Television on your computer - setting up a list of channels for IPTV Player

IPTV for Dummies

IPTV is becoming an increasingly common television broadcasting format every year. But, despite its growing popularity, few people understand the principles of its operation, much less the terminology. We will try to talk about the basic concepts of the industry in simple language.


In simple words, this is television, via the Internet or television over the Internet protocol.

How does this protocol work?

Quite simple: there is a sender, there is a recipient. Each with its own unique address. The sender sends data to the recipient's address. This data is broken up into small pieces called packets, each of which can take different paths across the network. Before displaying it on the recipient's screen, you just need to collect them in the right order. Another protocol is responsible for this - transmission control.

This makes data transfer much faster: it’s easier for ten people to move one brick at a time than for one person to move ten at once. It's the same with data. And the recipient does not have to wait for the entire file to download in order to start viewing.

It stands for Over-the-Top or in Russian “through the top.” If the concept of IPTV is directly related to operator networks: it is a closed or semi-closed network. The entire infrastructure belongs to the content provider and is not entirely accessible from the Internet. OTT is an open system. Hence the name: it seems to bypass the operator. The provider or recipient of the content can be anyone. OTT set-top boxes are used for reception. The most striking example of an OTT service is YouTube.

It's also Video on Demand. All online cinemas belong to this category. The user enters the request: “I would like to watch this now...” and receives his “order”. Simple enough.

IPTV console

This is the most common iptv client equipment on the TV screen. Its main task is to receive a signal and recode it into a format understandable for the TV, and vice versa: to receive a command from the viewer and request the desired channel from the source in its “language”. In fact, working with a set-top box is similar to working with a computer, and the quality of the transmitted service directly depends on its hardware.


Middleware. It ensures correct interaction between applications, administrator and user. In essence, it is the connecting link of all software and hardware parts, i.e. is in the middle. Operators are especially interested in this part of the system: it determines what services he can provide to the user so that the set-top box will accept them.

The list can be continued for quite a long time. IPTV is a rather complex system with a large number of elements. The bottom of these 5 terms is enough to “separate the flies from the cutlets” and move from the category of beginners to the category of intermediate ones.

Keywords: ott set-top boxes, iptv equipment, iptv set-top box manufacturer, How the IPTV protocol works, VoD, OTT, IPTV set-top box, Middleware, system

IPTV is digital television; it can be connected to a TV, computer, smartphone, or media player. There are several ways to connect IP TV to, which allows any user to configure and view digital channels based on their own capabilities, they just need to know how to do it correctly.

Today, interactive TV is a serious alternative to cable or. The broadcast quality fully complies with modern TV characteristics, and additional functionality significantly expands the possibilities of using TV content. Moreover, the new generation of interactive television has some advantages over broadcast or cable broadcasting - better sound, better picture quality.

Considering the capabilities of modern TVs with , setting up IPTV on your TV makes sense. In addition, IPTV owners can use other services related to television content.

  • You can connect digital TV in any convenient way, each of which has its own nuances:
  • via a connected iptv set-top box;
  • via a router via a wireless connection;
  • using special applications;

via an Internet browser.

In most cases, connecting to a TV is carried out using the first two methods. The latter are suitable for various gadgets or computers.

Features of connecting the set-top box Connecting a digital set-top box is not much different from. The connection to the router is made via a standard Ethernet connector, and wireless setup

via Wi-Fi. If you wish or have some difficulties, you can use a wire and connect it to the LAN connector.

  • AV for connecting to older TVs;
  • HDMI for more modern panels;
  • USB connector (usually located on the front).

To receive digital television, your TV has either HDMI-exit, or AV. The connection to the set-top box is made by connecting the corresponding wire - this completes the physical connection of the set-top box.

Setting up the set-top box

After connecting the set-top box, it must be turned on. To watch IPTV on the TV, a menu is displayed. Setting up the software is generally quite simple. There is a Setup button on the remote control; after pressing it, you must make the following settings.

