The virus opens new tabs with advertisements. When you launch the browser, an advertisement opens: what to do?

Quite a few computer users have already encountered a situation where an advertisement opens when they launch the browser. Moreover, the browser has its own start, home page, but all the same, after launching the browser, a page of an unknown site with advertising placed there opens.

There are also situations in which, if several browsers were installed on the user’s computer, then all browsers change their start page. After launching any browser, one specific page of the site with advertising will be opened.

This is an unexpected situation: an unsuspecting user launches his browser, and in the browser window, instead of the home page, a completely different site will open. Typically, such a page contains advertising, which is often not of high quality. The user is forced to buy unnecessary goods or funds, and sometimes games are advertised on such pages.

In order to avoid falling into such situations, it will be possible to use specialized programs that block advertising and filter Internet traffic. One of the best is a program that is designed to block ads, protect personal data, and prevent visiting fraudulent sites. With Adguard, you will be free from annoying pop-up ads or opening dubious sites.

It is possible that many users have already encountered the so-called Ksenia Strizhenko Blog on the Internet. The interesting thing is that this notorious blog has a large number of different URLs, which speaks of the resourcefulness of its creators.

After opening a web page, the user is immediately bombarded with undisguised advertising. Moreover, basically, these are not advertising banners or advertisements, but a special advertising article that anti-advertising applications cannot close.

For this image I chose a more or less decent advertisement.

Very often, after launching the browser, instead of the home page, a page with advertising of not entirely decent content, intended for adults, opens.

For example, a beauty lying in an inviting position. At the same time, the corresponding text advertises products for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

To put it mildly, not everyone will be pleased to see such advertising when launching their browser. It should also be taken into account that, as a rule, more than one person in each family uses a computer. Therefore, so to speak, such advertising can be seen not only by adults, but also by children.

Why is this happening? Situations can be different, in this article we will analyze the simplest case: adding the address of such a “left” web page with advertising to the properties of the browser shortcut.

Changing browser shortcut properties

After installing a program, or after launching an application on your computer, the start pages may change in all browsers that are installed on your computer. After launching any browser, the start page will open, for example, with advertising.

By adding an additional web address to the shortcut properties in this way, no other changes will be made on your computer. Therefore, the antivirus program installed on your computer will not consider such a change in the properties of the browser shortcut to be a virus. Strictly speaking, such an additional web address is not a virus, because it is just a link to the site.

Let's see what the path to the file location looks like using the Internet Explorer browser as an example. The “Application” file of a browser (any) has the extension “.exe” (executable file).

You will need to right-click on the browser shortcut. In the “Browser Properties” window, in the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, you can see the path to the executable file with the “.exe” extension. The browser is launched from this file.

If in the browser shortcut properties you see a file with a different extension (not “exe”), this means that the file has been modified. We will not examine this case now.

In our case, the browser's home page is replaced by adding an additional web address of the site page containing the advertisement to the shortcut properties.

For example, in the Google Chrome browser, the path to the application will look like this:


After adding the address of another page to the shortcut properties, the path to the application looks like this:

C:\Users\Vasiliy\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe https://site/

Here you can see that in the properties of the shortcut, after the file “chrome.. Now after starting the browser, not the start page that was selected in the browser settings will be opened, but this added page. In this case, the home page of my website.

The path to the file will be enclosed in quotes if the browser executable file is located in the “Program Files” folder (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera), or without quotes if the file path is in the “AppData” folder (Google Chrome, Yandex Browser , Amigo).

The browser shortcut can be located not only on the Desktop, but also on the Taskbar. If, after launching the browser from the Taskbar, a page with advertising also opens in it, you will need to temporarily remove the program from the Taskbar.

Removing a link from the browser shortcut properties

This problem can be solved manually by replacing the browser shortcut. In this example, the Google Chrome browser will be used. In other browsers you will need to perform exactly the same steps.

First, right-click on the browser shortcut, and then select “Properties” from the context menu. After this, the “Browser Properties” window will open, in the “Shortcut” tab.

In the “Object:” field, immediately after the path to the application file with the “.exe” extension, you will see an additional link to the site. In most cases, it is not possible to simply delete such a link from this field; the operating system will block the deletion.

Therefore, it will be necessary to do things differently. In the “Shortcut” tab, click on the “File location” button.

