Motherland. Even earlier, in 2007, on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the “Memorial” website was created, containing an electronic data bank about soldiers killed during the war. It was created with the goal of enabling descendants living today to learn about the final resting place of their ancestors - the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, to establish the fate of missing relatives and friends, and, most importantly, to help preserve their memory.

OBD "Memorial" search for those killed in the Great Patriotic War

http://www.obd-memorial.ru- “Memorial is a website of the Ministry of Defense for searching by last name, first name and patronymic of the burial place of a deceased soldier, on which information is searched. The search is also available for a large number of other input data - date and place of birth, date and place of conscription into the army, last place of service, military rank, date of death, country, region and place of burial. The information in the generalized data bank (GDB) contains digital copies of documents from a large number of sources - reports from combat units about irretrievable losses, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, trophy cards of Soviet prisoners of war, burial passports of military personnel, orders for exclusion from lists, exhumation protocols, and other archival documents .

A query to the database provides information about the places of primary burials of soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions. Records of documents for filling the generalized data bank are taken from a large number of state archives, including from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The total number of documents to which access is provided on the site is almost 17 million digital copies. These documents contain information about more than 45 thousand passports of military graves, about 20 million personal records about the losses of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War, and indicate the primary burial places of more than 5 million Soviet soldiers and officers. The response to a database query, in many cases, may contain several documents from different sources, this will allow identification with greater accuracy. Many documents contain information about personalities, in particular, the names and addresses of relatives to whom the funerals were sent.

The portal also has access to data that has been classified for decades, namely about Soviet soldiers and officers who were captured by Germans. Documents are presented indicating the name and number of the prisoner of war camp, which were compiled after the release from captivity. In some cases, documents issued upon request make it possible to establish the place and circumstances of the soldier’s death.

It is possible to search according to the data of military commissariats and military transit points, such as the name of the runway, date of arrival and departure, where you arrived from and place of departure, last place of service, team number and others. Thanks to such a tool, you can learn in more detail about the fate of your warrior ancestor and trace his military path. The site database is constantly updated with new information.

“Memory of the People” is the third project of the Ministry of Defense

https://pamyat-naroda.ru- Launched in May 2015, on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is the largest portal on the Internet containing databases of digital copies of archival documents from the war years. A truly colossal amount of work has been done in creating this site. Without exaggeration, we can say that the site contains almost the entire history of the Great Patriotic War, embodied in documents about personalities and battles.

The portal is based on generalized data banks of the first two projects of the RF Ministry of Defense “Memorial” and “Feat of the People”, which were significantly expanded and new data were added to them. The site's database contains more than 425 thousand copies of documents from armies and fronts. In addition, the site contains copies of original documents on the conduct of 216 military operations.

It is possible to search by many types of input data - the soldier’s last name, first name and patronymic, award certificate number, burial place and others.

A special feature of the project is its visibility, when document data is linked to geographic maps and the chronological scale of military events. On interactive maps you can track the combat routes of Red Army units using more than 6 million document reference points. Also, modern maps show more than 12 million places where Soviet soldiers performed their feats, with detailed descriptions and awards. More than 100 thousand original maps of military operations were superimposed on modern geographical maps. Thanks to this, any user, even those new to history and geography, can clearly see the progress of the war on a global scale. And taking into account the georeferencing of personal data from archival documents to maps, he has the opportunity to trace in detail in space and time the combat path of his warrior ancestor from the place of conscription to the place of the last battle and final refuge or until returning home, for those who remained alive.

Combining all the data in one portal made it possible for people to search for the necessary information themselves and greatly facilitated access to archival documents of the war years. Everything that was previously consigned to oblivion for decades in archival corridors and for some reason classified folders has now become available for everyone to see. This portal is also regularly updated with new data from the archives.

Each of the projects mentioned above has its own focus and objectives. Therefore, when searching for information about relatives and friends who participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, it is better to review all three projects to complete the data collection. Then individual fragments of invaluable archival information will form a complete picture of the military path of the ancestor-soldier.

