BIOS update utility in Windows Vista. Step-by-step instructions for updating the BIOS

Modern business is unthinkable without the use of a computer. The work of any company is accompanied by numerous contacts, transactions, financial transactions, availability of goods, and this is only part of the work issues. The volume of information is enormous, it is impossible to keep everything in your head, and a notebook is also not a salvation. To automate the work of a company, a certain set of programs is required.

The correct operation of the entire computer system is controlled by the motherboard BIOS. The absence of errors in the program code, the capabilities of the BIOS, and its efficiency affect the performance and stability of the computer under various operating modes. Specialists and developers are constantly in search of improving program codes. As a result, improved new BIOS versions appear periodically, suitable for installation on previously developed and implemented motherboards. With the help of new BIOS versions, the shortcomings and shortcomings of previously developed and put into operation devices in computer systems are compensated.

But when it comes to reinstalling Bios, you need to think carefully: “Is it worth redoing?” Sometimes cold reason prevails, that there is no need to rush to take risks for the sake of a dubious update. On the other hand, this firmware can cause various problems. For the sake of superiority in competition with rivals, motherboard manufacturers sometimes install an unfinished version of the microcode. And later it turns out that versions have been released with many bugs fixed.

As in any other matter, when reinstalling, there may be several versions of how to update the Bios of the motherboard. Experts and practitioners say that there are popular methods, some of them are dangerous, others are less dangerous, but more labor-intensive. Any author of advice first of all recommends that you think carefully about your step. But if everything has already been decided, then you can use these instructions.

By going to the website you need to find there the latest version for replacement in your motherboard. In order not to scroll through pages for a long time, you can enable search.

Pay attention to which version of Bios is the latest today; it should be written there what changes the new versions were subject to. Download the archive with the BIOS of your motherboard.

Next, you should unpack the archive into a folder, three files are there: FLASHSPI.EXE, autoexec.bat, *****.f*. The last file before the dot contains the motherboard identifier, and the BIOS number appears after the dot, for example, h23mud3h.f7. Take a flash drive and drop the files into the flash drive directory.

The computer restarts. When the BIOS loads, you enter the menu Q-Flash by pressing a key - this is a small menu, the choice of options here is small and you can save the current BIOS version to a file or update it. Since it is the update that is of interest, it should be noted that it makes sense to save the old version of the BIOS as a backup copy.

Clicking Update BIOS opens the entrance to the drive from which the update is performed. You may be offered the option of selecting drives, but in any case, after selecting a drive, the name of the file transferred to the flash drive will appear. Press Enter and the program checks the integrity of the file before updating. As a rule, before the decisive step, you are given the opportunity to once again weigh whether it is necessary to flash the BIOS.

Pressing the Enter button opens the update process, which lasts about a minute. The program performs another BIOS integrity check after the update is completed, then you can press Esc and thus reboot. The update process is complete. All that remains is to enter the BIOS again and configure it as needed, because after flashing the firmware all settings are reset.

From the author of this option for updating the motherboard, it remains to convey once again a warning that for the sake of simple interest you should not update the BIOS. All operations are quite serious phenomena that can cause unpleasant consequences, even complete inoperability of the motherboard. It is advisable to perform the update at a time when the mains voltage is most stable and there is no threat of a power outage, since any overwrite represents a huge risk for the nature of the BIOS chips, and the likelihood of an error occurring is very high. Can be used.

A less dangerous, but more time-consuming method of updating is a virtual ramdisk. A boot floppy disk from Windows 98 or Me, which is required in this case, can be created on a computer with the system installed, or from a CD for servicing PCs from the Reanimator series. You can simply download (

The Windows 98 or Me boot floppy disk automatically creates a virtual disk in DOS when the computer starts. When starting the computer, instead of the boot floppy disk, you need to insert a floppy disk with BIOS files and a program that creates the firmware, the command is activated, the exact names of the update files and the BIOS itself will appear here. One by one, a pair of corresponding files are copied to the virtual disk.

It is necessary to set the file name, as well as the letter of the virtual disk. For example, there are no partitions with FAT32 on the HDD - that means it is the letter C:, if there are such partitions, then it will be the letter D,
the system should respond. A low-quality floppy disk or a malfunction of the floppy drive does not contain any threat. You can remove and reinsert the floppy disk as many times as you like until the system works. Direct recording of the BIOS in the event of such a failure is fraught with serious problems.

You need to move to the virtual disk partition. The programmer window that appears will do everything itself - it will save the old BIOS version, flash the new one, and be able to reset the CMOS and return to DOS. Automatic reboot is excluded. Next, you need to rewrite the old BIOS version to disk: The system will give an answer.

You can reboot the system and enter the CMOS BIOS settings for adjustments after this procedure.

The system itself will report the letter of the virtual disk when starting from a boot floppy disk. If the entire HDD is formatted on NTFS, or it is not there, then this will become drive C:, otherwise the letter D will be assigned. If there are no FAT32 partitions on the hard drive, then after booting the system will write that there are no partitions found on the hard drive and advises checking for viruses.

During the BIOS update process, failures may occur; you need to be prepared for this. Afterwards, the motherboard may not turn on, which means no luck. It may be that the wrong BIOS version was flashed, or an error occurred during the update process; a simple malfunction in the BIOS chip is also possible. When turning on the computer, the BIOS ROM Checksum Error may still be detected

Copyright C 1998, Award Software, Inc.

