Strengthening the signal of a television antenna. Why does the signal quality fluctuate?

Cable and broadcast television broadcasting systems are developing everywhere every year. However, despite the rapid growth of the network and the expanded capabilities of television equipment, the quality of the image on the TV screen can be poor. This is explained by the fact that the reception of a TV signal from an antenna depends on various factors: correct installation, design and shape of the device, distance to the repeater. Helps improve the quality of the resulting image stand-alone amplification device or replacing the receiver with a more powerful device. In this review, we’ll look at how to strengthen a weak, unstable TV antenna signal.

Before studying radio engineering innovations, it is necessary to analyze why the level of functioning of the receiver is low. Causes of noise and poor image quality may include:

  • significant distance of the home from the repeater;
  • incorrect;
  • high level of natural noise;
  • external obstacles to signal reception: high-rise buildings, trees, industrial buildings;
  • cable failure;
  • incorrect orientation of the transmitter;
  • the presence of metal objects near the antenna that can conduct electricity;
  • outdated technology.

Methods for amplifying TV antenna power

  1. Change the location of the antenna. As a rule, it is directed to the side transmission tower.
  2. Purchasing an antenna amplifier. They are electrical devices that connect directly to the antenna and provide an impetus to improve the received signal.
  3. Expand the number of antennas for a clearer image, installed at the highest place.
  4. Change the device to a more powerful TV antenna.
  5. Remove all objects and metal objects which may interfere with TV signal reception.
  6. Check the television cable for integrity. In case of short circuits or breaks, replace it with a new one. It is important for a high-quality signal.
  7. Create an effect common mode antenna array(SAR). It consists in the fact that identical receivers form a complex system that operates on a common matched load so that the signal phases are the same.

Knowing how to improve a television signal, you can reduce image noise on the screen to a minimum and enjoy high-quality viewing, regardless of the distance to the television center.

Antenna amplifier

Advantages and disadvantages of antenna amplifiers

Like all radio devices, the devices have their pros and cons. The advantages of antenna amplifiers include:

  • due to the operation of the device, even a weak television signal is received;
  • minimum noise figure;
  • improving the signal over a wide frequency range of several wavelengths.

The main disadvantages that users may encounter:

  • overload of the device from powerful signals in the meter range MV (49-230 MHz);
  • self-excitation of the amplifier;
  • the device is susceptible to lightning currents;
  • Passive losses occur at the output.

DIY antenna amplifier

You can design a simple device that amplifies your TV signal for your TV with your own hands. This device has low power consumption, does not create significant interference, and has a frequency range of up to 900 MHz.

A low-voltage amplifier with a power supply of 2.7-5.5 V consumes a current of 3 mA and operates very quietly.

How to choose an antenna amplifier

  1. To select the right antenna amplifier, pay attention to the following parameters.
  2. Distance from repeater. This figure should be within 10-150 km.
  3. Frequency range.
  4. Signal level at the device output. The optimal option is 100 dB per microvolt.
  5. Device gain. This indicator must be no less than 40 dB.
  6. The type of device for which the TV signal needs to be amplified.
  7. Noise figure. It is recommended not to exceed this parameter more than 3 dB.
  8. Consumption current. The optimal value is considered to be 30-60 mA.

Location: on the receiver or near the device.

Note! For digital television, a device with a supply voltage of 5 V is preferable. If the DVD-T2 has this parameter, you will not need to buy a power supply for the antenna amplifier.

Popular amplifiers

To improve image quality, various amplifiers are sold on the radio equipment market. Gain can be adjusted in devices. Most devices have multiple outputs for connecting to multiple TVs.

Models for TV signal amplification

Models for amplification of terrestrial and satellite signals

Various factors can negatively affect the TV signal level. Modern radio technology devices help to increase it. They have a number of advantages: mobility, high gain and a large selection of models. Thanks to the joint work of the antenna and amplifier, you can watch television in good quality.

