See hidden friends on FB. How to hide friends on Facebook: step-by-step instructions

So, you can find out that you are on the site from the chat, which is located on the right side of the screen. There is a list of contacts (your friends) and their online status in the form of a green circle. If you don’t want visitors to see such a green circle on you, then you need to learn how to turn on invisibility on Facebook. Before turning on the invisibility, answer the question - from whom do you want to hide your presence?

Facebook chat

If you want to become invisible from specific person, then this is quite easy to do. The algorithm for turning on invisibility is as follows:

  1. Go to the chat settings (the “options” menu) – the gear icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select “Advanced chat settings” in the menu that opens.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the Name of the profile from which you want to hide your presence. After this, you will be hidden from this account.

This method is perfect for becoming invisible for a specific account. However, in order to prevent all friends from seeing you, other settings are required.

"advanced settings" options

In order to enable invisibility on Facebook for all friends, go to the advanced chat settings again. This time we do not enter the name of a specific person, but select the “turn off chat for all contacts” option. Now you will become invisible to all Facebook users. Please note that anyone who is not your friend cannot know about your online status, because it is only available to friends. Now you know how to turn on invisibility on Facebook and maintain your anonymity. I hope the article was useful to you! Have fun on Facebook!

Facebook (“Facebook” is the largest social network, the purpose of its creation was virtual communication, like many other social networks on Facebook, you can add friends, post various information files, manage your privacy and confidentiality settings.

How to hide your friends list on Facebook

Not every social media user will like the idea that someone can go to a page and view their list of friends. For many this is critical. And probably many are interested, how to hide friends on facebook(our service ), it turns out everything is quite simple:

    Second, you should find the “manage” button with a pencil, it is located next to the “+” button - add to the list of friends. After clicking on it, you must select the “Edit privacy settings” tab. In the window that opens, you can configure the privacy of your friends list.

    Third, next to the list of friends there is a menu where you can see the current privacy settings. This is where you can make the list of your friends visible only to the user of the page - you need to select the “Only Me” button, or you can select some users who can view the list of your friends.

There are times when a user does not want to read the posts of his friends. To block unwanted posts, there are also certain settings:

    First, before how to hidefriends on Facebook, you should choose a friend whose posts are not desirable for your attention.

    Second, you need to hover your mouse over one of this friend’s posts, a small downward arrow will appear, then you should click this arrow, thereby opening the menu.

    Third, in the menu that opens, you need to click the “unsubscribe” button, this action will delete the message and the rest of the posts will also be blocked from accessing your news feed. You can restore everything as it was by clicking on the “restore” button, or on this friend’s page, click the “subscribe” button.

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Hidden friends on Facebook

Each person has an environment, and it is divided into close friends and just acquaintances. Sometimes you don’t want just some acquaintance to know more than necessary. For this, there are certain settings that allow you to, hidden friends in Facebook did not see information that is intended only for best friends. These settings allow files posted on your page to be seen only by necessary people. If you have an account on Periscope, we will help you become more popular on this network - to do this, you just need to go to the following address .

    You need to go to the friends tab.

    Then groups will become visible, into which you can sort your list of friends, and accordingly close/open access to a specific group.

This option assumes that hidden friends on facebook They will not see your photos/files that are intended for a narrow circle of friends. You can get followers, retweets or “favorites” on Twitter


Social networks are important part the lives of many people. Through different communities you can access necessary information, and also communicate with people living in different parts of the world. Moreover, each person can independently either hide (or other information) or allow access to personal data, such as phone number, photographs, etc.

Risks for the user

Why do you need to restrict access to your account and how to hide friends on Facebook? This question interests many. main reason, according to which users decide to hide certain information about themselves - the safety of their personal and their friends. Indeed, in addition to communication, communities are actively developing on the Internet for the purpose of advertising and even fraud.

This is how different spammers and less than honest marketers operate. Initially, they send you a “friend” request. This is how they gain access to the information that is present on the page. Then they find a list of friends on Facebook and send them a request for the same purpose as they send you. This action is explained by one psychological factor. After all, users who receive such messages see that you know this person and are more likely to agree to the offer.

After this, acquaintances actively receive invitations to various events, to join certain groups or posts with links to dubious chat rooms and other sites. That's why it's necessary to hide personal information from strangers. And if the privacy settings of a social network allow you to do this quickly, then not everyone knows how to hide friends on Facebook.

