Quality verification. Verification in simple words and how to pass it in financial markets

Despite the apparent similarity, the terms “testing”, “verification” and “validation” mean different levels of checking the correct operation of a software system. To avoid further confusion, let us clearly define these concepts.

Software testing- a type of activity in the development process associated with the implementation of procedures aimed at detecting (proof of presence) errors (inconsistencies, incompleteness, ambiguities, etc.) in the current definition of the software system being developed. The testing process refers primarily to checking the correctness of the software implementation of the system, compliance of the implementation with the requirements, i.e. testing is the controlled execution of a program to detect inconsistencies between its behavior and requirements.

Rice. 1 Testing, verification and validation

Software verification- a more general concept than testing. The purpose of verification is to ensure that the verified object (requirements or program code) meets the requirements, is implemented without unintended functions and satisfies design specifications and standards. The verification process includes inspections, code testing, analysis of test results, generation and analysis of problem reports. Thus, it is generally accepted that the testing process is an integral part of the verification process, and the same assumption is made in this training course.

Software system validation- a process whose purpose is to prove that as a result of developing the system we achieved the goals that we planned to achieve through its use. In other words, validation is checking that the system meets the customer's expectations. Issues related to validation are beyond the scope of this training course and represent a separate interesting topic for study.

If you look at these three processes in terms of the question they answer, testing answers the question “How is it done?” or “Does the behavior of the developed program meet the requirements?”, verification - “What has been done?” or “Does the developed system meet the requirements?”, and validation is “Did what is needed?” or “Does the developed system meet the customer’s expectations?”

Verification is typically an internal quality management process that ensures compliance with a rule, standard, or specification. A simple way to remember the difference between validation and verification is that validation confirms that "you built the right product" and verification confirms that "you created the product the way you intended it to be."

Another example of a typical verification: conducting equipment testing. With certain requirements in hand, we test the product and record whether the requirements are met. The verification result is the answer to the question “Does the product meet the requirements?”

But not always a product that meets the established requirements can be used in a specific situation. For example, the medicine passed all the required tests and went on sale. Does this mean that it can be used by any specific patient? No, since each patient has his own characteristics and for this particular medicine can be harmful, that is, someone (the doctor) must confirm: yes, this patient can take this medicine. That is, the doctor must perform validation: give legal validity to a specific application.

Or another example. The company produces pipes intended for laying in the ground in accordance with certain specifications (Technical Conditions). The products comply with these specifications, but an order has been received that involves laying pipes along the seabed. Can pipes that comply with the existing specifications be used in this case? It is validation that provides the answer to this question.

It is easy to see that another difference is that verification is always performed, but there may be no need for validation. It only appears when requirements arise related to a specific product application. If a pharmaceutical plant produces drugs, it will only check their compliance with the requirements, and will not deal with the problems of using specific drugs by specific patients.

Thus, the following can be stated:

Verification is almost always carried out, performed by checking (comparing) the characteristics of products with specified requirements, the result is a conclusion about the conformity (or non-conformity) of the product,

Validation - carried out if necessary, performed by analyzing the specified conditions of use and assessing the compliance of product characteristics with these requirements, the result is a conclusion about the possibility of using the product for specific conditions.

Based on the above, validation should be defined as confirmation, based on the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements intended for a particular use or application are accurately and completely specified and the purpose is achieved.

St. Petersburg

State Electrotechnical University

Department of MOEVM

by discipline

“Software Product Development Process”

“Software Verification”

Saint Petersburg

    Purpose of verification……………………………………………………………… page 3

    Introductory Notes…………………………………………………………….. page 3

    Special and general target objectives………………………………………….. page 4

    Expected practice on target objectives……………………………………… page 4

SG1 Preparation for verification……………………………………………..... page 4

SG2 Conducting examinations (expert assessments)………………………… page 7

SG3 Verification……………………………………………..... page 9

    Appendix 1. Overview of verification process automation tools……….. page 11

    Appendix 2. Basic modern approaches to verification…………….. page 12

    List of used literature…………………………………………………………….. page 14

Integrated Model of Excellence and Maturity


(Maturity level 3)


The purpose of verification is providing assurance that the selected middleware or final product meets specified requirements.