The best TVs of 2018 according to buyers

TV Samsung UE50MU6100U

TV Hyundai H-LED24F402BS2

TV LG 22LH450V

TV Samsung UE22H5600

In most apartments and even private houses within any even small city, there are now almost no problems with the quality of television signal reception, since cable television is installed almost everywhere. Most apartment buildings in cities with a population of over a million may have several cable TV operators, which gives residents a pretty good choice.

But as you move away from the city center, the availability of high-quality cable TV gradually disappears. And outside the city, as a rule, cable TV completely absent.

Therefore, most summer residents are content to watch at most a few channels of terrestrial television, which they can catch on. Moreover image quality often leaves much to be desired. Especially if the summer cottage is located far from the emitting terrestrial television station, then on the TV screen you can see a lot of interference from “snow” to “stripes” and black and white instead of color.

In most of Russia, terrestrial television is still transmitted to analog format. This method of signal transmission has one significant drawback: the signal-to-noise ratio drops significantly with distance from the emitter.

With distance from the television center, noise (interference) begins to dominate more and more over the main signal. This is precisely what manifests itself in the appearance of “snow” on the screen. If the cottage or village is very far from the transmitting station, then the noise will eventually interrupt the signal completely, and It becomes impossible to watch a TV channel at all.

Now the country is introducing the transmission of TV signals in digital format, and over time it is planned to completely abandon the transmission of television programs in analogue format.

What is the advantage of digital TV over analogue?

Transmission of a signal “encoded in digital” compared to direct transmission in analog format gives several advantages:

  • Increasing the noise immunity of transmission and recording paths of television signals.
  • Reducing transmitter power.
  • Significant increase in the number of TV programs transmitted in the same frequency range.
  • Improving image and sound quality in TV receivers.
  • Creation of TV systems with new standards of image decomposition (high-definition television).
  • Creation of interactive TV systems, when using which the viewer has the opportunity to influence the transmitted program (for example, video on demand).
  • Function "To the beginning of transmission".
  • Archive of TV programs and recording of TV programs.
  • Transmission of various additional information in a TV signal.
  • Select a language (more than the usual two) and subtitles.
  • Expanding the functionality of studio equipment.
  • Possibility of adding radio to multiplexes

But there are also some flaws:

  • Fading and scattering of the picture into “squares” when the level of the received signal is insufficient, the data is either received with 100% quality or restored, or is received poorly with the impossibility of restoration.
  • Almost complete signal fading during thunderstorms.
  • Even a transmitter with a power of 10 kW and a transmitting antenna height of 350 m provides reliable reception at a distance of 50 km, and as a result, the need for a larger number of transmitting centers than with analog TV (more frequent placement of transmitting antennas).

Since we are discussing from the point of view of an ordinary user mainly only image quality, then we can highlight only one main feature of digital terrestrial TV over outdated analogue:

Digital TV is very resistant to interference. To do this, the signal is encoded with some redundancy. A digital tuner will produce an ideal picture even in the presence of a lot of noise. And it will do this until the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a minimum, when the signal arrives at the very edge of the equipment’s capabilities.

That is, in analog broadcasting, as the signal level drops, you will see the picture worse and worse. In digital broadcasting, you won't notice the signal drop until the tuner is no longer able to recover the lost pieces of the image, and it "disintegrates into squares" and then disappears completely.

Types of digital television

Based on the transmission channel, digital TV can be divided into four types:

  • Cable (DVB-C)
  • Terrestrial (DVB-T2)
  • Satellite (DVB-S)
  • Internet TV (IP TV)

We will not consider cable TV and IP television in the country due to their great rarity. But satellite and terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the countryside is relevant.

Moreover, satellite DTV has been used by consumers for quite some time, and in particularly remote areas there are no alternatives to it at all. We will consider it in our separate article.

But on-air DTV began to enter the lives of gardeners and summer residents relatively recently. Let's talk about him in more detail today.

Terrestrial digital television in the country

The terrestrial digital television network in the Russian Federation is still in the process of construction and currently available mainly near large cities. But it already covers a significant part of the dacha areas. Therefore, the issue of connection has become very relevant lately.

How to connect to terrestrial DTV?