Award BootBlock BIOS v1.0

This may be the latter, but more often nothing is visible on the screen at all, since the video card is not even initialized.

All this indicates that the BIOS update process occurred with an error, but part of it was miraculously preserved, and the system is looking for a different firmware version on the HDD.

If a file with the original name is detected, some motherboards can restore the BIOS on their own. You can try to start the computer and “darkly”, for which you need to first insert it into a floppy disk with the firmware file, wait enough time and restart the system at the end.

Some Gigabyte motherboards are characterized by the Dual BIOS function and the ability to automatically restore functionality without user intervention.

A computer that is silent after updating and rebooting means things are bad. It is recommended to try using the CMOS reset jumper in full accordance with the motherboard manual, and then start the system again.

We can suggest once again going through the entire BIOS update process step by step using the example of an ASUS motherboard.

So, for the motherboard you need to download the new BIOS version, copy it to a flash drive or disk, then connect an uninterruptible power supply to the PC and reboot the computer. Then enter the BIOS menu, select ASUS EZ Flash 2, find the BIOS file saved on the disk or flash drive, select the file. Next, click Enter and check the BIOS file. The current version is erased, a new version of the BIOS is written, if the update procedure is completed successfully, the PC will start safely.

Of course, many life factors influence electronic equipment; even a simple power outage in the house while working on updating the motherboard can negatively affect the result of the planned event.

All users who find themselves faced with the need to update their motherboard can only wish a successful update.

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The correct operation of the computer system is controlled by the BIOS, located on the motherboard. The absence of errors in the program code, advanced BIOS capabilities and its efficiency directly affect the stability and performance of the computer. Developers are constantly looking for new improvements to program codes. As a result, new, improved BIOS versions are constantly appearing, quite suitable for installing previously developed motherboards. With the help of new developments in BIOS versions, various shortcomings and shortcomings of previously launched developments in computer systems are constantly compensated.

When it comes to updating (reinstalling) the BIOS, it’s worth thinking: “Is this necessary?” Cold reason sometimes wins, saying that there is no need to rush to take risks for the sake of an unknown update. Again, this micro BIOS update can cause many problems. Sometimes, in order to compete in the championship with other motherboard manufacturers, they install low-quality, unfinished versions of microcode. And later it turns out that versions have appeared with corrected errors.

As in any case, when reinstalling code, there are several options for updating Bios. Experts say that there are quite a lot of methods that are not dangerous; there are many more dangerous, but more labor-intensive. Each author advises to first think carefully about your step. If you have already decided, you can use these instructions.

Attention. Sometimes you have to before you make any changes.

Method one.
Selecting an update.

First, visit, where you will need to find the latest version of the update code. If you have a different motherboard manufacturer, then you need to find an update on the manufacturer's website.

You need to pay attention to which BIOS version is the latest. The description should indicate what changes have been made in the new version. Download the BIOS archive suitable for your motherboard.

Next, unpack the archive into a separate folder, there should be 3 files there: FLASHSPI.EXE, autoexec.bat, and *****.f*. The last file before the extension (before the dot) contains the identifier of the motherboard for which it is intended, and the BIOS number is in the extension (after the dot). For example, h23mud3h.f7. Connect the flash drive and copy these files to the flash drive.

Proceed to restart your computer. At the very beginning of the computer boot, when the BIOS loads, open the Q-Flash settings management menu by pressing the appropriate key (each version has its own, F2 or DELETE or something else) - the choice of options here is small. The current BIOS version can be saved to a file. Since the main interest is the update, it makes sense to save the old version of the BIOS as a backup copy in case of an unsuccessful update.

Select Update BIOS, a menu for selecting available drives will open, but in our case you need to select a flash drive, the desired file name will appear in it. Next, press Enter, the program will check the integrity of the file before installing the update. Afterwards you are asked to make a choice before the decisive step, whether you need to start flashing the BIOS.

After confirmation, the update process will open, which will take about a minute. After completing the update, the program will check the integrity of the BIOS again, then you can press Esc to exit the menu and reboot. Now you need to go into the BIOS again and make all its settings, since after flashing all the settings are reset.

For the sake of simple interest, you should not update the BIOS.

All operations performed are very complex and serious phenomena, the consequences of which can be unpleasant, even leading to complete inoperability of the entire motherboard. It is advisable to perform the update when the mains voltage is stable, so that there is no threat of a power outage, since each rewrite is a huge risk for the BIOS chip, and the likelihood of an error occurring is too high. If possible, it is better to use an uninterruptible power supply.

Method two.
Boot diskette.

A less dangerous, but more complex way to update the BIOS is a virtual disk. The Windows 98 or Me boot floppy disk, which is required in this case, can be created with the system installed on the computer, or from the Reanimator computer maintenance CD. Or download from the Internet.