    Water notes

Verification of software products is checking the finished product or its intermediate versions for compliance with the original requirements. This means not only testing the program itself, but also auditing the project, user and technical documentation, etc.

The purpose of software system verification is to identify and report errors that may occur at stages of the life cycle. Main verification tasks:

    determining whether high-level requirements correspond to system requirements;

    taking into account high-level requirements in the system architecture;

    compliance with the architecture and its requirements in the source code;

    determining whether the executable code meets system requirements;

    determination of the means used to solve the above problems, which are technically correct and sufficiently complete.

Verification includes verification of finished products and verification of intermediate products against all selected requirements, including customer requirements, requirements for the finished product and requirements for its individual components.

Verification is inherently an incremental (growing) process from the moment of its inception throughout the entire product development and all work on the product. Verification begins with verification of requirements, followed by verification of all intermediate products at various stages of their development and manufacturing, and ends with verification of the final product.

Verification of intermediate products at each stage of their development and manufacturing significantly increases the likelihood that the final product will satisfy the requirements of the customer, the requirements of the finished product and the requirements of its individual components.

Verification and Validation of processes are essentially related processes, aimed, however, at obtaining different results. The purpose of Validation is to demonstrate that the finished product actually satisfies its original purpose. Verification is aimed at making sure that the product exactly meets certain requirements. In other words, Verification ensures that “ you're doing it right”, and Validation is that “ you are doing the right thing”.

To assess cost-effectiveness and performance, verification should be implemented as early as possible in relevant processes (such as delivery, development, operation or maintenance). This process may include analysis, verification and testing (testing).

This process can be performed with varying degrees of independence of the performers. The degree of independence of performers can be distributed both between various subjects in the organization itself, and subjects in another organization, with different degrees of distribution of responsibilities. This process is called process independent verification, if the implementing organization does not depend on the supplier, developer, operator or support personnel.

Expert assessments (examination) are an important component of verification as a well-proven means of effectively eliminating defects. An important takeaway from this is the need to develop a deeper understanding and understanding of the working versions of the product, as well as the workflows used, to identify possible defects and create the opportunity to make improvements where necessary.

Examinations include a methodical examination of work performed by experts in order to identify defects and other required changes.

The main methods of expert assessment are:


    end-to-end structural control

3. Special and general targets

3.1 Special targets:

S.G. 1 Get ready for verification

S.G. 2

S.G. 3

3.2 General objectives:

GG1 Achieve specific goals

GG2 Install a controlled process

GG 3 Set a specific process

GG 4 Deliver a quantifiable process

GG 5 Set up an optimization process

4. Expected practice on target tasks

S.G. 1 Get ready for verification

To implement verification to its fullest extent, preparation for verification is necessary to ensure that all levels of verification are manageable. Verification includes review, testing, analysis and demonstration. Preliminary verification confirms (checks) that all “support” of verification (those conditions that ensure its successful implementation) are included in the requirements for products and work on products.

Verification methods include (but are not limited to) inspection, peer review, audit, end-to-end structural control, analysis, simulation, testing and demonstration.

Preparation also entails identifying all support tools, test hardware and software, simulations, prototypes, etc.

In general, at this stage the following range of main tasks can be distinguished:

    The need for verification work in the project and the degree of organizational independence in carrying out this work must be determined. Design requirements must be analyzed for criticality. Criticality can be assessed in terms of:

    the potential for an undetected error in a system or software requirement resulting in death or injury to personnel, mission failure, financial loss or catastrophic destruction of equipment;

    the perfection of the programming technology used and the risks associated with its use;

    availability of funds and resources.

    If the project involves verification work, a verification process must be established to verify the software product.