Emotional entries in award lists, recorded in the first days, or even hours after the battle, are a living view of the commander and colleagues on the hero’s feat. The general picture of the circumstances of the feat is complemented by records of combat logs and operational management documents. These lines are the most eloquent evidence of the fate of soldiers and officers, whose descendants are obliged to remember their feat. Descriptions of battles compiled not by armchair historians, but by direct participants in the events in meager lines of reports allow us to look at the war from a different angle than through the prism of interpretations in history textbooks.

On this page we have collected resources that will help you find a soldier (deceased relative or friend), search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Volunteer project "Archive Battalion"

The volunteer project “Archive Battalion” to restore information about participants in the wars of the 20th century accepts and processes applications to study the combat path of participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Memory of the people

The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

Feat of the people

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique open access information resource, filled with all documents available in military archives about the progress and results of major combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. As of August 8, 2012, the data bank contains information about 12,670,837 awards.

Generalized database "Memorial"

The generalized data bank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The work was done on a large scale: tens of thousands of documents were collected and converted into electronic form, with a total volume of more than 10 million sheets. The personal information contained in them amounted to more than 20 million records.

Immortal Regiment of Russia

The all-Russian public civil-patriotic movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia” collects stories about participants in the Great Patriotic War. The database is updated daily. Here you can not only add your veteran soldier to the all-Russian “piggy bank”, but also search for existing ones.

Electronic book of memory “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”

“Immortal Regiment - Moscow” together with the “My Documents” State Service Centers are collecting information about residents of the capital who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Now there are already more than 193 thousand names in the archive.

“Soldat.ru” - database of those killed in the Second World War

Soldat.ru is the oldest portal on the Russian Internet for establishing the fate of dead and missing military personnel and searching for their loved ones.

"The Winners" - Soldiers of the Great War

With our project we want to thank by name the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War living next to us and talk about their feat. The “Winners” project was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Then we managed to collect lists of more than a million veterans living near us.

The site also contains a stunning interactive and animated map of the fighting of the Great Patriotic War.

Electronic memorial “Remember About”

On the social website “PomniPro”, each registered user can create a memory page, a photo gallery of a deceased loved one, talk about his biography, honor the memory of the deceased, leave words of memory and gratitude. You can also find a deceased relative and friend, search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

The site is conceived as a people's encyclopedia, a virtual Memorial to the fallen participants of the Great War, where everyone can leave their comments on any entry, supplement information about the War Participant with photographs and memories, and turn to other project participants for help. There are about 60,000 project participants. More than 400,000 cards have been registered.

MIPOD "Immortal Regiment"

The site has a large database of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The chronicle is maintained by community members. Now there are more than 400 thousand names in the archive.

Find a soldier. Memo for those who are looking for their heroes

1. Check the data on the OBD Memorial website

When checking data about a person, open the “advanced search” tab and make attempts by typing only the last name, then the last name and first name, then the full data. Also try to check the information by setting the last name parameters, and the first and patronymic parameters only with initials.

2. Send a request to the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The request must be sent to the address: 142100 Moscow region, Podolsk, Kirova St., 74. "Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

Enclose the letter in the envelope, clearly stating the information you have and stating the purpose of the request. Enclose one blank envelope with your home address as the recipient's address.

3. Check the data on the “Feat of the People” website

If you do not have information on awards, you can go to the “Feat of the People” website. In the “People and Awards” tab, enter the information requested.

4. Check parameter information

There are additional ways that can also help you find and identify information about your veteran. The website “Soldat.ru” presents a list of search technologies, we draw your attention to some of them:

  • Database of Internet links to school museums of the Russian Federation, which have exhibitions about the combat routes of units and formations of the Soviet Army
  • How to establish the fate of a serviceman who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War
  • Information on materials held by the International Red Cross Tracing Service
  • Request forms for search, evacuation and search of graves through the Tracing and Information Center of the Russian Red Cross (

You can not only search the site, but also send a request through it.