After this, a window will open for the folder in which the file is located - the “application” (browser), in our case the file “chrome.exe”.

A browser shortcut will appear on the Desktop, in this case, a Google Chrome browser shortcut. You can open the properties of this shortcut and make sure that there is no longer a “left” link to the site with advertising.

Now you will need to delete the browser shortcut that contains an additional link in its properties. If such a shortcut is pinned to the Taskbar, then also remove this shortcut from there.

Then rename the new shortcut from which you will launch the browser by the name of this browser, and pin the shortcut, if necessary, to the Taskbar. Follow the same algorithm of actions when removing “left” links from the properties of shortcuts in other browsers.

If you regularly visit sites with dubious content or download any programs from there, you can be sure that sooner or later your computer will become infected with malicious software. One day it may happen that after restarting your PC, you will find that the browser has automatically opened along with it, and it immediately opens an incomprehensible link or advertisement. This means that you have become a victim of malware and, naturally, you need to fight it so that your confidential data does not “go away” to someone else.

The essence of the problem

Most often, this happens due to the user’s carelessness and the lack of effective security measures on the computer.

While surfing the web, each of us can become a victim of malware, and it is not always possible to identify them on our own. Most often, they “hide” under the guise of harmless or even useful programs that we download and run. As a result, after launching the executable file, malicious code is activated, which can be written to the system registry, browser settings and startup. Of course, such programs do not show any appearance for the time being, but immediately after turning on your personal computer again, you will see that your browser has also opened, and with it a page with advertising or an unknown search engine. In any case, you need to fight this scourge, since there is a high probability that your confidential data may be compromised (attackers can steal passwords, logins, bank card details, names, etc.).

Reasons for appearance

As for the browser that automatically opens with the computer, most often, in this way, attackers try to increase their own profits by moving the user to advertisers’ sites. On the global network, many services are built on the principle that payment is made by visiting certain pages, and the greater the number of visits, the greater the profit. It also increases the conversion of the site, its indicators for advertisers, and accordingly increases its price. You shouldn’t assume that such software is absolutely safe, because you don’t know what the attacker has planned and implemented in his code. It may have added a feature to automatically send user data. In any case, this problem needs to be dealt with.

What to do when, when you turn on your computer, a browser with a website or advertisement automatically opens

This problem is gaining momentum today, and this is largely due to the fact that antiviruses do not yet recognize this as malware. Of course, you can call a master, but then you will have to pay a good amount for minor work. Therefore, try to do everything yourself, especially since the removal procedure itself usually does not take much time. You can cope with this task in literally one hour.

Cleaning startup

So, first of all, you will need to check your startup settings. Perhaps one of your browsers is located there and therefore runs along with your personal computer. In order to clean “Startup”, you need to do the following:

  • Open the Start menu;
  • In the search bar below write msconfig;

    Launch the msconfig utility

  • After launching the utility, open the “Startup” tab;

    Open the “Startup” tab in the window

  • Uncheck all programs unknown to you and save the changes.
  • These manipulations will not be enough; after a reboot, most likely, the ill-fated window will appear again. Don't worry - everything is going according to plan, and the next step is to clean the registry.

    Cleaning the registry on your computer

    To begin, restart your PC again and when the browser starts, pay your attention to the address bar, namely, to the name of the site that launches first (before the redirect). The thing is that it is the name of the first site that we need. If you don’t have time, then immediately after loading you will be transferred to another one, then restart your PC again and repeat the procedure. By the way, in order not to look in a hurry or reboot your desktop computer several times, you can simply disconnect it from the Internet network. In this case, the browser will open again, but redirection will not occur, and you will see the site that we need. Next, you have to work with the registry itself:

  • Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard;
  • In the window that appears, specify the regedit command and click “Ok”;

    Launching the registry editor

  • In the open Registry Editor, select the HKEY_USERS folder;

    Select the HKEY_USERS folder

  • Press the Ctrl + F key combination on your keyboard and enter the name of the site mentioned above (basady in the example);

    Start searching for the desired phrase

  • Found files must be deleted via the context menu.

    Removing found fragments

    We delete all basady in the registry

  • To make sure you are not mistaken about what you are deleting, take a look at the “Value” item in the table provided. Pay attention to the address and if the site name you are looking for is indicated there, then feel free to click on the “Delete” button. Repeat the search until the search phrase no longer appears in the results.