    If the project involves independent verification work, a qualified organization responsible for conducting the verification must be selected. This organization must be guaranteed independence and authority when carrying out verification work.

SP1.1-1 Establish a verification strategy

An organization-wide verification strategy for selected work products should be established and maintained.

A verification strategy is created in order to establish the specified activities related to the work products to be verified. This process results in specific, detailed strategies and procedures for verifying work products.

Requirements and strategies for verification are usually documented. The verification strategy is aimed at the specified activities, sources and environment required to verify the work product. This is somewhat different from the verification plans specified in general planning and process practices. General practices define the tasks of processes, who is responsible for them, and the main resources required. On the contrary, the verification strategy specifies technical approach to verification of work products and specified approaches that will be used for verification.

A verification strategy typically begins with examining the requirements for the product and its components to ensure that these requirements are verifiable.

For software development

Verification methods may include the following:

    Service area testing

    Operational and extreme testing

    Decision Table Based Testing

    Testing based on functional decomposition

    Testing reuse cases

    Alpha and Beta testing

    Testing the operational (working) scenario

    Acceptance tests

For integrated process products

The verification strategy should develop in parallel and iteratively with the development process of the product and its components.

SP1.1-2 Set up the verification environment

A verification environment must be established to allow verification to take place. The verification framework can be either purchased, developed, reused, modified, or a combination of all of the above depending on the needs of the project.

The type of verification environment required will be determined by the verification criteria and verification methods used.

Main (typical) work products:

    Verification equipment

    Verification environment

Auxiliary works:

1. Identify verification environment requirements

2. Identify verification resources available for reuse or modification.

3. Identify equipment and verification tools

4. Purchase equipment and software used to support verification work

SP1.1-3 Define detailed verification plans

At this stage it is necessary to perform the following work:

    The planned life cycle activities and software products requiring verification should be identified based on an analysis of the scope, size, complexity and criticality of the project. Works and verification tasks must be selected for software products being verified in the life cycle of work, including appropriate methods, techniques and tools.

    A verification plan based on established verification objectives must be developed and documented. The plan must relate to the work and software products verified in the life cycle; contain the required verification tasks for each object; Determine appropriate resources, responsibilities and work schedule. The plan should include procedures for communicating verification reports to the customer and other interested parties.

    A verification plan must be implemented. Problems and inconsistencies found during verification should be entered into the problem resolution process (clause 6.8). All problems that arise must be resolved and any inconsistencies found must be eliminated. The results of verification work must be available to the customer and other organizations participating in the contract.

Auxiliary works:

1. Plan for multiple, comprehensive, integrated verification efforts

2. Develop and improve, as necessary, the quality of verification criteria

3. To verify each work, define verification methods

4. Define the expected result

S.G. 2 Conduct expert assessment

Expert evaluation includes an inspection of products with experts in order to identify defects that need to be eliminated and indicate places to make other necessary changes.

Expert assessment is primarily used for the output of projects, but can also be used for such work as documentation, etc.

SP2.1-1 Prepare for peer review

Preparatory work for the examination usually includes determining the circle of persons who will carry out the examination (done for each work subject to examination), identifying the main reviewers (observers) whose participation in the examination will be necessary, preparing and updating any materials that will be used in during examinations as control tables and review criteria (examination), as well as drawing up a schedule of examinations.

Main products of work:

    Expert assessment schedule

    Peer Review Checklist

    Input and output criteria for work products

    Criteria for re-checking

    Training material for expert assessment

    Selected work products subject to expert evaluation

Auxiliary works:

1. Decide what type of peer review will be conducted

Examples of possible types:

  • end-to-end structural control

2. Determine the requirements for the information collected during the expert assessment

3. Establish and maintain input and output criteria for selected work products

4. Establish and maintain criteria for cross-checking selected work products

5. Establish and maintain a checklist to ensure that selected work products are inspected uniformly

6. Make sure that the work products meet the input criteria for examination before these works are sent for examination.

7. Distribute the work products to be inspected and related information in advance among the examination participants in order to enable them to adequately prepare for the examination

8. Assign expertise roles.

Role options :

    leader (head of expertise)


    protocol clerk

SP2.2-1 Manage peer review

One of the goals of inspection management is the desire to identify and remove defects as early as possible in the life cycle. Reviews are carried out incrementally, as intermediate products are developed, and not at the very end of the life cycle. Such examinations will not be controlled.