  • Rosarkhiv archives.ru is an agency that is an executive authority that keeps records of all government documents. Here you can make a request either online or by phone. A sample electronic appeal is available on the website in the “appeals” section, left column on the page. Some services here are provided for a fee; a list of them can be found in the “archive activities” section. With this in mind, be sure to ask whether you will be required to pay for your request.
  • rgavmf.ru is a naval reference book about the destinies and great deeds of our sailors. In the “orders and applications” section there is an email address for processing documents left for storage after 1941.

Answers to any questions

But he missed a lot, did not say about the rear employees who stood at the machine from morning until night, falling dead from exhaustion. I forgot about the sentenced saboteurs, traitors to the motherland, ordinary residents and siege survivors of Leningrad who died in small villages; missing persons. Unfortunately, they can be listed for a long time.

  • Later L.I.

Brezhnev provided different information, he reported 20 million dead.

Today, thanks to the decoding of secret documents and search work, the numbers are becoming real. Thus, you can see the following picture:

  • Combat losses received directly at the front during battles amount to about 8,860,400 people.
  • Non-combat losses (from illnesses, wounds, accidents) - 6,885,100 people.

However, these figures do not yet correspond to complete reality.

About the project “Feat of the People”

How to do it?

  • On the left side of the screen, find the “memory of the people” tab.
  • Indicate his full name.
  • The program will give you the available information: date of birth, awards, scanned documents. Everything that is in the files for a given person.
  • You can set a filter on the right, selecting only the sources you want. But it's better to choose everything.
  • On this site it is possible to look at military operations on a map and the path of the unit in which the hero served.

This is a unique project in its essence.
There is no longer such a volume of data collected and digitized from all existing and available sources: card indexes, electronic memory books, medical battalion documents and command directories. In truth, as long as such programs and the people who provide them exist, the memory of the people will be eternal.

Databases for searching information about WWII participants on the Internet

War, and such a war, is not only the destruction of the enemy at the cost of one’s own life. These are broken families - unborn children. This is a huge loss of the male population, thanks to which it will not soon be possible to restore the balance necessary for good demography. These are diseases, hunger in the post-war years and death from it.

How to find a participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 by last name? There is no better memory for the stars of victory than the desire of the future generation to know how it was. The desire to save information for others, to avoid such repetition.

Find a soldier

Collected and replenished by participants in the all-Russian action “Immortal Regiment” www.dokst.ru - information about those killed in captivity in Germany www.polk.ru - information about Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in the wars of the 20th century (including the pages " The Great Patriotic War" and "Undelivered Awards"). www.pomnite-nas.ru - photographs and descriptions of military graves. www.permgaspi.ru - a database on the website of the Perm State Archive of Contemporary History, which includes basic biographical information on former soldiers of the Red Army (natives of the Perm region or called up for military service from the territory of the Kama region), who were surrounded during the Great Patriotic War and (or) captured by the enemy, and after returning to their homeland they underwent a special state check (filtration).

How to find a WWII participant by last name

  • Requests of a socio-legal nature to the archives
  • Database of Internet links to school museums of the Russian Federation, which have exhibitions about the combat routes of units and formations of the Soviet Army
  • How to establish the fate of a serviceman who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War
  • Information on materials held by the International Red Cross Tracing Service
  • Request forms for search, evacuation and search of graves through the Tracing and Information Center of the Russian Red Cross (download)
  • Questionnaire for the International Red Cross Tracing Service (download)
  • Application form to TsAMO for re-registration of a soldier (download)
  • Application form for TsAMO (download)
  • Medallions of the Red Army and personal identification marks of the Wehrmacht
  • Technology for reading medallions of fallen warriors using a computer