The Windows 98 or Me boot floppy disk creates a virtual disk when the computer starts. Thus, when starting the computer, instead of a boot floppy disk, you need to insert a floppy disk with BIOS firmware files recorded on it and the program that creates this firmware. Run the required command. The names of the files to be updated and the files of the BIOS itself will appear. One by one, you need to copy a couple of corresponding files to the virtual disk.
You will need to specify the name of the file, as well as the letter of the virtual disk itself. For example, there are no partitions with FAT32 on the hard drive, which means it will be the letter C: if there are such partitions, then the letter D, you will immediately see when the system responds. If the drive fails or the floppy disk is of poor quality, there is no threat. You can remove and reinsert the floppy disk as many times as you like until the system works. When writing to the BIOS, such a failure is fraught with big problems.

Next you need to go to the virtual disk partition. The programmer will do everything itself - it will save the old version, write a new one, reset CMOS and return to DOS. You just have to reboot manually. Next, the system will offer to rewrite the old BIOS version to disk.

You can reboot and configure the CMOS BIOS after this procedure.

CMOS BIOS settings.

The system itself, when starting from a boot floppy disk, will point to the letter of the virtual disk. If the entire hard drive is formatted in NTFS, or it is not there, then it will be drive C:, otherwise - the letter D. When there are no FAT32 partitions on the hard drive, then after a reboot the system will write that no partitions were found on the hard drive and advise you to check for viruses.

You must be prepared for the fact that failures may occur during the update. After flashing, the motherboard may refuse to turn on. Probably, the wrong BIOS version was selected, or an error occurred during the update process. There may also be a malfunction in the BIOS chip itself. When you start the computer you can find:

BIOS ROM Checksum Error
Copyright C 1998, Award Software, Inc.
Award BootBlock BIOS v1.0
Detecting Floppy Drive A media…

This may be the last thing that can be seen on the screen after updating the BIOS, but more often than not, nothing is visible on the screen, since the video card is not initialized.

This is all the result of an error occurring during the BIOS update process, but part of it is still preserved and the system is looking for a new firmware version on the computer’s hard drive.

If the motherboard itself detects a file with the original name, it will automatically restore the BIOS. You can try to reanimate the computer “in the dark” by inserting a floppy disk with the firmware, wait a certain time and restart the system.

Some motherboards from Gigabyte have a Dual BIOS function, which can automatically restore the computer's functionality without external intervention.

Recovery using Dual BIOS.

A silent computer after updating and rebooting means things are bad. Try using the CMOS reset jumper as described in your motherboard manual and try to start the system.

The jumper can be found in the form of 2 or 3 legs protruding from the motherboard, which are closed. If you see two closed legs, then remove the jumper for a few seconds, then put it back and turn on the computer. If you see three legs and two of them are closed, then you need to install a jumper on the adjacent leg, taking into account that the middle one is constantly engaged. For those who are especially slow-witted, for example, the right and middle legs are closed, you need to remove the jumper and install it so that the left and middle legs are closed. Hold this for a few seconds and return everything to its original position.

You can try to go through the entire BIOS update process using an ASUS motherboard as an example.

First you need to download the new BIOS version, copy it to a disk or flash drive, connect the computer to an uninterruptible power supply and reboot. Then enter the BIOS menu, select ASUS EZ Flash 2, find the file for the BIOS that you previously copied to a disk or flash drive, select the desired file. Next Enter and the BIOS file check will begin. The current version is erased and a new one is written; if everything went well, the computer will start up safely.

BIOS installation.

Many factors can affect electrical engineering; even a regular power outage in the house during a motherboard upgrade will negatively affect the outcome of the event.

I wish you a successful update.

After you turn on your computer, control is transferred to Bios, a small firmware stored in the motherboard ROM.

Bios has a lot of functions for checking and identifying hardware, transferring control to the OS bootloader. Through Bios you can change the date and time settings, set a boot password, determine the boot priority of devices, etc.

In this article we will figure out how best to update this firmware using motherboards from Gigabyte as an example...

In general, it’s not worth updating just out of curiosity or in pursuit of the latest Bios version. All the same, you will not receive anything except the number of the newer version. But in the following cases, perhaps, it makes sense to think about updating:

1) The inability of the old firmware to detect new devices. For example, you bought a new hard drive, but the old version of Bios cannot detect it correctly.

2) Various glitches and errors in the old version of Bios.

3) A new version of Bios can significantly increase the speed of your computer.

4) The emergence of new opportunities that did not exist before. For example, the ability to boot from flash drives.

I would like to immediately warn everyone: in principle, it is necessary to update, but this must be done extremely carefully. If you update incorrectly, you can ruin your motherboard!

Also, do not forget that if your computer is under warranty, updating the Bios will deprive you of the right to warranty service!

2. Bios update

2.1 Determining the correct version

Before updating, you always need to correctly determine the motherboard model and Bios version. Because Computer documents may not always contain accurate information.

To determine the version, it is best to use the Everest utility (link to website:

After installing and launching the utility, go to the motherboard section and select its properties (see screenshot below). We can clearly see the model of the Gigabyte GA-8IE2004(-L) motherboard (we will look for Bios on the manufacturer’s website based on its model).

We also need to find out the version of the directly installed Bios. It’s just that when we go to the manufacturer’s website, there may be several versions presented there - we need to choose the newest one running on the PC.

To do this, in the “Motherboard” section, select “Bios”. Opposite the Bios version we see “F2”. It is advisable to write down the model of your motherboard and Bios version somewhere in a notebook. An error of even one digit can lead to dire consequences for your computer...