Expertise is carried out on key work in the specification, development, testing, supporting documentation, and planning phases (for example, software development planning, risk management planning, or test planning).

The main focus of the examination should be on the product of work subject to inspection, and not on the person who sold these products.

The results and conclusions of the examination must be reported to the main developer of this work product for possible correction.

Examinations must be guided by the following principles: sufficient preparation must be carried out, the process must be managed and controlled, significant information obtained during the examination must be recorded, and actions (work) carried out during the examination must also be recorded.

Main products of work:

    Examination results

    Expert conclusions

    Information obtained during the examination

Auxiliary works:

1. Carry out assigned roles during the examination

2. Identify and document defects and other findings in work products

3. Record the results of the examination and document the actions taken

4. Collect information (data) during the examination

5. Communicate the decisions of the examinations to the organizers of the joint venture (leading developers of the work products)

6. Plan repeated examinations if the products meet their criteria

7. Ensure that examination output criteria are met

8. Assign expertise roles.

Role options :

    leader (head of expertise)


    protocol clerk

SP2.3-2 Analyze the information received

S.G. 3 Verify selected works

SP3.1-1 Perform verification

Typical work products:

    Verification results

    Verification reports


Auxiliary works:

1. Verify COTS and reusable components against specified requirements

2. Verify products in accordance with the selected verification strategy and procedures

3. Record the results of verification work

Verification Criteria:

In general, the following criteria for the verification process at its various stages can be distinguished:

    Process verification

The process must be verified according to the following criteria:

    compliance and timeliness of establishing project planning requirements;

    suitability, feasibility, feasibility in accordance with the plan and terms of the contract of the processes selected for the project;

    applicability of standards, procedures and conditions to design processes;

    staffing and training in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Requirements Verification

Requirements must be verified against the following criteria:

      • consistency, feasibility and testability of system requirements;

        distribution of system requirements between objects of hardware, software and manual operations in accordance with the project;

        consistency, feasibility, testability and accuracy of reflection of system requirements in software requirements;

        the correctness, confirmed by appropriate methods, of software requirements for safety, protection and criticality.

    Project verification

The project must be verified according to the following criteria:

        correctness of the project, its compliance with established requirements and consideration of these requirements in the project;

        feasibility in the project of the appropriate sequence of events, input data, output results, interfaces, logic, distribution of time and material resources, as well as error detection, localization and recovery;

        the ability to select a project based on established requirements;

        the correctness, confirmed by appropriate methods, of the implementation of safety, security and other critical requirements in the project.

    Program verification

The program must be verified according to the following criteria:

        taking into account the project conditions and established requirements in the program; its testability, correctness and compliance with established requirements and programming standards;

        realizability in the program: the appropriate sequence of events, the appropriate interfaces, the correct data and control logic; distribution of time and material resources; detection, localization and recovery of errors, as well as its completeness:

        the ability to select a program based on the project or established requirements;

        the correctness, confirmed by appropriate methods, of the implementation of safety, security and other critical requirements in the program.

    Assembly verification

The assembly must be verified according to the following criteria:

        completeness and correctness of assembly of software components and modules of each software object into the corresponding software object;

        completeness and correctness of assembly of technical and software objects and manual operations into the system;

        Execute build tasks according to the build plan.

    Documentation verification

Documentation must be verified according to the following criteria:

        compliance, completeness and consistency of documentation;

        timely preparation of documentation;

        compliance with established configuration management procedures document

SP3.2-2 Analyze verification results and determine corrective actions

To determine the degree of acceptance, actual results must be compared with established verification criteria.

The results of the analysis are recorded as evidence that the verification was controlled.

