Television for the dacha: satellite TV, use of the Internet and a regular antenna. Terrestrial television for the dacha

Most dacha plots are located at a considerable distance from populated areas, many of them are cut off from some of the benefits of civilization, mainly from digital television. Many of us, going out of town for the whole summer, are not ready to give up watching our favorite TV shows, so we take a digital TV receiver with us to the dacha.

However, upon arriving at the place, they find out that its power and technical characteristics are not enough to receive a signal and watch channels in high definition. To prevent a similar situation from happening to you, choose a TV set-top box wisely.

Subtleties of choice

Before purchasing a digital one, you need to decide on the type of receiving device. It can be a satellite dish, home or outdoor. The choice of this or that equipment depends on a number of factors. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is worth answering several of the most important questions for yourself:

  1. How many TV channels do you want to watch? If their number exceeds 10, or their list does not include government programs, then you are better off choosing a TV receiver for your dacha along with a satellite dish.
  2. How far from the city is the dacha plot located? The further your hacienda is from a populated area, the lower the likelihood that a regular antenna will be able to receive a TV signal.
  3. Are there television towers in the holiday village? Most modern TV towers broadcast in digital format. To receive the signal in this case, a combination of a regular set-top box and a home antenna will be sufficient.

The choice of device will also be significantly influenced by your home budget. If you are ready to spend a certain amount on watching TV channels, then you can safely choose. When this option is not possible, you will have to put in a little effort and spend a little free time.

Receiver for satellite dish

Having weighed all the arguments for and against and decided that a TV receiver for a dacha for a dish is the most acceptable option for you, you need to answer one more question: which set-top box should you choose, independent or attached to a specific operator? In the first case, you will be able to tune your “dish” to different satellites and watch any free channels supplied from any provider. But the image quality and signal stability may suffer significantly. If you choose a satellite dish from a certain company, only the channels of this provider will be available to you. However, the image quality and signal stability will be significantly better. In addition, you do not have to configure the equipment yourself.

In addition, you need to decide whether you are ready to leave the TV receiver at your dacha for the winter? If not, then give preference to independent devices - they are more mobile.

Review of independent satellite receivers

The most affordable option is the Openbox S1 TV set-top box. The technical characteristics of the device allow you to receive a signal from most domestic satellites, such as Tricolor-TV, NTV+ or Telekarta. Additional functionality, CI module support and the ability to install access cards will allow you to watch most Russian TV channels.

The Openbox S1 receiver has received positive reviews from users for its cost, ease of setup and channel search, as well as versatility. The only negative noted by customers is the inability to watch channels in HD format.

To watch HD programs you need a digital receiver for your country TV Openbox S9 HD PVR. In addition to watching programs from your favorite operators, you can record them on the built-in hard drive, as well as listen to music and watch videos and photos from flash cards. The downside is the rather high price.

Traditional antenna and receiver

Today, television towers broadcast a digital signal in the decimeter range - the same as analog television. Therefore, you can choose any antenna to watch TV channels. All that remains is to decide which one: passive or active?

In the first case, the amplifier block will be located separately from the receiving structure itself, and in the second, the amplifier block will be combined with the signal-receiving “horns”. are more durable, but their operation is hindered by interference. Active devices are not protected from weather conditions, but are more compact and cope better with signal reception.

It is worth saying that you can choose any receiver for a TV antenna for your dacha, because the set-top box is suitable for both active and passive devices. In some cases, even an indoor antenna will do. It all depends on the distance of the TV tower from your country house.

Receiver parameters for antenna

You will only need an antenna receiver if your TV does not have a built-in digital signal processing module. As a rule, it is missing from all old CRT TV boxes. For modern models marked with DVB-T2 symbols, a prefix is ​​not needed.

When choosing a receiver, you need to make sure that the format of the received signal complies with DVB-T2, and also that the equipment is capable of processing MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 video. Additionally, you can require that your dacha receive an HD signal.

Review of digital receivers

The RDB-507N may be an acceptable option. The low cost corresponds to a small set of functionality, but it does its job perfectly well. According to customer reviews, the receiver heats up during operation, but this does not affect its durability. Another inexpensive receiver, Mystery MMP-71DT2, is very similar to the previous representative. Among the advantages, it is worth noting simple channel setup and an intuitive interface. Some users complained about the inconvenient remote control, but you just need to get used to it.