If you want to try connecting digital television to your dacha, first you need to determine does your site fall within the coverage area of ​​one of the DTV transmitting antennas?. The location of the site will determine how your TV receiver will pick up the digital signal.

The most reliable way to find out is to interview your neighbors in your summer cottage; perhaps some of them are already watching TV channels in digital form. Then you can be completely sure that “the signal is reaching you.”

If no one in the area has yet heard of digital TV, then you need to try to find out whether your site falls within the boundaries broadcasting radius of a local emitting DTV station.

Coverage area

The broadcast radius of a DTV station usually lies within 20-50 km, depending on the terrain and building density. On average about 30 km is reliable reception zone.

Each region has its own local organization - DTV operator, which is responsible for building and maintaining the network. On their website you can usually see the locations of broadcast stations and even coverage maps. Or you can get information from them by phone or written request.

The DTV network in the Russian Federation is being built by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

Each region has a division of this organization.

You can call and find out everything by phone numbers in your region from the page.

If you are lucky and you find out that your dacha is located in the digital broadcast zone, then it’s time to decide necessary equipment for DTV reception.


So, you already have a TV in your dacha, a plot in the DTV broadcast zone. Let's start installing digital television at the dacha. What else is needed to receive a signal? At a minimum you need an antenna.

Antenna for digital television reception

Universal HF/UHF antenna for digital TV reception

If a digital TV tower is nearby, then it is enough indoor antenna. I will say even more, I personally confidently caught a DTV signal in the city of Ufa on a meter-long piece of wire.

If the signal level is not so ideal, then you will need to install an antenna at your dacha to receive digital channels. Nowadays, most antennas on sale are well suited for this, since they support reception of signals in the decimeter range (UHF/UHF).

For example, you can install the antenna “GAL”, “Locus”, “Zenith”, “Meridian”, “Ether”, etc. I bought my antenna in Auchan for 1000 rubles.

If you know the exact location of the DTV tower, then everything is simple: point the antenna on her and that's it. Usually this is enough to catch a signal and watch digital TV without problems.

If the exact direction is not known, then you need to gradually rotate the antenna until you find the best position. Most digital set-top boxes have signal level and quality indicator, which is displayed on the TV screen and from which you can find the best antenna position. This is usually done by two people: one person rotates the antenna, the second monitors the signal level.

When you have found the maximum possible signal level and the antenna is installed in the desired direction, you need to search for channels on the set-top box.

Setting up digital television at the dacha

The easiest way is to find the “Auto search for channels” item in the set-top box menu, and then the set-top box will do everything itself: it will find all available digital channels and number them in order.

List of digital terrestrial television channels

Now the interesting part: what channels does digital television show for free??

Since my dacha is in the suburbs of Ufa, and I am writing from my own experience, it means that I am considering digital terrestrial television in Ufa. But as far as I understand, list of channels throughout Russia will be the same with rare exceptions, so the information will be useful to everyone, and not just residents of Bashkortostan.

At our dacha the DTV shows 20 channels: 10 at each multiplex.

List of digital television channels

Here full list of channels in Ufa:

1 "First channel"
2 "Russia 1"
3 "Match TV"
4 "NTV"
5 "Petersburg-5 channel"
6 "Russia K"
7 "Russia 24"
8 "Carousel"
9 "Public Television of Russia"
10 "TV Center - Moscow"
11 "REN TV"
12 "SAVED"
13 "The first entertainment STS"
14 "Home"
15 "TV-3"
16 Friday
17 "STAR"
18 "WORLD"
19 "TNT"
20 "Muz TV"

I hope I helped you understand all the nuances of digital TV. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.


This is not a very common malfunction, and it cannot be called a malfunction, meaning when the quality of the received DVB T2 signal fluctuates. Most often this is due to the position of the cable from the antenna to the TV, reception conditions and a number of other reasons. Why this happens is simply incomprehensible to an inexperienced user in such matters, and he can explain this behavior of the tuner as a malfunction of the set-top box or antenna, but that is not the point. However, let's take things in order.