    For simplicity, you can use special software that analyzes and cleans the system registry. For example, use CCleaner or AdwCleaner. They are quite easy to use, so no one should have any problems working with them. Let's look at an example of how CCleaner works:

  • Launch the program;
  • In the menu on the left, select “Registry”;

    Cleaning the registry with CCleaner

  • Start scanning using the “Search for problems” button;

    We look at the search results and click “Correct”

  • Upon completion of the procedure, click on the “Correct marked” button.

    We confirm that the problems found in the registry have been corrected

  • If nothing has changed after rebooting, then you should check your computer with an antivirus.

    Antivirus scan

    Like any other malware, it also leaves traces, although it successfully masks them. In some cases, files or folders may be found that again and again restore deleted data in the registry. The best thing to do is use your antivirus and check your computer. Let's look at the example of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool:

  • Open the antivirus window and click on the “Start scanning” button;

    Click on the “Start checking” button

  • We wait until the procedure is completed and look at the list of errors found;

    Checking your computer with an antivirus

    We look at the scan results and remove unnecessary fragments

  • Select the “Delete” action for those files that are advertising and click the “Continue” button.
  • Complete the procedure and restart your PC.
  • After a reboot, the device may begin rescanning. As a rule, it lasts a little longer, but also shows better results. If other advertising files are found, repeat the removal procedure.

    Removing a page from the browser

    Often, malware stores information about itself in the browser settings. It is for this reason that when you launch, an unnecessary page of some search engine or third-party site may appear. All this information can be deleted and returned to its previous form with your own hands, and you don’t have to worry that you will somehow manage to harm your computer.

    First of all, you will need to work with the browser shortcut, since sites often register themselves in the properties. To do this you should:

  • Right-click on the browser shortcut;
  • Open "Properties";

    Open browser properties

  • Go to the “Shortcut” tab.

    In properties go to the “Shortcut” tab

  • Pay attention to the “Object” field; if there is any additional information indicated there after Application\chrome.exe, then feel free to delete it. Also pay attention to the “Shared Folder” section, where there should also be no values ​​after the word Application. For best results, do the following:

  • Launch "Control Panel";

    Open the “Control Panel”

  • Select the Internet Options option;

    Launch "Internet Options"

  • A network settings window will appear, where we are interested in the “General” tab;

    Changing the home page

  • The “Home Page” section may indicate the address of the site that interests us;
  • Delete it and save all changes.
  • After this, most likely, when you start the PC, the browser will no longer be activated, but some data from the embedded code may still remain. You can only get rid of them if you manually change the settings inside the web browsers themselves.

    If you use Yandex.Browser:

  • Click on the image of three lines at the top of the window and open “Settings”;

    Open “Settings” in Yandex Browser

  • Find the "Search" section and select the search engine you need.

    Changing the search engine

  • If you are using Google Chrome:

  • Find the image of three dots at the top of the window and select “Settings” from the menu;

    Settings in Chrome

  • In the “Open at startup” section, click on the “Add” button and remove addresses unknown to you, and then change the parameter itself to the “New Tab” position;

    Change launch options to “New Tab”

  • In the “Search” section, specify the search engine you need. It is advisable to remove all unknown website addresses, which can be done using the “Configure search engines” button.

    Changing the search engine in the browser

  • If you are using the Opera web browser:

  • Press the "Menu" button;
  • Select the Settings and General Settings option;

    Open “General Settings”

  • Select the “Advanced” tab and “Content” in the left menu;

    Removing unnecessary scripts in the content

  • Click “Customize JavaScript” and remove all addresses unknown to you;
  • Select "Cookies" and clear them completely.

    Delete Cookies

  • If you are using Internet Explorer:

  • Find the "Tools" button and select "Add-ons";

    Select “Add-ons”

  • In the “Toolbar and Extensions”, disable resources unknown to you;

    Changing data in the toolbar and extensions

  • In the “Search Service” do the same and save the changes.
  • Probably every user has encountered the fact that when his computer starts, it automatically loads a browser in which strange links open. There are also often cases when blocks of an obscene nature or containing spam appear on social networks or on the pages of websites with decent content. What does this mean and how dangerous is this for your computer?

    Advertising on the Internet - what is it like?

    1. which appears in certain places on the site designed specifically for the location of such advertising. It practically does not interfere and can be blocked by special extensions - anti-banners.
    2. Blocks with advertisements that appear where they should not be. Advertising is not blocked by extensions and when you try to close the block manually, a new tab with advertising opens.
    3. Ads that appear in new tabs when you launch the browser.

    The second and third greatly irritate users, since they appear where they should not be and it is difficult to deal with them - by closing the tab, you cannot protect yourself from it not appearing again. Why does this happen and how can I make sure that people don’t open with ads anymore?

    The reason is a virus!

    Undoubtedly, many users, when they constantly open tabs with advertising, scan their computer for viruses and check startup. Most often, in such cases, the antivirus program does not detect anything, and there is nothing suspicious or unnecessary in startups. But the problem with the appearance of new tabs exists and does not disappear. If the antivirus program does not find any problems, then there are no viruses, but what is it then?

    In fact, this is the result of the presence of a kind of “pest”. Antivirus programs do not see it because it is registered directly in the browser.

    It can appear in different ways. Sometimes tabs with advertisements open after installing software from a suspicious developer. The installation files of such software may contain other elements, so it is very important when installing such programs to pay attention to the entire process and notice that in addition to the necessary programs, it is proposed to install and uncheck the appropriate boxes in time.

    How to get rid of intrusive advertising?

    If advertisements started appearing after you installed software from an unverified developer, it would be logical to simply remove the program and all the items that were installed with it. But, as practice shows, this does not solve the problem, and tabs with advertising still open. You can resolve the issue in the following ways:

    • change the properties of the web browser shortcut;
    • use the appropriate utilities.

    Browser shortcut settings and changing them

    The information is relevant for various browsers: Google Chrome, Mazila, Safari, Opera. An advertising tab opens because the browser shortcut properties have been changed. The antivirus will not be able to detect this, so you will have to check and correct everything manually.

    You can check whether this is the reason for the appearance of new tabs in the following way:

    1. Find the browser shortcut on your desktop.
    2. Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties".
    3. In the window that appears, pay attention to the “Object” line - the path to the browser should be written there. If after the browser name there should be *.exe) there is an address of any site, then the problem is in changing the shortcut parameters.

    Simply deleting what is written after the browser location in the “Object” line will not work - the operating system blocks such edits. But there is a solution. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Open file location. In the shortcut properties there is a "File location" button, it will help you quickly go to the desired location.
    2. In the list that opens, find the file “Internet Browser Application”.
    3. Select it and right-click the context menu.
    4. In the context menu, find “Send” => “Desktop” (create a shortcut).
    5. Remove the old shortcut from the desktop.
    6. After these steps, check the properties of the new shortcut. The object string must end with the name of the browser with the application extension.

    Note: If the old shortcut was pinned to the taskbar, remove it from there and pin the new shortcut.

    After performing these steps, the browser opens its start page after launch.

    Utilities to combat advertising in new tabs

    In order not to do all the identification work manually, special utilities are used. These programs can find what your antivirus program missed and fix the problem that causes tabs to open with ads.

    In order to check the computer, install the program and then start scanning. There are free versions of such utilities and paid ones with a trial period. One such free program is Malwarebytes Antimalware. It is easy to use and does not conflict with antiviruses.

    No matter how good the utilities are, they are not always able to solve such problems, and therefore you have to do everything manually yourself. Sometimes you even need to remove all browsers and install them again.

    By the way, reinstalling the web browser does not always help. Why does a tab with advertising open after reinstallation? Most likely, during uninstallation, hidden folders in which viruses were stored were not deleted. You can find them at the address “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\”, as well as “C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\”.

    How to protect yourself from such problems

    Certain prevention reduces the risk of difficulties that result in opening tabs with advertising. First of all, you need to pay attention to the antivirus that is installed on your computer. Ideally, this should be a licensed version with the latest updates. Secondly, you should not download and install software from unverified developers. If there is no other way out, monitor the installation process and prevent the installation of unnecessary objects.

    Timely scanning and prevention is the best protection for your computer against malware.

    There may be several reasons for the situation when the browser opens on its own with advertising:

    1. You have installed a web browser extension that displays unwanted advertisements.
    2. You visit gaming or entertainment sites that are unsafe. From such a site you can get installation of harmful software.
    3. An advertising virus has been downloaded to your computer – adware/

    Dealing with the problem is not that difficult.

    Task Scheduler

    This is a service in Windows 10 that allows you to delete unnecessary tasks. Are you tired of ads automatically opening in your browser in a new tab, and you're wondering how to remove them? Let's take it step by step:

    We told you what to do if pages with advertisements open in your browser. There is another way to get rid of this trouble.

    Uninstalling software

    What should I do if, when I start my computer, a browser with advertisements opens on its own? You need to remove unnecessary software.

    AdwCleaner program

    This software is designed to combat ad viruses. It doesn’t see everything else, so it’s not a replacement for a full-fledged antivirus. Download it from the link ( and install it.

    It is good because it cleans the registry, carefully removing all traces of adware.

    Click the Scan button and everything will be done.

    Browser shortcuts

    Sometimes a virus attributes itself directly to the launch of a program. Check it out. Find the shortcut on your desktop. For example, Chrome. Right-click on it and select "Properties".

    Check that nothing else is specified after the startup file.

    If you find anything other than quotation marks, delete it. Tabs or windows with advertisements will no longer open.

    Protection in Yandex browser

    If you use this software, then you can take advantage of the special Adguard function. Click on the menu and select add-ons.

    In the “Security” section, check that Adguard is activated.

    After this, unwanted messages will be blocked automatically and will no longer be opened.

    Advertising on the Internet has an ambiguous position. On the one hand, they allow you to attract an audience, earn money or promote your product. For beginning manufacturers, advertising on the Internet can become a “starting point.” But on the other hand, constantly seeing inappropriate pop-up banners that interfere with browsing pages is quite unpleasant, especially if their number is much more than necessary. Sometimes it gets to the point that advertising takes up 70% of the free space.

    How to deal with this? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, because developers regularly release software to combat advertising, and anti-virus tools are becoming more and more developed.

    How to remove pop-up tabs with ads by removing malware and extensions

    • First of all, go to the control panel and open “Uninstall programs”.
    • Right-click on the empty space next to the program, select “Sorting” – “Installed”. Thus, the programs will be ordered by installation date, which means it will be much easier to identify the problem, since knowing when multiple advertising banners appeared, it is enough to analyze the applications installed on that date.
    • Pay attention to the applications of social steppes: Vkontakte, Youtube,, Odnoklassniki. Programs with the following names in their names: protect, search, helper, web, amigo can be potentially malicious.
    • Let's go to the menu.
    • “Additional tools.”
    • “Extensions”.

    • A whole list of extensions will appear in front of you; remove those that you have not personally installed.
    • Likewise in Opera and Mozilla.

    • We return to the “Menu”.
    • “History”, “Clear history”.
    • We highlight everything except media licenses.

    How to remove tabs with advertising - check the browser for redirecting links

    In this case:

    • Right-click on the browser shortcut.
    • Go to “Properties”.
    • If instead of the .exe extension there is a .url (as in the screenshot), manually change it to .exe.
    • Click “Apply”

    How to remove pop-up tabs with advertising using additional software

    Adblock Plus

    The most popular browser extension, which is already successfully used by more than 50 million people. . To clear the page from advertising, you only need to install the extension, it will start working instantly, you don’t even need to restart the browser.

    • Go to your browser's extension store. For all browsers, the path is approximately the same: “menu”, “additional tools”, “extensions”.
    • Click on “more extensions” or “store”.
    • In the search, enter “Adblock plus”.
    • Click the “install” button.

    • Done, the application will be added and activated immediately.


    Unlike Adblock, Adguard is a full-fledged program that has anti-banner, anti-phishing and parental control functions. Available on the official website at

    After installation, the program is completely ready to work at the network level. Simply put, it is more effective than browser extensions due to increased functionality and the absence of restrictions imposed by browsers.

    The program includes in its functionality:

    • Anti-banner – blocking pop-up ads.
    • Anti-phishing – protecting your computer from viruses, malicious advertising and fraudulent applications.
    • Parental Controls – sets restrictions on unsafe and adult sites.

    Thus, before trying to eliminate annoying ads and pop-up banners, you need to determine its source and only then act based on it and the instructions provided.

    Do not forget about online safety, do not download unverified programs and do not visit dubious sites.