Web portal of Rosprirodnadzor 2 tp waste. Web portal for receiving Rosprirodnadzor reports personal account. Logs of applications and reports

What to do? I sent it a long time ago right now to check, I just went in at all, only the trees show I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message, because: The notification is being sent... Gulnara Russia, Kazan #4 January 20, 2017, 12:52 I figured it out. You register in government services. You log in a new portal from the government services account. You send reports. apparently pnv-rpn.ru/ will be closed I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent... Let's pretend to be hoses Anastasia Russia, Buzuluk #5 January 20, 2017, 12:53 pm Gulnara wrote: I figured it out. Register in government services. You log into the new portal from your government services account. You send reports. Apparently pnv-rpn.ru/ will be closed. Something I heard is that it’s not easy to register for public services. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

The website pnv-rpn.ru has been closed since 07/01/2017

Guide to using the 1C-Reporting service For 1C-Reporting subscribers, it is possible to send reports directly on the Rosprirodnadzor portal.

Registration on the Rosprirodnadzor portal You can submit reports directly on the Rosprirodnadzor portal located at https://lk.fsrpn.ru (Fig.


Login to the portal is carried out through “State Services”. To do this, the organization must be registered with the Unified Identification and Logistics Agency.

Detailed instructions on registering organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the ESIA can be found at: https://help.fsrpn.ru/registration/registration-ip-esia/.



Go back to the RPN portal page and enter your email address, the password you created earlier and click “Login”.

In the new window that opens, click the “Submit Reporting” sign.

Actions on the Rosprirodnadzor portal page You must have previously prepared documents on your PC for reporting to Rosprirodnadzor in electronic form.

On the page you will see a list of what types of reports are accepted. Click the “Browse” button, in the window that opens, find the prepared documentation and select the desired file.


Click “Upload”, this will mean that the document will now be sent to the RPN portal.

Submit the following documents in the same order. After each document is sent, a confirmation message “Document sent successfully” will appear.

All sent documents can be seen in the list of reports, which also contains information about the results of their verification.

Calculation of fees for negative environmental impact is transmitted through the Rosprirodnadzor portal only in encrypted and signed form.

Such a file is saved from Kontur-Extern and has the extension .xms.
Registration on the portal Sending a report through the portal Registration on the portal 1.
Go to the portal at https://pnv-rpn.ru. 2. In the authorization window, click on the Register link (see Fig. 1). Rice. 1. Portal authorization window 3. In the registration window, indicate the user’s last name, first name, email, as well as create a password and indicate the code from the picture. Click the Registration button (see Fig. 2). Rice. 2. Registration on the portal 4.

A letter with the subject “Information about registration on the web portal for receiving Rosprirodnadzor reports” will be sent to the specified email address.

To complete registration, follow the link contained in the letter. 5.

Web portal of Rosprirodnadzor - Internet portal for receiving reports

Personal account To get a complete understanding of how to work with the Rosprirodnadzor web portal, you should read the full user manual, which details the issues of using this portal and contains step-by-step instructions, accompanied by corresponding visual images. Here you can also read the instructions for installing certificates, as well as instructions for filling out and submitting an application for registration of an NVOS (negative environmental impact) object.

Instructions This site is not the official site of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Reporting in RPN

You can find out how to register in this system in the corresponding instructions, which outline the required procedure step by step.

In addition, to send the necessary reports through the web portal of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), you will need to have access to the Internet and one of the browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser or Mozilla Firefox.

Instructions for registering with the ESIA To generate all the necessary reporting, the user will also need CryptoPro CSP 3.9R2 or later version installed on the computer, CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in, CryptoPro Extension for Cades Browser Plug-in for the browser, as well as an electronic signature issued accredited certification center.

What the hell is with the reporting portal pnv-rpn.ru/

Reporting to the RPN can be submitted both through the Rosprirodnadzor portal itself and through online services.

Through the RPN portal, the report is submitted in encrypted form with an electronic signature.

The file is saved with the extension .xms. Registration 1. First you need to go through a simple registration on the portal by going to pnv-rpn.ru. In the registration window that opens, click the “Register” button. 2. Enter your last name, first name and email in the appropriate fields. Enter the password you created (with confirmation), indicate the code from the picture and click the “Registration” button. 3. A letter will be sent to your e-mail on the topic “Registration information for receiving reports on the Rosprirodnadzor portal.” To complete registration, follow the link in the email. This will open a page that says “Account Verified.” 4.