The intensity with which the dvb-t2 signal jumps depends on the height at which the cable has such a horizontal section and how long it is; if it is located close to the ground, then the influence of interference is minimal. It is clear that the longer such a section is, the more the useful signal will be suppressed. To avoid this, place the antenna close to the set-top box; using a high-quality cable also helps.

The digital TV signal also begins to jump when it is tilted, for example when it descends from the ridge of the roof to the wall. It is worth noting that there is a known case when, with an inclined cable, the receiver showed for quite a long time after tuning, and with the onset of summer and hot weather, the signal level began to change abruptly from 0 to 100, and the quality signal remained at 5%.

There have been cases in practice when, in urban conditions, with a nearby tower located, an active indoor antenna was used to receive the first and second multiplex. The signal arriving at the tuner was very large, which led to the protection being triggered and, as a result, the signal began to jump on the digital tuner.

There were also opposite cases when the signal was artificially lowered. This refers to obstacles in the form of buildings or trees. Moreover, if there is a tree between the antenna and the tower, the reception is excellent in winter, but in summer the foliage dampens the signal and jumps in its level also occur. In this case, it is enough to move the antenna. By the way, for this reason, the signal also fails on satellite TV; the installed dish was showing correctly for several years and suddenly glitches began to occur, the picture crumbles into squares. It turned out that the tree had grown over the years and began to block the dish from the satellite.

There are many nuances here and they can have an impact - weather, cable quality, tower location range (signal strength), so you need to understand each case when the signal starts to jump when receiving or configuring T2, and it doesn’t matter what World Vision console you have, Rolsen, etc..

Avoid twisting the wire into a coil, as well as long sections with horizontal and inclined cable positions; use in these cases.

To avoid interference, the cable must be placed away from power electrical wires and avoid crossing the cable with power lines, and when crossing, make it at a right angle.

Wire the TV cable in one piece; if breaks cannot be avoided, then use special connectors with reliable wire contact and shielding, and not twisted with electrical tape.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a TV. At the same time, some take full advantage of the advanced smart functionality of receivers, while others choose to watch programs and movies using the old proven method - using digital or analogue broadcast signals. At the same time, the pleasure of watching programs is often spoiled by the poor quality of TV signal reception. In our article we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about the methods of strengthening them.

What determines the quality of TV broadcasting?

There are several factors that influence the quality of the transmitted image:

  • The television receiver is located at a great distance from the signal repeater.
  • The presence of external obstacles, both natural and artificial. These can be the walls of high-rise buildings, hills, lowlands and a large number of trees.
  • Poor quality connecting cable.
  • The antenna is installed in the wrong location or is poorly oriented in space.
  • The presence of significant metal structures in the signal path or in the immediate vicinity of a television tower.

In almost each of the listed cases, the leading role is given to the TV antenna. If this attribute is correctly selected and configured accordingly, then there is a real chance of improving the quality of received signals and stabilizing the broadcast.

The industry produces both indoor and outdoor antennas. Where they are installed is clear from their name. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Antennas for indoor use

Portable antennas at very affordable prices can perform their functions perfectly if the place of their use is close enough to the repeater. This means a distance not exceeding thirty kilometers. And the highest effect can be achieved when the TV tower, as they say, is visible from the window. In this case, the signals will not deteriorate due to multiple reflections from the walls of buildings.

For indoor antennas, it is customary to divide them into two categories, depending on the design features:

  1. Frame. This type of antenna has an open metal frame. Their operating range is UHF (decimeter). It includes frequencies from 300 MHz to 3 GHz, but, as a rule, frequencies above 900 MHz are not used for television broadcasting.
  2. Rod. “Horned” as they were popularly called. With their help, television signals are reliably received in the meter range (VHF), that is, at frequencies from 30 MHz to 300 MHz.

To effectively use an indoor antenna, you need to find a place where it will work most effectively. This means that it must encounter as many obstacles as possible on the way from the broadcaster to the receiver of television signals.

If all the conditions are met, but a high-quality picture cannot be achieved, then you can try using an antenna with an active amplifier. In addition, there are also autonomous signal amplifiers, which we will discuss below.