Analytical reports may also indicate that poor verification results are due to deficiencies in methodologies, criteria, or infrastructure problems.

Main products of work:

    Analytical report (statistics, discrepancy analysis, comparison of the behavior of real products and its model, deviations, etc.)

    A set of corrective measures to correct identified deficiencies

SP3.3-1 Perform re-Verification (re-verification)

Re-verification is carried out to ensure that defects have been corrected and the output of the work has not been damaged (spoilt) as a result of corrective actions.

Re-verification, as a rule, focuses in detail on those parts of the work products in which certain defects were discovered.

Appendix 1. Overview of verification process automation tools

There are many products on the market that automate the verification process. Among them are Purify, TestCenter, Logiscope, etc. Verilog's Logiscope package is a family of tool programs (TestChecker, CodeChecker, RuleChecker, ImpactChecker and Viewer) with a common goal: to help users improve the quality and conduct comprehensive testing of the software they create. The product is based on an idea source code analysis. Its latest version is capable of processing program text written in more than 80 languages, including C, C++, Pascal, Cobol, Fortran, PL1, ADA, and even Intel and Motorola assembly languages. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of numerical indicators (metrics, of which there are more than 50 types), allowing one to judge the quality of the source code of programs. The TestChecker component monitors the behavior of the program under test during its execution and, in the process of its operation, builds call trees, execution profiles, and marks non-callable functions and non-executable procedures. Logiscope supports reverse engineering, which allows you to reconstruct the structure of a program from object code, which is useful for understanding the logic of its operation and the nature of the data used.

CenterLine's TestCenter program is designed especially for professional programmers in the C and C++ languages. From statistical data it follows that during normal testing the “executability” of only 40 - 50% of the total program code is checked. This is explained by the fact that with traditional, “manual” testing, it is impossible to check the operation of a program with all possible combinations of input data or to simulate rare errors such as out of memory. With such testing procedures, it is difficult to talk about the high quality of finished programs. The TestCenter package allows you to organize global software testing at an industrial level, and make testing itself a natural part of the development process due to its direct integration with other well-known tool shells (SPARCworks, SoftBench, ObjectCenter and ObjectCode).

During the process of debugging/testing programs, TestCenter shows lines of source code that are not executed during the test, uninitialized memory areas, memory that was reserved but not used, used but not freed, cases of incorrect use of malloc/free operators, etc. Error Simulator (Error Simulator) can generate rare and difficult to debug errors such as disk full (out of disk space) or the mentioned out of memory, and the API simulator (Simulator API) can generate interface errors, for example, incorrect order of arguments when calling functions or incorrect return code. When using TestCenter, there is no need to recompile programs, and Error Simulator does not even need the source code of the program being tested to work.

The concepts of “verification” and “validation” entered our speech with the active use of terminals and various payment systems. But besides the banking sector, these words are used in management, programming and other branches of science. On the Internet, verification is used so that the user can confirm his right to own an account or payment card.

What do the words “verification” and “validation” mean?

There are two versions of the origin of the word “verification”. According to the first, it comes from the words verus (true) and facere (to do). According to the second, the word comes from Latin, where the term verificatia means “confirmation.”

The concept of “validation” also has Latin roots and is associated with the word validus, that is, “strong, effective.” In any case, these words are used in the context of authentication. However, these concepts are not synonymous.

If we explain in simple words what verification is, we get the following: a company produces products or provides services, and with the help of this procedure it confirms the quality of its product. The result of this process is the answer to the question: is this an original or a fake?

Validation is proof that a product (or service) satisfies the user. In other words, the result of validation is the answer to the question: are we producing products that suit you?

What is verification in a bank?

When carrying out financial transactions, all participants in the process are interested in preventing fraud. Card verification is a security measure used, for example, when receiving a microloan.