Archive of the Ministry of Defense search by last name of WWII participants

Databases www.podvignaroda.ru - a publicly accessible electronic bank of documents on recipients and awards during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. www.obd-memorial.ru - a generalized data bank about the defenders of the Fatherland, killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period www.pamyat-naroda.ru - a publicly accessible data bank about the fate of participants in the Great Patriotic War. Search for primary burial places and documents about awards, service, victories and hardships on the battlefields www.rkka.ru/ihandbook.htm - those awarded the Order of the Red Banner in the period from 1921 to 1931. www.moypolk.ru - information about participants in the Great Patriotic War, including home front workers - living, dead, dead and missing.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense search by last name of WWII participants where he fought

The implementation of such a project requires the construction of a multi-stage chain of collecting, checking, digitizing paper volumes amounting to millions of sheets, loading data into a powerful search system, and providing global multi-user access to documents. At the same time, all the people involved in its creation feel a special responsibility for the fact that every mistake made in the work can radically change the fate of a particular warrior. All this makes even more valuable the fact that it was in modern Russia that the combined actions of the state, public organizations and scientific and technical firms led to the creation of the Memorial OBD.
The OBD Memorial is a worthy monument to all soldiers who died and went missing in defense of our Motherland and its interests, putting into practice the slogan “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” Work to replenish the data bank continues.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense search by last name of WWII participants

The data for filling the Generalized Data Bank is taken from official archival documents stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and its regional branches, the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland . The main body of documents are reports from combat units about irretrievable losses, other archival documents clarifying losses (funerals, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, captured cards of Soviet prisoners of war, etc.), as well as burial passports of Soviet soldiers and officers. On the website you can find information about the rank of the deceased, the unit in which he served, the date and cause of death (killed, died of wounds, missing) and place of burial.

  • Losses in the Great Patriotic War
  • How to find a participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 by last name?
  • Archive of the Ministry of Defense: search by last name of WWII participants
  • Participants of the Second World War: search by last name, archive and awards
  • WWII awards: search by last name
  • WWII veterans: search by last name
  • Additional sources
  • Video instructions: sites to search for World War II veterans

We have been keeping the memory of the Great War of the 20th century and its heroes for more than 70 years. We pass it on to our children and grandchildren, trying not to lose a single fact or surname. Almost every family was affected by this event; many fathers, brothers, husbands never returned.

Today we can find information about them thanks to the painstaking work of military archives staff and volunteers who devote their free time to searching for soldiers’ graves.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense search by last name of WWII participants awards

Website: obd-memorial.ru “Soldat.ru” - database of those killed in the Second World War Soldat.ru - the oldest portal on the Russian Internet for establishing the fate of dead and missing military personnel and searching for their loved ones. Website: soldat.ru “Winners” - Soldiers of the Great War With our project we want to thank by name the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War living next to us and tell about their feat. The “Winners” project was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Then we managed to collect lists of more than a million veterans living near us.
The site also contains a stunning interactive and animated map of the fighting of the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Patriotic War came at a very high cost to us. The fate of thousands of people remained unclear. The search for the burial places of the fallen soldiers is still ongoing. In order to organize work to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland and put into practice the slogan “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten,” the President of the Russian Federation issued a number of instructions and Decrees.

In accordance with the List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2003 No. pr-698 on the organization of military memorial work in the Russian Federation and Decree dated January 22, 2006 No. 37 “Issues of perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland,” the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation The Federation has created a Generalized Computer Data Bank containing information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War, as well as in the post-war period (OBD Memorial).











Otechestvort.rf, rf-poisk.ru





soldat.ru - a set of reference books for independently searching for information about the fate of military personnel (including a directory of field postal stations of the Red Army in 1941-1945, a directory of the code names of military units (institutions) in 1939-1943, a directory of the location of Red Army hospitals in 1941-1945 years);

www.rkka.ru - a directory of military abbreviations (as well as regulations, manuals, directives, orders and personal documents of wartime).


oldgazette.ru – old newspapers (including those from the war period);

www.rkka.ru – description of military operations of the Second World War, post-war analysis of the events of the Second World War, military memoirs.