In case of technical breakdowns, defects or other difficulties, it is possible. If after all the manipulations the device produces errors, you can repeat the setup, read the explanation of the problems in the instructions, or seek technical support from your provider or the manufacturer of the set-top box itself.

Wireless connection

If the user does not want to lay extra wires, then you need to familiarize yourself with how to connect digital TV. Let's look at the algorithm using popular brands of TVs as an example.


For owners of LG equipmentwireless IPTV connection availableand broadcasting digital channels on TV through a specially developed SS programIPTV. You will need an Internet connection to access it. You can install the application from a USB drive or after downloading.

To download and run the program, you need to go to the Smart menu, open the Smart World tab. In the address bar, enter the name of SS IPTV and set the search command. When the utility is displayed in the list, you need to install it and then open it. Connecting interactive television to televisions of other brands, such as Philips or Samsung, is carried out using a similar algorithm of actions.


In Philips television panels, you need to establish a connection to the Internet by connecting to an access point (router). Then press the Home button on the remote control to open configuration menu. In the network settings, select “Operation mode” and enter the DNS value. To connect to digital television, just download any of the available widgets.


To watch IPTV on a Samsung TV, as done in the previous methods, you need to set up a connection to the Internet and install a special utility.

  1. On the remote control, open the Smart Hub menu, press the “A” button. Here you need to create an account, enter the Develop login and password.
  2. Then go to settings and open the “Development” item. In the IP address field, enter, or use the alternative set
  3. After selecting the “Application Synchronization” tab, when the process is finished, press Enter.

Now in the list of applications the user will have access to special utility nStreamPlayer to watch IPTV television.

Where TV with Smart functions and cable from a digital television operator converge at one point in space, IPTV is born. If this point is located in your apartment, you are lucky: the new generation Internet television is almost in your “pocket”. All that remains is to connect it, but... how?

Each “TV box” has its own nuances and tricks. Today we’ll talk about how to install IPTV on the Smart TV of the most common brands - LG and Samsung, and how to download playlists to it.

Preparatory stage

And so, you brought home a brand new Smart, turned it on, connected the cable, and it... broadcasts regular channels in the most ordinary quality. What's the matter? Cheated at the store? No, this is not a hoax. To watch IPTV, you need 2 things:
  • An agreement with the operator to connect the service (it is not free, but affordable). By the way, after its conclusion you will be able to access free content.
  • A special application for watching IP TV channels. Installed in TV. The majority of such programs do not require payment.

Regarding the first point, I think no explanation is needed, but with one of the popular and freely distributed IPTV programs - Simple Smart IPTV(or SSIPTV), let's get to know each other better. Using her example, we will master the installation of IP television.

Installing Simple Smart IPTV


LG TVs support installation of SS-IPTV in two ways: directly from the TV and from a USB flash drive. In the first case, in the second – not necessarily.

First way:

  • Open the application store on the TV (located in the “ menu Home“) and log in (or create a new account if you don’t have one).
  • Enter the name of the program into the search. Once it is found, click the " Install».
  • After installation, click " Launch».

Second way:

  • Open LG Smart World in your computer browser and download the program archive, then unpack and save it to a flash drive.
  • Connect the flash drive to the TV.
  • Open the Smart feed (by pressing " Home") and go to " My applications».

  • Click on the USB icon, that is, select a flash drive as the source for installing programs.
  • After opening the folder, click on the Simple Smart IPTV icon. The application will be installed into the TV's memory.


S S-IPTV works on all Samsung Smart TVs, starting with the D series. Each series has differences in the TV menu, but the installation principle is similar everywhere, with the exception of J devices.

On models of series D, F, H, E and above:

  • Open the main TV menu and go to the " FunctionsSmart».
  • In the right half of the window, select the option “ AccountSamsung».

  • If you don't yet have a Samsung Smart Hub Store account, click " Create” and begin following the registration instructions. For username write " develop" (it is important).
  • On E series devices, enter any 6 characters in this field.
  • On H and F series TVs, leave it blank.

After confirming your registration, return to the menu " FunctionsSmart" and click " OpenSmartHub».

