Video on Android devices: useful tips, possible problems and their solutions. Android is slow: what to do? General recommendations and troubleshooting tips

I’ll say right away that I have a SONY Xperia SP on Android 4.3, but the recipe for the brakes can help owners of other phones.

A little about the brakes

I bought my phone at the end of 2013, and although it is already old by the standards of the phone market, I am quite happy with it.

But not everything is so good, the phone starts to slow down a lot over time. And sometimes, just to make a call, you have to watch the strongest lags for 10-15 seconds. There are times when it is easier to reboot the phone than to wait.

Cleaning your phone and Hard Reset

I already wrote as much as possible, you can start with this, but such cleaning did not help my phone.

I also wrote how to do it, but after completely resetting the phone need to be reconfigured and reinstall the necessary applications.

And then when the lags became so bad that it was necessary to do a Hard Reset again, I decided to disable applications which take up the most memory. And I saw that my Android stopped slowing down, at least it started working normally.

Disabling Google Search

Turning off the Google Search service helped me; the phone started working just fine, the lags are gone at all! I don’t know the problem is in the SONY firmware or in the Google search itself, but this really helped.

What do we have to lose?

Disabling the Google service means it will stop working voice search And Google Now, of course, these are convenient applications, but it’s better without them than with brakes. There is no way to disconnect will not affect regular search in Google Chrome browser, only voice input and voice search will stop working!

Disconnection instructions

If you have made a decision and are ready to disable Google search, then take these steps:

Go to Settings - Applications, for me the “Downloaded” tab opens by default, on other phones the order may be different, look for the “All” tab (scroll to the right)

To make it easier to search, we sort applications by size and look for an application with the name "Google Search"(may be called “Google Search”) and click on it. Here we have it stop, turn off, additionally erase data And clear cache.

Before checking, I recommend restarting your phone.

What if the phone is still slow?

Disabling search helped remove the brakes on my phone. If disabling search does not solve the problem try disabling other "fat" applications.

Write in the comments whether disabling search helped or not?

Having particularly power hungry apps running in the background can really cause a significant drop in performance and battery life. All sorts of widgets on the desktop that update news or weather, background synchronization and push notifications can prevent your gadget from sleeping peacefully or cause noticeable lags from time to time when working in another application. It is usually quite difficult to figure out which program is the cause.


To find out which apps are causing the problem, try using Wakelock Detector. After installing the program, charge your gadget to more than 90%, then disconnect the device from charging and let the program collect battery and processor usage statistics for 1-2 hours.

After that, open Wakelock Detector and you can see the statistics of all your running applications. The apps at the top of the list are the biggest consumers of the device's resources.

2. Background programs

If you have applications that cause a drop in Android performance, then you have the opportunity to delve into their settings and disable some of their functions or, for example, set a longer synchronization period, and so on. Another option is to freeze the application, which is close to deleting and is not suitable if you want to use the program occasionally.

However, there is a third way.


You can put the application into deep sleep. Sleeping programs will wake up and perform their functions as usual when you click on the icon. To use this method, try Greenify (required).

After installing the program, click the + button and you will be redirected to the page App Analyzer. For applications listed in sections Running in background And May slow down the device when… special attention needs to be paid as these are potential brake culprits. Select the ones you want to euthanize and click Accept in the top right corner to send them to sleep.

3. Not enough space

Some devices suffer from low storage space and begin to perform horribly once the device's storage capacity is 80% or more full. If your smartphone is showing these signs of slowdown, then now may be the time to do some spring cleaning. Keep in mind that files you delete may actually still be recoverable as long as you don't create empty files to replace them.


The famous one will help you clear your device of digital junk. The application has been downloaded from Google Play more than 500 million times, and therefore there is no reason to doubt its effectiveness.

After installing and launching the utility, you will see a program window, in the upper part of which information about the amount of free space on the device and SD card is displayed, and in the lower part there are the main functional buttons. With their help, you can remove everything unnecessary from your mobile phone literally in one tap.

However, recently users have been complaining about Clean Master being somewhat overloaded and heavy, and if you observe similar symptoms when using this application, then pay attention to

Hello, dear readers! Surely many of you are owners of Android tablets. Such devices please with their performance after purchase, but over time, many users complain about the deterioration of this parameter.

If your Android tablet slows down, what should you do? How to restore the device to its former power?