BBK SMP127HDT2 is an inexpensive TV receiver for the country house, reviews of which speak in favor of its functionality and reliability. With proper setup, you will be able to “catch” all state channels, and if you are near the state border, also the channels of a neighboring country. The interface can be intimidating, but you can figure it out with the instructions.

Television via the Internet

Few people know about the possibility of watching TV channels via the Internet due to the lack of widespread use of this broadcasting technology. Unfortunately, even today the quality of cellular communications leaves much to be desired in many regions of Russia. However, if there have never been problems with mobile communications at your summer cottage, then this option promises to be the most optimal.

To watch TV channels, you need to purchase a special receiver from a cellular operator - MTS, Beeline, TELE2 or from other providers, subscribe to channels and buy an access card - analogous to a SIM card in your phone. After connecting, the set-top box is immediately ready to work - there is no need to configure or search for channels.

How not to make a mistake with a purchase?

In order for the set-top box you purchased to properly “catch” TV channels in digital format, before choosing a receiver for your TV in the country, you need to carefully study the local conditions. Find out which cell phone provider works best in the area, how far away the TV tower is from your home, and whether your neighbors have satellite dishes.

When your budget does not allow you to go through different options, start with the cheapest and simplest - connect a coil of wire to your TV. If you manage to find a transmission, you can get by with an indoor antenna. If there is no signal at all (not even interference), then even a street receiver will not cope. Experiment and you'll probably find something that's right for you.

When arranging a summer cottage, we try to make it as comfortable as possible for relaxation. This means that over time it acquires the amenities that we are so accustomed to in everyday life - water supply, heating and, of course, electricity. And where the latter exists, sooner or later television will definitely appear. But how, you ask, can you spend it at your dacha if purchasing an antenna, which, by the way, is not cheap at all, is not included in your personal budget? Yes, very simple! A few basics of radio electronics, a couple of pieces of iron and a minimal soldering kit and now, having thoroughly tired of the garden, you settle down on the country terrace to watch the evening news block.

Radio electronics and television broadcasting: simply about the complex

The most important thing for any antenna is its ability to interact with a signal distributed over the air.

Currently, TV broadcasting is carried out in one single band - the decimeter band, and television transmitters cover almost the entire more or less populated area. This makes it possible to “catch” a TV signal anywhere.

But to do this you will have to take into account a few simple nuances.:

Based on this, among the variety of television antennas, the most accessible types for independent production will be the following types:

  1. All-wave (frequency independent)

It does not have high parameters, but it is the simplest and cheapest to manufacture - its basis is a metal frame, and ordinary beer cans or other tin containers act as receivers.

  1. Log-periodic range

Such an antenna can be compared to a fishing net, which sorts the prey during catching. This type of antenna systems also has a simple design, but provides higher parameters than an all-wave antenna.

  1. Decimeter zigzag

For the decimeter range, the dimensions and complexity of the design of such an antenna are significantly simplified, and it can operate in almost any reception conditions.

Subtleties of making television antennas

The antenna elements through which the useful signal currents pass are always connected by soldering or welding. But if the device is placed outdoors, for example, on the roof of a country house, such contacts will soon be corroded by corrosion.

If we are talking about a homemade antenna for a summer residence, you should not strive for ideal quality of contacts - even if they rust or burst, then at least not soon. But it is desirable that there be as few connections as possible in the antenna design, which will ensure stable and fairly clean reception.

The braid and core of coaxial cables are now made from inexpensive alloys that are corrosion resistant. Unlike classic copper, they are difficult to solder. Therefore, you need to be careful not to burn the cable.

To make an antenna and its cable connection, it is advisable to use:

Aluminum wire should not be used to make antenna elements - it will oxidize very quickly and lose its ability to conduct an electrical signal. Copper or cheaper brass is best suited for this.

The antenna reception area should be as large as possible. To do this, several metal rods made of the same metal should be symmetrically attached to the screen - a frame that filters out ethereal and electrical noise.

Buying a simple signal amplifier connected directly to the antenna will solve the problem with a weak and dirty signal.

As a result, the system will provide normal reception power. All you need to do is take the antenna to the roof of the country house and point it towards the nearest television tower.