How does this happen:

  1. When a person has submitted a loan application and received a positive response, the organization must confirm that the card belongs to that person.
  2. The organization blocks a symbolic amount of money on the card. For example, 98 kopecks. As a rule, this is a small symbolic amount, but always different.
  3. An employee of the organization contacts the cardholder and asks what amount was blocked.
  4. Through Internet banking, by phone or via message, the client finds out the amount of this amount and communicates it to an employee of the organization.
  5. The MFO receives confirmation of the data and returns the blocked money, after which it transfers the loan.

This is a necessary measure to protect those who use micro-loans.

What do you need to know about verification?

To protect bank cards, a card verification code is used - these are numbers printed on the card when it is issued. This code is called CVV2 or CVC2. This number is encoded in a magnetic tape or card chip and is kept strictly confidential. This code is used to verify the card when interacting with terminals. It must not be shared with anyone. If a person asks you to indicate these numbers supposedly to transfer money, then you are most likely dealing with a scammer. Confirmation of the cardholder's identity is carried out in other ways.

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Verification on the Internet is the process of confirming the authenticity of the data of the individual who is the owner of the account.

Boris is the owner of the site. He wants his site to be in demand - that is, to be well indexed by search engines.

Robots that index websites generate results from those resources that most closely match the query in the search index. There are special services that provide detailed statistical information about how the site functions. They offer solutions to problems associated with his work. Possessing this data, Boris can study and assess the situation, and then apply certain actions to manage the site and promote it. The information provided by the resources is confidential, and only the site owner (webmaster) has the right to view it - that’s why verification is needed. To enlist the support of such an assistant, Boris needs to confirm ownership.

What is the principle of verification

To protect Internet users from various types of fraud, Google and Yandex have provided a verification procedure.

Search engines Google and Yandex offer tools that allow you to track statistical data regarding the performance of each site. But only the resource owner or its administrator has the right to access this data. To pass verification in any search engine, you need to create your own account or use an existing one.

Verification in Yandex

To gain access to the Webmaster, you need to verify the site in Yandex.
Go to the website http://webmaster.yandex.ru/ and enter your username and password.
In the upper left corner, click +, then in the window that opens, enter the address of your site and click “Add”.

  • To pass verification using the Meta tag, you need to add a tag generated by the webmaster to the section of the main page of your site.
  • Verification using an HTML file is carried out by downloading the HTML file issued by the resource and then placing it in the root folder of the site.
  • To carry out the process using a DNS record, you need to place the TXT record generated by the web master in the DNS settings on the resource in which the domain name was registered.

Regardless of the chosen option, the next step in which the site is verified in Yandex is clicking on the “Check” button.

Google verification

To access (Search Console), follow this link https://www.google.com/webmasters/ and enter your username and password. Then in the window that opens, enter the name of your site and click “Add resource.”

Alternative methods include verification using an HTML tag, domain name provider, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

  • To pass verification using HTML, you need to copy the specified meta tag to the main page of your site in the section before the first body section. Then click the “Check” button.
  • If you use a domain name provider, you need to select a domain name registrar from among those offered by the resource. If the domain name provider you need is not in this list, select “Other.” After that, add the record suggested by the TXT resource to the DNS settings of the domain name provider and click “Confirm”.
  • To use this verification method as Google Analytics, you must have a resource in Google Analytics for the site that is being verified. In the “Resource” section, you need to select “Tracking” - “Tracking Code”, copy it and paste it into the site section.
  • To use Google Tag Manager, you must create a Google Tag Manager account. To do this, you need to go to the link tagmanager.google.com, enter the account name, enter the name in the container settings and select where it will be used, in this case - a website. After completing the manipulations, click the “Create” button. Go through the agreement on the terms of use of the resource, then copy the code issued by the tag manager and place it on the site.

Where else on the Internet is verification found?

When registering an account on social networks, the program prompts the user to go through a verification procedure to confirm his identity and real existence. In this way, the system is protected from the appearance of fake accounts or the work of bots and does not provide the opportunity to conduct any false media activities on behalf of another person.