Reasons for braking

There are only two options: the hardware has failed or a software failure has occurred. The latter happens more often, but first you need to rule out a hardware failure.

Hardware problems

Observe whether the device gets hot during prolonged use. If the answer is yes, then the processor or video card is overheating, which is why it freezes.

The only option for you is to give your tablet a rest after hard work.

It happens that it may turn off after loading some powerful program. In this case, it is recommended to take it to a service center for cleaning of the cooling systems.

An impact can cause braking. Impact damage can cause problems with the screen, which many regard as braking.

Neither the owners of Prestigio gadgets nor any other ones are insured against mechanical influences. In this case, you need to send the device to a service center for repair.

Connectable devices

Sometimes USB drives, keyboards, mice and modems cause problems with Android. This happens when the gadget is poorly assembled. Try disabling them and check the speed. It is also recommended to remove the memory card and SIM card.

If the performance improves, insert external devices one by one to identify which one is causing the glitches.

Software glitch

Despite the development of ever newer versions of the Android operating system, it has drawbacks. So what should you pay attention to? Let's find out!

OS update

Updates for the OS are constantly coming out. They fix detected bugs and glitches. If there is no automatic update, open the settings yourself and update the system.

Background applications

If the OS is updated and was fine before, the problem may be hidden in clogged memory. Go to settings, select “Applications”, then “Running” and disable those that you do not need.

This method allows you to clear the RAM, which is responsible for the stable operation of the gadget. If you notice improvements, you can forcefully remove unused programs. Pay special attention to RAM gobblers.

As you can see, a lack of memory can significantly affect the performance of the gadget. This applies to both powerful Asus tablets and all others.

To avoid this, you need to defragment it more often, scan the device for incorrectly installed or incompatible applications, or viruses.

Frequent installation and removal of applications and programs fragments files. As a result, the tablet starts to slow down during hard work.

Safe mode

If you can't remove apps, go to safe mode. It will only display system services. You need to hold down the power button and volume rocker until the corresponding menu appears.

Then confirm the operation, remove conflicting applications and simply reboot the gadget.

Service software

If the tablet is very slow, download service applications to scan the device and clear the memory of debris. There are many free utilities that will scan, clean and provide a report and recommendations, such as CleanMaster.

Also check your device for viruses. Any free antivirus program will help with this.


If all else fails, restore factory settings. In the settings we find the item “Backup and reset”, then “Reset settings”.

Item “Reset settings”

Attention! Restoring factory settings involves deleting personal information, personal settings, and installed applications without the possibility of recovery.

Therefore, first save the necessary information on another device.

If this measure did not help, perhaps the firmware itself is buggy. In this case, you will need to reflash the tablet.

Problems with Samsung tablets

All of the above measures can also be used if you have a Samsung Tab 2 or 3. But there are two types of factory reset: software and hardware.

The first one allows you to select deletion options. Information is deleted both from the internal memory and from the card.

A hard reset is performed through a special menu, after which contacts, SMS messages, games and applications may remain.

How to perform a soft reset:

  • enter the menu, find the “Settings” item;
  • “Accounts” or “Personal Information”;
  • “Restore and reset” or “Backup and reset”;
  • “Reset settings” or “Reset data”;
  • "Delete everything".

After this, your Samsung Tab 3 or 2 tablet will permanently delete all existing information and return the gadget to its factory state.

How to do a hard reset:

  • hold down the volume and power buttons or hold down the home screen, power and volume keys;
  • in the menu that appears, select the item “Wipedata/Factoryreset” (move through the items using the volume button);
  • then agree to the reset by clicking “Rebootnow”.

After this, the Samsung tablet will either reboot itself, resetting the settings, or the recovery menu will appear, where you must act on the above points.

Power deficit

Finally, I would like to mention the characteristics of Android tablets. Happy owners of such devices happily download and install many necessary and not so necessary utilities, without thinking about the power of their device.

Glitches can occur with a large number of programs that load automatically and run in the background. Utilities that require certain performance characteristics may also be the culprits. So, before downloading any software or game, carefully study the performance of your gadget.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the longer the device hangs, the faster it will fail. If you do not understand the intricacies listed above, it is better to contact a service center.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your tablets and share what you find on social media!

A phone that has just been taken out of the box will work quickly and cope with complex tasks, but over time there will be no trace of its former speed.