  • Sending reports from this portal is no longer carried out
  • Registration of new users on this portal is closed
  • Viewing information about previously submitted reports will be available until 30.06.2017

The new portal for receiving reports is located at https://lk.fsrpn.ru, please send reports to Rosprirodnadzor from it. thank you for understanding

To submit reports you will need:

GENERATION of the report takes place in the Natural Resources User Module (module installation files, as well as instructions for installing and generating reports, are located at: http://rpn.gov.ru/otchetnost).

After compiling a report in the Module and uploading it for transmission to Rosprirodnadzor (), you must go to your personal account (https://lk.fsrpn.ru), log in through State Services (authorization on the State Services website is carried out by confirming your identity, more details on the website: https: //www.gosuslugi.ru/), and in the “Reporting” tab, upload the report to the reporting portal (click on the icon). After checking the system, the report will be assigned a unique number (for example, BBXFXPPZ), and the status of the report will change to “Report uploaded to FSIS Rosprirodnadzor (PTK Goskontrol).”

To submit reports in electronic form, you can use a qualified electronic signature issued by any accredited certification center.

The federal-level service that provides control over environmental safety and environmental management is Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation. Its controlled persons are owners of enterprises whose production has a negative impact on the environment. They must constantly submit reports on pollution indicators and measures taken to eliminate them. The personal account of Rosprirodnadzor on the official website of the service allows you to submit reports remotely.

rpn.gov.ru— official website of Rosprirodnadzor

Personal account features

To submit reports in the Rosprirodnadzor personal account service, you will need to enter an electronic signature. In your account, you can generate and send the following types of reports:

  • 2-TP (reclamation);
  • 2-TP (waste);
  • declaration for packages and goods manufactured in Russia, which must be disposed of after use;
  • declaration of finished goods;
  • report on fees for environmental pollution;
  • certificates of compliance with recycling standards;
  • applications for the installation of objects for state registration that will pollute the environment.

All reporting forms are freely available to users, they can be downloaded, they are prepared for filling out; if you have any questions, you can ask for help from the video materials and instructions presented on the site. To send reports you must have an electronic signature.

Registration and login to your personal account

Before registering your Rosprirodnadzor personal account, you first need to set up the computer itself and install the appropriate software on it:

  • select one of the browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser and Google Chrome;
  • select one of the plugins for the browser: CryptoPro Extension for Cades Browser Plug-in and CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in;
  • install CryptoPro CSP software version from 3.9R2.

lk.fsrpn.ru— personal account of the nature user

Since it was indicated above, in order to manage reporting, it is necessary to obtain an electronic signature, which is issued by an accredited certification center, the TIN must be indicated in the issued certificate of the reporting organization.

Before logging into your account, you must use a verified ESIA account, which can be obtained on the State Services Portal.

Such a record is obtained in the following sequence:

  • You need to register on the portal; for this, the user must receive a password and login.
  • You will need to provide personal information, which can be found in your personal account settings.

All specified information must be confirmed, for which you should obtain an electronic signature certificate, and also visit the Russian Post Office with your passport to fill out an identity confirmation form there. You will also need to order a letter that will be sent to the user’s registration address with a unique confirmation code.

If suddenly the latter is lost, it can be restored on the State Services website, the new code will be sent to the email or mobile number specified during registration. When requesting a new code, you will need to provide the above data or SNILS.

https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/idp/rlogin?cc=bp— login through State Services

You can enter the personal account of a natural resource user if, after opening the official website of Rosprirodnadzor, go to the “Electronic Services” section, in it you need to select the “Web portal for reporting” block.

To prepare reports, you need to select the “Reporting” tab, then select the “Submit report” item, select the action opposite the desired type of reporting.

The process of logging into your personal account depends on the user’s status, it can be:

  • individual;
  • entity;
  • RPN employee.

Logging into your Rosprirodnadzor personal account, as well as registration, can be done by clicking the button in the corner of the window labeled “Login/registration” and then entering your login and password, using the account received from the State Services portal.

The website contains a list of all requirements for working in the system.

Creation of reports to Rosprirodnadzor

The territorial branches of this body accept reports on paper only after they have been submitted electronically; you must indicate the electronic report number assigned in your personal account.

http://rpn.gov.ru/otchetnost— environmental reporting to Rosprirodnadzor

The report is generated when you go to the reporting page, the “Plus” button will appear in the window right in the center, after its activation the required report form is downloaded, which is filled out by the user. After its preparation, the report is downloaded from the computer.