If the user lives in close proximity to the translator, then he may have to purchase a device diametrically opposed to the amplifier, which is called an attenuator. But it serves to attenuate the signal, which helps prevent picture and sound distortion that appears as a result of a too strong TV signal.

Outdoor antennas

  • Half-wave vibrators.
  • Wave channels.
  • Log-periodic antennas.
  • Common-mode antenna arrays.

In order to cover the meter and decimeter ranges, it is recommended to use a combined solution, in which one design contains elements of several of the above types of antennas.

The quality of the received TV signal is directly dependent on the height at which the antenna is installed. A significant impact may be caused by nearby high-voltage power lines.

Depending on the type of signal amplification, there are several other types of outdoor antennas. Passive outdoor antennas belong to the class of the simplest passive devices, since their design does not contain components capable of amplifying the TV signal.

In active antennas, the signal is amplified due to the presence of a special microcircuit in them. Amplifiers can be either built into the antenna structure or independent of it.

Types of antenna amplifiers

When selecting a television signal amplifier, it is necessary to take into account its technical parameters:

  • Frequency range. The majority of antennas sold on the domestic market are designed to work with local frequencies. However, there are exceptions.
  • Gain. For the meter range this figure is 10 dB, and for the decimeter range - from 30 to 40 dB.
  • Noise figure. The recommended size is no more than three decibels.

The secondary parameters in the selection process are the supply current (from 30 to 60 mA) and voltage (from 5 to 12 V). There are also differences in the place where the amplifier is located (directly on the receiver or near it).

However, even the use of high-quality components and reliably operating equipment does not always guarantee satisfactory quality of received television programs. This indicator can be negatively affected by a low-quality coaxial cable used for connection, and poor-quality elements for its connection. It is recommended to purchase a cable that has a thick central core and a standard characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms.

In addition, household appliances and external sources may become sources of interference in the picture. The latter are most often radio stations and cellular transmitters. There is only one protection against them - antennas with a narrow radiation pattern.

The reception of digital or analogue television signals by antennas is not significantly different. It’s just that for digital it is necessary to support the UHF range, provided that there is a DVB-T/T2 receiver in the TV itself. If it is not there, you will have to purchase an external TV tuner.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about satellite dishes. The diameter of their bowls can range from fifty centimeters to five meters. The sensitivity of the antenna is directly dependent on the size. Correctly installing and configuring a satellite dish is not at all easy, and therefore the involvement of highly specialized specialists is necessary to carry out this work.

Hello friends! In this post I will continue the topic of how to set up DVB-T2. Terrestrial digital TV, 20 channels for free, how to set up an antenna and enjoy a high-quality image.

If you are interested in what types of digital television there are and how to choose the right TV given this variety, then follow this link and

You can ask about how to choose the right antenna for digital television

Well, right now, about how to set up the antenna and equipment for digital channels.

A little general information for a better understanding of the matter.

Currently, terrestrial digital television offers 20 television programs for viewing and 3 radio stations for listening. Total 23 and these channels are included in two digital television packages.

But what’s interesting is that the user does not need to separately configure all 23 frequency channels on his TV or set-top box, but only two.

P.S. Residents of Moscow and the region can enjoy more; they are broadcasting a third package, which already includes 30 digital television programs and the need to tune in three frequency channels.

To make it clearer, let's remember how this works in an analog signal? In this case, one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, for example, in my region, Channel One was broadcast on frequency channel 6, the Rossiya TV channel was broadcast on channel 12, and NTV channel broadcasts were broadcast on channel 27 in the UHF range. And then further - One frequency channel = one television channel!

With the advent of digital broadcasting, everything has changed!

And one of its advantages is that now not one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, but ten or more at once, so to speak in a package. This is called “Package” or “Multiplex”. For example, from the television center in Belgorod on channel 43 of digital broadcasting, 10 television channels and plus 3 radio stations are transmitted - this is the first package, and on the frequency of channel 46 another 10 TV channels are transmitted - this is the second package. Thus, only two television frequencies are used, and not twenty-three. But keep in mind that if in Belgorod these are channels 43 and 46, then in another city these will be different frequencies.