DIY frequency independent antenna

The simplest all-wave unit is a pair of metal plates mounted on a wooden slats and connected by several turns of copper wire of any diameter. The width of such an antenna should be equal to its height, and the opening angle of the panels should be 90 degrees. It is not necessary to solder the wire to the zero potential point of the all-wave oven - it is enough to ensure that it is securely fastened.

A frequency-independent antenna is capable of receiving both meter and decimeter signals from almost any direction. The disadvantage of this option is the unity gain and zero efficiency factor - an indicator of the ratio of the signal power received at the main lobe of the antenna to the sum of the interference power at the frequency received by the other elements. That is why the all-wave radio is not suitable for receiving a television signal in an area with strong interference or where the on-air signal is too weak.

To make your own frequency independent antenna you will need:

  • antenna cable;
  • several tin cans;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • plug;
  • insulating tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • wooden slats;
  • copper wire.

The cans are secured to the rail (mast) using electrical tape at a distance of about 7 cm from each other.

Self-tapping screws are screwed into them, and the stripped ends of the antenna cable are screwed to the protruding ends of them. The latter is fixed to the rail and laid along the external building structures of the country house to the place where you plan to put the TV.

You can improve the design of the all-wave unit by adding a few more sections from tin containers. Afterwards, all that remains is to securely secure its mast in a vertical position, connect it to the TV and set up the tuner.

Another option for an all-wave antenna designed to receive a meter signal is a fan vibrator, which is popularly called a slingshot antenna.

Manufacturing a log-periodic television antenna

The “speech therapy” antenna is a receiving line (a pair of metal tubes) with halves of linear dipoles perpendicularly connected to it - pieces of conductor with a diameter of a quarter wave of the working signal. The length and distance between the latter varies exponentially.

To manufacture a log-periodic antenna, it is necessary to perform a number of calculations:

  1. The calculation of the length of the dipoles begins with the second longest one.
  2. Taking the reciprocal of the progression index, the length of the longest dipole is calculated.
  3. Next, it remains to calculate the shortest - the first - dipole, and then, based on the selected frequency range, the length of the “zero” dipole is accepted.

To achieve maximum reception power, there must be a distance between the dipoles of 0.03-0.05 wavelengths, but not less than double the diameter of any of them.

The length of the finished LP antenna is about 400 mm. The diameter of the base of the LP antenna should be 8-15 mm, and the gap between their axes of the receiving line should be no more than 3-4 dipole diameters.

For normal operation of the LP antenna, you need to select a high-quality and fairly thick (about 6-8 mm in sheath) coaxial cable. Otherwise, you will not be able to compensate for the attenuation of decimeter waves, as a result of which the television tuner will be unable to sense the signal.

The cable to the receiving line cannot be secured from the outside, as this will sharply reduce the quality of signal reception.

When installing such an antenna, you need to ensure its wind resistance, and if you use a metal pipe as a mast, you need to install a dielectric insert - a wooden block - at least 1.5 cm long between it and the receiving line.

You can improve the design of an LP antenna by installing linear or fan-shaped hangers of a meter field on it. This system is called “delta”.

Delta antenna circuit

Zigzag antenna for a summer residence

The Z-antenna system with a reflector provides almost the same TV signal reception parameters as the LP antenna. However, its main petal is horizontally twice as long. This makes it possible to catch a signal from different directions, which is especially important for rural areas.

The decimeter zigzag antenna has small dimensions, but its operating range is practically unlimited. The material for the manufacture of such a system is a copper tube or aluminum sheet about 6 mm thick. If you choose the latter, you won’t be able to solder it with regular solder or flux - in this case, the fastenings are made with bolts. For outdoor installation, such an antenna will be ready only after sealing the connection points with silicone.

The design of the zigzag antenna consists of the following elements:

  • barbell;
  • wire cloth;
  • metal plates for fastening the canvas;
  • cross slats;
  • dielectric plates and gaskets;
  • mounting plate;
  • feeder line;
  • power plate.

Any of them can be made with your own hands from scrap materials or purchased at the nearest radio electronics store.

The sides of the Z-antenna are made of solid metal or in the form of a mesh covered with a sheet of tin. When laying coaxial cable along the body of the antenna, sharp bends should be avoided. To do this, it is enough to reach the side capacitive insert and not let it go beyond it. At the point of zero potential, the cable braid is carefully soldered to the fabric.