2.2 Preparation

Preparation mainly consists of the fact that you need to download the required Bios version based on your motherboard model.

By the way, you need to warn in advance, download firmware only from official sites! Moreover, it is advisable not to install beta versions (versions under testing).

In my example above, the official website of the motherboard is:

On this page you can find the model of your board, and then view the latest news for it. Enter the board model ("GA-8IE2004") in the "Search Keywords" line and find your model. See screenshot below.

The page usually lists several Bios versions with descriptions, when they were released, and brief comments about what's new in them.

Download a newer Bios.

Next, we need to extract the files from the archive and place them on a flash drive or floppy disk (a floppy disk may be needed for very old motherboards that do not have the ability to update from a flash drive). The flash drive must first be formatted to FAT 32.

Important! During the update process, do not allow power surges or power outages. If this happens, your motherboard may become unusable! Therefore, if you have an uninterruptible power supply, or someone you know, connect it at such a crucial moment. As a last resort, postpone the update until a late, quiet evening, when no neighbor will think of turning on the welding machine or heating element at that time.

2.3. Update

In general, you can update Bios in at least two ways:

1) Directly in the Windows OS system. There are special utilities for this on the website of your motherboard manufacturer. The option is, of course, a good one, especially for completely novice users. But, as practice shows, third-party applications, like antivirus, can significantly ruin your life. If suddenly the computer freezes during such an update, what to do next is a difficult question... Still, it’s better to try to update on your own from under DOS...

2) Using Q-Flash - a utility for updating Bios. Called when you are already in the Bios settings. This option is more reliable: during the process, there are no antiviruses, drivers, etc. in the computer memory - i.e. no third-party programs will interfere with the update process. We will look at it below. In addition, it can be recommended as the most universal method.

When turned on On your PC, go to the Bios settings (usually the F2 or Del button).

Next, it is advisable to reset the Bios settings to optimized ones. This can be done by selecting the "Load Optimized default" function, and then saving the settings ("Save and Exit"), exiting Bios. The computer will reboot and you will go into Bios again.

Now at the very bottom of the screen we are given a hint; if you press the “F8” button, the Q-Flash utility will start - run it. The computer will ask you whether to launch it - press “Y” on the keyboard, and then press “Enter”.

In my example, a utility was launched that offered to work with a floppy disk, because... the motherboard is very old.

The action here is simple: first save the current Bios version by selecting "Save Bios...", and then click on "Update Bios...". Thus, if the new version is unstable, we can always update to an older, time-tested one! So don't forget to save the working version!

In newer versions Q-Flash utility you will have a choice of which media to work with, for example, a flash drive. This is a very popular option today. An example of a newer work, see the picture below. The principle of operation is the same: first save the old version to a flash drive, and then proceed to update by clicking on “Update..”.

Next, you will be asked to indicate where you want to install Bios from - indicate the media. The picture below shows "HDD 2-0", which represents a failed flash drive.

Next, on our media we should see the BIOS file itself, which we downloaded a step earlier from the official website. Point at it and press "Enter" - reading starts, then you will be asked whether to update the Bios, if you press "Enter" - the program will start working. At this point, do not touch or press any buttons on the computer at all. The update takes approximately 30-40 seconds.

All! You have updated the Bios. The computer will reboot, and if everything went well, you will be working in the new version...

1) Do not go into and change Bios settings unless necessary, especially those that are not familiar to you.

2) To reset Bios parameters to optimal: remove the battery from the motherboard and wait at least 30 seconds.

3) Do not update Bios just because there is a new version. Updates should only be made when absolutely necessary.

4) Before updating, save the working version of the BIOS to a flash drive or floppy disk.

5) Check the firmware version that you downloaded from the official website 10 times: is it the right one, for the right motherboard, etc.

6) If you are not confident in your abilities and have little knowledge of your PC, do not update yourself, trust more experienced users or service centers.

That's all, happy updates everyone!

Badly Great

Every personal computer has a BIOS, which is a program that is not located on the hard drive, but directly on the motherboard chip. It is responsible for input and output of information in the computer. As a rule, only advanced computer users know about BIOS; for beginners, its name usually means nothing. But this does not diminish its significance at all. For PCs, BIOS plays a very important role in the lowest level settings. BIOS provides complete control over the operation of the computer hardware. It regulates such important settings as the rotation speed of coolers, monitors the temperature of the processor, and controls all functions of the PC motherboard, as well as other equipment. Experienced users, by changing the settings in the BIOS, can change the operation of the computer, achieving higher performance and operability of the computer. A beginner in this business can only harm his PC, which, after changing the settings, may stop working altogether due to failures or breakdowns caused by improper operation of the hardware.

Login to BIOS

Entering the BIOS depends on what motherboard is installed on the computer, but in most cases, to do this, you need to press the Del key at the very beginning of loading the operating system; in some cases, you may need to press the F1, F12, F8 keys to enter. When you start the computer, you can first see which button you need to press to enter the BIOS system.

The BIOS menu may vary on different motherboards, but it also varies by type: armi Bioce, award Bios. Each type has a difference in menu, colors and various nuances. If necessary, you can set a login password so that no other user can enter the settings and change them. If any changes are made to the settings, then you need to save them and restart the computer. When exiting the BIOS, the PC will ask whether to save the new settings or not.

