Removing marked objects from 1C Enterprise. Accounting info. Automatic deletion of directories and documents

Suitable for 1C 8.3 ZUP, 1C 8.3 Trade Management, 1C 8.3 Accounting and other 1C 8.3 configurations. Let's study the launch mode of the 1C 8.3 program Managed application.

Not everyone knows that this treatment actually replaced the treatment Universal selection and processing of objects. And the mark for deletion in 1C 8.3 is considered a service attribute of the object. Therefore, we can talk about changing the document details if you want to mark the document for deletion.

How to mark for deletion in the document journal

It makes sense to use the processing discussed above in 1C 8.3 for complex selections and a large volume of deleted documents. If you delete documents from one document journal, you can proceed as follows.

Step 1

In the open journal of Implementations documents, we set the selection for the counterparty “Carpenter+” and the Organization “Ivanov IP”:

Step 2

Click Ctrl+A– mark all selection documents, then while pressing the key Ctrl Click on the document that does not need to be deleted. For example, sales less than 10,000 rubles. Thus, we selected the necessary documents according to the example, which are highlighted in color (in this case yellow):

Step 3

Right-click on the list. In the drop-down context menu (or by clicking the More) select the desired command Mark for deletion/Unmark:

We get the result - 6 selected documents are marked for deletion:

How to mark for deletion using processing Universal selection and processing of objects

There is special processing for Information Technology Support (ITS) subscribers UniversalSelectionAndProcessingObjects.epf. You can find it on the ITS disk in the directory \1CITS\EXE\ExtReps\Unireps82\UniversalSelection\ or by searching in the online version of the ITS.

True, it only works when running 1C 8.3 in normal application mode. For a managed application, you can find similar treatments on developer sites.

We will use processing for ITS subscribers. To do this, we will configure the launch of the 1C 8.3 program in normal mode. Let's look at an example in the 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.0 program. We launch the 1C ZUP 3.0 program in Configurator mode. On the menu Service Parameters on the bookmark Launch of 1C Enterprise put a dot, as in the figure below, at the application Thick client (regular application):

Click apply. We launch the 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) program in mode Company(you can use the F5 button from the configurator). Now you can from the menu File – Open select processing from the directory where it is installed (or you can connect it).

Problem to be solved: Mark all documents for deletion Payroll and contributions for the Main Division for the period February-June 2016. for organizing Ideal in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.0

Step 1

In the Search Object window, start typing the word “accrual”. The 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) program will offer options in the drop-down list. Selecting an object Calculation of salaries and contributions:

Step 2

On the Selection by details values ​​tab, use the “green button with a plus” to add selections, and set the condition: date > 02/01/2016, since the 1C 8.3 ZUP database contains the latest documents for June 2016:

Step 3

Click on the button Find Objects. We get the result. If we don’t want to mark an object for deletion, then uncheck the box next to it:

Step 4

Go to the bookmark Processing. Selecting processing Mark for deletion By clicking on the arrow, move it to the right side of the window - Selected treatments. Click Run. We get the result:

Step 5

Next, open the Payroll journal. We see that all payroll documents from February for the “Ideal” organization (except for the document for not to the Main unit) are marked for deletion. Let's open a document that is not marked for deletion. We see that it is formed according to Division 2:

How to mark all documents for deletion at once without checking referential integrity

For example, this method can be used when a 1C 8.3 user decides to completely clear the 1C 8.3 database of documents, and use the existing directories and settings to keep records for another organization.

In the Main Menu (triangle in the upper left corner) select All functions. Finding processing

On the bookmark Deleting data With this processing, you can select not only all documents to be deleted at once, but also set individual types of documents and the deletion period. By default in 1C 8.3 there is a checkmark Delete objects, for which you have access rights:

We tick all documents. All you have to do is press the button Delete. But, please note that without referential integrity control, it makes sense to delete configuration objects when cleaning the 1C 8.3 database or when debugging the transfer (warning message from the developers). In other cases, it is better to mark objects for deletion.

Administration 1C:Enterprise 7.7

By mistake, a document or directory entry that is no longer needed can be deleted. Deleting records in the 1C program occurs in two stages:

First stage :

Marking objects for deletion that need to be deleted.