  • At the bottom of the Applications window, click " Add. applications».
  • On the next screen, open " Options" and select the option " IP setting».

  • In the window that appears, enter the IP address of the server Use the numeric keyboard to enter (the on-screen keyboard does not work here).
  • Then go back to the menu " Options" and click " Synchronizing user applications" (on models of some series the option is called this, on others - " StartAppSync»).
  • After synchronization in the " Additional applications» SS-IPTV icon will appear.

On J series devices:

  • By launching a web browser on your PC, open the Samsung Smart Hub store, log in and download the archive with the SS-IPTV program to your hard drive.
  • Take a suitable USB flash drive, create a directory on it called " userwidget" and place the application in it. Preliminary unpacking of the archive is not necessary.
  • Turn on the TV and connect the USB flash drive to any free socket. The IPTV access tool will be installed automatically.

To watch IP TV, simply launch the program, find your provider in the list of service providers and download the playlist. By the way, in addition to the preset playlists, you can use your own.

Loading playlists

Implement Smart IPTV gives users the opportunity to download playlists both from the program website (internal) and from any other sources (external). You can have as many of the latter as you like and do whatever you want with them - edit, transfer to friends, post for free access, etc.

Custom playlists are stored in the " Settings” and are displayed on the screen in the form of tiles. When you click on a tile at the bottom of the screen, a list of its TV channels opens.

To download external (third-party) playlists, go to the " Content» and open the sub-category of the same name. To download the selected one to your TV, highlight it in the list and click " Add" Give the sheet a friendly name and click " Save».

To download the internal playlist, open in " Settings» section « Are common" and click the button " to get the code" The application will generate a one-time password, which you will have to enter when downloading. It remains valid 1 day after generation.

IP television is perhaps the most convenient and modern way to watch television. Unlike standard types of digital TV (cable, satellite and terrestrial), IP-TV is a fully interactive service. IP television is an individual, personal network, the users of which choose their preferred content. Such networks have no restrictions in terms of the number of channels. However, this is far from the only advantage of such TV.

All users of such networks have the opportunity to watch any TV programs both on a regular TV and on a computer screen. In addition, a huge variety of additional services and opportunities are provided. Thus, only IP television makes it possible to simultaneously broadcast several channels.

High quality

In terms of picture and sound quality, IP-TV has no equal. Modern technologies - protocols - are used to transfer data, which allows you to get excellent results at minimal cost.

No additional connections needed

Connecting IP television does not require you to install any additional cables or wires - broadcasting occurs through an ordinary Internet cable.

Support for older TVs

Some people believe that only the most modern, expensive TV models support IP-TV connectivity. However, it is not. Almost all manufacturers produce their own models of specialized set-top boxes, by installing which you can enjoy using IP television. The cost of such a set-top box, of course, is much lower than the price of a new TV. In some models, by the way, it is already built-in (read the instructions - it is always indicated there).

Channel packages for every taste

Companies that provide their users with a service such as IP television, as a rule, create different packages of channels that may be of interest to different people. These include mixed packages and specialized ones - for example, a package of children's channels, sports, educational or news. Some also provide the opportunity to create and calculate the cost of an individual package.

How to connect IP television?

You can purchase your own TV set-top box and router and configure them yourself. However, these days, many Internet providers offer their clients to connect and correctly configure new equipment for a very low price. Therefore, to be 100% sure that everything will work correctly, it is better to entrust this task to specialists. You can connect IPTV through a router via Wi-Fi. To do this, you need to open and enable the WMM function - this is necessary to improve the quality of data transmission and assign priority to traffic of various types. It is not recommended to change other settings - the optimal parameters for WMM are already specified in the system.

How much does IP TV cost?

The cost of connecting to such a service must be clarified specifically with each provider. However, it is believed that IP-TV is one of the most accessible television formats in this regard. On average, you will need to pay about 100-200 rubles extra for connecting and using all the capabilities of IP television. per month. Agree: for the highest sound and the ability to choose those channels that are interesting to you, this is quite a bit.