BIOS update

Like any other programs of this type, BIOS can be updated to newer versions, which can expand the user's settings and be more convenient to use. Updating the firmware makes it possible to get rid of various problems that may arise during operation.

In order to update the BIOS, you need to download the firmware for it for your motherboard. This can be done via the Internet on the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard that requires a BIOS update. For flashing, special programs are used; they can be supplied on a disk that comes with the motherboard. You can also find the utility on the official websites of motherboard manufacturers, as well as the firmware itself.

An urgent need to flash the BIOS occurs in case of problems associated with a sudden power outage, which often leads to operational problems. An update will also be required if some computer components are replaced with more advanced ones. There are situations when identical motherboards have different revisions. Its first versions may not support the installation of new components, such as a processor, but newer versions may not. To solve this problem, an update is required, that is, flashing the BIOS to a newer version.

When starting directly to flash the firmware, you need to prepare the flash driver and the firmware itself, downloaded from the motherboard manufacturer’s website. Next, you need to prepare a formatted floppy disk on which the boot files will be located. In the BIOS itself, you will need to set the computer to boot not from the hard drive, but from a floppy disk, and install it in the PC. During an update in DOS mode, it is very important that the computer is running and not turned off, otherwise a failure may occur and it will be much more difficult to fix the error.

Updating BIOS in Windows

You can update the BIOS not only in DOS mode, but also while in the WINDOWS operating system, which for many users will be an easier task. In order to do this, you will need special BIOS firmware and firmware suitable for working with the Windows operating system. Next, you will need to run the flasher program and specify the file with the new firmware in it. If the computer is connected to the Internet, the flash driver program can be updated automatically using the Internet.

You can update the BIOS without entering operating system modes at all. This is done in the program itself using special utilities that are located in the ROM memory. But this will not be possible on all motherboards. There are many programs for quick and safe updating; they are selected depending on the motherboard manufacturer. To update Intel motherboards, the Express BIOS Update program is used, making the process quick and convenient even for users who have never done this. All Intel motherboards since 2009 support this program for updating the Bios. It is advisable to use floppy disks for flashing only if the firmware fits on them, which is not always the case.

In many cases, updating the BIOS is necessary for the computer to function properly. But if there is no such need, and this does not affect the operation of the computer in any way, then it is not recommended to simply update, because errors and unexpected power outages can lead to serious problems. During the update, it is best to connect the computer through an uninterruptible power supply, thanks to which it can continue to work for a certain period of time to complete the necessary actions on the computer.

The update is best performed by specialists or people who have already done this more than once and are familiar with the various subtleties and nuances that are associated with it, then there will be no problems.

When turned on, the computer does not immediately load into Windows. First, a rudimentary program code called BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is launched. This code is stored on the motherboard chip and is called firmware. The BIOS identifies all of your computer's components and helps Windows communicate with them.

Motherboard manufacturers periodically release new BIOS versions to fix bugs, improve performance, or provide support for new hardware (such as SSDs). Updating the BIOS to a new version can increase the speed and expand the capabilities of the computer, but if installed incorrectly, it can damage the system. In this article, we will tell you how to safely update your BIOS.

Please note: Once again, updating the BIOS comes with some risk. If something goes wrong, the computer may not work. Before you start updating, be sure to study the instructions for your computer (or motherboard, if you assembled the system yourself) and find out whether the manufacturer provides a safe recovery option - for example, in the form of a spare chip with a backup BIOS copy on the motherboard. Such functions, as a rule, are found in most modern models. If you don't have instructions, you can probably download them from the manufacturer's website in PDF format.

1. Find out what version of BIOS you have installed

In Windows 7, type “cmd” (without quotes) into the search bar and click. In the command prompt window that appears, type “systeminfo” (again, without the quotes) and click. After a couple of seconds, Windows will display detailed system information, including the current BIOS version. For example, our test system reported that the motherboard was running BIOS version F6 (and the latest version available is F11).

2. Find the latest BIOS version

Although most computer manufacturers do not manufacture motherboards themselves, they do have their own library of BIOS versions. So go to the website of the company that made your computer and see if there is a newer version. Find out the model number of your PC and look under “Support” or “Downloads”. If you assembled the computer yourself, go to the motherboard manufacturer's website. You can find out the board model number using the method described in step 1. In any case, be sure to download all the readme files and instructions accompanying the new BIOS version.

3. Read the instructions

Carefully study the documentation included with the new BIOS version. This is not a license agreement, replete with legal terms that can be scanned diagonally. In addition to information about bug fixes and improvements implemented in the new version, the instructions may contain warnings about other fixes that must be installed before upgrading. If you do not follow these requirements, updating the BIOS may damage your computer.

4. Back up your current BIOS version

Most new computers and motherboards come with simple utilities for updating the BIOS directly from Windows. As a rule, such utilities allow you to create a backup copy of the current BIOS version before doing this. Download the utility from the manufacturer's website, install and save the BIOS backup copy to a bootable USB drive. It's not certain that this will help you recover your system if the BIOS update fails, but at least you'll have something to fall back on if compatibility issues arise.

5. Install a BIOS update

So, you have read all the documentation and made a BIOS backup. If you update the BIOS on a laptop, it should be running on AC power, not battery power, because if the computer shuts down during the update, you risk being left with nothing. And in any case, regardless of the type of computer, you should not update the BIOS during a thunderstorm if you often experience power outages in such situations.