User instructions

Here's how to hide your Facebook friends list from strangers:

  • open your page on a social network;
  • go to your profile;
  • select a list of acquaintances;
  • click on the pencil icon, it means editing information;
  • Select Profile Privacy Settings.

Here each user has the ability to control access to this species information. You can also create a list that will include only those close to you. In this case, only a selected circle of people will be able to see your personal information.

Don't know how to hide friends on Facebook from your phone? Actions are possible provided that you have saved on your device mobile version social network. The principle is practically no different from how to hide friends on Facebook with desktop computer. You need to log into your account via phone. Find a list of your acquaintances there and select “Profile privacy settings”, as in the first case.

Unlike VK, Facebook allows you to hide your entire list of friends. I think this is correct. Firstly, you may simply be uncomfortable with them being visible. Secondly, if you accidentally friend a spammer, he will harass not only you, but also your friends, using technical capabilities. After all, Facebook makes it possible to invite, write messages and comments primarily to friends and friends of friends.
I'm not even talking about the fact that even collection agencies can get friends from the list of a social network. It's just not safe.

Hiding friends from the browser from the computer

You can hide friends directly from own profile. The profile has invisible links and icons through which all profile settings can be edited. (It’s strange that you can’t hide friends from the main settings). When you move the cursor across the profile, pencil icons pop up. And there are also invisible arrow icons that, when clicked, lists drop out. We need to move the cursor to the list of friends. And there will be an invisible arrow. Now point by point:

Please note that you can set here so that only friends can see your friends list. Or ask just a few people who can (or, conversely, cannot) see the list. IN general options much more than in VK

How to hide friends on Facebook via phone

How to see hidden friends

Firstly, if you go to the profile of the person you are interested in, a list of mutual friends will be displayed.

They will be visible regardless of whether the person you are interested in has hidden his friends or not. But only if these mutual friends have an open friends list. Because if they both hid their lists, then you won’t see them in their mutual friends.

Secondly, there is an interesting one that will reveal much more to you than a list of hidden friends. You will be able to see which photos a person liked and which posts he commented on. Even his comments and posts in some other group can be seen. And with whom a person interacts are his friends; interaction is much more important than a formal list, which often includes even unfamiliar and uninteresting people simply because they knocked on the door. In general, read my article on how to use the surveillance tool.

Thirdly, it happens that the user's friends are visible only to the user's other friends. And everyone else is not visible. So if you are not a friend, and the situation is just like this, then try to friend the person, and then perhaps the list of friends will be displayed.

The list of friends on the social network Facebook is visible to all users by default. This increases the likelihood that you will find friends or acquaintances in other people's profiles. If you don't want to share information about who your friends are, you can simply hide them. We will now look at how to do this in detail using an example.

Step-by-step instructions on how to hide friends on Facebook

  • Log into your Facebook account: first enter your login information and click “Login”.
  • WITH right side Next to your profile photo there are tabs “Chronicle”, “Information”, “Friends”. Click the desired tab"Friends".

  • A window will open with a list of your friends. At the very top of the list on the right side next to “Find Friends” there is a marker icon. Click on it and the “Manage” menu will appear.

  • Click on the “Manage” marker again and the “Edit privacy settings” menu bar will appear.

  • Next, “Edit privacy settings” will open additional window with settings.
  • Opposite the “Friends List” there is an option “Available to everyone”, and at the top there is a triangle icon.

  • Click on the triangle, a list of those who can see my friends will open. Select “Only me”, a check mark will appear opposite this option. Now your friends list is visible only to you.

News Feed: How to hide posts from your friends on Facebook

On Facebook, it happens that the news feed consists of posts by the same person. It’s good if the posts are informative and relevant to you personally, but what if not? If not, then you can simply hide all the news from this person. Let’s give the system a command that we don’t want to monitor this person’s activity on the social network. This is done once - and all subsequent posts will automatically disappear from your feed. Let's take a closer look at how to hide friends' posts in your news:

  • Open the news feed.

  • Select a friend’s post that appears in your feed too often, look for the small triangle sign on the right, and click on it.

  • It will appear on the right extra menu with the commands, select “Unsubscribe from publications of (friend’s name).” Under this option you can see in small letters “Do not show publications, but remain friends.” Click on it - this friend’s publications will disappear from your news feed. If you change your mind, click Cancel.
  • This action can always be canceled if you wish.

We looked in detail at how to prevent viewing your friends list and hide news in the news feed from a certain person. In the same way, you can prevent viewing of your subscriptions and pages, as well as hide from prying eyes your Facebook followers.