Broadcasting television programs can be carried out using a variety of technologies. Among those that are confidently gaining popularity in Russia is IPTV. This broadcast format involves the use of online channels as the main resource for transmitting data. What are the principles of IPTV? What are the nuances of setting up equipment designed to organize viewing of television programs in the appropriate format?

The essence of IPTV

What is IPTV? This technology allows you to broadcast television signals via an Internet channel. In this case, the use of any additional communication resources - antennas or - is not required. The main advantage that IPTV provides is the ability to create an exceptionally high quality picture accompanied by excellent sound.

Also, through various online tools, television in the appropriate format can be interactive. TV broadcasts carried out using IPTV can be recorded or, for example, bookmarked by the viewer (if the TV’s functions allow this).

Any number of channels

What is IPTV? This is the ability to organize the transmission of channels in almost any quantity (with sufficient cable capacity from the provider). The appropriate broadcast format allows you to watch programs not only through a TV, but also through a computer and many other devices - tablets, smartphones.

Data transmission technology

From a technological point of view, broadcasting television programs via IPTV is carried out in one of the popular file formats, for example MPEG4. Using special technical means, the corresponding multimedia streams are decrypted and converted into signals recognized by a regular TV. Or, if the device used to view it is a computer, they are immediately transferred to the player program.

Broadcast specifics

IPTV channels, like Internet sites, have their own addresses. They usually look in this format - udp://@ (instead of the corresponding numbers and letters at the end of the address, those set by the provider are written). The broadcast is carried out in the so-called “multicast” format: that is, several devices can connect to the device distributing the broadcast stream simultaneously and receive the same quality picture. This is the difference between this data transfer format and online video viewing, when the ability to simultaneously view a video from different devices is limited by the provider.

We found out what IPTV is. Now let's study the nuances regarding setting up devices with which the user can watch TV channels in the appropriate format.

IPTV via router

Modern providers, as a rule, organize broadcasting of TV shows in IPTV format through a router - a device capable of “distributing” the Internet, and also, in this case, “multicast” to different devices - via wires or Wi-Fi channels. What are the specifics of the corresponding mechanism? What is IPTV in a router?

Built-in standards support

Most modern routers include support for the television broadcasting standard in question at the level of hardware components and low-level software. All the user needs to do is to correctly use the appropriate function of the device. The algorithm for solving this problem highly depends on the specific device, on the standards adopted by one or another router manufacturer. Let's study the specifics of setting up some popular devices of this type in Russia.

ASUS routers: setting up IPTV

We have defined what IPTV is in a router - it is hardware and software support for the corresponding broadcast format implemented by the device manufacturer. ASUS is one of the world market leaders in the segment and also produces devices compatible with IPTV. ASUS RT-G32 routers are common in Russia. Let's study the specifics of setting up this device in terms of activating the interactive television broadcast function.

Experts identify several possible ways to configure this device from ASUS. To implement the first, you must first of all log into the online device management interface. As a rule, to do this, you need to type the address in any browser (or the one that will be indicated in the instructions supplied with the router), then enter your login and password, most often both - admin (but there may be others - again, look at the user manual).

On the router’s online management interface page, you need to enter the LAN item, then select the “Route” tab. Then put a checkmark (or, if you prefer, a “radio button”) next to the item about activating multicast routing. After that, save the settings by clicking the “Apply” button. The next step is to determine the router port through which IPTV channels will be broadcast. To do this, you need to select WAN in the online device management interface, then select “Internet connection”, and then specify the required port number.

There is another option with which you can set up IPTV broadcasting through the device in question. To do this, you need to go to the LAN section again, and then select the “Route” item. Then check the box to confirm that multicast routing is enabled. After this, in the IPTV UDP item you need to select a port number - you can set any one. After that, save the settings by clicking the “Apply” button.

The device in question from ASUS is, of course, not the only one that supports IPTV. We now know what it is. We will also study other routers common on the Russian market in terms of correctly setting up the appropriate television broadcasting standard in them. Among other leaders in the global router market is D-Link. Among the most popular routers in Russia from this brand are the DIR-615 and DIR-320 models. Let's look at the details of their configuration.