Run the utility downloaded in step 4, select the new BIOS version file and install. When the program finishes, reboot your computer using the new BIOS version. If everything goes according to plan, the system should boot normally and you will be able to use your updated computer.

6. Recovery from a failed BIOS update

A detailed description of recovering from a failed BIOS update is beyond the scope of this article. But if something went wrong during the update and the computer now does not want to boot, first of all look in the instructions for information about restoring the BIOS. As mentioned above, most modern motherboards have this feature. But if your computer does not have a recovery option, almost all older motherboards have a hardware switch (colloquially a jumper) that allows you to reset the BIOS to default settings. If you installed the wrong BIOS version and this method does not help, you will have to restore the BIOS from

Modern business is unthinkable without the use of a computer. The work of any company is accompanied by numerous contacts, transactions, financial transactions, availability of goods, and this is only part of the work...

Modern business is unthinkable without the use of a computer. The work of any company is accompanied by numerous contacts, transactions, financial transactions, availability of goods, and this is only part of the work...

There are several ways to update the BIOS. The easiest, fastest and most convenient way is through the Windows operating system. There are also other methods. For example, from under DOS, using a floppy disk, using a flash drive.

Using Windows

Basically, you don't have to do any complicated things, like launching a satellite to the moon or anything else. Everything is done simply. There are special programs for this that will do everything themselves. You only need to tell them different settings.

You can always download the necessary programs on the official website of your motherboard company. Just don’t make the mistake of downloading something else. Otherwise, you may damage your board. After you run the downloaded program to update the BIOS, you will be prompted to specify the path to the firmware file. If you are lucky or have a new motherboard, it may have support for updating via the Internet.

If it is possible to update via the Internet, then everything will be even simpler. You will need to select your motherboard from the list and run the update. That is, the program will independently find the required firmware file and update your BIOS. After this, you just need to restart your computer.

Some programs run on the system itself. Of course, you won’t be able to flash it directly this way. After all, you are already loaded. The essence of such programs is that they write some special data to the boot part of your hard drive, which is triggered when the computer is restarted.

As soon as the computer is rebooted, the BIOS update will immediately start using DOS.

Other options

In any case, you should always look at the manufacturer’s website before updating. They often contain descriptions of various update methods. For example, let's take the site Various update options are described in detail there. There are all links to instructions and files. You can download the firmware files from their update center. To do this, open the link

In order for you to understand in what ways you can restore or update the BIOS, you are provided with a table.

You can find it at this link - As you can see, the table in the header shows that you can restore in 6 different ways. It should be noted that using the special Express BIOS Update program, recovery can only be done in a Windows environment. Because it was written precisely for these purposes.

The following will provide detailed information on what and how to do. Similar information on updating the BIOS can be found on any website of the motherboard manufacturer. The more reputable the company, the better and more seriously they will take this moment.


Your lights should not go out during the update. That is, if you update the BIOS, you will need to use special uninterruptible power supplies. If your light blinks, you could ruin your motherboard.

Of course, it is possible to restore the BIOS as a result of such an outcome, but it is very difficult and problematic. Moreover, you may need to use other exactly the same motherboards. Therefore, in order not to take risks, you need to use UPS, that is, uninterruptible power supplies.

If you are not sure that you will succeed, then it is better not to do it, but seek qualified help from specialists.

1. BIOS update utility
2. Online BIOS update via utility
3. Update from flash utility

BIOS update utility

First, we determine what model of motherboard you have installed. All determination methods are described

You need to download this utility from the official BIOSTAR website. Select "Support" from the menu and "Download" from the drop-down list. A search window will appear in which you enter the model of your motherboard or select from the list. After this, a photo of the board will open, at the bottom right there will be a “Download” button. After clicking, select the operating system version, below will appear a list of all the drivers and utilities that the motherboard supports, as well as a list of BIOS versions, usually at the very beginning.

BIOS update utility

The utility itself is in the same list under the name BIOS Update Utility, find it and download it. The utility may be on the disk that comes with the motherboard.

Run the utility and click the "Update BIOS" button

A warning window will appear: The update process may take several minutes. Do not open other applications during the update process. The system will automatically reboot after the update.

After clicking OK, select the location of the downloaded BIOS file and click Open. The update process will begin. After the update, a window will appear indicating that the update is complete and the system will reboot.

At startup, go into the BIOS settings by pressing the DELETE button on the initial boot screen. In the BIOS, go to the "Save & Exit" tab and reset the settings to the default "Restore Defaults", select Save Changes and exit the BIOS (EXIT or F10).

The update is complete.

Saving the current BIOS file version

In the running utility, click the "Backup BIOS" button, enter the name and select the location to save the file.

Online BIOS update via utility

The update occurs through the same utility downloaded above. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Click the Update Online button. A warning window will open before updating the BIOS, click Yes to update online.

If there is an updated version, a window will appear asking you about downloading. Click Yes.

After downloading the file, the program will ask for permission to begin the update process, after updating, restart your computer.

When rebooting, go into the BIOS settings and reset the settings to default.

Update from flash utility

The utility allows you to update the BIOS from a prepared flash drive.