Manipulating an object's mark in a window Removing marked objects does not in any way affect the deletion mark in magazines and directories.

Postings operations marked for deletion turn off, postings document - are deleted. When the deletion mark is removed, the transactions are not automatically restored.

Recovery transaction postings select a team menu-> ACTIONS-> Enable postings, For document postings you need to open the document and re-run.

Deleting marked objects without exclusive mode.

If 1C is not running in exclusive mode, you will not be able to use standard uninstallation tools - 1C will display the error “”

How to delete marked objects without exclusive mode?

In a situation where it is not possible to run 1C in exclusive mode, but you need to delete marked objects, the “Deletion” processing, which can be downloaded from us, will help: deletion without exclusive access ( author Alexander Shatsky, modified by me: the speed of work has been significantly increased).

You can start processing in the “Enterprise” mode using the menu command file - open.

The interface is similar to standard processing. If you You don’t want to receive an “Object not found” error instead of the filled-in details - delete only with link control, without using the “Delete all” / “Delete links” checkbox.

Why were some objects unable to be deleted?

Such objects are displayed in the "Cannot be deleted" column. During verification (control), the message “*** from *** selected objects cannot be deleted” will be displayed.

Now why can’t some objects be deleted from the 1C database? It’s just that there are links to these objects in the 1C database. Somewhere in directories, documents, movements, this object is indicated and therefore the system cannot delete it. Such situations corrected manually and here you need a good knowledge of the 1C configuration.

All elements where the object being deleted is used are displayed in the "Links to the object being deleted" list. If it is possible to delete all references to the object being deleted, it will be possible to delete the object itself. If you forcefully delete an object, the system line " will appear in place of references to it "<

When deleting the “Receipt of goods and services” document marked for deletion, all users must log out of the 1C database. Then in the Main Menu we find the “Operations” item and select “Delete marked objects”.

In our example, we need to delete the document Receipt of goods and services, which is marked for deletion.

In the window that appears, when the program warns that “deleting marked objects may take a long time,” answer “Yes.”

When a warning appears stating that “deleting marked objects may take a long time,” click Yes.

At the end of the search, the system will display all objects marked for deletion in the 1C database. In the list provided, you can select which components you want to remove and which to leave. In this example, we leave all objects found by the program for deletion. Then click the “Control” button.

The system will monitor the possibility of deletion and open a window where objects to be deleted and objects not marked for deletion will be displayed. Please note that objects with a red cross cannot be deleted.

If it is possible to delete the selected document, click “Delete at the bottom of the form.”

At the end of the process in this example, 13 objects were deleted from the database, including the “Receipt of goods and services” document.

Now why can’t some objects be deleted from the 1C database? It’s just that there are links to these objects in the 1C database. This object is listed somewhere in directories, documents, registers and therefore the system cannot delete it. In our case, 2 objects were not deleted due to the fact that this element is used in the Personal Income Tax Deductions information register. Such situations are corrected manually and require good knowledge of the 1C configuration.

Today we will talk about deleting documents, as well as any 1C Accounting object data in general (I explain what object data is and how it differs from others in my full 1C Accounting 8 course with examples). Sometimes there are situations ( yes, perhaps not sometimes), when you need to delete a document, but it doesn't want to leave. Let's see why this happens and how to fix it.

Since we are talking about removal, and this operation irrevocable, then be sure to read the article about database backup. Very often this helps to avoid major problems in the company!

How to delete a document in 1C Accounting

First, let's look at how objects are deleted in 1C Accounting 8. First of all, it should be said that not a single object (1C document, directory element, etc.) can be deleted directly, as, for example, we delete unnecessary files in Windows. The process of deleting documents in 1C is a little different.

COMMENT! In some versions of 8.3 it is possible to directly delete elements, including pre-installed ones(!). Never use this, especially since it is impossible to cancel this operation!

To delete a directory element, group or document that you no longer need, you must first mark for deletion. This can be done using the key Delete on the keyboard or the corresponding button on the toolbar. Below is an example from 1C Accounting 8.3:

Before clicking the delete button, make sure that the desired object is selected in the list. During the operation, the program will ask for confirmation of the action.