Also, everyone who uses electronic payment systems faces a verification procedure. This procedure protects owners of electronic wallets from financial fraud. To become a participant in the program, the user needs to enter some information to confirm his identity. Verification in payment systems is a complex procedure. If usually for verification the program requests an email, phone number or other information that preserves the user’s anonymity, then for payment systems it may be necessary to enter personal data such as a passport number, and sometimes even a scan of a document.

Verification on the Internet is a procedure that you should not be afraid of. Its purpose is to ensure ethical and sometimes economic or political standards.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The words validation and verification came into the Russian language relatively recently (unlike, for example, or) along with international standards for the development and acceptance of products and technologies. In this regard, as usual, some confusion arises with the translation of technical terms into Russian and their interpretation.

In addition to the direct technological processes, the words verification and validation are actively used on the Internet, for example, when registering in payment systems (, etc.), where in order to link a plastic card to an account, it may be necessary to go through the process of its verification (verification). Website owners know that there is a special service for compliance with requirements.

You may also be interested in the meaning of the word validation due to the fact that when you log into Contact, My World or Odnoklassniki, a window pops up asking you validate your account by entering a phone number or sending SMS. As a rule, this is the result of a virus that has infected your computer, so below we will touch on this, as well as options for solving it.

What is verification and how does it differ from validation?

Let me try to explain in simple words the original meaning of these words, because the technical translation that you can find, for example, on Wikipedia (verification and validation) is of little use if you are not an expert in this field and have never encountered anything like this .

So, what are these tricky words? As I already said, a direct translation of the interpretation of the terms leads to the fact that validation and verification seem to us to be synonymous words and mean verification (in fact, at the everyday level this is often the case). However, there is a difference between them, and a fundamental one.

Let me try to explain the difference for general development. The word verification(from English verification) means checking or testing. Whatever technological process you take (manufacturing a mechanical product, writing software, etc.), verification will mean checking the correctness and quality of all manufacturing stages. If you assembled a bicycle, then the presence of all the necessary elements (steering wheel, pedals, frame, etc.) will be checked and their compliance with the quality parameters specified in the technical specifications.

The word validation(from English validation) is closest to the concept of certification, and in essence means a comprehensive check of the product to the customer’s requirements by himself. If a bicycle was assembled, it will be validated after the customer’s representatives ride it and recognize it as meeting their “wants”.

What's the difference? We can say that validation is testing a product for physical functionality during the process of handing it over to the customer (whether the bike rides or not - tests are carried out), and verification is the same testing, but “paper” for the product’s compliance with the technical specifications (exactly the same the presence of pedals, wheels and handlebars on a bicycle), and this is carried out even before the product or software product is transferred to the customer.

This is certainly a gross simplification, but it allows us to explain the difference between concepts in simple and accessible words.

Another "rude" one example. Let's say a new drug has been developed. Its formula and technical specifications are transferred to the factory. Upon completion of the work, the contractor checks (verifies) its chemical composition and quality for compliance with the technical specifications (technical specifications). The customer validates the resulting drug by testing its effect on patients or mice. If the desired effect is achieved and the side effects are within the forecasts, then the medicine will be successfully validated (certified).

The same goes for software. The contractor performs the work, carries out verification to ensure that the software functionality complies with the technical specifications, and now the customer installs the software and sees whether it fulfills the task assigned to him or not. The decision on validation or sending for revision will depend on the results.

In other words. Verification is confirmation that the task was completed in full accordance with the customer's requirements. And validation is a check of whether the resulting product (product) functions as intended in practice. A situation may arise when the technical specification is completed, but the product does not work or does not work as it should. Therefore, the validation process is more comprehensive and demonstrative than verification (the “validated” stamp is placed on top of the “verified” stamp, so to speak).

Validation and verification in online Internet services?

Most likely, the above explanations did not deeply touch you, because you needed to know the meaning of these words for a completely different reason (outside the framework of the customer-performer relationship). Let me guess why?