This class also includes types of antennas such as ring and reflector, which are also not particularly difficult to manufacture.

Options for making television antennas yourself in the photo

There are other types of antennas suitable for self-production - wave, “Polish”, simple frame and even primitive satellite. But no matter which option you choose, proper calculation of the parameters is required. The technique can be found in the technical literature on radio electronics. However, it is much easier and simpler to ask advice from those who already have experience in making this kind of antennas.

Making your own antenna for a summer house on video

We are so accustomed to the flow of information that without it we feel insecure. That’s why, outside the city, having more or less equipped a house, the first thing that appears is a television. And for it to work in rural areas, you need a television antenna for your dacha. It is selected depending on the location of the nearest repeater - television tower and the type of television signal that you will “catch”.

Today there are several types of signals, and accordingly, the same number of types of antennas:

Terrestrial TV antenna: what to choose for your dacha

You can say exactly which antenna to install at your dacha only in relation to each specific case. When choosing, take into account:

  • location - plain, hill, lowland;
  • the presence or absence of forests and large trees near the house;
  • distance to the nearest repeater.

The main importance is the distance to the TV tower and which one. height you can raise the antenna. Sometimes every meter matters.

Indoor or outdoor

Indoor antennas can only be installed if the repeater is in your direct line of sight. If you can see a TV tower from your summer cottage, you can try it. In order not to waste money, you can make the most simple antenna with your own hands: take a piece of wire, connect it to the corresponding connector on the TV, and walk around the room with this “antenna”, climb higher to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. If at least some signals are caught, you can try or buy.

Outdoor antennas “catch” tens of kilometers from repeaters

If during all your movements there are no signs of a clear signal, you need an outdoor antenna, but for a reliable reception area (with lower gain). For all other cases, when the distance to the tower is tens of kilometers, an external antenna is definitely needed.

Broadband or narrowband

Since terrestrial television is broadcast in two bands - decimeter and meter, there are antennas for these bands. If the receiver “catch” a signal in only one band, they are called narrowband. They are available only for UHF or only for VHF frequencies.

There are also broadband (also called all-wave) - their design is designed so that it is possible to normally receive a signal at all frequencies. They are usually bulkier and heavier and have a long shaft. But they put up with this - a broadband television antenna for a dacha can “catch” more channels. That's why they buy them most often.

Active or passive

More attention should be paid to whether it is better to install an active or passive antenna. An active device is a device with an amplifier built into the housing. Passive ones are just hardware for which you need to buy an amplifier separately.

Active receivers with a built-in amplifier are cheaper, receive more channels, but they have a significant drawback: amplifier boards often break. Any more or less serious thunderstorm, and channels that were previously clearly received begin to “snow” or disappear altogether. Replacing the board can help the problem. To do this, you need to climb onto the roof, remove the antenna, change the board, install it again and configure it. This procedure can be repeated after each thunderstorm.

Even if thunderstorms did not affect the performance of your country antenna, still after a year and a half the number of well-received channels decreases. The quality gradually gets worse, and sooner or later, you notice that it is no longer possible to watch. The reason is oxidation of contacts and elements on the board. The receivers on the antenna are far from sealed and dust and moisture get inside, destroying the contacts and tracks. Therefore, the average lifespan of an active antenna is about a year. If it's not a thunderstorm, oxidation will finish it off.

The best antenna for a summer residence: inactive with a separate amplifier

There is nothing to help with a thunderstorm, and oxidation can be significantly slowed down if immediately after purchase, the board is filled with silicone on both sides. This will protect contacts and elements from oxidation. No one will repair it anyway, if the board “flies”, you buy a new one and put it in its place. That's all the repairs. It is also useful to seal the cable connection point. Here, too, due to oxidation, there are large signal losses.

Passive antennas with separate amplifiers are good because the hardware is installed above the roof, and the amplifier is in the attic. Replacing a circuit board in the attic is much less of a hassle than replacing it on the roof. Especially in winter. They “catch” fewer channels, but the picture is “cleaner”.

There is one more plus: individual amplifiers have two adjustments - separately for the UHF range and MV. This is useful, since sometimes some signals come with a much higher level and they “clog” weaker ones. Then there is an overlap of sound and/or image, in some cases, if some signal is very strong, it is completely “snowing”. By adjusting the sensitivity of the ranges you can save the situation. So passive antennas with separate amplifiers for the garden are the best choice.