There is only one thing that unites everyone, in any region these will be frequencies of the decimeter (UHF) range, and therefore an antenna is also needed for UHF. (ADDITION: Currently, some broadcasters are still broadcasting only one of the two packages, i.e. only ten channels.)

Find out on which channels Digital Terrestrial Television is broadcast in your region, where the transmitting towers are located and whether they operate in full mode, broadcasting two packets. This information can be extremely useful for the successful installation of the antenna.

So, if you decide to organize digital terrestrial TV channels, you will need:

  1. A TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or, if it does not have one, then you will need a set-top box for digital television, also in DVB-T2 format.
  2. And of course the antenna itself, UHF range. Indoor or outdoor, depends on the proximity to the translator and the quality of the signal in your area.
  3. Television cable, antenna plug.
  4. Sometimes it helps to have a helper, and it never hurts to have patience and persistence.

How to find out if my TV is capable of receiving Digital Terrestrial Television

First, let's find out whether your TV is capable of receiving DVB-T2 signals without a set-top box, the fact is that not all devices are able to do this, old, non-flat TVs don’t even need to be checked, but flat LCD TVs may or may not receive . But if you know exactly what your TV is capable of, feel free to skip this part.

There are several ways: 1) (Dreary) Get the technical passport from the TV and look in the “technical specifications” section to find the presence of DVB-T2 there. Why is it boring? Look at your passport!….. Although sometimes you get lucky.

2) (Simpler) There is a tag on the TV case, on its back, with the TV model written on it, write it down or take a photo. Next, you need to enter the TV model into the search bar of your browser and add the word “Characteristics”. See examples in the photo below.

The model has been determined, we type in the search engine…….

Having gone to the site, select “Technical Specifications” then “Advanced” and we get where we need to go.

As you can see, this model is capable of receiving DVB-T2; it does not need a set-top box. Further designations indicate: C - digital cable, S2 - digital satellite. But we are interested in DVB-T2 and it is present, otherwise we would have to purchase an additional set-top box for digital television.

How to set up your antenna and TV for digital TV under different signal conditions

Let's look at the simplest option first: You live in an area of ​​good, reliable signal reception. We have decided on the antenna, an article about this will help you. We connected the antenna to the TV and turned on auto channel search, in some models, when we go to the settings menu, the TV may ask you to choose whether to configure analogue or digital channels, choose digital. If everything went well, the TV itself will save the caught channels. You can admire the excellent image quality.

Let's complicate the situation a little. On auto-search, the TV did not catch anything, or only a few channels that were snowing. If this is so, then these are not digital channels, but ordinary analogue ones; digital television cannot go with the snow. (the fact is that on auto search, the TV can scan the entire range, both digital and analog).

Your next steps: If the auto search did not help, then It will greatly simplify the situation by knowing which TV channels broadcast the first and second multiplexes in your area. And also where and in what direction the TV tower is located from you in order to correctly point the antenna. If you don’t know this, then you can also see the desired direction of the antenna by paying attention to where the neighbors’ antennas are “looking.” Just don’t use satellite dishes as a guide; they are pointed at the satellite.

If you know the channel number, then do the following - You need to find the manual tuning mode in the TV menu, don’t forget to select “Digital”; it can be designated as DTV. Next, your task is to dial from the remote control the channel number on which one of the multiplexes (packages) is broadcast. In manual mode, a scale will be displayed on the screen that visually shows the signal level received by the antenna. (Sometimes there may be two scales, for example “Level” and “Quality”, refer to the bottom one)

And now, on the scale, you can see whether there is a signal from the antenna, in some cases, if there is no signal, then the indicator on the scale may behave like this: It will jump, zero percent - one hundred percent - zero - one hundred ..... etc. d. This indicates there is no signal. By changing the position and direction of the antenna, visually determine the best signal level, and this level should be stable, and if it changes, it should be within small limits, not to zero.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the result from changing the antenna position will not be reflected immediately, after about 5 seconds. Therefore, look for the best position in stages, each time taking a short pause and observing the signal level on the scale. If the antenna is located on the street, then it will be more convenient to work here with an assistant.