Well, perhaps you got a virus on your computer and now the pop-up window “Pass validation” won’t let you into some social network. You vaguely realize that giving your phone number or sending SMS is not the best solution to the problem, and therefore on the topic “what is validation”. I’ll say in advance that you don’t need to send anything, but you need to clean your computer and restore the Hosts file to its original form. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

It is also possible that you registered with some payment system (or other online service), where offer to verify your payment card, validate website or something similar. The bourgeois terms did not seem too clear to you and you.

In this case there is nothing to fear. For example, when trying to link a card to a payment system account, you may be asked to verify your credit card (check it for its ability to make payments). Usually they withdraw a small amount from it, and then ask you to indicate exactly how much was withdrawn. If indicated, the card is verified and can be used to replenish a virtual account or withdraw funds from it.

The word verification is used here for its intended purpose, i.e. as a synonym for checking or testing. Since many services on the RuNet are created in the image and likeness of previously created Burzhunet payment systems, the terminology is often borrowed from there too. In general, here you are simply offered to test the card to see if it works before you start using it.

Some services offer to undergo a validation procedure, i.e. certification (confirmation) of your account to get more opportunities and rights. This is usually expressed in confirming your identity (you need to send a scan of your passport; either with a computer screen where the service page is open; or indicate a phone number and then enter the code received via SMS). All this is quite often called validation by service owners, because the word has become quite widespread and has become, one might say, “fashionable.”

For example, in Yandex Money I had to go through the validation (identification) process in order to be able to accept payments from some services to my wallet. I had to show my passport and become a kind of certified user of the system. Many social networks ask you to indicate your mobile phone number, and then go through the process of validating/verifying it (verification) by sending it an SMS with a code that you will need to enter in a special field on the registration page.

VKontatka and Odnoklassniki account validation - you have a virus

Lately it's been pretty virus spread, which, when entering the sites of popular social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, etc.), throws up a sign with a message that your account must be validated in the described way.

These are scammers. Very unobtrusively and demandingly, they will extract money from you (paid SMS messages, etc.), force you to install some nasty thing on your computer, or do something else not very pleasant. What to do?

First of all, don’t fall for all these tricks. Who asked you for validation - the administration of the social network or the attacker who used a virus to replace the social network page? How to check? Quite simple.

  1. Look at the address bar in your browser to see if it is the address of the social network and not a fake site. If the address is not the same (some letter has been replaced or another one has been found), then simply open the social network page in a new tab from your browser bookmarks or by typing its name in Yandex (Google), and then clicking on the first link provided (it will be ).
  2. If the address is correct, then try logging into your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki account from another computer (tablet, cell phone). You can also try from the same computer. Did you manage to log in? No validation required? This means your computer is infected with a virus and needs to be treated urgently.

Secondly, you need to start looking for a way to remove the virus or at least initially neutralize its consequences. If you don’t have an antivirus, or it’s not active (you haven’t paid for the next period, haven’t updated your antivirus database, it’s been blocked by a virus), then try downloading portable and free version of Doctor Web(I've trusted him for over ten years) and just run a quick scan.

Surely he will say that your Hosts file has been changed and will offer to fix it. After this, when you log into Contact, Odnoklassniki and other networks, you will no longer be required to validate.

If for some reason this utility did not help you (could not download, did not start, etc.), then you can try it yourself find and clean from unnecessary entries the so-called Hosts file.

The fact is that the virus could have written a line in it with a social network address and a completely unrelated IP address. The browser always first accesses the Hosts file on your computer (and only then to the Internet), and if it finds a match between the IP address and the domain (for example, vk.com, then it will open the social network site from this IP, and There will already be a fake site prepared there, like two peas in a pod, similar to the real one, but which will throw out a validation message when you try to log in.

If none of the above helped you, then try other antiviruses or you can restore your operating system from an image if it was previously done, for example, using Acronis. In the worst case, you will either have to take the computer to a specialist, or reinstall Windows yourself, and in the future be as careful as possible and be sure to use anti-virus so that no validation signs pop up anymore.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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