Samsung and LG TVs generally have a “weak signal” function. In this case, you may not need an amplifier at all. Install a passive antenna at your dacha, turn on the mode, and tune in the channels. It should be good to show at least 5-6 channels.

To ground or not

Another problem that needs to be solved is whether the TV antenna for the dacha should be grounded. On the one hand, this is often the highest point. On the other hand, if it is grounded, it will catch any lightning strike that is nearby. Accordingly, you will have to change the board every time, as it will fail.

For this reason, “antenna specialists” insist that they do not need to be grounded. Especially if the device is located below the power wires. Lightning will then strike the highest grounded point. The main thing is that it is not your antenna.

Which antennas are better

As usual, in addition to the type of equipment, you have to choose a manufacturer. And this, perhaps, is no simpler. Recommendations can help. There are several popular manufacturers on the forums:

  • Locus (Locus). Antennas made in Russia. Wide range, low prices (from 480 rubles to 1.7 thousand rubles). There are both active ones - with a built-in amplifier, and passive ones.
  • Harpoon. Also a Russian-made antenna. Receives in UHF and MV zones. They are produced only in passive form and are intended for installation in areas of poor reception. Retail price - Harpoon-0416 - 1500 rubles, Harpoon-1028 - 2300 rubles.
  • Antennas "Delta" produced by JSC "NPP OST". The range here is very wide. There are both narrowly targeted ones only for VHF or only for UHF bands, and broadband ones. Moreover, UHF antennas can be used to receive a DVB-T2 digital television signal. Many models are equipped with an F-connector - a device through which the cable is connected: during installation, you do not need to disassemble it to connect it. Insert the conductor, stripped of insulation, into the socket. All. The cable is connected.
  • GoldMaster (GoldMaster). There are few reviews, but according to those available, it receives reliably even in the area of ​​​​uncertain reception. Even during rain, the signal quality hardly drops. The picture is still clear, without “snow”.

All other manufacturers are not particularly popular.

For inactive antennas, amplifiers are also needed. There are also preferences here:

  • LHA House Amplifier;
  • TERRA (Terra);
  • Powerful amplifiers with low noise levels Breeze, Alcad.

Antenna installation

Before starting all work, it is useful to lubricate all screws, nuts, and antenna connections with Movil or Litol, something similar in properties. If an active antenna is selected, it is better to seal the board with silicone. After such treatment, the antenna will last not a year, but much longer.

About which cable to use for connection. It’s better not to try to save money here: the losses will be too great. Therefore, take branded SAT 50 or SAT 703. The “picture” depends no less on the quality of the cable and the quality of connections than on the reception.

TV antenna for a summer residence: where and how to install

The installation location is selected taking into account where you will need to point the antenna. If the roof and wind loads allow, it can be fixed to the roof. In order to raise the receiver higher, the antenna is mounted on a mast. There are special clamps for this.

In some cases, you have to raise the antenna as high as possible - in lowlands or if trees block reception. Then telescopic rods will come in handy

There are prefabricated metal masts, and there are telescopic - folding masts. This type is more convenient, especially if the antenna is with a receiver - you will need to change the board periodically, and completely dismantling the mast every time is a pleasure. Telescopic masts can be lowered by unscrewing the locking ring. The antenna attached to the top will lower along with the top of the boom.

If you don’t need to lift it high, you can use a wooden beam or a sanded trunk of a young pine tree. This is a completely dacha option. You can use a steel pipe of not very large diameter or a corner. There are a lot of options. Selected support needs to be secured. Mounting methods are shown in the figure.

The most common antenna mount is on the pediment. It is the easiest to implement, but only if the decoration or material of the walls allows it. This is not how they are mounted on walls covered with siding, and it is too complicated. Then the option is to fasten the rod to the pipe, to the rafters, or on guy wires to the roofing material.

When attaching to the gable, the distance between the fasteners must be at least 1.5 meters. If none of these methods can be implemented for some reason, you can try to install the antenna on a powerful tree growing nearby. You can attach the antenna to the trunk and trim branches that interfere with reception. Sometimes this is the best way.