The flash drive must have only one partition and it must be formatted in the FAT16 or 32 file system

Download the BIOS update file for your motherboard from the official website. Approximate file name: Z17AF523.BSS. Then copy the downloaded file to the USB flash drive. When the computer starts, after the boot screen appears, press the F12 key, the BIOS update utility will launch.

Select fs0 to search for the BIOS file. Run the file, when asked about starting the update, confirm by pressing Y.

After the firmware is installed, a dialog box will appear indicating that the update was successful. BIOS, press Y to reboot the computer.

BIOS is an interesting element. It can easily be recognized that it is the most important part of the computer and at the same time the least noticeable - until problems with the system begin to appear. Updating the BIOS will often solve many of these problems, but it can also render the computer completely inoperable if you did something wrong. So, how to properly update the BIOS.

In general, BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the first code during computer startup and the system's basic software. It is “sewn into” the chip on the motherboard and is responsible for quickly checking all components and loading the operating system from the hard drive. You might think that these are all his responsibilities. In fact, the BIOS will continue to coordinate communication between software and hardware, even while Windows is running.

If the BIOS is out of date, the following problems may arise: a quad-core processor may be recognized as a single-core processor, which significantly limits system performance, incorrect fan speeds do not provide the necessary heat dissipation, and a new video card may not turn on at all, resulting in a black monitor screen and nothing but frustration .

But fortunately, to solve all these problems you just need to update the BIOS. But keep in mind that updating the BIOS is not without risk. If something goes wrong, your computer's functionality may be compromised. In general, the update involves redefining the core algorithms that tell the computer what to do with all of its components at boot time. Be careful and follow the instructions when updating, and make sure that the process is not interrupted or canceled.

The easiest way to do this is to look in the motherboard manual and find information about the manufacturer and model. Additionally, the full model name of the motherboard, for example, P5E3 Deluxe, is usually also printed on the board itself. It is also important to know the version number, for example, REV 1.03 g.

You can determine the BIOS version when you restart the computer, the first thing that appears on the screen is the BIOS logo and version number, or using DEL, ESC, or F2. Second method, press Windows + R and in the Run window enter the command “msinfo32”. Then, under System Information, look for the BIOS version entry.

Step 2: Where to find the appropriate update

All necessary information about possible updates can be obtained on the website of the motherboard manufacturer. Here, in the search window, enter the model number of the motherboard and a list of all files will be displayed in the browser.

If the BIOS update is not among them, it's time to check the version number. Convince whether you entered the name of the motherboard correctly, whether there are later changes to the current version.

If there is an update, installing it is a good idea. Typically, most service packs consist of Flash programs that are responsible for installing and updating the system BIOS, and are often accompanied by a text file detailing the version.

If a BIOS update is in fact among them, it's time to check the numbers: are you entering the name of your motherboard correctly, are the changes later than the current version, and if so, will you find that the specific question will be included in the documentation If everything? problems, upgrading the BIOS may cost the rule pomysł. Jako, most update packages consist of Flash, which is responsible for the installation and the actual BIOS update, often accompanied by a text file with detailed version information.

Step 3: Update Windows System, DOS or BIOS UI

Especially older versions of BIOS need to be updated via the DOS interface. This can be a problem for many modern computers because they no longer come with a traditional floppy drive. Instead, you can simply use a USB drive. On the other hand, many manufacturers provide an easy-to-use configuration assistant for Windows. It may even have a built-in procedure for updating BIOS settings.

Updating BIOS via Windows

If you want to update your Windows system, you need to download the necessary tools for updating the operating system.

The correct operation of the computer system is controlled by the BIOS, located on the motherboard. The absence of errors in the program code, advanced BIOS capabilities and its efficiency directly affect the stability and performance of the computer. Developers are constantly looking for new improvements to program codes. As a result, new, improved BIOS versions are constantly appearing, quite suitable for installing previously developed motherboards. With the help of new developments in BIOS versions, various shortcomings and shortcomings of previously launched developments in computer systems are constantly compensated.

When it comes to updating (reinstalling) the BIOS, it’s worth thinking: “Is this necessary?” Cold reason sometimes wins, saying that there is no need to rush to take risks for the sake of an unknown update. Again, this micro BIOS update can cause many problems. Sometimes, in order to compete in the championship with other motherboard manufacturers, they install low-quality, unfinished versions of microcode. And later it turns out that versions have appeared with corrected errors.

As in any case, when reinstalling code, there are several options for updating Bios. Experts say that there are quite a lot of methods that are not dangerous; there are many more dangerous, but more labor-intensive. Each author advises to first think carefully about your step. If you have already decided, you can use these instructions.

Attention. Sometimes before you make any changes, you will have to...

Method one.
Selecting an update.

First, visit, where you will need to find the latest version of the update code. If you have a different motherboard manufacturer, then you need to find an update on the manufacturer's website.

You need to pay attention to which BIOS version is the latest. The description should indicate what changes have been made in the new version. Download the BIOS archive suitable for your motherboard.

Next, unpack the archive into a separate folder, there should be 3 files there: FLASHSPI.EXE, autoexec.bat, and *****.f*. The last file before the extension (before the dot) contains the identifier of the motherboard for which it is intended, and the BIOS number is in the extension (after the dot). For example, h23mud3h.f7. Connect the flash drive and copy these files to the flash drive.