The interface becomes glitchy and programs take a very long time to launch. It often happens that even the simplest applications begin to slow down. So let's figure out how to deal with this problem!

Applications and games

Please note that each mobile phone is sold with the most current operating system at that time, which most closely matches the current characteristics of the smartphone.

Yes, some manufacturers do make regular updates for their gadgets, but not all of them, and support usually lasts no more than two years for budget models.

Even if you received updates, it is not a fact that the phone will work as fast as when you bought it.

This issue affects games and applications. Developers release updates optimized for new devices. At the same time, on older models the game may also become unstable.

There are two options to solve this problem:

  • you just need to make a choice between application speed and functionality. If your smartphone is not a flagship or very powerful, we strongly advise you not to update many applications. The functionality will not be the same as after the update, but the speed will remain the same;
  • It would also be a good option to install upgraded, lightweight firmware. Although this is a little, it will increase the speed of operation of both the system in general and individual software.

Video: Troubleshooting all problems

Background applications

The presence of many applications running in the background is the most common reason why Android starts to slow down. If you hide many applications in the background, then you can’t count on stable operation of your Android device, since the system will spend a lot of resources on maintaining the functionality of these applications.

The solution to the problem is very simple. You just need to delete applications running in the background, or at least disable them in the phone settings.

It is also interesting that starting with Android 4.1, the system is able to independently distribute resources to applications, as well as close programs running in the background.

By the way, you can set a limit on background processes yourself, but only if your phone’s Android version is 4.1 and higher. How to do it? It's simple.

Follow these steps:

I would also like to note the fact that there are no viruses for the Android operating system, therefore there is no need for an antivirus. It will simply eat up RAM in the background, without bringing any benefit.


Smartphone manufacturers do not recommend crowding your smartphone desktop with various kinds of widgets, since each of them requires resources to operate. If you use everything on your phone, its performance will slow down significantly, especially if you play demanding games.

When deleting most of the widgets, desktops are freed up; if possible, it is better to delete them.

Cluttered system

By the way, perhaps Android is slowing down due to the fact that the file system is heavily clogged with unnecessary files. This is inevitable, and the longer the system is not cleaned, the more dirty the system becomes, the more glitchy the phone becomes.

What files are clogging the system? There are many of them, namely:

Most of all, cache files clutter up memory. They are stored both on the memory card and in the internal memory of the phone. They are needed in order to save traffic and load pages that require Internet access faster.

The files seem to be useful, but they still need to be cleaned. How to do it? There are several options. The best way is to download a special application from Google Play.

Here are the best:

Lack of free space

If the phone slows down very much, then the reason may be a lack of free space. The phone's built-in storage is designed in such a way that if it is filled to capacity, the phone can start to become very glitchy.

If the internal memory of the device is full, then you need to clear it, at least 30% should be free.

  • transfer all data to a memory card;
  • transfer applications to a memory card;
  • Use the above apps to clean up trash.

Lack of support for TRIM technology

TRIM technology first appeared in Andrid4.3. It allows the smartphone to operate smoothly and stably even several years after purchase. It’s a shame, of course, that it wasn’t introduced earlier.

The main reason for the slowdown over time is that almost all phones have SSD drives installed, so each cell has a very limited recording resource.

Even if you delete files, the memory controller will think until the last minute that they are there. The more times the files are rewritten, the more cells are occupied, the more the controller has to work, the slower it starts to work.

TRIM technology helps by resetting the controller data every 24 hours and forgetting what has already been deleted. The memory controller will be informed that certain data is no longer needed because it has been deleted.

It is also worth noting the fact that the TRIM function will only work on good, high-quality controllers; accordingly, the most budget models and cheap copies will not support it. This should definitely be taken into account.

If your operating system version is lower than 4.3, we recommend trying the LagFix application. There are many positive reviews about it on the Internet.

Android slows down after update

If you decide to update your smartphone, and after the update it starts to slow down, we recommend resetting your phone to factory settings. Most likely this action will help solve the problem. If not, then you will have to reflash your smartphone.

The matter is complicated, it is better to trust the professionals, since one wrong move, and your favorite smartphone will turn into a useless brick, unless you can sell it for parts.

As for resetting the settings, everything is simple, you need to do the following:

If you have important data on your phone, don’t forget to either reset it to another drive or make a backup copy for recovery in advance.