Cable fastening

When installing the antenna, the cable is lowered down along the rod. It is secured with clamps every 50-80 cm. Having lowered the cable to the level of the roofing material, it is led along the ridge (so that it is not torn off by the snow) to a bracket, with the help of which it is lowered from the roof. The bracket is mounted above the window near the TV. The cable is brought into the room through a hole in the window frame. With an upward slope, drill a hole with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the cable. This will prevent raindrops from getting inside the frame. The cable in front of the frame should sag slightly - this gives freedom to temperature changes.

If the television antenna for the dacha is inactive, the amplifier is installed in the attic, the cable from the antenna is led to it, and from the amplifier to the TV.

One tip: when laying, you need to avoid sharp bends. The minimum radius is at least 5 cable diameters. When fastening with staples, do not pinch it.

Watch the video to see how to cut and connect antenna cables.

Where to start installing an antenna

Where does the installation of antennas begin? As a rule, we need to decide what kind of television we want to watch:

  • Digital terrestrial television (20 channels free);
  • Satellite (there are almost no free federal channels, only if collected from several satellites);
  • ipTV (many free and paid channels for a nominal fee of 30-60 rubles per month, more than 150 channels);
  • Cable (depending on the provider; usually some channels are broadcast for free).

ipTV and cable are more likely for the city, but with the development of high-speed Internet recently, many are beginning to consider ipTV as an alternative to satellite television. There are more channels, the subscription fee is lower or completely absent. Here we will look at how to properly install an antenna in the country and in the city for dvb-t2 digital television (I will describe the installation of the satellite in another article). We've dealt with television, let's move on.

Types of antennas for receiving TV signals

I will not describe all types here, but will recommend only those that we use on installations and that have not let us down. Due to the fact that analog television is ceasing to exist, we will consider antennas for digital television simply in the UHF range. We don't need meter waves (MV).

Digit 12 (Cifra 12) manufacturer Antex (Ekatirenburg). We use it outside the city up to 35-40 km. under the same conditions. There is no point in using it in the city unless you connect several apartments to television. Gain 12 dB.

From practice! The installation of Digit 12 at the dacha was carried out, 67 km from the tower in a straight line (the village of Mechurinskoye in the Leningrad region) the house was located on a hillock plus the height of the house was about 14 meters. The antenna was located almost above the forest (optimal conditions were obtained). As a result, the first 10 channels out of twenty worked without an amplifier, but when the weather changed, the picture crumbled. I wanted 20 channels and a more stable signal, since three TVs were connected. We installed the Alcad 200l amplifier, the problem was solved. At the same facility, only 1 multiplex worked stably at number 9 plus amplifier.

LP 14 (LANS). Log-periodic production in China, but done well. Gain factor 12-14 dB. We use it only outside the city (the traverse is more than a meter long). The distance to the tower is up to 40 km. Works well when the house is located in a forested area.

Vector AR-806 is an analogue of Televes, three times cheaper, but not inferior in parameters. Gain 14-17 dB. We use on average up to 50 km.

Optimal signal reception conditions are when there are no obstacles on an imaginary straight line from the antenna installation site to the transmitting transmitter.

All antennas considered are passive. Install a TV signal amplifier as a last resort. The first thing is to achieve the purest signal possible, and then amplify it if necessary. An amplifier may be required if you will be connecting multiple TVs. (I hope I drew it clearly). All working schemes have been tested from personal experience.

TV antenna for a summer residence: where and how to install

Before you begin installing an antenna in a private home, determine the location of the nearest tower or repeater. You can do this by indicating your location on the CETV coverage map

Once you know the mileage, you can buy equipment. What you will need to install outdoor antennas:

  1. Antenna, if you follow our advice, then one of the listed;
  2. Coaxial cable (RG 6 professional steel, SAT 703, SAT 50 copper);
  3. F connectors, TV plug (according to the number of connections);
  4. Lightning protection for the cable (optional, but if you want to install the antenna on a mast, it’s better to install it; the price is 300-350 rubles)
  5. Bracket or mast;
  6. Ties and clips for cable fastening;
  7. Device, digital set-top box with TV or TV with dvb-t2 support for setup;
  8. TV signal amplifier and dividers (if required).
  9. Fasteners for bracket or mast. Decide for yourself which fasteners will suit you (screws, studs, anchors, etc.).
  10. Hammer or drill, drill or drill with a diameter of 8 mm. under the cable. A knife for stripping cables, wire cutters and, depending on the circumstances, what may be required.