Military cards

www.rkka.ru – military topographic maps with the combat situation (by war periods and operations).

Search Engine Websites

www.rf-poisk.ru is the official website of the Russian Search Movement.


www.archives.ru – Federal Archive Agency (Rosarkhiv);

www.rusarchives.ru – industry portal “Archives of Russia”;

archive.mil.ru – Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense;



rgavmf.ru – Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF). The archive stores documents of the Russian Navy (late 17th century - 1940). Naval documentation of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period is stored in the Central Naval Archive (CVMA) in Gatchina, which is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense;

victory.rusarchives.ru – a list of federal and regional archives of Russia (with direct links and descriptions of collections of photo and film documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War).

Partners of the Stars of Victory project

www.mil.ru – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

www.histrf.ru – Russian Military Historical Society.

www.rgo.ru – Russian Geographical Society.

", "Russian Female");" type="button" value="🔊 Listen to the news"/>!}


www.podvignaroda.ru – a publicly accessible electronic bank of documents on recipients and awards during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945;

www.obd-memorial.ru - a generalized data bank about defenders of the Fatherland, those killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period;

www.pamyat-naroda.ru is a publicly accessible data bank about the fate of participants in the Great Patriotic War. Search for places of primary burials and documents about awards, service, victories and hardships on the battlefields;

www.rkka.ru/ihandbook.htm – awarded the Order of the Red Banner in the period from 1921 to 1931;

www.moypolk.ru - information about participants in the Great Patriotic War, including home front workers - living, dead, dead and missing. Collected and replenished by participants in the all-Russian action “Immortal Regiment”;

www.dokst.ru – information about those killed in captivity in Germany;

www.polk.ru – information about Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in action in the wars of the 20th century (including the pages “The Great Patriotic War” and “Undelivered Awards”);

www.pomnite-nas.ru – photographs and descriptions of military graves;

www.permgani.ru – database on the website of the Perm State Archive of Contemporary History. Includes basic biographical information about former servicemen of the Red Army (natives of the Perm region or called up for military service from the territory of the Kama region), who during the Great Patriotic War were surrounded and (or) captured by the enemy, and after returning to their homeland underwent special state inspection (filtration);

Otechestvort.rf, rf-poisk.ru – electronic version of the book “Names from Soldiers’ Medallions”, volumes 1-6. Contains alphabetical information about those killed during the war whose remains, discovered during search operations, were identified;

rf-poisk.ru/page/34 / – books of memory (by regions of Russia, with direct links and annotations);

soldat.ru – books of memory (for individual regions, types of troops, individual units and formations, about those who died in captivity, those who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya);

memento.sebastopol.ua – Crimean virtual necropolis;

memory-book.com.ua – electronic book of memory of Ukraine;

soldat.ru - a set of reference books for independently searching for information about the fate of military personnel (including a directory of field postal stations of the Red Army in 1941-1945, a directory of the code names of military units (institutions) in 1939-1943, a directory of the location of Red Army hospitals in 1941-1945 years);

rgvarchive.ru – Russian State Military Archive (RGVA). The archive stores documents about the military operations of the Red Army units in 1937-1939. near Lake Khasan, on the Khalkhin Gol River, in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. Here are also documents of the border and internal troops of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-MVD of the USSR since 1918; documents of the Main Directorate for Prisoners of War and Internees of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and institutions of its system (GUPVI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR) for the period 1939-1960; personal documents of Soviet military leaders; documents of foreign origin (trophy). On the archive's website you can also find guides and reference books that make working with it easier.

rgaspi.org – Russian State Archive of Socio-Political Information (RGASPI). The period of the Great Patriotic War in RGASPI is represented by documents of an emergency body of state power - the State Defense Committee (GKO, 1941-1945) and the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief;