A virus that comes through Skype. Where does my Skype virus come from? How to stop the spread of a virus to Skype contacts

Skype has undoubtedly gained widespread popularity. At the same time, virus creators also paid attention to it. Recently, most users have heard about different viruses on Skype. Has anyone personally experienced this? In this article, we’ll look at how to protect your computer from a virus on Skype and what you generally need to know about it.

Here is an example of one message that contains a virus:

Remember that messages sent by a virus via Skype may have different text. Therefore, it is important to know the principles of behavior in such situations, which we will consider.

How do you know if there is a virus on Skype? Pay attention to the address you are asked to go to. It doesn't contain any meaning. All high-quality websites have clear site page addresses. This is the first thing you need to know.

If you click on the suggested address on Skype, you will not see any photo. Just download the file to your computer, it will be a virus. By clicking on it, you will launch the virus on your computer and now it will send similar messages to everyone who is listed in your contacts on Skype. Of course, if you have installed high-quality antivirus, then he will not allow this, as he will detect a virus. Unfortunately, for many users everything goes differently. This virus infects your computer and forwards the same messages to everyone in your contacts, without your consent. You won't even know about it. It will do this until you clear your computer of the virus. (How to remove the virus will be discussed at the end of the article.) What other consequences could there be? There is no specific answer to this question. Your passwords can be stolen (for example, email passwords, passwords for logging into sites such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.) and much more, until the attacker gains the ability to control your computer.

Protection methods:

1. Having received such a message, carefully look at its address. If you have any doubts, ask the sender if he sent you a message. If he didn’t send anything, then it’s 99.9% that it’s a virus on Skype. Under no circumstances click on the links contained in the message.

2. Make backup copies of your system in advance (System Backup and Restore).

3. There may be no point in doing this backup copy entire system, you can save all the settings and bookmarks of your browser from time to time (Google Chrome - how to save settings and bookmarks? and How to save Express panel settings, bookmarks, passwords in Opera).

4. Create a virtual Windows and use it.

5. If you do not have an antivirus installed, install it. If your computer is infected with a virus while installed antivirus, think about replacing your antivirus with another, better one.

It is not at all necessary to use all of the above protection methods. Choose the ones that suit you best and use them.

How to remove a virus

If your computer is infected with a virus, follow these steps: full check your computer free utility Dr.Web CureIt. You can learn how to use it from the article: “Editing the registry is prohibited” - what to do? Dr.Web CureIt should find and remove the virus from your computer.

Today we’ll look at the topic of how to remove a virus on Skype. Surely, you have witnessed such an unpleasant phenomenon. Viruses got into Skype, and therefore onto the computer. They reproduce at an incredible rate.

How can you tell if your Skype is infected?

  • You have noticed that your computer is taking longer to boot.
  • Some programs began to work incorrectly.
  • Windows writes that some program has stopped working or is not responding, know that this is a signal to check your computer for viruses.

How to do this effectively, read my previous article . Today we will look at how to remove a virus in Skype.

I think everyone received messages like “open this photo…. Or “look at this photo.” It is clear that we are interested, and we begin to open this file. But it takes a long time to load or does not open at all. And then duplicates of these messages begin to arrive. They come with lightning speed. You are in a panic. What should you do in this case?

Then... We scan the computer.

Some webmasters advise removing Skype program and then scan your computer for viruses. I personally don't recommend doing this.

Firstly, not everyone knows where to look for this program. And then it will still not be completely removed from you. Well, again you need to have enough knowledge. My advice is to clean your computer with a utility from Dr. Web.

Skype is one of the most convenient tools for communication, which is used by many people. Through this means of communication, files are transferred, correspondence, and possibly important data are stored in it. All this may be of interest to attackers, and as practice has shown, this program has already been hacked.

Viruses in Skype probably appeared immediately after the release of this program, but they were not detected immediately. In 2012, a “cunning” virus appeared that infected great amount programs by sending messages to contact sheet. After one program was hacked, a message was transmitted to all friends, and their Skype was also infected.

Skype Security

A lot of time has passed since the virus was released, but not everyone knows that their Skype may be infected. In the virus we talked about above, all users received the message “This is new avatar your profile?”, this message was also accompanied by a link, clicking on which infected the program.

This virus has already been modified, so it is possible that you received other messages from which you followed the link and received the virus.

What to do if Skype is infected with a virus?

Removing a virus from this program is quite simple. To get started, go to your Skype settings and select the “Advanced” tab:

After that, go to advanced settings and proceed to controlling access to other programs. A window opens here that will display programs that use Skype:

Select each of them and delete. By these steps, you will remove the virus from the program, but it will still remain on your computer. To remove it, go to your downloads folder (where you save downloaded files) and delete all suspicious files. In addition, go to the folder C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming (the path may be different, the drive and username may be different). After the transition, delete all .exe files.

The final step is to go to the ProgramData folder, where you also need to delete questionable .exe files. By following these steps, you will completely remove the malware from Skype and next time be more careful when clicking on links. We also advise you to promptly update Skype along with the antivirus databases.

Friends, I greet you! Today we’ll talk about a problem that is pressing for many: a virus on Skype. Lately many have become infected with a virus that sends mail on your behalf. I'll show you how to get rid of it. And if you want to know all the tricks of the computer, then download this tutorial as well.

First we need to warn those who have not yet caught it. Probably everyone has already seen mailing messages with only one link with the baidu domain. People began to think that this is it skype virus baidu, yes, a virus is transmitted using this link. Look carefully, at the end of it Skype login the person who received the message. If you clicked on such links, then check your Skype right now, read below how this is done.

To avoid falling for hackers, you need to be more careful. Do not click on unfamiliar links if you do not know how to remove a virus from Skype. And it’s better to never click on links until you communicate with the person, at least by correspondence.

After clicking on the link with the virus, it is instantly downloaded to your computer without your knowledge and begins to control your Skype. Even changing your password will not help you, the virus is already in the folder with Skype files and controls through your login and makes mailings on Skype with both the virus and affiliate programs.

I'll tell you how to remove a virus on Skype. Watch carefully how this is done, I will take screenshots from my screen. For me personally, it’s even more convenient to learn something from an article than from a video.

Here you can always look again at any place where you didn’t understand something. And if you watch a video, you have to rewind, you don’t get to the right place right away, and you waste a lot of time.

And so, let's start removing the virus. First you need to go to the “tools” tab. In the menu that appears, click the “settings” button.

A second Skype window will open, with a settings menu on the left. In this menu, click on the most bottom button"additionally". In the pictures I circle all the necessary buttons in red.

In the window that opens at the very bottom in blue letters it says “Control access of other programs to Skype” - click here to see the virus in Skype.

A third window will open in front of you and there should be an empty field in it. If you have nothing in this window, then there are no viruses of any kind. But if there is something there, then this is the very virus that needs to be removed without hesitation.

Just click on the “delete” button and that’s it. If it is not deleted, then it happens that it begins to request access to Skype. Click to deny access and hover over the program name, I show it on the screenshot. After you hover the cursor, you will see the path where the file with the virus is located. Now be sure to sign out of Skype to log out.

Find it on your computer and delete it manually, if this does not work, then drag it to drive D, from there it will not reach your Skype and will not send mailings.

If suddenly you cannot do any of this with this virus, then there is another option. Click on the name of the virus and rename it in the window that opens. Most likely this will help and it won't work. In any case, you know where the virus is located and which file needs to be deleted from your computer. And to know all the tricks of the computer, you can learn at this rate, you can also give it to your loved ones for the upcoming Christmas holidays.

Skype is becoming increasingly infected with viruses. Malicious “worms” are taken under the guise of some messages with links to various computer programs, including Skype, and are also able to successfully steal passwords. Therefore, you should be careful and not click on dubious links.

Skype can be hacked or infected even during installation if it is downloaded from a site that distributes malicious software. Therefore, you need to download Skype only from the developer’s official website (skype.com). Moreover, the program is offered in free access.
Recently, I myself was faced with the fact that I received a suspicious message from a friend who is in my Skype contacts. I soon realized that my friend had “successfully” caught a virus in Skype, which sent a message to me.

Messages with an insidious virus

Messages that contain malware, can be of various kinds. For example, an attack by a similar virus began with the message “Is this the new avatar of your profile?” Then the wording became: “Look at this photo,” “In this photo he looks like Putin,” and now you can also find this: “Tough! How could you get burned like that?” There is a link next to the message. It can be either incomprehensible or quite logical, similar to a normal link that you want to go to.

What to do if Skype is infected with a virus?

First of all, you need to pause the virus and disable its ability to publish information using other programs. To do this, follow the instructions:

You need to get rid of this inscription by clicking the Delete button. The window must be clean, that is, not have any entries.

What programs should I use to check Skype for viruses and remove them?

You can use the VBA32 AntiRootkit utility. After downloading and launching it, a window will open in which you will need to click the No button and wait for the program to load. From the Tools menu, select LowLevel DiskAccessTool. A window will open in which the path to the %AppData% folder will be specified. On the right in the program you will see malicious file, which may have a completely meaningless name. Clicking on this file right key mouse, select from context menu Delete. Then you should confirm this action, exit the utility and restart the computer.

Advice! Before rebooting, it is best to check your computer for viruses using Kaspersky Anti-Virus or Dr.Web.

But many viruses are not detected by the ones we are used to antivirus programs. Therefore, to scan Skype and remove viruses in it, you can use Malwarebytes program Anyi-Malware. To scan your computer, this program can be downloaded for free from the official website (malwarebytes.org).

Launch the program and go to Settings. In the window that opens, uncheck three boxes.

Then go to the Scanner tab and select Full Scan.

This way the program will check your computer for viruses and remove them. After execution this process You should restart your computer and also change your Skype password. I recommend changing passwords in other programs, for example, email.

This is how you can get rid of a malicious worm. And may your computer always be healthy!