Proceed to restart your computer. At the very beginning of the computer boot, when the BIOS loads, open the Q-Flash settings management menu by pressing the appropriate key (each version has its own, F2 or DELETE or something else) - the choice of options here is small. The current BIOS version can be saved to a file. Since the main interest is the update, it makes sense to save the old version of the BIOS as a backup copy in case of an unsuccessful update.

Select Update BIOS, a menu for selecting available drives will open, but in our case you need to select a flash drive, the desired file name will appear in it. Next, press Enter, the program will check the integrity of the file before installing the update. Afterwards you are asked to make a choice before the decisive step, whether you need to start flashing the BIOS.

After confirmation, the update process will open, which will take about a minute. After completing the update, the program will check the integrity of the BIOS again, then you can press Esc to exit the menu and reboot. Now you need to go into the BIOS again and make all its settings, since after flashing all the settings are reset.

For the sake of simple interest, you should not update the BIOS.

All operations performed are very complex and serious phenomena, the consequences of which can be unpleasant, even leading to complete inoperability of the entire motherboard. It is advisable to perform the update when the mains voltage is stable, so that there is no threat of a power outage, since each rewrite is a huge risk for the BIOS chip, and the likelihood of an error occurring is too high. If possible, it is better to use an uninterruptible power supply.

Method two.
Boot diskette.

A less dangerous, but more complex way to update the BIOS is a virtual disk. The Windows 98 or Me boot floppy disk, which is required in this case, can be created with the system installed on the computer, or from the Reanimator computer maintenance CD. Or download from the Internet.

The Windows 98 or Me boot floppy disk creates a virtual disk when the computer starts. Thus, when starting the computer, instead of a boot floppy disk, you need to insert a floppy disk with BIOS firmware files recorded on it and the program that creates this firmware. Run the required command. The names of the files to be updated and the files of the BIOS itself will appear. One by one, you need to copy a couple of corresponding files to the virtual disk.
You will need to specify the name of the file, as well as the letter of the virtual disk itself. For example, there are no partitions with FAT32 on the hard drive, which means it will be the letter C: if there are such partitions, then the letter D, you will immediately see when the system responds. If the drive fails or the floppy disk is of poor quality, there is no threat. You can remove and reinsert the floppy disk as many times as you like until the system works. When writing to the BIOS, such a failure is fraught with big problems.

Next you need to go to the virtual disk partition. The programmer will do everything itself - it will save the old version, write a new one, reset CMOS and return to DOS. You just have to reboot manually. Next, the system will offer to rewrite the old BIOS version to disk.

You can reboot and configure the CMOS BIOS after this procedure.

CMOS BIOS settings.

The system itself, when starting from a boot floppy disk, will point to the letter of the virtual disk. If the entire hard drive is formatted in NTFS, or it is not there, then it will be drive C:, otherwise - the letter D. When there are no FAT32 partitions on the hard drive, then after a reboot the system will write that no partitions were found on the hard drive and advise you to check for viruses.

You must be prepared for the fact that failures may occur during the update. After flashing, the motherboard may refuse to turn on. Probably, the wrong BIOS version was selected, or an error occurred during the update process. There may also be a malfunction in the BIOS chip itself. When you start the computer you can find:

BIOS ROM Checksum Error
Copyright C 1998, Award Software, Inc.
Award BootBlock BIOS v1.0
Detecting Floppy Drive A media…

This may be the last thing that can be seen on the screen after updating the BIOS, but more often than not, nothing is visible on the screen, since the video card is not initialized.

This is all the result of an error occurring during the BIOS update process, but part of it is still preserved and the system is looking for a new firmware version on the computer’s hard drive.

If the motherboard itself detects a file with the original name, it will automatically restore the BIOS. You can try to reanimate the computer “in the dark” by inserting a floppy disk with the firmware, wait a certain time and restart the system.

Some motherboards from Gigabyte have a Dual BIOS function, which can automatically restore the computer's functionality without external intervention.

Recovery using Dual BIOS.

A silent computer after updating and rebooting means things are bad. Try using the CMOS reset jumper as described in your motherboard manual and try to start the system.

The jumper can be found in the form of 2 or 3 legs protruding from the motherboard, which are closed. If you see two closed legs, then remove the jumper for a few seconds, then put it back and turn on the computer. If you see three legs and two of them are closed, then you need to install a jumper on the adjacent leg, taking into account that the middle one is constantly engaged. For those who are especially slow-witted, for example, the right and middle legs are closed, you need to remove the jumper and install it so that the left and middle legs are closed. Hold this for a few seconds and return everything to its original position.

You can try to go through the entire BIOS update process using an ASUS motherboard as an example.

First you need to download the new BIOS version, copy it to a disk or flash drive, connect the computer to an uninterruptible power supply and reboot. Then enter the BIOS menu, select ASUS EZ Flash 2, find the file for the BIOS that you previously copied to a disk or flash drive, select the desired file. Next Enter and the BIOS file check will begin. The current version is erased and a new one is written; if everything went well, the computer will start up safely.

BIOS installation.

Many factors can affect electrical engineering; even a regular power outage in the house during a motherboard upgrade will negatively affect the outcome of the event.

I wish you a successful update.