D-Link routers: setting up IPTV

Just as in the case of a device from ASUS, we first go to the online interface for managing the device (the address with which you can access it, as well as the login and password, can be found in the user manual that came with the router). The interface of the router in question, unlike the one installed to work with devices from ASUS, is English.

First of all, you need to go to the Advanced tab (that is, “Advanced settings”), then to Advanced Network. After this, you need to check the Enable UPnP and Enable Multicast Streams checkboxes. After this, save the appropriate settings. In principle, this completes the work with the router in terms of activating the required function.

Some nuances characterize the IPTV setup in another popular router from D-Link - the DIR 320 model. What are its specifics? We already know how routers support this. The general principles of ensuring router compatibility with the appropriate technology in this case do not differ from those implemented in other routers.

However, the interface of this router differs from others in that it does not directly display items called IPTV or Multicast, allowing the user to clearly recognize them as those needed to set up television in the appropriate format. However, IPTV technology is fully supported in this router. The company D-Link, which released the device, of course, knew at the time of its launch on the market what IPTV television was and ensured the device’s compatibility with it.

The first thing you need to do in the DIR-320 process is by logging into the online interface (the method of accessing it is the same as in the case of previous devices - through a browser using the address, login and password indicated in the manual), find the Internet connection settings and activate the IGMP and NAT options in them.

After this, experts recommend following the following algorithm. You need to delete the existing WAN connection in order to then set up a new one instead. To do this, go to the WAN item, and then click the “Delete” button. Nothing should appear in the connection list after this. We save the appropriate changes.

Next, select “Advanced” in the online device management interface, then select VLAN and Lan. After that, select the Lan port and delete the one registered under number 4. Thus, only ports 1, 2 and 3 will remain. After that, save the corresponding changes. The VLAN menu should only show the remaining ports. You must press the “Save” button again - the one located at the top right, after which the device will have to reboot.

What is IPTV? This is, first of all, distributed separately from the main Internet channel. Therefore, to organize its broadcast, it is necessary to route the provider’s signal to a separate port. Thus, we add it to LAN number 4. You must select the “Advanced” item in the online router management interface. A window will open in which there will be a list of ports - from them you need to select the one with number 4. We add it to the VLAN-wan. Save the changes.

After all the actions performed, you need to go to the “Network” item of the online interface, select the “Connection” option there, and then create a WAN connection using the parameters from the provider.

Modern solutions in the field of IPTV

So, we have defined what IPTV television is and learned what the nuances of setting it up are when using popular routers. Of course, the corresponding broadcast format can be implemented in a variety of ways. For example, there is such a solution as SS IPTV, or Simple Smart IPTV. This is an application adapted for LG TVs. What is Smart IPTV in terms of basic functions? First of all, it is a tool that gives the user the opportunity to access the widest range of channels and also view them comfortably. What is SS IPTV in terms of additional features? This is a tool that, along with television content, also allows you to access videos from social networks and popular hosting sites.

Classic instruments

SS IPTV is an example of an innovative solution. Many users are also willing to use “classic” tools such as IPTV channels. What are their specifics? What are IPTV channels? At the beginning of the article, we noted that broadcasts in the appropriate format have their own address, similar to the corresponding attribute of the website. Each of them corresponds to a separate IPTV channel. These addresses, for example, can be used to access broadcasts via a computer.

You can create playlists based on channels. What it is? IPTV? These are lists of channels that the user has created for himself - just as he can do this in multimedia players or online services for listening to audio or watching videos.


Many Internet TV fans like to use special set-top boxes to watch channels. What are their specifics? IPTV set-top box - what is it? This is a device that allows you to transmit a signal from the provider in the appropriate streaming format to the TV directly. Thus, there is no need to configure the router.

Services for organizing TV broadcasts via the Internet are provided by most of the largest Internet providers in Russia. Thanks to them, many citizens know what IPTV is. Rostelecom, TTK and other IT market giants successfully supply relevant services throughout the country. Internet television is becoming one of the most popular broadcast formats in Russia.