Everything about the equipment. You determined where to go from the map. Next, we will consider options for installing television antennas.

Antenna mounting options

In fact, there are not many options for installing an antenna in a dacha, there are only two:

  • Installation on the facade of the house;
  • Installation on a mast.

Some are installed in the attic or in the house (this will also work if the signal is strong and the roof is not made of metal).

Installation on a mast

The mast was mainly used for installing collective antennas and under difficult reception conditions. For example, if the house is located in a lowland, in the direction towards the tower there is a hill, a building, a mountain, etc. Also when you need to install several pieces (digital, satellite and Internet or cellular communications).

From practice! 95% of installations are done without a mast, outside on the facade of the house.

There are two ways to install the mast:

  • On brackets for mounting on the facade of the house.
  • With guy ropes and a support for the roof of the house.

Façade installation

Installing the antenna on the facade using brackets is much easier than fiddling with the mast. It is not necessary to mount it as high as possible. This rule applied to analog television. At that time, television towers were located only in large populated areas. And the farther from the tower we got, the worse the signal we got. In order to somehow watch TV, we had to install the terrestrial antennas as high as possible. With the advent of digital television, many repeaters were built and the coverage area expanded significantly. So most of it is mounted on brackets.

Installation in the city

For urban conditions, there is the concept of a reflected signal - this is when you do not have direct visibility of the tower, but there are many buildings around where the signal can be reflected. In some cases, you can get by with a passive indoor antenna for a strong signal or with an amplifier for a weak signal.

Every spring, every year, many city residents go out of town for a weekend or even the whole summer. In addition to homesteading and barbecue entertainment, a summer resident needs a familiar TV, at least with a small number of channels. Those whose hacienda is located within a radius of 30 kilometers from the Ostankino TV tower are lucky; they have the opportunity to cheaply connect television to their dacha without a dish to receive free federal programs. The antenna is installed on the wall of a house, tuned to Moscow; for the Moscow region, the main transmitter is Ostankino, so the most important factor in choosing a kit is removal. At a distance of up to 60 kilometers, a more powerful antenna with an amplifier and mast can be used, and even further the digital signal is received using equipment of maximum strength.

Main advantages

Several significant points that determine the choice of the type of television system:

Maintenance free

An antenna installed in compliance with all rules will serve for a long time without additional maintenance.

Connecting multiple TVs

A large number of TVs can be connected to one antenna using standard cable wiring.

Digital quality

Image without interference and distortion with the DVB-T2 digital transmission system and support for high HD resolution.

No monthly fee

A standard set of federal channels is broadcast free of charge; 20 programs have been officially launched and 10 are in test mode.

By 2018, it is planned to install local repeaters throughout the Moscow region, which will allow the use of inexpensive on-air equipment without a satellite dish. Television dvb-t2 began operating in 2015 and currently broadcasts 20 channels without a subscription fee. Its main differences from the analog system are resistance to reflection and interference, compression and mpeg 4 compression produce a digital image. But there are also disadvantages - old TVs, and these are the ones that are taken to the dacha, they cannot receive a dvb-t2 signal without a receiver, and if there are several TVs, then each needs a separate set-top box. Although, when compared with a satellite tuner, the price of an over-the-air tuner is three times less. Below you will find several basic dishless TV configurations for installation, taking into account the distance to the nearest TV tower.

Digital television DVB-T2

5,500 rub.

A set of an antenna and a digital set-top box for connecting one TV within a range of 20-30 km. from Ostankino.

  • Digital antenna 10dB
  • Bracket 0.35m.
  • Cable 10m.
  • Digital set-top box DVB-T2
  • Standard installation

The most popular

11,500 rub.

A set of equipment for several TVs for the Moscow region within a radius of 60 km. from the repeater.

  • Digital antenna 15dB
  • Mast 4m.
  • Brackets pair 0.5m.
  • Cable 10m.
  • Amplifier 20dB
  • Standard installation

16,500 rub.

A set with a powerful amplifier for a large number of TVs and a distance of more than 70 km.

  • Digital antenna 20 dB
  • Mast 6m, brackets 0.5m.
  • Cable 10m.
  • Mast amplifier 40dB
  • Standard installation