When we managed to find the antenna position at which the signal is stable, we give the command to search and save channels. We repeat the search and save procedure for the second multiplex, indicating its channel number (if there is broadcasting of two multiplexes, it is not everywhere yet)

And now a very difficult situation: You live in an area with difficult television reception. This may be due to the distance from the transmitting tower, the complexity of the terrain (mountains, lowlands, wooded areas). High-rise buildings located quite close to you and at the same time standing on the way to the transmitting tower, your antenna directed at the tower seems to “rest” against the high-rise.

In these cases, the principle of the adjustment itself is the same as described above; you need to visually determine the best position of the antenna using a scale. But the antennas used and some methods differ.

Antennas in difficult reception conditions must be used active ones, i.e. with an amplifier, also structurally having a higher gain. Typically, the longer the antenna arm, the greater its own gain.

Methods include the following: Determine if there are other transmission towers in a more favorable position for you. And try to catch a signal from them (fortunately they will be built quite tightly)

Using masts and other heights is the task of raising the antenna higher. (Effective in lowlands and wooded areas)

In built-up areas that are not very far from the tower, it is not necessary to use a powerful antenna; try to catch the reflected signal, point the antenna not at the TV tower, but in the opposite direction, at the building behind you or on the side. If it is possible to install an antenna on the roof of a high-rise building, this will give excellent results.

Antenna setup via digital set-top box

When using a digital set-top box, everything is the same as described above; it is better to set it up manually in order to see the signal level. The only difference is that the TV plays the role of a monitor connected to the set-top box via an HDMI or RCA cable (tulips). This means that all settings need to be made in the set-top box, and not in the TV. Just don’t forget to switch the TV to the appropriate VIDEO or HDMI mode (depending on what connectors you used for connection)

To do this, you need to find the corresponding button on the TV remote control; in different models it may be designated differently, here are some examples, separated by an asterisk: AV* AV/TV*VIDEO* SOURSE * HDMI * RECTANGLE ICON WITH AN ARROW IN* INPUT* In some On SONY TVs the order is as follows - HOME - Settings - External inputs.

All further setup steps are performed using the remote control of the set-top box, through manual or automatic search.

Do not forget that in this case we connect the antenna to the set-top box, and not to the TV.

Read about what you need to know when choosing a digital set-top box.

Well, I hope this article can help you in connecting digital broadcasting to your home.

P. S I decided to add them below to this article as interesting cases related to tuning antennas become available. If you have any, write them in the comments and they will definitely appear in your feed.

  1. In my practice, very rarely, but there were cases when the antenna did not receive the signal at all, but as soon as I moved it literally a meter to the left or right, everything went fine, we returned it a meter back, again everything disappeared.
  2. Today I encountered another incident. I'll describe it in detail. The situation is this: An old TV is on the floor, it works great through the set-top box, the indoor antenna is on the windowsill nearby, the signal level is about 70-80%. In this case, there is the following task.

You need to set up the number on the new LG LCD. I put it on the windowsill, next to the antenna that I connect to it, so what? LG does not see a signal at all, not even an ounce. Maybe it doesn’t support DVB-T2, I thought! I checked the model, no, everything is supported in order. What's wrong with the antenna? No, the old TV works through a set-top box. I'm at a loss!

I connect a set-top box to the new LG (What if!)…….. There is a signal through the set-top box, but below 10% - It’s some kind of mystery why everything is fine with the old TV, but with the new one, which, even when in monitor mode, is connected through the set-top box, - the television signal drops completely. 😯

After a short “Dancing around and around” It turned out!

The power supply of this LG was external and it was connected to the socket there, on the windowsill (there was an extension cord tee there). So, the OH power supply emitted such radio interference that being next to the antenna completely jammed the signal.

As soon as we moved the antenna and power supply of the LCD TV in different directions, several meters, everything immediately returned to normal. Bringing it close to the antenna again, the signal disappeared!

3. If you use an indoor antenna and your window is covered with metal blinds, then they can also seriously interfere with the signal. Keep this in mind!