After confirmation, the object will be marked in the list with a red cross on the left, as in the figure below. By the way, about the cross, but another one, there is another one here on the site.


Note: When you mark a directory group for deletion, all elements, as well as subgroups, will also be marked for deletion. Consequently, If there are many elements in the group marked for deletion, the process may take some time!

You can remove a mark for deletion in the same way as you can mark it.

If you mark it to , its execution is cancelled.

To finally get rid of 1C Accounting database objects marked for deletion, you need to start processing "Deleting marked objects". For 1C Accounting 8.3, to do this, go to the main menu.


And for 1C Accounting 8.2, to delete marked objects you need to go to the menu "Operations / Deleting marked objects." or in the "Administration" section.


Remember: deleted objects cannot be restored. No way.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

Why is the document not deleted?

However, quite often there are situations when an object marked for deletion cannot be permanently deleted. For some reason the program cannot do this. Why?

In 1C Accounting, a document or directory element cannot be deleted if there is at least one link to it.

Thus, if a document “does not want” to be deleted, it means that it is referenced by other documents in the 1C database. What do you mean by reference? Very simple. This means that in another document There is a field in which this "non-deletable document" is selected as a value. An example for 1C Accounting 8.2 is given below.


If you try to delete the invoice underlined in this document, then a situation with an “eternal” document will arise. There is a separate article about such cases when a document or directory element is not deleted. I recommend checking it out.

Let's sum it up

If you do not delete any document, directory element or anything else that is deleted by setting a deletion mark, then you need to sequentially delete all links to the object being deleted. Only in this case there will be no obstacles to its final removal.

Of course, if you need the objects with which this document is associated, then you can forget about deleting. For example, there was a warehouse. Then he was liquidated. However, it will no longer be possible to remove it from the 1C Accounting database, since it is used in many documents. However, after collapsing the database, you can still get rid of unnecessary documents.

I discuss the features of working with objects marked for deletion, deleting links to objects and other related issues in my full course on 1C Accounting. After completing the training course, all your questions about 1C will disappear.

When starting to work in 1C company programs, many people have a question: how to delete unnecessary documents or directory elements? When you click on the "Del" button, the document is only marked for deletion and remains in its place. After reading the article you will know the answer to this question.

Now we will look at how to delete documents in different 1C programs. A common point for all programs is that deletion is only possible in exclusive mode, i.e. No one except you should be working in the program at this moment; it should be closed on all other computers.

Now let's figure out how to remove unnecessary elements in one of the most popular programs at the moment - 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, version 2.0.

First you need to switch the interface to Full. Go to the menu item

Tools -> Switch interface -> Full

Now select the item

Operations ->

And we agree that the operation may take a long time. Then in the window that opens, click the “Control” button.

The program begins checking whether other documents contain links to the ones you want to delete. For example, the document “Sales of goods and services” is marked for deletion, but there is a link to this document in the invoice. The program will report this and will not delete the document in this case. In order for a document or directory element to be deleted, you must first remove links to it from all other documents.

Green checkmarks in the figure indicate those documents that can be deleted, and red checkmarks indicate those that have links. The bottom part of the form shows which documents use the object marked for deletion.

After clicking the "Delete" button, those items that are marked in green will be deleted.

In order to delete objects in the new version of 1C: Accounting - edition 3.0, you need to go to the "Administration" tab and select the "Delete marked objects" item.

And starting from version 3.0.34, you need to go to the menu

Administration -> Support and Maintenance -> Deleting marked objects

Then you need to choose whether you want to delete all marked objects or just some of them.

In the program 1C: Integrated automation 8 and 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 you also need to switch the interface to “Full” and go to the menu

Operations -> Deleting marked objects

In conclusion, I would also like to note that documents that are marked for deletion but are found in a closed period (a date for prohibiting editing has been set) will not be deleted. Therefore, it is better to do everything in a timely manner, for example, once a month or before starting preparation for reporting.

And if you need more information about working in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, then you can get our book onlink.