Sending reports can only be done using a FS certificate and using an electronic signature. To complete the process, you must click “Submit report file.”

After submitting reports, users can check their status; it can be uploaded to the Rosprirodnadzor portal or rejected. In the latter case, you must eliminate all identified errors and download the file again.

The site provides a journal of applications and reports in which you can copy, send and delete them.

Often individual entrepreneurs, organizations and individuals have to contact the regulatory body Rosprirodnadzor to obtain permits, licenses or obtain extracts. Currently, this can be done via the Internet through an account on the popular ESIA portal. How to enter the personal account of a natural resource user through government services, and what procedure is followed when receiving services electronically.

Purpose of the Rosprirodnadzor service

Control over the use of natural resources is carried out by a certain Federal Service. It is known by the short name Rosprirodnadzor, and its official name is the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. It is an executive body of government that conducts its activities on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

When performing its functions, the Federal Service interacts with individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The main areas of work are:

  • Issuing permits and recording the actual use of flora and fauna - issuing licenses for waste management, monitoring the circulation of animals and plants belonging to particularly rare species, assessing the impact of pollutant emissions into the air, water, soil;
  • Supervision of environmental protection in the use of land, water bodies, waste management, emissions into the atmosphere and geological developments.

Every year, government services are trying to simplify the process of requesting permits, submitting reports, and issuing conclusions for the import and export of animals by users of the natural environment. For this purpose, there is a personal account of the user of natural resources. It offers various operations for requesting information regarding environmental management and ecology, issuing licenses and permits.

Access to the natural resources user account on the official website of Rosprirodnadzor

A registered user can access your account. Initially, you should find the “Login.Registration” link in the right corner on the RPN page.

  • Selecting the “I want to create an account” function;
  • Filling out a form indicating the name, email, address of residence or registration of a legal entity;
  • Identity confirmation by entering a secret code;
  • Follow the link from the email to log in to your account.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs indicate their form of ownership when filling out the registration form.

Please note: If you have an account that users have previously created with the Rosprirodnadzor office, you should use the “I have an account” login function.

After registration, a person, entrepreneur or legal entity can use the operation of sending a report or requesting a particular permit.

Using an account on State Services when accessing the account on the Rosprirodnadzor website

The Rosprirodnadzor personal account is downloaded directly from the government service website by logging in through government services.

To do this, the user needs to follow the following action plan:

  • Follow the link lk.fsrpn.ru;
  • In the upper right corner, click on the “Login through government services” button;
  • Select user status (individual, individual entrepreneur, legal entity, RPN employee);
  • After downloading the esia.gosuslugi service, provide authorization data to open your own account pages on this site.

After logging in, a list of electronic functions that the user can use on the Internet opens.

Please note: Access to all electronic services on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources is provided only if you have a verified account on the public services service.

And also on the Rosprirodnadzor website you can automatically go to the list of services that are available on the esia portal. To do this, scroll down the page and click on the “Government Services” link, which is located in the list of links to services of federal services.

Subsequently, the environmental management block will open, where you can sort the list of services in electronic and non-electronic form in relation to the user’s status.

For convenience, contacts and departments of the government agency are presented based on territorial division. Regional offices and subordinate organizations in different cities offer different services that can be requested via the Internet. Therefore, for example, one user can apply for a permit, and a person from another region will have to come in person to the department.

Opening a natural resources user account through the State Services website

Most users do not open separate accounts on government services’ Internet services, but use a single government services account. If you do not have a registered account on the RPN website, you can use your account on the government services website:

  • Log in to your personal account on the State Services website;
  • In the list of services, find the block “Nature management and ecology”;
  • Expand the entire list or select the appropriate option from frequently used ones;
  • Click on the “Get service” command.

In relation to the status of a registered user, those electronic transactions that can be performed through the portal are displayed. If an individual is trying to find a service that is available only to legal entities, then the “Get service” command will not appear.

Nuances of the procedure for requesting services through State Services

When you have logged into your Rosprirodnadzor personal account through government services, you need to find the required section in the list of services and familiarize yourself with the procedure for providing it. Typically, when disclosing information, the main features of receipt are indicated:

  • Action diagram – a step-by-step description of the steps when using the service;
  • Terms of provision;
  • The presence or absence of a fee for receipt;
  • The need to use an electronic digital signature or free receipt;
  • Information on the agency responsible for processing the request.

Please note: Some permits require digital photographs of a certain size. The user uploads his photo from the computer into the required field. If it does not meet the established requirements, it is worth changing its size or quality.